Esempio n. 1
    def put(self, email, name, shop_type, shop_name, address, phone, mon, tue,
            wed, thu, fri, sat, sun, b1, b2, b3, b4):
        email = email.strip().lower()
        name = name.strip().lower()
        shop_type = shop_type.strip().lower()
        shop_name = shop_name.strip().lower()
        address = address.strip().lower()
        phone = phone.strip()
        mon = mon.strip()
        tue = tue.strip()
        wed = wed.strip()
        thu = thu.strip()
        fri = fri.strip()
        sat = sat.strip()
        sun = sun.strip()
        b1 = b1.strip()
        b2 = b2.strip()
        b3 = b3.strip()
        b4 = b4.strip()

        # check phone
        if validate.validatePhone(phone) != 'True':
            return asJson(validate.validatePhone(phone))

        # update
        return asJson(
            batch.updateOwner(email, name, shop_type, shop_name, address,
                              phone, mon, tue, wed, thu, fri, sat, sun, b1, b2,
                              b3, b4))
Esempio n. 2
    def put(self, email, name, address, phone):
        email = email.strip().lower()  # cannot be updated
        name = name.strip().lower()
        address = address.strip().lower()
        phone = phone.strip()

        # check phone
        isPhoneValid = validate.validatePhone(phone)

        if isPhoneValid is True:
            # update data
            return asJson(batch.updateUser(email, name, address, phone))
            return asJson(isPhoneValid)
Esempio n. 3
 def get(self):
     idea = "We all are well aware of the fact that its very crucial time that we are going through due to " \
            "COVID 19 pandemic. As per the goverment rule its very important to follow the lockdown. But due " \
            "to the extension of the lockdown businessmen and shopkeepers are facing problem as they are " \
            "becoming financially weak with every passing day." \
            "Government has given permission only to a handful of shop's to be kept open. This lockdown " \
            "is mainly affecting retailers, daily laborers and other shop-domains like furniture, " \
            "stationary, toy shops, cafe's etc. These people also need to have a strong financial backbone. " \
            "Here, complete lockdown is not a solution and giving permission to open all shops is also not " \
            "a solution. As it will lead to massive failure of SOCIAL-DISTANCING. " \
            "So my team came up with a mid-way solution both for retailers and the government, we have " \
            "named it Endure! Here we are developing an automated batch-allotment system which will " \
            "allot batches to shopkeeper's as per decision of Government authorities. It will help " \
            "retailers to do business it an efficient, smooth and discipined manner. Shopkeeper's need " \
            "to signup in our App and choose their working days plus their preference batches. Shops " \
            "will be allotted batches in which they have to be opened. Batches will be given according " \
            "to address and shop type, and will be issued by government itself. The system will allot " \
            "batches according to preferences and minimum number of shops should be opened per-batch in " \
            "order to reduce traffic in the roads and follow SOCIAL-DISTANCING. Customer's can view shop " \
            "opening and closing time from their interface. And most importantly uniform functioning time " \
            "will be given to each shop (which will lead to equal opportunity for all shopkeeper's " \
            "to earn). And all batches will be uniformly filled so that there is no unavailability of " \
            "resources to the customer from 6:00 AM to 10:00 PM for any given day. " \
            "As Endure will be a government shop-monitoring and batch-allotment app so if a user doesn't " \
            "open his/her shop for the given batch then the customer's can file a complaimt againt the " \
            "shopkeeper. And if shopkeeper keeps his/her shop open on invalid batches then other " \
            "shopkeeper's can also file a complaint against that shop. Complaints can be registered " \
            "by nearby police-stations. " \
            "Not only will it help to reduce panic among shop-keepers but will also give opportunity " \
            "to shopkeepers to earn. And also help reducing roaming of people in search of commodities " \
            "as they will be well aware which shop is going to opened at what time. This project can be " \
            "continued as a token-booking system for customer's. As customer's can book their slot when " \
            "the shop is opened. " \
            "A small step to make the Indian economy strong once again."
     return asJson(idea)
Esempio n. 4
    def post(self, of, email, otp):
        :param of: 'user' or 'owner'
        of = of.strip().lower()
        email = email.strip().lower()
        otp = otp.strip()

        # check email
        isEmailValid = validate.validateEmail(email)

        if isEmailValid == 'True':
            isVerified = batch.verifyCode(of, email, otp)
            return asJson(isVerified)
            return asJson(isEmailValid)
Esempio n. 5
    def put(self, of, email):
        :param of: 'owner' or 'user'
        of = of.strip().lower()
        email = email.strip().lower()

        return asJson(batch.deactivateAccount(of, email))
Esempio n. 6
    def get(self, of, email, password):
        """:param of: 'user' or 'owner'

        of = of.strip().lower()
        email = email.strip().lower()

        # check email
        isEmailValid = validate.validateEmail(email)
        if isEmailValid == 'True':
            isCorrect = batch.login(of, email, password)
            if isCorrect == 'True':
                print('You are logged in')
                return asJson(True)
                return asJson(isCorrect)
            return asJson(isEmailValid)
Esempio n. 7
    def post(self, name, address, phone, email, password, confirmPassword):
        # this function is used to insert user's record in the database

        name = name.strip().lower()
        address = address.strip().lower()
        phone = phone.strip().lower()
        email = email.strip().lower()

        # check phone
        isPhoneValid = validate.validatePhone(phone)

        print('phone', isPhoneValid)
        if isPhoneValid == 'True':
            # check email
            isEmailValid = validate.validateEmail(email)

            print('email', isEmailValid)
            if isEmailValid == 'True':
                # match passwords
                isPasswordMatched = validate.matchPasswords(
                    password, confirmPassword)

                print('password', isPasswordMatched)
                if isPasswordMatched == 'True':
                    # all found correct. Now, insert into database
                    isInserted = batch.insertIntoUser(name, address, phone,
                                                      email, password)

                    print('inserted', isInserted)
                    if isInserted == "Verification code has been sent to your email address. Check your email " \
                                     "and enter the code.":
                        return asJson(
                            "Verification code has been sent to your email address. Check your email and "
                            "enter the code.")
                        return asJson(isInserted)
                    return asJson(isPasswordMatched)
                return asJson(isEmailValid)
            return asJson(isPhoneValid)
Esempio n. 8
    def post(self, name, shop_type, shop_name, address, phone, email, password,
             confirmPassword, mon, tue, wed, thu, fri, sat, sun, b1, b2, b3,
        # this function is used to insert owner's record in the database

        name = name.strip().lower()
        shop_type = shop_type.strip().lower()
        shop_name = shop_name.strip().lower()
        address = address.strip().lower()
        phone = phone.strip().lower()
        email = email.strip().lower()
        mon = mon.strip()
        tue = tue.strip()
        wed = wed.strip()
        thu = thu.strip()
        fri = fri.strip()
        sat = sat.strip()
        sun = sun.strip()
        b1 = b1.strip()
        b2 = b2.strip()
        b3 = b3.strip()
        b4 = b4.strip()

        # check phone
        isPhoneValid = validate.validatePhone(phone)

        print('phone', isPhoneValid)
        if isPhoneValid == 'True':
            # check email
            isEmailValid = validate.validateEmail(email)

            print('email', isEmailValid)
            if isEmailValid == 'True':
                # match passwords
                isPasswordMatched = validate.matchPasswords(
                    password, confirmPassword)

                print('password', isPasswordMatched)
                if isPasswordMatched == 'True':
                    # all found correct. Now, insert into database
                    isInserted = batch.insertIntoOwner(name, shop_type,
                                                       shop_name, address,
                                                       phone, email, password,
                                                       mon, tue, wed, thu, fri,
                                                       sat, sun, b1, b2, b3,

                    print('inserted', isInserted)
                    if isInserted == "Verification code has been sent to your email address. Check your email " \
                                     "and enter the code.":
                        return asJson(
                            "Verification code has been sent to your email address. Check your email and "
                            "enter the code.")
                        return asJson(isInserted)
                    return asJson(isPasswordMatched)
                return asJson(isEmailValid)
            return asJson(isPhoneValid)
Esempio n. 9
 def get(self, address, shopType, date):
     address = address.strip().lower()
     shopType = shopType.strip().lower()
     date = date.strip()  # format: YYYY-MM-DD
     return asJson(batch.batchAllotment(address, shopType, date))
Esempio n. 10
    def post(self, issuedBy, issuedTo, reason):
        issuedBy = issuedBy.strip().lower()
        issuedTo = issuedTo.strip().lower()
        reason = reason.strip().lower()

        return asJson(batch.issueComplaint(issuedBy, issuedTo, reason))