Esempio n. 1
def getQueue(site, ce, queue):
  """ Get parameters of the specified queue
  grid = site.split('.')[0]
  result = gConfig.getOptionsDict('/Resources/Sites/%s/%s/CEs/%s' % (grid, site, ce))
  if not result['OK']:
    return result
  resultDict = result['Value']

  # Get queue defaults
  result = gConfig.getOptionsDict('/Resources/Sites/%s/%s/CEs/%s/Queues/%s' % (grid, site, ce, queue))
  if not result['OK']:
    return result

  # Handle tag lists for the queue
  for tagFieldName in ('Tag', 'RequiredTag'):
    tags = []
    ceTags = resultDict.get(tagFieldName)
    if ceTags:
      tags = fromChar(ceTags)
    queueTags = resultDict.get(tagFieldName)
    if queueTags:
      queueTags = fromChar(queueTags)
      tags = list(set(tags + queueTags))
    if tags:
      resultDict[tagFieldName] = tags

  resultDict['Queue'] = queue
  return S_OK(resultDict)
Esempio n. 2
  def _handleDestination( self, paramsDict, getSitesForSE = None ):
    """ Handle Sites and TargetSE in the parameters

      sites = ['ANY']
      if paramsDict['Site']:
        # 'Site' comes from the XML and therefore is ; separated
        sites = fromChar( paramsDict['Site'], sepChar = ';' )
    except KeyError:

      seList = ['Unknown']
      if paramsDict['TargetSE']:
        seList = fromChar( paramsDict['TargetSE'] )
    except KeyError:

    if not seList or seList == ['Unknown']:
      return sites

    # from now on we know there is some TargetSE requested
    if not getSitesForSE:
      from DIRAC.Core.Utilities.SiteSEMapping import getSitesForSE

    seSites = []
    for se in seList:
      res = getSitesForSE( se )
      if not res['OK']:
        self.log.warn( 'Could not get Sites associated to SE', res['Message'] )
        thisSESites = res['Value']
        if not thisSESites:
        if seSites == []:
          seSites = copy.deepcopy( thisSESites )
          # We make an OR of the possible sites
          for nSE in list( thisSESites ):
            if nSE not in seSites:
              seSites.append( nSE )

    # Now we need to make the AND with the sites, if defined
    if sites == ['ANY']:
      return seSites
      # Need to get the AND
      for nSE in list( seSites ):
        if nSE not in sites:
          seSites.remove( nSE )

      return seSites
Esempio n. 3
  def _BySE( self ):
    """ Matches using TargetSE. This is the standard plugin.

    destSites = set()

      seList = ['Unknown']
      if self.params['TargetSE']:
        if isinstance( self.params['TargetSE'], basestring ):
          seList = fromChar( self.params['TargetSE'] )
        elif isinstance( self.params['TargetSE'], list ):
          seList = self.params['TargetSE']
    except KeyError:

    if not seList or seList == ['Unknown']:
      return destSites

    for se in seList:
      res = getSitesForSE( se )
      if not res['OK']:
        gLogger.warn( "Could not get Sites associated to SE", res['Message'] )
        thisSESites = res['Value']
        if thisSESites:
          # We make an OR of the possible sites
          destSites.update( thisSESites )

    gLogger.debug( "Destinations: %s" % ','.join ( destSites ) )
    return destSites
Esempio n. 4
  def _handleDestination( self, paramsDict ):
    """ Handle Sites and TargetSE in the parameters

      sites = ['ANY']
      if paramsDict['Site']:
        # 'Site' comes from the XML and therefore is ; separated
        sites = fromChar( paramsDict['Site'], sepChar = ';' )
    except KeyError:

    if self.destinationPlugin_o:
      destinationPlugin_o = self.destinationPlugin_o
      res = self.__generatePluginObject( self.destinationPlugin )
      if not res['OK']:
        self._logFatal( "Could not generate a destination plugin object" )
        return res
      destinationPlugin_o = res['Value']

    destinationPlugin_o.setParameters( paramsDict )
    destSites =
    if not destSites:
      return sites

    # Now we need to make the AND with the sites, if defined
    if sites != ['ANY']:
      # Need to get the AND
      destSites &= set( sites )

    return list( destSites )
Esempio n. 5
  def __init__( self, useCertificates = False ):

    :param self: self reference
    :param bool useCertificates: flag to enable/disable certificates
    Client.__init__( self )
    ## setup logger
    self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger( "RequestManagement/RequestClient" )

    ## dict to store all RPC clients for easy reuse
    self.__requestRPCClientsDict = {}
    ## local if any defined
    local = PathFinder.getServiceURL( "RequestManagement/localURL" )
    if local:
      self.__requestRPCClientsDict.setdefault( "local" , [ self.__requestRPCClient( local ) ] )
    ## central if any defined
    central = PathFinder.getServiceURL( "RequestManagement/centralURL" )
    if central:
      self.__requestRPCClientsDict.setdefault( "central", [ self.__requestRPCClient( central ) ] )
    ## voboxes if any defined
    voBoxUrls = fromChar( PathFinder.getServiceURL( "RequestManagement/voBoxURLs" ) )
    if voBoxUrls:
      self.__requestRPCClientsDict.setdefault( "voboxes", [] )
      for voBoxURL in randomize( voBoxUrls ):
        self.__requestRPCClientsDict["voboxes"].append( self.__requestRPCClient( voBoxURL ) )

    self.setServer( 'RequestManagement/centralURL' )
Esempio n. 6
 def requestProxies( self, timeout = 120 ):
   """ get request proxies dict """
   if not self.__requestProxiesDict:
     self.__requestProxiesDict = {}
     proxiesURLs = fromChar( PathFinder.getServiceURL( "RequestManagement/ReqProxyURLs" ) )
     if not proxiesURLs:
       self.log.warn( "CS option RequestManagement/ReqProxyURLs is not set!" )
     for proxyURL in proxiesURLs:
       self.log.debug( "creating RequestProxy for url = %s" % proxyURL )
       self.__requestProxiesDict[proxyURL] = RPCClient( proxyURL, timeout = timeout )
   return self.__requestProxiesDict
Esempio n. 7
def getNumberOfPayloadProcessors(siteName=None, gridCE=None, queue=None):
    """ Gets the number of processors allowed for a single JobAgent (so for a "inner" CE).
      (NB: this does not refer to the job processors).
      This is normally used ONLY when a pilot instantiates more than one JobAgent (MultiLaunchAgent pilot command).

      The siteName/gridCE/queue parameters are normally not necessary.

      Tries to find it in this order:
      1) from the /Resources/Computing/CEDefaults/NumberOfPayloadProcessors (which is what pilot 3 fills up)
      2) if not present but there's WholeNode tag, use the getNumberOfProcessors function above
      3) otherwise returns 1

    # 1) from /Resources/Computing/CEDefaults/NumberOfPayloadProcessors
        "Getting NumberOfPayloadProcessors from /Resources/Computing/CEDefaults/NumberOfPayloadProcessors"
    NumberOfPayloadProcessors = gConfig.getValue(
    if NumberOfPayloadProcessors:
        return NumberOfPayloadProcessors

    # 2) Checks if 'Whole' is one of the used tags
    # Tags of the CE
    tags = fromChar(
            '/Resources/Sites/%s/%s/CEs/%s/Tag' %
            (siteName.split('.')[0], siteName, gridCE), ''))
    # Tags of the Queue
    tags += fromChar(
            '/Resources/Sites/%s/%s/CEs/%s/Queues/%s/Tag' %
            (siteName.split('.')[0], siteName, gridCE, queue), ''))

    if 'WholeNode' in tags:
        return getNumberOfProcessors()

    # 3) Just returns a conservative "1"
    return 1
Esempio n. 8
  def getVOUserReport( self, vo ):

    :param str vo: VO name
    :return: report string

    result = self.getVOUserData( vo, refreshFlag = True )
    if not result['OK']:
      return result

    userDict = result['Value']

    # Get DIRAC group vs VOMS Role Mappings
    result = getVOMSRoleGroupMapping( vo )
    if not result['OK']:
      return result

    diracVOMSMapping = result['Value']['DIRACVOMS']

    records = []
    groupDict = defaultdict( int )
    multiDNUsers = {}
    suspendedUsers = []
    for user in userDict:
      for group in userDict[user]['Groups']:
        groupDict[group] += 1
      dnList = fromChar( userDict[user]['DN'] )
      if len( dnList ) > 1:
        multiDNUsers[user] = dnList
      if userDict[user].get( 'Status', 'Active' ) == 'Suspended':
        suspendedUsers.append( user )

    for group in diracVOMSMapping:
      records.append( ( group, str( groupDict[group] ), diracVOMSMapping.get( group, '' ) ) )

    fields = [ 'Group', 'Number of users', 'VOMS Role' ]
    output = printTable( fields, records, sortField = 'Group', printOut = False, numbering = False )

    if multiDNUsers:
      output += '\nUsers with multiple DNs:\n'
      for user in multiDNUsers:
        output += '  %s:\n' % user
        for dn in multiDNUsers[user]:
          output += '    %s\n' % dn

    if suspendedUsers:
      output += '\n%d suspended users:\n' % len( suspendedUsers )
      output += '  %s' % ','.join( suspendedUsers )

    return S_OK( output )
Esempio n. 9
    def getVOUserReport(self):
        """Get a report string with the current status of the DIRAC Registry for the
            Virtual Organization

        :return: S_OK with the report string as Value

        result = self.getVOUserData(refreshFlag=True)
        if not result["OK"]:
            return result

        userDict = result["Value"]

        # Get DIRAC group vs VOMS Role Mappings
        result = getVOMSRoleGroupMapping(self.vo)
        if not result["OK"]:
            return result

        diracVOMSMapping = result["Value"]["DIRACVOMS"]
        records = []
        groupDict = defaultdict(int)
        multiDNUsers = {}
        suspendedUsers = []
        for user in userDict:
            for group in userDict[user]["Groups"]:
                groupDict[group] += 1
            dnList = fromChar(userDict[user]["DN"])
            if len(dnList) > 1:
                multiDNUsers[user] = dnList
            if userDict[user].get("Status", "Active") == "Suspended":

        for group in diracVOMSMapping:
            records.append((group, str(groupDict[group]), diracVOMSMapping.get(group, "")))

        fields = ["Group", "Number of users", "VOMS Role"]
        output = printTable(fields, records, sortField="Group", printOut=False, numbering=False)

        if multiDNUsers:
            output += "\nUsers with multiple DNs:\n"
            for user in multiDNUsers:
                output += "  %s:\n" % user
                for dn in multiDNUsers[user]:
                    output += "    %s\n" % dn

        if suspendedUsers:
            output += "\n%d suspended users:\n" % len(suspendedUsers)
            output += "  %s" % ",".join(suspendedUsers)

        return S_OK(output)
Esempio n. 10
 def requestProxies(self, timeout=120):
     """ get request proxies dict """
     if not self.__requestProxiesDict:
         self.__requestProxiesDict = {}
         proxiesURLs = fromChar(
         if not proxiesURLs:
                 "CS option RequestManagement/ReqProxyURLs is not set!")
         for proxyURL in proxiesURLs:
             self.log.debug("creating RequestProxy for url = %s" % proxyURL)
             self.__requestProxiesDict[proxyURL] = RPCClient(
                 proxyURL, timeout=timeout)
     return self.__requestProxiesDict
Esempio n. 11
  def getVOUserReport(self):
    """ Get a report string with the current status of the DIRAC Registry for the
        Virtual Organization

    :return: S_OK with the report string as Value

    result = self.getVOUserData(refreshFlag=True)
    if not result['OK']:
      return result

    userDict = result['Value']

    # Get DIRAC group vs VOMS Role Mappings
    result = getVOMSRoleGroupMapping(self.vo)
    if not result['OK']:
      return result

    diracVOMSMapping = result['Value']['DIRACVOMS']
    records = []
    groupDict = defaultdict(int)
    multiDNUsers = {}
    suspendedUsers = []
    for user in userDict:
      for group in userDict[user]['Groups']:
        groupDict[group] += 1
      dnList = fromChar(userDict[user]['DN'])
      if len(dnList) > 1:
        multiDNUsers[user] = dnList
      if userDict[user].get('Status', 'Active') == 'Suspended':

    for group in diracVOMSMapping:
      records.append((group, str(groupDict[group]), diracVOMSMapping.get(group, '')))

    fields = ['Group', 'Number of users', 'VOMS Role']
    output = printTable(fields, records, sortField='Group', printOut=False, numbering=False)

    if multiDNUsers:
      output += '\nUsers with multiple DNs:\n'
      for user in multiDNUsers:
        output += '  %s:\n' % user
        for dn in multiDNUsers[user]:
          output += '    %s\n' % dn

    if suspendedUsers:
      output += '\n%d suspended users:\n' % len(suspendedUsers)
      output += '  %s' % ','.join(suspendedUsers)

    return S_OK(output)
Esempio n. 12
def getQueue( site, ce, queue ):
  """ Get parameters of the specified queue
  Tags = []
  grid = site.split( '.' )[0]
  result = gConfig.getOptionsDict( '/Resources/Sites/%s/%s/CEs/%s' % ( grid, site, ce ) )
  if not result['OK']:
    return result
  resultDict = result['Value']
  ceTags = resultDict.get( 'Tag' )
  if ceTags:
    Tags = fromChar( ceTags )
  result = gConfig.getOptionsDict( '/Resources/Sites/%s/%s/CEs/%s/Queues/%s' % ( grid, site, ce, queue ) )
  if not result['OK']:
    return result
  resultDict.update( result['Value'] )
  queueTags = resultDict.get( 'Tag' )
  if queueTags:
    queueTags = fromChar( queueTags )
    Tags = list( set( Tags + queueTags ) )
  if Tags:
    resultDict['Tag'] = Tags
  resultDict['Queue'] = queue
  return S_OK( resultDict )
Esempio n. 13
def getQueue( site, ce, queue ):
  """ Get parameters of the specified queue
  Tags = []
  grid = site.split( '.' )[0]
  result = gConfig.getOptionsDict( '/Resources/Sites/%s/%s/CEs/%s' % ( grid, site, ce ) )
  if not result['OK']:
    return result
  resultDict = result['Value']
  ceTags = resultDict.get( 'Tag' )
  if ceTags:
    Tags = fromChar( ceTags )
  result = gConfig.getOptionsDict( '/Resources/Sites/%s/%s/CEs/%s/Queues/%s' % ( grid, site, ce, queue ) )
  if not result['OK']:
    return result
  resultDict.update( result['Value'] )
  queueTags = resultDict.get( 'Tag' )
  if queueTags:
    queueTags = fromChar( queueTags )
    Tags = list( set( Tags + queueTags ) )
  if Tags:
    resultDict['Tag'] = Tags
  resultDict['Queue'] = queue
  return S_OK( resultDict )
Esempio n. 14
    def requestProxies(self, timeout=120):
        """get request proxies dict"""
        # Forward all the connection options to the requestClient
        # (e.g. the userDN to use)
        kwargs = self.getClientKWArgs()
        kwargs["timeout"] = timeout

        if not self.__requestProxiesDict:
            self.__requestProxiesDict = {}
            proxiesURLs = fromChar(PathFinder.getServiceURL("RequestManagement/ReqProxyURLs"))
            if not proxiesURLs:
                self.log.warn("CS option RequestManagement/ReqProxyURLs is not set!")
            for proxyURL in proxiesURLs:
                self.log.debug("creating RequestProxy for url = %s" % proxyURL)
                pc = Client(**kwargs)
                self.__requestProxiesDict[proxyURL] = pc

        return self.__requestProxiesDict
Esempio n. 15
  def __init__( self, useCertificates = False ):
    """ Constructor of the RequestClient class
    voBoxUrls = fromChar( PathFinder.getServiceURL( "RequestManagement/voBoxURLs" ) )
    self.voBoxUrls = []
    if voBoxUrls:
      self.voBoxUrls = randomize( voBoxUrls )

    local = PathFinder.getServiceURL( "RequestManagement/localURL" )
    self.local = False
    if local:
      self.local = local

    central = PathFinder.getServiceURL( "RequestManagement/centralURL" )
    self.central = False
    if central:
      self.central = central

    self.setServer( 'RequestManagement/centralURL' )
Esempio n. 16
    def __init__(self, useCertificates=False):
        """ Constructor of the RequestClient class
        voBoxUrls = fromChar(
        self.voBoxUrls = []
        if voBoxUrls:
            self.voBoxUrls = randomize(voBoxUrls)

        local = PathFinder.getServiceURL("RequestManagement/localURL")
        self.local = False
        if local:
            self.local = local

        central = PathFinder.getServiceURL("RequestManagement/centralURL")
        self.central = False
        if central:
            self.central = central

Esempio n. 17
    def getJobInformation(self, diracAPI, jobMon, jdlOnly=False):
        """Get all the information for the job.

    The InputData, TaskID, OutputData can either be taken from properly filled JDL or

    * inputData from jobMonitor getInputData
    * TaskID from the name of The job via jobMonitor getJobAttribute JobName
    * ProductionOutputData: from jobMonitor getJobParameter ProductionOutputData

    This would be faster if we could do bulk calls for all of these
        if not jdlOnly:
            # this is actually slower than just getting the jdl, because getting the jdl is one service call
            # this is three service calls to three different DBs
            resInputData = jobMon.getInputData(self.jobID)
            if resInputData['OK']:
                self.inputFiles = resInputData['Value']
            resName = jobMon.getJobAttribute(self.jobID, 'JobName')
            if resName['OK'] and '_' in resName['Value']:
            resOutput = jobMon.getJobParameter(self.jobID,
            if resOutput['OK']:
                self.outputFiles = fromChar(resOutput['Value'].get(
                    'ProductionOutputData', ''))
                if not self.outputFiles:
                    LOG.verbose('Did not find outputFiles for', str(self))

        if not (self.inputFiles and self.outputFiles and self.taskID):
            LOG.verbose('Have to check JDL')
            jdlParameters = self.__getJDL(diracAPI)
            # get taskID from JobName, get inputfile(s) from DownloadInputdata
            if not self.inputFiles:
Esempio n. 18
 def _setSystems(self, val): = fromChar(val)
     return S_OK()
Esempio n. 19
def getNumberOfProcessors(siteName=None, gridCE=None, queue=None):
    """gets the number of processors on a certain CE/queue/node (what the pilot administers)

    The siteName/gridCE/queue parameters are normally not necessary.

    Tries to find it in this order:
    1) from the /Resources/Computing/CEDefaults/NumberOfProcessors (which is what the pilot fills up)
    2) if not present from JobFeatures
    3) if not present looks in CS for "NumberOfProcessors" Queue or CE option
    4) if not present but there's WholeNode tag, look what the WN provides using multiprocessing.cpu_count()
    5) return 1

    # 1) from /Resources/Computing/CEDefaults/NumberOfProcessors"Getting numberOfProcessors from /Resources/Computing/CEDefaults/NumberOfProcessors")
    numberOfProcessors = gConfig.getValue("/Resources/Computing/CEDefaults/NumberOfProcessors", 0)
    if numberOfProcessors:
        return numberOfProcessors

    # 2) from MJF"Getting numberOfProcessors from MJF")
    numberOfProcessors = getProcessorFromMJF()
    if numberOfProcessors:
        return numberOfProcessors"NumberOfProcessors could not be found in MJF")

    # 3) looks in CS for "NumberOfProcessors" Queue or CE or site option
    if not siteName:
        siteName = gConfig.getValue("/LocalSite/Site", "")
    if not gridCE:
        gridCE = gConfig.getValue("/LocalSite/GridCE", "")
    if not queue:
        queue = gConfig.getValue("/LocalSite/CEQueue", "")
    if not (siteName and gridCE and queue):
        gLogger.error("Could not find NumberOfProcessors: missing siteName or gridCE or queue. Returning '1'")
        return 1

    grid = siteName.split(".")[0]
    csPaths = [
        "/Resources/Sites/%s/%s/CEs/%s/Queues/%s/NumberOfProcessors" % (grid, siteName, gridCE, queue),
        "/Resources/Sites/%s/%s/CEs/%s/NumberOfProcessors" % (grid, siteName, gridCE),
        "/Resources/Sites/%s/%s/Cloud/%s/VMTypes/%s/NumberOfProcessors" % (grid, siteName, gridCE, queue),
        "/Resources/Sites/%s/%s/Cloud/%s/NumberOfProcessors" % (grid, siteName, gridCE),
        "/Resources/Sites/%s/%s/NumberOfProcessors" % (grid, siteName),
    for csPath in csPaths:"Looking in", csPath)
        numberOfProcessors = gConfig.getValue(csPath, 0)
        if numberOfProcessors:
            return numberOfProcessors

    # 4) looks in CS for tags"Getting tags" "for %s: %s: %s" % (siteName, gridCE, queue))
    # Tags of the CE
    tags = fromChar(
        gConfig.getValue("/Resources/Sites/%s/%s/CEs/%s/Tag" % (siteName.split(".")[0], siteName, gridCE), "")
    ) + fromChar(
        gConfig.getValue("/Resources/Sites/%s/%s/Cloud/%s/Tag" % (siteName.split(".")[0], siteName, gridCE), "")
    # Tags of the Queue
    tags += fromChar(
            "/Resources/Sites/%s/%s/CEs/%s/Queues/%s/Tag" % (siteName.split(".")[0], siteName, gridCE, queue), ""
    ) + fromChar(
            "/Resources/Sites/%s/%s/Cloud/%s/VMTypes/%s/Tag" % (siteName.split(".")[0], siteName, gridCE, queue), ""
    )"NumberOfProcessors could not be found in CS")
    if "WholeNode" in tags:"Found WholeNode tag, using multiprocessing.cpu_count()")
        return multiprocessing.cpu_count()

    # 5) return the default
    return 1
Esempio n. 20
    def syncCSWithVOMS(self):
        """ Performs the synchronization of the DIRAC registry with the VOMS data. The resulting
        CSAPI object containing modifications is returned as part of the output dictionary.
        Those changes can be applied by the caller depending on the mode (dry or a real run)

    :return: S_OK with a dictionary containing the results of the synchronization operation
        resultDict = defaultdict(list)

        # Get DIRAC group vs VOMS Role Mappings
        result = getVOMSRoleGroupMapping(self.vo)
        if not result['OK']:
            return result

        vomsDIRACMapping = result['Value']['VOMSDIRAC']
        diracVOMSMapping = result['Value']['DIRACVOMS']
        noVOMSGroups = result['Value']['NoVOMS']
        noSyncVOMSGroups = result['Value']['NoSyncVOMS']

        vomsSrv = VOMSService(self.vo)

        # Get VOMS users
        result = vomsSrv.getUsers()
        if not result['OK']:
            self.log.error('Could not retrieve user information from VOMS',
            return result

        self.vomsUserDict = result['Value']
        message = "There are %s user entries in VOMS for VO %s" % (len(
            self.vomsUserDict), self.vomsVOName)

        # Get DIRAC users
        result = self.getVOUserData(self.vo)
        if not result['OK']:
            return result
        diracUserDict = result['Value']
            "There are %s registered users in DIRAC for VO %s" %
            (len(diracUserDict), self.vo))"There are %s registered users in DIRAC VO %s" %
                      (len(diracUserDict), self.vo))

        # Find new and obsoleted user DNs
        existingDNs = []
        obsoletedDNs = []
        newDNs = []
        for user in diracUserDict:
            dn = diracUserDict[user]['DN']
            # We can have users with more than one DN registered
            dnList = fromChar(dn)
            for dn in dnList:
                if dn not in self.vomsUserDict:

        for dn in self.vomsUserDict:
            if dn not in existingDNs:

        allDiracUsers = getAllUsers()
        nonVOUserDict = {}
        nonVOUsers = list(set(allDiracUsers) - set(diracUserDict))
        if nonVOUsers:
            result = self.csapi.describeUsers(nonVOUsers)
            if not result['OK']:
                self.log.error('Could not retrieve CS User description')
                return result
            nonVOUserDict = result['Value']

        # Process users
        defaultVOGroup = getVOOption(self.vo, "DefaultGroup",
                                     "%s_user" % self.vo)
        # If a user is (previously put by hand) in a "QuarantineGroup",
        # then the default group will be ignored.
        # So, this option is only considered for the case of existing users.
        quarantineVOGroup = getVOOption(self.vo, "QuarantineGroup")

        newAddedUserDict = {}
        for dn in self.vomsUserDict:
            newDNForExistingUser = ''
            diracName = ''
            if dn in existingDNs:
                for user in diracUserDict:
                    if dn == diracUserDict[user]['DN']:
                        diracName = user

            if dn in newDNs:
                # Find if the DN is already registered in the DIRAC CS
                for user in nonVOUserDict:
                    if dn == nonVOUserDict[user]['DN']:
                        diracName = user

                # Check the nickName in the same VO to see if the user is already registered
                # with another DN
                nickName = self.vomsUserDict[dn].get('nickname')
                if nickName in diracUserDict or nickName in newAddedUserDict:
                    diracName = nickName
                    # This is a flag for adding the new DN to an already existing user
                    newDNForExistingUser = dn

                # We have a real new user
                if not diracName:
                    if nickName:
                        newDiracName = nickName
                        newDiracName = self.getUserName(dn)

                    # Do not consider users with Suspended status in VOMS
                    if self.vomsUserDict[dn]['suspended'] or self.vomsUserDict[

                    # If the chosen user name exists already, append a distinguishing suffix
                    ind = 1
                    trialName = newDiracName
                    while newDiracName in allDiracUsers:
                        # We have a user with the same name but with a different DN
                        newDiracName = "%s_%d" % (trialName, ind)
                        ind += 1

                    # We now have everything to add the new user
                    userDict = {
                        "DN": dn,
                        "CA": self.vomsUserDict[dn]['CA'],
                        "Email": self.vomsUserDict[dn]['mail']
                    groupsWithRole = []
                    for role in self.vomsUserDict[dn]['Roles']:
                        groupList = vomsDIRACMapping.get(role, [])
                        for group in groupList:
                            if group not in noSyncVOMSGroups:
                    userDict['Groups'] = list(
                        set(groupsWithRole + [defaultVOGroup]))
                    message = "\n  Added new user %s:\n" % newDiracName
                    for key in userDict:
                        message += "    %s: %s\n" % (key, str(userDict[key]))
                    self.voChanged = True
                    if self.autoAddUsers:
              "Adding new user %s: %s" %
                                      (newDiracName, str(userDict)))
                        result = self.csapi.modifyUser(
                            newDiracName, userDict, createIfNonExistant=True)
                        if not result['OK']:
                            self.log.warn('Failed adding new user %s' %
                        newAddedUserDict[newDiracName] = userDict

            # We have an already existing user
            modified = False
            userDict = {
                "DN": dn,
                "CA": self.vomsUserDict[dn]['CA'],
                "Email": self.vomsUserDict[dn]['mail']
            if newDNForExistingUser:
                userDict['DN'] = ','.join([
                modified = True
            existingGroups = diracUserDict.get(diracName, {}).get('Groups', [])
            nonVOGroups = list(set(existingGroups) - set(diracVOMSMapping))
            groupsWithRole = []
            for role in self.vomsUserDict[dn]['Roles']:
                groupList = vomsDIRACMapping.get(role, [])
                for group in groupList:
                    if group not in noSyncVOMSGroups:
            keepGroups = nonVOGroups + groupsWithRole
            if not quarantineVOGroup or quarantineVOGroup not in existingGroups:
                keepGroups += [defaultVOGroup]
            for group in existingGroups:
                if group in nonVOGroups:
                role = diracVOMSMapping.get(group, '')
                # Among already existing groups for the user keep those without a special VOMS Role
                # because this membership is done by hand in the CS
                if "Role" not in role:
                # Keep existing groups with no VOMS attribute if any
                if group in noVOMSGroups:
                # Keep groups for which syncronization with VOMS is forbidden
                if group in noSyncVOMSGroups:
            userDict['Groups'] = list(set(keepGroups))
            # Merge together groups for the same user but different DNs
            if diracName in newAddedUserDict:
                otherGroups = newAddedUserDict[diracName].get('Groups', [])
                userDict['Groups'] = list(set(keepGroups + otherGroups))
                modified = True

            # Check if something changed before asking CSAPI to modify
            if diracName in diracUserDict:
                message = "\n  Modified user %s:\n" % diracName
                modMsg = ''
                for key in userDict:
                    if key == "Groups":
                        addedGroups = set(userDict[key]) - set(
                            diracUserDict.get(diracName, {}).get(key, []))
                        removedGroups = set(
                            diracUserDict.get(diracName, {}).get(
                                key, [])) - set(userDict[key])
                        if addedGroups:
                            modMsg += "    Added to group(s) %s\n" % ','.join(
                        if removedGroups:
                            modMsg += "    Removed from group(s) %s\n" % ','.join(
                        oldValue = str(
                            diracUserDict.get(diracName, {}).get(key, ''))
                        if str(userDict[key]) != oldValue:
                            modMsg += "    %s: %s -> %s\n" % (
                                key, oldValue, str(userDict[key]))
                if modMsg:
                    self.adminMsgs['Info'].append(message + modMsg)
                    modified = True

            if self.autoModifyUsers and modified:
                result = self.csapi.modifyUser(diracName, userDict)
                if result['OK'] and result['Value']:
          "Modified user %s: %s" %
                                  (diracName, str(userDict)))
                    self.voChanged = True

        # Check if there are potentially obsoleted users
        oldUsers = set()
        for user in diracUserDict:
            dnSet = set(fromChar(diracUserDict[user]['DN']))
            if not dnSet.intersection(set(
                    self.vomsUserDict)) and user not in nonVOUserDict:
                for group in diracUserDict[user]['Groups']:
                    if group not in noVOMSGroups:

        # Check for obsoleted DNs
        for user in diracUserDict:
            dnSet = set(fromChar(diracUserDict[user]['DN']))
            for dn in dnSet:
                if dn in obsoletedDNs and user not in oldUsers:
                    self.log.verbose("Modified user %s: dropped DN %s" %
                                     (user, dn))
                    if self.autoModifyUsers:
                        userDict = diracUserDict[user]
                        modDNSet = dnSet - set([dn])
                        if modDNSet:
                            userDict['DN'] = ','.join(modDNSet)
                            result = self.csapi.modifyUser(user, userDict)
                            if result['OK'] and result['Value']:
                                    "Modified user %s: dropped DN %s" %
                                    (user, dn))
                                    "Modified user %s: dropped DN %s" %
                                    (user, dn))
                                self.voChanged = True

        if oldUsers:
            self.voChanged = True
            if self.autoDeleteUsers:
      'The following users will be deleted: %s' %
                result = self.csapi.deleteUsers(oldUsers)
                if result['OK']:
                        'The following users are deleted from CS:\n  %s\n' %
                    resultDict['DeletedUsers'] = oldUsers
                        'Error in deleting users from CS:\n  %s' %
                    self.log.error('Error while user deletion from CS', result)
                    'The following users to be checked for deletion:\n  %s' %
                    'The following users to be checked for deletion: %s' %

        resultDict['CSAPI'] = self.csapi
        resultDict['AdminMessages'] = self.adminMsgs
        return S_OK(resultDict)
Esempio n. 21
  def getQueues( self, resourceDict ):
    """ Get the list of relevant CEs and their descriptions

    self.queueDict = {}
    ceFactory = ComputingElementFactory()

    for site in resourceDict:
      for ce in resourceDict[site]:
        ceDict = resourceDict[site][ce]
        ceTags = ceDict.get( 'Tag' )
        if isinstance( ceTags, basestring ):
          ceTags = fromChar( ceTags )
        qDict = ceDict.pop( 'Queues' )
        for queue in qDict:
          queueName = '%s_%s' % ( ce, queue )
          self.queueDict[queueName] = {}
          self.queueDict[queueName]['ParametersDict'] = qDict[queue]
          self.queueDict[queueName]['ParametersDict']['Queue'] = queue
          self.queueDict[queueName]['ParametersDict']['Site'] = site
          self.queueDict[queueName]['ParametersDict']['GridEnv'] = self.gridEnv
          self.queueDict[queueName]['ParametersDict']['Setup'] = gConfig.getValue( '/DIRAC/Setup', 'unknown' )
          # Evaluate the CPU limit of the queue according to the Glue convention
          # To Do: should be a utility
          if "maxCPUTime" in self.queueDict[queueName]['ParametersDict'] and \
             "SI00" in self.queueDict[queueName]['ParametersDict']:
            maxCPUTime = float( self.queueDict[queueName]['ParametersDict']['maxCPUTime'] )
            # For some sites there are crazy values in the CS
            maxCPUTime = max( maxCPUTime, 0 )
            maxCPUTime = min( maxCPUTime, 86400 * 12.5 )
            si00 = float( self.queueDict[queueName]['ParametersDict']['SI00'] )
            queueCPUTime = 60. / 250. * maxCPUTime * si00
            self.queueDict[queueName]['ParametersDict']['CPUTime'] = int( queueCPUTime )
          queueTags = self.queueDict[queueName]['ParametersDict'].get( 'Tag' )
          if queueTags and isinstance( queueTags, basestring ):
            queueTags = fromChar( queueTags )
            self.queueDict[queueName]['ParametersDict']['Tag'] = queueTags
          if ceTags:
            if queueTags:
              allTags = list( set( ceTags + queueTags ) )
              self.queueDict[queueName]['ParametersDict']['Tag'] = allTags
              self.queueDict[queueName]['ParametersDict']['Tag'] = ceTags

          maxMemory = self.queueDict[queueName]['ParametersDict'].get( 'MaxRAM', None )
          if maxMemory:
            # MaxRAM value is supposed to be in MB
            maxMemoryList = range( 1, int( maxMemory )/1000 + 1 )
            memoryTags = [ '%dGB' % mem for mem in maxMemoryList ]
            if memoryTags:
              self.queueDict[queueName]['ParametersDict'].setdefault( 'Tag', [] )
              self.queueDict[queueName]['ParametersDict']['Tag'] += memoryTags
          qwDir = os.path.join( self.workingDirectory, queue )
          if not os.path.exists( qwDir ):
            os.makedirs( qwDir )
          self.queueDict[queueName]['ParametersDict']['WorkingDirectory'] = qwDir

          platform = ''
          if "Platform" in self.queueDict[queueName]['ParametersDict']:
            platform = self.queueDict[queueName]['ParametersDict']['Platform']
          elif "Platform" in ceDict:
            platform = ceDict['Platform']
          elif "OS" in ceDict:
            architecture = ceDict.get( 'architecture', 'x86_64' )
            OS = ceDict['OS']
            platform = '_'.join( [architecture, OS] )
          if platform and not platform in self.platforms:
            self.platforms.append( platform )

          if not "Platform" in self.queueDict[queueName]['ParametersDict'] and platform:
            result = Resources.getDIRACPlatform( platform )
            if result['OK']:
              self.queueDict[queueName]['ParametersDict']['Platform'] = result['Value'][0]

          ceQueueDict = dict( ceDict )
          ceQueueDict.update( self.queueDict[queueName]['ParametersDict'] )

          # Generate the CE object for the queue or pick the already existing one
          # if the queue definition did not change
          queueHash = self.__generateQueueHash( ceQueueDict )
          if queueName in self.queueCECache and self.queueCECache[queueName]['Hash'] == queueHash:
            queueCE = self.queueCECache[queueName]['CE']
            result = ceFactory.getCE( ceName = ce,
                                      ceType = ceDict['CEType'],
                                      ceParametersDict = ceQueueDict )
            if not result['OK']:
              return result
            self.queueCECache.setdefault( queueName, {} )
            self.queueCECache[queueName]['Hash'] = queueHash
            self.queueCECache[queueName]['CE'] = result['Value']
            queueCE = self.queueCECache[queueName]['CE']

          self.queueDict[queueName]['CE'] = queueCE
          self.queueDict[queueName]['CEName'] = ce
          self.queueDict[queueName]['CEType'] = ceDict['CEType']
          self.queueDict[queueName]['Site'] = site
          self.queueDict[queueName]['QueueName'] = queue
          self.queueDict[queueName]['Platform'] = platform
          result = self.queueDict[queueName]['CE'].isValid()
          if not result['OK']:
            self.log.fatal( result['Message'] )
            return result
          if 'BundleProxy' in self.queueDict[queueName]['ParametersDict']:
            if self.queueDict[queueName]['ParametersDict']['BundleProxy'].lower() in ['true','yes','1']:
              self.queueDict[queueName]['BundleProxy'] = True
          elif 'BundleProxy' in ceDict:
            if ceDict['BundleProxy'].lower() in ['true','yes','1']:
              self.queueDict[queueName]['BundleProxy'] = True

          if site not in self.sites:
            self.sites.append( site )

    return S_OK()
Esempio n. 22
  def submitJobs( self ):
    """ Go through defined computing elements and submit jobs if necessary

    # Check that there is some work at all
    setup = CSGlobals.getSetup()
    tqDict = { 'Setup':setup,
               'CPUTime': 9999999,
               'SubmitPool' : self.defaultSubmitPools }
    if self.vo:
      tqDict['Community'] = self.vo
    if self.voGroups:
      tqDict['OwnerGroup'] = self.voGroups

    result = Resources.getCompatiblePlatforms( self.platforms )
    if not result['OK']:
      return result
    tqDict['Platform'] = result['Value']
    tqDict['Site'] = self.sites
    tqDict['Tag'] = []
    self.log.verbose( 'Checking overall TQ availability with requirements' )
    self.log.verbose( tqDict )

    rpcMatcher = RPCClient( "WorkloadManagement/Matcher" )
    result = rpcMatcher.getMatchingTaskQueues( tqDict )
    if not result[ 'OK' ]:
      return result
    if not result['Value']:
      self.log.verbose( 'No Waiting jobs suitable for the director' )
      return S_OK()

    jobSites = set()
    anySite = False
    testSites = set()
    totalWaitingJobs = 0
    for tqID in result['Value']:
      if "Sites" in result['Value'][tqID]:
        for site in result['Value'][tqID]['Sites']:
          if site.lower() != 'any':
            jobSites.add( site )
            anySite = True
        anySite = True
      if "JobTypes" in result['Value'][tqID]:
        if "Sites" in result['Value'][tqID]:
          for site in result['Value'][tqID]['Sites']:
            if site.lower() != 'any':
              testSites.add( site )
      totalWaitingJobs += result['Value'][tqID]['Jobs']

    tqIDList = result['Value'].keys()
    result = pilotAgentsDB.countPilots( { 'TaskQueueID': tqIDList,
                                          'Status': WAITING_PILOT_STATUS },
                                           None )
    totalWaitingPilots = 0
    if result['OK']:
      totalWaitingPilots = result['Value'] 'Total %d jobs in %d task queues with %d waiting pilots' % (totalWaitingJobs, len( tqIDList ), totalWaitingPilots ) )
    #if totalWaitingPilots >= totalWaitingJobs:
    # 'No more pilots to be submitted in this cycle' )
    #  return S_OK()

    # Check if the site is allowed in the mask
    result = jobDB.getSiteMask()
    if not result['OK']:
      return S_ERROR( 'Can not get the site mask' )
    siteMaskList = result['Value']

    queues = self.queueDict.keys()
    random.shuffle( queues )
    totalSubmittedPilots = 0
    for queue in queues:

      # Check if the queue failed previously
      failedCount = self.failedQueues.setdefault( queue, 0 ) % self.failedQueueCycleFactor
      if failedCount != 0:
        self.log.warn( "%s queue failed recently, skipping %d cycles" % ( queue, 10-failedCount ) )
        self.failedQueues[queue] += 1

      ce = self.queueDict[queue]['CE']
      ceName = self.queueDict[queue]['CEName']
      ceType = self.queueDict[queue]['CEType']
      queueName = self.queueDict[queue]['QueueName']
      siteName = self.queueDict[queue]['Site']
      platform = self.queueDict[queue]['Platform']
      siteMask = siteName in siteMaskList

      if not anySite and siteName not in jobSites:
        self.log.verbose( "Skipping queue %s at %s: no workload expected" % (queueName, siteName) )
      if not siteMask and siteName not in testSites:
        self.log.verbose( "Skipping queue %s at site %s not in the mask" % (queueName, siteName) )

      if 'CPUTime' in self.queueDict[queue]['ParametersDict'] :
        queueCPUTime = int( self.queueDict[queue]['ParametersDict']['CPUTime'] )
        self.log.warn( 'CPU time limit is not specified for queue %s, skipping...' % queue )
      if queueCPUTime > self.maxQueueLength:
        queueCPUTime = self.maxQueueLength

      # Prepare the queue description to look for eligible jobs
      ceDict = ce.getParameterDict()
      ceDict[ 'GridCE' ] = ceName
      #if not siteMask and 'Site' in ceDict:
      # 'Site not in the mask %s' % siteName )
      # 'Removing "Site" from matching Dict' )
      #  del ceDict[ 'Site' ]
      if not siteMask:
        ceDict['JobType'] = "Test"
      if self.vo:
        ceDict['Community'] = self.vo
      if self.voGroups:
        ceDict['OwnerGroup'] = self.voGroups

      # This is a hack to get rid of !
      ceDict['SubmitPool'] = self.defaultSubmitPools
      if "Tag" in ceDict and type( ceDict['Tag'] ) in types.StringTypes:
        ceDict['Tag'] = fromChar( ceDict['Tag'] )

      result = Resources.getCompatiblePlatforms( platform )
      if not result['OK']:
      ceDict['Platform'] = result['Value']

      # Get the number of eligible jobs for the target site/queue
      result = rpcMatcher.getMatchingTaskQueues( ceDict )
      if not result['OK']:
        self.log.error( 'Could not retrieve TaskQueues from TaskQueueDB', result['Message'] )
        return result
      taskQueueDict = result['Value']
      if not taskQueueDict:
        self.log.verbose( 'No matching TQs found for %s' % queue )

      totalTQJobs = 0
      tqIDList = taskQueueDict.keys()
      for tq in taskQueueDict:
        totalTQJobs += taskQueueDict[tq]['Jobs']

      self.log.verbose( '%d job(s) from %d task queue(s) are eligible for %s queue' % (totalTQJobs, len( tqIDList ), queue) )

      # Get the number of already waiting pilots for these task queues
      totalWaitingPilots = 0
      if self.pilotWaitingFlag:
        lastUpdateTime = dateTime() - self.pilotWaitingTime * second
        result = pilotAgentsDB.countPilots( { 'TaskQueueID': tqIDList,
                                              'Status': WAITING_PILOT_STATUS },
                                              None, lastUpdateTime )
        if not result['OK']:
          self.log.error( 'Failed to get Number of Waiting pilots', result['Message'] )
          totalWaitingPilots = 0
          totalWaitingPilots = result['Value']
          self.log.verbose( 'Waiting Pilots for TaskQueue %s:' % tqIDList, totalWaitingPilots )
      if totalWaitingPilots >= totalTQJobs:
        self.log.verbose( "%d waiting pilots already for all the available jobs" % totalWaitingPilots )

      self.log.verbose( "%d waiting pilots for the total of %d eligible jobs for %s" % (totalWaitingPilots, totalTQJobs, queue) )

      # Get the working proxy
      cpuTime = queueCPUTime + 86400
      self.log.verbose( "Getting pilot proxy for %s/%s %d long" % ( self.pilotDN, self.pilotGroup, cpuTime ) )
      result = gProxyManager.getPilotProxyFromDIRACGroup( self.pilotDN, self.pilotGroup, cpuTime )
      if not result['OK']:
        return result
      self.proxy = result['Value']
      ce.setProxy( self.proxy, cpuTime - 60 )

      # Get the number of available slots on the target site/queue
      totalSlots = self.__getQueueSlots( queue )
      if totalSlots == 0:

      pilotsToSubmit = max( 0, min( totalSlots, totalTQJobs - totalWaitingPilots ) ) '%s: Slots=%d, TQ jobs=%d, Pilots: waiting %d, to submit=%d' % \
                              ( queue, totalSlots, totalTQJobs, totalWaitingPilots, pilotsToSubmit ) )

      # Limit the number of pilots to submit to MAX_PILOTS_TO_SUBMIT
      pilotsToSubmit = min( self.maxPilotsToSubmit, pilotsToSubmit )

      while pilotsToSubmit > 0: 'Going to submit %d pilots to %s queue' % ( pilotsToSubmit, queue ) )

        bundleProxy = self.queueDict[queue].get( 'BundleProxy', False )
        jobExecDir = ''
        if ceType == 'CREAM':
          jobExecDir = '.'
        jobExecDir = self.queueDict[queue].get( 'JobExecDir', jobExecDir )
        httpProxy = self.queueDict[queue].get( 'HttpProxy', '' )

        result = self.__getExecutable( queue, pilotsToSubmit, bundleProxy, httpProxy, jobExecDir )
        if not result['OK']:
          return result

        executable, pilotSubmissionChunk = result['Value']
        result = ce.submitJob( executable, '', pilotSubmissionChunk )
        os.unlink( executable )
        if not result['OK']:
          self.log.error( 'Failed submission to queue %s:\n' % queue, result['Message'] )
          pilotsToSubmit = 0
          self.failedQueues[queue] += 1

        pilotsToSubmit = pilotsToSubmit - pilotSubmissionChunk
        # Add pilots to the PilotAgentsDB assign pilots to TaskQueue proportionally to the
        # task queue priorities
        pilotList = result['Value']
        self.queueSlots[queue]['AvailableSlots'] -= len( pilotList )
        totalSubmittedPilots += len( pilotList ) 'Submitted %d pilots to %s@%s' % ( len( pilotList ), queueName, ceName ) )
        stampDict = {}
        if result.has_key( 'PilotStampDict' ):
          stampDict = result['PilotStampDict']
        tqPriorityList = []
        sumPriority = 0.
        for tq in taskQueueDict:
          sumPriority += taskQueueDict[tq]['Priority']
          tqPriorityList.append( ( tq, sumPriority ) )
        rndm = random.random()*sumPriority
        tqDict = {}
        for pilotID in pilotList:
          rndm = random.random()*sumPriority
          for tq, prio in tqPriorityList:
            if rndm < prio:
              tqID = tq
          if not tqDict.has_key( tqID ):
            tqDict[tqID] = []
          tqDict[tqID].append( pilotID )

        for tqID, pilotList in tqDict.items():
          result = pilotAgentsDB.addPilotTQReference( pilotList,
                                                     stampDict )
          if not result['OK']:
            self.log.error( 'Failed add pilots to the PilotAgentsDB: ', result['Message'] )
          for pilot in pilotList:
            result = pilotAgentsDB.setPilotStatus( pilot, 'Submitted', ceName,
                                                  'Successfully submitted by the SiteDirector',
                                                  siteName, queueName )
            if not result['OK']:
              self.log.error( 'Failed to set pilot status: ', result['Message'] )
              continue "%d pilots submitted in total in this cycle" % totalSubmittedPilots )
    return S_OK()
Esempio n. 23
    def _ByJobType(self):
        """ By default, all sites are allowed to do every job.
        The actual rules are freely specified in the Operation JobTypeMapping section.
        The content of the section may look like this:

          Exclude = PAK
          Exclude += Ferrara
          Exclude += Bologna
          Exclude += Paris
          Exclude += CERN
          Exclude += IN2P3
            Paris = IN2P3
            CERN = CERN
            IN2P3 = IN2P3
          Exclude = PAK
          Exclude += Ferrara
          Exclude += CERN
          Exclude += IN2P3
            Ferrara = CERN
            CERN = CERN
            IN2P3 = IN2P3
            IN2P3 += CERN
          Exclude = ALL
            CERN = CERN
            IN2P3 = IN2P3

        The sites in the exclusion list will be removed.
        The allow section says where each site may help another site

        # 1. get sites list
        res = getSites()
        if not res['OK']:
            gLogger.error("Could not get the list of sites", res['Message'])
            return res
        destSites = set(res['Value'])

        # 2. get JobTypeMapping "Exclude" value (and add autoAddedSites)
            "Getting JobTypeMapping 'Exclude' value (and add autoAddedSites)")
        jobType = self.params['JobType']
        if not jobType:
            raise RuntimeError("No jobType specified")
        excludedSites = set(
            self.opsH.getValue('JobTypeMapping/%s/Exclude' % jobType, []))
        gLogger.debug("Explicitly excluded sites for %s task: %s" %
                      (jobType, ','.join(excludedSites)))
        autoAddedSites = self.opsH.getValue('JobTypeMapping/AutoAddedSites',
        if 'WithStorage' in autoAddedSites:
            # Add all sites with storage, such that jobs can run wherever data is
            autoAddedSites += DMSHelpers().getTiers(withStorage=True)

        # 3. removing sites in Exclude
        if not excludedSites:
        elif 'ALL' in excludedSites:
            destSites = set()
            destSites -= excludedSites

        # 4. get JobTypeMapping "Allow" section
        res = self.opsH.getOptionsDict('JobTypeMapping/%s/Allow' % jobType)
        if not res['OK']:
            allowed = {}
            allowed = dict((site, set(fromChar(fromSites)))
                           for site, fromSites in res['Value'].items())

        autoAddedSites = set(
            self.opsH.getValue('JobTypeMapping/%s/AutoAddedSites' % jobType,
        gLogger.debug("Auto-added sites for %s task: %s" %
                      (jobType, ','.join(autoAddedSites)))
        # 5. add autoAddedSites, if requested
        for autoAddedSite in autoAddedSites:
            allowed.setdefault(autoAddedSite, set()).add(autoAddedSite)
        gLogger.debug("Allowed sites for %s task: %s" %
                      (jobType, ','.join(allowed)))

        # 6. Allowing sites that should be allowed
        taskSiteDestination = self._BySE()

        for destSite, fromSites in allowed.items():
            for fromSite in fromSites:
                if not taskSiteDestination or fromSite in taskSiteDestination:

            "Computed list of destination sites for %s task with TargetSE %s: %s"
            % (jobType, self.params['TargetSE'], ','.join(destSites)))
        return destSites
Esempio n. 24
def getQueuesResolved(siteDict):
  Get the list of queue descriptions merging site/ce/queue parameters and adding some
  derived parameters.

  :param dict siteDict: dictionary with configuration data as returned by Resources.getQueues() method

  :return: S_OK/S_ERROR, Value dictionary per queue with configuration data updated, e.g. for SiteDirector

    queueFinalDict = {}

    for site in siteDict:
        for ce, ceDict in siteDict[site].items():
            qDict = ceDict.pop('Queues')
            for queue in qDict:

                queueName = '%s_%s' % (ce, queue)
                queueDict = qDict[queue]
                queueDict['Queue'] = queue
                queueDict['Site'] = site
                # Evaluate the CPU limit of the queue according to the Glue convention
                # To Do: should be a utility
                if "maxCPUTime" in queueDict and "SI00" in queueDict:
                    maxCPUTime = float(queueDict['maxCPUTime'])
                    # For some sites there are crazy values in the CS
                    maxCPUTime = max(maxCPUTime, 0)
                    maxCPUTime = min(maxCPUTime, 86400 * 12.5)
                    si00 = float(queueDict['SI00'])
                    queueCPUTime = 60 / 250 * maxCPUTime * si00
                    queueDict['CPUTime'] = int(queueCPUTime)

                # Tags & RequiredTags defined on the Queue level and on the CE level are concatenated
                # This also converts them from a string to a list if required.
                for tagFieldName in ('Tag', 'RequiredTag'):
                    ceTags = ceDict.get(tagFieldName, [])
                    if isinstance(ceTags, six.string_types):
                        ceTags = fromChar(ceTags)
                    queueTags = queueDict.get(tagFieldName, [])
                    if isinstance(queueTags, six.string_types):
                        queueTags = fromChar(queueTags)
                    queueDict[tagFieldName] = list(set(ceTags + queueTags))

                # Some parameters can be defined on the CE level and are inherited by all Queues
                for parameter in ['MaxRAM', 'NumberOfProcessors', 'WholeNode']:
                    queueParameter = queueDict.get(parameter,
                    if queueParameter:
                        queueDict[parameter] = queueParameter

                # If we have a multi-core queue add MultiProcessor tag
                if queueDict.get('NumberOfProcessors', 1) > 1:
                    queueDict.setdefault('Tag', []).append('MultiProcessor')

                queueDict['CEName'] = ce
                queueDict['GridCE'] = ce
                queueDict['CEType'] = ceDict['CEType']
                queueDict['GridMiddleware'] = ceDict['CEType']
                queueDict['QueueName'] = queue

                platform = queueDict.get('Platform',
                                         ceDict.get('Platform', ''))
                if not platform and "OS" in ceDict:
                    architecture = ceDict.get('architecture', 'x86_64')
                    platform = '_'.join([architecture, ceDict['OS']])

                queueDict['Platform'] = platform
                if platform:
                    result = getDIRACPlatform(platform)
                    if result['OK']:
                        queueDict['Platform'] = result['Value'][0]

                queueFinalDict[queueName] = queueDict

    return S_OK(queueFinalDict)
Esempio n. 25
  def syncCSWithVOMS(self):
    """ Performs the synchronization of the DIRAC registry with the VOMS data. The resulting
        CSAPI object containing modifications is returned as part of the output dictionary.
        Those changes can be applied by the caller depending on the mode (dry or a real run)

    :return: S_OK with a dictionary containing the results of the synchronization operation
    resultDict = defaultdict(list)

    # Get DIRAC group vs VOMS Role Mappings
    result = getVOMSRoleGroupMapping(self.vo)
    if not result['OK']:
      return result

    vomsDIRACMapping = result['Value']['VOMSDIRAC']
    diracVOMSMapping = result['Value']['DIRACVOMS']
    noVOMSGroups = result['Value']['NoVOMS']
    noSyncVOMSGroups = result['Value']['NoSyncVOMS']

    vomsSrv = VOMSService(self.vo)

    # Get VOMS users
    result = vomsSrv.getUsers()
    if not result['OK']:
      self.log.error('Could not retrieve user information from VOMS', result['Message'])
      return result

    self.vomsUserDict = result['Value']
    message = "There are %s user entries in VOMS for VO %s" % (len(self.vomsUserDict), self.vomsVOName)

    # Get DIRAC users
    result = self.getVOUserData(self.vo)
    if not result['OK']:
      return result
    diracUserDict = result['Value']
    self.adminMsgs['Info'].append("There are %s registered users in DIRAC for VO %s" % (len(diracUserDict), self.vo))"There are %s registered users in DIRAC VO %s" % (len(diracUserDict), self.vo))

    # Find new and obsoleted user DNs
    existingDNs = []
    obsoletedDNs = []
    newDNs = []
    for user in diracUserDict:
      dn = diracUserDict[user]['DN']
      # We can have users with more than one DN registered
      dnList = fromChar(dn)
      for dn in dnList:
        if dn not in self.vomsUserDict:

    for dn in self.vomsUserDict:
      if dn not in existingDNs:

    allDiracUsers = getAllUsers()
    nonVOUserDict = {}
    nonVOUsers = list(set(allDiracUsers) - set(diracUserDict))
    if nonVOUsers:
      result = self.csapi.describeUsers(nonVOUsers)
      if not result['OK']:
        self.log.error('Could not retrieve CS User description')
        return result
      nonVOUserDict = result['Value']

    # Process users
    defaultVOGroup = getVOOption(self.vo, "DefaultGroup", "%s_user" % self.vo)
    # If a user is (previously put by hand) in a "QuarantineGroup",
    # then the default group will be ignored.
    # So, this option is only considered for the case of existing users.
    quarantineVOGroup = getVOOption(self.vo, "QuarantineGroup")

    newAddedUserDict = {}
    for dn in self.vomsUserDict:
      newDNForExistingUser = ''
      diracName = ''
      if dn in existingDNs:
        for user in diracUserDict:
          if dn == diracUserDict[user]['DN']:
            diracName = user

      if dn in newDNs:
        # Find if the DN is already registered in the DIRAC CS
        for user in nonVOUserDict:
          if dn == nonVOUserDict[user]['DN']:
            diracName = user

        # Check the nickName in the same VO to see if the user is already registered
        # with another DN
        nickName = self.vomsUserDict[dn].get('nickname')
        if nickName in diracUserDict or nickName in newAddedUserDict:
          diracName = nickName
          # This is a flag for adding the new DN to an already existing user
          newDNForExistingUser = dn

        # We have a real new user
        if not diracName:
          if nickName:
            newDiracName = nickName
            newDiracName = self.getUserName(dn)

          # Do not consider users with Suspended status in VOMS
          if self.vomsUserDict[dn]['suspended'] or self.vomsUserDict[dn]['certSuspended']:

          # If the chosen user name exists already, append a distinguishing suffix
          ind = 1
          trialName = newDiracName
          while newDiracName in allDiracUsers:
            # We have a user with the same name but with a different DN
            newDiracName = "%s_%d" % (trialName, ind)
            ind += 1

          # We now have everything to add the new user
          userDict = {"DN": dn, "CA": self.vomsUserDict[dn]['CA'], "Email": self.vomsUserDict[dn]['mail']}
          groupsWithRole = []
          for role in self.vomsUserDict[dn]['Roles']:
            groupList = vomsDIRACMapping.get(role, [])
            for group in groupList:
              if group not in noSyncVOMSGroups:
          userDict['Groups'] = list(set(groupsWithRole + [defaultVOGroup]))
          message = "\n  Added new user %s:\n" % newDiracName
          for key in userDict:
            message += "    %s: %s\n" % (key, str(userDict[key]))
          self.voChanged = True
          if self.autoAddUsers:
  "Adding new user %s: %s" % (newDiracName, str(userDict)))
            result = self.csapi.modifyUser(newDiracName, userDict, createIfNonExistant=True)
            if not result['OK']:
              self.log.warn('Failed adding new user %s' % newDiracName)
            newAddedUserDict[newDiracName] = userDict

      # We have an already existing user
      modified = False
      userDict = {"DN": dn, "CA": self.vomsUserDict[dn]['CA'], "Email": self.vomsUserDict[dn]['mail']}
      if newDNForExistingUser:
        userDict['DN'] = ','.join([dn, diracUserDict.get(diracName, newAddedUserDict.get(diracName))['DN']])
        modified = True
      existingGroups = diracUserDict.get(diracName, {}).get('Groups', [])
      nonVOGroups = list(set(existingGroups) - set(diracVOMSMapping))
      groupsWithRole = []
      for role in self.vomsUserDict[dn]['Roles']:
        groupList = vomsDIRACMapping.get(role, [])
        for group in groupList:
          if group not in noSyncVOMSGroups:
      keepGroups = nonVOGroups + groupsWithRole
      if not quarantineVOGroup or quarantineVOGroup not in existingGroups:
        keepGroups += [defaultVOGroup]
      for group in existingGroups:
        if group in nonVOGroups:
        role = diracVOMSMapping.get(group, '')
        # Among already existing groups for the user keep those without a special VOMS Role
        # because this membership is done by hand in the CS
        if "Role" not in role:
        # Keep existing groups with no VOMS attribute if any
        if group in noVOMSGroups:
        # Keep groups for which syncronization with VOMS is forbidden
        if group in noSyncVOMSGroups:
      userDict['Groups'] = list(set(keepGroups))
      # Merge together groups for the same user but different DNs
      if diracName in newAddedUserDict:
        otherGroups = newAddedUserDict[diracName].get('Groups', [])
        userDict['Groups'] = list(set(keepGroups + otherGroups))
        modified = True

      # Check if something changed before asking CSAPI to modify
      if diracName in diracUserDict:
        message = "\n  Modified user %s:\n" % diracName
        modMsg = ''
        for key in userDict:
          if key == "Groups":
            addedGroups = set(userDict[key]) - set(diracUserDict.get(diracName, {}).get(key, []))
            removedGroups = set(diracUserDict.get(diracName, {}).get(key, [])) - set(userDict[key])
            if addedGroups:
              modMsg += "    Added to group(s) %s\n" % ','.join(addedGroups)
            if removedGroups:
              modMsg += "    Removed from group(s) %s\n" % ','.join(removedGroups)
            oldValue = str(diracUserDict.get(diracName, {}).get(key, ''))
            if str(userDict[key]) != oldValue:
              modMsg += "    %s: %s -> %s\n" % (key, oldValue, str(userDict[key]))
        if modMsg:
          self.adminMsgs['Info'].append(message + modMsg)
          modified = True

      if self.autoModifyUsers and modified:
        result = self.csapi.modifyUser(diracName, userDict)
        if result['OK'] and result['Value']:
"Modified user %s: %s" % (diracName, str(userDict)))
          self.voChanged = True

    # Check if there are potentially obsoleted users
    oldUsers = set()
    for user in diracUserDict:
      dnSet = set(fromChar(diracUserDict[user]['DN']))
      if not dnSet.intersection(set(self.vomsUserDict)) and user not in nonVOUserDict:
        for group in diracUserDict[user]['Groups']:
          if group not in noVOMSGroups:

    # Check for obsoleted DNs
    for user in diracUserDict:
      dnSet = set(fromChar(diracUserDict[user]['DN']))
      for dn in dnSet:
        if dn in obsoletedDNs and user not in oldUsers:
          self.log.verbose("Modified user %s: dropped DN %s" % (user, dn))
          if self.autoModifyUsers:
            userDict = diracUserDict[user]
            modDNSet = dnSet - set([dn])
            if modDNSet:
              userDict['DN'] = ','.join(modDNSet)
              result = self.csapi.modifyUser(user, userDict)
              if result['OK'] and result['Value']:
      "Modified user %s: dropped DN %s" % (user, dn))
                self.adminMsgs['Info'].append("Modified user %s: dropped DN %s" % (user, dn))
                self.voChanged = True

    if oldUsers:
      self.voChanged = True
      if self.autoDeleteUsers:'The following users will be deleted: %s' % str(oldUsers))
        result = self.csapi.deleteUsers(oldUsers)
        if result['OK']:
          self.adminMsgs['Info'].append('The following users are deleted from CS:\n  %s\n' % str(oldUsers))
          resultDict['DeletedUsers'] = oldUsers
          self.adminMsgs['Errors'].append('Error in deleting users from CS:\n  %s' % str(oldUsers))
          self.log.error('Error while user deletion from CS', result)
        self.adminMsgs['Info'].append('The following users to be checked for deletion:\n  %s' % str(oldUsers))'The following users to be checked for deletion: %s' % str(oldUsers))

    resultDict['CSAPI'] = self.csapi
    resultDict['AdminMessages'] = self.adminMsgs
    return S_OK(resultDict)
Esempio n. 26
def getNumberOfProcessors(siteName=None, gridCE=None, queue=None):
    """ gets the number of processors on a certain CE/queue/node (what the pilot administers)

      The siteName/gridCE/queue parameters are normally not necessary.

      Tries to find it in this order:
      1) from the /Resources/Computing/CEDefaults/NumberOfProcessors (which is what the pilot fills up)
      2) if not present from JobFeatures
      3) if not present looks in CS for "NumberOfProcessors" Queue or CE option
      4) if not present looks in CS for "%dProcessors" Queue or CE Tag
      5) if not present but there's WholeNode tag, look what the WN provides using multiprocessing.cpu_count()
      6) return 1

    # 1) from /Resources/Computing/CEDefaults/NumberOfProcessors
        "Getting numberOfProcessors from /Resources/Computing/CEDefaults/NumberOfProcessors"
    numberOfProcessors = gConfig.getValue(
    if numberOfProcessors:
        return numberOfProcessors

    # 2) from MJF"Getting numberOfProcessors from MJF")
    numberOfProcessors = getProcessorFromMJF()
    if numberOfProcessors:
        return numberOfProcessors

    # 3) looks in CS for "NumberOfProcessors" Queue or CE or site option
    grid = siteName.split('.')[0]
        "NumberOfProcessors could not be found in MJF, trying from CS (queue definition)"
    numberOfProcessors = gConfig.getValue(
        '/Resources/Sites/%s/%s/CEs/%s/Queues/%s/NumberOfProcessors' %
        (grid, siteName, gridCE, queue))
    if numberOfProcessors:
        return numberOfProcessors
        "NumberOfProcessors could not be found in CS queue definition, ",
        "trying from /Resources/Sites/%s/%s/CEs/%s/NumberOfProcessors" %
        (grid, siteName, gridCE))
    numberOfProcessors = gConfig.getValue(
        '/Resources/Sites/%s/%s/CEs/%s/NumberOfProcessors' %
        (grid, siteName, gridCE))
    if numberOfProcessors:
        return numberOfProcessors
        "NumberOfProcessors could not be found in CS CE definition, ",
        "trying from /Resources/Sites/%s/%s/NumberOfProcessors" %
        (grid, siteName))
    numberOfProcessors = gConfig.getValue(
        '/Resources/Sites/%s/%s/NumberOfProcessors' % (grid, siteName))
    if numberOfProcessors:
        return numberOfProcessors

    # 3) looks in CS for tags"Getting number of processors"
                 "from tags for %s: %s: %s" % (siteName, gridCE, queue))
    # Tags of the CE
    tags = fromChar(
            '/Resources/Sites/%s/%s/CEs/%s/Tag' %
            (siteName.split('.')[0], siteName, gridCE), ''))
    # Tags of the Queue
    tags += fromChar(
            '/Resources/Sites/%s/%s/CEs/%s/Queues/%s/Tag' %
            (siteName.split('.')[0], siteName, gridCE, queue), ''))
    for tag in tags:
        numberOfProcessorsTag ='[0-9]Processors', tag)
        if numberOfProcessorsTag:
  "Number of processors from tags",
            return int(numberOfProcessorsTag.string.replace('Processors', ''))"NumberOfProcessors could not be found in CS")
    if 'WholeNode' in tags:"Found WholeNode tag, using multiprocessing.cpu_count()")
        return multiprocessing.cpu_count()

    return 1
 def _setSystems(self, val): = fromChar(val)
   return S_OK()
Esempio n. 28
    def getEndpoints(self, resourceDict):
        """ Get the list of relevant CEs and their descriptions

        self.vmTypeDict = {}
        ceFactory = EndpointFactory()

        result = getPilotBootstrapParameters(vo=self.vo,
        if not result['OK']:
            return result
        opParameters = result['Value']

        for site in resourceDict:
            for ce in resourceDict[site]:
                ceDict = resourceDict[site][ce]
                ceTags = ceDict.get('Tag', [])
                if isinstance(ceTags, basestring):
                    ceTags = fromChar(ceTags)
                ceMaxRAM = ceDict.get('MaxRAM', None)
                qDict = ceDict.pop('VMTypes')
                for vmType in qDict:
                    vmTypeName = '%s_%s' % (ce, vmType)
                    self.vmTypeDict[vmTypeName] = {}
                    self.vmTypeDict[vmTypeName]['ParametersDict'] = qDict[
                        'VMType'] = vmType
                        'Site'] = site
                        'Setup'] = gConfig.getValue('/DIRAC/Setup', 'unknown')
                        'CPUTime'] = 99999999

                    vmTypeTags = self.vmTypeDict[vmTypeName][
                    if vmTypeTags and isinstance(vmTypeTags, basestring):
                        vmTypeTags = fromChar(vmTypeTags)
                            'Tag'] = vmTypeTags
                    if ceTags:
                        if vmTypeTags:
                            allTags = list(set(ceTags + vmTypeTags))
                                'Tag'] = allTags
                                'Tag'] = ceTags

                    maxRAM = self.vmTypeDict[vmTypeName]['ParametersDict'].get(
                    maxRAM = ceMaxRAM if not maxRAM else maxRAM
                    if maxRAM:
                            'MaxRAM'] = maxRAM

                    ceWholeNode = ceDict.get('WholeNode', 'true')
                    wholeNode = self.vmTypeDict[vmTypeName][
                        'ParametersDict'].get('WholeNode', ceWholeNode)
                    if wholeNode.lower() in ('yes', 'true'):
                            'ParametersDict'].setdefault('Tag', [])

                    platform = ''
                    if "Platform" in self.vmTypeDict[vmTypeName][
                        platform = self.vmTypeDict[vmTypeName][
                    elif "Platform" in ceDict:
                        platform = ceDict['Platform']
                    if platform and platform not in self.platforms:

                    if "Platform" not in self.vmTypeDict[vmTypeName][
                            'ParametersDict'] and platform:
                        result = Resources.getDIRACPlatform(platform)
                        if result['OK']:
                                'Platform'] = result['Value'][0]

                    ceVMTypeDict = dict(ceDict)
                    ceVMTypeDict['CEName'] = ce
                    ceVMTypeDict['VO'] = self.vo
                    ceVMTypeDict['VMType'] = vmType
                    ceVMTypeDict['RunningPod'] = self.runningPod
                    ceVMTypeDict['CSServers'] = gConfig.getValue(
                        "/DIRAC/Configuration/Servers", [])

                    # Allow a resource-specifc CAPath to be set (as some clouds have their own CAs)
                    # Otherwise fall back to the system-wide default(s)
                    if 'CAPath' not in ceVMTypeDict:
                        ceVMTypeDict['CAPath'] = gConfig.getValue(

                    # Generate the CE object for the vmType or pick the already existing one
                    # if the vmType definition did not change
                    vmTypeHash = self.__generateVMTypeHash(ceVMTypeDict)
                    if vmTypeName in self.vmTypeCECache and self.vmTypeCECache[
                            vmTypeName]['Hash'] == vmTypeHash:
                        vmTypeCE = self.vmTypeCECache[vmTypeName]['CE']
                        result = ceFactory.getCEObject(parameters=ceVMTypeDict)
                        if not result['OK']:
                            return result
                        self.vmTypeCECache.setdefault(vmTypeName, {})
                        self.vmTypeCECache[vmTypeName]['Hash'] = vmTypeHash
                        self.vmTypeCECache[vmTypeName]['CE'] = result['Value']
                        vmTypeCE = self.vmTypeCECache[vmTypeName]['CE']

                    self.vmTypeDict[vmTypeName]['CE'] = vmTypeCE
                    self.vmTypeDict[vmTypeName]['CEName'] = ce
                    self.vmTypeDict[vmTypeName]['CEType'] = ceDict['CEType']
                    self.vmTypeDict[vmTypeName]['Site'] = site
                    self.vmTypeDict[vmTypeName]['VMType'] = vmType
                    self.vmTypeDict[vmTypeName]['Platform'] = platform
                    self.vmTypeDict[vmTypeName]['MaxInstances'] = ceDict[
                    if not self.vmTypeDict[vmTypeName]['CE'].isValid():
                            'Failed to instantiate CloudEndpoint for %s' %

                    if site not in self.sites:

        return S_OK()
Esempio n. 29
  def _ByJobType( self ):
    """ By default, all sites are allowed to do every job. The actual rules are freely specified in the Operation JobTypeMapping section.
        The content of the section may look like this:

          Exclude = PAK
          Exclude += Ferrara
          Exclude += Bologna
          Exclude += Paris
          Exclude += CERN
          Exclude += IN2P3
            Paris = IN2P3
            CERN = CERN
            IN2P3 = IN2P3
          Exclude = PAK
          Exclude += Ferrara
          Exclude += CERN
          Exclude += IN2P3
            Ferrara = CERN
            CERN = CERN
            IN2P3 = IN2P3
            IN2P3 += CERN
          Exclude = ALL
            CERN = CERN
            IN2P3 = IN2P3

        The sites in the exclusion list will be removed.
        The allow section says where each site may help another site

    # 1. get sites list
    res = getSites()
    if not res['OK']:
      gLogger.error( "Could not get the list of sites", res['Message'] )
      return res
    destSites = set( res['Value'] )

    # 2. get JobTypeMapping "Exclude" value (and add autoAddedSites)
    gLogger.debug( "Getting JobTypeMapping 'Exclude' value (and add autoAddedSites)" )
    jobType = self.params['JobType']
    if not jobType:
      raise RuntimeError( "No jobType specified" )
    excludedSites = self.opsH.getValue( 'JobTypeMapping/%s/Exclude' % jobType, [] )
    gLogger.debug( "Explicitly excluded sites for %s task: %s" % ( jobType, ','.join( excludedSites ) ) )
    excludedSites += self.opsH.getValue( 'JobTypeMapping/AutoAddedSites', [] )
    gLogger.debug( "Full list of excluded sites for %s task: %s" % ( jobType, ','.join( excludedSites ) ) )

    # 3. removing sites in Exclude
    if not excludedSites:
    elif 'ALL' in excludedSites:
      destSites = set()
      destSites = destSites.difference( set( excludedSites ) )

    # 4. get JobTypeMapping "Allow" section
    res = self.opsH.getOptionsDict( 'JobTypeMapping/%s/Allow' % jobType )
    if not res['OK']:
      gLogger.verbose( res['Message'] )
      allowed = {}
      allowed = res['Value']
      for site in allowed:
        allowed[site] = fromChar( allowed[site] )

    # 5. add autoAddedSites, if requested
    autoAddedSites = self.opsH.getValue( 'JobTypeMapping/AutoAddedSites', [] )
    if autoAddedSites:
      for autoAddedSite in autoAddedSites:
        allowed.setdefault( autoAddedSite, [autoAddedSite] )
        if autoAddedSite not in allowed:
          allowed[autoAddedSite] = [autoAddedSite]
          allowed[autoAddedSite] = [autoAddedSite] + allowed[autoAddedSite]
    gLogger.debug( "Allowed sites for %s task: %s" % ( jobType, ','.join( allowed ) ) )

    # 6. Allowing sites that should be allowed
    if not self.params['TargetSE'] or self.params['TargetSE'] == 'Unknown':
      gLogger.warn( "TargetSE is not set: the destination sites list will be incomplete" )
    taskSiteDestination = self._BySE()

    for destSite, fromSites in allowed.iteritems():
      for fromSite in fromSites:
        if taskSiteDestination:
          if fromSite in taskSiteDestination:
            destSites.add( destSite )
          destSites.add( destSite )

    gLogger.verbose( "Computed list of destination sites for %s task with TargetSE %s: %s" % ( jobType,
                                                                                               ','.join( destSites ) ) )
    return destSites
Esempio n. 30
  def registerUser( self ):

    This function is used to notify DIRAC admins about user registration request
    The logic is simple:
    0) Check if request from this e-mail has already registered or not
    1) Send mail to VO admin of requested VO
    2) Send mail to users in group with UserAdministrator property
    3) Send mail to users indicated in /Website/UserRegistrationAdmin option
    """"Start processing a registration request")

    # Check for having a DN but no username
    dn = getUserDN()
    if not dn:
      error = "Certificate is not loaded in the browser or DN is absent"
      gLogger.error( "Service response: %s" % error )
      return { "success" : "false" , "error" : error }
    username = getUsername()
    if not username == "anonymous":
      error = "You are already registered in DIRAC with username: %s" % username
      gLogger.error( "Service response: %s" % error )
      return { "success" : "false" , "error" : error } "DN: %s" % dn )

    if not request.params.has_key( "email" ):
      error = "Can not get your email address from the request"
      gLogger.debug( "Service response: %s" % error )
      return { "success" : "false" , "error" : error }
    userMail = request.params[ "email" ]

    if self.alreadyRequested( userMail ):
      error = "Request associated with %s already registered" % userMail
      gLogger.debug( "Service response: %s" % error )
      return { "success" : "false" , "error" : error }

    vo = fromChar( request.params[ "vo" ] )
    if not vo:
      error = "You should indicate a VirtualOrganization for membership"
      gLogger.debug( "Service response: %s" % error )
      return { "success" : "false" , "error" : error } "User want to be register in VO(s): %s" % vo )

    body = str()
    for i in request.params:
      if not i in [ "registration_request" , "email" , "vo" ]:
        info = self.__checkUnicode( i , request.params[ i ] )
        body = body + info + "\n"
    body = body + "DN - " + dn
    gLogger.debug( "email body: %s" % body )

    adminList = self.__getAdminList( vo )
    if not len( adminList ) > 0:
      error = "Can't get in contact with administrators about your request\n"
      error = error + "Most likely this DIRAC instance is not configured yet"
      gLogger.debug( "Service response: %s" % error )
      return { "success" : "false" , "error" : error }
    adminList = uniqueElements( adminList ) "Chosen admin(s): %s" % adminList )
    sendDict = self.__getMailDict( adminList )
    if not len(sendDict) > 0:
      error = "Can't get in contact with administrators about your request\n"
      error = error + "Most likely this DIRAC instance is not configured yet"
      gLogger.debug( "Service response: %s" % error )
      return { "success" : "false" , "error" : error }
    gLogger.debug( "Final dictionary with mails to be used %s" % sendDict )

    return self.__sendAMail( sendDict , body , userMail )
Esempio n. 31
  def getQueues( self, resourceDict ):
    """ Get the list of relevant CEs and their descriptions

    self.queueDict = {}
    ceFactory = ComputingElementFactory()

    for site in resourceDict:
      for ce in resourceDict[site]:
        ceDict = resourceDict[site][ce]
        ceTags = ceDict.get( 'Tag', [] )
        pilotRunDirectory = ceDict.get( 'PilotRunDirectory', '' )
        if isinstance( ceTags, basestring ):
          ceTags = fromChar( ceTags )
        ceMaxRAM = ceDict.get( 'MaxRAM', None )
        qDict = ceDict.pop( 'Queues' )
        for queue in qDict:
          queueName = '%s_%s' % ( ce, queue )
          self.queueDict[queueName] = {}
          self.queueDict[queueName]['ParametersDict'] = qDict[queue]
          self.queueDict[queueName]['ParametersDict']['Queue'] = queue
          self.queueDict[queueName]['ParametersDict']['Site'] = site
          self.queueDict[queueName]['ParametersDict']['GridEnv'] = self.gridEnv
          self.queueDict[queueName]['ParametersDict']['Setup'] = gConfig.getValue( '/DIRAC/Setup', 'unknown' )
          # Evaluate the CPU limit of the queue according to the Glue convention
          # To Do: should be a utility
          if "maxCPUTime" in self.queueDict[queueName]['ParametersDict'] and \
             "SI00" in self.queueDict[queueName]['ParametersDict']:
            maxCPUTime = float( self.queueDict[queueName]['ParametersDict']['maxCPUTime'] )
            # For some sites there are crazy values in the CS
            maxCPUTime = max( maxCPUTime, 0 )
            maxCPUTime = min( maxCPUTime, 86400 * 12.5 )
            si00 = float( self.queueDict[queueName]['ParametersDict']['SI00'] )
            queueCPUTime = 60. / 250. * maxCPUTime * si00
            self.queueDict[queueName]['ParametersDict']['CPUTime'] = int( queueCPUTime )

          queueTags = self.queueDict[queueName]['ParametersDict'].get( 'Tag' )
          if queueTags and isinstance( queueTags, basestring ):
            queueTags = fromChar( queueTags )
            self.queueDict[queueName]['ParametersDict']['Tag'] = queueTags
          if ceTags:
            if queueTags:
              allTags = list( set( ceTags + queueTags ) )
              self.queueDict[queueName]['ParametersDict']['Tag'] = allTags
              self.queueDict[queueName]['ParametersDict']['Tag'] = ceTags

          maxRAM = self.queueDict[queueName]['ParametersDict'].get( 'MaxRAM' )
          maxRAM = ceMaxRAM if not maxRAM else maxRAM
          if maxRAM:
            self.queueDict[queueName]['ParametersDict']['MaxRAM'] = maxRAM
          if pilotRunDirectory:
            self.queueDict[queueName]['ParametersDict']['JobExecDir'] = pilotRunDirectory
          qwDir = os.path.join( self.workingDirectory, queue )
          self.queueDict[queueName]['ParametersDict']['WorkingDirectory'] = qwDir
          platform = ''
          if "Platform" in self.queueDict[queueName]['ParametersDict']:
            platform = self.queueDict[queueName]['ParametersDict']['Platform']
          elif "Platform" in ceDict:
            platform = ceDict['Platform']
          elif "OS" in ceDict:
            architecture = ceDict.get( 'architecture', 'x86_64' )
            OS = ceDict['OS']
            platform = '_'.join( [architecture, OS] )
          if platform and not platform in self.platforms:
            self.platforms.append( platform )

          if not "Platform" in self.queueDict[queueName]['ParametersDict'] and platform:
            result = Resources.getDIRACPlatform( platform )
            if result['OK']:
              self.queueDict[queueName]['ParametersDict']['Platform'] = result['Value'][0]

          ceQueueDict = dict( ceDict )
          ceQueueDict.update( self.queueDict[queueName]['ParametersDict'] )

          # Generate the CE object for the queue or pick the already existing one
          # if the queue definition did not change
          queueHash = self.__generateQueueHash( ceQueueDict )
          if queueName in self.queueCECache and self.queueCECache[queueName]['Hash'] == queueHash:
            queueCE = self.queueCECache[queueName]['CE']
            result = ceFactory.getCE( ceName = ce,
                                      ceType = ceDict['CEType'],
                                      ceParametersDict = ceQueueDict )
            if not result['OK']:
              return result
            self.queueCECache.setdefault( queueName, {} )
            self.queueCECache[queueName]['Hash'] = queueHash
            self.queueCECache[queueName]['CE'] = result['Value']
            queueCE = self.queueCECache[queueName]['CE']

          self.queueDict[queueName]['CE'] = queueCE
          self.queueDict[queueName]['CEName'] = ce
          self.queueDict[queueName]['CEType'] = ceDict['CEType']
          self.queueDict[queueName]['Site'] = site
          self.queueDict[queueName]['QueueName'] = queue
          self.queueDict[queueName]['Platform'] = platform
          result = self.queueDict[queueName]['CE'].isValid()
          if not result['OK']:
            self.log.fatal( result['Message'] )
            return result
          if 'BundleProxy' in self.queueDict[queueName]['ParametersDict']:
            if self.queueDict[queueName]['ParametersDict']['BundleProxy'].lower() in ['true','yes','1']:
              self.queueDict[queueName]['BundleProxy'] = True
          elif 'BundleProxy' in ceDict:
            if ceDict['BundleProxy'].lower() in ['true','yes','1']:
              self.queueDict[queueName]['BundleProxy'] = True

          if site not in self.sites:
            self.sites.append( site )

    return S_OK()
Esempio n. 32
    def __syncCSWithVOMS(self, vo):
        self.__adminMsgs = {'Errors': [], 'Info': []}
        resultDict = defaultdict(list)

        # Get DIRAC group vs VOMS Role Mappings
        result = getVOMSRoleGroupMapping(vo)
        if not result['OK']:
            return result

        vomsDIRACMapping = result['Value']['VOMSDIRAC']
        diracVOMSMapping = result['Value']['DIRACVOMS']
        noVOMSGroups = result['Value']['NoVOMS']
        noSyncVOMSGroups = result['Value']['NoSyncVOMS']

        vomsSrv = VOMSService(vo)

        # Get VOMS VO name
        result = vomsSrv.admGetVOName()
        if not result['OK']:
            self.log.error('Could not retrieve VOMS VO name', "for %s" % vo)
            return result
        vomsVOName = result['Value'].lstrip('/')
        self.log.verbose("VOMS VO Name for %s is %s" % (vo, vomsVOName))

        # Get VOMS users
        result = vomsSrv.getUsers()
        if not result['OK']:
            self.log.error('Could not retrieve user information from VOMS',
            return result
        vomsUserDict = result['Value']
        message = "There are %s user entries in VOMS for VO %s" % (
            len(vomsUserDict), vomsVOName)

        # Get DIRAC users
        result = self.getVOUserData(vo)
        if not result['OK']:
            return result
        diracUserDict = result['Value']
            "There are %s registered users in DIRAC for VO %s" %
            (len(diracUserDict), vo))"There are %s registered users in DIRAC VO %s" %
                      (len(diracUserDict), vo))

        # Find new and obsoleted user DNs
        existingDNs = []
        obsoletedDNs = []
        newDNs = []
        for user in diracUserDict:
            dn = diracUserDict[user]['DN']
            # We can have users with more than one DN registered
            dnList = fromChar(dn)
            for dn in dnList:
                if dn not in vomsUserDict:

        for dn in vomsUserDict:
            if dn not in existingDNs:

        allDiracUsers = getAllUsers()
        nonVOUserDict = {}
        nonVOUsers = list(set(allDiracUsers) - set(diracUserDict.keys()))
        if nonVOUsers:
            result = self.csapi.describeUsers(nonVOUsers)
            if not result['OK']:
                self.log.error('Could not retrieve CS User description')
                return result
            nonVOUserDict = result['Value']

        # Process users
        defaultVOGroup = getVOOption(vo, "DefaultGroup", "%s_user" % vo)
        newAddedUserDict = {}
        for dn in vomsUserDict:
            nickName = ''
            newDNForExistingUser = ''
            diracName = ''
            if dn in existingDNs:
                for user in diracUserDict:
                    if dn == diracUserDict[user]['DN']:
                        diracName = user

            if dn in newDNs:
                # Find if the DN is already registered in the DIRAC CS
                for user in nonVOUserDict:
                    if dn == nonVOUserDict[user]['DN']:
                        diracName = user

                # Check the nickName in the same VO to see if the user is already registered
                # with another DN
                result = vomsSrv.attGetUserNickname(dn, vomsUserDict[dn]['CA'])
                if result['OK']:
                    nickName = result['Value']
                if nickName in diracUserDict or nickName in newAddedUserDict:
                    diracName = nickName
                    # This is a flag for adding the new DN to an already existing user
                    newDNForExistingUser = dn

                # We have a real new user
                if not diracName:
                    if nickName:
                        newDiracName = nickName
                        newDiracName = getUserName(dn,

                    # If the chosen user name exists already, append a distinguishing suffix
                    ind = 1
                    trialName = newDiracName
                    while newDiracName in allDiracUsers:
                        # We have a user with the same name but with a different DN
                        newDiracName = "%s_%d" % (trialName, ind)
                        ind += 1

                    # We now have everything to add the new user
                    userDict = {
                        "DN": dn,
                        "CA": vomsUserDict[dn]['CA'],
                        "Email": vomsUserDict[dn]['mail']
                    groupsWithRole = []
                    for role in vomsUserDict[dn]['Roles']:
                        fullRole = "/%s/%s" % (vomsVOName, role)
                        groupList = vomsDIRACMapping.get(fullRole, [])
                        for group in groupList:
                            if group not in noSyncVOMSGroups:
                    userDict['Groups'] = list(
                        set(groupsWithRole + [defaultVOGroup]))
                    message = "\n  Added new user %s:\n" % newDiracName
                    for key in userDict:
                        message += "    %s: %s\n" % (key, str(userDict[key]))
                    self.voChanged = True
                    if self.autoAddUsers:
              "Adding new user %s: %s" %
                                      (newDiracName, str(userDict)))
                        result = self.csapi.modifyUser(
                            newDiracName, userDict, createIfNonExistant=True)
                        if not result['OK']:
                            self.log.warn('Failed adding new user %s' %
                        newAddedUserDict[newDiracName] = userDict

            # We have an already existing user
            modified = False
            userDict = {
                "DN": dn,
                "CA": vomsUserDict[dn]['CA'],
                "Email": vomsUserDict[dn]['mail']
            if newDNForExistingUser:
                userDict['DN'] = ','.join([dn, diracUserDict[diracName]['DN']])
                modified = True
            existingGroups = diracUserDict.get(diracName, {}).get('Groups', [])
            nonVOGroups = list(
                set(existingGroups) - set(diracVOMSMapping.keys()))
            groupsWithRole = []
            for role in vomsUserDict[dn]['Roles']:
                fullRole = "/%s/%s" % (vomsVOName, role)
                groupList = vomsDIRACMapping.get(fullRole, [])
                for group in groupList:
                    if group not in noSyncVOMSGroups:
            keepGroups = nonVOGroups + groupsWithRole + [defaultVOGroup]
            for group in existingGroups:
                if group in nonVOGroups:
                role = diracVOMSMapping.get(group, '')
                # Among already existing groups for the user keep those without a special VOMS Role
                # because this membership is done by hand in the CS
                if not "Role" in role:
                # Keep existing groups with no VOMS attribute if any
                if group in noVOMSGroups:
                # Keep groups for which syncronization with VOMS is forbidden
                if group in noSyncVOMSGroups:
            userDict['Groups'] = list(set(keepGroups))
            # Merge together groups for the same user but different DNs
            if diracName in newAddedUserDict:
                otherGroups = newAddedUserDict[diracName].get('Groups', [])
                userDict['Groups'] = list(set(keepGroups + otherGroups))
                modified = True

            # Check if something changed before asking CSAPI to modify
            if diracName in diracUserDict:
                message = "\n  Modified user %s:\n" % diracName
                modMsg = ''
                for key in userDict:
                    if key == "Groups":
                        addedGroups = set(userDict[key]) - set(
                            diracUserDict.get(diracName, {}).get(key, []))
                        removedGroups = set(
                            diracUserDict.get(diracName, {}).get(
                                key, [])) - set(userDict[key])
                        if addedGroups:
                            modMsg += "    Added to group(s) %s\n" % ','.join(
                        if removedGroups:
                            modMsg += "    Removed from group(s) %s\n" % ','.join(
                        oldValue = str(
                            diracUserDict.get(diracName, {}).get(key, ''))
                        if str(userDict[key]) != oldValue:
                            modMsg += "    %s: %s -> %s\n" % (
                                key, oldValue, str(userDict[key]))
                if modMsg:
                    self.__adminMsgs['Info'].append(message + modMsg)
                    modified = True

            if self.autoModifyUsers and modified:
                result = self.csapi.modifyUser(diracName, userDict)
                if result['OK'] and result['Value']:
          "Modified user %s: %s" %
                                  (diracName, str(userDict)))
                    self.voChanged = True

        # Check if there are potentially obsoleted users
        oldUsers = set()
        for user in diracUserDict:
            dnSet = set(fromChar(diracUserDict[user]['DN']))
            if not dnSet.intersection(set(
                    vomsUserDict.keys())) and user not in nonVOUserDict:
                for group in diracUserDict[user]['Groups']:
                    if group not in noVOMSGroups:

        if oldUsers:
            self.voChanged = True
            if self.autoDeleteUsers:
      'The following users will be deleted: %s' %
                result = self.csapi.deleteUsers(oldUsers)
                if result['OK']:
                        'The following users are deleted from CS:\n  %s\n' %
                    resultDict['DeletedUsers'] = oldUsers
                        'Error in deleting users from CS:\n  %s' %
                    self.log.error('Error while user deletion from CS', result)
                    'The following users to be checked for deletion:\n  %s' %
                    'The following users to be checked for deletion: %s' %

        return S_OK(resultDict)
Esempio n. 33
  def registerUser( self ):

    This function is used to notify DIRAC admins about user registration request
    The logic is simple:
    0) Check if request from this e-mail has already registered or not
    1) Send mail to VO admin of requested VO
    2) Send mail to users in group with UserAdministrator property
    3) Send mail to users indicated in /Website/UserRegistrationAdmin option
    """"Start processing a registration request")

    # Check for having a DN but no username
    dn = getUserDN()
    if not dn:
      error = "Certificate is not loaded in the browser or DN is absent"
      gLogger.error( "Service response: %s" % error )
      return { "success" : "false" , "error" : error }
    username = getUsername()
    if not username == "anonymous":
      error = "You are already registered in DIRAC with username: %s" % username
      gLogger.error( "Service response: %s" % error )
      return { "success" : "false" , "error" : error } "DN: %s" % dn )

    if not "email" in request.params:
      error = "Can not get your email address from the request"
      gLogger.debug( "Service response: %s" % error )
      return { "success" : "false" , "error" : error }
    userMail = request.params[ "email" ]

    result = self.isRequested( userMail )
    gLogger.debug( result )
    if result[ "OK" ]:
      return render( "/reg_done.mako" )

    result = self.registerRequest( dn , userMail )
    gLogger.debug( result )
    if not result[ "OK" ]:
      return { "success" : "false" , "error" : result[ "Message" ] }

    vo = fromChar( request.params[ "vo" ] )
    if not vo:
      error = "You should indicate a VirtualOrganization for membership"
      gLogger.debug( "Service response: %s" % error )
      return { "success" : "false" , "error" : error } "User want to be register in VO(s): %s" % vo )

    body = str()
    for i in request.params:
      if not i in [ "registration_request" , "email" , "vo" ]:
        text = self.checkUnicode( request.params[ i ] )
        info = "%s - %s" % ( i , text )
        body = body + info + "\n"
    body = body + "DN - " + dn
    gLogger.debug( "email body: %s" % body )

    adminList = self.__getAdminList( vo )
    if not len( adminList ) > 0:
      error = "Can't get in contact with administrators about your request\n"
      error = error + "Most likely this DIRAC instance is not configured yet"
      gLogger.debug( "Service response: %s" % error )
      return { "success" : "false" , "error" : error }
    adminList = uniqueElements( adminList ) "Chosen admin(s): %s" % adminList )
    sendDict = self.getMailDict( adminList )
    if not len( sendDict ) > 0:
      error = "Can't get in contact with administrators about your request\n"
      error = error + "Most likely this DIRAC instance is not configured yet"
      gLogger.debug( "Service response: %s" % error )
      return { "success" : "false" , "error" : error }
    gLogger.debug( "Final dictionary with mails to be used %s" % sendDict )

    if socket.gethostname().find( '.' ) >= 0:
      hostname = socket.gethostname()
      hostname = socket.gethostbyaddr( socket.gethostname() )[ 0 ]
    title = "New user has sent registration request to %s" % hostname

    return self.sendMail( sendDict , title , body , userMail )
Esempio n. 34
    def getImages(self, resourceDict):
        """ Get the list of relevant CEs and their descriptions

        self.imageDict = {}
        ceFactory = EndpointFactory()

        result = getPilotBootstrapParameters(vo=self.vo,
        if not result['OK']:
            return result
        opParameters = result['Value']

        for site in resourceDict:
            for ce in resourceDict[site]:
                ceDict = resourceDict[site][ce]
                ceTags = ceDict.get('Tag', [])
                if isinstance(ceTags, basestring):
                    ceTags = fromChar(ceTags)
                ceMaxRAM = ceDict.get('MaxRAM', None)
                qDict = ceDict.pop('Images')
                for image in qDict:
                    imageName = '%s_%s' % (ce, image)
                    self.imageDict[imageName] = {}
                    self.imageDict[imageName]['ParametersDict'] = qDict[image]
                        'Image'] = image
                    self.imageDict[imageName]['ParametersDict']['Site'] = site
                        'Setup'] = gConfig.getValue('/DIRAC/Setup', 'unknown')
                        'CPUTime'] = 99999999
                    imageTags = self.imageDict[imageName][
                    if imageTags and isinstance(imageTags, basestring):
                        imageTags = fromChar(imageTags)
                            'Tag'] = imageTags
                    if ceTags:
                        if imageTags:
                            allTags = list(set(ceTags + imageTags))
                                'Tag'] = allTags
                                'Tag'] = ceTags

                    maxRAM = self.imageDict[imageName]['ParametersDict'].get(
                    maxRAM = ceMaxRAM if not maxRAM else maxRAM
                    if maxRAM:
                            'MaxRAM'] = maxRAM

                    platform = ''
                    if "Platform" in self.imageDict[imageName][
                        platform = self.imageDict[imageName]['ParametersDict'][
                    elif "Platform" in ceDict:
                        platform = ceDict['Platform']
                    if platform and not platform in self.platforms:

                    if not "Platform" in self.imageDict[imageName][
                            'ParametersDict'] and platform:
                        result = Resources.getDIRACPlatform(platform)
                        if result['OK']:
                                'Platform'] = result['Value'][0]

                    ceImageDict = dict(ceDict)
                    ceImageDict['CEName'] = ce
                    ceImageDict['VO'] = self.vo
                    ceImageDict['Image'] = image
                    ceImageDict['RunningPod'] = self.runningPod
                    ceImageDict['CSServers'] = gConfig.getValue(
                        "/DIRAC/Configuration/Servers", [])

                    # Generate the CE object for the image or pick the already existing one
                    # if the image definition did not change
                    imageHash = self.__generateImageHash(ceImageDict)
                    if imageName in self.imageCECache and self.imageCECache[
                            imageName]['Hash'] == imageHash:
                        imageCE = self.imageCECache[imageName]['CE']
                        result = ceFactory.getCEObject(parameters=ceImageDict)
                        if not result['OK']:
                            return result
                        self.imageCECache.setdefault(imageName, {})
                        self.imageCECache[imageName]['Hash'] = imageHash
                        self.imageCECache[imageName]['CE'] = result['Value']
                        imageCE = self.imageCECache[imageName]['CE']

                    self.imageDict[imageName]['CE'] = imageCE
                    self.imageDict[imageName]['CEName'] = ce
                    self.imageDict[imageName]['CEType'] = ceDict['CEType']
                    self.imageDict[imageName]['Site'] = site
                    self.imageDict[imageName]['ImageName'] = image
                    self.imageDict[imageName]['Platform'] = platform
                    self.imageDict[imageName]['MaxInstances'] = ceDict[
                    if not self.imageDict[imageName]['CE'].isValid():
                            'Failed to instantiate CloudEndpoint for %s' %

                    if site not in self.sites:

        return S_OK()
Esempio n. 35
    def registerUser(self):
    This function is used to notify DIRAC admins about user registration request
    The logic is simple:
    0) Check if request from this e-mail has already registered or not
    1) Send mail to VO admin of requested VO
    2) Send mail to users in group with UserAdministrator property
    3) Send mail to users indicated in /Website/UserRegistrationAdmin option
    """"Start processing a registration request")

        # Check for having a DN but no username
        dn = getUserDN()
        if not dn:
            error = "Certificate is not loaded in the browser or DN is absent"
            gLogger.error("Service response: %s" % error)
            return {"success": "false", "error": error}
        username = getUsername()
        if not username == "anonymous":
            error = "You are already registered in DIRAC with username: %s" % username
            gLogger.error("Service response: %s" % error)
            return {"success": "false", "error": error}"DN: %s" % dn)

        if not "email" in request.params:
            error = "Can not get your email address from the request"
            gLogger.debug("Service response: %s" % error)
            return {"success": "false", "error": error}
        userMail = request.params["email"]

        result = self.isRequested(userMail)
        if result["OK"]:
            return render("/reg_done.mako")

        result = self.registerRequest(dn, userMail)
        if not result["OK"]:
            return {"success": "false", "error": result["Message"]}

        vo = fromChar(request.params["vo"])
        if not vo:
            error = "You should indicate a VirtualOrganization for membership"
            gLogger.debug("Service response: %s" % error)
            return {"success": "false", "error": error}"User want to be register in VO(s): %s" % vo)

        body = str()
        for i in request.params:
            if not i in ["registration_request", "email", "vo"]:
                text = self.checkUnicode(request.params[i])
                info = "%s - %s" % (i, text)
                body = body + info + "\n"
        body = body + "DN - " + dn
        gLogger.debug("email body: %s" % body)

        adminList = self.__getAdminList(vo)
        if not len(adminList) > 0:
            error = "Can't get in contact with administrators about your request\n"
            error = error + "Most likely this DIRAC instance is not configured yet"
            gLogger.debug("Service response: %s" % error)
            return {"success": "false", "error": error}
        adminList = uniqueElements(adminList)"Chosen admin(s): %s" % adminList)

        sendDict = self.getMailDict(adminList)
        if not len(sendDict) > 0:
            error = "Can't get in contact with administrators about your request\n"
            error = error + "Most likely this DIRAC instance is not configured yet"
            gLogger.debug("Service response: %s" % error)
            return {"success": "false", "error": error}
        gLogger.debug("Final dictionary with mails to be used %s" % sendDict)

        if socket.gethostname().find('.') >= 0:
            hostname = socket.gethostname()
            hostname = socket.gethostbyaddr(socket.gethostname())[0]
        title = "New user has sent registration request to %s" % hostname

        return self.sendMail(sendDict, title, body, userMail)
Esempio n. 36
    def syncCSWithVOMS(self):
        """Performs the synchronization of the DIRAC registry with the VOMS data. The resulting
          CSAPI object containing modifications is returned as part of the output dictionary.
          Those changes can be applied by the caller depending on the mode (dry or a real run)

        :return: S_OK with a dictionary containing the results of the synchronization operation
        resultDict = defaultdict(list)

        # Get DIRAC group vs VOMS Role Mappings
        result = getVOMSRoleGroupMapping(self.vo)
        if not result["OK"]:
            return result

        vomsDIRACMapping = result["Value"]["VOMSDIRAC"]
        diracVOMSMapping = result["Value"]["DIRACVOMS"]
        noVOMSGroups = result["Value"]["NoVOMS"]
        noSyncVOMSGroups = result["Value"]["NoSyncVOMS"]

        vomsSrv = VOMSService(self.vo)

        # Get VOMS users
        result = vomsSrv.getUsers()
        if not result["OK"]:
            self.log.error("Could not retrieve user information from VOMS", result["Message"])
            return result

        self.vomsUserDict = result["Value"]
        message = "There are %s user entries in VOMS for VO %s" % (len(self.vomsUserDict), self.vomsVOName)
        self.adminMsgs["Info"].append(message)"VOMS user entries", message)

        # Get DIRAC users
        result = self.getVOUserData(self.vo)
        if not result["OK"]:
            return result
        diracUserDict = result["Value"]
            "There are %s registered users in DIRAC for VO %s" % (len(diracUserDict), self.vo)
            "Users already registered", ": there are %s registered users in DIRAC VO %s" % (len(diracUserDict), self.vo)

        # Find new and obsoleted user DNs
        existingDNs = []
        obsoletedDNs = []
        newDNs = []
        for user in diracUserDict:
            dn = diracUserDict[user]["DN"]
            # We can have users with more than one DN registered
            dnList = fromChar(dn)
            for dn in dnList:
                if dn not in self.vomsUserDict:

        for dn in self.vomsUserDict:
            if dn not in existingDNs:

        allDiracUsers = getAllUsers()
        nonVOUserDict = {}
        nonVOUsers = list(set(allDiracUsers) - set(diracUserDict))
        if nonVOUsers:
            result = self.csapi.describeUsers(nonVOUsers)
            if not result["OK"]:
                self.log.error("Could not retrieve CS User description")
                return result
            nonVOUserDict = result["Value"]

        # Process users
        defaultVOGroup = getVOOption(self.vo, "DefaultGroup", "%s_user" % self.vo)
        # If a user is (previously put by hand) in a "QuarantineGroup",
        # then the default group will be ignored.
        # So, this option is only considered for the case of existing users.
        quarantineVOGroup = getVOOption(self.vo, "QuarantineGroup")

        newAddedUserDict = {}
        for dn in self.vomsUserDict:
            newDNForExistingUser = ""
            diracName = ""
            if dn in existingDNs:
                for user in diracUserDict:
                    if dn in fromChar(diracUserDict[user]["DN"]):
                        diracName = user

            if dn in newDNs:
                # Find if the DN is already registered in the DIRAC CS
                for user in nonVOUserDict:
                    if dn in fromChar(nonVOUserDict[user]["DN"]):
                        diracName = user
                        diracUserDict[diracName] = nonVOUserDict[user]

                # Check the nickName in the same VO to see if the user is already registered
                # with another DN
                nickName = self.vomsUserDict[dn].get("nickname")
                if nickName in diracUserDict or nickName in newAddedUserDict:
                    diracName = nickName
                    # This is a flag for adding the new DN to an already existing user
                    newDNForExistingUser = dn

                # We have a real new user
                if not diracName:
                    if nickName:
                        newDiracName = nickName
                        newDiracName = self.getUserName(dn)

                    # Do not consider users with Suspended status in VOMS
                    if self.vomsUserDict[dn]["suspended"] or self.vomsUserDict[dn]["certSuspended"]:

                    # If the chosen user name exists already, append a distinguishing suffix
                    ind = 1
                    trialName = newDiracName
                    while newDiracName in allDiracUsers:
                        # We have a user with the same name but with a different DN
                        newDiracName = "%s_%d" % (trialName, ind)
                        ind += 1

                    # We now have everything to add the new user
                    userDict = {"DN": dn, "CA": self.vomsUserDict[dn]["CA"], "Email": self.vomsUserDict[dn]["mail"]}
                    groupsWithRole = []
                    for role in self.vomsUserDict[dn]["Roles"]:
                        groupList = vomsDIRACMapping.get(role, [])
                        for group in groupList:
                            if group not in noSyncVOMSGroups:
                    userDict["Groups"] = list(set(groupsWithRole + [defaultVOGroup]))

                    # Run the sync plugins for extra info and/or validations
                    if self.syncPlugin:
                            self.syncPlugin.verifyAndUpdateUserInfo(newDiracName, userDict)
                        except ValueError as e:
                            self.log.error("Error validating new user", "nickname %s\n error %s" % (newDiracName, e))
                                "Error validating new user %s: %s\n  %s" % (newDiracName, userDict, e)

                    message = "\n  Added new user %s:\n" % newDiracName
                    for key in userDict:
                        message += "    %s: %s\n" % (key, str(userDict[key]))
                    self.voChanged = True
                    if self.autoAddUsers:
              "Adding new user %s: %s" % (newDiracName, str(userDict)))
                        result = self.csapi.modifyUser(newDiracName, userDict, createIfNonExistant=True)
                        if not result["OK"]:
                            self.log.warn("Failed adding new user %s" % newDiracName)
                        newAddedUserDict[newDiracName] = userDict

            # We have an already existing user
            modified = False
            suspendedInVOMS = self.vomsUserDict[dn]["suspended"] or self.vomsUserDict[dn]["certSuspended"]
            suspendedVOList = getUserOption(diracName, "Suspended", [])
            knownEmail = getUserOption(diracName, "Email", None)
            userDict = {
                "DN": diracUserDict[diracName]["DN"],
                "CA": diracUserDict[diracName]["CA"],
                "Email": self.vomsUserDict[dn].get("mail", self.vomsUserDict[dn].get("emailAddress")) or knownEmail,

            # Set Suspended status for the user for this particular VO
            if suspendedInVOMS and self.vo not in suspendedVOList:
                userDict["Suspended"] = ",".join(suspendedVOList)
                modified = True

            # Remove the lifted Suspended status
            if not suspendedInVOMS and self.vo in suspendedVOList and self.autoLiftSuspendedStatus:
                newList = []
                for vo in suspendedVOList:
                    if vo != self.vo:
                if not newList:
                    newList = ["None"]
                userDict["Suspended"] = ",".join(newList)
                modified = True

            if newDNForExistingUser:
                userDict["DN"] = ",".join([dn, diracUserDict.get(diracName, newAddedUserDict.get(diracName))["DN"]])
                userDict["CA"] = ",".join(
                    [self.vomsUserDict[dn]["CA"], diracUserDict.get(diracName, newAddedUserDict.get(diracName))["CA"]]
                modified = True
            existingGroups = diracUserDict.get(diracName, {}).get("Groups", [])
            nonVOGroups = list(set(existingGroups) - set(diracVOMSMapping))
            groupsWithRole = []
            for role in self.vomsUserDict[dn]["Roles"]:
                groupList = vomsDIRACMapping.get(role, [])
                for group in groupList:
                    if group not in noSyncVOMSGroups:
            keepGroups = nonVOGroups + groupsWithRole
            if not quarantineVOGroup or quarantineVOGroup not in existingGroups:
                keepGroups += [defaultVOGroup]
            if quarantineVOGroup and quarantineVOGroup in existingGroups:
                keepGroups = [quarantineVOGroup]
            for group in existingGroups:
                if group in nonVOGroups:
                role = diracVOMSMapping.get(group, "")
                # Among already existing groups for the user keep those without a special VOMS Role
                # because this membership is done by hand in the CS
                if "Role" not in role:
                # Keep existing groups with no VOMS attribute if any
                if group in noVOMSGroups:
                # Keep groups for which syncronization with VOMS is forbidden
                if group in noSyncVOMSGroups:
            userDict["Groups"] = list(set(keepGroups))
            # Merge together groups for the same user but different DNs
            if diracName in newAddedUserDict:
                otherGroups = newAddedUserDict[diracName].get("Groups", [])
                userDict["Groups"] = list(set(keepGroups + otherGroups))
                modified = True
            if not existingGroups and diracName in allDiracUsers:
                groups = getGroupsForUser(diracName)
                if groups["OK"]:
          "Found groups for user %s %s" % (diracName, groups["Value"]))
                    userDict["Groups"] = list(set(groups["Value"] + keepGroups))
                    addedGroups = list(set(userDict["Groups"]) - set(groups["Value"]))
                    modified = True
                    message = "\n  Modified user %s:\n" % diracName
                    message += "    Added to group(s) %s\n" % ",".join(addedGroups)

            # Check if something changed before asking CSAPI to modify
            if diracName in diracUserDict:
                message = "\n  Modified user %s:\n" % diracName
                modMsg = ""
                for key in userDict:
                    if key == "Groups":
                        addedGroups = set(userDict[key]) - set(diracUserDict.get(diracName, {}).get(key, []))
                        removedGroups = set(diracUserDict.get(diracName, {}).get(key, [])) - set(userDict[key])
                        if addedGroups:
                            modMsg += "    Added to group(s) %s\n" % ",".join(addedGroups)
                        if removedGroups:
                            modMsg += "    Removed from group(s) %s\n" % ",".join(removedGroups)
                    elif key == "Suspended":
                        if userDict["Suspended"] == "None":
                            modMsg += "    Suspended status removed\n"
                            modMsg += "    User Suspended in VOs: %s\n" % userDict["Suspended"]
                        oldValue = str(diracUserDict.get(diracName, {}).get(key, ""))
                        if str(userDict[key]) != oldValue:
                            modMsg += "    %s: %s -> %s\n" % (key, oldValue, str(userDict[key]))
                if modMsg:
                    self.adminMsgs["Info"].append(message + modMsg)
                    modified = True

            if self.autoModifyUsers and modified:
                result = self.csapi.modifyUser(diracName, userDict)
                if result["OK"] and result["Value"]:
          "Modified user %s: %s" % (diracName, str(userDict)))
                    self.voChanged = True

        # Check if there are potentially obsoleted users
        oldUsers = set()
        for user in diracUserDict:
            dnSet = set(fromChar(diracUserDict[user]["DN"]))
            if not dnSet.intersection(set(self.vomsUserDict)) and user not in nonVOUserDict:
                existingGroups = diracUserDict.get(user, {}).get("Groups", [])
                nonVOGroups = list(set(existingGroups) - set(diracVOMSMapping))
                removedGroups = list(set(existingGroups) - set(nonVOGroups))
                if removedGroups:
          "Checking user for deletion", "%s: %s" % (user, existingGroups))
          "User has groups in other VOs", "%s: %s" % (user, nonVOGroups))
                    userDict = diracUserDict[user]
                    userDict["Groups"] = nonVOGroups
                    if self.autoModifyUsers:
                        result = self.csapi.modifyUser(user, userDict)
                        if result["OK"] and result["Value"]:
                  "Modified user %s: %s" % (user, str(userDict)))
                            self.voChanged = True
                            message = "\n  Modified user %s:\n" % user
                            modMsg = "    Removed from group(s) %s\n" % ",".join(removedGroups)
                            self.adminMsgs["Info"].append(message + modMsg)
                if not any(group in noVOMSGroups for group in existingGroups):

        # Check for obsoleted DNs
        for user in diracUserDict:
            dnSet = set(fromChar(diracUserDict[user]["DN"]))
            for dn in dnSet:
                if dn in obsoletedDNs and user not in oldUsers:
                    existingGroups = diracUserDict.get(user, {}).get("Groups", [])
                    nonVOGroups = list(set(existingGroups) - set(diracVOMSMapping))
                    if nonVOGroups:
                        self.log.verbose("User has groups in other VOs", "%s: %s" % (user, nonVOGroups))
                    self.log.verbose("Modified user %s: dropped DN %s" % (user, dn))
                    if self.autoModifyUsers:
                        userDict = diracUserDict[user]
                        modDNSet = dnSet - set([dn])
                        if modDNSet:
                            userDict["DN"] = ",".join(modDNSet)
                            result = self.csapi.modifyUser(user, userDict)
                            if result["OK"] and result["Value"]:
                      "Modified user %s: dropped DN %s" % (user, dn))
                                self.adminMsgs["Info"].append("Modified user %s: dropped DN %s" % (user, dn))
                                self.voChanged = True

        if oldUsers:
            self.voChanged = True
            if self.autoDeleteUsers:
      "The following users will be deleted: %s" % str(oldUsers))
                result = self.csapi.deleteUsers(oldUsers)
                if result["OK"]:
                    self.adminMsgs["Info"].append("The following users are deleted from CS:\n  %s\n" % str(oldUsers))
                    resultDict["DeletedUsers"] = oldUsers
                    self.adminMsgs["Errors"].append("Error in deleting users from CS:\n  %s" % str(oldUsers))
                    self.log.error("Error while user deletion from CS", result)
                    "The following users to be checked for deletion:\n\t%s" % "\n\t".join(sorted(oldUsers))
      "The following users to be checked for deletion:", "\n\t".join(sorted(oldUsers)))

        resultDict["CSAPI"] = self.csapi
        resultDict["AdminMessages"] = self.adminMsgs
        resultDict["VOChanged"] = self.voChanged
        return S_OK(resultDict)
Esempio n. 37
    def getEndpoints(self, resourceDict):
        """Get the list of relevant CEs and their descriptions"""

        self.vmTypeDict = {}
        ceFactory = EndpointFactory()

        result = getPilotBootstrapParameters(vo=self.vo, runningPod=self.runningPod)
        if not result["OK"]:
            return result
        opParameters = result["Value"]

        for site in resourceDict:
            for ce in resourceDict[site]:
                ceDict = resourceDict[site][ce]
                ceTags = ceDict.get("Tag", [])
                if isinstance(ceTags, six.string_types):
                    ceTags = fromChar(ceTags)
                ceMaxRAM = ceDict.get("MaxRAM", None)
                qDict = ceDict.pop("VMTypes")
                for vmType in qDict:
                    vmTypeName = "%s_%s" % (ce, vmType)
                    self.vmTypeDict[vmTypeName] = {}
                    self.vmTypeDict[vmTypeName]["ParametersDict"] = qDict[vmType]
                    self.vmTypeDict[vmTypeName]["ParametersDict"]["VMType"] = vmType
                    self.vmTypeDict[vmTypeName]["ParametersDict"]["Site"] = site
                    self.vmTypeDict[vmTypeName]["ParametersDict"]["Setup"] = gConfig.getValue("/DIRAC/Setup", "unknown")
                    self.vmTypeDict[vmTypeName]["ParametersDict"]["CPUTime"] = 99999999

                    vmTypeTags = self.vmTypeDict[vmTypeName]["ParametersDict"].get("Tag")
                    if vmTypeTags and isinstance(vmTypeTags, six.string_types):
                        vmTypeTags = fromChar(vmTypeTags)
                        self.vmTypeDict[vmTypeName]["ParametersDict"]["Tag"] = vmTypeTags
                    if ceTags:
                        if vmTypeTags:
                            allTags = list(set(ceTags + vmTypeTags))
                            self.vmTypeDict[vmTypeName]["ParametersDict"]["Tag"] = allTags
                            self.vmTypeDict[vmTypeName]["ParametersDict"]["Tag"] = ceTags

                    maxRAM = self.vmTypeDict[vmTypeName]["ParametersDict"].get("MaxRAM")
                    maxRAM = ceMaxRAM if not maxRAM else maxRAM
                    if maxRAM:
                        self.vmTypeDict[vmTypeName]["ParametersDict"]["MaxRAM"] = maxRAM

                    ceWholeNode = ceDict.get("WholeNode", "true")
                    wholeNode = self.vmTypeDict[vmTypeName]["ParametersDict"].get("WholeNode", ceWholeNode)
                    if wholeNode.lower() in ("yes", "true"):
                        self.vmTypeDict[vmTypeName]["ParametersDict"].setdefault("Tag", [])

                    platform = ""
                    if "Platform" in self.vmTypeDict[vmTypeName]["ParametersDict"]:
                        platform = self.vmTypeDict[vmTypeName]["ParametersDict"]["Platform"]
                    elif "Platform" in ceDict:
                        platform = ceDict["Platform"]
                    if platform and platform not in self.platforms:

                    if "Platform" not in self.vmTypeDict[vmTypeName]["ParametersDict"] and platform:
                        result = Resources.getDIRACPlatform(platform)
                        if result["OK"]:
                            self.vmTypeDict[vmTypeName]["ParametersDict"]["Platform"] = result["Value"][0]

                    ceVMTypeDict = dict(ceDict)
                    ceVMTypeDict["CEName"] = ce
                    ceVMTypeDict["VO"] = self.vo
                    ceVMTypeDict["VMType"] = vmType
                    ceVMTypeDict["RunningPod"] = self.runningPod
                    ceVMTypeDict["CSServers"] = gConfig.getValue("/DIRAC/Configuration/Servers", [])

                    # Allow a resource-specifc CAPath to be set (as some clouds have their own CAs)
                    # Otherwise fall back to the system-wide default(s)
                    if "CAPath" not in ceVMTypeDict:
                        ceVMTypeDict["CAPath"] = gConfig.getValue(
                            "/DIRAC/Security/CAPath", "/opt/dirac/etc/grid-security/certificates/cas.pem"

                    # Generate the CE object for the vmType or pick the already existing one
                    # if the vmType definition did not change
                    vmTypeHash = self.__generateVMTypeHash(ceVMTypeDict)
                    if vmTypeName in self.vmTypeCECache and self.vmTypeCECache[vmTypeName]["Hash"] == vmTypeHash:
                        vmTypeCE = self.vmTypeCECache[vmTypeName]["CE"]
                        result = ceFactory.getCEObject(parameters=ceVMTypeDict)
                        if not result["OK"]:
                            return result
                        self.vmTypeCECache.setdefault(vmTypeName, {})
                        self.vmTypeCECache[vmTypeName]["Hash"] = vmTypeHash
                        self.vmTypeCECache[vmTypeName]["CE"] = result["Value"]
                        vmTypeCE = self.vmTypeCECache[vmTypeName]["CE"]

                    self.vmTypeDict[vmTypeName]["CE"] = vmTypeCE
                    self.vmTypeDict[vmTypeName]["CEName"] = ce
                    self.vmTypeDict[vmTypeName]["CEType"] = ceDict["CEType"]
                    self.vmTypeDict[vmTypeName]["Site"] = site
                    self.vmTypeDict[vmTypeName]["VMType"] = vmType
                    self.vmTypeDict[vmTypeName]["Platform"] = platform
                    self.vmTypeDict[vmTypeName]["MaxInstances"] = ceDict["MaxInstances"]
                    if not self.vmTypeDict[vmTypeName]["CE"].isValid():
                        self.log.error("Failed to instantiate CloudEndpoint for %s" % vmTypeName)

                    if site not in self.sites:

        return S_OK()
Esempio n. 38
  def __getPilotOptions( self, queue, pilotsToSubmit ):
    """ Prepare pilot options

    queueDict = self.queueDict[queue]['ParametersDict']
    pilotOptions = []

    setup = gConfig.getValue( "/DIRAC/Setup", "unknown" )
    if setup == 'unknown':
      self.log.error( 'Setup is not defined in the configuration' )
      return [ None, None ]
    pilotOptions.append( '-S %s' % setup )
    opsHelper = Operations.Operations( group = self.pilotGroup, setup = setup )

    #Installation defined?
    installationName = opsHelper.getValue( "Pilot/Installation", "" )
    if installationName:
      pilotOptions.append( '-V %s' % installationName )

    #Project defined?
    projectName = opsHelper.getValue( "Pilot/Project", "" )
    if projectName:
      pilotOptions.append( '-l %s' % projectName )
    else: 'DIRAC project will be installed by pilots' )

    #Request a release
    diracVersion = opsHelper.getValue( "Pilot/Version", [] )
    if not diracVersion:
      self.log.error( 'Pilot/Version is not defined in the configuration' )
      return [ None, None ]
    #diracVersion is a list of accepted releases. Just take the first one
    pilotOptions.append( '-r %s' % diracVersion[0] )

    ownerDN = self.pilotDN
    ownerGroup = self.pilotGroup
    # Request token for maximum pilot efficiency
    result = gProxyManager.requestToken( ownerDN, ownerGroup, pilotsToSubmit * self.maxJobsInFillMode )
    if not result[ 'OK' ]:
      self.log.error( 'Invalid proxy token request', result['Message'] )
      return [ None, None ]
    ( token, numberOfUses ) = result[ 'Value' ]
    pilotOptions.append( '-o /Security/ProxyToken=%s' % token )
    # Use Filling mode
    pilotOptions.append( '-M %s' % min( numberOfUses, self.maxJobsInFillMode ) )

    # Since each pilot will execute min( numberOfUses, self.maxJobsInFillMode )
    # with numberOfUses tokens we can submit at most:
    #    numberOfUses / min( numberOfUses, self.maxJobsInFillMode )
    # pilots
    newPilotsToSubmit = numberOfUses / min( numberOfUses, self.maxJobsInFillMode )
    if newPilotsToSubmit != pilotsToSubmit: 'Number of pilots to submit is changed to %d after getting the proxy token' % newPilotsToSubmit )
      pilotsToSubmit = newPilotsToSubmit
    # Debug
    if self.pilotLogLevel.lower() == 'debug':
      pilotOptions.append( '-d' )
    # CS Servers
    csServers = gConfig.getValue( "/DIRAC/Configuration/Servers", [] )
    pilotOptions.append( '-C %s' % ",".join( csServers ) )

    # DIRAC Extensions to be used in pilots
    pilotExtensionsList = opsHelper.getValue( "Pilot/Extensions", [] )
    extensionsList = []
    if pilotExtensionsList:
      if pilotExtensionsList[0] != 'None':
        extensionsList = pilotExtensionsList
      extensionsList = CSGlobals.getCSExtensions()
    if extensionsList:
      pilotOptions.append( '-e %s' % ",".join( extensionsList ) )

    # Requested CPU time
    pilotOptions.append( '-T %s' % queueDict['CPUTime'] )
    # CEName
    pilotOptions.append( '-N %s' % self.queueDict[queue]['CEName'] )
    # Queue
    pilotOptions.append( '-Q %s' % self.queueDict[queue]['QueueName'] )
    # SiteName
    pilotOptions.append( '-n %s' % queueDict['Site'] )
    if 'ClientPlatform' in queueDict:
      pilotOptions.append( "-p '%s'" % queueDict['ClientPlatform'] )

    if 'SharedArea' in queueDict:
      pilotOptions.append( "-o '/LocalSite/SharedArea=%s'" % queueDict['SharedArea'] )

    if 'SI00' in queueDict:
      factor = float( queueDict['SI00'] ) / 250.
      pilotOptions.append( "-o '/LocalSite/CPUScalingFactor=%s'" % factor )
      pilotOptions.append( "-o '/LocalSite/CPUNormalizationFactor=%s'" % factor )
      if 'CPUScalingFactor' in queueDict:
        pilotOptions.append( "-o '/LocalSite/CPUScalingFactor=%s'" % queueDict['CPUScalingFactor'] )
      if 'CPUNormalizationFactor' in queueDict:
        pilotOptions.append( "-o '/LocalSite/CPUNormalizationFactor=%s'" % queueDict['CPUNormalizationFactor'] )

    if "ExtraPilotOptions" in queueDict:
      pilotOptions.append( queueDict['ExtraPilotOptions'] )

    # Hack
    if self.defaultSubmitPools:
      pilotOptions.append( '-o /Resources/Computing/CEDefaults/SubmitPool=%s' % self.defaultSubmitPools )

    if "Tag" in queueDict:
      tagString = ','.join( fromChar( queueDict['Tag'] ) )
      pilotOptions.append( '-o /Resources/Computing/CEDefaults/Tag=%s' % tagString )

      pilotOptions.append( '-G %s' % )

    self.log.verbose( "pilotOptions: ", ' '.join( pilotOptions ) )

    return [ pilotOptions, pilotsToSubmit ]
Esempio n. 39
def matchQueue(jobJDL, queueDict, fullMatch=False):
    Match the job description to the queue definition

    :param str job: JDL job description
    :param bool fullMatch: test matching on all the criteria
    :param dict queueDict: queue parameters dictionary

    :return: S_OK/S_ERROR, Value - result of matching, S_OK if matched or
             S_ERROR with the reason for no match

    # Check the job description validity
    job = ClassAd(jobJDL)
    if not job.isOK():
        return S_ERROR("Invalid job description")

    noMatchReasons = []

    # Check job requirements to resource
    # 1. CPUTime
    cpuTime = job.getAttributeInt("CPUTime")
    if not cpuTime:
        cpuTime = 84600
    if cpuTime > int(queueDict.get("CPUTime", 0)):
        noMatchReasons.append("Job CPUTime requirement not satisfied")
        if not fullMatch:
            return S_OK({"Match": False, "Reason": noMatchReasons[0]})

    # 2. Multi-value match requirements
    for parameter in ["Site", "GridCE", "Platform", "JobType"]:
        if parameter in queueDict:
            valueSet = set(job.getListFromExpression(parameter))
            if not valueSet:
                valueSet = set(job.getListFromExpression("%ss" % parameter))
            queueSet = set(fromChar(queueDict[parameter]))
            if valueSet and queueSet and not valueSet.intersection(queueSet):
                valueToPrint = ",".join(valueSet)
                if len(valueToPrint) > 20:
                    valueToPrint = "%s..." % valueToPrint[:20]
                noMatchReasons.append("Job %s %s requirement not satisfied" % (parameter, valueToPrint))
                if not fullMatch:
                    return S_OK({"Match": False, "Reason": noMatchReasons[0]})

    # 3. Banned multi-value match requirements
    for par in ["Site", "GridCE", "Platform", "JobType"]:
        parameter = "Banned%s" % par
        if par in queueDict:
            valueSet = set(job.getListFromExpression(parameter))
            if not valueSet:
                valueSet = set(job.getListFromExpression("%ss" % parameter))
            queueSet = set(fromChar(queueDict[par]))
            if valueSet and queueSet and valueSet.issubset(queueSet):
                valueToPrint = ",".join(valueSet)
                if len(valueToPrint) > 20:
                    valueToPrint = "%s..." % valueToPrint[:20]
                noMatchReasons.append("Job %s %s requirement not satisfied" % (parameter, valueToPrint))
                if not fullMatch:
                    return S_OK({"Match": False, "Reason": noMatchReasons[0]})

    # 4. Tags
    tags = set(job.getListFromExpression("Tag"))
    nProc = job.getAttributeInt("NumberOfProcessors")
    if nProc and nProc > 1:
    wholeNode = job.getAttributeString("WholeNode")
    if wholeNode:
    queueTags = set(queueDict.get("Tag", []))
    if not tags.issubset(queueTags):
        noMatchReasons.append("Job Tag %s not satisfied" % ",".join(tags))
        if not fullMatch:
            return S_OK({"Match": False, "Reason": noMatchReasons[0]})

    # 4. MultiProcessor requirements
    if nProc and nProc > int(queueDict.get("NumberOfProcessors", 1)):
        noMatchReasons.append("Job NumberOfProcessors %d requirement not satisfied" % nProc)
        if not fullMatch:
            return S_OK({"Match": False, "Reason": noMatchReasons[0]})

    # 5. RAM
    ram = job.getAttributeInt("RAM")
    # If MaxRAM is not specified in the queue description, assume 2GB
    if ram and ram > int(queueDict.get("MaxRAM", 2048) / 1024):
        noMatchReasons.append("Job RAM %d requirement not satisfied" % ram)
        if not fullMatch:
            return S_OK({"Match": False, "Reason": noMatchReasons[0]})

    # Check resource requirements to job
    # 1. OwnerGroup - rare case but still
    if "OwnerGroup" in queueDict:
        result = getProxyInfo(disableVOMS=True)
        if not result["OK"]:
            return S_ERROR("No valid proxy available")
        ownerGroup = result["Value"]["group"]
        if ownerGroup != queueDict["OwnerGroup"]:
            noMatchReasons.append("Resource OwnerGroup %s requirement not satisfied" % queueDict["OwnerGroup"])
            if not fullMatch:
                return S_OK({"Match": False, "Reason": noMatchReasons[0]})

    # 2. Required tags
    requiredTags = set(queueDict.get("RequiredTags", []))
    if not requiredTags.issubset(tags):
        noMatchReasons.append("Resource RequiredTags %s not satisfied" % ",".join(requiredTags))
        if not fullMatch:
            return S_OK({"Match": False, "Reason": noMatchReasons[0]})

    # 3. RunningLimit
    site = queueDict["Site"]
    ce = queueDict.get("GridCE")
    opsHelper = Operations()
    result = opsHelper.getSections("JobScheduling/RunningLimit")
    if result["OK"] and site in result["Value"]:
        result = opsHelper.getSections("JobScheduling/RunningLimit/%s" % site)
        if result["OK"]:
            for parameter in result["Value"]:
                value = job.getAttributeString(parameter)
                if (
                    and (
                        opsHelper.getValue("JobScheduling/RunningLimit/%s/%s/%s" % (site, parameter, value), 1)
                        or opsHelper.getValue(
                            "JobScheduling/RunningLimit/%s/CEs/%s/%s/%s" % (site, ce, parameter, value), 1
                    == 0
                    noMatchReasons.append("Resource operational %s requirement not satisfied" % parameter)
                    if not fullMatch:
                        return S_OK({"Match": False, "Reason": noMatchReasons[0]})

    return S_OK({"Match": not bool(noMatchReasons), "Reason": noMatchReasons})
Esempio n. 40
  def _ByJobType(self):
    """ By default, all sites are allowed to do every job.
        The actual rules are freely specified in the Operation JobTypeMapping section.
        The content of the section may look like this:

          Exclude = PAK
          Exclude += Ferrara
          Exclude += Bologna
          Exclude += Paris
          Exclude += CERN
          Exclude += IN2P3
            Paris = IN2P3
            CERN = CERN
            IN2P3 = IN2P3
          Exclude = PAK
          Exclude += Ferrara
          Exclude += CERN
          Exclude += IN2P3
            Ferrara = CERN
            CERN = CERN
            IN2P3 = IN2P3
            IN2P3 += CERN
          Exclude = ALL
            CERN = CERN
            IN2P3 = IN2P3

        The sites in the exclusion list will be removed.
        The allow section says where each site may help another site

    # 1. get sites list
    res = getSites()
    if not res['OK']:
      gLogger.error("Could not get the list of sites", res['Message'])
      return res
    destSites = set(res['Value'])

    # 2. get JobTypeMapping "Exclude" value (and add autoAddedSites)
    gLogger.debug("Getting JobTypeMapping 'Exclude' value (and add autoAddedSites)")
    jobType = self.params['JobType']
    if not jobType:
      raise RuntimeError("No jobType specified")
    excludedSites = set(self.opsH.getValue('JobTypeMapping/%s/Exclude' % jobType, []))
    gLogger.debug("Explicitly excluded sites for %s task: %s" % (jobType, ','.join(excludedSites)))
    autoAddedSites = self.opsH.getValue('JobTypeMapping/AutoAddedSites', [])
    if 'WithStorage' in autoAddedSites:
      # Add all sites with storage, such that jobs can run wherever data is
      autoAddedSites += DMSHelpers().getTiers(withStorage=True, tier=(0, 1, 2))

    # 3. removing sites in Exclude
    if not excludedSites:
    elif 'ALL' in excludedSites:
      destSites = set()
      destSites -= excludedSites

    # 4. get JobTypeMapping "Allow" section
    res = self.opsH.getOptionsDict('JobTypeMapping/%s/Allow' % jobType)
    if not res['OK']:
      allowed = {}
      allowed = dict((site, set(fromChar(fromSites))) for site, fromSites in res['Value'].iteritems())

    autoAddedSites = set(self.opsH.getValue('JobTypeMapping/%s/AutoAddedSites' % jobType, autoAddedSites))
    gLogger.debug("Auto-added sites for %s task: %s" % (jobType, ','.join(autoAddedSites)))
    # 5. add autoAddedSites, if requested
    for autoAddedSite in autoAddedSites:
      allowed.setdefault(autoAddedSite, set()).add(autoAddedSite)
    gLogger.debug("Allowed sites for %s task: %s" % (jobType, ','.join(allowed)))

    # 6. Allowing sites that should be allowed
    taskSiteDestination = self._BySE()

    for destSite, fromSites in allowed.iteritems():
      for fromSite in fromSites:
        if not taskSiteDestination or fromSite in taskSiteDestination:

    gLogger.debug("Computed list of destination sites for %s task with TargetSE %s: %s" % (jobType,
    return destSites
Esempio n. 41
def matchQueue(jobJDL, queueDict, fullMatch=False):
  Match the job description to the queue definition

  :param str job: JDL job description
  :param bool fullMatch: test matching on all the criteria
  :param dict queueDict: queue parameters dictionary

  :return: S_OK/S_ERROR, Value - result of matching, S_OK if matched or
           S_ERROR with the reason for no match

    # Check the job description validity
    job = ClassAd(jobJDL)
    if not job.isOK():
        return S_ERROR('Invalid job description')

    noMatchReasons = []

    # Check job requirements to resource
    # 1. CPUTime
    cpuTime = job.getAttributeInt('CPUTime')
    if not cpuTime:
        cpuTime = 84600
    if cpuTime > queueDict.get('CPUTime', 0.):
        noMatchReasons.append('Job CPUTime requirement not satisfied')
        if not fullMatch:
            return S_OK({'Match': False, 'Reason': noMatchReasons[0]})

    # 2. Multi-value match requirements
    for parameter in [
            'Site', 'GridCE', 'Platform', 'GridMiddleware', 'PilotType',
            'SubmitPool', 'JobType'
        if parameter in queueDict:
            valueSet = set(job.getListFromExpression(parameter))
            if not valueSet:
                valueSet = set(job.getListFromExpression('%ss' % parameter))
            queueSet = set(fromChar(queueDict[parameter]))
            if valueSet and queueSet and not valueSet.intersection(queueSet):
                valueToPrint = ','.join(valueSet)
                if len(valueToPrint) > 20:
                    valueToPrint = "%s..." % valueToPrint[:20]
                noMatchReasons.append('Job %s %s requirement not satisfied' %
                                      (parameter, valueToPrint))
                if not fullMatch:
                    return S_OK({'Match': False, 'Reason': noMatchReasons[0]})

    # 3. Banned multi-value match requirements
    for par in [
            'Site', 'GridCE', 'Platform', 'GridMiddleware', 'PilotType',
            'SubmitPool', 'JobType'
        parameter = "Banned%s" % par
        if par in queueDict:
            valueSet = set(job.getListFromExpression(parameter))
            if not valueSet:
                valueSet = set(job.getListFromExpression('%ss' % parameter))
            queueSet = set(fromChar(queueDict[par]))
            if valueSet and queueSet and valueSet.issubset(queueSet):
                valueToPrint = ','.join(valueSet)
                if len(valueToPrint) > 20:
                    valueToPrint = "%s..." % valueToPrint[:20]
                noMatchReasons.append('Job %s %s requirement not satisfied' %
                                      (parameter, valueToPrint))
                if not fullMatch:
                    return S_OK({'Match': False, 'Reason': noMatchReasons[0]})

    # 4. Tags
    tags = set(job.getListFromExpression('Tag'))
    nProc = job.getAttributeInt('NumberOfProcessors')
    if nProc and nProc > 1:
    wholeNode = job.getAttributeString('WholeNode')
    if wholeNode:
    queueTags = set(queueDict.get('Tags', []))
    if not tags.issubset(queueTags):
        noMatchReasons.append('Job Tag %s not satisfied' % ','.join(tags))
        if not fullMatch:
            return S_OK({'Match': False, 'Reason': noMatchReasons[0]})

    # 4. MultiProcessor requirements
    if nProc and nProc > int(queueDict.get('NumberOfProcessors', 1)):
            'Job NumberOfProcessors %d requirement not satisfied' % nProc)
        if not fullMatch:
            return S_OK({'Match': False, 'Reason': noMatchReasons[0]})

    # 5. RAM
    ram = job.getAttributeInt('RAM')
    # If MaxRAM is not specified in the queue description, assume 2GB
    if ram and ram > int(queueDict.get('MaxRAM', 2048)) / 1024:
        noMatchReasons.append('Job RAM %d requirement not satisfied' % ram)
        if not fullMatch:
            return S_OK({'Match': False, 'Reason': noMatchReasons[0]})

    # Check resource requirements to job
    # 1. OwnerGroup - rare case but still
    if "OwnerGroup" in queueDict:
        result = getProxyInfo(disableVOMS=True)
        if not result['OK']:
            return S_ERROR('No valid proxy available')
        ownerGroup = result['Value']['group']
        if ownerGroup != queueDict['OwnerGroup']:
                'Resource OwnerGroup %s requirement not satisfied' %
            if not fullMatch:
                return S_OK({'Match': False, 'Reason': noMatchReasons[0]})

    # 2. Required tags
    requiredTags = set(queueDict.get('RequiredTags', []))
    if not requiredTags.issubset(tags):
        noMatchReasons.append('Resource RequiredTags %s not satisfied' %
        if not fullMatch:
            return S_OK({'Match': False, 'Reason': noMatchReasons[0]})

    # 3. RunningLimit
    site = queueDict['Site']
    opsHelper = Operations()
    result = opsHelper.getSections('JobScheduling/RunningLimit')
    if result['OK'] and site in result['Value']:
        result = opsHelper.getSections('JobScheduling/RunningLimit/%s' % site)
        if result['OK']:
            for parameter in result['Value']:
                value = job.getAttributeString(parameter)
                if value and opsHelper.getValue(
                        'JobScheduling/RunningLimit/%s/%s/%s' %
                    (site, parameter, value), 1) == 0:
                        'Resource operational %s requirement not satisfied' %
                    if not fullMatch:
                        return S_OK({
                            'Match': False,
                            'Reason': noMatchReasons[0]

    return S_OK({'Match': not bool(noMatchReasons), 'Reason': noMatchReasons})