def recipe_scraper2json(args, url): from recipe_scrapers import scrape_me print_debug("Using recipe-scraper module...") recipe_json={} recipe_json['url'] = url try: scraper = scrape_me(url) recipe_json['title'] = scraper.title() recipe_json['description'] = '' recipe_json['yield'] = scraper.yields() recipe_json['preptime'] = '' recipe_json['cooktime'] = '' recipe_json['totaltime'] = minutes2time(scraper.total_time()) recipe_json['ingredient_groups'] = [] recipe_json['ingredient_groups'].append(json.loads('{"title":"","ingredients":[]}')) recipe_json['ingredient_groups'][0]['ingredients'] = scraper.ingredients() recipe_json['direction_groups'] = [] recipe_json['direction_groups'].append(json.loads('{"group":"","directions":[]}')) instructions = scraper.instructions().split('\n') recipe_json['direction_groups'][0]['directions'] = instructions except: raise UrlError(url, 'URL not supported.') return recipe_json
def main(args=None): if args is None: args = parse_arguments() print_debug(args) if args.quick_tests: quick_tests(args) else: if not args.URL == [[]]: for url in args.URL[0]: try: recipe_json = url2recipe_json(args, url) except UrlError as err: print_error("Specified URL Not suported!") sys.exit(os.EX_SOFTWARE) except Exception as err: print_error(err.args[1]) # arguments stored in .args sys.exit(os.EX_TEMPFAIL) recipe_output(args, recipe_json) else: if not args.infile is None and args.infile != "": print_info("Processsing %s..." % args.infile) with open(args.infile) as json_file: recipe_json = json.load(json_file) recipe_output(args, recipe_json) else: print_error( "You must specify an input URL or input JSON file.") parse_arguments(print_usage=True) sys.exit(os.EX_USAGE)
def get_page_using_session(args, url): print_debug ("Getting page using sessions...") auth_json = get_credentials() session_requests = requests.session() domain = url2domain(url) signin_url = "https://" + domain +"/sign_in?next=%2F" signin_page = session_requests.get(signin_url) tree = html.fromstring(signin_page.text) action = tree.xpath('//form[@class="appForm"]/@action')[0] payload={} input_elements = tree.xpath('//form[@class="appForm"]//input') for input_element in input_elements: payload[] = input_element.value payload['utf8'] = '✓' payload['user[email]'] = auth_json['user'] payload['user[password]'] = auth_json['pass'] # Perform login authorize_url = "https://" + domain + action + "?next=%2F" result =, data = payload, headers = dict(referer = signin_url)) save_cookies(session_requests.cookies, url) # Grab page recipe_page = session_requests.get(url, headers = dict(referer = url)) return recipe_page.text
def get_json(url): """ Find and load "standardized" json document containing recipe """ return_value = None user_agent = {'User-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'} page = requests.get(url, headers = user_agent) match ='<script[^>]*type=.?application/ld\+json.?[^>]*>', page.text) if match: print_debug("Found an occurance of 'application/ld+json'") soup = BeautifulSoup(page.text, 'html5lib') scripts = soup.findAll('script', attrs = {'type':'application/ld+json'}) for script in scripts: json_stripped=re.sub('^[^\{\[]*', '', script.text) raw_json = json.loads(json_stripped) if type(raw_json) == list: return_value = json_find_array_element(raw_json, '@type', 'Recipe') try: return_value['publisher'] = json_clean_value(json_clean_value(source_json, 'publisher', json.loads('{}'), 'name', '')) if return_value['publisher'] == '': return_value['publisher'] = json_clean_value(json_find_array_element(raw_json, '@type', 'Organization'), 'name', url2publisher(url)) except: if not return_value is None: return_value['publisher'] = url2publisher(url) elif '@graph' in raw_json and type(raw_json['@graph']) == list: return_value = json_find_array_element(raw_json['@graph'], '@type', 'Recipe') try: return_value['publisher'] = json_clean_value(json_clean_value(source_json, 'publisher', json.loads('{}'), 'name', '')) if return_value['publisher'] == '': return_value['publisher'] = json_clean_value(json_find_array_element(raw_json['@graph'], '@type', 'Organization'), 'name', url2publisher(url)) except: if not return_value is None: return_value['publisher']=url2publisher(url) else: if return_value is None: try: if raw_json['@type'] == 'Recipe' and 'recipeIngredient' in raw_json: return_value = raw_json else: return_value = None except: return_value = None try: return_value['publisher'] = json_clean_value(json_clean_value(source_json, 'publisher', json.loads('{}')), 'name', url2publisher(url)) except: if not return_value is None: return_value['publisher']=url2publisher(url) if (not return_value is None) and ('recipeIngredient' in return_value): pass else: return_value = None return return_value
def stcg2json(args, url): """ Loads Saveur URL and builds recipe JSON """ print_debug("Using Sam the Cooking Guy scraper...") recipe_json={} recipe_json['url'] = url page = BeautifulSoup(requests.get(url).text.replace("\u2014"," "), 'html5lib') title = page.select_one('title').text recipe_json['title'] = re.sub('. SAM THE COOKING GUY', '', title) recipe_json['yield'] = page.select_one('div.sqs-block-content p').text if'div.sqs-block-content p')[1]: recipe_json['description'] ='div.sqs-block-content p')[1].text # Parse Times minutes_prep = 0 minutes_cook = 0 #minutes_cook = iso8601.to_minutes(page.select_one('div.cook-time meta')['content']) minutes_total = minutes_prep + minutes_cook if minutes_prep == 0 and minutes_total > 0 and minutes_cook > 0: minutes_prep = minutes_total - minutes_cook # recipe_json['preptime'] = minutes2time(minutes_prep, '') # recipe_json['cooktime'] = minutes2time(minutes_cook, '') # recipe_json['totaltime'] = minutes2time(minutes_total) recipe_json['author'] = url2publisher(url) # Ingredients recipe_json['ingredient_groups'] = [] recipe_json['ingredient_groups'].append(json.loads('{"title":"","ingredients":[]}')) ingredients = page.select_one('div.sqs-block div.sqs-block-content').find_all('p', attrs={'class': None, 'style': 'white-space:pre-wrap'}) ingredients ='div.sqs-layout div.row div.sqs-block div.sqs-block-content p') if not ingredients: ingredients = page.select_one('div.sqs-block-content ul').find_all('li', attrs={'class': None}) for ingredient in ingredients: recipe_json['ingredient_groups'][0]['ingredients'].append(ingredient.text.replace("\n","").strip()) # Directions out_instruction=[] instructions = page.select_one('div.sqs-block-content ul').find_all('li', attrs={'class': None}) if not instructions: instructions = page.select_one('div.sqs-block-content').find('ul', attrs={'data-rte-list': 'default'}).find_all('li', attrs={'class': None}) for instruction in instructions: try: instruction_json = instruction out_instruction.append(instruction_json['text'].text.replace("\n","").strip()) except: out_instruction.append(instruction.text.replace("\n","").strip()) recipe_json['direction_groups'] = [] recipe_json['direction_groups'].append(json.loads('{"group":"","directions":[]}')) recipe_json['direction_groups'][0]['directions'] = out_instruction return recipe_json
def get_page_using_cookie(args, url, cookies = None): """ Load page using existing cookies """ print_debug ("Getting page using cookies...") recipe_page = None if cookies is None: #load cookies and do a request cookies = load_cookies(url) if not cookies is None: print_debug ('cookies = ' + str(requests.utils.dict_from_cookiejar(cookies))) recipe_page = requests.get(url, cookies=cookies).text return recipe_page
def saveur2json(args, url): """ Loads Saveur URL and builds recipe JSON """ print_debug("Using Saveur scraper...") recipe_json={} recipe_json['url'] = url page = BeautifulSoup(requests.get(url).text.replace("\u2014"," "), 'html5lib') recipe_json['title'] = page.select_one('.entry-title').text #recipe_json['description'] = page.select_one('p.paragraph:first-child').text recipe_json['description'] = page.find("div", {'property':'description'}).text recipe_json['yield'] = page.select_one('div.yield span').text # Parse Times minutes_prep = 0 minutes_cook = iso8601.to_minutes(page.select_one('div.cook-time meta')['content']) minutes_total = minutes_prep + minutes_cook if minutes_prep == 0 and minutes_total > 0 and minutes_cook > 0: minutes_prep = minutes_total - minutes_cook recipe_json['preptime'] = minutes2time(minutes_prep, '') recipe_json['cooktime'] = minutes2time(minutes_cook, '') recipe_json['totaltime'] = minutes2time(minutes_total) recipe_json['author'] = url2publisher(url) # Ingredients recipe_json['ingredient_groups'] = [] recipe_json['ingredient_groups'].append(json.loads('{"title":"","ingredients":[]}')) for ingredient in page.find_all("li", class_="ingredient"): recipe_json['ingredient_groups'][0]['ingredients'].append(ingredient.text.replace("\n","").strip()) # Directions out_instruction=[] for instruction in page.find_all("li", class_="instruction"): try: instruction_json = instruction out_instruction.append(instruction_json['text'].text.replace("\n","").strip()) except: out_instruction.append(instruction.text.replace("\n","").strip()) recipe_json['direction_groups'] = [] recipe_json['direction_groups'].append(json.loads('{"group":"","directions":[]}')) recipe_json['direction_groups'][0]['directions'] = out_instruction #raise UrlError(url, 'URL not supported.') return recipe_json
def save_cookies(requests_cookiejar, url): """ save cookie jar """ filename = cookie_filename(url) # Check if ~/.config/recipe-dl exists path = os.path.expanduser('~') + "/.config/recipe-dl" filename = path + '/' + filename if not os.path.isdir(path): # If not check for ~/.config and create recipe-dl if os.path.isdir(os.path.expanduser('~') + "/.config"): try: os.makedirs(path) except OSError: if not os.path.isdir(path): raise else: path = os.path.expanduser('.') if os.path.isdir(path): filename = path + '/' + filename print_debug ('Saving cookies to ' + path ) with open(filename, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(requests_cookiejar, f)
def recipe_json2doc(args, recipe_json, format='rst', base_level=1): """ Build reStructuredText from recipe JSON """ def format2text(format): """ Formats output ext to human readable format name """ format_text = '' if format == 'json': format_text = 'JSON' elif format == 'md': format_text = 'Markdown' elif format == 'rst': format_text = 'reStructuredText' else: format_text = "Unknown format [%s]" % (format) print_warning("Unknown format [%s]" % (format)) #raise ("ERROR: Unknown format [%s]" % (format)) return format_text def output_header(header_text, format='rst', level=1): """ returns string containg formated header """ out_string = '' if format == 'md': out_string += '#' * (level + 1) out_string += ' ' out_string += header_text + '\n' if format == 'rst': level_chars = ['=', '-', '^'] level_char = level_chars[level - 1] out_string += re.sub('.', level_char, header_text) + '\n' out_string += '\n' return out_string def output_group(json_obj, group_key, item_key, item_prefix, item_wrap=False, format='rst', base_level=2): """ returns string containg formated groups/lists """ out_string = '' group_count = len(json_clean_value(recipe_json, group_key)) for group_index, group in enumerate( json_clean_value(recipe_json, group_key)): group_title = json_clean_value(group, 'title') if group_title != '': if group_index > 0: out_string += '\n' out_string += output_header(group_title, format=format, level=(base_level + 1)) for item_count, item in enumerate( json_clean_value(group, item_key), 1): if item_prefix == '#': prefix = str(item_count).strip() + '. ' else: prefix = item_prefix.strip() + ' ' if item_wrap: item_lines = textwrap.wrap( item, width=75, initial_indent=prefix, subsequent_indent=re.sub('.', ' ', prefix)) for line in item_lines: out_string += line + '\n' else: out_string += prefix.strip() + ' ' + str( item) + '\n' return out_string format_prefix = '-' if format == 'md': format_prefix = '*' print_debug("Building " + format2text(format) + " from recipe JSON...") print_debug(recipe_json) output = output_header(json_clean_value(recipe_json, 'title'), format) recipe_yield = json_clean_value(recipe_json, 'yield') preptime = json_clean_value(recipe_json, 'preptime') cooktime = json_clean_value(recipe_json, 'cooktime') totaltime = json_clean_value(recipe_json, 'totaltime') info = "| " if preptime != '': info += 'Prep: ' + preptime + ' | ' if totaltime != '': info += 'Total: ' + totaltime + ' | ' if recipe_yield != '': info += 'Yield: ' + str(recipe_yield) + ' | ' info = info.strip() if info != '|': divider_line = re.sub('[^|]', '-', info) if format == 'rst': divider_line = re.sub('[|]', '+', divider_line) output += divider_line + '\n' + info + '\n' + divider_line + '\n\n' # TODO: make this work with markdown and missing URL url = json_clean_value(recipe_json, 'url') author = json_clean_value(recipe_json, 'author') if url is None or url == '': if not author is None and author != '': output += 'Source: ' + author + '\n\n' else: if author is None or author == '': author = url2domain(url) if format == 'md': output += 'Source: [' + author + '](' + url + ')\n\n' elif format == 'rst': output += 'Source: `' + author + ' <' + url + '>`__\n\n' else: output += 'Source: ' + author + '\n\n' description = textwrap.wrap(json_clean_value( recipe_json, 'description'), width=75) for line in description: output += line + '\n' output += '\n' output += output_header('Ingredients', format=format, level=2) output += output_group(recipe_json, 'ingredient_groups', 'ingredients', format_prefix, format=format, base_level=2) output += '\n' output += output_header('Directions', format=format, level=2) output += output_group(recipe_json, 'direction_groups', 'directions', '#', item_wrap=True, format=format, base_level=2) notes = json_clean_value(recipe_json, 'notes') if not notes is None and notes != '': output += '\n' output += output_header('Notes', format=format, level=2) for note in notes: note = re.sub('\*\*\*', '', note) if len(notes) > 1: not_prefic = format_prefix.strip() + ' ' for line in textwrap.wrap(note, width=75, initial_indent=note_prefix, subsequent_indent=re.sub( '.', ' ', note_prefix)): output += line + '\n' else: for line in textwrap.wrap(note, width=75): output += line + '\n' output += '\n' return output
def parse_arguments(print_usage=False, detail=False): """ Creates a new argument parser. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser('recipe-dl') version = '%(prog)s v' + __version__ parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version=version) parser.add_argument( '-a', '--authorize', action="store_true", dest="authorize_ci", default=False, help='Force authorization of Cook Illustrated sites', ) parser.add_argument( "-d", "--debug", action="store_true", dest="debug", default=False, help="Add additional Output", ) parser.add_argument( "-q", "--quiet", action="store_true", dest="quiet", default=None, #help="Suppress most output aka Silent Mode.", help=argparse.SUPPRESS) parser.add_argument( "-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", dest="verbose", default=False, help="Make output verbose", ) parser.add_argument( "-j", "--output-json", action="store_true", dest="output_json", default=False, help="Output results in JSON format.", ) parser.add_argument( "-m", "--output-md", action="store_true", dest="output_md", default=False, help="Output results in Markdown format.", ) parser.add_argument( "-r", "--output-rst", action="store_true", dest="output_rst", default=False, help="Output results in reStructuredText format.", ) parser.add_argument( '-i', '--infile', action="store", dest="infile", help="Specify input json file infile.", ) parser.add_argument( '-o', '--outfile', action="store", dest="outfile", help="Specify output file outfile.", ) parser.add_argument( "-s", "--save-to-file", action="store_true", dest="save_to_file", default=False, help="Save output file(s).", ) parser.add_argument( "-f", "--force-recipe-scraper", action="store_true", dest="force_recipe_scraper", default=False, help="For the use of the recipe scraper where applicable.", ) parser.add_argument("--quick-tests", action="store_true", dest="quick_tests", help=argparse.SUPPRESS, default=False) parser.add_argument( 'URL', nargs='*', action="append", default=[], ) if print_usage: if detail: parser.print_help() else: parser.print_usage() else: args = parser.parse_args() if args.quiet is None: args.quiet = not args.verbose if args.debug and args.quiet: args.quiet = False print_warning( "Debug option selected. Can not run in \"Silent Mode\"") custom_print_init(quiet=args.quiet, debug=args.debug) filetype_count = 0 if args.output_json: filetype_count += 1 if args.output_md: filetype_count += 1 if args.output_rst: filetype_count += 1 print_debug("filetype_count=%s" % filetype_count) if filetype_count == 0: args.output_rst = True elif filetype_count > 1: print_warning( "More than one output file type select. Assuming 'Save to File'" ) args.save_to_file = True if not args.save_to_file and not args.outfile is None and args.outfile != '': args.save_to_file = True return args
def ci2json(args, url): """ Loads Cook's Illustrated (and affiliated) URL and checks for authentication and then builds Recipe JSON """ def get_json(args, url): """ Get JSON from page """ import pickle def find_script(source_html): if source_html is None: return None else: tree = html.fromstring(source_html) script_element = tree.xpath('//script[@id="__NEXT_DATA__"]')[0] return json.loads(script_element.text) def found_paywall(source_json): ret_value = False paywall_json = list(json_find_key(source_json, 'paywall')) if paywall_json or paywall_json[0] == 'TRUE' or json_clean_value(paywall_json[1], 'status') == "READY": ret_value = True def cookie_filename(url): return '.' + url2domain(url) + '.cookies' def save_cookies(requests_cookiejar, url): """ save cookie jar """ filename = cookie_filename(url) # Check if ~/.config/recipe-dl exists path = os.path.expanduser('~') + "/.config/recipe-dl" filename = path + '/' + filename if not os.path.isdir(path): # If not check for ~/.config and create recipe-dl if os.path.isdir(os.path.expanduser('~') + "/.config"): try: os.makedirs(path) except OSError: if not os.path.isdir(path): raise else: path = os.path.expanduser('.') if os.path.isdir(path): filename = path + '/' + filename print_debug ('Saving cookies to ' + path ) with open(filename, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(requests_cookiejar, f) def load_cookies(url): """ Loads Cookie jar """ print_debug ('Loading cookies...') filename = cookie_filename(url) # First look in current directory if not os.path.isfile(filename): print_debug ("Unable to find " + filename + ' locally.') # Next look in ~/.config/recipe-dl path = os.path.expanduser('~') + "/.config/recipe-dl" print_debug ("Searching " + path) if os.path.isfile(path + '/' + filename): filename = path + '/' + filename else: # Lastly look where the script is located. print_debug ("Not found. Using script location.") filename = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + "/" + filename if os.path.isfile(filename): print_debug("found.") with open(filename, 'rb') as f: return pickle.load(f) else: print_debug ("Unable to find " + filename) return None def get_credentials(): """ Retrieve Credentals """ def input_credential(prompt): """ Prompt and input credentals """ credential = '' while credential == '': print_to_console(prompt) credential = input() return credential credential_json = {} credential_json['user'] = input_credential("Enter email address:") credential_json['pass'] = input_credential("Enter password:"******""" Load page using existing cookies """ print_debug ("Getting page using cookies...") recipe_page = None if cookies is None: #load cookies and do a request cookies = load_cookies(url) if not cookies is None: print_debug ('cookies = ' + str(requests.utils.dict_from_cookiejar(cookies))) recipe_page = requests.get(url, cookies=cookies).text return recipe_page def get_page_using_session(args, url): print_debug ("Getting page using sessions...") auth_json = get_credentials() session_requests = requests.session() domain = url2domain(url) signin_url = "https://" + domain +"/sign_in?next=%2F" signin_page = session_requests.get(signin_url) tree = html.fromstring(signin_page.text) action = tree.xpath('//form[@class="appForm"]/@action')[0] payload={} input_elements = tree.xpath('//form[@class="appForm"]//input') for input_element in input_elements: payload[] = input_element.value payload['utf8'] = '✓' payload['user[email]'] = auth_json['user'] payload['user[password]'] = auth_json['pass'] # Perform login authorize_url = "https://" + domain + action + "?next=%2F" result =, data = payload, headers = dict(referer = signin_url)) save_cookies(session_requests.cookies, url) # Grab page recipe_page = session_requests.get(url, headers = dict(referer = url)) return recipe_page.text raw_json = json.loads('{ "paywall": true }') if not args.authorize_ci: # Getting file using cookies raw_html = get_page_using_cookie(args, url) if not raw_html is None: raw_json = find_script(raw_html) if args.authorize_ci or raw_html is None or found_paywall(raw_json): 'Getting page using full authentication' raw_html = get_page_using_session(args, url) raw_json = find_script(raw_html) raw_json = raw_json['props']['initialState']['content']['documents'] raw_json = raw_json[list(json.loads(json.dumps(raw_json)))[0]] return raw_json print_debug("Using Cook's Illustrated scraper...") recipe_json={} recipe_json['url'] = url source_json = get_json(args, url) if not source_json is None: print_debug(str(source_json)) recipe_json['title'] = json_clean_value(source_json, 'title') recipe_json['description'] = strip_tags(json_clean_value(source_json['metaData']['fields'], 'description'), strip_newline = True) recipe_json['yield'] = json_clean_value(source_json, 'yields') # Parse Times time_note = json_clean_value(source_json, 'recipeTimeNote') if time_note == '': time_note = 'TBD' recipe_json['preptime'] = '' recipe_json['cooktime'] = '' recipe_json['totaltime'] = time_note author = json_clean_value(source_json['metaData']['fields'], 'source') if author == '': author = url2publisher(url) recipe_json['author'] = author # Ingredients recipe_json['ingredient_groups'] = [] ingredient_groups = json_clean_value(source_json, "ingredientGroups") for group in ingredient_groups: group_json = json.loads('{"title":"","ingredients":[]}') if len(ingredient_groups) > 1: group_json['title'] = json_clean_value(group['fields'], 'title') ingredients = json_clean_value(group['fields'], "recipeIngredientItems") for ingredient in ingredients: qty = json_clean_value(ingredient['fields'], "qty") unit = json_clean_value(ingredient['fields'], "preText") item = json_clean_value(json_clean_value(ingredient['fields'], "ingredient", json.loads('{"fields": ""}'))['fields'], 'title') modifier = json_clean_value(ingredient['fields'], "postText") group_json['ingredients'].append(strip_tags("%s %s %s%s" % (qty, unit, item, modifier), strip_newline = True)) recipe_json['ingredient_groups'].append(group_json) # Directions recipe_json['direction_groups'] = [] group_json = json.loads('{"group":"","directions":[]}') steps = json_clean_value(source_json, "instructions") for step in steps: group_json['directions'].append(strip_tags(json_clean_value(step['fields'], "content"), strip_newline = True)) recipe_json['direction_groups'].append(group_json) recipe_json['notes'] = [] recipe_json['notes'].append(strip_tags(json_clean_value(source_json, 'headnote'), strip_newline = True)) else: raise UrlError(url, 'URL not supported.') return recipe_json
def generic2json(args, url): """ Loads generic URL and builds recipe JSON """ def get_json(url): """ Find and load "standardized" json document containing recipe """ return_value = None user_agent = {'User-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'} page = requests.get(url, headers = user_agent) match ='<script[^>]*type=.?application/ld\+json.?[^>]*>', page.text) if match: print_debug("Found an occurance of 'application/ld+json'") soup = BeautifulSoup(page.text, 'html5lib') scripts = soup.findAll('script', attrs = {'type':'application/ld+json'}) for script in scripts: json_stripped=re.sub('^[^\{\[]*', '', script.text) raw_json = json.loads(json_stripped) if type(raw_json) == list: return_value = json_find_array_element(raw_json, '@type', 'Recipe') try: return_value['publisher'] = json_clean_value(json_clean_value(source_json, 'publisher', json.loads('{}'), 'name', '')) if return_value['publisher'] == '': return_value['publisher'] = json_clean_value(json_find_array_element(raw_json, '@type', 'Organization'), 'name', url2publisher(url)) except: if not return_value is None: return_value['publisher'] = url2publisher(url) elif '@graph' in raw_json and type(raw_json['@graph']) == list: return_value = json_find_array_element(raw_json['@graph'], '@type', 'Recipe') try: return_value['publisher'] = json_clean_value(json_clean_value(source_json, 'publisher', json.loads('{}'), 'name', '')) if return_value['publisher'] == '': return_value['publisher'] = json_clean_value(json_find_array_element(raw_json['@graph'], '@type', 'Organization'), 'name', url2publisher(url)) except: if not return_value is None: return_value['publisher']=url2publisher(url) else: if return_value is None: try: if raw_json['@type'] == 'Recipe' and 'recipeIngredient' in raw_json: return_value = raw_json else: return_value = None except: return_value = None try: return_value['publisher'] = json_clean_value(json_clean_value(source_json, 'publisher', json.loads('{}')), 'name', url2publisher(url)) except: if not return_value is None: return_value['publisher']=url2publisher(url) if (not return_value is None) and ('recipeIngredient' in return_value): pass else: return_value = None return return_value print_debug("Using generic scraper...") recipe_json={} recipe_json['url'] = url source_json = get_json(url) if source_json is None: print_info("No application+ld json attempting to use recipe-scrapers...") recipe_json = recipe_scraper2json(args, url) else: print_debug(json.dumps(source_json)) recipe_json['title'] = json_clean_value(source_json, 'headline', json_clean_value(source_json, 'name')) recipe_json['description'] = json_clean_value(source_json, 'description') if 'recipeYield' in source_json and type(source_json['recipeYield']) == list: recipe_json['yield'] = max(source_json['recipeYield']) else: recipe_json['yield'] = json_clean_value(source_json, 'recipeYield') # Parse Times minutes_total = iso8601.to_minutes(json_clean_value(source_json, 'totalTime')) minutes_cook = iso8601.to_minutes(json_clean_value(source_json, 'cookTime')) minutes_prep = iso8601.to_minutes(json_clean_value(source_json, 'prepTime')) if minutes_prep == 0 and minutes_total > 0 and minutes_cook > 0: minutes_prep = minutes_total - minutes_cook if minutes_total == 0 and (minutes_prep > 0 or minutes_cook > 0): minutes_total = minutes_prep + minutes_cook recipe_json['preptime'] = minutes2time(minutes_prep, '') recipe_json['cooktime'] = minutes2time(minutes_cook, '') recipe_json['totaltime'] = minutes2time(minutes_total) # Parse Author publisher = json_clean_value(source_json, 'publisher') author = json_clean_value(source_json, 'author') if type(author) == list: if 'name' in author[0]: author = author[0]['name'] elif 'name' in author: author = author['name'] if publisher != "": if author == "" or publisher == author: author == publisher else: if not (publisher in author): author = publisher + ' (' + author + ')' recipe_json['author'] = author # Ingredients ingredients = list(json_find_key(source_json, "recipeIngredient"))[0] recipe_json['ingredient_groups'] = [] recipe_json['ingredient_groups'].append(json.loads('{"title":"","ingredients":[]}')) out_ingredients = [] for ingredient in ingredients: out_ingredients.append(strip_tags(ingredient)) recipe_json['ingredient_groups'][0]['ingredients'] = out_ingredients # Directions out_instruction=[] instructionsSection=list(json_find_key(source_json, 'recipeInstructions'))[0] try: instructions=list(json_find_key(source_json, 'itemListElement'))[0] except IndexError: instructions=instructionsSection print_debug(str(instructions)) if str(instructions)[0] == '[': for instruction in instructions: try: instruction_json = instruction out_instruction.append(strip_tags(instruction_json['text'])) except: out_instruction.append(strip_tags(str(instruction))) else: out_instruction.append(strip_tags(str(instructions))) recipe_json['direction_groups'] = [] recipe_json['direction_groups'].append(json.loads('{"group":"","directions":[]}')) recipe_json['direction_groups'][0]['directions'] = out_instruction return recipe_json
def epicurious2json(args, url): """ Loads Epicurious URL and builds recipe JSON """ def get_json(args, url): """ Find and load "standardized" json document containing recipe """ return_value = None page = requests.get(url) page = BeautifulSoup(requests.get(url).text, 'html5lib') scripts = page.findAll('script') for script in scripts: match ='root\.__INITIAL_STATE__\.store', script.text) if match: for line in iter(script.text.splitlines()): match ='root\.__INITIAL_STATE__\.store', line) if match: raw_json_text = re.sub('[^}]*$','', line) raw_json_text = re.sub('^[^{]*', '', raw_json_text) raw_json_text = re.sub('"email":{"regExp":.*,"password"', '"email":{"regExp":"","password"', raw_json_text) raw_json_text = re.sub('"password":{"regExp":.*,"messages"', '"password":{"regExp":""},"messages"', raw_json_text) raw_json = json.loads(raw_json_text) return_value = json_clean_value(raw_json, 'content', json.loads('{}')) #print_debug(json.dumps(return_value, indent=4)) return return_value print_debug("Using Epicurious scraper...") recipe_json={} recipe_json['url'] = url source_json = get_json(args, url) if not source_json is None: recipe_json['title'] = json_clean_value(source_json, 'hed') recipe_json['description'] = strip_tags(json_clean_value(source_json, 'dek')) recipe_json['yield'] = json_clean_value(json_clean_value(source_json, 'servingSizeInfo',json.loads('{}')), 'servingSizeDescription') # Parse Times minutes_prep = iso8601.to_minutes(json_clean_value(source_json, 'formattedPrepTime')) minutes_cook = iso8601.to_minutes(json_clean_value(source_json, 'formattedCookTime')) minutes_total = minutes_prep + minutes_cook if minutes_prep == 0 and minutes_total > 0 and minutes_cook > 0: minutes_prep = minutes_total - minutes_cook recipe_json['preptime'] = minutes2time(minutes_prep, '') recipe_json['cooktime'] = minutes2time(minutes_cook, '') recipe_json['totaltime'] = minutes2time(minutes_total) # Parse Author publisher = "Epicurious" author = json_clean_value(source_json, 'author', '') if type(author) == list: if 'name' in author[0]: author = author[0]['name'] elif 'name' in author: author = author['name'] if publisher != "": if author == "" or publisher == author: author == publisher else: if not (publisher in author): author = publisher + ' (' + author + ')' recipe_json['author'] = author # Ingredients recipe_json['ingredient_groups'] = [] ingredient_groups = json_clean_value(source_json, "ingredientGroups") for group in ingredient_groups: group_json = json.loads('{"title":"","ingredients":[]}') if len(ingredient_groups) > 1: group_json['title'] = json_clean_value(group_json, "hed") ingredients = json_clean_value(group, "ingredients") for ingredient in ingredients: group_json['ingredients'].append(strip_tags(json_clean_value(ingredient, "description"))) recipe_json['ingredient_groups'].append(group_json) # Directions recipe_json['direction_groups'] = [] direction_groups = json_clean_value(source_json, "preparationGroups") for group in direction_groups: group_json = json.loads('{"group":"","directions":[]}') if len(direction_groups) > 1: group_json['group'] = strip_tags(json_clean_value(group_json, "hed")) steps = json_clean_value(group, "steps") for step in steps: group_json['directions'].append(strip_tags(json_clean_value(step, "description"))) recipe_json['direction_groups'].append(group_json) else: raise UrlError(url, 'URL not supported.') return recipe_json
def url2recipe_json(args, url): """ Loads recipe JSON from URL """ def json_find_key(dictionary, key): """ Finds a key and returns value(s) """ for k, v in dictionary.items(): if k == key: yield v elif isinstance(v, dict): for result in json_find_key(v, key): yield result elif isinstance(v, list): for d in v: if isinstance(d, dict): for result in json_find_key(d, key): yield result def json_find_array_element(json_obj, key, value): """ Searches for key in JSON array and returns value """ ret_value = None for array in json_obj: if array[key] == value: ret_value = array break return ret_value def minutes2time(minutes = 0, default = 'TBD'): """ Takes minutes and returns a human friendly version """ return_time = '' if minutes > 0: return_hours = int( minutes/60 ) return_minutes = ( minutes - ( return_hours*60 ) ) if return_hours > 0: return_time = str(return_hours) if return_hours > 1: return_time = return_time + ' hours ' else: return_time = return_time + ' hour ' if return_minutes > 0: return_time = return_time + str(return_minutes) if return_minutes > 1: return_time = return_time + ' minutes' else: return_time = return_time + ' minute' else: return_time = default return return_time def ci2json(args, url): """ Loads Cook's Illustrated (and affiliated) URL and checks for authentication and then builds Recipe JSON """ def get_json(args, url): """ Get JSON from page """ import pickle def find_script(source_html): if source_html is None: return None else: tree = html.fromstring(source_html) script_element = tree.xpath('//script[@id="__NEXT_DATA__"]')[0] return json.loads(script_element.text) def found_paywall(source_json): ret_value = False paywall_json = list(json_find_key(source_json, 'paywall')) if paywall_json or paywall_json[0] == 'TRUE' or json_clean_value(paywall_json[1], 'status') == "READY": ret_value = True def cookie_filename(url): return '.' + url2domain(url) + '.cookies' def save_cookies(requests_cookiejar, url): """ save cookie jar """ filename = cookie_filename(url) # Check if ~/.config/recipe-dl exists path = os.path.expanduser('~') + "/.config/recipe-dl" filename = path + '/' + filename if not os.path.isdir(path): # If not check for ~/.config and create recipe-dl if os.path.isdir(os.path.expanduser('~') + "/.config"): try: os.makedirs(path) except OSError: if not os.path.isdir(path): raise else: path = os.path.expanduser('.') if os.path.isdir(path): filename = path + '/' + filename print_debug ('Saving cookies to ' + path ) with open(filename, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(requests_cookiejar, f) def load_cookies(url): """ Loads Cookie jar """ print_debug ('Loading cookies...') filename = cookie_filename(url) # First look in current directory if not os.path.isfile(filename): print_debug ("Unable to find " + filename + ' locally.') # Next look in ~/.config/recipe-dl path = os.path.expanduser('~') + "/.config/recipe-dl" print_debug ("Searching " + path) if os.path.isfile(path + '/' + filename): filename = path + '/' + filename else: # Lastly look where the script is located. print_debug ("Not found. Using script location.") filename = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + "/" + filename if os.path.isfile(filename): print_debug("found.") with open(filename, 'rb') as f: return pickle.load(f) else: print_debug ("Unable to find " + filename) return None def get_credentials(): """ Retrieve Credentals """ def input_credential(prompt): """ Prompt and input credentals """ credential = '' while credential == '': print_to_console(prompt) credential = input() return credential credential_json = {} credential_json['user'] = input_credential("Enter email address:") credential_json['pass'] = input_credential("Enter password:"******""" Load page using existing cookies """ print_debug ("Getting page using cookies...") recipe_page = None if cookies is None: #load cookies and do a request cookies = load_cookies(url) if not cookies is None: print_debug ('cookies = ' + str(requests.utils.dict_from_cookiejar(cookies))) recipe_page = requests.get(url, cookies=cookies).text return recipe_page def get_page_using_session(args, url): print_debug ("Getting page using sessions...") auth_json = get_credentials() session_requests = requests.session() domain = url2domain(url) signin_url = "https://" + domain +"/sign_in?next=%2F" signin_page = session_requests.get(signin_url) tree = html.fromstring(signin_page.text) action = tree.xpath('//form[@class="appForm"]/@action')[0] payload={} input_elements = tree.xpath('//form[@class="appForm"]//input') for input_element in input_elements: payload[] = input_element.value payload['utf8'] = '✓' payload['user[email]'] = auth_json['user'] payload['user[password]'] = auth_json['pass'] # Perform login authorize_url = "https://" + domain + action + "?next=%2F" result =, data = payload, headers = dict(referer = signin_url)) save_cookies(session_requests.cookies, url) # Grab page recipe_page = session_requests.get(url, headers = dict(referer = url)) return recipe_page.text raw_json = json.loads('{ "paywall": true }') if not args.authorize_ci: # Getting file using cookies raw_html = get_page_using_cookie(args, url) if not raw_html is None: raw_json = find_script(raw_html) if args.authorize_ci or raw_html is None or found_paywall(raw_json): 'Getting page using full authentication' raw_html = get_page_using_session(args, url) raw_json = find_script(raw_html) raw_json = raw_json['props']['initialState']['content']['documents'] raw_json = raw_json[list(json.loads(json.dumps(raw_json)))[0]] return raw_json print_debug("Using Cook's Illustrated scraper...") recipe_json={} recipe_json['url'] = url source_json = get_json(args, url) if not source_json is None: print_debug(str(source_json)) recipe_json['title'] = json_clean_value(source_json, 'title') recipe_json['description'] = strip_tags(json_clean_value(source_json['metaData']['fields'], 'description'), strip_newline = True) recipe_json['yield'] = json_clean_value(source_json, 'yields') # Parse Times time_note = json_clean_value(source_json, 'recipeTimeNote') if time_note == '': time_note = 'TBD' recipe_json['preptime'] = '' recipe_json['cooktime'] = '' recipe_json['totaltime'] = time_note author = json_clean_value(source_json['metaData']['fields'], 'source') if author == '': author = url2publisher(url) recipe_json['author'] = author # Ingredients recipe_json['ingredient_groups'] = [] ingredient_groups = json_clean_value(source_json, "ingredientGroups") for group in ingredient_groups: group_json = json.loads('{"title":"","ingredients":[]}') if len(ingredient_groups) > 1: group_json['title'] = json_clean_value(group['fields'], 'title') ingredients = json_clean_value(group['fields'], "recipeIngredientItems") for ingredient in ingredients: qty = json_clean_value(ingredient['fields'], "qty") unit = json_clean_value(ingredient['fields'], "preText") item = json_clean_value(json_clean_value(ingredient['fields'], "ingredient", json.loads('{"fields": ""}'))['fields'], 'title') modifier = json_clean_value(ingredient['fields'], "postText") group_json['ingredients'].append(strip_tags("%s %s %s%s" % (qty, unit, item, modifier), strip_newline = True)) recipe_json['ingredient_groups'].append(group_json) # Directions recipe_json['direction_groups'] = [] group_json = json.loads('{"group":"","directions":[]}') steps = json_clean_value(source_json, "instructions") for step in steps: group_json['directions'].append(strip_tags(json_clean_value(step['fields'], "content"), strip_newline = True)) recipe_json['direction_groups'].append(group_json) recipe_json['notes'] = [] recipe_json['notes'].append(strip_tags(json_clean_value(source_json, 'headnote'), strip_newline = True)) else: raise UrlError(url, 'URL not supported.') return recipe_json def saveur2json(args, url): """ Loads Saveur URL and builds recipe JSON """ print_debug("Using Saveur scraper...") recipe_json={} recipe_json['url'] = url page = BeautifulSoup(requests.get(url).text.replace("\u2014"," "), 'html5lib') recipe_json['title'] = page.select_one('.entry-title').text #recipe_json['description'] = page.select_one('p.paragraph:first-child').text recipe_json['description'] = page.find("div", {'property':'description'}).text recipe_json['yield'] = page.select_one('div.yield span').text # Parse Times minutes_prep = 0 minutes_cook = iso8601.to_minutes(page.select_one('div.cook-time meta')['content']) minutes_total = minutes_prep + minutes_cook if minutes_prep == 0 and minutes_total > 0 and minutes_cook > 0: minutes_prep = minutes_total - minutes_cook recipe_json['preptime'] = minutes2time(minutes_prep, '') recipe_json['cooktime'] = minutes2time(minutes_cook, '') recipe_json['totaltime'] = minutes2time(minutes_total) recipe_json['author'] = url2publisher(url) # Ingredients recipe_json['ingredient_groups'] = [] recipe_json['ingredient_groups'].append(json.loads('{"title":"","ingredients":[]}')) for ingredient in page.find_all("li", class_="ingredient"): recipe_json['ingredient_groups'][0]['ingredients'].append(ingredient.text.replace("\n","").strip()) # Directions out_instruction=[] for instruction in page.find_all("li", class_="instruction"): try: instruction_json = instruction out_instruction.append(instruction_json['text'].text.replace("\n","").strip()) except: out_instruction.append(instruction.text.replace("\n","").strip()) recipe_json['direction_groups'] = [] recipe_json['direction_groups'].append(json.loads('{"group":"","directions":[]}')) recipe_json['direction_groups'][0]['directions'] = out_instruction #raise UrlError(url, 'URL not supported.') return recipe_json def stcg2json(args, url): """ Loads Saveur URL and builds recipe JSON """ print_debug("Using Sam the Cooking Guy scraper...") recipe_json={} recipe_json['url'] = url page = BeautifulSoup(requests.get(url).text.replace("\u2014"," "), 'html5lib') title = page.select_one('title').text recipe_json['title'] = re.sub('. SAM THE COOKING GUY', '', title) recipe_json['yield'] = page.select_one('div.sqs-block-content p').text if'div.sqs-block-content p')[1]: recipe_json['description'] ='div.sqs-block-content p')[1].text # Parse Times minutes_prep = 0 minutes_cook = 0 #minutes_cook = iso8601.to_minutes(page.select_one('div.cook-time meta')['content']) minutes_total = minutes_prep + minutes_cook if minutes_prep == 0 and minutes_total > 0 and minutes_cook > 0: minutes_prep = minutes_total - minutes_cook # recipe_json['preptime'] = minutes2time(minutes_prep, '') # recipe_json['cooktime'] = minutes2time(minutes_cook, '') # recipe_json['totaltime'] = minutes2time(minutes_total) recipe_json['author'] = url2publisher(url) # Ingredients recipe_json['ingredient_groups'] = [] recipe_json['ingredient_groups'].append(json.loads('{"title":"","ingredients":[]}')) ingredients = page.select_one('div.sqs-block div.sqs-block-content').find_all('p', attrs={'class': None, 'style': 'white-space:pre-wrap'}) ingredients ='div.sqs-layout div.row div.sqs-block div.sqs-block-content p') if not ingredients: ingredients = page.select_one('div.sqs-block-content ul').find_all('li', attrs={'class': None}) for ingredient in ingredients: recipe_json['ingredient_groups'][0]['ingredients'].append(ingredient.text.replace("\n","").strip()) # Directions out_instruction=[] instructions = page.select_one('div.sqs-block-content ul').find_all('li', attrs={'class': None}) if not instructions: instructions = page.select_one('div.sqs-block-content').find('ul', attrs={'data-rte-list': 'default'}).find_all('li', attrs={'class': None}) for instruction in instructions: try: instruction_json = instruction out_instruction.append(instruction_json['text'].text.replace("\n","").strip()) except: out_instruction.append(instruction.text.replace("\n","").strip()) recipe_json['direction_groups'] = [] recipe_json['direction_groups'].append(json.loads('{"group":"","directions":[]}')) recipe_json['direction_groups'][0]['directions'] = out_instruction return recipe_json def epicurious2json(args, url): """ Loads Epicurious URL and builds recipe JSON """ def get_json(args, url): """ Find and load "standardized" json document containing recipe """ return_value = None page = requests.get(url) page = BeautifulSoup(requests.get(url).text, 'html5lib') scripts = page.findAll('script') for script in scripts: match ='root\.__INITIAL_STATE__\.store', script.text) if match: for line in iter(script.text.splitlines()): match ='root\.__INITIAL_STATE__\.store', line) if match: raw_json_text = re.sub('[^}]*$','', line) raw_json_text = re.sub('^[^{]*', '', raw_json_text) raw_json_text = re.sub('"email":{"regExp":.*,"password"', '"email":{"regExp":"","password"', raw_json_text) raw_json_text = re.sub('"password":{"regExp":.*,"messages"', '"password":{"regExp":""},"messages"', raw_json_text) raw_json = json.loads(raw_json_text) return_value = json_clean_value(raw_json, 'content', json.loads('{}')) #print_debug(json.dumps(return_value, indent=4)) return return_value print_debug("Using Epicurious scraper...") recipe_json={} recipe_json['url'] = url source_json = get_json(args, url) if not source_json is None: recipe_json['title'] = json_clean_value(source_json, 'hed') recipe_json['description'] = strip_tags(json_clean_value(source_json, 'dek')) recipe_json['yield'] = json_clean_value(json_clean_value(source_json, 'servingSizeInfo',json.loads('{}')), 'servingSizeDescription') # Parse Times minutes_prep = iso8601.to_minutes(json_clean_value(source_json, 'formattedPrepTime')) minutes_cook = iso8601.to_minutes(json_clean_value(source_json, 'formattedCookTime')) minutes_total = minutes_prep + minutes_cook if minutes_prep == 0 and minutes_total > 0 and minutes_cook > 0: minutes_prep = minutes_total - minutes_cook recipe_json['preptime'] = minutes2time(minutes_prep, '') recipe_json['cooktime'] = minutes2time(minutes_cook, '') recipe_json['totaltime'] = minutes2time(minutes_total) # Parse Author publisher = "Epicurious" author = json_clean_value(source_json, 'author', '') if type(author) == list: if 'name' in author[0]: author = author[0]['name'] elif 'name' in author: author = author['name'] if publisher != "": if author == "" or publisher == author: author == publisher else: if not (publisher in author): author = publisher + ' (' + author + ')' recipe_json['author'] = author # Ingredients recipe_json['ingredient_groups'] = [] ingredient_groups = json_clean_value(source_json, "ingredientGroups") for group in ingredient_groups: group_json = json.loads('{"title":"","ingredients":[]}') if len(ingredient_groups) > 1: group_json['title'] = json_clean_value(group_json, "hed") ingredients = json_clean_value(group, "ingredients") for ingredient in ingredients: group_json['ingredients'].append(strip_tags(json_clean_value(ingredient, "description"))) recipe_json['ingredient_groups'].append(group_json) # Directions recipe_json['direction_groups'] = [] direction_groups = json_clean_value(source_json, "preparationGroups") for group in direction_groups: group_json = json.loads('{"group":"","directions":[]}') if len(direction_groups) > 1: group_json['group'] = strip_tags(json_clean_value(group_json, "hed")) steps = json_clean_value(group, "steps") for step in steps: group_json['directions'].append(strip_tags(json_clean_value(step, "description"))) recipe_json['direction_groups'].append(group_json) else: raise UrlError(url, 'URL not supported.') return recipe_json def recipe_scraper2json(args, url): from recipe_scrapers import scrape_me print_debug("Using recipe-scraper module...") recipe_json={} recipe_json['url'] = url try: scraper = scrape_me(url) recipe_json['title'] = scraper.title() recipe_json['description'] = '' recipe_json['yield'] = scraper.yields() recipe_json['preptime'] = '' recipe_json['cooktime'] = '' recipe_json['totaltime'] = minutes2time(scraper.total_time()) recipe_json['ingredient_groups'] = [] recipe_json['ingredient_groups'].append(json.loads('{"title":"","ingredients":[]}')) recipe_json['ingredient_groups'][0]['ingredients'] = scraper.ingredients() recipe_json['direction_groups'] = [] recipe_json['direction_groups'].append(json.loads('{"group":"","directions":[]}')) instructions = scraper.instructions().split('\n') recipe_json['direction_groups'][0]['directions'] = instructions except: raise UrlError(url, 'URL not supported.') return recipe_json def generic2json(args, url): """ Loads generic URL and builds recipe JSON """ def get_json(url): """ Find and load "standardized" json document containing recipe """ return_value = None user_agent = {'User-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'} page = requests.get(url, headers = user_agent) match ='<script[^>]*type=.?application/ld\+json.?[^>]*>', page.text) if match: print_debug("Found an occurance of 'application/ld+json'") soup = BeautifulSoup(page.text, 'html5lib') scripts = soup.findAll('script', attrs = {'type':'application/ld+json'}) for script in scripts: json_stripped=re.sub('^[^\{\[]*', '', script.text) raw_json = json.loads(json_stripped) if type(raw_json) == list: return_value = json_find_array_element(raw_json, '@type', 'Recipe') try: return_value['publisher'] = json_clean_value(json_clean_value(source_json, 'publisher', json.loads('{}'), 'name', '')) if return_value['publisher'] == '': return_value['publisher'] = json_clean_value(json_find_array_element(raw_json, '@type', 'Organization'), 'name', url2publisher(url)) except: if not return_value is None: return_value['publisher'] = url2publisher(url) elif '@graph' in raw_json and type(raw_json['@graph']) == list: return_value = json_find_array_element(raw_json['@graph'], '@type', 'Recipe') try: return_value['publisher'] = json_clean_value(json_clean_value(source_json, 'publisher', json.loads('{}'), 'name', '')) if return_value['publisher'] == '': return_value['publisher'] = json_clean_value(json_find_array_element(raw_json['@graph'], '@type', 'Organization'), 'name', url2publisher(url)) except: if not return_value is None: return_value['publisher']=url2publisher(url) else: if return_value is None: try: if raw_json['@type'] == 'Recipe' and 'recipeIngredient' in raw_json: return_value = raw_json else: return_value = None except: return_value = None try: return_value['publisher'] = json_clean_value(json_clean_value(source_json, 'publisher', json.loads('{}')), 'name', url2publisher(url)) except: if not return_value is None: return_value['publisher']=url2publisher(url) if (not return_value is None) and ('recipeIngredient' in return_value): pass else: return_value = None return return_value print_debug("Using generic scraper...") recipe_json={} recipe_json['url'] = url source_json = get_json(url) if source_json is None: print_info("No application+ld json attempting to use recipe-scrapers...") recipe_json = recipe_scraper2json(args, url) else: print_debug(json.dumps(source_json)) recipe_json['title'] = json_clean_value(source_json, 'headline', json_clean_value(source_json, 'name')) recipe_json['description'] = json_clean_value(source_json, 'description') if 'recipeYield' in source_json and type(source_json['recipeYield']) == list: recipe_json['yield'] = max(source_json['recipeYield']) else: recipe_json['yield'] = json_clean_value(source_json, 'recipeYield') # Parse Times minutes_total = iso8601.to_minutes(json_clean_value(source_json, 'totalTime')) minutes_cook = iso8601.to_minutes(json_clean_value(source_json, 'cookTime')) minutes_prep = iso8601.to_minutes(json_clean_value(source_json, 'prepTime')) if minutes_prep == 0 and minutes_total > 0 and minutes_cook > 0: minutes_prep = minutes_total - minutes_cook if minutes_total == 0 and (minutes_prep > 0 or minutes_cook > 0): minutes_total = minutes_prep + minutes_cook recipe_json['preptime'] = minutes2time(minutes_prep, '') recipe_json['cooktime'] = minutes2time(minutes_cook, '') recipe_json['totaltime'] = minutes2time(minutes_total) # Parse Author publisher = json_clean_value(source_json, 'publisher') author = json_clean_value(source_json, 'author') if type(author) == list: if 'name' in author[0]: author = author[0]['name'] elif 'name' in author: author = author['name'] if publisher != "": if author == "" or publisher == author: author == publisher else: if not (publisher in author): author = publisher + ' (' + author + ')' recipe_json['author'] = author # Ingredients ingredients = list(json_find_key(source_json, "recipeIngredient"))[0] recipe_json['ingredient_groups'] = [] recipe_json['ingredient_groups'].append(json.loads('{"title":"","ingredients":[]}')) out_ingredients = [] for ingredient in ingredients: out_ingredients.append(strip_tags(ingredient)) recipe_json['ingredient_groups'][0]['ingredients'] = out_ingredients # Directions out_instruction=[] instructionsSection=list(json_find_key(source_json, 'recipeInstructions'))[0] try: instructions=list(json_find_key(source_json, 'itemListElement'))[0] except IndexError: instructions=instructionsSection print_debug(str(instructions)) if str(instructions)[0] == '[': for instruction in instructions: try: instruction_json = instruction out_instruction.append(strip_tags(instruction_json['text'])) except: out_instruction.append(strip_tags(str(instruction))) else: out_instruction.append(strip_tags(str(instructions))) recipe_json['direction_groups'] = [] recipe_json['direction_groups'].append(json.loads('{"group":"","directions":[]}')) recipe_json['direction_groups'][0]['directions'] = out_instruction return recipe_json custom_print_init (quiet=args.quiet, debug=args.debug) print_info ("Processsing %s..." % (url)) # Branch based on domain domain = url2domain(url) print_debug ("Branching based on domain (%s)..." % domain) if domain in [ '','','' ]: recipe_json = ci2json(args, url) elif domain == '': if args.force_recipe_scraper: try: recipe_json = recipe_scraper2json(args, url) except: recipe_json = epicurious2json(args, url) else: recipe_json = epicurious2json(args, url) elif domain == '': recipe_json = saveur2json(args, url) elif domain == '': recipe_json = stcg2json(args, url) else: if args.force_recipe_scraper: try: recipe_json = recipe_scraper2json(args, url) except: recipe_json = generic2json(args, url) else: recipe_json = generic2json(args, url) return recipe_json
def load_cookies(url): """ Loads Cookie jar """ print_debug ('Loading cookies...') filename = cookie_filename(url) # First look in current directory if not os.path.isfile(filename): print_debug ("Unable to find " + filename + ' locally.') # Next look in ~/.config/recipe-dl path = os.path.expanduser('~') + "/.config/recipe-dl" print_debug ("Searching " + path) if os.path.isfile(path + '/' + filename): filename = path + '/' + filename else: # Lastly look where the script is located. print_debug ("Not found. Using script location.") filename = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + "/" + filename if os.path.isfile(filename): print_debug("found.") with open(filename, 'rb') as f: return pickle.load(f) else: print_debug ("Unable to find " + filename) return None