Esempio n. 1
    def main(self):
        end, winner, _ = False, None, -1
        game = Conn4Game(self.rows, self.cols)
        input_dim = game.encoded_board_dim()
        output_dim = game.action_size()
        net = Conn4Net(input_dim, output_dim, load=True, fname=self.net_file)
        mcts = MCTS(net)
        NSIMS = 500
        TEMP = 0

        while not end:
            if self.human_side == game.currentPlayer:
                print('Enter your move (column):')
                move = int(input())
                p = mcts.get_action_prob(game, NSIMS, temp=TEMP)
                move = np.argmax(p)
                print('AI just played on column {}'.format(move))

            end, winner, _ = game.game_ended(1)

        if winner == 1 and self.human_side == 1:
            print('You win!')
        elif winner == 1 and self.human_side == 2:
            print('You lose!')
        elif winner == 2 and self.human_side == 2:
            print('You win!')
        elif winner == 2 and self.human_side == 1:
            print('You lose!')
Esempio n. 2
def run_match(net1, net2, n_sims, n_games, rows=6, cols=7):
    print('Running match between {} and {}'.format(net1, net2))
    game = Conn4Game(rows=rows, cols=cols)
    input_dim = game.encoded_board_dim()
    output_dim = game.action_size()

    _net1 = Conn4Net(input_dim, output_dim, load=True, fname=net1)
    _net2 = Conn4Net(input_dim, output_dim, load=True, fname=net2)
    pit = Conn4Pit(_net1, _net2, n_sims, n_games, rows, cols)
    score =
    return net1, net2, score
Esempio n. 3
    def play_net2_net1(self, ngames, mcts1, mcts2):
        wins_net1 = 0
        draws = 0

        for _ in range(ngames):
            game = Conn4Game(self.rows, self.cols)
            end, winner, _ = False, None, -1

            while not end:
                player = self.net1 if game.currentPlayer == 2 else self.net2
                mcts = mcts1 if player == self.net1 else mcts2
                p = mcts.get_action_prob(game, self.n_sims, temp=0)
                a = np.argmax(p)
                end, winner, _ = game.game_ended(1)

            if winner == 2:
                wins_net1 += 1
            elif winner is None:
                draws += 1

        return wins_net1 + draws * 0.5
Esempio n. 4
	def execute_episode(self):
		examples = []
		game = Conn4Game(self.rows, self.cols)
		dim = len(game.board)
		mcts = MCTS(self.best_nn)
		move = 0

		while True:
			temp = 1#1 if move < 10 else 0.1				
			p_a = mcts.get_action_prob(game, self.n_sims, temp=temp)
			s_h = game.hash()
			s_x = game.encode_board()

			# filter nonsense moves
			#p_a = [p_a[i] if game.board[int(i/dim)][i%dim] == -1 else 0 for i in range(len(p_a))]
			#p_a = [pi/sum(p_a) for pi in p_a]
			# filter nonsense moves
			examples.append([s_x, p_a, None])					
			a = np.random.choice(range(len(p_a)), p=p_a)					
			end, winner, r = game.game_ended(game.currentPlayer)
			if end:				
				# does the first player won?
				if winner == 1:
					m = -1
				elif winner == 2:
					m = 1
					m = 0
				for ex in examples:
					ex[-1] = m * r
					m*= -1

				return examples
			move+= 1
Esempio n. 5
			if end:				
				# does the first player won?
				if winner == 1:
					m = -1
				elif winner == 2:
					m = 1
					m = 0
				for ex in examples:
					ex[-1] = m * r
					m*= -1

				return examples
			move+= 1

if __name__ == '__main__':
	rows = 6
	cols = 7
	fname = None#'models_conv/best_model6x7_93.hdf5'
	game = Conn4Game(rows, cols)
	input_dim = game.encoded_board_dim()
	output_dim = game.action_size()	
	net1 = Conn4Net(input_dim, output_dim, load=fname is not None, fname=fname)
	p = PolicyIter(nnet=net1, n_iters=5000, n_episodes=10, n_sims=40, n_games_pit=4, batch_size=32, win_eps=0.55, rows=rows, cols=cols)