def make_contour_plot(self, **kwargs): pi, bish, sp, ds, sm, de, du, sc = self.multiplot_ranges(**kwargs) if "y_range" not in kwargs: temp = numpy.where(self.s_axes[5] > 0)[0] kwargs["y_range"] = [self.s_axes[5][temp[0]], self.s_axes[5][temp[-1]]] for _sp in sp: for _sm in sm: for _du in du: for _sc in sc: if "ax" not in kwargs: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) else: ax = kwargs["ax"] del(kwargs["ax"]) if _sm == 0: smx = "perpendicular" else: smx = "parallel" kwargs["title"] = "{name}\n{smx}".format(name = self.objectname, smx = smx) PL.contourplot(self.s[:, 0, 0, _sp, _sm, :, _du, _sc].T, self.s_axes[0], self.s_axes[5], x_label = "w3 (cm-1)", y_label = self.s_units[5], ax = ax, **kwargs) if "ylog" in kwargs and kwargs["ylog"]: ax.set_yscale('log')
def make_overview_plot(self, **kwargs): """ Make a single figure with all plots. INPUT: - kwargs: - sp, sm, de, du, sc (lists, ndarray): lists that limit the range of spectra to be plotted. By default all spectra will be plotted. - aspect (str, 'equal'): the aspect ratio of the axes. - flip_spectrum (bool, False): by default (False) the x axis is w_3. If True, it will be w_1. Make sure the axes ranges are changed as well. OUTPUT: - - DESCRIPTION: - - CHANGELOG: 2016014/RB: started function """ pi, bish, sp, ds, sm, de, du, sc = self.multiplot_ranges(**kwargs) n_plots = len(sp) * len(sm) * len(de) * len(du) * len(sc) x, y = FU.find_subplots(n_plots, flag_verbose = self.flag_verbose) fig = plt.figure() ax = [0] * n_plots for ax_i in range(n_plots): ax[ax_i] = fig.add_subplot(y, x, ax_i + 1) if "aspect" in kwargs: if kwargs["aspect"] != False: ax[ax_i].set_aspect(kwargs["aspect"]) else: ax[ax_i].set_aspect("equal") ax_i = 0 for _sp in sp: for _sm in sm: for _de in de: for _du in du: for _sc in sc: title = "{name}\nsp {spx}, sm {smx}, de {dex} fs".format(name = self._basename, spx = self.s_axes[3][_sp], smx = "x",#self.s_axes[4][:,_sm], dex = self.s_axes[5][_de]) if "flip_spectrum" in kwargs and kwargs["flip_spectrum"]: PL.contourplot(self.s[:, :, 0, _sp, _sm, _de, _du, _sc], self.s_axes[1], self.s_axes[0], x_label = "w1 (cm-1)", y_label = "w3 (cm-1)", ax = ax[ax_i], title = title, **kwargs) else: PL.contourplot(self.s[:, :, 0, _sp, _sm, _de, _du, _sc].T, self.s_axes[0], self.s_axes[1], x_label = "w3 (cm-1)", y_label = "w1 (cm-1)", ax = ax[ax_i], title = title, **kwargs) ax_i += 1 return fig
def make_plots(self, **kwargs): """ Plot all 2D-IR spectra as separate plots. INPUT: - kwargs: - sp, sm, de, du, sc (lists, ndarray): lists that limit the range of spectra to be plotted. By default all spectra will be plotted. - aspect (str, 'equal'): the aspect ratio of the axes. - flip_spectrum (bool, False): by default (False) the x axis is w_3. If True, it will be w_1. Make sure the axes ranges are changed as well. DESCRIPTION: - - CHANGELOG: 201604-RB: started function """ pi, bish, sp, ds, sm, de, du, sc = self.multiplot_ranges(**kwargs) flag_make_title = False if "title" not in kwargs: flag_make_title = True if "ax" not in kwargs: flag_create_fig = True else: flag_create_fig = False ax = kwargs["ax"] del(kwargs["ax"]) for _sp in sp: for _sm in sm: for _de in de: for _du in du: for _sc in sc: if flag_create_fig: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) if "aspect" in kwargs: if kwargs["aspect"] != False: ax.set_aspect(kwargs["aspect"]) else: ax.set_aspect("equal") if flag_make_title: kwargs["title"] = "%s %s fs" % (self._basename, self.s_axes[5][_de]) # kwargs["title"] = "{name}\nsp {spx}, sm {smx}, de {dex} fs".format(name = self._basename, spx = self.s_axes[3][_sp], smx = self.s_axes[4][:,_sm], dex = self.s_axes[5][_de]) if "flip_spectrum" in kwargs and kwargs["flip_spectrum"]: PL.contourplot(self.s[:, :, 0, _sp, _sm, _de, _du, _sc], self.s_axes[1], self.s_axes[0], x_label = "w1 (cm-1)", y_label = "w3 (cm-1)", ax = ax, **kwargs) else: PL.contourplot(self.s[:, :, 0, _sp, _sm, _de, _du, _sc].T, self.s_axes[0], self.s_axes[1], x_label = "w3 (cm-1)", y_label = "w1 (cm-1)", ax = ax, **kwargs)
def make_contour_plot(self, **kwargs): pi, bish, sp, ds, sm, de, du, sc = self.multiplot_ranges(**kwargs) flag_make_title = False if "title" not in kwargs: flag_make_title = True if "y_range" not in kwargs: temp = numpy.where(self.s_axes[5] > 0)[0] print(temp) kwargs["y_range"] = [self.s_axes[5][temp[0]], self.s_axes[5][temp[-1]]] print(kwargs["y_range"]) for _sp in sp: for _sm in sm: for _du in du: for _sc in sc: if "ax" not in kwargs: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) else: ax = kwargs["ax"] del(kwargs["ax"]) kwargs["aspect"] = False if flag_make_title: kwargs["title"] = "{name}\nsp {spx}, sm {smx}".format(name = self._basename, spx = self.s_axes[3][_sp], smx = self.s_axes[4][:,_sm]) PL.contourplot(self.s[:, 0, 0, _sp, _sm, :, _du, _sc].T, self.s_axes[0], self.s_axes[5], x_label = "w3 (cm-1)", y_label = self.s_units[5], ax = ax, **kwargs) if "ylog" in kwargs and kwargs["ylog"]: ax.set_yscale('log')
def plot( self, plot_type="S", ax=False, x_range=[0, 0], y_range=[0, -1], pixel=-1, x_label="", y_label="", title="", flipxy=False, flag_verbose=False, **kwargs ): """ Plot the data. INPUT: - plot_type ('S' (default), 'R', 'NR', 'T'): plot the spectrum, the rephasing, non-rephasing spectra or time domain. Note that R and NR only work if the Fourier transform has been done and saved. - ax (False (default) or matplotlib axes instance): if False, it will make a new figure, otherwise it will use the axes instance, allowing subplots etc. - x_label, y_label, title (string, default=''): the labels for the axes. If no label is set, it will use the default. Use 'no_label' or 'no_title' to show no label. - pixel (int, -1): if pixel is an element of w_3, it will plot only this pixel, otherwise it will plot a 2D-plot - flipxy (BOOL, False): will flip the data and the axes. Non-default labels will not be flipped. - x_range, y_range (array with 2 elements, [0,0], [0,-1]): the range to be plotted. Possible cases: - [min, max]: plot range min to max - [0, 0]: plot the whole range - [0, -1]: use the range from the other axis. If both have this, it will plot both axes complete. (ie. it is identical to both having [0,0]) **kwargs (stuff for the plotting function) - zlimit (number or list, -1): the z-range that will be used Possible cases: zlimit = 0, show all, not don't care about centering around zero zlimit = -1, show all, centered around zero zlimit = all else, use that, centered around zero zlimit = [a,b], plot from a to b - contours (number): number of contours to be used - invert_colors (BOOL, False): data = -data CHANGELOG: 20110910/RB: started as croc-function 20130131/RB: rewrote function for Crocodile. Integrated it with plot_T 20130213/RB: some arguments are now kwargs: they are not explicitly listed but are passed on to the plotting function. """ self.verbose("Plot", flag_verbose) if plot_type == "S": data = self.s elif plot_type == "R": data = numpy.real(numpy.exp(-1j * self.phase_rad) * self.f[0]) elif plot_type == "NR": data = numpy.real(numpy.exp(1j * self.phase_rad) * self.f[1]) elif plot_type == "T": data = numpy.concatenate((numpy.flipud(self.r[1][1:, :]), self.r[0])).T if pixel < 0 or pixel > len(self.s_axis[2]): self.verbose(" -> contourplot", flag_verbose) # S, R and NR are freq-freq, T is time-freq # flipxy will change the xy-axis # the labels and range may be changed, if they are not at the defaults if plot_type == "S" or plot_type == "R" or plot_type == "NR": if flipxy: # not the normal way data = data.T x_axis = self.s_axis[0] y_axis = self.s_axis[2] if x_label == "": x_label = r"$\omega_1 (cm^{-1})$" if y_label == "": y_label = r"$\omega_3 (cm^{-1})$" else: x_axis = self.s_axis[2] y_axis = self.s_axis[0] if x_label == "": x_label = r"$\omega_3 (cm^{-1})$" if y_label == "": y_label = r"$\omega_1 (cm^{-1})$" else: # time domain if flipxy: # not the normal way data = data.T x_axis = self.r_axis[2] y_axis = numpy.concatenate((-numpy.flipud(self.r_axis[0][1:]), self.r_axis[0])) if x_label == "": x_label = r"$\omega_3 (cm^{-1})$" if y_label == "": y_label = r"$t_1 (fs)$" if y_range == [0, -1]: y_range = [0, 0] else: x_axis = numpy.concatenate((-numpy.flipud(self.r_axis[0][1:]), self.r_axis[0])) y_axis = self.r_axis[2] if x_label == "": x_label = r"$t_1 (fs)$" if y_label == "": y_label = r"$\omega_3 (cm^{-1})$" if y_range == [0, -1]: y_range = [0, 0] PL.contourplot( data, x_axis, y_axis, ax=ax, x_range=x_range, y_range=y_range, x_label=x_label, y_label=y_label, title=title, flag_verbose=flag_verbose, **kwargs ) else: self.verbose(" -> linear plot", flag_verbose) if plot_type == "S" or plot_type == "R" or plot_type == "NR": x_axis = self.s_axis[0] x_label = r"$\omega_1 (cm^{-1})$" else: x_axis = self.r_axis[0] x_label = r"$\t_1 (fs)$" PL.linear( data[pixel], x_axis, x_range=x_range, y_range=y_range, ax=ax, x_label=x_label, y_label=y_label, title=title, flag_verbose=flag_verbose, **kwargs ) if not ax: