Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(self, adminUrls=None):
        adminUrls = adminUrls or {}
        self.__soapClients = {}

        locs = getHostCertificateAndKeyLocation()
        if not locs:
            raise RuntimeError("Cannot find the host cert and key files")
        hostCert, hostKey = locs"using host cert: %s" % hostCert)"using host key: %s" % hostKey)

        result = gConfig.getSections('/Registry/VOMS/URLs')
        if not result['OK']:
            raise Exception(result['Message'])
        self.__vos = result['Value']
        for vo in self.__vos:
            result = gConfig.getOptionsDict('/Registry/VOMS/URLs/%s' % vo)
            if not result['OK']:
            url_dict = result['Value']
            if 'VOMSAdmin' not in url_dict:
                gLogger.error("Skipping setting up VOMSService for VO: %s "
                              "as no VOMSAdmin option in config" % vo)

            retries = 3
            while retries:
                    admin = adminUrls.get(vo, url_dict['VOMSAdmin'])
                    httpstransport = HTTPSClientCertTransport(hostCert,
                    adminClient = Client(admin + '?wsdl',
                    adminClient.set_options(headers={"X-VOMS-CSRF-GUARD": "1"})
                    compatClient = Client(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(admin),
                    compatClient.set_options(headers={"X-VOMS-CSRF-GUARD": "1"})
                    self.__soapClients[vo] = {'Admin': adminClient, 'Compat': compatClient}
                except Exception:
                    gLogger.warn("Failed to connect suds client to VOMSAdmin or VOMSCompatibility URL, retrying...")
                    retries -= 1
                gLogger.error("Maximum number of retries reached. Skipping "
                              "setting up VOMSService for VO: %s" % vo)
        if not self.__soapClients:
            raise RuntimeError("Couldn't setup ANY SOAP clients")
  def __init__(self):
    """ c'tor
        Just setting defaults
    self.workDir = ''  # Working directory where the files are going to be stored
    self.jsonFile = 'pilot.json'  # default filename of the pilot json file

    # domain name of the web server(s) used to upload the pilot json file and the pilot scripts
    self.pilotFileServer = ''

    # pilot sync parameters
    self.pilotRepo = ''  # repository of the pilot
    self.pilotVORepo = ''  # repository of the VO that can contain a pilot extension
    # 'pilotLocalRepo' = 'pilotLocalRepo'  # local repository to be created
    # 'pilotVOLocalRepo' = 'pilotVOLocalRepo'  # local VO repository to be created
    self.pilotSetup = gConfig.getValue('/DIRAC/Setup', '')
    self.projectDir = ''
    # where the find the pilot scripts in the VO pilot repository
    self.pilotScriptPath = 'Pilot'  # where the find the pilot scripts in the pilot repository
    self.pilotVOScriptPath = ''
    self.pilotVersion = ''
    self.pilotVOVersion = ''
    self.pilotRepoBranch = 'master'
    self.pilotVORepoBranch = 'master'
    self.certAndKeyLocation = getHostCertificateAndKeyLocation()
    self.casLocation = getCAsLocation()
    self._checksumDict = {}

    # If this is set to True, we will attempt to upload the files
    # to all the servers in the list. Obviously, it will only work
    # for the DIRAC web servers (see _upload)
    self.uploadToWebApp = True

    self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger(__name__)
Esempio n. 3
 def checkCAs(self):
     caDir = getCAsLocation()
     if not caDir:
         gLogger.warn("No valid CA dir found.")
     # In globus standards .r0 files are CRLs. They have the same names of the CAs but diffent file extension
     searchExp = os.path.join(caDir, "*.r0")
     crlList = glob.glob(searchExp)
     if not crlList:
         gLogger.warn("No CRL files found for %s. Abort check of CAs" % searchExp)
     newestFPath = max(crlList, key=os.path.getmtime)
     newestFTime = os.path.getmtime(newestFPath)
     if newestFTime > (time.time() - (2 * 24 * 3600)):
         # At least one of the files has been updated in the last 2 days
         return S_OK()
     if not os.access(caDir, os.W_OK):
         gLogger.error("Your CRLs appear to be outdated, but you have no access to update them.")
         # Try to continue anyway...
         return S_OK()
     # Update the CAs & CRLs
     gLogger.notice("Your CRLs appear to be outdated; attempting to update them...")
     bdc = BundleDeliveryClient()
     res = bdc.syncCAs()
     if not res["OK"]:
         gLogger.error("Failed to update CAs", res["Message"])
     res = bdc.syncCRLs()
     if not res["OK"]:
         gLogger.error("Failed to update CRLs", res["Message"])
     # Continue even if the update failed...
     return S_OK()
Esempio n. 4
    def _downTimeCurlDownload(self, entity=None, startDate=None):
        """ Download ongoing downtimes for entity using the GOC DB programmatic interface

        # GOCDB-PI url and method settings
        # Set the GOCDB URL
        gocdbpi_url = ""
        # Set the desidered start date
        if startDate is None:
            when = "&ongoing_only=yes"
            gocdbpi_startDate = ""
            when = "&startdate="
            gocdbpi_startDate = startDate

        # GOCDB-PI to query
        gocdb_ep = gocdbpi_url
        if entity is not None:
            if isinstance(entity, basestring):
                gocdb_ep = gocdb_ep + "&topentity=" + entity
        gocdb_ep = gocdb_ep + when + gocdbpi_startDate + "&scope="

        caPath = getCAsLocation()
        dtPage = requests.get(gocdb_ep, verify=caPath)

        dt = dtPage.text

        return dt
Esempio n. 5
    def getHostnameDowntime(self, hostname, startDate=None, ongoing=False):

        params = hostname

        if startDate and ongoing:
            return S_ERROR(
                "Invalid parameter combination - do not specify startDate with ongoing"

        if startDate:
            params += '&startdate=' + startDate

        if ongoing:
            params += '&ongoing_only=yes'

        caPath = getCAsLocation()

            response = requests.get(
                + params,
        except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
            return S_ERROR("Error %s" % e)

        return S_OK(response.text)
Esempio n. 6
    def __init__(self):
        """ c'tor
        Just setting defaults
        self.jsonFile = 'pilot.json'  # default filename of the pilot json file

        # domain name of the web server used to upload the pilot json file and the pilot scripts
        self.pilotFileServer = ''

        # pilot sync parameters
        self.pilotRepo = ''  # repository of the pilot
        self.pilotVORepo = ''  # repository of the VO that can contain a pilot extension
        # 'pilotLocalRepo' = 'pilotLocalRepo'  # local repository to be created
        # 'pilotVOLocalRepo' = 'pilotVOLocalRepo'  # local VO repository to be created
        self.pilotSetup = gConfig.getValue('/DIRAC/Setup', '')
        self.projectDir = ''
        # where the find the pilot scripts in the VO pilot repository
        self.pilotScriptPath = 'Pilot'  # where the find the pilot scripts in the pilot repository
        self.pilotVOScriptPath = ''
        self.pilotVersion = ''
        self.pilotVOVersion = ''
        self.certAndKeyLocation = getHostCertificateAndKeyLocation()
        self.casLocation = getCAsLocation()

        self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger(__name__)
Esempio n. 7
  def _downTimeCurlDownload(self, entity=None, startDate=None):
    """ Download ongoing downtimes for entity using the GOC DB programmatic interface

    # GOCDB-PI url and method settings
    # Set the GOCDB URL
    gocdbpi_url = ""
    # Set the desidered start date
    if startDate is None:
      when = "&ongoing_only=yes"
      gocdbpi_startDate = ""
      when = "&startdate="
      gocdbpi_startDate = startDate

    # GOCDB-PI to query
    gocdb_ep = gocdbpi_url
    if entity is not None:
      if isinstance(entity, basestring):
        gocdb_ep = gocdb_ep + "&topentity=" + entity
    gocdb_ep = gocdb_ep + when + gocdbpi_startDate + "&scope="

    caPath = getCAsLocation()
    dtPage = requests.get(gocdb_ep, verify=caPath)

    dt = dtPage.text

    return dt
Esempio n. 8
    def initialize(self):
        """Initial settings"""
        self.workingDirectory = self.am_getOption("WorkDirectory")
        self.saveDir = self.am_getOption("SaveDirectory", self.saveDir)
        self.uploadLocations = self.am_getOption("UploadLocations", self.uploadLocations)
        includeMasterCS = self.am_getOption("IncludeMasterCS", self.includeMasterCS)
        if isinstance(includeMasterCS, str) and includeMasterCS.lower() in ["n", "no", "false"]:
            self.includeMasterCS = False

        self.certAndKeyLocation = getHostCertificateAndKeyLocation()
        self.casLocation = getCAsLocation()

        return S_OK()
Esempio n. 9
    def _downloadJsonFile(self, occupancyLFN, filePath):
        """ Download the json file at the location using requests

        :param occupancyLFN: this is actually a full https URL
        :param filePath: destination path for the file


            with open(filePath, 'wt') as fd:
                caPath = getCAsLocation()
                res = requests.get(occupancyLFN, verify=caPath)
        except Exception as e:
            self.log.debug("Exception while copying", repr(e))
Esempio n. 10
    def initialize(self):
        """ Initial settings
        self.workingDirectory = self.am_getOption('WorkDirectory')
        self.saveDir = self.am_getOption('SaveDirectory', self.saveDir)
        self.uploadLocations = self.am_getOption('UploadLocations',
        includeMasterCS = self.am_getOption('IncludeMasterCS',
        if isinstance(includeMasterCS,
                      six.string_types) and includeMasterCS.lower() in [
                          'n', 'no', 'false'
            self.includeMasterCS = False

        self.certAndKeyLocation = getHostCertificateAndKeyLocation()
        self.casLocation = getCAsLocation()

        return S_OK()
Esempio n. 11
    def _getServiceEndpointCurlDownload(self, granularity, entity):
        Calls method `get_service_endpoint` from the GOC DB programmatic interface.

          :attr:`granularity` : a string. Could be in ('hostname', 'sitename', 'roc',
          'country', 'service_type', 'monitored')

          :attr:`entity` : a string. Actual name of the entity.
        if not isinstance(granularity, str) or not isinstance(entity, str):
            raise ValueError("Arguments must be strings.")

        # GOCDB-PI query
        gocdb_ep = "" + granularity + "=" + entity

        caPath = getCAsLocation()
        service_endpoint_page = requests.get(gocdb_ep, verify=caPath)

        return service_endpoint_page.text
Esempio n. 12
  def _getServiceEndpointCurlDownload(self, granularity, entity):
    Calls method `get_service_endpoint` from the GOC DB programmatic interface.

      :attr:`granularity` : a string. Could be in ('hostname', 'sitename', 'roc',
      'country', 'service_type', 'monitored')

      :attr:`entity` : a string. Actual name of the entity.
    if not isinstance(granularity, basestring) or not isinstance(entity, basestring):
      raise ValueError("Arguments must be strings.")

    # GOCDB-PI query
    gocdb_ep = "" \
        + granularity + '=' + entity

    caPath = getCAsLocation()
    service_endpoint_page = requests.get(gocdb_ep, verify=caPath)

    return service_endpoint_page.text
Esempio n. 13
  def getHostnameDowntime(self, hostname, startDate=None, ongoing=False):

    params = hostname

    if startDate and ongoing:
      return S_ERROR("Invalid parameter combination - do not specify startDate with ongoing")

    if startDate:
      params += '&startdate=' + startDate

    if ongoing:
      params += '&ongoing_only=yes'

    caPath = getCAsLocation()

      response = requests.get(
          '' + params, verify=caPath)
    except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
      return S_ERROR("Error %s" % e)

    return S_OK(response.text)
Esempio n. 14
    def getUsers(self):
        """Get all the users of the VOMS VO with their detailed information

        :return: user dictionary keyed by the user DN

        if not self.urls:
            return S_ERROR(DErrno.ENOAUTH, "No VOMS server defined")

        userProxy = getProxyLocation()
        caPath = getCAsLocation()
        rawUserList = []
        result = None
        for url in self.urls:
            rawUserList = []
            startIndex = 0
            result = None
            error = None
            urlDone = False
            while not urlDone:
                    result = requests.get(
                        headers={"X-VOMS-CSRF-GUARD": "y"},
                        params={"startIndex": str(startIndex), "pageSize": "100"},
                except requests.ConnectionError as exc:
                    error = "%s:%s" % (url, repr(exc))
                    urlDone = True

                if result.status_code != 200:
                    error = "Failed to contact the VOMS server: %s" % result.text
                    urlDone = True

                userList = result.json()["result"]
                if len(userList) < 100:
                    urlDone = True
                startIndex += 100

            # This URL did not work, try another one
            if error:

        if error:
            return S_ERROR(DErrno.ENOAUTH, "Failed to contact the VOMS server: %s" % error)

        # We have got the user info, reformat it
        resultDict = {}
        for user in rawUserList:
            for cert in user["certificates"]:
                dn = cert["subjectString"]
                resultDict[dn] = user
                resultDict[dn]["CA"] = cert["issuerString"]
                resultDict[dn]["certSuspended"] = cert.get("suspended")
                resultDict[dn]["suspended"] = user.get("suspended")
                resultDict[dn]["mail"] = user.get("emailAddress")
                resultDict[dn]["Roles"] = user.get("fqans")
                attributes = user.get("attributes")
                if attributes:
                    for attribute in user.get("attributes", []):
                        if attribute.get("name") == "nickname":
                            resultDict[dn]["nickname"] = attribute.get("value")

        self.userDict = dict(resultDict)
        return S_OK(resultDict)
Esempio n. 15
  def getUsers(self):
    """ Get all the users of the VOMS VO with their detailed information

    :return: user dictionary keyed by the user DN

    if not self.urls:
      return S_ERROR(DErrno.ENOAUTH, "No VOMS server defined")

    userProxy = getProxyLocation()
    caPath = getCAsLocation()
    rawUserList = []
    result = None
    for url in self.urls:
      rawUserList = []
      startIndex = 0
      result = None
      error = None
      urlDone = False
      while not urlDone:
          result = requests.get(url,
                                headers={"X-VOMS-CSRF-GUARD": "y"},
                                params={"startIndex": str(startIndex),
                                        "pageSize": "100"})
        except requests.ConnectionError as exc:
          error = "%s:%s" % (url, repr(exc))
          urlDone = True

        if result.status_code != 200:
          error = "Failed to contact the VOMS server: %s" % result.text
          urlDone = True

        userList = result.json()['result']
        if len(userList) < 100:
          urlDone = True
        startIndex += 100

      # This URL did not work, try another one
      if error:

    if error:
      return S_ERROR(DErrno.ENOAUTH, "Failed to contact the VOMS server: %s" % error)

    # We have got the user info, reformat it
    resultDict = {}
    for user in rawUserList:
      for cert in user['certificates']:
        dn = cert['subjectString']
        resultDict[dn] = user
        resultDict[dn]['CA'] = cert['issuerString']
        resultDict[dn]['certSuspended'] = cert['suspended']
        resultDict[dn]['certSuspensionReason'] = cert['suspensionReason']
        resultDict[dn]['mail'] = user['emailAddress']
        resultDict[dn]['Roles'] = user['fqans']
        attributes = user.get('attributes')
        if attributes:
          for attribute in user.get('attributes', []):
            if attribute.get('name') == 'nickname':
              resultDict[dn]['nickname'] = attribute.get('value')

    self.userDict = dict(resultDict)
    return S_OK(resultDict)