Esempio n. 1
 def _initMenuBar(self):
     """ Initialize the file menu """
     # create file menu
     fileMenu = wx.Menu()
     fileMenu.Append( wx.ID_OPEN, "&Open", " Open repository" )
     fileMenu.Append( wx.ID_EXIT, "E&xit", " Terminate Phyxel" )
     for key, value in controlDict.iteritems():
         newControlLambdas[ key ] = lambda e : openControl( key )
     #for value in controlDict.itervalues():
     #   value
     # create the new menu
     newMenu = wx.Menu()
     for key, value in controlDict.iteritems():
         item = newMenu.Append( key, getStringFromClass( value ), "har" )
         self.Bind( wx.EVT_MENU, self.onNewTileMap, item )
         #newControlLambdas[key] = ((lambda e : openControl( key )), key, value)
         #wx.EVT_MENU( self, key, newControlLambdas[key][0] )
         #lambda e : openControl( copy( key ) )
     # create menu bar
     self.menuBar = wx.MenuBar()
     self.menuBar.Append( fileMenu, "&File" )
     self.menuBar.Append( newMenu, "&New" )
     # link press events
     wx.EVT_MENU( self, wx.ID_OPEN, self.onOpen )
     wx.EVT_MENU( self, wx.ID_EXIT, self.onExit )
     # hook menu bar to frame
     self.SetMenuBar( self.menuBar )
Esempio n. 2
 def onNewTileMap(self, event):
     Hopefully temporery, can we use lambda's to dynamically bind to the
     openControl function and send in the correct id
     openControl( FILE_ID_MAP )