def DownloadApk(url, fileName): # Streaming, so we can iterate over the response. response = requests.get(url, stream=True) totalSizeInBytes = response.headers.get( 'x-archive-orig-content-length') or response.headers.get( 'content-length', 0) if (totalSizeInBytes): # Fixed where it stuck on "Downloading legacy WhatsApp V2.11.431 to helpers folder" totalSizeInBytes = int(totalSizeInBytes) else: # totalSizeInBytes must be null CustomPrint( '\aFor some reason I could not download Legacy WhatsApp, you need to download it on your own now from either of the links given below : ', 'red') print('\n') CustomPrint('1. \'' + appURLWhatsAppCDN + '\' (official\'s archive)', 'red') CustomPrint('2. \'' + appURLWhatsCryptCDN + '\' unofficial website.', 'red') print('\n') CustomPrint( 'Once downloaded rename it to \'LegacyWhatsApp.apk\' exactly and put in \'helpers\' folder.', 'red') Exit() blockSize = 1024 # 1 Kibibyte progressBar = tqdm(total=totalSizeInBytes, unit='iB', unit_scale=True) with open('helpers/temp.apk', 'wb') as file: for data in response.iter_content(blockSize): progressBar.update(len(data)) file.write(data) progressBar.close() os.rename('helpers/temp.apk', 'helpers/LegacyWhatsApp.apk') if totalSizeInBytes != 0 and progressBar.n != totalSizeInBytes: CustomPrint('\aSomething went during downloading LegacyWhatsApp.apk') Exit()
def init(tcpIP, tcpPort): # Detect OS isWindows = False isLinux = False if platform.system() == 'Windows': isWindows = True if platform.system() == 'Linux': isLinux = True # Global command line helpers currDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) rootDir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(currDir, '..')) if(isWindows): adb = rootDir + '\\bin\\adb.exe' else: adb = 'adb' combo = tcpIP + ':' + tcpPort cmd = adb + ' connect ' + combo os.system(adb + ' kill-server') os.system(adb + ' start-server') proc = sp.Popen(cmd.split(), stdin=sp.PIPE, stdout=sp.PIPE, stderr=sp.PIPE, shell=False) output, error = proc.communicate() output = output.decode('utf-8') error = error.decode('utf-8') if len(output) == 0 or error: output = None CustomPrint(error, 'red') Exit() else: output = [x.strip() for x in output.split() if len(x.strip()) > 0] if('connected' in (x.lower() for x in output)): return combo if('authenticate' in (x.lower() for x in output)): CustomPrint( 'Device unauthorized. Please check the confirmation dialog on your device.', 'red') Exit() if('refused' in (x.lower() for x in output)): CustomPrint( 'Could not find any connected device. Either USB Debugging is off or device is not running ADB over TCP', 'red') return '' ''' Possible outputs
def AfterConnect(ADBSerialId): SDKVersion = int( getoutput('adb -s ' + ADBSerialId + ' shell getprop')) if (SDKVersion <= 13): CustomPrint( 'Unsupported device. This method only works on Android v4.0 or higer.', 'red') CustomPrint('Cleaning up temporary direcory.', 'red') os.system('rm -rf tmp/*') Exit() _waPathText = 'adb -s ' + ADBSerialId + ' shell pm path com.whatsapp' proc = subprocess.Popen(_waPathText.split(), stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=False) out, err = proc.communicate() out = out.decode('utf-8') if (not out): CustomPrint('Looks like WhatsApp is not installed on device.', 'red') Exit() WhatsAppapkPath ='(?<=package:)(.*)(?=apk)', str(check_output( _waPathText.split()))).group(1) + 'apk' sdPath = getoutput('adb -s ' + ADBSerialId + ' shell "echo $EXTERNAL_STORAGE"') or '/sdcard' # To check if APK even exists at a given path to download! # Since that obviously is not available at whatsapp cdn defaulting that to 0 for GH #46 # Using getoutput instead of this to skip getting data like 0//n//r or whatever was getting recieved on GH #46 bcz check_output returns a byte type object and getoutput returns a str type . contentLength = int((re.findall( "(?<=content-length:)(.*[0-9])(?=)", getoutput( 'curl -sI' )) or ['0'])[0]) _versionNameText = 'adb -s ' + ADBSerialId + \ ' shell dumpsys package com.whatsapp' versionName ="(?<=versionName=)(.*?)(?=\\\\n)", str(check_output( _versionNameText.split()))).group(1) CustomPrint('WhatsApp V' + versionName + ' installed on device') downloadAppFrom = appURLWhatsAppCDN if ( contentLength == 18329558) else appURLWhatsCryptCDN if (version.parse(versionName) > version.parse('2.11.431')): if not (os.path.isfile('helpers/LegacyWhatsApp.apk')): CustomPrint( 'Downloading legacy WhatsApp V2.11.431 to helpers folder') DownloadApk(downloadAppFrom, 'helpers/LegacyWhatsApp.apk') #, 'helpers/LegacyWhatsApp.apk') print('\n') else: CustomPrint( 'Found legacy WhatsApp V2.11.431 apk in helpers folder') else: # Version lower than 2.11.431 installed on device. pass return 1, SDKVersion, WhatsAppapkPath, versionName, sdPath
def DownloadApk(url, fileName): # Streaming, so we can iterate over the response. response = requests.get(url, stream=True) totalSizeInBytes = int(response.headers.get('content-length', 0)) blockSize = 1024 # 1 Kibibyte progressBar = tqdm(total=totalSizeInBytes, unit='iB', unit_scale=True) with open('helpers/temp.apk', 'wb') as file: for data in response.iter_content(blockSize): progressBar.update(len(data)) file.write(data) progressBar.close() os.rename('helpers/temp.apk', 'helpers/LegacyWhatsApp.apk') if totalSizeInBytes != 0 and progressBar.n != totalSizeInBytes: CustomPrint('\aSomething went during downloading LegacyWhatsApp.apk')
def AfterConnect(ADBSerialId): _sdkVersionText = 'adb -s ' + ADBSerialId + ' shell getprop' SDKVersion = int('[0-9]{2,3}', str(check_output(_sdkVersionText.split()))).group(0)) if (SDKVersion <= 13): CustomPrint( 'Unsupported device. This method only works on Android v4.0 or higer.', 'red') CustomPrint('Cleaning up temporary direcory.', 'red') os.system('rm -rf tmp/*') Exit() _waPathText = 'adb -s ' + ADBSerialId + ' shell pm path com.whatsapp' WhatsAppapkPath ='(?<=package:)(.*)(?=apk)', str(check_output( _waPathText.split()))).group(1) + 'apk' if not (WhatsAppapkPath): CustomPrint('Looks like WhatsApp is not installed on device.') Exit() #SDPath ="(?<=b')(.*)(?=\\\\n)", str(check_output('adb shell "echo $EXTERNAL_STORAGE"'.split()))).group(1) contentLength = int( "(?<=Content-Length:)(.*[0-9])(?=)", str( check_output( 'curl -sI' .split()))).group(1) ) # To check if APK even exists at a given path to download! _versionNameText = 'adb -s ' + ADBSerialId + ' shell dumpsys package com.whatsapp' versionName ="(?<=versionName=)(.*?)(?=\\\\n)", str(check_output( _versionNameText.split()))).group(1) CustomPrint('WhatsApp V' + versionName + ' installed on device') downloadAppFrom = appURLWhatsAppCDN if ( contentLength == 18329558) else appURLWhatsCryptCDN if (version.parse(versionName) > version.parse('2.11.431')): if not (os.path.isfile('helpers/LegacyWhatsApp.apk')): CustomPrint( 'Downloading legacy WhatsApp V2.11.431 to helpers folder'), 'helpers/LegacyWhatsApp.apk') else: CustomPrint( 'Found legacy WhatsApp V2.11.431 apk in helpers folder') return 1, SDKVersion, WhatsAppapkPath, versionName
def LinuxUSB(ADBSerialId): _deviceName = 'adb -s ' + ADBSerialId + ' shell getprop ro.product.model' CustomPrint('Connected to ' +"(?<=b')(.*)(?=\\\\n)", str(check_output(_deviceName.split()))).group(1)) return AfterConnect(ADBSerialId)
def Exit(): CustomPrint('\nExiting...') os.system('adb kill-server') quit()
def Exit(): print('\n') CustomPrint('Exiting...') quit()
def init(): # Detect OS isWindows = False isLinux = False if platform.system() == 'Windows': isWindows = True if platform.system() == 'Linux': isLinux = True # Global command line helpers currDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) rootDir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(currDir, '..')) if(isWindows): adb = rootDir + '\\bin\\adb.exe' else: adb = 'adb' cmd = adb + ' devices' # Kill server before getting list to avoid daemon texts. os.system(adb + ' kill-server') os.system(adb + ' start-server') proc = sp.Popen(cmd.split(), stdin=sp.PIPE, stdout=sp.PIPE, stderr=sp.PIPE, shell=False) output, error = proc.communicate() output = output.decode('utf-8') error = error.decode('utf-8') if len(output) == 0 or error: output = None CustomPrint(error, 'red') Exit() else: output = [x.strip() for x in output.split('\n') if len(x.strip()) > 0] if(len(output) == 1): CustomPrint( 'Could not find any connected device. Is USB Debugging on?', 'red') return '' deviceToConnect = None i = 1 if(len(output) == 2): if(output[1].split()[1] == 'offline'): CustomPrint( 'Device is offline, try turning off USB debugging and turn on again.', 'yellow') Exit() if(output[1].split()[1] == 'unauthorized'): CustomPrint( 'Device unauthorized. Please check the confirmation dialog on your device.', 'red') Exit() return output[1].split()[0] CustomPrint(output[0]) print('\n') if deviceToConnect is None: for device in output[1:]: name = adb + ' -s ' + \ device.split()[0] + ' shell getprop ro.product.model' CustomPrint(str(i) + '. ' + device.split() [0] + ' ' + device.split()[1] + ' ' + sp.getoutput(name).strip()) i += 1 while deviceToConnect is None: deviceIndex = int(CustomInput('Enter device number (for ex : 2) : ')) if deviceIndex <= 0 or deviceIndex + 1 > len(output): continue deviceToConnect = output[deviceIndex] if(deviceToConnect.split()[1] == 'offline'): CustomPrint( 'Device is offline, try turning off USB debugging and turn on again.', 'yellow') Exit() if(deviceToConnect.split()[1] == 'unauthorized'): CustomPrint( 'Device unauthorized. Please check the confirmation dialog on your device.', 'red') Exit() return deviceToConnect.split()[0]
def WindowsUSB(adb): CustomPrint('Connected to ' + getoutput(adb + ' shell getprop ro.product.model')) return AfterConnect(adb)
def Exit(): print('\n') CustomPrint('Exiting...') os.system('bin\\adb.exe kill-server') CustomInput('Hit \'Enter\' key to continue....', 'cyan') quit()
def Exit(): print('\n') CustomPrint('Exiting...') CustomInput('Hit \'Enter\' key to continue....', 'cyan') quit()
def LinuxUSB(ADBSerialId): CustomPrint('Connected to ' + getoutput('adb -s ' + ADBSerialId + ' shell getprop ro.product.model')) return AfterConnect(ADBSerialId)
def WindowsUSB(ADBSerialId) : deviceName= adb + ADBSerialId + ' shell getprop ro.product.model' CustomPrint('Connected to ' +"(?<=b')(.*)(?=\\\\r)", str(check_output(deviceName))).group(1)) return AfterConnect(ADBSerialId)
def Exit(): CustomPrint('\nExiting...') os.system('bin\\adb.exe kill-server') quit()