Esempio n. 1
  def web_listPublicDesktopStates( self ):
    up = self.__getUP()
    result = yield self.threadTask( up.listAvailableVars )
    if not result[ 'OK' ]:
      raise WErr.fromSERROR( result )
    data = result['Value']
    paramNames = ['UserName', 'Group', 'VO', 'desktop']

    records = []
    for i in data:
      records += [dict( zip( paramNames, i ) )]
    sharedDesktops = {}
    for i in records:
      result = yield self.threadTask( up.getVarPermissions, i['desktop'] )
      if not result[ 'OK' ]:
        raise WErr.fromSERROR( result )
      if result['Value']['ReadAccess'] == 'ALL':
        print i['UserName'], i['Group'], i
        result = yield self.threadTask( up.retrieveVarFromUser , i['UserName'], i['Group'], i['desktop'] )
        if not result[ 'OK' ]:
          raise WErr.fromSERROR( result )
        if i['UserName'] not in sharedDesktops:
          sharedDesktops[i['UserName']] = {}
          sharedDesktops[i['UserName']][i['desktop']] = json.loads( DEncode.decode( zlib.decompress( base64.b64decode( result['Value'] ) ) )[0] )
          sharedDesktops[i['UserName']]['Metadata'] = i
          sharedDesktops[i['UserName']][i['desktop']] = json.loads( DEncode.decode( zlib.decompress( base64.b64decode( result['Value'] ) ) )[0] )
          sharedDesktops[i['UserName']]['Metadata'] = i
    self.finish( sharedDesktops )
Esempio n. 2
    def __executePythonFunction(self, function, writePipe, *stArgs,
        execute function :funtion: using :stArgs: and :stKeyArgs:


        from DIRAC.Core.Utilities import DEncode

                     DEncode.encode(S_OK(function(*stArgs, **stKeyArgs))))
        except OSError as x:
            if str(x) == "[Errno 32] Broken pipe":
                # the parent has died
        except Exception as x:
            self.log.exception("Exception while executing", function.__name__)
            os.write(writePipe, DEncode.encode(S_ERROR(str(x))))
            # HACK: Allow some time to flush logs
Esempio n. 3
    def __listToXML(self, name, aList, indent=0, attributes={}):
        """ Utility to convert a list to XML
    xml_attributes = ''
    xml_elements = []
    for element in list:
      if type(element) is DictType:
      elif type(value) is ListType:
        xml_attributes += ' '*(indent+1)*8+'<%s element_type="leaf"><![CDATA[%s]]></%s>\n' % (name[:-1],str(element),name[:-1])

    for attr,value in attributes.items():
      xml_attributes += ' '*(indent+1)*8+'<%s element_type="leaf"><![CDATA[%s]]></%s>\n' % (attr,str(value),attr)

    out = ' '*indent*8+'<%s element_type="list">\n%s\n' % (name,xml_attributes[:-1])
    for el in xml_elements:
      out += ' '*indent*8+el
    out += ' '*indent*8+'</%s>\n' % name
        out = ''
        if aList:
            den = DEncode.encode(aList)
            out += ' ' * indent * 8 + '<%s element_type="list">\n' % (name)
            out += ' ' * (
                indent + 1
            ) * 8 + '<EncodedString element_type="leaf"><![CDATA[%s]]></EncodedString>\n' % (
            out += ' ' * indent * 8 + '</%s>\n' % name
        return out
Esempio n. 4
 def serialize( self ):
   if self.__manifest:
     manifest = ( self.__manifest.dumpAsCFG(), self.__manifest.isDirty() )
     manifest = None
   return DEncode.encode( ( self.__jid, self.__cache, self.__jobLog, manifest,
                            self.__initState, self.__insertIntoTQ, tuple( self.__dirtyKeys ) ) )
Esempio n. 5
    def getAlarmLog(self, alarmId):
            alarmId = int(alarmId)
        except Exception:
            return S_ERROR("Alarm id must be a non decimal number")
        sqlSel = "SELECT %s FROM `ntf_AlarmLog` WHERE AlarmId=%d ORDER BY Timestamp ASC" % (
        result = self._query(sqlSel)
        if not result["OK"]:
            return result
        decodedRows = []
        for row in result["Value"]:
            if not row[3]:
            dec = DEncode.decode(row[3])
            decodedRows[-1][3] = dec[0]

        resultDict = {}
        resultDict["ParameterNames"] = self.__alarmLogFields
        resultDict["Records"] = decodedRows
        return S_OK(resultDict)
Esempio n. 6
def extractRequestFromFileId( fileId ):
  stub = fileId[2:]
  compressType = fileId[0]
  if compressType == 'Z': "Compressed request, uncompressing" )
      stub = base64.urlsafe_b64decode( stub )
    except Exception as e:
      gLogger.error( "Oops! Plot request is not properly encoded!", str( e ) )
      return S_ERROR( "Oops! Plot request is not properly encoded!: %s" % str( e ) )
      stub = zlib.decompress( stub )
    except Exception as e:
      gLogger.error( "Oops! Plot request is invalid!", str( e ) )
      return S_ERROR( "Oops! Plot request is invalid!: %s" % str( e ) )
  elif compressType == 'S': "Base64 request, decoding" )
      stub = base64.urlsafe_b64decode( stub )
    except Exception as e:
      gLogger.error( "Oops! Plot request is not properly encoded!", str( e ) )
      return S_ERROR( "Oops! Plot request is not properly encoded!: %s" % str( e ) )
  elif compressType == 'R':
    #Do nothing, it's already uncompressed
    gLogger.error( "Oops! Stub type is unknown", compressType )
    return S_ERROR( "Oops! Stub type '%s' is unknown :P" % compressType )
  plotRequest, stubLength = DEncode.decode( stub )
  if len( stub ) != stubLength:
    gLogger.error( "Oops! The stub is longer than the data :P" )
    return S_ERROR( "Oops! The stub is longer than the data :P" )
  return S_OK( plotRequest )
 def applicationSpecificInputs(self):
   if self.step_commons.has_key('Enable'):
     self.enable = self.step_commons['Enable']
     if not type(self.enable) == type(True):
       self.log.warn('Enable flag set to non-boolean value %s, setting to False' % self.enable)
       self.enable = False
   if self.workflow_commons.has_key('ProductionOutputData'):
     self.prodOutputLFNs = self.workflow_commons['ProductionOutputData'].split(";")
     self.prodOutputLFNs = []
   self.nbofevents = self.NumberOfEvents
   if self.workflow_commons.has_key('Luminosity'):
     self.luminosity = self.workflow_commons['Luminosity']
   ##Additional info: cross section only for the time being, comes from WHIZARD
   if self.workflow_commons.has_key('Info'):
     if 'stdhepcut' in self.workflow_commons['Info']:
       self.sel_eff = self.workflow_commons['Info']['stdhepcut']['Reduction']
       self.cut_eff = self.workflow_commons['Info']['stdhepcut']['CutEfficiency']
       del self.workflow_commons['Info']['stdhepcut']
     self.add_info = DEncode.encode(self.workflow_commons['Info'])
   return S_OK('Parameters resolved')
Esempio n. 8
    def web_saveAppState(self):
        up = self.__getUP()
            name = self.request.arguments['name'][-1]
            state = self.request.arguments['state'][-1]
        except KeyError as excp:
            raise WErr(400, "Missing %s" % excp)
        data = base64.b64encode(zlib.compress(DEncode.encode(state), 9))
        # before we save the state (modify the state) we have to remeber the actual access: ReadAccess and PublishAccess
        result = yield self.threadTask(up.getVarPermissions, name)
        if result['OK']:
            access = result['Value']
            access = {
                'ReadAccess': 'USER',
                'PublishAccess': 'USER'
            }  # this is when the application/desktop does not exists.
        result = yield self.threadTask(up.storeVar, name, data)
        if not result['OK']:
            raise WErr.fromSERROR(result)
        # change the access to the application/desktop
        result = yield self.threadTask(up.setVarPermissions, name, access)
        if not result['OK']:
            raise WErr.fromSERROR(result)

Esempio n. 9
 def __executePythonFunction(self, function, writePipe, *stArgs, **stKeyArgs):
         os.write(writePipe, DEncode.encode(S_OK(function(*stArgs, **stKeyArgs))))
     except OSError, x:
         if str(x) == "[Errno 32] Broken pipe":
             # the parent has died
Esempio n. 10
  def __listToXML( self, name, aList, indent = 0, attributes = {} ):
    """ Utility to convert a list to XML
    xml_attributes = ''
    xml_elements = []
    for element in list:
      if type(element) is DictType:
      elif type(value) is ListType:
        xml_attributes += ' '*(indent+1)*8+'<%s element_type="leaf"><![CDATA[%s]]></%s>\n' % (name[:-1],str(element),name[:-1])

    for attr,value in attributes.items():
      xml_attributes += ' '*(indent+1)*8+'<%s element_type="leaf"><![CDATA[%s]]></%s>\n' % (attr,str(value),attr)

    out = ' '*indent*8+'<%s element_type="list">\n%s\n' % (name,xml_attributes[:-1])
    for el in xml_elements:
      out += ' '*indent*8+el
    out += ' '*indent*8+'</%s>\n' % name
    out = ''
    if aList:
      den = DEncode.encode( aList )
      out += ' ' * indent * 8 + '<%s element_type="list">\n' % ( name )
      out += ' ' * ( indent + 1 ) * 8 + '<EncodedString element_type="leaf"><![CDATA[%s]]></EncodedString>\n' % ( den )
      out += ' ' * indent * 8 + '</%s>\n' % name
    return out
Esempio n. 11
def archiveRequestAndOp(listOfLFNs):
    """Return a tuple of the request and operation."""
    req = Request()
    req.RequestName = "MyRequest"
    op = Operation()
    switches = {}
    archiveLFN = "/vo/tars/myTar.tar"
    op.Arguments = DEncode.encode({
        switches.get("SourceSE", "SOURCE-SE"),
        switches.get("TarballSE", "TARBALL-SE"),
    op.Type = "ArchiveFiles"
    for index, lfn in enumerate(listOfLFNs):
        oFile = File()
        oFile.LFN = lfn
        oFile.Size = index
        oFile.Checksum = "01130a%0d" % index
        oFile.ChecksumType = "adler32"

    return req, op
def getFileInfo(lfn):
  """ Retrieve the file info
  from DIRAC.Resources.Catalog.FileCatalogClient import FileCatalogClient
  from DIRAC.Core.Utilities import DEncode
  from DIRAC import gLogger
  fc = FileCatalogClient()
  lumi = 0
  nbevts = 0
  res  = fc.getFileUserMetadata(lfn)
  if not res['OK']:
    gLogger.error("Failed to get metadata of %s" % lfn)
    return (0,0,{})
  if res['Value'].has_key('Luminosity'):   
    lumi += float(res['Value']['Luminosity'])
  addinfo = {}
  if 'AdditionalInfo' in res['Value']:
    addinfo = res['Value']['AdditionalInfo']
    if addinfo.count("{"):
      addinfo = eval(addinfo)
      addinfo = DEncode.decode(addinfo)[0]
  if "NumberOfEvents" in res['Value'].keys():
    nbevts += int(res['Value']['NumberOfEvents'])
  return (float(lumi),int(nbevts),addinfo)
Esempio n. 13
 def serialize(self):
   if self.__manifest:
     manifest = (self.__manifest.dumpAsCFG(), self.__manifest.isDirty())
     manifest = None
   return DEncode.encode((self.__jid, self.__cache, self.__jobLog, manifest,
                          self.__initState, self.__insertIntoTQ, tuple(self.__dirtyKeys)))
Esempio n. 14
def printOperation( indexOperation, verbose = True, onlyFailed = False ):
  global output
  i, op = indexOperation
  prStr = ''
  if op.SourceSE:
    prStr += 'SourceSE: %s' % op.SourceSE
  if op.TargetSE:
    prStr += ( ' - ' if prStr else '' ) + 'TargetSE: %s' % op.TargetSE
  if prStr:
    prStr += ' - '
  prStr += 'Created %s, Updated %s' % ( op.CreationTime, op.LastUpdate )
  if op.Type == 'ForwardDISET':
    from DIRAC.Core.Utilities import DEncode
    decode, _length = DEncode.decode( op.Arguments )
    if verbose:
      output = ''
      prettyPrint( decode, offset = 10 )
      prStr += '\n      Arguments:\n' + output.strip( '\n' )
      prStr += '\n      Service: %s' % decode[0][0]
  gLogger.always( "  [%s] Operation Type='%s' ID=%s Order=%s Status='%s'%s%s" % ( i, op.Type, op.OperationID,
                                                                                       op.Order, op.Status,
                                                                                       ( " Error='%s'" % op.Error ) if op.Error and op.Error.strip() else "",
                                                                                       ( " Catalog=%s" % op.Catalog ) if op.Catalog else "" ) )
  if prStr:
    gLogger.always( "      %s" % prStr )
  for indexFile in enumerate( op ):
    if not onlyFailed or indexFile[1].Status == 'Failed':
      printFile( indexFile )
Esempio n. 15
  def _reportFileUsage(self, dirDict):
    """Send the data usage report (site,dirDict) where dirDict = {'Dataset':NumberOfHits}
    example: {'/lhcb/certification/test/ALLSTREAMS.DST/00000002/0000/': 1,
    '/lhcb/LHCb/Collision11/BHADRON.DST/00012957/0000/': 2}
    self.log.verbose('Reporting input file usage:')
    for entry in dirDict:
      self.log.verbose('%s:%s' % (entry, dirDict[entry]))
    # dataUsageClient = RPCClient( 'DataManagement/DataUsage', timeout = 120 )
    localSite = gConfig.getValue('/LocalSite/Site', 'UNKNOWN')
      localSite = localSite.split('.')[1]
    except BaseException:
    self.log.verbose('Using Site Name: %s' % (localSite))

    if self._enableModule():
      usageStatus = self.dataUsageClient.sendDataUsageReport(localSite, dirDict)
      if not usageStatus['OK']:
        self.log.error('Could not send data usage report, preparing a DISET failover request object')
        forwardDISETOp = Operation()
        forwardDISETOp.Type = "ForwardDISET"
        forwardDISETOp.Arguments = DEncode.encode(usageStatus['rpcStub'])
        self.workflow_commons['Request'] = self.request
    else:'Would have attempted to report %s at %s' % (dirDict, localSite))
      return S_OK()

    return S_OK()
Esempio n. 16
 def __executePythonFunction( self, function, writePipe, *stArgs, **stKeyArgs ):
     os.write( writePipe, DEncode.encode( S_OK( function( *stArgs, **stKeyArgs ) ) ) )
   except OSError, x:
     if str( x ) == '[Errno 32] Broken pipe':
       # the parent has died
Esempio n. 17
def archiveRequestAndOp(listOfLFNs):
    """Return a tuple of the request and operation."""
    req = Request()
    req.RequestName = 'MyRequest'
    op = Operation()
    switches = {}
    archiveLFN = '/vo/tars/myTar.tar'
    op.Arguments = DEncode.encode({
        switches.get('SourceSE', 'SOURCE-SE'),
        switches.get('TarballSE', 'TARBALL-SE'),
    op.Type = 'ArchiveFiles'
    for index, lfn in enumerate(listOfLFNs):
        oFile = File()
        oFile.LFN = lfn
        oFile.Size = index
        oFile.Checksum = '01130a%0d' % index
        oFile.ChecksumType = 'adler32'

    return req, op
Esempio n. 18
 def receiveData( self, maxBufferSize = 0, blockAfterKeepAlive = True, idleReceive = False ):
   if self.receivedMessages:
     return self.receivedMessages.pop( 0 )
   #Buffer size can't be less than 0
   maxBufferSize = max( maxBufferSize, 0 )
     #Look either for message length of keep alive magic string
     iSeparatorPosition = self.byteStream.find( ":", 0, 10 )
     keepAliveMagicLen = len( BaseTransport.keepAliveMagic )
     isKeepAlive = self.byteStream.find( BaseTransport.keepAliveMagic, 0, keepAliveMagicLen ) == 0
     #While not found the message length or the ka, keep receiving
     while iSeparatorPosition == -1 and not isKeepAlive:
       retVal = self._read( 1024 )
       #If error return
       if not retVal[ 'OK' ]:
         return retVal
       #If closed return error
       if not retVal[ 'Value' ]:
         return S_ERROR( "Peer closed connection" )
       #New data!
       self.byteStream += retVal[ 'Value' ]
       #Look again for either message length of ka magic string
       iSeparatorPosition = self.byteStream.find( ":", 0, 10 )
       isKeepAlive = self.byteStream.find( BaseTransport.keepAliveMagic, 0, keepAliveMagicLen ) == 0
       #Over the limit?
       if maxBufferSize and len( self.byteStream ) > maxBufferSize and iSeparatorPosition == -1 :
         return S_ERROR( "Read limit exceeded (%s chars)" % maxBufferSize )
     #Keep alive magic!
     if isKeepAlive:
       gLogger.debug( "Received keep alive header" )
       #Remove the ka magic from the buffer and process the keep alive
       self.byteStream = self.byteStream[ keepAliveMagicLen: ]
       return self.__processKeepAlive( maxBufferSize, blockAfterKeepAlive )
     #From here it must be a real message!
     #Process the size and remove the msg length from the bytestream
     size = int( self.byteStream[ :iSeparatorPosition ] )
     self.byteStream = self.byteStream[ iSeparatorPosition + 1: ]
     #Receive while there's still data to be received 
     while len( self.byteStream ) < size:
       retVal = self._read( size - len( self.byteStream ), skipReadyCheck = True )
       if not retVal[ 'OK' ]:
         return retVal
       if not retVal[ 'Value' ]:
         return S_ERROR( "Peer closed connection" )
       self.byteStream += retVal[ 'Value' ]
       if maxBufferSize and len( self.byteStream ) > maxBufferSize:
         return S_ERROR( "Read limit exceeded (%s chars)" % maxBufferSize )
     #Data is here! take it out from the bytestream, dencode and return
     data = self.byteStream[ :size ]
     self.byteStream = self.byteStream[ size: ]
       data = DEncode.decode( data )[0]
     except Exception, e:
       return S_ERROR( "Could not decode received data: %s" % str( e ) )
     if idleReceive:
       self.receivedMessages.append( data )
       return S_OK()
     return data
Esempio n. 19
 def receiveData( self, maxBufferSize = 0, blockAfterKeepAlive = True, idleReceive = False ):
   if self.receivedMessages:
     return self.receivedMessages.pop( 0 )
   #Buffer size can't be less than 0
   maxBufferSize = max( maxBufferSize, 0 )
     #Look either for message length of keep alive magic string
     iSeparatorPosition = self.byteStream.find( ":", 0, 10 )
     keepAliveMagicLen = len( BaseTransport.keepAliveMagic )
     isKeepAlive = self.byteStream.find( BaseTransport.keepAliveMagic, 0, keepAliveMagicLen ) == 0
     #While not found the message length or the ka, keep receiving
     while iSeparatorPosition == -1 and not isKeepAlive:
       retVal = self._read( 1024 )
       #If error return
       if not retVal[ 'OK' ]:
         return retVal
       #If closed return error
       if not retVal[ 'Value' ]:
         return S_ERROR( "Peer closed connection" )
       #New data!
       self.byteStream += retVal[ 'Value' ]
       #Look again for either message length of ka magic string
       iSeparatorPosition = self.byteStream.find( ":", 0, 10 )
       isKeepAlive = self.byteStream.find( BaseTransport.keepAliveMagic, 0, keepAliveMagicLen ) == 0
       #Over the limit?
       if maxBufferSize and len( self.byteStream ) > maxBufferSize and iSeparatorPosition == -1 :
         return S_ERROR( "Read limit exceeded (%s chars)" % maxBufferSize )
     #Keep alive magic!
     if isKeepAlive:
       gLogger.debug( "Received keep alive header" )
       #Remove the ka magic from the buffer and process the keep alive
       self.byteStream = self.byteStream[ keepAliveMagicLen: ]
       return self.__processKeepAlive( maxBufferSize, blockAfterKeepAlive )
     #From here it must be a real message!
     #Process the size and remove the msg length from the bytestream
     size = int( self.byteStream[ :iSeparatorPosition ] )
     self.byteStream = self.byteStream[ iSeparatorPosition + 1: ]
     #Receive while there's still data to be received 
     while len( self.byteStream ) < size:
       retVal = self._read( size - len( self.byteStream ), skipReadyCheck = True )
       if not retVal[ 'OK' ]:
         return retVal
       if not retVal[ 'Value' ]:
         return S_ERROR( "Peer closed connection" )
       self.byteStream += retVal[ 'Value' ]
       if maxBufferSize and len( self.byteStream ) > maxBufferSize:
         return S_ERROR( "Read limit exceeded (%s chars)" % maxBufferSize )
     #Data is here! take it out from the bytestream, dencode and return
     data = self.byteStream[ :size ]
     self.byteStream = self.byteStream[ size: ]
       data = DEncode.decode( data )[0]
     except Exception, e:
       return S_ERROR( "Could not decode received data: %s" % str( e ) )
     if idleReceive:
       self.receivedMessages.append( data )
       return S_OK()
     return data
Esempio n. 20
def encode(inData):
    """Encode the input data

    :param inData: data to be encoded

    :return: an encoded string
    if os.getenv("DIRAC_USE_JSON_ENCODE", "NO").lower() in ("yes", "true"):
        return JEncode.encode(inData)
    return DEncode.encode(inData)
Esempio n. 21
 def __decodeVar( self, data, dataTypeRE ):
     dataObj, lenData = DEncode.decode( data )
   except Exception as e:
     return S_ERROR( "Cannot decode data: %s" % str( e ) )
   if dataTypeRE:
     result = self.checkTypeRe( dataObj, dataTypeRE )
     if not result[ 'OK' ]:
       return result
   return S_OK( dataObj )
Esempio n. 22
 def __listToXML(self,name,list,indent = 0):
   """ Utility to convert a list to XML
   out = ''
   if list:
     den = DEncode.encode(list)
     out += ' '*indent*8+'<%s element_type="list">\n' % (name)
     out += ' '*(indent+1)*8+'<EncodedString element_type="leaf"><![CDATA[%s]]></EncodedString>\n' % (den)
     out += ' '*indent*8+'</%s>\n' % name
   return out
Esempio n. 23
 def web_listAppState( self ):
   up = self.__getUP()
   result = yield self.threadTask( up.retrieveAllVars )
   if not result[ 'OK' ]:
     raise WErr.fromSERROR( result )
   data = result[ 'Value' ]
   for k in data:
     #Unpack data
     data[ k ] = json.loads( DEncode.decode( zlib.decompress( base64.b64decode( data[ k ] ) ) )[0] )
   self.finish( data )
Esempio n. 24
 def export_tryView( self, fromSecs, toSecs, viewDescriptionStub ):
     Generates plots based on a DEncoded view description
   viewDescription, _stubLength = DEncode.decode( viewDescriptionStub )
   if not 'definition' in viewDescription:
     return S_ERROR( "No plot definition given" )
   defDict = viewDescription[ 'definition' ]
   defDict[ 'sources.setup' ] = self.serviceInfoDict[ 'clientSetup' ]
   return gServiceInterface.generatePlots( fromSecs, toSecs, viewDescription )
Esempio n. 25
def encode(inData):
    """ Encode the input data

      :param inData: data to be encoded

      :return: an encoded string
    if os.getenv('DIRAC_USE_JSON_ENCODE', 'NO').lower() in ('yes', 'true'):
        return JEncode.encode(inData)
    return DEncode.encode(inData)
Esempio n. 26
def decode(encodedData):
    """ Decode the encoded string

      :param encodedData: encoded string

      :return: the decoded objects, encoded object length

    if os.getenv('DIRAC_USE_JSON_DECODE', 'NO').lower() in ('yes', 'true'):
            # 'null' is a special case.
            # None is encoded as 'null' as JSON
            # that DEncode would understand as None, since it starts with 'n'
            # but the length of the decoded string will not be correct
            if encodedData == 'null':
                raise Exception
            return DEncode.decode(encodedData)
        except Exception:
            return JEncode.decode(encodedData)
    return DEncode.decode(encodedData)
Esempio n. 27
def _sendToFailover( rpcStub ):
  """ Create a ForwardDISET operation for failover
  request = Request()
  request.RequestName = "Accounting.DataStore.%s.%s" % ( time.time(), random.random() )
  forwardDISETOp = Operation()
  forwardDISETOp.Type = "ForwardDISET"
  forwardDISETOp.Arguments = DEncode.encode( rpcStub )
  request.addOperation( forwardDISETOp )

  return ReqClient().putRequest( request )
Esempio n. 28
  def setUp( self ):
    """ test set up """

    self.hiArgs = ( ( "RequestManagement/RequestManager",
                      { "keepAliveLapse": 10, "timeout": 5 } ),
                      ( 12345, { "Hi": "There!" } ) )
    self.req = Request( { "RequestName": "testRequest" } )
    self.op = Operation( { "Type": "ForwardDISET",
                           "Arguments": DEncode.encode( self.hiArgs ) } )
    self.req += self.op
Esempio n. 29
  def __executePythonFunction( self, function, writePipe, *stArgs, **stKeyArgs ):
    execute function :funtion: using :stArgs: and :stKeyArgs:

      os.write( writePipe, DEncode.encode( S_OK( function( *stArgs, **stKeyArgs ) ) ) )
    except OSError, x:
      if str( x ) == '[Errno 32] Broken pipe':
        # the parent has died
Esempio n. 30
 def __call__( self ):
   """ It expects to find the arguments for tc.setFileStatusForTransformation in operation.Arguments
     setFileStatusDict = DEncode.decode( self.operation.Arguments )[0]
     self.log.debug( "decoded filStatusDict=%s" % str( setFileStatusDict ) )
   except ValueError, error:
     self.log.exception( error )
     self.operation.Error = str( error )
     self.operation.Status = "Failed"
     return S_ERROR( str( error ) )
Esempio n. 31
 def __call__( self ):
   """ execute RPC stub """
   # # decode arguments
     decode, length = DEncode.decode( self.operation.Arguments )
     self.log.debug( "decoded len=%s val=%s" % ( length, decode ) )
   except ValueError, error:
     self.log.exception( error )
     self.operation.Error = str( error )
     self.operation.Status = "Failed"
     return S_ERROR( str( error ) )
Esempio n. 32
 def web_changeView( self ):
   up = self.__getUP()
     desktopName = self.request.arguments[ 'desktop' ][-1]
     view = self.request.arguments[ 'view' ][-1]
   except KeyError as excp:
     raise WErr( 400, "Missing %s" % excp )
   result = yield self.threadTask( up.retrieveVar, desktopName )
   if not result[ 'OK' ]:
     raise WErr.fromSERROR( result )
   data = result['Value']
   oDesktop = json.loads( DEncode.decode( zlib.decompress( base64.b64decode( data ) ) )[0] )
   oDesktop[unicode( 'view' )] = unicode( view )
   oDesktop = json.dumps( oDesktop )
   data = base64.b64encode( zlib.compress( DEncode.encode( oDesktop ), 9 ) )
   result = yield self.threadTask( up.storeVar, desktopName, data )
   if not result[ 'OK' ]:
     raise WErr.fromSERROR( result )
   self.set_status( 200 )
Esempio n. 33
def _sendToFailover( rpcStub ):
  """ Create a ForwardDISET operation for failover
  request = Request()
  request.RequestName = "Accounting.DataStore.%s.%s" % ( time.time(), random.random() )
  forwardDISETOp = Operation()
  forwardDISETOp.Type = "ForwardDISET"
  forwardDISETOp.Arguments = DEncode.encode( rpcStub )
  request.addOperation( forwardDISETOp )

  return ReqClient().putRequest( request )
Esempio n. 34
  def generateForwardDISET( self ):
    """ Commit the accumulated records and generate request eventually """
    result = self.commit()
    commitOp = None
    if not result['OK']:
      # Generate Request
      commitOp = Operation()
      commitOp.Type = 'SetFileStatus'
      commitOp.Arguments = DEncode.encode( {'transformation':self.transformation, 'statusDict':self.statusDict, 'force':self.force} )

    return S_OK( commitOp )
Esempio n. 35
 def export_saveView( self, viewName, viewDescriptionStub ):
   Saves a view
   if len( viewName ) == 0:
     return S_OK( "View name not valid" )
   viewDescription, _stubLength = DEncode.decode( viewDescriptionStub )
   if not 'definition' in viewDescription:
     return S_ERROR( "No plot definition given" )
   defDict = viewDescription[ 'definition' ]
   defDict[ 'sources.setup' ] = self.serviceInfoDict[ 'clientSetup' ]
   return gServiceInterface.saveView( viewName, viewDescription )
Esempio n. 36
 def web_loadAppState( self ):
   up = self.__getUP()
     name = self.request.arguments[ 'name' ][-1]
   except KeyError as excp:
     raise WErr( 400, "Missing %s" % excp )
   result = yield self.threadTask( up.retrieveVar, name )
   if not result[ 'OK' ]:
     raise WErr.fromSERROR( result)
   data = result[ 'Value' ]
   data, count = DEncode.decode( zlib.decompress( base64.b64decode( data ) ) )
   self.finish( data )
Esempio n. 37
 def __listToXML_new( self, xmldoc, tagName, aList ):
   # # create
   tag = xmldoc.createElement( tagName )
   tag.setAttribute( "element_type", "list" )
   encodedStringTag = xmldoc.createElement( "EncodedString" )
   encodedStringTag.setAttribute( "element_type", "leaf" )
   encodedStringCDATA = xmldoc.createCDATASection( DEncode.encode( aList ) )
   # # appending
   encodedStringTag.appendChild( encodedStringCDATA )
   tag.appendChild( encodedStringTag )
   # # returning
   return tag
Esempio n. 38
 def web_saveAppState( self ):
   up = self.__getUP()
     name = self.request.arguments[ 'name' ][-1]
     state = self.request.arguments[ 'state' ][-1]
   except KeyError as excp:
     raise WErr( 400, "Missing %s" % excp )
   data = base64.b64encode( zlib.compress( DEncode.encode( state ), 9 ) )
   result = yield self.threadTask( up.storeVar, name, data )
   if not result[ 'OK' ]:
     raise WErr.fromSERROR( result )
   self.set_status( 200 )
Esempio n. 39
 def retrieveAllVars( self ):
   rpcClient = self.__getRPCClient()
   result = rpcClient.retrieveProfileAllVars( self.profile )
   if not result[ 'OK' ]:
     return result
     encodedData = result[ 'Value' ]
     dataObj = {}
     for k in encodedData:
       v, lenData = DEncode.decode( encodedData[k] )
       dataObj[ k ] = v
   except Exception, e:
     return S_ERROR( "Cannot decode data: %s" % str( e ) )
Esempio n. 40
 def retrieveOptimizerParam(self, name):
   if not self.__jobData.jobState:
     return S_ERROR("This function can only be called inside the optimizeJob function")
   result = self.__jobData.jobState.getOptParameter(name)
   if not result['OK']:
     return result
   valenc = result['Value']
     value, encLength = DEncode.decode(valenc)
     if encLength == len(valenc):
       return S_OK(value)
   except Exception:
     self.jobLog.warn("Opt param %s doesn't seem to be dencoded %s" % (name, valenc))
   return S_OK(eval(valenc))
Esempio n. 41
 def __call__( self ):
   """ execute RPC stub """
   # # decode arguments
     decode, length = DEncode.decode( self.operation.Arguments )
     # FIXME: to be removed when the problem is fixed in the LHCb HLT farm
     if 'CPUFactor_to_be_replace' in self.operation.Arguments and len( decode ) == 3 and type( decode[2] ) == type( tuple() ):
       decode = ( decode[0], decode[1], tuple( [x.replace( 'CPUFactor_to_be_replace', '0' ) for x in decode[2]] ) )
     self.log.debug( "decoded len=%s val=%s" % ( length, decode ) )
   except ValueError, error:
     self.log.exception( error )
     self.operation.Error = str( error )
     self.operation.Status = "Failed"
     return S_ERROR( str( error ) )
Esempio n. 42
  def generateForwardDISET( self ):
    """ Commit the accumulated records and generate request eventually """
    result = self.commit()
    forwardDISETOp = None
    if not result['OK']:
      # Generate Request
      if "FailedResults" in result:
        for res in result['FailedResults']:
          if 'rpcStub' in res:
            forwardDISETOp = Operation()
            forwardDISETOp.Type = "ForwardDISET"
            forwardDISETOp.Arguments = DEncode.encode( res['rpcStub'] )

    return S_OK( forwardDISETOp )
Esempio n. 43
  def __executePythonFunction(self, function, writePipe, *stArgs, **stKeyArgs):
    execute function :funtion: using :stArgs: and :stKeyArgs:


    from DIRAC.Core.Utilities import DEncode

      os.write(writePipe, DEncode.encode(S_OK(function(*stArgs, **stKeyArgs))))
    except OSError as x:
      if str(x) == '[Errno 32] Broken pipe':
        # the parent has died
    except Exception as x:
      self.log.exception('Exception while executing', function.__name__)
      os.write(writePipe, DEncode.encode(S_ERROR(str(x))))
      # HACK: Allow some time to flush logs
Esempio n. 44
  def generateForwardDISET( self ):
    """ Commit the accumulated records and generate request eventually """
    result = self.commit()
    forwardDISETOp = None
    if not result['OK']:
      # Generate Request
      if result.has_key( 'rpcStub' ):
        forwardDISETOp = Operation()
        forwardDISETOp.Type = "ForwardDISET"
        forwardDISETOp.Arguments = DEncode.encode( result['rpcStub'] )

        return S_ERROR( 'Could not create ForwardDISET operation' )

    return S_OK( forwardDISETOp )