Esempio n. 1
class DTEveryResources_Command(Command):
    def doCommand(self, resources=None):
    Returns downtimes information for all the resources in input.
      :attr:`sites`: list of resource names (when not given, take every resource)
      {'ResourceName': {'SEVERITY': 'OUTAGE'|'AT_RISK', 
                    'StartDate': 'aDate', ...} ... }

        if self.client is None:
            from DIRAC.Core.LCG.GOCDBClient import GOCDBClient
            self.client = GOCDBClient()

        if resources is None:
            #      from DIRAC.Core.DISET.RPCClient import RPCClient
            RPC = RPCClient("ResourceStatus/ResourceStatus")
            resources = RPC.getResourcesList()
            if not resources['OK']:
                raise RSSException, where(
                    self, self.doCommand) + " " + resources['Message']
                resources = resources['Value']

            res = self.client.getStatus('Resource', resources, None, 120)
            gLogger.exception("Exception when calling GOCDBClient.")
            return {}

        if not res['OK']:
            raise RSSException, where(self,
                                      self.doCommand) + " " + res['Message']
            res = res['Value']

        if res == None:
            return {}

        resToReturn = {}

        for dt_ID in res:
            dt = {}
            dt['ID'] = dt_ID
            dt['StartDate'] = res[dt_ID]['FORMATED_START_DATE']
            dt['EndDate'] = res[dt_ID]['FORMATED_END_DATE']
            dt['Severity'] = res[dt_ID]['SEVERITY']
            dt['Description'] = res[dt_ID]['DESCRIPTION'].replace('\'', '')
            dt['Link'] = res[dt_ID]['GOCDB_PORTAL_URL']
            resToReturn[dt_ID] = dt

        return resToReturn

    doCommand.__doc__ = Command.doCommand.__doc__ + doCommand.__doc__
Esempio n. 2
class DTEveryResources_Command( Command ):

  def doCommand( self, resources = None ):
    Returns downtimes information for all the resources in input.
      :attr:`sites`: list of resource names (when not given, take every resource)
      {'ResourceName': {'SEVERITY': 'OUTAGE'|'AT_RISK', 
                    'StartDate': 'aDate', ...} ... }

    if self.client is None:
      from DIRAC.Core.LCG.GOCDBClient import GOCDBClient
      self.client = GOCDBClient()

    if resources is None:
#      from DIRAC.Core.DISET.RPCClient import RPCClient
      RPC = RPCClient( "ResourceStatus/ResourceStatus" )
      resources = RPC.getResourcesList()
      if not resources['OK']:
        raise RSSException, where( self, self.doCommand ) + " " + resources['Message']
        resources = resources['Value']

      res = self.client.getStatus( 'Resource', resources, None, 120 )
      gLogger.exception( "Exception when calling GOCDBClient." )
      return {}

    if not res['OK']:
      raise RSSException, where( self, self.doCommand ) + " " + res['Message']
      res = res['Value']

    if res == None:
      return {}

    resToReturn = {}

    for dt_ID in res:
      dt = {}
      dt['ID'] = dt_ID
      dt['StartDate'] = res[dt_ID]['FORMATED_START_DATE']
      dt['EndDate'] = res[dt_ID]['FORMATED_END_DATE']
      dt['Severity'] = res[dt_ID]['SEVERITY']
      dt['Description'] = res[dt_ID]['DESCRIPTION'].replace( '\'', '' )
      dt['Link'] = res[dt_ID]['GOCDB_PORTAL_URL']
      resToReturn[dt_ID] = dt

    return resToReturn

  doCommand.__doc__ = Command.doCommand.__doc__ + doCommand.__doc__
Esempio n. 3
class DowntimeCommand(Command):
    Downtime "master" Command or removed DTs.
    def __init__(self, args=None, clients=None):

        super(DowntimeCommand, self).__init__(args, clients)

        if 'GOCDBClient' in self.apis:
            self.gClient = self.apis['GOCDBClient']
            self.gClient = GOCDBClient()

        if 'ResourceManagementClient' in self.apis:
            self.rmClient = self.apis['ResourceManagementClient']
            self.rmClient = ResourceManagementClient()

    def _storeCommand(self, result):
      Stores the results of doNew method on the database.

        for dt in result:
            resQuery = self.rmClient.addOrModifyDowntimeCache(
        return resQuery

    def _cleanCommand(self, element, elementNames):
      Clear Cache from expired DT.

        resQuery = []

        for elementName in elementNames:
            #get the list of all DTs stored in the cache
            result = self.rmClient.selectDowntimeCache(element=element,

            if not result['OK']:
                return result

            uniformResult = [
                dict(zip(result['Columns'], res)) for res in result['Value']

            currentDate = datetime.utcnow()

            if len(uniformResult) == 0:

            #get the list of all ongoing DTs from GocDB
            gDTLinkList = self.gClient.getCurrentDTLinkList()
            if not gDTLinkList['OK']:
                return gDTLinkList

            for dt in uniformResult:
                #if DT expired or DT not in the list of current DTs, then we remove it from the cache
                if dt['EndDate'] < currentDate or dt[
                        'Link'] not in gDTLinkList['Value']:
                    result = self.rmClient.deleteDowntimeCache(

        return S_OK(resQuery)

    def _prepareCommand(self):
      DowntimeCommand requires four arguments:
      - name : <str>
      - element : Site / Resource
      - elementType: <str>

      If the elements are Site(s), we need to get their GOCDB names. They may
      not have, so we ignore them if they do not have.

        if 'name' not in self.args:
            return S_ERROR('"name" not found in self.args')
        elementName = self.args['name']

        if 'element' not in self.args:
            return S_ERROR('"element" not found in self.args')
        element = self.args['element']

        if 'elementType' not in self.args:
            return S_ERROR('"elementType" not found in self.args')
        elementType = self.args['elementType']

        if not element in ['Site', 'Resource']:
            return S_ERROR('element is neither Site nor Resource')

        hours = None
        if 'hours' in self.args:
            hours = self.args['hours']

        gOCDBServiceType = None

        # Transform DIRAC site names into GOCDB topics
        if element == 'Site':

            gocSite = getGOCSiteName(elementName)
            if not gocSite[
                    'OK']:  # The site is most probably not a grid site - not an issue, of course
                pass  # so, elementName remains unchanged
                elementName = gocSite['Value']

        # The DIRAC se names mean nothing on the grid, but their hosts do mean.
        elif elementType == 'StorageElement':
            # We need to distinguish if it's tape or disk
            seOptions = getStorageElementOptions(elementName)
            if not seOptions['OK']:
                return seOptions
            if seOptions['Value'].get('TapeSE'):
                gOCDBServiceType = "srm.nearline"
            elif seOptions['Value'].get('DiskSE'):
                gOCDBServiceType = "srm"

            seHost = CSHelpers.getSEHost(elementName)
            if not seHost['OK']:
                return seHost
            seHost = seHost['Value']

            if not seHost:
                return S_ERROR('No seHost for %s' % elementName)
            elementName = seHost

        elif elementType in ['FTS', 'FTS3']:
            gOCDBServiceType = 'FTS'
                #WARNING: this method presupposes that the server is an FTS3 type
                elementName = getGOCFTSName(elementName)
                return S_ERROR(
                    'No FTS3 server specified in dirac.cfg (see Resources/FTSEndpoints)'

        return S_OK((element, elementName, hours, gOCDBServiceType))

    def doNew(self, masterParams=None):
      Gets the parameters to run, either from the master method or from its
      own arguments.

      For every elementName, unless it is given a list, in which case it contacts
      the gocdb client. The server is not very stable, so in case of failure tries
      a second time.

      If there are downtimes, are recorded and then returned.

        if masterParams is not None:
            element, elementNames = masterParams
            hours = 120
            elementName = None
            gOCDBServiceType = None

            params = self._prepareCommand()
            if not params['OK']:
                return params
            element, elementName, hours, gOCDBServiceType = params['Value']
            elementNames = [elementName]

        #WARNING: checking all the DT that are ongoing or starting in given <hours> from now
            results = self.gClient.getStatus(element,
        except urllib2.URLError:
                #Let's give it a second chance..
                results = self.gClient.getStatus(element,
            except urllib2.URLError, e:
                return S_ERROR(e)

        if not results['OK']:
            return results
        results = results['Value']

        if results is None:  # no downtimes found
            return S_OK(None)

        #cleaning the Cache
        cleanRes = self._cleanCommand(element, elementNames)
        if not cleanRes['OK']:
            return cleanRes

        uniformResult = []

        # Humanize the results into a dictionary, not the most optimal, but readable
        for downtime, downDic in results.items():

            dt = {}

            if 'HOSTNAME' in downDic.keys():
                dt['Name'] = downDic['HOSTNAME']
            elif 'SITENAME' in downDic.keys():
                dt['Name'] = downDic['SITENAME']
                return S_ERROR("SITENAME or HOSTNAME are missing")

            if 'SERVICE_TYPE' in downDic.keys():
                dt['gOCDBServiceType'] = downDic['SERVICE_TYPE']
                if gOCDBServiceType:
                    gocdbST = gOCDBServiceType.lower()
                    csST = downDic['SERVICE_TYPE'].lower()
                    if gocdbST != csST:
                        return S_ERROR(
                            "SERVICE_TYPE mismatch between GOCDB (%s) and CS (%s) for %s"
                            % (gocdbST, csST, dt['Name']))
                #WARNING: do we want None as default value?
                dt['gOCDBServiceType'] = None

            dt['DowntimeID'] = downtime
            dt['Element'] = element
            dt['StartDate'] = downDic['FORMATED_START_DATE']
            dt['EndDate'] = downDic['FORMATED_END_DATE']
            dt['Severity'] = downDic['SEVERITY']
            dt['Description'] = downDic['DESCRIPTION'].replace('\'', '')
            dt['Link'] = downDic['GOCDB_PORTAL_URL']


        storeRes = self._storeCommand(uniformResult)
        if not storeRes['OK']:
            return storeRes

        return S_OK()
Esempio n. 4
class DowntimeCommand( Command ):
    Downtime "master" Command.

  def __init__( self, args = None, clients = None ):

    super( DowntimeCommand, self ).__init__( args, clients )

    if 'GOCDBClient' in self.apis:
      self.gClient = self.apis[ 'GOCDBClient' ]
      self.gClient = GOCDBClient()

    if 'ResourceManagementClient' in self.apis:
      self.rmClient = self.apis[ 'ResourceManagementClient' ]
      self.rmClient = ResourceManagementClient()

  def _storeCommand( self, result ):
      Stores the results of doNew method on the database.

    for dt in result:
      resQuery = self.rmClient.addOrModifyDowntimeCache( 
                               downtimeID = dt[ 'DowntimeID' ],
                               element = dt[ 'Element' ],
                               name = dt[ 'Name' ],
                               startDate = dt[ 'StartDate' ],
                               endDate = dt[ 'EndDate' ],
                               severity = dt[ 'Severity' ],
                               description = dt[ 'Description' ],
                               link = dt[ 'Link' ],
                               gocdbServiceType = dt[ 'GOCDBServiceType' ] )
      if not resQuery[ 'OK' ]:
        return resQuery
    return S_OK()

  def _prepareCommand( self ):
      DowntimeCommand requires four arguments:
      - name : <str>
      - element : Site / Resource
      - elementType: <str>

      If the elements are Site(s), we need to get their GOCDB names. They may
      not have, so we ignore them if they do not have.

    if 'name' not in self.args:
      return S_ERROR( '"name" not found in self.args' )
    elementName = self.args[ 'name' ]

    if 'element' not in self.args:
      return S_ERROR( '"element" not found in self.args' )
    element = self.args[ 'element' ]

    if 'elementType' not in self.args:
      return S_ERROR( '"elementType" not found in self.args' )
    elementType = self.args[ 'elementType' ]

    if not element in [ 'Site', 'Resource' ]:
      return S_ERROR( 'element is not Site nor Resource' )

    hours = None
    if 'hours' in self.args:
      hours = self.args[ 'hours' ]

    gocdbServiceType = None

    # Transform DIRAC site names into GOCDB topics
    if element == 'Site':

      gocSite = getGOCSiteName( elementName )
      if not gocSite[ 'OK' ]:
        return gocSite
      elementName = gocSite[ 'Value' ]

    # The DIRAC se names mean nothing on the grid, but their hosts do mean.
    elif elementType == 'StorageElement':
      # We need to distinguish if it's tape or disk
      if getStorageElementOptions( elementName )['Value']['TapeSE']:
        gocdbServiceType = "srm"
      elif getStorageElementOptions( elementName )['Value']['DiskSE']:
        gocdbServiceType = "srm.nearline"

      seHost = CSHelpers.getSEHost( elementName )
      if not seHost:
        return S_ERROR( 'No seHost for %s' % elementName )
      elementName = seHost

    return S_OK( ( element, elementName, hours, gocdbServiceType ) )

  def doNew( self, masterParams = None ):
      Gets the parameters to run, either from the master method or from its
      own arguments.

      For every elementName, unless it is given a list, in which case it contacts
      the gocdb client. The server is not very stable, so in case of failure tries
      a second time.

      If there are downtimes, are recorded and then returned.

    if masterParams is not None:
      element, elementNames = masterParams
      hours = None
      elementName = None
      gocdbServiceType = None
      params = self._prepareCommand()
      if not params[ 'OK' ]:
        return params
      element, elementName, hours, gocdbServiceType = params[ 'Value' ]
      elementNames = [ elementName ]

    startDate = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta( days = 14 )

      results = self.gClient.getStatus( element, elementName, startDate, 120 )
    except urllib2.URLError:
        #Let's give it a second chance..
        results = self.gClient.getStatus( element, elementName, startDate, 120 )
      except urllib2.URLError, e:
        return S_ERROR( e )

    if not results[ 'OK' ]:
      return results
    results = results[ 'Value' ]

    if results is None:
      return S_OK( None )

    uniformResult = []

    # Humanize the results into a dictionary, not the most optimal, but readable
    for downtime, downDic in results.items():

      dt = {}
      if gocdbServiceType and downDic[ 'SERVICE_TYPE' ]:
        if  gocdbServiceType.lower() != downDic[ 'SERVICE_TYPE' ].lower():
      if element == 'Resource':
        dt[ 'Name' ] = downDic[ 'HOSTNAME' ]
        dt[ 'Name' ] = downDic[ 'SITENAME' ]

      if not dt[ 'Name' ] in elementNames:

      dt[ 'DowntimeID' ] = downtime
      dt[ 'Element' ] = element
      dt[ 'StartDate' ] = downDic[ 'FORMATED_START_DATE' ]
      dt[ 'EndDate' ] = downDic[ 'FORMATED_END_DATE' ]
      dt[ 'Severity' ] = downDic[ 'SEVERITY' ]
      dt[ 'Description' ] = downDic[ 'DESCRIPTION' ].replace( '\'', '' )
      dt[ 'Link' ] = downDic[ 'GOCDB_PORTAL_URL' ]
        dt[ 'GOCDBServiceType' ] = downDic[ 'SERVICE_TYPE' ]
      except KeyError:
        # SERVICE_TYPE is not always defined

      uniformResult.append( dt )

    storeRes = self._storeCommand( uniformResult )
    if not storeRes[ 'OK' ]:
      return storeRes

    # We return only one downtime, if its ongoing at dtDate
    startDate = datetime.utcnow()
    if hours:
      startDate = startDate + timedelta( hours = hours )
    endDate = startDate

    result = None
    dtOutages = []
    dtWarnings = []

    for dt in uniformResult:
      if ( dt[ 'StartDate' ] < str( startDate ) ) and ( dt[ 'EndDate' ] > str( endDate ) ):
        if dt[ 'Severity' ] == 'Outage':
          dtOutages.append( dt )
          dtWarnings.append( dt )

    #In case many overlapping downtimes have been declared, the first one in
    #severity and then time order will be selected. We want to get the latest one
    #( they are sorted by insertion time )
    if len( dtOutages ) > 0:
      result = dtOutages[-1]
    elif len( dtWarnings ) > 0:
      result = dtWarnings[-1]

    return S_OK( result )
Esempio n. 5
class DowntimeCommand(Command):
    Downtime "master" Command or removed DTs.
    def __init__(self, args=None, clients=None):

        super(DowntimeCommand, self).__init__(args, clients)

        if 'GOCDBClient' in self.apis:
            self.gClient = self.apis['GOCDBClient']
            self.gClient = GOCDBClient()

        if 'ResourceManagementClient' in self.apis:
            self.rmClient = self.apis['ResourceManagementClient']
            self.rmClient = ResourceManagementClient()

    def _storeCommand(self, result):
      Stores the results of doNew method on the database.

        for dt in result:
            resQuery = self.rmClient.addOrModifyDowntimeCache(
        return resQuery

    def _cleanCommand(self, element, elementNames):
      Clear Cache from expired DT.

        resQuery = []

        for elementName in elementNames:
            # get the list of all DTs stored in the cache
            result = self.rmClient.selectDowntimeCache(element=element,

            if not result['OK']:
                return result

            uniformResult = [
                dict(zip(result['Columns'], res)) for res in result['Value']

            currentDate = datetime.utcnow()

            if not uniformResult:

            # get the list of all ongoing DTs from GocDB
            gDTLinkList = self.gClient.getCurrentDTLinkList()
            if not gDTLinkList['OK']:
                return gDTLinkList

            for dt in uniformResult:
                # if DT expired or DT not in the list of current DTs, then we remove it from the cache
                if dt['EndDate'] < currentDate or dt[
                        'Link'] not in gDTLinkList['Value']:
                    result = self.rmClient.deleteDowntimeCache(

        return S_OK(resQuery)

    def _prepareCommand(self):
      DowntimeCommand requires four arguments:
      - name : <str>
      - element : Site / Resource
      - elementType: <str>

      If the elements are Site(s), we need to get their GOCDB names. They may
      not have, so we ignore them if they do not have.

        if 'name' not in self.args:
            return S_ERROR('"name" not found in self.args')
        elementName = self.args['name']

        if 'element' not in self.args:
            return S_ERROR('"element" not found in self.args')
        element = self.args['element']

        if 'elementType' not in self.args:
            return S_ERROR('"elementType" not found in self.args')
        elementType = self.args['elementType']

        if element not in ['Site', 'Resource']:
            return S_ERROR('element is neither Site nor Resource')

        hours = None
        if 'hours' in self.args:
            hours = self.args['hours']

        gOCDBServiceType = None

        # Transform DIRAC site names into GOCDB topics
        if element == 'Site':

            gocSite = getGOCSiteName(elementName)
            if not gocSite[
                    'OK']:  # The site is most probably is not a grid site - not an issue, of course
                pass  # so, elementName remains unchanged
                elementName = gocSite['Value']

        # The DIRAC se names mean nothing on the grid, but their hosts do mean.
        elif elementType == 'StorageElement':
            # We need to distinguish if it's tape or disk
                seOptions = StorageElement(elementName).options
            except AttributeError:  # Sometimes the SE can't be instantiated properly
                    "Failure instantiating StorageElement object for %s" %
                return S_ERROR("Failure instantiating StorageElement")
            if 'SEType' in seOptions:
                # Type should follow the convention TXDY
                seType = seOptions['SEType']
                diskSE ='D[1-9]', seType) != None
                tapeSE ='T[1-9]', seType) != None
                if tapeSE:
                    gOCDBServiceType = "srm.nearline"
                elif diskSE:
                    gOCDBServiceType = "srm"

            seHost = CSHelpers.getSEHost(elementName)
            if not seHost['OK']:
                return seHost
            seHost = seHost['Value']

            if not seHost:
                return S_ERROR('No seHost for %s' % elementName)
            elementName = seHost

        elif elementType in ['FTS', 'FTS3']:
            gOCDBServiceType = 'FTS'
            # WARNING: this method presupposes that the server is an FTS3 type
            gocSite = getGOCFTSName(elementName)
            if not gocSite['OK']:
                self.log.warn("%s not in Resources/FTSEndpoints/FTS3 ?" %
                elementName = gocSite['Value']

        return S_OK((element, elementName, hours, gOCDBServiceType))

    def doNew(self, masterParams=None):
      Gets the parameters to run, either from the master method or from its
      own arguments.

      For every elementName, unless it is given a list, in which case it contacts
      the gocdb client. The server is not very stable, so in case of failure tries
      a second time.

      If there are downtimes, are recorded and then returned.

        if masterParams is not None:
            element, elementNames = masterParams
            hours = 120
            elementName = None
            gOCDBServiceType = None

            params = self._prepareCommand()
            if not params['OK']:
                return params
            element, elementName, hours, gOCDBServiceType = params['Value']
            elementNames = [elementName]

        # WARNING: checking all the DT that are ongoing or starting in given <hours> from now
            results = self.gClient.getStatus(element,
        except urllib2.URLError:
                # Let's give it a second chance..
                results = self.gClient.getStatus(element,
            except urllib2.URLError as e:
                return S_ERROR(e)

        if not results['OK']:
            return results
        results = results['Value']

        if results is None:  # no downtimes found
            return S_OK(None)

        # cleaning the Cache
        cleanRes = self._cleanCommand(element, elementNames)
        if not cleanRes['OK']:
            return cleanRes

        uniformResult = []

        # Humanize the results into a dictionary, not the most optimal, but readable
        for downtime, downDic in results.items():

            dt = {}

            if 'HOSTNAME' in downDic.keys():
                dt['Name'] = downDic['HOSTNAME']
            elif 'SITENAME' in downDic.keys():
                dt['Name'] = downDic['SITENAME']
                return S_ERROR("SITENAME or HOSTNAME are missing")

            if 'SERVICE_TYPE' in downDic.keys():
                dt['gOCDBServiceType'] = downDic['SERVICE_TYPE']
                if gOCDBServiceType:
                    gocdbST = gOCDBServiceType.lower()
                    csST = downDic['SERVICE_TYPE'].lower()
                    if gocdbST != csST:
                        return S_ERROR(
                            "SERVICE_TYPE mismatch between GOCDB (%s) and CS (%s) for %s"
                            % (gocdbST, csST, dt['Name']))
                # WARNING: do we want None as default value?
                dt['gOCDBServiceType'] = None

            dt['DowntimeID'] = downtime
            dt['Element'] = element
            dt['StartDate'] = downDic['FORMATED_START_DATE']
            dt['EndDate'] = downDic['FORMATED_END_DATE']
            dt['Severity'] = downDic['SEVERITY']
            dt['Description'] = downDic['DESCRIPTION'].replace('\'', '')
            dt['Link'] = downDic['GOCDB_PORTAL_URL']


        storeRes = self._storeCommand(uniformResult)
        if not storeRes['OK']:
            return storeRes

        return S_OK()

    def doCache(self):
      Method that reads the cache table and tries to read from it. It will
      return a list with one dictionary describing the DT if there are results.

        params = self._prepareCommand()
        if not params['OK']:
            return params
        element, elementName, hours, gOCDBServiceType = params['Value']

        result = self.rmClient.selectDowntimeCache(

        if not result['OK']:
            return result

        uniformResult = [
            dict(zip(result['Columns'], res)) for res in result['Value']

        #'targetDate' can be either now or some 'hours' later in the future
        targetDate = datetime.utcnow()

        # dtOverlapping is a buffer to assure only one dt is returned
        # when there are overlapping outage/warning dt for same element
        # on top of the buffer we put the most recent outages
        # while at the bottom the most recent warnings,
        # assumption: uniformResult list is already ordered by resource/site name, severity, startdate
        dtOverlapping = []

        if hours is not None:
            # IN THE FUTURE
            targetDate = targetDate + timedelta(hours=hours)
            # sorting by 'StartDate' b/c if we look for DTs in the future
            # then we are interested in the earliest DTs
            uniformResult.sort(key=itemgetter('Name', 'Severity', 'StartDate'))

            for dt in uniformResult:
                if (dt['StartDate'] < targetDate) and (dt['EndDate'] >
                    # the list is already ordered in a way that outages come first over warnings
                    # and the earliest outages are on top of other outages and warnings
                    # while the earliest warnings are on top of the other warnings
                    # so what ever comes first in the list is also what we are looking for
                    dtOverlapping = [dt]
            # IN THE PRESENT
            # sorting by 'EndDate' b/c if we look for DTs in the present
            # then we are interested in those DTs that last longer
            uniformResult.sort(key=itemgetter('Name', 'Severity', 'EndDate'))

            for dt in uniformResult:
                if (dt['StartDate'] < targetDate) and (dt['EndDate'] >
                    # if outage, we put it on top of the overlapping buffer
                    # i.e. the latest ending outage is on top
                    if dt['Severity'].upper() == 'OUTAGE':
                        dtOverlapping = [dt] + dtOverlapping
                    # if warning, we put it at the bottom of the overlapping buffer
                    # i.e. the latest ending warning is at the bottom
                    elif dt['Severity'].upper() == 'WARNING':

        result = None
        if len(dtOverlapping) > 0:
            dtTop = dtOverlapping[0]
            dtBottom = dtOverlapping[-1]
            if dtTop['Severity'].upper() == 'OUTAGE':
                result = dtTop
                result = dtBottom

        return S_OK(result)

    def doMaster(self):
        ''' Master method, which looks little bit spaghetti code, sorry !
        - It gets all sites and transforms them into gocSites.
        - It gets all the storage elements and transforms them into their hosts
        - It gets the the CEs (FTS and file catalogs will come).

        gocSites = CSHelpers.getGOCSites()
        if not gocSites['OK']:
            return gocSites
        gocSites = gocSites['Value']

        sesHosts = CSHelpers.getStorageElementsHosts()
        if not sesHosts['OK']:
            return sesHosts
        sesHosts = sesHosts['Value']

        resources = sesHosts

        ftsServer = getFTS3Servers()
        if ftsServer['OK']:

        # TODO: file catalogs need also to use their hosts

        #fc = CSHelpers.getFileCatalogs()
        # if fc[ 'OK' ]:
        #  resources = resources + fc[ 'Value' ]

        ce = CSHelpers.getComputingElements()
        if ce['OK']:

        self.log.verbose('Processing Sites: %s' % ', '.join(gocSites))

        siteRes = self.doNew(('Site', gocSites))
        if not siteRes['OK']:

        self.log.verbose('Processing Resources: %s' % ', '.join(resources))

        resourceRes = self.doNew(('Resource', resources))
        if not resourceRes['OK']:

        return S_OK(self.metrics)
Esempio n. 6
class DowntimeCommand( Command ):
    Downtime "master" Command.    

  def __init__( self, args = None, clients = None ):
    super( DowntimeCommand, self ).__init__( args, clients )

    if 'GOCDBClient' in self.apis:
      self.gClient = self.apis[ 'GOCDBClient' ]
      self.gClient = GOCDBClient() 

    if 'ResourceManagementClient' in self.apis:
      self.rmClient = self.apis[ 'ResourceManagementClient' ]
      self.rmClient = ResourceManagementClient()
  def _storeCommand( self, result ):
      Stores the results of doNew method on the database.

    for dt in result:
      resQuery = self.rmClient.addOrModifyDowntimeCache( dt[ 'DowntimeID' ], 
                                                         dt[ 'Element' ], 
                                                         dt[ 'Name' ], 
                                                         dt[ 'StartDate' ], 
                                                         dt[ 'EndDate' ], 
                                                         dt[ 'Severity' ], 
                                                         dt[ 'Description' ], 
                                                         dt[ 'Link' ] )  
      if not resQuery[ 'OK' ]:
        return resQuery
    return S_OK()
  def _prepareCommand( self ):
      DowntimeCommand requires three arguments:
      - name : <str>
      - element : Site / Resource
      - elementType: <str>  
      If the elements are Site(s), we need to get their GOCDB names. They may
      not have, so we ignore them if they do not have.
    if 'name' not in self.args:
      return S_ERROR( '"name" not found in self.args' )
    elementName = self.args[ 'name' ]      
    if 'element' not in self.args:
      return S_ERROR( '"element" not found in self.args' )
    element = self.args[ 'element' ]
    if 'elementType' not in self.args:
      return S_ERROR( '"elementType" not found in self.args' )
    elementType = self.args[ 'elementType' ]
    if not element in [ 'Site', 'Resource' ]:
      return S_ERROR( 'element is not Site nor Resource' )   

    hours = None
    if 'hours' in self.args:
      hours = self.args[ 'hours' ]
    # Transform DIRAC site names into GOCDB topics
    if element == 'Site':

      gocSite = getGOCSiteName( elementName )
      if not gocSite[ 'OK' ]:
        return gocSite
      elementName = gocSite[ 'Value' ]
    # The DIRAC se names mean nothing on the grid, but their hosts do mean.
    elif elementType == 'StorageElement':
      seHost = CSHelpers.getSEHost( elementName )
      if not seHost:
        return S_ERROR( 'No seHost for %s' % elementName )
      elementName = seHost
    return S_OK( ( element, elementName, hours ) )

  def doNew( self, masterParams = None ):
      Gets the parameters to run, either from the master method or from its
      own arguments.
      For every elementName, unless it is given a list, in which case it contacts 
      the gocdb client. The server is not very stable, so in case of failure tries
      a second time.
      If there are downtimes, are recorded and then returned.
    if masterParams is not None:
      element, elementNames = masterParams
      hours       = None
      elementName = None
      params = self._prepareCommand()
      if not params[ 'OK' ]:
        return params
      element, elementName, hours = params[ 'Value' ]  
      elementNames = [ elementName ]     

    startDate = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta( days = 2 )
      results = self.gClient.getStatus( element, elementName, startDate, 120 )
    except urllib2.URLError:
        #Let's give it a second chance..
        results = self.gClient.getStatus( element, elementName, startDate, 120 )
      except urllib2.URLError, e:
        return S_ERROR( e )
    if not results[ 'OK' ]:
      return results
    results = results[ 'Value' ]

    if results is None:
      return S_OK( None )

    uniformResult = []
    # Humanize the results into a dictionary, not the most optimal, but readable
    for downtime, downDic in results.items():

      dt                  = {}
      if element == 'Resource':
        dt[ 'Name' ]        = downDic[ 'HOSTNAME' ]
        dt[ 'Name' ] = downDic[ 'SITENAME' ]
      if not dt[ 'Name' ] in elementNames:
      dt[ 'DowntimeID' ]  = downtime
      dt[ 'Element' ]     = element
      dt[ 'StartDate' ]   = downDic[ 'FORMATED_START_DATE' ]
      dt[ 'EndDate' ]     = downDic[ 'FORMATED_END_DATE' ]
      dt[ 'Severity' ]    = downDic[ 'SEVERITY' ]
      dt[ 'Description' ] = downDic[ 'DESCRIPTION' ].replace( '\'', '' )
      dt[ 'Link' ]        = downDic[ 'GOCDB_PORTAL_URL' ]
      uniformResult.append( dt )  
    storeRes = self._storeCommand( uniformResult )
    if not storeRes[ 'OK' ]:
      return storeRes
    # We return only one downtime, if its ongoind at dtDate
    dtDate =     
    if hours:
      dtDate = dtDate + timedelta( hours = hours )

    result = None           
    for dt in uniformResult:
      if ( dt[ 'StartDate' ] < str( dtDate ) ) and ( dt[ 'EndDate' ] > str( dtDate ) ):
        result = dt
    return S_OK( result )            
Esempio n. 7
class DowntimeCommand( Command ):
    Downtime "master" Command.

  def __init__( self, args = None, clients = None ):

    super( DowntimeCommand, self ).__init__( args, clients )

    if 'GOCDBClient' in self.apis:
      self.gClient = self.apis[ 'GOCDBClient' ]
      self.gClient = GOCDBClient()

    if 'ResourceManagementClient' in self.apis:
      self.rmClient = self.apis[ 'ResourceManagementClient' ]
      self.rmClient = ResourceManagementClient()

  def _storeCommand( self, result ):
      Stores the results of doNew method on the database.

    for dt in result:
      resQuery = self.rmClient.addOrModifyDowntimeCache( 
                               downtimeID = dt[ 'DowntimeID' ],
                               element = dt[ 'Element' ],
                               name = dt[ 'Name' ],
                               startDate = dt[ 'StartDate' ],
                               endDate = dt[ 'EndDate' ],
                               severity = dt[ 'Severity' ],
                               description = dt[ 'Description' ],
                               link = dt[ 'Link' ],
                               gocdbServiceType = dt[ 'GOCDBServiceType' ] )
    return resQuery
  def _cleanCommand( self, element, elementNames):
      Clear Cache from expired DT.
    resQuery = []
    for elementName in elementNames:
      #reading all the cache entries
      result = self.rmClient.selectDowntimeCache( 
                               element = element,
                               name = elementName

      if not result[ 'OK' ]:
        return result

      uniformResult = [ dict( zip( result[ 'Columns' ], res ) ) for res in result[ 'Value' ] ]
      currentDate = datetime.utcnow()
      if len(uniformResult) == 0:
        return S_OK( None ) 
      for dt in uniformResult:
        if dt[ 'EndDate' ] < currentDate:
          result = self.rmClient.deleteDowntimeCache ( 
                               downtimeID = dt[ 'DowntimeID' ]
    return S_OK( resQuery )

  def _prepareCommand( self ):
      DowntimeCommand requires four arguments:
      - name : <str>
      - element : Site / Resource
      - elementType: <str>

      If the elements are Site(s), we need to get their GOCDB names. They may
      not have, so we ignore them if they do not have.

    if 'name' not in self.args:
      return S_ERROR( '"name" not found in self.args' )
    elementName = self.args[ 'name' ]

    if 'element' not in self.args:
      return S_ERROR( '"element" not found in self.args' )
    element = self.args[ 'element' ]

    if 'elementType' not in self.args:
      return S_ERROR( '"elementType" not found in self.args' )
    elementType = self.args[ 'elementType' ]

    if not element in [ 'Site', 'Resource' ]:
      return S_ERROR( 'element is neither Site nor Resource' )

    hours = None
    if 'hours' in self.args:
      hours = self.args[ 'hours' ]

    gocdbServiceType = None

    # Transform DIRAC site names into GOCDB topics
    if element == 'Site':

      gocSite = getGOCSiteName( elementName )
      if not gocSite[ 'OK' ]:
        return gocSite
      elementName = gocSite[ 'Value' ]

    # The DIRAC se names mean nothing on the grid, but their hosts do mean.
    elif elementType == 'StorageElement':
      # We need to distinguish if it's tape or disk
      if getStorageElementOptions( elementName )['Value']['TapeSE']:
        gocdbServiceType = "srm.nearline"
      elif getStorageElementOptions( elementName )['Value']['DiskSE']:
        gocdbServiceType = "srm"

      seHost = CSHelpers.getSEHost( elementName )
      if not seHost:
        return S_ERROR( 'No seHost for %s' % elementName )
      elementName = seHost
    elif elementType == 'FTS' or elementType == 'FTS3':
      gocdbServiceType = 'FTS'
        #WARNING: this method presupposes that the server is an FTS3 type
        elementName  = getGOCFTSName(elementName)
        return S_ERROR( 'No FTS3 server specified in dirac.cfg (see Resources/FTSEndpoints)' )

    return S_OK( ( element, elementName, hours, gocdbServiceType ) )

  def doNew( self, masterParams = None ):
      Gets the parameters to run, either from the master method or from its
      own arguments.

      For every elementName, unless it is given a list, in which case it contacts
      the gocdb client. The server is not very stable, so in case of failure tries
      a second time.

      If there are downtimes, are recorded and then returned.

    if masterParams is not None:
      element, elementNames = masterParams
      #translate DIRAC CS elementNames into GOCDB elementNames
      translatedElementNames = []
      for e in elementNames:
        translatedElementNames.append(CSHelpers.getSEHost( e ))
      elementNames = translatedElementNames
      hours = None
      elementName = None
      gocdbServiceType = None

      params = self._prepareCommand()
      if not params[ 'OK' ]:
        return params
      element, elementName, hours, gocdbServiceType = params[ 'Value' ]
      elementNames = [ elementName ]

    #WARNING: checking all the DT that are ongoing or starting in given <hours> from now
    startDate = None 
    if hours is not None:
      startDate = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta( hours = hours )

      results = self.gClient.getStatus( element, elementNames, startDate )
    except urllib2.URLError:
        #Let's give it a second chance..
        results = self.gClient.getStatus( element, elementNames, startDate )
      except urllib2.URLError, e:
        return S_ERROR( e )

    if not results[ 'OK' ]:
      return results
    results = results[ 'Value' ]

    if results is None:
      return S_OK( None )
    #cleaning the Cache
    cleanRes = self._cleanCommand(element, elementNames)
    if not cleanRes[ 'OK' ]:
      return cleanRes

    uniformResult = []

    # Humanize the results into a dictionary, not the most optimal, but readable
    for downtime, downDic in results.items():

      dt = {}
      if 'HOSTNAME' in downDic.keys():
        dt[ 'Name' ] = downDic[ 'HOSTNAME' ]
      elif 'SITENAME' in downDic.keys():
        dt[ 'Name' ] = downDic[ 'SITENAME' ]
        return S_ERROR( "SITENAME or HOSTNAME are missing" )
      if 'SERVICE_TYPE' in downDic.keys():
        dt[ 'GOCDBServiceType' ] = downDic[ 'SERVICE_TYPE' ]
        if gocdbServiceType:
          gocdbST = gocdbServiceType.lower()
          csST = downDic[ 'SERVICE_TYPE' ].lower()
          if gocdbST != csST:
            return S_ERROR( "SERVICE_TYPE mismatch between GOCDB (%s) and CS (%s) for %s" % (gocdbST, csST, dt[ 'Name' ]) )          
        #WARNING: do we want None as default value?
        dt[ 'GOCDBServiceType' ] = None

      dt[ 'DowntimeID' ] = downtime
      dt[ 'Element' ] = element
      dt[ 'StartDate' ] = downDic[ 'FORMATED_START_DATE' ]
      dt[ 'EndDate' ] = downDic[ 'FORMATED_END_DATE' ]
      dt[ 'Severity' ] = downDic[ 'SEVERITY' ]
      dt[ 'Description' ] = downDic[ 'DESCRIPTION' ].replace( '\'', '' )
      dt[ 'Link' ] = downDic[ 'GOCDB_PORTAL_URL' ]

      uniformResult.append( dt )

    storeRes = self._storeCommand( uniformResult )
    if not storeRes[ 'OK' ]:
      return storeRes

    return S_OK()
Esempio n. 8
class DowntimeCommand(Command):
    Downtime "master" Command.    
    def __init__(self, args=None, clients=None):

        super(DowntimeCommand, self).__init__(args, clients)

        if 'GOCDBClient' in self.apis:
            self.gClient = self.apis['GOCDBClient']
            self.gClient = GOCDBClient()

        if 'ResourceManagementClient' in self.apis:
            self.rmClient = self.apis['ResourceManagementClient']
            self.rmClient = ResourceManagementClient()

    def _storeCommand(self, result):
      Stores the results of doNew method on the database.

        for dt in result:

            resQuery = self.rmClient.addOrModifyDowntimeCache(
                dt['DowntimeID'], dt['Element'], dt['Name'], dt['StartDate'],
                dt['EndDate'], dt['Severity'], dt['Description'], dt['Link'])
            if not resQuery['OK']:
                return resQuery
        return S_OK()

    def _prepareCommand(self):
      DowntimeCommand requires three arguments:
      - name : <str>
      - element : Site / Resource
      - elementType: <str>  
      If the elements are Site(s), we need to get their GOCDB names. They may
      not have, so we ignore them if they do not have.

        if 'name' not in self.args:
            return S_ERROR('"name" not found in self.args')
        elementName = self.args['name']

        if 'element' not in self.args:
            return S_ERROR('"element" not found in self.args')
        element = self.args['element']

        if 'elementType' not in self.args:
            return S_ERROR('"elementType" not found in self.args')
        elementType = self.args['elementType']

        if not element in ['Site', 'Resource']:
            return S_ERROR('element is not Site nor Resource')

        hours = None
        if 'hours' in self.args:
            hours = self.args['hours']

        # Transform DIRAC site names into GOCDB topics
        if element == 'Site':

            gocSite = getGOCSiteName(elementName)
            if not gocSite['OK']:
                return gocSite
            elementName = gocSite['Value']

        # The DIRAC se names mean nothing on the grid, but their hosts do mean.
        elif elementType == 'StorageElement':

            seHost = CSHelpers.getSEHost(elementName)
            if not seHost:
                return S_ERROR('No seHost for %s' % elementName)
            elementName = seHost

        return S_OK((element, elementName, hours))

    def doNew(self, masterParams=None):
      Gets the parameters to run, either from the master method or from its
      own arguments.
      For every elementName, unless it is given a list, in which case it contacts 
      the gocdb client. The server is not very stable, so in case of failure tries
      a second time.
      If there are downtimes, are recorded and then returned.

        if masterParams is not None:
            element, elementNames = masterParams
            hours = None
            elementName = None
            params = self._prepareCommand()
            if not params['OK']:
                return params
            element, elementName, hours = params['Value']
            elementNames = [elementName]

        startDate = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(days=2)

            results = self.gClient.getStatus(element, elementName, startDate,
        except urllib2.URLError:
                #Let's give it a second chance..
                results = self.gClient.getStatus(element, elementName,
                                                 startDate, 120)
            except urllib2.URLError, e:
                return S_ERROR(e)

        if not results['OK']:
            return results
        results = results['Value']

        if results is None:
            return S_OK(None)

        uniformResult = []

        # Humanize the results into a dictionary, not the most optimal, but readable
        for downtime, downDic in results.items():

            dt = {}
            if element == 'Resource':
                dt['Name'] = downDic['HOSTNAME']
                dt['Name'] = downDic['SITENAME']

            if not dt['Name'] in elementNames:

            dt['DowntimeID'] = downtime
            dt['Element'] = element
            dt['StartDate'] = downDic['FORMATED_START_DATE']
            dt['EndDate'] = downDic['FORMATED_END_DATE']
            dt['Severity'] = downDic['SEVERITY']
            dt['Description'] = downDic['DESCRIPTION'].replace('\'', '')
            dt['Link'] = downDic['GOCDB_PORTAL_URL']


        storeRes = self._storeCommand(uniformResult)
        if not storeRes['OK']:
            return storeRes

        # We return only one downtime, if its ongoind at dtDate
        startDate =
        endDate = startDate
        if hours:
            startDate = startDate + timedelta(hours=hours)

        result = None
        for dt in uniformResult:

            if (dt['StartDate'] < str(startDate)) and (dt['EndDate'] >
                result = dt

        return S_OK(result)
Esempio n. 9
class DowntimeCommand(Command):
    Downtime "master" Command.    

    def __init__(self, args=None, clients=None):

        super(DowntimeCommand, self).__init__(args, clients)

        if "GOCDBClient" in self.apis:
            self.gClient = self.apis["GOCDBClient"]
            self.gClient = GOCDBClient()

        if "ResourceManagementClient" in self.apis:
            self.rmClient = self.apis["ResourceManagementClient"]
            self.rmClient = ResourceManagementClient()

    def _storeCommand(self, result):
      Stores the results of doNew method on the database.

        for dt in result:

            resQuery = self.rmClient.addOrModifyDowntimeCache(
            if not resQuery["OK"]:
                return resQuery
        return S_OK()

    def _prepareCommand(self):
      DowntimeCommand requires three arguments:
      - name : <str>
      - element : Site / Resource
      - elementType: <str>  
      If the elements are Site(s), we need to get their GOCDB names. They may
      not have, so we ignore them if they do not have.

        if "name" not in self.args:
            return S_ERROR('"name" not found in self.args')
        elementName = self.args["name"]

        if "element" not in self.args:
            return S_ERROR('"element" not found in self.args')
        element = self.args["element"]

        if "elementType" not in self.args:
            return S_ERROR('"elementType" not found in self.args')
        elementType = self.args["elementType"]

        if not element in ["Site", "Resource"]:
            return S_ERROR("element is not Site nor Resource")

        hours = None
        if "hours" in self.args:
            hours = self.args["hours"]

        # Transform DIRAC site names into GOCDB topics
        if element == "Site":

            gocSite = getGOCSiteName(elementName)
            if not gocSite["OK"]:
                return gocSite
            elementName = gocSite["Value"]

        # The DIRAC se names mean nothing on the grid, but their hosts do mean.
        elif elementType == "StorageElement":

            seHost = CSHelpers.getSEHost(elementName)
            if not seHost:
                return S_ERROR("No seHost for %s" % elementName)
            elementName = seHost

        return S_OK((element, elementName, hours))

    def doNew(self, masterParams=None):
      Gets the parameters to run, either from the master method or from its
      own arguments.
      For every elementName, unless it is given a list, in which case it contacts 
      the gocdb client. The server is not very stable, so in case of failure tries
      a second time.
      If there are downtimes, are recorded and then returned.

        if masterParams is not None:
            element, elementNames = masterParams
            hours = None
            elementName = None
            params = self._prepareCommand()
            if not params["OK"]:
                return params
            element, elementName, hours = params["Value"]
            elementNames = [elementName]

        startDate = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(days=14)

            results = self.gClient.getStatus(element, elementName, startDate, 120)
        except urllib2.URLError:
                # Let's give it a second chance..
                results = self.gClient.getStatus(element, elementName, startDate, 120)
            except urllib2.URLError, e:
                return S_ERROR(e)

        if not results["OK"]:
            return results
        results = results["Value"]

        if results is None:
            return S_OK(None)

        uniformResult = []

        # Humanize the results into a dictionary, not the most optimal, but readable
        for downtime, downDic in results.items():

            dt = {}
            if element == "Resource":
                dt["Name"] = downDic["HOSTNAME"]
                dt["Name"] = downDic["SITENAME"]

            if not dt["Name"] in elementNames:

            dt["DowntimeID"] = downtime
            dt["Element"] = element
            dt["StartDate"] = downDic["FORMATED_START_DATE"]
            dt["EndDate"] = downDic["FORMATED_END_DATE"]
            dt["Severity"] = downDic["SEVERITY"]
            dt["Description"] = downDic["DESCRIPTION"].replace("'", "")
            dt["Link"] = downDic["GOCDB_PORTAL_URL"]


        storeRes = self._storeCommand(uniformResult)
        if not storeRes["OK"]:
            return storeRes

        # We return only one downtime, if its ongoind at dtDate
        startDate = datetime.utcnow()
        endDate = startDate
        if hours:
            startDate = startDate + timedelta(hours=hours)

        result = None
        for dt in uniformResult:

            if (dt["StartDate"] < str(startDate)) and (dt["EndDate"] > str(endDate)):
                result = dt
                # We want to take the latest one ( they are sorted by insertion time )
                # break

        return S_OK(result)
Esempio n. 10
class DowntimeCommand( Command ):
    Downtime "master" Command.

  def __init__( self, args = None, clients = None ):

    super( DowntimeCommand, self ).__init__( args, clients )

    if 'GOCDBClient' in self.apis:
      self.gClient = self.apis[ 'GOCDBClient' ]
      self.gClient = GOCDBClient()

    if 'ResourceManagementClient' in self.apis:
      self.rmClient = self.apis[ 'ResourceManagementClient' ]
      self.rmClient = ResourceManagementClient()

  def _storeCommand( self, result ):
      Stores the results of doNew method on the database.

    for dt in result:
      resQuery = self.rmClient.addOrModifyDowntimeCache( 
                               downtimeID = dt[ 'DowntimeID' ],
                               element = dt[ 'Element' ],
                               name = dt[ 'Name' ],
                               startDate = dt[ 'StartDate' ],
                               endDate = dt[ 'EndDate' ],
                               severity = dt[ 'Severity' ],
                               description = dt[ 'Description' ],
                               link = dt[ 'Link' ],
                               gocdbServiceType = dt[ 'GOCDBServiceType' ] )
      if not resQuery[ 'OK' ]:
        return resQuery
    return S_OK()

  def _prepareCommand( self ):
      DowntimeCommand requires four arguments:
      - name : <str>
      - element : Site / Resource
      - elementType: <str>

      If the elements are Site(s), we need to get their GOCDB names. They may
      not have, so we ignore them if they do not have.

    if 'name' not in self.args:
      return S_ERROR( '"name" not found in self.args' )
    elementName = self.args[ 'name' ]

    if 'element' not in self.args:
      return S_ERROR( '"element" not found in self.args' )
    element = self.args[ 'element' ]

    if 'elementType' not in self.args:
      return S_ERROR( '"elementType" not found in self.args' )
    elementType = self.args[ 'elementType' ]

    if not element in [ 'Site', 'Resource' ]:
      return S_ERROR( 'element is not Site nor Resource' )

    hours = None
    if 'hours' in self.args:
      hours = self.args[ 'hours' ]

    gocdbServiceType = None

    # Transform DIRAC site names into GOCDB topics
    if element == 'Site':

      gocSite = getGOCSiteName( elementName )
      if not gocSite[ 'OK' ]:
        return gocSite
      elementName = gocSite[ 'Value' ]

    # The DIRAC se names mean nothing on the grid, but their hosts do mean.
    elif elementType == 'StorageElement':
      # We need to distinguish if it's tape or disk
      if getStorageElementOptions( elementName )['Value']['TapeSE']:
        gocdbServiceType = "srm.nearline"
      elif getStorageElementOptions( elementName )['Value']['DiskSE']:
        gocdbServiceType = "srm"

      seHost = CSHelpers.getSEHost( elementName )
      if not seHost:
        return S_ERROR( 'No seHost for %s' % elementName )
      elementName = seHost

    return S_OK( ( element, elementName, hours, gocdbServiceType ) )

  def doNew( self, masterParams = None ):
      Gets the parameters to run, either from the master method or from its
      own arguments.

      For every elementName, unless it is given a list, in which case it contacts
      the gocdb client. The server is not very stable, so in case of failure tries
      a second time.

      If there are downtimes, are recorded and then returned.

    if masterParams is not None:
      element, elementNames = masterParams
      hours = None
      elementName = None
      gocdbServiceType = None
      params = self._prepareCommand()
      if not params[ 'OK' ]:
        return params
      element, elementName, hours, gocdbServiceType = params[ 'Value' ]
      elementNames = [ elementName ]

    startDate = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta( days = 14 )

      results = self.gClient.getStatus( element, elementName, startDate, 120 )
    except urllib2.URLError:
        #Let's give it a second chance..
        results = self.gClient.getStatus( element, elementName, startDate, 120 )
      except urllib2.URLError, e:
        return S_ERROR( e )

    if not results[ 'OK' ]:
      return results
    results = results[ 'Value' ]

    if results is None:
      return S_OK( None )

    uniformResult = []

    # Humanize the results into a dictionary, not the most optimal, but readable
    for downtime, downDic in results.items():

      dt = {}
      if gocdbServiceType and downDic[ 'SERVICE_TYPE' ]:
        if  gocdbServiceType.lower() != downDic[ 'SERVICE_TYPE' ].lower():
      if element == 'Resource':
        dt[ 'Name' ] = downDic[ 'HOSTNAME' ]
        dt[ 'Name' ] = downDic[ 'SITENAME' ]

      if not dt[ 'Name' ] in elementNames:

      dt[ 'DowntimeID' ] = downtime
      dt[ 'Element' ] = element
      dt[ 'StartDate' ] = downDic[ 'FORMATED_START_DATE' ]
      dt[ 'EndDate' ] = downDic[ 'FORMATED_END_DATE' ]
      dt[ 'Severity' ] = downDic[ 'SEVERITY' ]
      dt[ 'Description' ] = downDic[ 'DESCRIPTION' ].replace( '\'', '' )
      dt[ 'Link' ] = downDic[ 'GOCDB_PORTAL_URL' ]
        dt[ 'GOCDBServiceType' ] = downDic[ 'SERVICE_TYPE' ]
      except KeyError:
        # SERVICE_TYPE is not always defined

      uniformResult.append( dt )

    storeRes = self._storeCommand( uniformResult )
    if not storeRes[ 'OK' ]:
      return storeRes

    # We return only one downtime, if its ongoing at dtDate
    startDate = datetime.utcnow()
    if hours:
      startDate = startDate + timedelta( hours = hours )
    endDate = startDate

    result = None
    dtOutages = []
    dtWarnings = []

    for dt in uniformResult:
      if ( dt[ 'StartDate' ] < str( startDate ) ) and ( dt[ 'EndDate' ] > str( endDate ) ):
        if dt[ 'Severity' ] == 'Outage':
          dtOutages.append( dt )
          dtWarnings.append( dt )

    #In case many overlapping downtimes have been declared, the first one in
    #severity and then time order will be selected. We want to get the latest one
    #( they are sorted by insertion time )
    if len( dtOutages ) > 0:
      result = dtOutages[-1]
    elif len( dtWarnings ) > 0:
      result = dtWarnings[-1]

    return S_OK( result )
Esempio n. 11
class DowntimeCommand(Command):
    Downtime "master" Command or removed DTs.

  def __init__(self, args=None, clients=None):

    super(DowntimeCommand, self).__init__(args, clients)

    if 'GOCDBClient' in self.apis:
      self.gClient = self.apis['GOCDBClient']
      self.gClient = GOCDBClient()

    if 'ResourceManagementClient' in self.apis:
      self.rmClient = self.apis['ResourceManagementClient']
      self.rmClient = ResourceManagementClient()

  def _storeCommand(self, result):
      Stores the results of doNew method on the database.

    for dt in result:
      resQuery = self.rmClient.addOrModifyDowntimeCache(downtimeID=dt['DowntimeID'],
    return resQuery

  def _cleanCommand(self, element, elementNames):
      Clear Cache from expired DT.

    resQuery = []

    for elementName in elementNames:
      # get the list of all DTs stored in the cache
      result = self.rmClient.selectDowntimeCache(element=element,

      if not result['OK']:
        return result

      uniformResult = [dict(zip(result['Columns'], res)) for res in result['Value']]

      currentDate = datetime.utcnow()

      if not uniformResult:

      # get the list of all ongoing DTs from GocDB
      gDTLinkList = self.gClient.getCurrentDTLinkList()
      if not gDTLinkList['OK']:
        return gDTLinkList

      for dt in uniformResult:
        # if DT expired or DT not in the list of current DTs, then we remove it from the cache
        if dt['EndDate'] < currentDate or dt['Link'] not in gDTLinkList['Value']:
          result = self.rmClient.deleteDowntimeCache(downtimeID=dt['DowntimeID'])

    return S_OK(resQuery)

  def _prepareCommand(self):
      DowntimeCommand requires four arguments:
      - name : <str>
      - element : Site / Resource
      - elementType: <str>

      If the elements are Site(s), we need to get their GOCDB names. They may
      not have, so we ignore them if they do not have.

    if 'name' not in self.args:
      return S_ERROR('"name" not found in self.args')
    elementName = self.args['name']

    if 'element' not in self.args:
      return S_ERROR('"element" not found in self.args')
    element = self.args['element']

    if 'elementType' not in self.args:
      return S_ERROR('"elementType" not found in self.args')
    elementType = self.args['elementType']

    if element not in ['Site', 'Resource']:
      return S_ERROR('element is neither Site nor Resource')

    hours = None
    if 'hours' in self.args:
      hours = self.args['hours']

    gOCDBServiceType = None

    # Transform DIRAC site names into GOCDB topics
    if element == 'Site':

      gocSite = getGOCSiteName(elementName)
      if not gocSite['OK']:  # The site is most probably is not a grid site - not an issue, of course
        pass  # so, elementName remains unchanged
        elementName = gocSite['Value']

    # The DIRAC se names mean nothing on the grid, but their hosts do mean.
    elif elementType == 'StorageElement':
      # We need to distinguish if it's tape or disk
        seOptions = StorageElement(elementName).options
      except AttributeError:  # Sometimes the SE can't be instantiated properly
            "Failure instantiating StorageElement object for %s" % elementName)
        return S_ERROR("Failure instantiating StorageElement")
      if 'SEType' in seOptions:
        # Type should follow the convention TXDY
        seType = seOptions['SEType']
        diskSE ='D[1-9]', seType) != None
        tapeSE ='T[1-9]', seType) != None
        if tapeSE:
          gOCDBServiceType = "srm.nearline"
        elif diskSE:
          gOCDBServiceType = "srm"

      seHost = CSHelpers.getSEHost(elementName)
      if not seHost['OK']:
        return seHost
      seHost = seHost['Value']

      if not seHost:
        return S_ERROR('No seHost for %s' % elementName)
      elementName = seHost

    elif elementType in ['FTS', 'FTS3']:
      gOCDBServiceType = 'FTS'
      # WARNING: this method presupposes that the server is an FTS3 type
      gocSite = getGOCFTSName(elementName)
      if not gocSite['OK']:
        self.log.warn("%s not in Resources/FTSEndpoints/FTS3 ?" % elementName)
        elementName = gocSite['Value']

    return S_OK((element, elementName, hours, gOCDBServiceType))

  def doNew(self, masterParams=None):
      Gets the parameters to run, either from the master method or from its
      own arguments.

      For every elementName, unless it is given a list, in which case it contacts
      the gocdb client. The server is not very stable, so in case of failure tries
      a second time.

      If there are downtimes, are recorded and then returned.

    if masterParams is not None:
      element, elementNames = masterParams
      hours = 120
      elementName = None
      gOCDBServiceType = None

      params = self._prepareCommand()
      if not params['OK']:
        return params
      element, elementName, hours, gOCDBServiceType = params['Value']
      elementNames = [elementName]

    # WARNING: checking all the DT that are ongoing or starting in given <hours> from now
      results = self.gClient.getStatus(element, name=elementNames, startingInHours=hours)
    except urllib2.URLError:
        # Let's give it a second chance..
        results = self.gClient.getStatus(element, name=elementNames, startingInHours=hours)
      except urllib2.URLError as e:
        return S_ERROR(e)

    if not results['OK']:
      return results
    results = results['Value']

    if results is None:  # no downtimes found
      return S_OK(None)

    # cleaning the Cache
    cleanRes = self._cleanCommand(element, elementNames)
    if not cleanRes['OK']:
      return cleanRes

    uniformResult = []

    # Humanize the results into a dictionary, not the most optimal, but readable
    for downtime, downDic in results.iteritems():

      dt = {}

      dt['Name'] = downDic.get('HOSTNAME', downDic.get('SITENAME'))
      if not dt['Name']:
        return S_ERROR("SITENAME and HOSTNAME are missing from downtime dictionary")

      dt['gOCDBServiceType'] = downDic.get('SERVICE_TYPE')

      if dt['gOCDBServiceType'] and gOCDBServiceType:
        if gOCDBServiceType.lower() != downDic['SERVICE_TYPE'].lower():
          return S_ERROR("SERVICE_TYPE mismatch between GOCDB (%s) and CS (%s) for %s" % (gOCDBServiceType,

      dt['DowntimeID'] = downtime
      dt['Element'] = element
      dt['StartDate'] = downDic['FORMATED_START_DATE']
      dt['EndDate'] = downDic['FORMATED_END_DATE']
      dt['Severity'] = downDic['SEVERITY']
      dt['Description'] = downDic['DESCRIPTION'].replace('\'', '')
      dt['Link'] = downDic['GOCDB_PORTAL_URL']


    storeRes = self._storeCommand(uniformResult)
    if not storeRes['OK']:
      return storeRes

    return S_OK()

  def doCache(self):
      Method that reads the cache table and tries to read from it. It will
      return a list with one dictionary describing the DT if there are results.

    params = self._prepareCommand()
    if not params['OK']:
      return params
    element, elementName, hours, gOCDBServiceType = params['Value']

    result = self.rmClient.selectDowntimeCache(element=element, name=elementName,

    if not result['OK']:
      return result

    uniformResult = [dict(zip(result['Columns'], res)) for res in result['Value']]

    #'targetDate' can be either now or some 'hours' later in the future
    targetDate = datetime.utcnow()

    # dtOverlapping is a buffer to assure only one dt is returned
    # when there are overlapping outage/warning dt for same element
    # on top of the buffer we put the most recent outages
    # while at the bottom the most recent warnings,
    # assumption: uniformResult list is already ordered by resource/site name, severity, startdate
    dtOverlapping = []

    if hours is not None:
      targetDate = targetDate + timedelta(hours=hours)
      # sorting by 'StartDate' b/c if we look for DTs in the future
      # then we are interested in the earliest DTs
      uniformResult.sort(key=itemgetter('Name', 'Severity', 'StartDate'))

      for dt in uniformResult:
        if (dt['StartDate'] < targetDate) and (dt['EndDate'] > targetDate):
          # the list is already ordered in a way that outages come first over warnings
          # and the earliest outages are on top of other outages and warnings
          # while the earliest warnings are on top of the other warnings
          # so what ever comes first in the list is also what we are looking for
          dtOverlapping = [dt]
      # sorting by 'EndDate' b/c if we look for DTs in the present
      # then we are interested in those DTs that last longer
      uniformResult.sort(key=itemgetter('Name', 'Severity', 'EndDate'))

      for dt in uniformResult:
        if (dt['StartDate'] < targetDate) and (dt['EndDate'] > targetDate):
          # if outage, we put it on top of the overlapping buffer
          # i.e. the latest ending outage is on top
          if dt['Severity'].upper() == 'OUTAGE':
            dtOverlapping = [dt] + dtOverlapping
          # if warning, we put it at the bottom of the overlapping buffer
          # i.e. the latest ending warning is at the bottom
          elif dt['Severity'].upper() == 'WARNING':

    result = None
    if dtOverlapping:
      dtTop = dtOverlapping[0]
      dtBottom = dtOverlapping[-1]
      if dtTop['Severity'].upper() == 'OUTAGE':
        result = dtTop
        result = dtBottom

    return S_OK(result)

  def doMaster(self):
    ''' Master method, which looks little bit spaghetti code, sorry !
        - It gets all sites and transforms them into gocSites.
        - It gets all the storage elements and transforms them into their hosts
        - It gets the the CEs (FTS and file catalogs will come).

    gocSites = CSHelpers.getGOCSites()
    if not gocSites['OK']:
      return gocSites
    gocSites = gocSites['Value']

    sesHosts = CSHelpers.getStorageElementsHosts()
    if not sesHosts['OK']:
      return sesHosts
    sesHosts = sesHosts['Value']

    resources = sesHosts

    ftsServer = getFTS3Servers()
    if ftsServer['OK']:

    # TODO: file catalogs need also to use their hosts

    #fc = CSHelpers.getFileCatalogs()
    # if fc[ 'OK' ]:
    #  resources = resources + fc[ 'Value' ]

    ce = CSHelpers.getComputingElements()
    if ce['OK']:

    self.log.verbose('Processing Sites: %s' % ', '.join(gocSites))

    siteRes = self.doNew(('Site', gocSites))
    if not siteRes['OK']:

    self.log.verbose('Processing Resources: %s' % ', '.join(resources))

    resourceRes = self.doNew(('Resource', resources))
    if not resourceRes['OK']:

    return S_OK(self.metrics)
Esempio n. 12
class DowntimeCommand(Command):
    Downtime "master" Command or removed DTs.
    def __init__(self, args=None, clients=None):

        super(DowntimeCommand, self).__init__(args, clients)

        if "GOCDBClient" in self.apis:
            self.gClient = self.apis["GOCDBClient"]
            self.gClient = GOCDBClient()

        if "ResourceManagementClient" in self.apis:
            self.rmClient = self.apis["ResourceManagementClient"]
            self.rmClient = ResourceManagementClient()

    def _storeCommand(self, result):
        Stores the results of doNew method on the database.

        for dt in result:
            resQuery = self.rmClient.addOrModifyDowntimeCache(
        return resQuery

    def _cleanCommand(self, element, elementNames):
        Clear Cache from expired DT.

        resQuery = []

        for elementName in elementNames:
            # get the list of all DTs stored in the cache
            result = self.rmClient.selectDowntimeCache(element=element,

            if not result["OK"]:
                return result

            uniformResult = [
                dict(zip(result["Columns"], res)) for res in result["Value"]

            currentDate = datetime.utcnow()

            if not uniformResult:

            # get the list of all ongoing DTs from GocDB
            gDTLinkList = self.gClient.getCurrentDTLinkList()
            if not gDTLinkList["OK"]:
                return gDTLinkList

            for dt in uniformResult:
                # if DT expired or DT not in the list of current DTs, then we remove it from the cache
                if dt["EndDate"] < currentDate or dt[
                        "Link"] not in gDTLinkList["Value"]:
                    result = self.rmClient.deleteDowntimeCache(

        return S_OK(resQuery)

    def _prepareCommand(self):
        DowntimeCommand requires four arguments:
        - name : <str>
        - element : Site / Resource
        - elementType: <str>

        If the elements are Site(s), we need to get their GOCDB names. They may
        not have, so we ignore them if they do not have.

        if "name" not in self.args:
            return S_ERROR('"name" not found in self.args')
        elementName = self.args["name"]

        if "element" not in self.args:
            return S_ERROR('"element" not found in self.args')
        element = self.args["element"]

        if "elementType" not in self.args:
            return S_ERROR('"elementType" not found in self.args')
        elementType = self.args["elementType"]

        if element not in ["Site", "Resource"]:
            return S_ERROR("element is neither Site nor Resource")

        hours = None
        if "hours" in self.args:
            hours = self.args["hours"]

        gOCDBServiceType = None

        # Transform DIRAC site names into GOCDB topics
        if element == "Site":

            gocSite = getGOCSiteName(elementName)
            if not gocSite[
                    "OK"]:  # The site is most probably is not a grid site - not an issue, of course
                pass  # so, elementName remains unchanged
                elementName = gocSite["Value"]

        # The DIRAC se names mean nothing on the grid, but their hosts do mean.
        elif elementType == "StorageElement":
            # for SRM and SRM only, we need to distinguish if it's tape or disk
            # if it's not SRM, then gOCDBServiceType will be None (and we'll use them all)
                se = StorageElement(elementName)
                seOptions = se.options
                seProtocols = set(se.localAccessProtocolList) | set(
            except AttributeError:  # Sometimes the SE can't be instantiated properly
                self.log.error("Failure instantiating StorageElement object",
                return S_ERROR("Failure instantiating StorageElement")
            if "SEType" in seOptions and "srm" in seProtocols:
                # Type should follow the convention TXDY
                seType = seOptions["SEType"]
                diskSE ="D[1-9]", seType) is not None
                tapeSE ="T[1-9]", seType) is not None
                if tapeSE:
                    gOCDBServiceType = "srm.nearline"
                elif diskSE:
                    gOCDBServiceType = "srm"

            res = getSEHosts(elementName)
            if not res["OK"]:
                return res
            seHosts = res["Value"]

            if not seHosts:
                return S_ERROR("No seHost(s) for %s" % elementName)
            elementName = seHosts  # in this case it will return a list, because there might be more than one host only

        elif elementType in ["FTS", "FTS3"]:
            gOCDBServiceType = "FTS"
            # WARNING: this method presupposes that the server is an FTS3 type
            gocSite = getGOCFTSName(elementName)
            if not gocSite["OK"]:
                self.log.warn("FTS not in Resources/FTSEndpoints/FTS3 ?",
                elementName = gocSite["Value"]

        elif elementType == "ComputingElement":
            res = getCESiteMapping(elementName)
            if not res["OK"]:
                return res
            siteName = res["Value"][elementName]
            ceType = gConfig.getValue(
                cfgPath("Resources", "Sites",
                        siteName.split(".")[0], siteName, "CEs", elementName,
            if ceType == "HTCondorCE":
                gOCDBServiceType = "org.opensciencegrid.htcondorce"
            elif ceType == "ARC":
                gOCDBServiceType = "ARC-CE"

        return S_OK((element, elementName, hours, gOCDBServiceType))

    def doNew(self, masterParams=None):
        Gets the parameters to run, either from the master method or from its
        own arguments.

        For every elementName, unless it is given a list, in which case it contacts
        the gocdb client. The server is not very stable, so in case of failure tries
        a second time.

        If there are downtimes, are recorded and then returned.

        if masterParams is not None:
            element, elementNames = masterParams
            hours = 120
            elementName = None
            gOCDBServiceType = None

            params = self._prepareCommand()
            if not params["OK"]:
                return params
            element, elementName, hours, gOCDBServiceType = params["Value"]
            if not isinstance(elementName, list):
                elementNames = [elementName]
                elementNames = elementName

        # WARNING: checking all the DT that are ongoing or starting in given <hours> from now
            results = self.gClient.getStatus(element,
        except URLError:
                # Let's give it a second chance..
                results = self.gClient.getStatus(element,
            except URLError as e:
                return S_ERROR(e)

        if not results["OK"]:
            return results
        results = results["Value"]

        if results is None:  # no downtimes found
            return S_OK(None)

        # cleaning the Cache
        if elementNames:
            cleanRes = self._cleanCommand(element, elementNames)
            if not cleanRes["OK"]:
                return cleanRes

        uniformResult = []

        # Humanize the results into a dictionary, not the most optimal, but readable
        for downtime, downDic in results.items():  # can be an iterator

            dt = {}

            dt["Name"] = downDic.get(
                "URL", downDic.get("HOSTNAME", downDic.get("SITENAME")))
            if not dt["Name"]:
                return S_ERROR(
                    "URL, SITENAME and HOSTNAME are missing from downtime dictionary"

            dt["gOCDBServiceType"] = downDic.get("SERVICE_TYPE")

            if dt["gOCDBServiceType"] and gOCDBServiceType:
                if gOCDBServiceType.lower() != downDic["SERVICE_TYPE"].lower():
                        "SERVICE_TYPE mismatch",
                        "between GOCDB (%s) and CS (%s) for %s" %
                        (downDic["SERVICE_TYPE"], gOCDBServiceType,

            dt["DowntimeID"] = downtime
            dt["Element"] = element
            dt["StartDate"] = downDic["FORMATED_START_DATE"]
            dt["EndDate"] = downDic["FORMATED_END_DATE"]
            dt["Severity"] = downDic["SEVERITY"]
            dt["Description"] = downDic["DESCRIPTION"].replace("'", "")
            dt["Link"] = downDic["GOCDB_PORTAL_URL"]


        storeRes = self._storeCommand(uniformResult)
        if not storeRes["OK"]:
            return storeRes

        return S_OK()

    def doCache(self):
        Method that reads the cache table and tries to read from it. It will
        return a list with one dictionary describing the DT if there are results.

        params = self._prepareCommand()
        if not params["OK"]:
            return params
        element, elementName, hours, gOCDBServiceType = params["Value"]

        result = self.rmClient.selectDowntimeCache(
        if not result["OK"]:
            return result
        if not result["Value"]:
            return S_OK()

        uniformResult = [
            dict(zip(result["Columns"], res)) for res in result["Value"]

        # 'targetDate' can be either now or in some 'hours' from now
        targetDate = datetime.utcnow()

        # dtOverlapping is a buffer to assure only one dt is returned
        # when there are overlapping outage/warning dt for same element
        # on top of the buffer we put the most recent outages
        # while at the bottom the most recent warnings,
        # assumption: uniformResult list is already ordered by resource/site name, severity, startdate
        dtOverlapping = []

        if hours is not None:
            # IN THE FUTURE
            targetDate = targetDate + timedelta(hours=hours)
            # sorting by 'StartDate' b/c if we look for DTs in the future
            # then we are interested in the earliest DTs
            uniformResult.sort(key=itemgetter("Name", "Severity", "StartDate"))

            for dt in uniformResult:
                if (dt["StartDate"] < targetDate) and (dt["EndDate"] >
                    # the list is already ordered in a way that outages come first over warnings
                    # and the earliest outages are on top of other outages and warnings
                    # while the earliest warnings are on top of the other warnings
                    # so what ever comes first in the list is also what we are looking for
                    dtOverlapping = [dt]
            # IN THE PRESENT
            # sorting by 'EndDate' b/c if we look for DTs in the present
            # then we are interested in those DTs that last longer
            uniformResult.sort(key=itemgetter("Name", "Severity", "EndDate"))

            for dt in uniformResult:
                if (dt["StartDate"] < targetDate) and (dt["EndDate"] >
                    # if outage, we put it on top of the overlapping buffer
                    # i.e. the latest ending outage is on top
                    if dt["Severity"].upper() == "OUTAGE":
                        dtOverlapping = [dt] + dtOverlapping
                    # if warning, we put it at the bottom of the overlapping buffer
                    # i.e. the latest ending warning is at the bottom
                    elif dt["Severity"].upper() == "WARNING":

        if not dtOverlapping:
            return S_OK()

        dtTop = dtOverlapping[0]
        if dtTop["Severity"].upper() == "OUTAGE":
            return S_OK(dtTop)
            return S_OK(dtOverlapping[-1])

    def doMaster(self):
        """Master method, which looks little bit spaghetti code, sorry !
        - It gets all sites and transforms them into gocSites.
        - It gets all the storage elements and transforms them into their hosts
        - It gets the the CEs (FTS and file catalogs will come).

        gocSites = getGOCSites()
        if not gocSites["OK"]:
            return gocSites
        gocSites = gocSites["Value"]

        sesHosts = getStorageElementsHosts()
        if not sesHosts["OK"]:
            return sesHosts
        sesHosts = sesHosts["Value"]

        resources = sesHosts if sesHosts else []

        ftsServer = getFTS3Servers(hostOnly=True)
        if ftsServer["OK"] and ftsServer["Value"]:

        # TODO: file catalogs need also to use their hosts

        # fc = CSHelpers.getFileCatalogs()
        # if fc[ 'OK' ]:
        #  resources = resources + fc[ 'Value' ]

        res = getCESiteMapping()
        if res["OK"] and res["Value"]:

        self.log.verbose("Processing Sites",
                         ", ".join(gocSites if gocSites else ["NONE"]))

        siteRes = self.doNew(("Site", gocSites))
        if not siteRes["OK"]:

        self.log.verbose("Processing Resources",
                         ", ".join(resources if resources else ["NONE"]))

        resourceRes = self.doNew(("Resource", resources))
        if not resourceRes["OK"]:

        return S_OK(self.metrics)
Esempio n. 13
class GOCDBStatus_Command(Command):
    def doCommand(self):
    Return getStatus from GOC DB Client
     - args[0]: string: should be a ValidRes

     - args[1]: string: should be the name of the ValidRes

     - args[2]: string: optional, number of hours in which 
     the down time is starting
        super(GOCDBStatus_Command, self).doCommand()

        if self.client is None:
            # use standard GOC DB Client
            from DIRAC.Core.LCG.GOCDBClient import GOCDBClient
            self.client = GOCDBClient()

        granularity = self.args[0]
        name = self.args[1]
            hours = self.args[2]
        except IndexError:
            hours = None

        if granularity in ('Site', 'Sites'):
            name = getGOCSiteName(name)
            if not name['OK']:
                raise RSSException, name['Message']
            name = name['Value']

            res = self.client.getStatus(granularity, name, None, hours,
            if not res['OK']:
                return {'Result': 'Unknown'}
            res = res['Value']
            if res is None or res == {}:
                return {'Result': {'DT': None}}

            DT_dict_result = {}

            now = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(microsecond=0, second=0)

            if len(res) > 1:
                #there's more than one DT
                for dt_ID in res:
                    #looking for an ongoing one
                    startSTR = res[dt_ID]['FORMATED_START_DATE']
                    start_datetime = datetime.datetime(
                        *time.strptime(startSTR, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")[0:5])
                    if start_datetime < now:
                        resDT = res[dt_ID]
                    #if I'm here, there's no OnGoing DT
                    resDT = res[res.keys()[0]]
                res = resDT
                res = res[res.keys()[0]]

            DT_dict_result['DT'] = res['SEVERITY']
            DT_dict_result['EndDate'] = res['FORMATED_END_DATE']
            startSTR = res['FORMATED_START_DATE']
            start_datetime = datetime.datetime(
                *time.strptime(startSTR, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")[0:5])
            if start_datetime > now:
                diff = convertTime(start_datetime - now, 'hours')
                DT_dict_result['DT'] = DT_dict_result['DT'] + " in " + str(
                    diff) + ' hours'

            return {'Result': DT_dict_result}

        except urllib2.URLError:
            gLogger.error("GOCDB timed out for " + granularity + " " + name)
            return {'Result': 'Unknown'}
            gLogger.exception("Exception when calling GOCDBClient for " +
                              granularity + " " + name)
            return {'Result': 'Unknown'}

    doCommand.__doc__ = Command.doCommand.__doc__ + doCommand.__doc__
Esempio n. 14
class DowntimeCommand(Command):
    Downtime "master" Command or removed DTs.

    def __init__(self, args=None, clients=None):

        super(DowntimeCommand, self).__init__(args, clients)

        if "GOCDBClient" in self.apis:
            self.gClient = self.apis["GOCDBClient"]
            self.gClient = GOCDBClient()

        if "ResourceManagementClient" in self.apis:
            self.rmClient = self.apis["ResourceManagementClient"]
            self.rmClient = ResourceManagementClient()

    def _storeCommand(self, result):
      Stores the results of doNew method on the database.

        for dt in result:
            resQuery = self.rmClient.addOrModifyDowntimeCache(
        return resQuery

    def _cleanCommand(self, element, elementNames):
      Clear Cache from expired DT.

        resQuery = []

        for elementName in elementNames:
            # get the list of all DTs stored in the cache
            result = self.rmClient.selectDowntimeCache(element=element, name=elementName)

            if not result["OK"]:
                return result

            uniformResult = [dict(zip(result["Columns"], res)) for res in result["Value"]]

            currentDate = datetime.utcnow()

            if len(uniformResult) == 0:

            # get the list of all ongoing DTs from GocDB
            gDTLinkList = self.gClient.getCurrentDTLinkList()
            if not gDTLinkList["OK"]:
                return gDTLinkList

            for dt in uniformResult:
                # if DT expired or DT not in the list of current DTs, then we remove it from the cache
                if dt["EndDate"] < currentDate or dt["Link"] not in gDTLinkList["Value"]:
                    result = self.rmClient.deleteDowntimeCache(downtimeID=dt["DowntimeID"])

        return S_OK(resQuery)

    def _prepareCommand(self):
      DowntimeCommand requires four arguments:
      - name : <str>
      - element : Site / Resource
      - elementType: <str>

      If the elements are Site(s), we need to get their GOCDB names. They may
      not have, so we ignore them if they do not have.

        if "name" not in self.args:
            return S_ERROR('"name" not found in self.args')
        elementName = self.args["name"]

        if "element" not in self.args:
            return S_ERROR('"element" not found in self.args')
        element = self.args["element"]

        if "elementType" not in self.args:
            return S_ERROR('"elementType" not found in self.args')
        elementType = self.args["elementType"]

        if not element in ["Site", "Resource"]:
            return S_ERROR("element is neither Site nor Resource")

        hours = None
        if "hours" in self.args:
            hours = self.args["hours"]

        gocdbServiceType = None

        # Transform DIRAC site names into GOCDB topics
        if element == "Site":

            gocSite = getGOCSiteName(elementName)
            if not gocSite["OK"]:
                return gocSite
            elementName = gocSite["Value"]

        # The DIRAC se names mean nothing on the grid, but their hosts do mean.
        elif elementType == "StorageElement":
            # We need to distinguish if it's tape or disk
            seOptions = getStorageElementOptions(elementName)
            if not seOptions["OK"]:
                return seOptions
            if seOptions["Value"].get("TapeSE"):
                gocdbServiceType = "srm.nearline"
            elif seOptions["Value"].get("DiskSE"):
                gocdbServiceType = "srm"

            seHost = CSHelpers.getSEHost(elementName)
            if not seHost["OK"]:
                return seHost
            seHost = seHost["Value"]

            if not seHost:
                return S_ERROR("No seHost for %s" % elementName)
            elementName = seHost

        elif elementType in ["FTS", "FTS3"]:
            gocdbServiceType = "FTS"
                # WARNING: this method presupposes that the server is an FTS3 type
                elementName = getGOCFTSName(elementName)
                return S_ERROR("No FTS3 server specified in dirac.cfg (see Resources/FTSEndpoints)")

        return S_OK((element, elementName, hours, gocdbServiceType))

    def doNew(self, masterParams=None):
      Gets the parameters to run, either from the master method or from its
      own arguments.

      For every elementName, unless it is given a list, in which case it contacts
      the gocdb client. The server is not very stable, so in case of failure tries
      a second time.

      If there are downtimes, are recorded and then returned.

        if masterParams is not None:
            element, elementNames = masterParams
            hours = 120
            elementName = None
            gocdbServiceType = None

            params = self._prepareCommand()
            if not params["OK"]:
                return params
            element, elementName, hours, gocdbServiceType = params["Value"]
            elementNames = [elementName]

        # WARNING: checking all the DT that are ongoing or starting in given <hours> from now
            results = self.gClient.getStatus(element, name=elementNames, startingInHours=hours)
        except urllib2.URLError:
                # Let's give it a second chance..
                results = self.gClient.getStatus(element, name=elementNames, startingInHours=hours)
            except urllib2.URLError, e:
                return S_ERROR(e)

        if not results["OK"]:
            return results
        results = results["Value"]

        if results is None:
            return S_OK(None)

        # cleaning the Cache
        cleanRes = self._cleanCommand(element, elementNames)
        if not cleanRes["OK"]:
            return cleanRes

        uniformResult = []

        # Humanize the results into a dictionary, not the most optimal, but readable
        for downtime, downDic in results.items():

            dt = {}

            if "HOSTNAME" in downDic.keys():
                dt["Name"] = downDic["HOSTNAME"]
            elif "SITENAME" in downDic.keys():
                dt["Name"] = downDic["SITENAME"]
                return S_ERROR("SITENAME or HOSTNAME are missing")

            if "SERVICE_TYPE" in downDic.keys():
                dt["GOCDBServiceType"] = downDic["SERVICE_TYPE"]
                if gocdbServiceType:
                    gocdbST = gocdbServiceType.lower()
                    csST = downDic["SERVICE_TYPE"].lower()
                    if gocdbST != csST:
                        return S_ERROR(
                            "SERVICE_TYPE mismatch between GOCDB (%s) and CS (%s) for %s" % (gocdbST, csST, dt["Name"])
                # WARNING: do we want None as default value?
                dt["GOCDBServiceType"] = None

            dt["DowntimeID"] = downtime
            dt["Element"] = element
            dt["StartDate"] = downDic["FORMATED_START_DATE"]
            dt["EndDate"] = downDic["FORMATED_END_DATE"]
            dt["Severity"] = downDic["SEVERITY"]
            dt["Description"] = downDic["DESCRIPTION"].replace("'", "")
            dt["Link"] = downDic["GOCDB_PORTAL_URL"]


        storeRes = self._storeCommand(uniformResult)
        if not storeRes["OK"]:
            return storeRes

        return S_OK()
Esempio n. 15
class DTEverySites_Command(Command):
    def doCommand(self, sites=None):
    Returns downtimes information for all the sites in input.
      :attr:`sites`: list of site names (when not given, take every site)
      {'SiteName': {'SEVERITY': 'OUTAGE'|'AT_RISK', 
                    'StartDate': 'aDate', ...} ... }

        if self.client is None:
            from DIRAC.Core.LCG.GOCDBClient import GOCDBClient

            self.client = GOCDBClient()

        if sites is None:
            #      from DIRAC.Core.DISET.RPCClient import RPCClient
            RPC = RPCClient("ResourceStatus/ResourceStatus")
            GOC_sites = RPC.getGridSitesList()
            if not GOC_sites["OK"]:
                raise RSSException, where(self, self.doCommand) + " " + sites["Message"]
                GOC_sites = GOC_sites["Value"]
            GOC_sites = [getGOCSiteName(x)["Value"] for x in sites]

            res = self.client.getStatus("Site", GOC_sites, None, 120)
            gLogger.exception("Exception when calling GOCDBClient.")
            return {}

        if not res["OK"]:
            raise RSSException, where(self, self.doCommand) + " " + res["Message"]
            res = res["Value"]

        if res == None:
            return {}

        resToReturn = {}

        for dt_ID in res:
                dt = {}
                dt["ID"] = dt_ID
                dt["StartDate"] = res[dt_ID]["FORMATED_START_DATE"]
                dt["EndDate"] = res[dt_ID]["FORMATED_END_DATE"]
                dt["Severity"] = res[dt_ID]["SEVERITY"]
                dt["Description"] = res[dt_ID]["DESCRIPTION"].replace("'", "")
                dt["Link"] = res[dt_ID]["GOCDB_PORTAL_URL"]
                DIRACnames = getDIRACSiteName(res[dt_ID]["SITENAME"])
                if not DIRACnames["OK"]:
                    raise RSSException, DIRACnames["Message"]
                DIRACnames = DIRACnames["Value"]
                for DIRACname in DIRACnames:
                    resToReturn[dt_ID.split()[0] + " " + DIRACname] = dt
            except KeyError:

        return resToReturn

    doCommand.__doc__ = Command.doCommand.__doc__ + doCommand.__doc__
Esempio n. 16
class GOCDBStatus_Command(Command):
  def doCommand(self):
    Return getStatus from GOC DB Client
     - args[0]: string: should be a ValidRes

     - args[1]: string: should be the name of the ValidRes

     - args[2]: string: optional, number of hours in which 
     the down time is starting
    super(GOCDBStatus_Command, self).doCommand()

    if self.client is None:
      # use standard GOC DB Client
      from DIRAC.Core.LCG.GOCDBClient import GOCDBClient   
      self.client = GOCDBClient()
    granularity = self.args[0]
    name = self.args[1]  
      hours = self.args[2]
    except IndexError:
      hours = None

    if granularity in ('Site', 'Sites'):
      name = getGOCSiteName(name)
      if not name['OK']:
        raise RSSException, name['Message']
      name = name['Value']

      res = self.client.getStatus(granularity, name, None, hours, self.timeout)
      if not res['OK']:
        return {'Result':'Unknown'}
      res = res['Value']
      if res is None or res == {}:
        return {'Result':{'DT':None}}
      DT_dict_result = {}
      now = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(microsecond = 0, second = 0)
      if len(res) > 1:
        #there's more than one DT
        for dt_ID in res:
          #looking for an ongoing one
          startSTR = res[dt_ID]['FORMATED_START_DATE']
          start_datetime = datetime.datetime( *time.strptime(startSTR, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")[0:5] )
          if start_datetime < now:
            resDT = res[dt_ID]
          #if I'm here, there's no OnGoing DT
          resDT = res[res.keys()[0]]
        res = resDT
        res = res[res.keys()[0]]

      DT_dict_result['DT'] = res['SEVERITY']
      DT_dict_result['EndDate'] = res['FORMATED_END_DATE']
      startSTR = res['FORMATED_START_DATE']
      start_datetime = datetime.datetime( *time.strptime(startSTR, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")[0:5] )
      if start_datetime > now:
        diff = convertTime(start_datetime - now, 'hours')
        DT_dict_result['DT'] = DT_dict_result['DT'] + " in " + str(diff) + ' hours'
      return {'Result':DT_dict_result}
    except urllib2.URLError:
      gLogger.error("GOCDB timed out for " + granularity + " " + name )
      return  {'Result':'Unknown'}      
      gLogger.exception("Exception when calling GOCDBClient for " + granularity + " " + name )
      return {'Result':'Unknown'}

  doCommand.__doc__ = Command.doCommand.__doc__ + doCommand.__doc__