Esempio n. 1
 def __init__(self, position, width, height, name, collisionGroupNames, transferName, stateMappings, startStateName, image=None, animationMappings=None, soundMappings=None):
     self._facingRight = True
     self._onGround = False
     # set some default max speeds
     self._maxXVel = Constants.PlayerConstants.MAX_X_VELOCITY
     self._maxYVel = Constants.PlayerConstants.MAX_Y_VELOCITY
     self._maxFallVel = Constants.PlayerConstants.MAX_FALL_VELOCITY
     self._jumpVel = Constants.PlayerConstants.MAX_JUMP_VELOCITY
     self._runVel = Constants.PlayerConstants.MAX_RUN_VELOCITY
     Actor.__init__(self, position, width, height, name, collisionGroupNames, transferName, stateMappings, startStateName, image, animationMappings, soundMappings)
     from Example.BounceTile import BounceTile
     from Example.ExitTile import ExitTile 
     from Example.KillTile import KillTile 
     self._specialTiles = [BounceTile, ExitTile, KillTile]
Esempio n. 2
    def __init__(self, position, width, height, name, collisionGroupNames, transferName, playerNum, controller, stateMappings={}, startStateName='', image=None, animationMappings=None, soundMappings=None):
        Creates a new Player at the given position, with a bounding box having the given width and height,
        and associated controller for input gathering.
        @type  position:             C{(int, int) | L{Vector<Utilities.vector.Vector>}}
        @param position:             World coordinates of the top left corner of the object's bounding box
        @type  width:                C{int}
        @param width:                Width of the object's bounding box in pixels.
        @type  height:               C{int}
        @param height:               Height of the object's bounding box in pixels.
        @type  collisionGroupNames:  C{list}
        @param collisionGroupNames:  List of names (C{str}) of L{CollisionGroup<CollisionGroup.CollisionGroup>}s that
                                     this Actor should be part of.
        @type  transferName:         C{str}
        @param transferName:         Name of the Actor to transfer attributes from when switching between maps.  
        @type  playerNum:            C{int}
        @param playerNum:            Player number from the U{Tiled's<>} .TMX map file.  In the editor
                                     this is 1-based, but internally it is 0-based.
        @type  controller:           L{Controller<Utilities.Controller.Controller.Controller>}
        @param controller:           Where the Player will be getting its input.  When loading a Player from a map, this will
                                     be C{None}.  The Controller will be associated to the player during map load instead of
                                     when the constructor is called.
        @type  stateMappings:        C{list}
        @param stateMappings:        List of pairs in the form C{str, L{State<State.State>}} which are the States available to
                                     this Actor.  In detail they are:
                                         - C{str} - Name to use to refer to this State.
                                         - C{State} - The State object.
        @type  startStateName:       C{str}
        @param startStateName:       Name of the L{State<State.State>} the Actor will start in.
        @type  image:                U{C{pygame.Surface}<>}
        @param image:                The static image that should be drawn at the object's L{Position}.
        @type  animationMappings:    C{list}
        @param animationMappings:    List of tuples in the form C{(str, L{Animation<Animation.Animation>}, (int, int))}.
                                     In detail they are:
                                         - C{str} - Name to use to refer to this Animation.
                                         - C{Animation} - Animation object itself.
                                         - C{(int, int)} - Offset from the GameObject's L{Position} where the top-left of the Animation's frames
                                         should be drawn.

        @type  soundMappings:        C{list}
        @param soundMappings:        List of tuples in the form C{(str, L{Sound<Sound.Sound>})}.
                                     In detail they are:
                                         - C{str} - Name to use to refer to this Sound.
                                         - C{Sound} - Sound object itself.
        # pass up the states
        Actor.__init__(self, position, width, height, name, collisionGroupNames, transferName, stateMappings, startStateName, image, animationMappings, soundMappings)
        # we have a controller
        self._controller = controller
        # for loading from editor
        self.PlayerNum = playerNum