def new_easy(self): """ Updating new or new-learning card when user pressed 'EASY' on it. Card goes straight to reviews with a special default interval (EASY_REVIEW_INTERVAL in options). Ready date is changed to current date+interval that was just set. """"Request on a card:EASY") options = self.deck.get_options() with Connection() as con: logger.debug( "Connected to database successfully. Changing card's info...") cursor = con.cursor() now = cursor.execute( f"UPDATE {} SET status='R', INTERVAL=ROUND({options['EASY_REVIEW_INTERVAL']}), LEARN_INTERVAL=NULL, LAST_DATE='{now:%Y-%m-%d}', LAST_TIME='{now:%H:%M}' WHERE (FRONT='{self.front}' AND BACK='{self.back}')" ) cursor.execute( f"UPDATE {} SET READY_DATE=LAST_DATE+INTERVAL,READY_TIME=NULL WHERE (FRONT='{self.front}' AND BACK='{self.back}')" ) logger.debug( f"First interval set at {options['EASY_REVIEW_INTERVAL']} days." ) if self.status == 'N': # if it was a new card then the number of new cards left to be show in the current goes down by one cursor.execute( f"UPDATE decks SET limit_left=limit_left-1 WHERE name='{}'" ) logger.debug("Card put to reviews pile.")"Card's info changed.")
def daily_count_printer(self): """ Function provides the number of cards to be studied in a current day. It separates them by its status. If a new card or a review card is counted in the daily summary then it can be studied any time in that day. But when it comes to a learning card that was counted, it may be ready later during that day. For example: if a learning card is put at 1:00 PM on a 30 minutes interval (with the assumption that there is no early learning) then it will show up in the daily summary at 1:01 PM but it won't be ready to be studied till 1:10 PM that day. """"Request to get daily plan of card types.") with Connection() as con: logger.debug("Connected to database successfully. Getting daily plan...") cursor = con.cursor() cursor.execute(f""" (SELECT 'N', count(*) FROM {}_plan WHERE status='N') UNION ALL (SELECT 'L', count(*) FROM {}_plan WHERE status IN ('NL','LL')) UNION ALL (SELECT 'R', count(*) FROM {}_plan WHERE status='R') """) x = cursor.fetchall() # Creating dict {'N':no. of new cards, 'L':no. of learning cards,'R':no. of reviews} count_dict =dict(x) logger.debug(f"Daily plan found: {count_dict}") # return print(f"PLAN FOR {}\nNew cards: {count_dict['N']}\nLearning cards: {count_dict['L']}\nReviews: {count_dict['R']}") return f"N:{count_dict['N']} | L:{count_dict['L']} | R:{count_dict['R']}"
def new_again(self):"Request on a card:AGAIN") """ Updating new or new-learning card when user pressed 'AGAIN' on it. If a card was new then its status changes to 'NL' (new-learning) and new cards daily limit use goes down by one. Card goes back to the first step of the learning interval steps. Ready datetime is also changed to current datetime + learning interval. """ steps = self.deck.get_options()['NEW_STEPS'] with Connection() as con: logger.debug( "Connected to database successfully. Changing card's info...") cursor = con.cursor() now = ready = now + timedelta(minutes=steps[0]) cursor.execute( f"UPDATE {} SET status='NL',LEARN_INTERVAL={steps[0]}, LAST_DATE='{now:%Y-%m-%d}', LAST_TIME='{now:%H:%M}',READY_DATE='{ready:%Y-%m-%d}',READY_TIME='{ready:%H:%M}' WHERE (FRONT='{self.front}' AND BACK='{self.back}')" ) logger.debug(f"New learning interval set at {steps[0]} minutes.") if self.status == 'N': # if it was a new card then the number of new cards left to be show in the current goes down by one cursor.execute( f"UPDATE decks SET limit_left=limit_left-1 WHERE name='{}'" ) logger.debug("Card put to learning pile.")"Card's info changed.")
def get_options(self): """ Function made for providing all deck's options as dictionary. """"Request to get deck's options.") with Connection() as con: logger.debug("Connected to database successfully. Loading all of deck's current options...") cursor=con.cursor() cursor.execute(f"SELECT NEW_LIMIT, EASE_FACTOR, EASY_BONUS,REVIEW_INTERVAL, EASY_REVIEW_INTERVAL, EARLY_LEARNING, NEW_STEPS, LAPSE_STEPS FROM decks WHERE name='{}'") x=list(cursor.fetchall()[0]) options_dict={i: j for i, j in zip(['NEW_LIMIT', 'EASE_FACTOR', 'EASY_BONUS', 'REVIEW_INTERVAL', 'EASY_REVIEW_INTERVAL', 'EARLY_LEARNING','NEW_STEPS', 'LAPSE_STEPS'], x)} logger.debug(f"Deck's options: {options_dict}") return options_dict
def any_cards(self): """ Function works similarly to daily_count_printer(), but returns if there are any cards left for today. It is used when user wants to start a session to check if there is anything more for him to learn in that day. """"Request to show if there are any cards for today to learn.") with Connection() as con: logger.debug("Connected to database successfully. Counting all cards for today..") cursor = con.cursor() cursor.execute(f"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {}_PLAN") x=cursor.fetchall()[0][0] logger.debug(f"There are {x} cards still to be learned today.") return x>0 # tells if there are any cards left for today
def get_reviews(self): """ Function returns reviews that are ready to be studied at that moment (or in that day in general. Function provides them as a deque od Card objects. """"Request to get ready review cards.") with Connection() as con: logger.debug("Connected to database successfully. Getting reviews...") cursor=con.cursor() cursor.execute(f"SELECT front,back, status FROM {}_plan WHERE status='R' ORDER BY READY_DATE") # providing reviews review_cards=cursor.fetchall() review_cards=deque([Card(deck=self,front=card[0], back=card[1],status=card[2]) for card in review_cards]) logger.debug(f"Reviews found: {review_cards}") return review_cards
def get_new(self): """ Function returns new cards that are ready to be studied at that moment (with set new cards daily limit in mind). Function provides them as a deque od Card objects. """"Request to get new cards.") with Connection() as con: logger.debug("Connected to database successfully. Getting new cards...") cursor = con.cursor() cursor.execute( f"SELECT front,back, status FROM {}_plan WHERE status='N' ORDER BY ADD_DATE ASC") new_cards = cursor.fetchall() new_cards = deque([Card(deck=self,front=card[0], back=card[1],status=card[2]) for card in new_cards]) logger.debug(f"New cards found: {new_cards}") return new_cards
def new_good(self): """ Updating new or new-learning card when user pressed 'GOOD' on it. If a card was new then its status changes to 'NL' (new-learning) and new cards daily limit use goes down by one. Card goes up by one learning interval step, and if it already was at the last one then it is moved to reviews with set starting interval (REVIEW_INTERVAL in options). Ready datetime/date is also changed to current datetime/date+learning interval/interval (depending on whether card was put into reviews). """"Request on a card:GOOD") options = self.deck.get_options() steps = options[ 'NEW_STEPS'] # all of learning interval steps for a new card with Connection() as con: logger.debug( "Connected to database successfully. Changing card's info...") cursor = con.cursor() # checking current learning interval step cursor.execute( f"SELECT LEARN_INTERVAL FROM {} WHERE (FRONT='{self.front}' AND BACK='{self.back}')" ) learn_interval = cursor.fetchall()[0][0] if learn_interval == steps[ -1]: # if it was the last one out of them then card gets put into reviews with default interval now = cursor.execute( f"UPDATE {} SET status='R', INTERVAL=ROUND({options['REVIEW_INTERVAL']}),LEARN_INTERVAL=NULL, LAST_DATE='{now:%Y-%m-%d}', LAST_TIME='{now:%H:%M}' WHERE (FRONT='{self.front}' AND BACK='{self.back}')" ) cursor.execute( f"UPDATE {} SET READY_DATE=LAST_DATE+INTERVAL,READY_TIME=NULL WHERE (FRONT='{self.front}' AND BACK='{self.back}')" ) logger.debug( f"First interval set at {options['REVIEW_INTERVAL']} days." ) logger.debug("Card put to reviews pile.") else: # else, card goes up by one learning interval new_step = steps[steps.index(learn_interval) + 1] now = ready = now + timedelta(minutes=new_step) cursor.execute( f"UPDATE {} SET status='NL', LEARN_INTERVAL={new_step}, LAST_DATE='{now:%Y-%m-%d}', LAST_TIME='{now:%H:%M}',READY_DATE='{ready:%Y-%m-%d}',READY_TIME='{ready:%H:%M}' WHERE (FRONT='{self.front}' AND BACK='{self.back}')" ) logger.debug( f"New learning interval set at {new_step} minutes.") if self.status == 'N': # if it was a new card then the number of new cards left to be show in the current goes down by one cursor.execute( f"UPDATE decks SET limit_left=limit_left-1 WHERE name='{}'" )"Card's info changed.")
def extractLoad(db_url, list_data, var): if var == 0: loadConnection.execute(text('TRUNCATE teacher_rating_300;')) Session = sessionmaker(bind=loadConnection) session = Session() i = 0 updated_time = str(time_report) for line in list_data: d = Connection.dict2Object(line, Revenues()) d.updated_time = updated_time session.add(d) i += 1 if i > 0: session.commit() session.close() loadConnection.close()
def delete(self): """ Function deletes the SQL table connected to the deck and pulls its name from all decks table. """"Request to delete deck '{}'.") decision=input(f"Are you sure that you want to delete deck {}? Type 'Y' if so, else type anything except 'Y'.") if decision=='Y': with Connection() as con: logger.debug("Connected to database successfully. Deleting all deck's data...") cursor=con.cursor() cursor.execute(f'DROP TABLE {} CASCADE') cursor.execute(f"DELETE from decks where name='{}'")"Deck deleted.") print(f'Deck {} has been deleted.') else: print("Deck not deleted.")
def lapse_again(self): """ Updating lapse learning card when user pressed 'AGAIN' on it. Function is pretty much the same as the review_again() but without changing the ease_factor. """"Request on a card:AGAIN") options = self.deck.get_options() steps = options['LAPSE_STEPS'] with Connection() as con: logger.debug( "Connected to database successfully. Changing card's info...") cursor = con.cursor() now = ready = now + timedelta(minutes=steps[0]) cursor.execute( f"UPDATE {} SET INTERVAL=GREATEST(1,ROUND(0.75*INTERVAL+(2*RANDOM()-1)*INTERVAL*0.05)), LEARN_INTERVAL={steps[0]}, LAST_DATE='{now:%Y-%m-%d}', LAST_TIME='{now:%H:%M}',READY_DATE='{ready:%Y-%m-%d}',READY_TIME='{ready:%H:%M}' WHERE (FRONT='{self.front}' AND BACK='{self.back}')" ) logger.debug(f"Lapse interval set at {steps[0]} minutes.")"Card's info changed.")
def review_good(self): """ Updating review card when user pressed 'GOOD' on it. Card stays in reviews but its interval is multiplied by the ease factor. Ready date is changed as before. """"Request on a card:GOOD") with Connection() as con: logger.debug( "Connected to database successfully. Changing card's info...") cursor = con.cursor() now = cursor.execute( f"UPDATE {} SET INTERVAL=GREATEST(1,ROUND(EASE_FACTOR*INTERVAL+(2*RANDOM()-1)*INTERVAL*0.05)), LAST_DATE='{now:%Y-%m-%d}', LAST_TIME='{now:%H:%M}' WHERE (FRONT='{self.front}' AND BACK='{self.back}')" ) cursor.execute( f"UPDATE {} SET READY_DATE=LAST_DATE+INTERVAL WHERE (FRONT='{self.front}' AND BACK='{self.back}')" )"Card's info changed.")
def all_decks_printer(cls): """ Returning all existing decks and printing them with their daily plans. """"Request to show all decks.") with Connection() as con: logger.debug( "Connected to database successfully. Preparing all decks...") cursor = con.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT name from decks") decks = cursor.fetchall() decks = [i[0] for i in decks] print("""DECKS (with number of cards left for today shown): ----------""") for i in decks: print(f"* {i} ({Deck(i).daily_count_printer()})") print("----------")"Decks printed out.") return decks
def review_hard(self): """ Updating review card when user pressed 'HARD' on it. Card stays in the reviews but its new interval is set as the 120% of the previous one. Ease factor goes down by 0.15. Ready date is changed to current date+interval. """"Request on a card:HARD") with Connection() as con: logger.debug( "Connected to database successfully. Changing card's info...") cursor = con.cursor() now = cursor.execute( f"UPDATE {} SET INTERVAL=GREATEST(1,ROUND(1.2*INTERVAL+(2*RANDOM()-1)*INTERVAL*0.05)), EASE_FACTOR=GREATEST(1,EASE_FACTOR-0.15), LAST_DATE='{now:%Y-%m-%d}', LAST_TIME='{now:%H:%M}' WHERE (FRONT='{self.front}' AND BACK='{self.back}')" ) cursor.execute( f"UPDATE {} SET READY_DATE=LAST_DATE+INTERVAL WHERE (FRONT='{self.front}' AND BACK='{self.back}')" )"Card's info changed.")
def lapse_easy(self): """ Updating lapse-learning card when user pressed 'EASY' on it. Card goes straight to reviews with current interval. Ready date is changed to current date+interval that was just set. """"Request on a card:EASY") with Connection() as con: logger.debug( "Connected to database successfully. Changing card's info...") cursor = con.cursor() now = cursor.execute( f"UPDATE {} SET status='R', LEARN_INTERVAL=NULL, LAST_DATE='{now:%Y-%m-%d}', LAST_TIME='{now:%H:%M}' WHERE (FRONT='{self.front}' AND BACK='{self.back}')" ) cursor.execute( f"UPDATE {} SET READY_DATE=LAST_DATE+INTERVAL,READY_TIME=NULL WHERE (FRONT='{self.front}' AND BACK='{self.back}')" ) logger.debug("Card put to reviews pile.")"Card's info changed.")
def review_easy(self): """ Updating review card when user pressed 'EASY' on it. Card stays in reviews but its interval gets multiplied by the ease factor and the easy bonus. Also, ease factor gets extra 0.15. Ready date is changed as before. """"Request on a card:EASY") options = self.deck.get_options() with Connection() as con: logger.debug( "Connected to database successfully. Changing card's info...") cursor = con.cursor() now = cursor.execute( f"UPDATE {} SET INTERVAL=GREATEST(1,ROUND(EASE_FACTOR*{options['EASY_BONUS']}*INTERVAL+(2*RANDOM()-1)*INTERVAL*0.05)), EASE_FACTOR=EASE_FACTOR+0.15, LAST_DATE='{now:%Y-%m-%d}', LAST_TIME='{now:%H:%M}' WHERE (FRONT='{self.front}' AND BACK='{self.back}')" ) cursor.execute( f"UPDATE {} SET READY_DATE=LAST_DATE+INTERVAL WHERE (FRONT='{self.front}' AND BACK='{self.back}')" )"Card's info changed.")
def lapse_good(self): """ Updating lapse learning card when user pressed 'GOOD' on it. Card goes up by one learning interval step for lapses, and if it already was at the last one then it is moved to reviews with the its current interval. Ready datetime/date is also changed to current datetime/date+learning interval/interval (depending on whether card was put into reviews). """"Request on a card:GOOD") options = self.deck.get_options() steps = options[ 'LAPSE_STEPS'] # all of learning interval steps for a new card with Connection() as con: logger.debug( "Connected to database successfully. Changing card's info...") cursor = con.cursor() cursor.execute( f"SELECT LEARN_INTERVAL FROM {} WHERE (FRONT='{self.front}' AND BACK='{self.back}')" ) learn_interval = cursor.fetchall()[0][ 0] # checking current learning interval step if learn_interval == steps[ -1]: # if it was the last one out of them then card gets put into reviews with current interval now = cursor.execute( f"UPDATE {} SET status='R',LEARN_INTERVAL=NULL, LAST_DATE='{now:%Y-%m-%d}', LAST_TIME='{now:%H:%M}' WHERE (FRONT='{self.front}' AND BACK='{self.back}')" ) cursor.execute( f"UPDATE {} SET READY_DATE=LAST_DATE+INTERVAL,READY_TIME=NULL WHERE (FRONT='{self.front}' AND BACK='{self.back}')" ) logger.debug("Card put to reviews pile.") else: # else, card goes up by one learning interval new_step = steps[steps.index(learn_interval) + 1] now = ready = now + timedelta(minutes=new_step) cursor.execute( f"UPDATE {} SET LEARN_INTERVAL={new_step}, LAST_DATE='{now:%Y-%m-%d}', LAST_TIME='{now:%H:%M}',READY_DATE='{ready:%Y-%m-%d}',READY_TIME='{ready:%H:%M}' WHERE (FRONT='{self.front}' AND BACK='{self.back}')" ) logger.debug(f"Lapse interval set at {new_step} minutes.")"Card's info changed.")
def get_learners(self): """ Function returns learning cards that are ready to be studied at that moment (with possible early learning option in mind). Function provides them as a deque od Card objects. """"Request to get ready learning cards.") early_learning=self.get_options()['EARLY_LEARNING'] logger.debug(f"Early learning: {early_learning} minutes AS {type(early_learning)}") with Connection() as con: logger.debug("Connected to database successfully. Getting learning cards...") cursor = con.cursor() try: cursor.execute(f"""SELECT front,back,status FROM {}_plan WHERE status IN ('NL','LL') AND (LAST_DATE<CURRENT_DATE OR CAST(READY_TIME-INTERVAL '{early_learning} MINUTES' AS TIME)<=CURRENT_TIME) ORDER BY READY_DATE ASC,READY_TIME ASC """) except Exception as e: logger.critical(f"Unknown error occurred when selecting data from deck {}\n{e}") raise e learn_cards = cursor.fetchall() learn_cards = deque([Card(deck=self,front=card[0], back=card[1],status=card[2]) for card in learn_cards]) logger.debug(f"Learning cards for now found: {learn_cards}") return learn_cards
def review_again(self): """ Updating review card when user pressed 'AGAIN' on it. Card comes back to learning card as a lapse card. Future interval (when card will come back to reviews) is changed to its 75% +- random factor to avoid putting multiple cards on the same day (it's added every time the interval is changed and I won't mention that from now on). Learning interval is set at the first step of lapses learning intervals. Ease factor goes down by 0.2. Ready datetime is changed to current datetime+ first learning interval for lapses. """"Request on a card:AGAIN") options = self.deck.get_options() steps = options['LAPSE_STEPS'] with Connection() as con: logger.debug( "Connected to database successfully. Changing card's info...") cursor = con.cursor() now = ready = now + timedelta(minutes=steps[0]) cursor.execute( f"UPDATE {} SET status='LL', INTERVAL=GREATEST(1,ROUND(0.75*INTERVAL+(2*RANDOM()-1)*INTERVAL*0.05)), LEARN_INTERVAL={steps[0]}, EASE_FACTOR=GREATEST(1,EASE_FACTOR-0.2), LAST_DATE='{now:%Y-%m-%d}', LAST_TIME='{now:%H:%M}',READY_DATE='{ready:%Y-%m-%d}',READY_TIME='{ready:%H:%M}' WHERE (FRONT='{self.front}' AND BACK='{self.back}')" ) logger.debug(f"Lapse interval set at {steps[0]} minutes.") logger.debug("Card put to lapses pile.")"Card's info changed.")
def change_options(self): """ Function changes specific options of deck used for session purposes. """"Request to change deck's options.") options_changed=[] current_options=self.get_options() print("Type value if you want to change specific option. If not, press ENTER without typing. ") # NEW LIMIT new_limit = input(f"NEW_LIMIT={current_options['NEW_LIMIT']} cards | New value (positive integer): ").strip() if new_limit == '': pass else: try: new_limit=int(new_limit) except Exception: print('Invalid value. Option not changed.') else: if new_limit <= 0: print('Invalid value. Option not changed.') else: with Connection() as con: logger.debug(f"Connected to database successfully. Updating NEW_LIMIT...") cursor = con.cursor() cursor.execute(f"UPDATE decks SET NEW_LIMIT={new_limit}, LIMIT_LEFT=LIMIT_LEFT+GREATEST(0,({new_limit}-NEW_LIMIT)) WHERE name='{}'") print(f'Value changed to {new_limit}.') options_changed.append('NEW_LIMIT') # EARLY_LEARNING new_el = input( f"EARLY_LEARNING={current_options['EARLY_LEARNING']} minutes | New value (positive integer): ").strip() if new_el=="": pass else: try: new_el=int(new_el) except Exception: print('Invalid value. Option not changed.') else: if new_el <= 0: print('Invalid value. Option not changed.') else: with Connection() as con: logger.debug(f"Connected to database successfully. Updating EARLY_LEARNING...") cursor = con.cursor() cursor.execute(f"UPDATE decks SET EARLY_LEARNING={new_el} WHERE name='{}'") print(f'Value changed to {new_el}.') options_changed.append('EARLY_LEARNING') # INTERVALS for key in ['REVIEW_INTERVAL','EASY_REVIEW_INTERVAL']: new_days = input(f"{key}={current_options[key]} days | New value (positive integer): ").strip() if new_days=="": pass else: try: new_days=int(new_days) except Exception: print('Invalid value. Option not changed.') else: if new_days<=0: print('Invalid value. Option not changed.') else: with Connection() as con: logger.debug(f"Connected to database successfully. Updating {key}...") cursor = con.cursor() cursor.execute(f"UPDATE decks SET {key}={new_days} WHERE name='{}'") print(f'Value changed to {new_days}.') options_changed.append(key) # FACTORS for key in ['EASE_FACTOR', 'EASY_BONUS']: new_bonus =input(f"{key}={current_options[key]} | New value (number greater or equal than 1): ").strip() if new_bonus=="": pass else: try: new_bonus=float(new_bonus) except Exception: print('Invalid value. Option not changed.') else: if new_bonus < 1: print('Invalid value. Option not changed.') else: with Connection() as con: logger.debug(f"Connected to database successfully. Updating {key}...") cursor = con.cursor() cursor.execute(f"UPDATE decks SET {key}={new_bonus} WHERE name='{}'") print(f'Value changed to {new_bonus}.') options_changed.append(key) # STEPS for key in ['NEW_STEPS','LAPSE_STEPS']: new_steps=input((f"{key}={current_options[key]} steps in minutes | New value (positive integers separated by ', '): ")).strip() if new_steps=="": pass else: try: new_steps=[int(i)for i in new_steps.split(',')] except Exception: print('Invalid value. Option not changed.') else: if min(new_steps)<=0: print('One of the steps is invalid. Option not changed.') else: new_steps='{'+(',').join([str(i) for i in new_steps])+'}' with Connection() as con: logger.debug(f"Connected to database successfully. Updating {key}...") cursor = con.cursor() cursor.execute(f"UPDATE decks SET {key}='{new_steps}' WHERE name='{}'") print(f"Value changed to {new_steps}.") options_changed.append(key)"Options: {', '.join(options_changed)} changed. ") print("No more options to be changed.")
def add_cards(self): """ Function inserts cards to SQL table of a deck. It takes them from a .txt file where they are in different rows with a pattern "front/back". """"Request to add new cards from a file.") options = self.get_options() cards = input("Type .txt file name (for example 'dictionary.txt'): ") if not search("\.txt$",cards): #checking if file is a text one logger.error(f"Wrong file format-.txt expected but received: '{cards}'") return print("Wrong file format- .txt expected.") try: with open(cards,'r') as file: logger.debug(f"Opening {cards} file...") lines=[line.strip() for line in file.readlines()] except FileNotFoundError: logger.error(f"File '{cards}' not found.") return print('File not found. Make sure it is in the location you specified.') all_cards=len(lines) logger.debug(f"File with cards opened. {all_cards} possible cards found") logger.debug(f"Random line from file: {lines[randrange(0,all_cards)]}") # Looking for pattern of the front and back word separated with '/' word_pattern="[A-ZÓŁŚŻŹĆa-zęółśążźćń ']+" separator="/" logger.debug(f"Current separator: {separator}") pattern=f"^({word_pattern}){separator}({word_pattern})$" mistakes,duplicates=0,0"Adding cards to SQL table...") for pair in lines: with Connection() as con: logger.debug(f"Connected to database successfully. Trying to interpret '{pair}' as a card...") cursor = con.cursor() found=search(pattern,pair) if found: card=Card(self,,,'N') logger.debug(f"Pattern recognized. Adding {card} to deck...") # Pattern was found, we have front and back of a card try: # Adding front, back if found, setting status as NEW # Setting first learning_interval and the ease factor using deck's options now = cursor.execute(f"""INSERT INTO {} VALUES( '{card.front}', '{card.back}', 'N', NULL, {options['NEW_STEPS'][0]}, '{now:%Y-%m-%d}', NULL, NULL, '{now:%Y-%m-%d}', '{now:%H:%M}', {options['EASE_FACTOR']}) """) except errors.UniqueViolation: # (front, back) had to already be in the table so we count it as a duplicate and rollback duplicates+=1 logger.warning(f"{card} already in deck- counted as duplicate.") print(f'{card} already in deck.') con.rollback() # rollbacking not to crash the program else: logger.debug(f"{card} added successfully.") # Pattern was not found so we count it as a mistake else: logger.warning(f"Pattern not recognized when received '{pair}'.") mistakes+=1 print(f"'{pair}': unknown format")"{all_cards-mistakes-duplicates} new cards added to deck.") print(f"""Process finished. New cards added: {all_cards-mistakes-duplicates} Unknown formats: {mistakes} Duplicates (already in deck): {duplicates}""")
def __init__(self, name:str): """ Deck is defined by its name and options for studying cards (more in Options class). """"Deck '{name}' called.") default_options = Options.default_options available_name = "^[A-Za-z0-9_]+$" if not findall(available_name,name): logger.error(f"Name '{name}' is invalid (pattern in regex:{available_name}). Deck not created") raise Exception # exception is 'caught' by the menu() function in '' # checking if deck of that name already exists... with Connection() as con: logger.debug(f"Connected to database successfully. Looking for deck '{name}'...") cursor=con.cursor() cursor.execute(f"SELECT * from decks WHERE name='{name}'") our_deck=cursor.fetchall() logger.debug(f"Found {our_deck[0][0] if our_deck else None}.") # ...and if it does not then program creates one. # Program does not ask the user whether it was his intention to create a new deck or if it was a typing mistake. with Connection() as con: cursor = con.cursor() if not our_deck: logger.debug(f"Connected to database successfully. Creating new deck...") print(f'Creating new deck with name:{name}...') # Card in SQL table: # front, back: text to be seen while studying card # status: one of 'N'-new, 'NL'-fresh learner, 'LL'-lapse learner, 'R'-review # interval: days interval for review card to come back # learn_interval: minutes interval for learning card to come back # add_time: date when the card was added to the deck # last_date, last_time: last time the card seen # ready_date, ready_time: last_date/last_time + interval/learn_interval # ease_factor: extra interval bonus (modifier) for clicking 'GOOD' or 'EASY' on a review card # Every card is defined by its front and back, therefore there cannot be 2 cards with the same front and back in a single deck try: cursor.execute(f"""CREATE TABLE {}( FRONT VARCHAR(50), BACK VARCHAR(50), STATUS TEXT, INTERVAL INT, LEARN_INTERVAL INT, ADD_DATE DATE, LAST_DATE DATE, LAST_TIME TIME, READY_DATE DATE, READY_TIME TIME, EASE_FACTOR FLOAT, PRIMARY KEY (FRONT, BACK)) """) # Putting deck's name into a deck's list to know that it already exists if called next time. # Decks table also stores all of the options that can be changed. At the beginning they are at default (defined in Options class) cursor.execute(f""" INSERT INTO decks VALUES( '{name}', {default_options['NEW_DAILY_COUNT']}, {default_options['NEW_DAILY_COUNT']}, NOW(), {default_options['EASE_FACTOR']}, {default_options['EASY_BONUS']}, {default_options['REVIEW_INTERVAL']}, {default_options['EASY_REVIEW_INTERVAL']}, {default_options['EARLY_LEARNING']}, '{default_options['NEW_STEPS']}', '{default_options['LAPSE_STEPS']}') """) # Defining view {deck's name}_plan as cards that are or will be ready in the current day # Minding the limit for new cards to show. cursor.execute(f"""CREATE VIEW {name}_plan AS ( SELECT * FROM ( (SELECT * FROM {name} WHERE READY_DATE<=CURRENT_DATE AND STATUS='N' ORDER BY ADD_DATE ASC LIMIT (SELECT LIMIT_LEFT FROM decks WHERE name='{name}')) UNION ALL (SELECT * FROM {name} WHERE READY_DATE<=CURRENT_DATE AND STATUS IN ('NL','LL','R') ORDER BY READY_DATE ASC, READY_TIME ASC) ) AS foo) """) except Exception as e: logger.critical(e) #random error not caught earlier will crash the program logger.critical(f"Unknown error occurred when adding new deck to SQL.\n{e}") raise e"Deck '{name}' created.") print(f"Deck '{name}' created.") else: # If deck already exists and it's the first session of the day then reset LIMIT_LEFT to NEW_LIMIT cursor.execute(f"UPDATE DECKS SET LIMIT_LEFT=NEW_LIMIT, LAST_DATE=CURRENT_DATE WHERE name='{}' AND LAST_DATE!=CURRENT_DATE")
# delay_time = int(os.environ["DELAY_TIME"]) # delay_time = 1 # int(os.environ["DELAY_TIME"]) # db_url_extract = str(os.environ["DB_URL_EXTRACT"]) db_url_extract = 'mysql://*****:*****@' # db_url_load = str(os.environ["DB_URL_LOAD"]) db_url_load = 'mssql+pyodbc://sa:j^d0Okem8BXfz%[email protected]/HTAUTO?driver=SQL Server Native Client 11.0?trusted_connection=yes?UID' # delay_scheduel = int(os.environ["DELAY_SCHEDUEL"]) # delay_scheduel = 6400 time_report = extractConnection = Connection.connection(db_url_extract) loadConnection = Connection.connection(db_url_load) # 'SET @row_number := 0; ' + \ def extractLoad(db_url, list_data, var): if var == 0: loadConnection.execute(text('TRUNCATE teacher_rating_300;')) Session = sessionmaker(bind=loadConnection) session = Session() i = 0 updated_time = str(time_report) for line in list_data: d = Connection.dict2Object(line, Revenues()) d.updated_time = updated_time
# LOCAL IMPORTS from Connection.connection import Connection # connecting to SQL database """ It's meant to be run only before using the project for the first time (or at least for the first time in a certain database (make sure you changed parameters in Connection/'' file. """ with Connection() as con: cursor=con.cursor() cursor.execute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS decks CASCADE') """ Deck table: created for storing names and options of existing decks (for example to know if called deck has to be created) and managing daily new cards limits. """ cursor.execute("""CREATE TABLE decks( name TEXT, new_limit INT, limit_left INT, last_date DATE, EASE_FACTOR FLOAT, EASY_BONUS FLOAT, REVIEW_INTERVAL INT, EASY_REVIEW_INTERVAL INT, EARLY_LEARNING INT, NEW_STEPS FLOAT[], LAPSE_STEPS FLOAT[], PRIMARY KEY (name)) """)