Esempio n. 1
def progress_VT_by_profile():

    base_date = "2020-09-22"
    header, lst = query_to_list(
        "select date from stats order by 1 DESC limit 1")
    last_date = lst[0][0]

    cmd = f"""
    SELECT milestone, profile_name, sum (BH) "Base # Hosts", sum(LH) "Last Scan # Hosts", 
        sum (BT) "Base # Vulner", sum(LT) "Last Scan # Vulner", (sum (BT) - sum(LT)) as "# Fixed", 
        ROUND((sum (BT) - sum(LT))*1.0 /sum(BT)* 100.0, 0) as "Fixed %"
SELECT  a.milestone, a.profile_name, a.numHosts BH, b.numHosts LH,
          a.total_vt BT,
          b.total_vt LT, (a.total_vt - b.total_vt) as F
          FROM stats b INNER join stats a on a.profile_group = b.profile_group AND a.milestone = b.milestone
          AND a.profile_name = b.profile_name
          AND ( = "{base_date}" AND = "{last_date}")
GROUP BY milestone, profile_name
HAVING "# Fixed" != 0
SELECT "Total", "",sum (BH) "Base # Hosts", sum(LH) "Last Scan # Hosts", sum (BT) "Base # Vulner", sum(LT) "Last Scan # Vulner", (sum (BT) - sum(LT)) as "# Fixed", 
         ROUND((sum (BT) - sum(LT))*1.0 /sum(BT)* 100.0, 0) as "Fixed %"
SELECT  b.milestone, a.profile_name, a.numHosts BH, b.numHosts LH,
          a.total_vt BT,
          b.total_vt LT, (a.total_vt - b.total_vt) as F
          FROM stats b INNER join stats a on a.profile_group = b.profile_group AND a.milestone = b.milestone
          AND a.profile_name = b.profile_name
          AND ( = "{base_date}" AND = "{last_date}")

    # print (cmd)
    return query_to_list(cmd)  # return header, rows
Esempio n. 2
def check_new_assets(scan_data):            # not used anymore
    conn, cursor = open_db()
    for row in scan_data:
        ip = row[IP_ADDRESS_COL]
        cmd = f"SELECT profile_name FROM assets WHERE ipaddress = '{ip}'"
        header, lst = query_to_list(cmd)
        if len(lst)== 0:    # IP not found, add it as is until manual fix, add "(NEW)"
            print(f"Newly added server: {ip}, tmp profile:{row[0]}")
            new_servers = True
            profile_name =  row[0]
            rec = [ip, profile_name, row[ASSET_NAME_COL], "?", "?", ""]
                insert_row_list(conn, cursor, "assets", rec)
                print (f"check_new_assets: record already exist")
                continue    # record already exist frrom previous scan row
        else:   # found, relace temp scan profile name with asset profile_name
    if new_servers:
        messagebox.showinfo("Warning", "Newly added assets to assets name '(NEW)', please arrange to adjust")
    return profile_list
Esempio n. 3
def add_new_assets():
    cmd = """
        SELECT DISTINCT vul.ipaddress
        FROM vulnerability vul LEFT JOIN assets ast USING (ipaddress)
        GROUP by
		HAVING ast.ipaddress is NULL"""
    new_profile_list = query_to_list(cmd, False)
    # print (len(new_profile_count))
    if len(new_profile_list) == 0:
        return False

    cmd = """
    INSERT INTO assets 
    SELECT * 
            SELECT DISTINCT Null, vul.ipaddress,, vul.assetName, "?","?","?","?",NULL
            FROM vulnerability vul LEFT JOIN assets ast USING (ipaddress)
            GROUP by
            HAVING ast.ipaddress is NULL
    return True

    return True
Esempio n. 4
def print_query(cmd,
    # print ("type of cmd: ", type(cmd), export)
    if type(cmd) == str:
        header, rows = query_to_list(cmd)
        header, rows = cmd()  # a function that returns header & rows
        # print ("return back from cmd,", len(rows), "\n", rows)

    if not export:
        if max_len:  # wrap long fields at 30 chars
            new_rows = []
            for i, r in enumerate(rows):
                w_row = []
                for j, c in enumerate(r):
                    if len(str(c)) > max_len:
                        w_row.append(wrap(c, max_len))
                if i > MAX_DISPLAY_LINES:  # display max of 100 lines

            table = tabulate(new_rows, headers=header, showindex="always")
            table = tabulate(rows, headers=header, showindex="always")

        output.delete(0.0, END)  # clear window
        output.insert(END, title + '\n\n')
        for line in table:
            output.insert(END, line)
    else:  # export to excel
        if not os.path.exists(OUT_FOLDER):
                                f"Folder does not exist: {OUT_FOLDER}")
            return -1

        wb = Workbook()
        ws =
        ws.title = title

        for row in rows:
        # ws['G2'].style = 'Percent'
        file_name = os.path.join(OUT_FOLDER, title + ".xlsx")
            print("error saving to excel file: ", file_name)

        if confirmation:
            messagebox.showinfo("Done!", f"file exported {file_name}! ")
Esempio n. 5
def replace_temp_profile_name(scan_data):
 # replace temp profile_name with the one from assets
    for row in scan_data:
        cmd = f"SELECT profile_name FROM assets WHERE ipaddress = '{row[IP_ADDRESS_COL]}'"
        # print (cmd)
        profile_name = query_to_list(cmd, return_header=False)
        if len(profile_name) == 1: # if not found, keep old
            row[0] = profile_name[0][0]  

    return scan_data
Esempio n. 6
def progress_by_milestone(export=None):

    # print ("export: ", export)
    if export:
        if not os.path.exists(OUT_FOLDER):
                                f"Folder does not exist: {OUT_FOLDER}")
            return -1
    base_date = "2020-09-22"
    header, lst = query_to_list(
        "select date from stats order by 1 DESC limit 1")
    last_date = lst[0][0]

    cmd = f"""
    SELECT milestone, sum (BH) "Base # Hosts", sum(LH) "Last Scan # Hosts", sum (BT) "Base # Vulner", sum(LT) "Last Scan # Vulner", (sum (BT) - sum(LT)) as "# Fixed", 
         ROUND((sum (BT) - sum(LT))*1.0 /sum(BT)* 100.0, 1) as "Fixed %"
SELECT  b.milestone, a.numHosts BH, b.numHosts LH,
          (a.High + a.Medium) BT,
          (b.High + b.Medium) LT, (a.High + a.Medium - b.High - b.Medium) as F
          FROM stats b INNER join stats a on a.profile_group = b.profile_group AND a.milestone = b.milestone
          AND a.profile_name = b.profile_name
          AND ( = "{base_date}" AND = "{last_date}")

GROUP BY milestone
SELECT "Total", sum (BH) "Base # Hosts", sum(LH) "Last Scan # Hosts", sum (BT) "Base # Vulner", sum(LT) "Last Scan # Vulner", (sum (BT) - sum(LT)) as "# Fixed", 
         ROUND((sum (BT) - sum(LT))*1.0 /sum(BT)* 100.0, 1) as "Fixed %"
SELECT  b.milestone, a.numHosts BH, b.numHosts LH,
          (a.High + a.Medium) BT,
          (b.High + b.Medium) LT, (a.High + a.Medium - b.High - b.Medium) as F
          FROM stats b INNER join stats a on a.profile_group = b.profile_group AND a.milestone = b.milestone
          AND a.profile_name = b.profile_name
          AND ( = "{base_date}" AND = "{last_date}")

    # if export:
    # query_to_excel(cmd, os.path.join(OUT_FOLDER, "Summary_progress by Milestone.xlsx"))
    # messagebox.showinfo("Export DOne", os.path.join(OUT_FOLDER, "Summary_progress by Milestone.xlsx"))
    # else:
    return query_to_list(cmd)  # return header, rows
Esempio n. 7
def vulner_CVEID_list():
    cmd = """
    SELECT ast.followup_group, name as 'profile name', vul.vulnerability, vul.cveid, vfc.fix_category
        FROM vulnerability vul 
        LEFT JOIN assets ast using (ipaddress)
		LEFT JOIN vul_fix_category vfc USING (vulnerability, followup_group)
    WHERE risk in ('High', 'Medium') AND ifnull(ast.exclude,0) = 0
    GROUP by  vul.vulnerability,vfc.fix_category, followup_group
	order by 1"""
    return query_to_list(cmd)  # return header, rows
Esempio n. 8
def progress_VT_by_group(export=None):  #stats by VT Vulnetability Type

    if export:
        if not os.path.exists(OUT_FOLDER):
                                f"Folder does not exist: {OUT_FOLDER}")
            return -1
    base_date = "2020-09-22"
    header, lst = query_to_list(
        "select date from stats order by 1 DESC limit 1")
    last_date = lst[0][0]

    cmd = f"""
    SELECT profile_group, sum (BH) "Base # Hosts", sum(LH) "Last Scan # Hosts", 
        sum (BT) "Base # Vulner", sum(LT) "Last Scan # Vulner", (sum (BT) - sum(LT)) as "# Fixed", 
        ROUND((sum (BT) - sum(LT))*1.0 /sum(BT)* 100.0, 1) as "Fixed %"
SELECT a.profile_group, a.numHosts BH, b.numHosts LH,
          a.total_vt BT,
          b.total_vt LT, (a.total_vt - b.total_vt) as F
          FROM stats b INNER join stats a on a.profile_group = b.profile_group AND a.milestone = b.milestone
          AND a.profile_name = b.profile_name
          AND ( = "{base_date}" AND = "{last_date}")
GROUP BY profile_group
SELECT "Total", sum (BH) "Base # Hosts", sum(LH) "Last Scan # Hosts", sum (BT) "Base # Vulner", sum(LT) "Last Scan # Vulner", 
        (sum (BT) - sum(LT)) as "# Fixed", 
         ROUND((sum (BT) - sum(LT))*1.0 /sum(BT)* 100.0, 1) as "Fixed %"
SELECT a.profile_group, a.numHosts BH, b.numHosts LH,
          a.total_vt BT,
          b.total_vt LT, (a.total_vt - b.total_vt) as F
          FROM stats b INNER join stats a on a.profile_group = b.profile_group AND a.milestone = b.milestone
          AND a.profile_name = b.profile_name
          AND ( = "{base_date}" AND = "{last_date}")

    return query_to_list(cmd)  # return header, rows
Esempio n. 9
def progress_by_profile():

    base_date = "2020-09-22"
    header, lst = query_to_list(
        "select date from stats order by 1 DESC limit 1")
    last_date = lst[0][0]

    cmd = f"""
    SELECT milestone, profile_name, sum (BH) "Base # Hosts", sum(LH) "Last Scan # Hosts", 
        sum (BT) "Base # Vulner", sum(LT) "Last Scan # Vulner", (sum (BT) - sum(LT)) as "# Fixed", 
        ROUND((sum (BT) - sum(LT))*1.0 /sum(BT)* 100.0, 1) as "Fixed %"
SELECT  a.milestone, a.profile_name, a.numHosts BH, b.numHosts LH,
          a.total_HM BT,
          b.total_HM LT, (a.total_HM - b.total_HM) as F
          FROM stats b INNER join stats a on a.profile_group = b.profile_group AND a.milestone = b.milestone
          AND a.profile_name = b.profile_name
          AND ( = "{base_date}" AND = "{last_date}")
GROUP BY milestone, profile_name
HAVING "# Fixed" != 0
SELECT "Total", "",sum (BH) "Base # Hosts", sum(LH) "Last Scan # Hosts", sum (BT) "Base # Vulner", sum(LT) "Last Scan # Vulner", (sum (BT) - sum(LT)) as "# Fixed", 
         ROUND((sum (BT) - sum(LT))*1.0 /sum(BT)* 100.0, 1) as "Fixed %"
SELECT  b.milestone, a.profile_name, a.numHosts BH, b.numHosts LH,
          a.total_HM BT,
          b.total_HM LT, (a.total_HM - b.total_HM) as F
          FROM stats b INNER join stats a on a.profile_group = b.profile_group AND a.milestone = b.milestone
          AND a.profile_name = b.profile_name
          AND ( = "{base_date}" AND = "{last_date}")

    # print (cmd)
    # if export:
    # query_to_excel(cmd, os.path.join(OUT_FOLDER, "Summary_progress by Milestone.xlsx"))
    # else:
    return query_to_list(cmd)  # return header, rows
Esempio n. 10
def progress_VT_by_followup_group():
    cmd = """
    SELECT followup_group, base_numHosts "Base # Hosts", current_numHosts "Last Scan # Hosts", 
        base_total_vt "Base # Vulner", current_total_vt "Last Scan # Vulner",
        (base_total_vt - current_total_vt) as "# Fixed"
		,  ifnull(ROUND((base_total_vt - current_total_vt)*100.0 /base_total_vt,0), 0)as "Fixed %"
    FROM stats_vt
    SELECT "Total", sum (base_numHosts),  sum (current_numHosts), 
            sum (base_total_vt) , sum(current_total_vt) , 
            (sum (base_total_vt) - sum(current_total_vt)) , 
                ROUND((sum (base_total_vt) - sum(current_total_vt))*100.0 /sum(base_total_vt), 0)
            FROM stats_vt"""

    return query_to_list(cmd)  # return header, rows
Esempio n. 11
def progress_by_followup_group():
    cmd = """
    SELECT followup_group, sum (numHosts) "# Hosts", sum (current_numHosts) "Last Scan # Hosts",
        sum (total_HM) "Base # Vulner", sum(current_total_HM) "Last Scan # Vulner", 
        (sum (total_HM) - sum(current_total_HM)) as "# Fixed", 
        ifnull(ROUND((sum (total_HM) - sum(current_total_HM))*1.0 /sum(total_HM)* 100.0, 1),0) as "Fixed %"
    FROM stats
    GROUP BY followup_group
    SELECT "Total", sum (numHosts),  sum (current_numHosts) "Last Scan # Hosts", 
            sum (total_HM) , sum(current_total_HM) , 
            (sum (total_HM) - sum(current_total_HM)) , 
            ROUND((sum (total_HM) - sum(current_total_HM))*1.0 /sum(total_HM)* 100.0, 1)
            FROM stats"""

    return query_to_list(cmd)  # return header, rows
Esempio n. 12
def progress_by_milestone():

    cmd = f"""
    SELECT milestone, sum (numHosts) "Base # Hosts", sum(current_numHosts) "Last Scan # Hosts", 
            sum (total_HM) "Base # Vulner", sum(current_total_HM) "Last Scan # Vulner", 
            (sum (total_HM) - sum(current_total_HM)) as "# Fixed", 
            ifnull(ROUND((sum (total_HM) - sum(current_total_HM))*1.0 /sum(total_HM)* 100.0, 1),0) as "Fixed %"
    FROM stats
    GROUP BY milestone
    SELECT "Total", sum (numHosts) "Base # Hosts", sum(current_numHosts) "Last Scan # Hosts", 
            sum (total_HM) "Base # Vulner", sum(current_total_HM) "Last Scan # Vulner", 
            (sum (total_HM) - sum(current_total_HM)) as "# Fixed", 
            ROUND((sum (total_HM) - sum(current_total_HM))*1.0 /sum(total_HM)* 100.0, 1) as "Fixed %"
    FROM stats"""

    return query_to_list(cmd)  # return header, rows
Esempio n. 13
def progress_by_group_proj_scope():

    cmd = """
    SELECT milestone, profile_group, sum (numHosts) "# Hosts",  
        sum (total_HM) "Base # Vulner", sum(proj_scope_current_HM) "Last Scan # Vulner", 
        (sum (total_HM) - sum(proj_scope_current_HM)) as "# Fixed", 
        ifnull(ROUND((sum (total_HM) - sum(proj_scope_current_HM))*1.0 /sum(total_HM)* 100.0, 1),0) as "Fixed %"
        FROM stats
        GROUP BY milestone, profile_group
        SELECT "Total", "", sum (numHosts),  
        sum (total_HM) , sum(proj_scope_current_HM) , 
        (sum (total_HM) - sum(proj_scope_current_HM)) , 
        ROUND((sum (total_HM) - sum(proj_scope_current_HM))*1.0 /sum(total_HM)* 100.0, 1)
        FROM stats"""

    return query_to_list(cmd)  # return header, rows
Esempio n. 14
def progress_VT_by_group():  #stats by VT Vulnetability Type

    cmd = f"""
    SELECT profile_group, sum (numHosts) "Base # Hosts", sum(current_numHosts) "Last Scan # Hosts", 
        sum (total_vt) "Base # Vulner", sum(current_total_vt) "Last Scan # Vulner", 
        (sum (total_vt) - sum(current_total_vt)) as "# Fixed", 
        ifnull(ROUND((sum (total_vt) - sum(current_total_vt))*1.0 /sum(total_vt)* 100.0, 1),0) as "Fixed %"
    FROM stats
    GROUP BY profile_group
    SELECT "Total", sum (numHosts) "Base # Hosts", sum(current_numHosts) "Last Scan # Hosts", 
            sum (total_vt) "Base # Vulner", sum(current_total_vt) "Last Scan # Vulner", 
            (sum (total_vt) - sum(current_total_vt)) as "# Fixed", 
            ROUND((sum (total_vt) - sum(current_total_vt))*1.0 /sum(total_vt)* 100.0, 1) as "Fixed %"
    FROM stats"""

    return query_to_list(cmd)  # return header, rows
Esempio n. 15
def progress_by_group(export=None):

    cmd = f"""
    SELECT profile_group "Profile Group", sum (numHosts) "Base # Hosts", sum(current_numHosts) "Last Scan # Hosts", 
        sum (total_HM) "Base # Vulner", sum(current_total_HM) "Last Scan # Vulner", 
        (sum (total_HM) - sum(current_total_HM)) as "# Fixed", 
        ifnull(ROUND((sum (total_HM) - sum(current_total_HM))*1.0 /sum(total_HM)* 100.0, 1),0) as "Fixed %"
    FROM stats
    GROUP BY profile_group
    SELECT "Total", sum (numHosts) "Base # Hosts", sum(current_numHosts) "Last Scan # Hosts", 
            sum (total_HM) "Base # Vulner", sum(current_total_HM) "Last Scan # Vulner", 
            (sum (total_HM) - sum(current_total_HM)) as "# Fixed", 
            ROUND((sum (total_HM) - sum(current_total_HM))*1.0 /sum(total_HM)* 100.0, 1) as "Fixed %"
    FROM stats"""

    return query_to_list(cmd)  # return header, rows
Esempio n. 16
def progress_VT_by_profile():

    cmd = """
    SELECT milestone, profile_name, sum (numHosts) "Base # Hosts", sum(current_numHosts) "Last Scan # Hosts", 
        sum (total_vt) "Base # Vulner", sum(current_total_vt) "Last Scan # Vulner", 
        (sum (total_vt) - sum(current_total_vt)) as "# Fixed", 
        ifnull(ROUND((sum (total_vt) - sum(current_total_vt))*1.0 /sum(total_vt)* 100.0, 1),0) as "Fixed %"
    FROM stats
    GROUP BY milestone, profile_name
    HAVING "# Fixed" != 0
    SELECT "Total", "", sum (numHosts) "Base # Hosts", sum(current_numHosts) "Last Scan # Hosts", 
            sum (total_vt) "Base # Vulner", sum(current_total_vt) "Last Scan # Vulner", 
            (sum (total_vt) - sum(current_total_vt)) as "# Fixed", 
            ROUND((sum (total_vt) - sum(current_total_vt))*1.0 /sum(total_vt)* 100.0, 1) as "Fixed %"
    FROM stats"""

    # print (cmd)
    return query_to_list(cmd)  # return header, rows
Esempio n. 17
def progress_by_profile():
    cmd = f"""
    SELECT row_number() OVER() "#", * FROM 
        SELECT profile_group "Profile Group", profile_name "Profile Name", numHosts "Base # Hosts", 
            current_numHosts "Last Scan # Hosts", 
            total_HM "Base # Vulner", current_total_HM "Last Scan # Vulner", 
            (total_HM - current_total_HM) as "# Fixed", 
            ifnull(ROUND((total_HM - current_total_HM)*1.0 /total_HM* 100.0, 0),0) as "Fixed %"
        FROM stats
        ORDER BY "Fixed %" DESC 
        SELECT  "Total", "", "", sum (numHosts) "Base # Hosts", sum(current_numHosts) "Last Scan # Hosts", 
                sum (total_HM) "Base # Vulner", sum(current_total_HM) "Last Scan # Vulner", 
                (sum (total_HM) - sum(current_total_HM)) as "# Fixed", 
                ROUND((sum (total_HM) - sum(current_total_HM))*1.0 /sum(total_HM)* 100.0, 0) as "Fixed %"
        FROM stats"""

    return query_to_list(cmd)  # return header, rows
Esempio n. 18
def cveid_fix_category_stats():
    cmd = """
    SELECT followup_group,  COUNT(vul.vulnerability) as "CVEID Count",
        count(CASE WHEN fix_category = 'Irrelevant' THEN 1 END) as "Irrelevant",
        count(CASE WHEN substr(fix_category, 1,22)  = 'Applied latest package' THEN 1 END) as "Applied latest package",
        count(CASE WHEN substr(fix_category, 1,17)  = 'Application Issue' THEN 1 END) as 'Application Issue',
        count(CASE WHEN fix_category  = 'Oracle DBA' THEN 1 END) as 'Oracle DBA',
        count(CASE WHEN substr(fix_category, 1,5)  = 'Fixed' THEN 1 END) as 'Fixed, rescan needed',
        count(CASE WHEN substr(fix_category, 1,10)  = 'No Package' THEN 1 END) as 'No Package to Fix',
        count(CASE WHEN substr(fix_category, 1,14)  = 'False Positive' THEN 1 END) as 'False Positive', 
        count(CASE WHEN ifnull(fix_category,0) = 0 THEN 1 END) as 'unclassified' 
			SELECT DISTINCT followup_group, vulnerability
			FROM vulnerability vul 
			LEFT JOIN assets ast using (ipaddress)
			WHERE risk in ('High', 'Medium') AND ifnull(ast.exclude,0) = 0	
			GROUP by  followup_group, vulnerability
		) vul
		LEFT JOIN vul_fix_category vfc USING (vulnerability, followup_group)
		GROUP BY followup_group
	order by 1
    return query_to_list(cmd)  # return header, rows
Esempio n. 19
def list_excluded_servers():
    cmd = """
    SELECT   ipaddress, assetName, profile_name, location,  followup_group, Role
    FROM assets 
    WHERE ifnull(exclude,0) = 1"""
    return query_to_list(cmd)  # return header, rows