Esempio n. 1
class AgentModule:
    """ Base class for all agent modules
      This class is used by the AgentReactor Class to steer the execution of 
      DIRAC Agents.
      For this purpose the following methods are used:
      - am_initialize()      just after instantiated
      - am_getPollingTime()  to set the execution frequency
      - am_getMaxCycles()    to determine the number of cycles
      - am_go()              for the actual execution of one cycle
      Before each iteration, the following methods are used to determine 
      if the new cycle is to be started.
      - am_getModuleParam( 'alive' )
      - am_checkStopAgentFile()
      - am_removeStopAgentFile()

      To start new execution cycle the following methods are used
      - am_getCyclesDone() 
      - am_setOption( 'MaxCycles', maxCycles ) 
      At the same time it provides all Agents with common interface.
      All Agent class must inherit from this base class and must implement
      at least the following method:
      - execute()            main method called in the agent cycle

      Additionally they may provide:
      - initialize()         for initial settings
      - finalize()           the graceful exit

      - beginExecution()     before each execution cycle
      - endExecution()       at the end of each execution cycle
      The agent can be stopped either by a signal or by creating a 'stop_agent' file
      in the controlDirectory defined in the agent configuration
    def __init__(self, agentName, baseAgentName=False, properties={}):
      Common __init__ method for all Agents.
      All Agent modules must define:
      They are used to populate __codeProperties
      The following Options are used from the Configuration:
      - /LocalSite/InstancePath
      - /DIRAC/Setup
      - Status
      - Enabled
      - PollingTime            default = 120
      - MaxCycles              default = 500
      - ControlDirectory       control/SystemName/AgentName
      - WorkDirectory          work/SystemName/AgentName
      - shifterProxy           '' 
      - shifterProxyLocation   WorkDirectory/SystemName/AgentName/.shifterCred
      It defines the following default Options that can be set via Configuration (above):
      - MonitoringEnabled     True
      - Enabled               True if Status == Active
      - PollingTime           120
      - MaxCycles             500
      - ControlDirectory      control/SystemName/AgentName
      - WorkDirectory         work/SystemName/AgentName
      - shifterProxy          False
      - shifterProxyLocation  work/SystemName/AgentName/.shifterCred

      different defaults can be set in the initialize() method of the Agent using am_setOption()
      In order to get a shifter proxy in the environment during the execute()
      the configuration Option 'shifterProxy' must be set, a default may be given
      in the initialize() method.

        if baseAgentName and agentName == baseAgentName:
            self.log = gLogger
            standaloneModule = True
            self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger(agentName, child=False)
            standaloneModule = False

        self.__basePath = gConfig.getValue('/LocalSite/InstancePath', rootPath)
        self.__agentModule = None
        self.__codeProperties = {}

        self.__moduleProperties = {
            'fullName': agentName,
            'section': PathFinder.getAgentSection(agentName),
            'standalone': standaloneModule,
            'cyclesDone': 0,
            'totalElapsedTime': 0,
            'setup': gConfig.getValue("/DIRAC/Setup", "Unknown")
        self.__moduleProperties['system'], self.__moduleProperties[
            'agentName'] = agentName.split("/")
        self.__configDefaults = {}
        self.__configDefaults['MonitoringEnabled'] = True
        self.__configDefaults['Enabled'] = self.am_getOption(
            "Status", "Active").lower() in ('active')
        self.__configDefaults['PollingTime'] = self.am_getOption(
            "PollingTime", 120)
        self.__configDefaults['MaxCycles'] = self.am_getOption(
            "MaxCycles", 500)
        self.__configDefaults['ControlDirectory'] = os.path.join(
            self.__basePath, 'control', *agentName.split("/"))
        self.__configDefaults['WorkDirectory'] = os.path.join(
            self.__basePath, 'work', *agentName.split("/"))
        self.__configDefaults['shifterProxy'] = ''
        self.__configDefaults['shifterProxyLocation'] = os.path.join(
            self.__configDefaults['WorkDirectory'], '.shifterCred')

        if type(properties) == types.DictType:
            for key in properties:
                self.__moduleProperties[key] = properties[key]
            self.__moduleProperties['executors'] = [(self.execute, ())]
            self.__moduleProperties['alive'] = True
            self.__moduleProperties['shifterProxy'] = False

        self.__monitorLastStatsUpdate = -1
        self.monitor = None
        self.__initialized = False

    def __getCodeInfo(self):
        versionVar = "__RCSID__"
        docVar = "__doc__"
            self.__agentModule = __import__(self.__class__.__module__,
                                            globals(), locals(), versionVar)
        except Exception:
            self.log.exception("Cannot load agent module")
        for prop in ((versionVar, "version"), (docVar, "description")):
                self.__codeProperties[prop[1]] = getattr(
                    self.__agentModule, prop[0])
            except Exception:
                self.log.error("Missing %s" % prop[0])
                self.__codeProperties[prop[1]] = 'unset'
        self.__codeProperties['DIRACVersion'] = DIRAC.version
        self.__codeProperties['platform'] = DIRAC.platform

    def am_initialize(self, *initArgs):
        agentName = self.am_getModuleParam('fullName')
        result = self.initialize(*initArgs)
        if result == None:
            return S_ERROR(
                "Error while initializing %s module: initialize must return S_OK/S_ERROR"
                % agentName)
        if not result['OK']:
            return S_ERROR("Error while initializing %s: %s" %
                           (agentName, result['Message']))

        self.__moduleProperties['shifterProxy'] = self.am_getOption(
        if self.am_monitoringEnabled():
        if len(self.__moduleProperties['executors']) < 1:
            return S_ERROR("At least one executor method has to be defined")
        if not self.am_Enabled():
            return S_ERROR("Agent is disabled via the configuration")
        self.log.notice("=" * 40)
        self.log.notice("Loaded agent module %s" %
        self.log.notice(" Site: %s" % DIRAC.siteName())
        self.log.notice(" Setup: %s" % gConfig.getValue("/DIRAC/Setup"))
        self.log.notice(" Base Module version: %s " % __RCSID__)
        self.log.notice(" Agent version: %s" %
        self.log.notice(" DIRAC version: %s" % DIRAC.version)
        self.log.notice(" DIRAC platform: %s" % DIRAC.platform)
        pollingTime = int(self.am_getOption('PollingTime'))
        if pollingTime > 3600:
            self.log.notice(" Polling time: %s hours" % (pollingTime / 3600.))
            self.log.notice(" Polling time: %s seconds" %
        self.log.notice(" Control dir: %s" % self.am_getControlDirectory())
        self.log.notice(" Work dir: %s" % self.am_getWorkDirectory())
        if self.am_getOption('MaxCycles') > 0:
            self.log.notice(" Cycles: %s" % self.am_getMaxCycles())
            self.log.notice(" Cycles: unlimited")
        self.log.notice("=" * 40)
        self.__initialized = True
        return S_OK()

    def am_getControlDirectory(self):
        return os.path.join(self.__basePath,

    def am_getStopAgentFile(self):
        return os.path.join(self.am_getControlDirectory(), 'stop_agent')

    def am_checkStopAgentFile(self):
        return os.path.isfile(self.am_getStopAgentFile())

    def am_createStopAgentFile(self):
            fd = open(self.am_getStopAgentFile(), 'w')
            fd.write('Dirac site agent Stopped at %s' % Time.toString())
        except Exception:

    def am_removeStopAgentFile(self):
        except Exception:

    def am_getBasePath(self):
        return self.__basePath

    def am_getWorkDirectory(self):
        return os.path.join(self.__basePath,

    def am_getShifterProxyLocation(self):
        return os.path.join(self.__basePath,

    def am_getOption(self, optionName, defaultValue=None):
        if defaultValue == None:
            if optionName in self.__configDefaults:
                defaultValue = self.__configDefaults[optionName]
        if optionName and optionName[0] == "/":
            return gConfig.getValue(optionName, defaultValue)
        return gConfig.getValue(
            "%s/%s" % (self.__moduleProperties['section'], optionName),

    def am_setOption(self, optionName, value):
        self.__configDefaults[optionName] = value

    def am_getModuleParam(self, optionName):
        return self.__moduleProperties[optionName]

    def am_setModuleParam(self, optionName, value):
        self.__moduleProperties[optionName] = value

    def am_getPollingTime(self):
        return self.am_getOption("PollingTime")

    def am_getMaxCycles(self):
        return self.am_getOption("MaxCycles")

    def am_getCyclesDone(self):
        return self.am_getModuleParam('cyclesDone')

    def am_Enabled(self):
        return self.am_getOption("Enabled")

    def am_disableMonitoring(self):
        self.am_setOption('MonitoringEnabled', False)

    def am_monitoringEnabled(self):
        return self.am_getOption("MonitoringEnabled")

    def am_stopExecution(self):
        self.am_setModuleParam('alive', False)

    def __initializeMonitor(self):
    Initialize the system monitor client
        if self.__moduleProperties['standalone']:
            self.monitor = gMonitor
            self.monitor = MonitoringClient()
        self.monitor.registerActivity('CPU', "CPU Usage", 'Framework', "CPU,%",
                                      self.monitor.OP_MEAN, 600)
        self.monitor.registerActivity('MEM', "Memory Usage", 'Framework',
                                      'Memory,MB', self.monitor.OP_MEAN, 600)
        #Component monitor
        for field in ('version', 'DIRACVersion', 'description', 'platform'):
        self.monitor.setComponentExtraParam('startTime', Time.dateTime())
        self.monitor.setComponentExtraParam('cycles', 0)
        self.__monitorLastStatsUpdate = time.time()

    def am_secureCall(self, functor, args=(), name=False):
        if not name:
            name = str(functor)
            result = functor(*args)
            if result == None:
                return S_ERROR(
                    "%s method for %s module has to return S_OK/S_ERROR" %
                    (name, self.__moduleProperties['fullName']))
            return result
        except Exception, e:
            self.log.exception("Exception while calling %s method" % name)
            return S_ERROR("Exception while calling %s method: %s" %
                           (name, str(e)))
Esempio n. 2
class AgentModule(object):
    """ Base class for all agent modules

      This class is used by the AgentReactor Class to steer the execution of
      DIRAC Agents.

      For this purpose the following methods are used:
      - am_initialize()      just after instantiated
      - am_getPollingTime()  to set the execution frequency
      - am_getMaxCycles()    to determine the number of cycles
      - am_go()              for the actual execution of one cycle

      Before each iteration, the following methods are used to determine
      if the new cycle is to be started.
      - am_getModuleParam( 'alive' )
      - am_checkStopAgentFile()
      - am_removeStopAgentFile()

      To start new execution cycle the following methods are used
      - am_getCyclesDone()
      - am_setOption( 'MaxCycles', maxCycles )

      At the same time it provides all Agents with common interface.
      All Agent class must inherit from this base class and must implement
      at least the following method:
      - execute()            main method called in the agent cycle

      Additionally they may provide:
      - initialize()         for initial settings
      - finalize()           the graceful exit

      - beginExecution()     before each execution cycle
      - endExecution()       at the end of each execution cycle

      The agent can be stopped either by a signal or by creating a 'stop_agent' file
      in the controlDirectory defined in the agent configuration

    def __init__(self,
      Common __init__ method for all Agents.
      All Agent modules must define:
      They are used to populate __codeProperties

      The following Options are used from the Configuration:
      - /LocalSite/InstancePath
      - /DIRAC/Setup
      - Status
      - Enabled
      - PollingTime            default = 120
      - MaxCycles              default = 500
      - WatchdogTime           default = 0 (disabled)
      - ControlDirectory       control/SystemName/AgentName
      - WorkDirectory          work/SystemName/AgentName
      - shifterProxy           ''
      - shifterProxyLocation   WorkDirectory/SystemName/AgentName/.shifterCred

      It defines the following default Options that can be set via Configuration (above):
      - MonitoringEnabled     True
      - Enabled               True if Status == Active
      - PollingTime           120
      - MaxCycles             500
      - ControlDirectory      control/SystemName/AgentName
      - WorkDirectory         work/SystemName/AgentName
      - shifterProxy          False
      - shifterProxyLocation  work/SystemName/AgentName/.shifterCred

      different defaults can be set in the initialize() method of the Agent using am_setOption()

      In order to get a shifter proxy in the environment during the execute()
      the configuration Option 'shifterProxy' must be set, a default may be given
      in the initialize() method.
        if baseAgentName and agentName == baseAgentName:
            self.log = gLogger
            standaloneModule = True
            self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger(agentName, child=False)
            standaloneModule = False

        self.__basePath = gConfig.getValue('/LocalSite/InstancePath', rootPath)
        self.__agentModule = None
        self.__codeProperties = {}

        self.__moduleProperties = {
            'fullName': agentName,
            'loadName': loadName,
            'section': PathFinder.getAgentSection(agentName),
            'loadSection': PathFinder.getAgentSection(loadName),
            'standalone': standaloneModule,
            'cyclesDone': 0,
            'totalElapsedTime': 0,
            'setup': gConfig.getValue("/DIRAC/Setup", "Unknown"),
            'alive': True
        self.__moduleProperties['system'], self.__moduleProperties[
            'agentName'] = agentName.split("/")
        self.__configDefaults = {}
        self.__configDefaults['MonitoringEnabled'] = True
        self.__configDefaults['Enabled'] = self.am_getOption(
            "Status", "Active").lower() in ('active')
        self.__configDefaults['PollingTime'] = self.am_getOption(
            "PollingTime", 120)
        self.__configDefaults['MaxCycles'] = self.am_getOption(
            "MaxCycles", 500)
        self.__configDefaults['WatchdogTime'] = self.am_getOption(
            "WatchdogTime", 0)
        self.__configDefaults['ControlDirectory'] = os.path.join(
            self.__basePath, 'control', *agentName.split("/"))
        self.__configDefaults['WorkDirectory'] = os.path.join(
            self.__basePath, 'work', *agentName.split("/"))
        self.__configDefaults['shifterProxy'] = ''
        self.__configDefaults['shifterProxyLocation'] = os.path.join(
            self.__configDefaults['WorkDirectory'], '.shifterCred')

        if isinstance(properties, dict):
            for key in properties:
                self.__moduleProperties[key] = properties[key]
            self.__moduleProperties['executors'] = [(self.execute, ())]
            self.__moduleProperties['shifterProxy'] = False

        self.__monitorLastStatsUpdate = -1
        self.monitor = None
        self.__initialized = False

    def __getCodeInfo(self):
        versionVar = "__RCSID__"
        docVar = "__doc__"
            self.__agentModule = __import__(self.__class__.__module__,
                                            globals(), locals(), versionVar)
        except Exception as excp:
            self.log.exception("Cannot load agent module", lException=excp)
        for prop in ((versionVar, "version"), (docVar, "description")):
                self.__codeProperties[prop[1]] = getattr(
                    self.__agentModule, prop[0])
            except Exception:
                self.log.error("Missing property", prop[0])
                self.__codeProperties[prop[1]] = 'unset'
        self.__codeProperties['DIRACVersion'] = DIRAC.version
        self.__codeProperties['platform'] = DIRAC.getPlatform()

    def am_initialize(self, *initArgs):
        """ Common initialization for all the agents.

        This is executed every time an agent (re)starts.
        This is called by the AgentReactor, should not be overridden.
        agentName = self.am_getModuleParam('fullName')
        result = self.initialize(*initArgs)
        if not isReturnStructure(result):
            return S_ERROR("initialize must return S_OK/S_ERROR")
        if not result['OK']:
            return S_ERROR("Error while initializing %s: %s" %
                           (agentName, result['Message']))
        workDirectory = self.am_getWorkDirectory()
        # Set the work directory in an environment variable available to subprocesses if needed
        os.environ['AGENT_WORKDIRECTORY'] = workDirectory

        self.__moduleProperties['shifterProxy'] = self.am_getOption(
        if self.am_monitoringEnabled() and not self.activityMonitoring:
        if len(self.__moduleProperties['executors']) < 1:
            return S_ERROR("At least one executor method has to be defined")
        if not self.am_Enabled():
            return S_ERROR("Agent is disabled via the configuration")
        self.log.notice("=" * 40)
        self.log.notice("Loaded agent module %s" %
        self.log.notice(" Site: %s" % DIRAC.siteName())
        self.log.notice(" Setup: %s" % gConfig.getValue("/DIRAC/Setup"))
        self.log.notice(" Base Module version: %s " % __RCSID__)
        self.log.notice(" Agent version: %s" %
        self.log.notice(" DIRAC version: %s" % DIRAC.version)
        self.log.notice(" DIRAC platform: %s" % DIRAC.getPlatform())
        pollingTime = int(self.am_getOption('PollingTime'))
        if pollingTime > 3600:
            self.log.notice(" Polling time: %s hours" % (pollingTime / 3600.))
            self.log.notice(" Polling time: %s seconds" %
        self.log.notice(" Control dir: %s" % self.am_getControlDirectory())
        self.log.notice(" Work dir: %s" % self.am_getWorkDirectory())
        if self.am_getOption('MaxCycles') > 0:
            self.log.notice(" Cycles: %s" % self.am_getMaxCycles())
            self.log.notice(" Cycles: unlimited")
        if self.am_getWatchdogTime() > 0:
            self.log.notice(" Watchdog interval: %s" %
            self.log.notice(" Watchdog interval: disabled ")
        self.log.notice("=" * 40)
        self.__initialized = True
        return S_OK()

    def am_getControlDirectory(self):
        return os.path.join(self.__basePath,

    def am_getStopAgentFile(self):
        return os.path.join(self.am_getControlDirectory(), 'stop_agent')

    def am_checkStopAgentFile(self):
        return os.path.isfile(self.am_getStopAgentFile())

    def am_createStopAgentFile(self):
            with open(self.am_getStopAgentFile(), 'w') as fd:
                fd.write('Dirac site agent Stopped at %s' % Time.toString())
        except Exception:

    def am_removeStopAgentFile(self):
        except Exception:

    def am_getBasePath(self):
        return self.__basePath

    def am_getWorkDirectory(self):
        return os.path.join(self.__basePath,

    def am_getShifterProxyLocation(self):
        return os.path.join(self.__basePath,

    def am_getOption(self, optionName, defaultValue=None):
        """ Gets an option from the agent's configuration section.
        The section will be a subsection of the /Systems section in the CS.
        if defaultValue is None:
            if optionName in self.__configDefaults:
                defaultValue = self.__configDefaults[optionName]
        if optionName and optionName[0] == "/":
            return gConfig.getValue(optionName, defaultValue)
        for section in (self.__moduleProperties['section'],
            result = gConfig.getOption("%s/%s" % (section, optionName),
            if result['OK']:
                return result['Value']
        return defaultValue

    def am_setOption(self, optionName, value):
        self.__configDefaults[optionName] = value

    def am_getModuleParam(self, optionName):
        return self.__moduleProperties[optionName]

    def am_setModuleParam(self, optionName, value):
        self.__moduleProperties[optionName] = value

    def am_getPollingTime(self):
        return self.am_getOption("PollingTime")

    def am_getMaxCycles(self):
        return self.am_getOption("MaxCycles")

    def am_getWatchdogTime(self):
        return int(self.am_getOption("WatchdogTime"))

    def am_getCyclesDone(self):
        return self.am_getModuleParam('cyclesDone')

    def am_Enabled(self):
        return self.am_getOption("Enabled")

    def am_disableMonitoring(self):
        self.am_setOption('MonitoringEnabled', False)

    def am_monitoringEnabled(self):
        return self.am_getOption("MonitoringEnabled")

    def am_stopExecution(self):
        self.am_setModuleParam('alive', False)

    def __initializeMonitor(self):
    Initialize the system monitoring.
        # This flag is used to activate ES based monitoring
        # if the "EnableActivityMonitoring" flag in "yes" or "true" in the cfg file.
        self.activityMonitoring = (
            Operations().getValue("EnableActivityMonitoring", False)
            or self.am_getOption("EnableActivityMonitoring", False))
        if self.activityMonitoring:
            # The import needs to be here because of the CS must be initialized before importing
            # this class (see
            from DIRAC.MonitoringSystem.Client.MonitoringReporter import MonitoringReporter
            self.activityMonitoringReporter = MonitoringReporter(
            # With the help of this periodic task we commit the data to ES at an interval of 100 seconds.
                100, self.__activityMonitoringReporting)
            if self.__moduleProperties['standalone']:
                self.monitor = gMonitor
                self.monitor = MonitoringClient()
            self.monitor.registerActivity('CPU', "CPU Usage", 'Framework',
                                          "CPU,%", self.monitor.OP_MEAN, 600)
            self.monitor.registerActivity('MEM', "Memory Usage", 'Framework',
                                          'Memory,MB', self.monitor.OP_MEAN,
            # Component monitor
            for field in ('version', 'DIRACVersion', 'description',
                    field, self.__codeProperties[field])
            self.monitor.setComponentExtraParam('startTime', Time.dateTime())
            self.monitor.setComponentExtraParam('cycles', 0)
            self.__monitorLastStatsUpdate = time.time()

    def am_secureCall(self, functor, args=(), name=False):
        if not name:
            name = str(functor)
            result = functor(*args)
            if not isReturnStructure(result):
                raise Exception(
                    "%s method for %s module has to return S_OK/S_ERROR" %
                    (name, self.__moduleProperties['fullName']))
            return result
        except Exception as e:
            self.log.exception("Agent exception while calling method %s" %
            return S_ERROR("Exception while calling %s method: %s" %
                           (name, str(e)))

    def _setShifterProxy(self):
        if self.__moduleProperties["shifterProxy"]:
            result = setupShifterProxyInEnv(
            if not result['OK']:
                self.log.error("Failed to set shifter proxy",
                return result
        return S_OK()

    def am_go(self):
        # Set the shifter proxy if required
        result = self._setShifterProxy()
        if not result['OK']:
            return result
        self.log.notice("-" * 40)
        self.log.notice("Starting cycle for module %s" %
        mD = self.am_getMaxCycles()
        if mD > 0:
            cD = self.__moduleProperties['cyclesDone']
            self.log.notice("Remaining %s of %s cycles" % (mD - cD, mD))
        self.log.notice("-" * 40)
        # use SIGALARM as a watchdog interrupt if enabled
        watchdogInt = self.am_getWatchdogTime()
        if watchdogInt > 0:
            signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, signal.SIG_DFL)
        elapsedTime = time.time()
        cpuStats = self._startReportToMonitoring()
        cycleResult = self.__executeModuleCycle()
        if cpuStats:
        # Increment counters
        self.__moduleProperties['cyclesDone'] += 1
        # Show status
        elapsedTime = time.time() - elapsedTime
        self.__moduleProperties['totalElapsedTime'] += elapsedTime
        self.log.notice("-" * 40)
        self.log.notice("Agent module %s run summary" %
        self.log.notice(" Executed %s times previously" %
        self.log.notice(" Cycle took %.2f seconds" % elapsedTime)
        averageElapsedTime = self.__moduleProperties[
            'totalElapsedTime'] / self.__moduleProperties['cyclesDone']
        self.log.notice(" Average execution time: %.2f seconds" %
        elapsedPollingRate = averageElapsedTime * 100 / self.am_getOption(
        self.log.notice(" Polling time: %s seconds" %
        self.log.notice(" Average execution/polling time: %.2f%%" %
        if cycleResult['OK']:
            self.log.notice(" Cycle was successful")
            if self.activityMonitoring:
                # Here we record the data about the cycle duration along with some basic details about the
                # component and right now it isn't committed to the ES backend.
            self.log.warn(" Cycle had an error:", cycleResult['Message'])
        self.log.notice("-" * 40)
        # Update number of cycles
        if not self.activityMonitoring:
                'cycles', self.__moduleProperties['cyclesDone'])
        # cycle finished successfully, cancel watchdog
        if watchdogInt > 0:
        return cycleResult

    def _startReportToMonitoring(self):
            if not self.activityMonitoring:
                now = time.time()
                stats = os.times()
                cpuTime = stats[0] + stats[2]
                if now - self.__monitorLastStatsUpdate < 10:
                    return (now, cpuTime)
                # Send CPU consumption mark
                self.__monitorLastStatsUpdate = now
                # Send Memory consumption mark
                membytes = MemStat.VmB('VmRSS:')
                if membytes:
                    mem = membytes / (1024. * 1024.)
                    gMonitor.addMark('MEM', mem)
                return (now, cpuTime)
                return False
        except Exception:
            return False

    def _endReportToMonitoring(self, initialWallTime, initialCPUTime):
        wallTime = time.time() - initialWallTime
        stats = os.times()
        cpuTime = stats[0] + stats[2] - initialCPUTime
        percentage = 0
        if wallTime:
            percentage = cpuTime / wallTime * 100.
        if percentage > 0:
            gMonitor.addMark('CPU', percentage)

    def __executeModuleCycle(self):
        # Execute the beginExecution function
        result = self.am_secureCall(self.beginExecution, name="beginExecution")
        if not result['OK']:
            return result
        # Launch executor functions
        executors = self.__moduleProperties['executors']
        if len(executors) == 1:
            result = self.am_secureCall(executors[0][0], executors[0][1])
            if not result['OK']:
                return result
            exeThreads = [
                threading.Thread(target=executor[0], args=executor[1])
                for executor in executors
            for thread in exeThreads:
            for thread in exeThreads:
        # Execute the endExecution function
        return self.am_secureCall(self.endExecution, name="endExecution")

    def initialize(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """ Agents should override this method for specific initialization.
        Executed at every agent (re)start.
        return S_OK()

    def beginExecution(self):
        return S_OK()

    def endExecution(self):
        return S_OK()

    def finalize(self):
        return S_OK()

    def execute(self):
        return S_ERROR("Execute method has to be overwritten by agent module")

    def __activityMonitoringReporting(self):
        """ This method is called by the ThreadScheduler as a periodic task in order to commit the collected data which
        is done by the MonitoringReporter and is send to the 'ComponentMonitoring' type.

        :return: True / False
        result = self.activityMonitoringReporter.commit()
        return result['OK']
Esempio n. 3
class AgentModule( object ):
  """ Base class for all agent modules

      This class is used by the AgentReactor Class to steer the execution of
      DIRAC Agents.

      For this purpose the following methods are used:
      - am_initialize()      just after instantiated
      - am_getPollingTime()  to set the execution frequency
      - am_getMaxCycles()    to determine the number of cycles
      - am_go()              for the actual execution of one cycle

      Before each iteration, the following methods are used to determine
      if the new cycle is to be started.
      - am_getModuleParam( 'alive' )
      - am_checkStopAgentFile()
      - am_removeStopAgentFile()

      To start new execution cycle the following methods are used
      - am_getCyclesDone()
      - am_setOption( 'MaxCycles', maxCycles )

      At the same time it provides all Agents with common interface.
      All Agent class must inherit from this base class and must implement
      at least the following method:
      - execute()            main method called in the agent cycle

      Additionally they may provide:
      - initialize()         for initial settings
      - finalize()           the graceful exit

      - beginExecution()     before each execution cycle
      - endExecution()       at the end of each execution cycle

      The agent can be stopped either by a signal or by creating a 'stop_agent' file
      in the controlDirectory defined in the agent configuration


  def __init__( self, agentName, loadName, baseAgentName = False, properties = {} ):
      Common __init__ method for all Agents.
      All Agent modules must define:
      They are used to populate __codeProperties

      The following Options are used from the Configuration:
      - /LocalSite/InstancePath
      - /DIRAC/Setup
      - Status
      - Enabled
      - PollingTime            default = 120
      - MaxCycles              default = 500
      - ControlDirectory       control/SystemName/AgentName
      - WorkDirectory          work/SystemName/AgentName
      - shifterProxy           ''
      - shifterProxyLocation   WorkDirectory/SystemName/AgentName/.shifterCred

      It defines the following default Options that can be set via Configuration (above):
      - MonitoringEnabled     True
      - Enabled               True if Status == Active
      - PollingTime           120
      - MaxCycles             500
      - ControlDirectory      control/SystemName/AgentName
      - WorkDirectory         work/SystemName/AgentName
      - shifterProxy          False
      - shifterProxyLocation  work/SystemName/AgentName/.shifterCred

      different defaults can be set in the initialize() method of the Agent using am_setOption()

      In order to get a shifter proxy in the environment during the execute()
      the configuration Option 'shifterProxy' must be set, a default may be given
      in the initialize() method.

    if baseAgentName and agentName == baseAgentName:
      self.log = gLogger
      standaloneModule = True
      self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger( agentName, child = False )
      standaloneModule = False

    self.__basePath = gConfig.getValue( '/LocalSite/InstancePath', rootPath )
    self.__agentModule = None
    self.__codeProperties = {}

    self.__moduleProperties = { 'fullName' : agentName,
                                'loadName' : loadName,
                                'section' : PathFinder.getAgentSection( agentName ),
                                'loadSection' : PathFinder.getAgentSection( loadName ),
                                'standalone' : standaloneModule,
                                'cyclesDone' : 0,
                                'totalElapsedTime' : 0,
                                'setup' : gConfig.getValue( "/DIRAC/Setup", "Unknown" ),
                                'alive' : True }
    self.__moduleProperties[ 'system' ], self.__moduleProperties[ 'agentName' ] = agentName.split( "/" )
    self.__configDefaults = {}
    self.__configDefaults[ 'MonitoringEnabled'] = True
    self.__configDefaults[ 'Enabled'] = self.am_getOption( "Status", "Active" ).lower() in ( 'active' )
    self.__configDefaults[ 'PollingTime'] = self.am_getOption( "PollingTime", 120 )
    self.__configDefaults[ 'MaxCycles'] = self.am_getOption( "MaxCycles", 500 )
    self.__configDefaults[ 'ControlDirectory' ] = os.path.join( self.__basePath,
                                                                *agentName.split( "/" ) )
    self.__configDefaults[ 'WorkDirectory' ] = os.path.join( self.__basePath,
                                                             *agentName.split( "/" ) )
    self.__configDefaults[ 'shifterProxy' ] = ''
    self.__configDefaults[ 'shifterProxyLocation' ] = os.path.join( self.__configDefaults[ 'WorkDirectory' ],
                                                                    '.shifterCred' )

    if isinstance( properties, dict):
      for key in properties:
        self.__moduleProperties[ key ] = properties[ key ]
      self.__moduleProperties[ 'executors' ] = [ ( self.execute, () ) ]
      self.__moduleProperties[ 'shifterProxy' ] = False

    self.__monitorLastStatsUpdate = -1
    self.monitor = None
    self.__initialized = False

  def __getCodeInfo( self ):
    versionVar = "__RCSID__"
    docVar = "__doc__"
      self.__agentModule = __import__( self.__class__.__module__,
                                       versionVar )
    except Exception:
      self.log.exception( "Cannot load agent module" )
    for prop in ( ( versionVar, "version" ), ( docVar, "description" ) ):
        self.__codeProperties[ prop[1] ] = getattr( self.__agentModule, prop[0] )
      except Exception:
        self.log.error( "Missing property", prop[0] )
        self.__codeProperties[ prop[1] ] = 'unset'
    self.__codeProperties[ 'DIRACVersion' ] = DIRAC.version
    self.__codeProperties[ 'platform' ] = DIRAC.getPlatform()

  def am_initialize( self, *initArgs ):
    agentName = self.am_getModuleParam( 'fullName' )
    result = self.initialize( *initArgs )
    if not isReturnStructure( result ):
      return S_ERROR( "initialize must return S_OK/S_ERROR" )
    if not result[ 'OK' ]:
      return S_ERROR( "Error while initializing %s: %s" % ( agentName, result[ 'Message' ] ) )
    mkDir( self.am_getControlDirectory() )
    workDirectory = self.am_getWorkDirectory()
    mkDir( workDirectory )
    # Set the work directory in an environment variable available to subprocesses if needed
    os.environ['AGENT_WORKDIRECTORY'] = workDirectory

    self.__moduleProperties[ 'shifterProxy' ] = self.am_getOption( 'shifterProxy' )
    if self.am_monitoringEnabled():
    if len( self.__moduleProperties[ 'executors' ] ) < 1:
      return S_ERROR( "At least one executor method has to be defined" )
    if not self.am_Enabled():
      return S_ERROR( "Agent is disabled via the configuration" )
    self.log.notice( "="*40 )
    self.log.notice( "Loaded agent module %s" % self.__moduleProperties[ 'fullName' ] )
    self.log.notice( " Site: %s" % DIRAC.siteName() )
    self.log.notice( " Setup: %s" % gConfig.getValue( "/DIRAC/Setup" ) )
    self.log.notice( " Base Module version: %s " % __RCSID__ )
    self.log.notice( " Agent version: %s" % self.__codeProperties[ 'version' ] )
    self.log.notice( " DIRAC version: %s" % DIRAC.version )
    self.log.notice( " DIRAC platform: %s" % DIRAC.getPlatform() )
    pollingTime = int( self.am_getOption( 'PollingTime' ) )
    if pollingTime > 3600:
      self.log.notice( " Polling time: %s hours" % ( pollingTime / 3600. ) )
      self.log.notice( " Polling time: %s seconds" % self.am_getOption( 'PollingTime' ) )
    self.log.notice( " Control dir: %s" % self.am_getControlDirectory() )
    self.log.notice( " Work dir: %s" % self.am_getWorkDirectory() )
    if self.am_getOption( 'MaxCycles' ) > 0:
      self.log.notice( " Cycles: %s" % self.am_getMaxCycles() )
      self.log.notice( " Cycles: unlimited" )
    self.log.notice( "="*40 )
    self.__initialized = True
    return S_OK()

  def am_getControlDirectory( self ):
    return os.path.join( self.__basePath, str( self.am_getOption( 'ControlDirectory' ) ) )

  def am_getStopAgentFile( self ):
    return os.path.join( self.am_getControlDirectory(), 'stop_agent' )

  def am_checkStopAgentFile( self ):
    return os.path.isfile( self.am_getStopAgentFile() )

  def am_createStopAgentFile( self ):
      with open( self.am_getStopAgentFile(), 'w' ) as fd:
        fd.write( 'Dirac site agent Stopped at %s' % Time.toString() )
    except Exception:

  def am_removeStopAgentFile( self ):
      os.unlink( self.am_getStopAgentFile() )
    except Exception:

  def am_getBasePath( self ):
    return self.__basePath

  def am_getWorkDirectory( self ):
    return os.path.join( self.__basePath, str( self.am_getOption( 'WorkDirectory' ) ) )

  def am_getShifterProxyLocation( self ):
    return os.path.join( self.__basePath, str( self.am_getOption( 'shifterProxyLocation' ) ) )

  def am_getOption( self, optionName, defaultValue = None ):
    if defaultValue == None:
      if optionName in self.__configDefaults:
        defaultValue = self.__configDefaults[ optionName ]
    if optionName and optionName[0] == "/":
      return gConfig.getValue( optionName, defaultValue )
    for section in ( self.__moduleProperties[ 'section' ], self.__moduleProperties[ 'loadSection' ] ):
      result = gConfig.getOption( "%s/%s" % ( section, optionName ), defaultValue )
      if result[ 'OK' ]:
        return result[ 'Value' ]
    return defaultValue

  def am_setOption( self, optionName, value ):
    self.__configDefaults[ optionName ] = value

  def am_getModuleParam( self, optionName ):
    return self.__moduleProperties[ optionName ]

  def am_setModuleParam( self, optionName, value ):
    self.__moduleProperties[ optionName ] = value

  def am_getPollingTime( self ):
    return self.am_getOption( "PollingTime" )

  def am_getMaxCycles( self ):
    return self.am_getOption( "MaxCycles" )

  def am_getCyclesDone( self ):
    return self.am_getModuleParam( 'cyclesDone' )

  def am_Enabled( self ):
    return self.am_getOption( "Enabled" )

  def am_disableMonitoring( self ):
    self.am_setOption( 'MonitoringEnabled' , False )

  def am_monitoringEnabled( self ):
    return self.am_getOption( "MonitoringEnabled" )

  def am_stopExecution( self ):
    self.am_setModuleParam( 'alive', False )

  def __initializeMonitor( self ):
    Initialize the system monitor client
    if self.__moduleProperties[ 'standalone' ]:
      self.monitor = gMonitor
      self.monitor = MonitoringClient()
    self.monitor.setComponentType( self.monitor.COMPONENT_AGENT )
    self.monitor.setComponentName( self.__moduleProperties[ 'fullName' ] )
    self.monitor.registerActivity( 'CPU', "CPU Usage", 'Framework', "CPU,%", self.monitor.OP_MEAN, 600 )
    self.monitor.registerActivity( 'MEM', "Memory Usage", 'Framework', 'Memory,MB', self.monitor.OP_MEAN, 600 )
    # Component monitor
    for field in ( 'version', 'DIRACVersion', 'description', 'platform' ):
      self.monitor.setComponentExtraParam( field, self.__codeProperties[ field ] )
    self.monitor.setComponentExtraParam( 'startTime', Time.dateTime() )
    self.monitor.setComponentExtraParam( 'cycles', 0 )
    self.__monitorLastStatsUpdate = time.time()

  def am_secureCall( self, functor, args = (), name = False ):
    if not name:
      name = str( functor )
      result = functor( *args )
      if not isReturnStructure( result ):
        raise Exception( "%s method for %s module has to return S_OK/S_ERROR" % ( name, self.__moduleProperties[ 'fullName' ] ) )
      return result
    except Exception as e:
      self.log.exception( "Agent exception while calling method", name )
      return S_ERROR( "Exception while calling %s method: %s" % ( name, str( e ) ) )

  def _setShifterProxy( self ):
    if self.__moduleProperties[ "shifterProxy" ]:
      result = setupShifterProxyInEnv( self.__moduleProperties[ "shifterProxy" ],
                                       self.am_getShifterProxyLocation() )
      if not result[ 'OK' ]:
        self.log.error( "Failed to set shifter proxy", result['Message'] )
        return result
    return S_OK()

  def am_go( self ):
    # Set the shifter proxy if required
    result = self._setShifterProxy()
    if not result[ 'OK' ]:
      return result
    self.log.notice( "-"*40 )
    self.log.notice( "Starting cycle for module %s" % self.__moduleProperties[ 'fullName' ] )
    mD = self.am_getMaxCycles()
    if mD > 0:
      cD = self.__moduleProperties[ 'cyclesDone' ]
      self.log.notice( "Remaining %s of %s cycles" % ( mD - cD, mD ) )
    self.log.notice( "-"*40 )
    elapsedTime = time.time()
    cpuStats = self._startReportToMonitoring()
    cycleResult = self.__executeModuleCycle()
    if cpuStats:
      self._endReportToMonitoring( *cpuStats )
    # Increment counters
    self.__moduleProperties[ 'cyclesDone' ] += 1
    # Show status
    elapsedTime = time.time() - elapsedTime
    self.__moduleProperties[ 'totalElapsedTime' ] += elapsedTime
    self.log.notice( "-"*40 )
    self.log.notice( "Agent module %s run summary" % self.__moduleProperties[ 'fullName' ] )
    self.log.notice( " Executed %s times previously" % self.__moduleProperties[ 'cyclesDone' ] )
    self.log.notice( " Cycle took %.2f seconds" % elapsedTime )
    averageElapsedTime = self.__moduleProperties[ 'totalElapsedTime' ] / self.__moduleProperties[ 'cyclesDone' ]
    self.log.notice( " Average execution time: %.2f seconds" % ( averageElapsedTime ) )
    elapsedPollingRate = averageElapsedTime * 100 / self.am_getOption( 'PollingTime' )
    self.log.notice( " Polling time: %s seconds" % self.am_getOption( 'PollingTime' ) )
    self.log.notice( " Average execution/polling time: %.2f%%" % elapsedPollingRate )
    if cycleResult[ 'OK' ]:
      self.log.notice( " Cycle was successful" )
      self.log.warn( " Cycle had an error:", cycleResult[ 'Message' ] )
    self.log.notice( "-"*40 )
    # Update number of cycles
    self.monitor.setComponentExtraParam( 'cycles', self.__moduleProperties[ 'cyclesDone' ] )
    return cycleResult

  def _startReportToMonitoring( self ):
      now = time.time()
      stats = os.times()
      cpuTime = stats[0] + stats[2]
      if now - self.__monitorLastStatsUpdate < 10:
        return ( now, cpuTime )
      # Send CPU consumption mark
      self.__monitorLastStatsUpdate = now
      # Send Memory consumption mark
      membytes = MemStat.VmB( 'VmRSS:' )
      if membytes:
        mem = membytes / ( 1024. * 1024. )
        gMonitor.addMark( 'MEM', mem )
      return( now, cpuTime )
    except Exception:
      return False

  def _endReportToMonitoring( self, initialWallTime, initialCPUTime ):
    wallTime = time.time() - initialWallTime
    stats = os.times()
    cpuTime = stats[0] + stats[2] - initialCPUTime
    percentage = 0
    if wallTime:
      percentage = cpuTime / wallTime * 100.
    if percentage > 0:
      gMonitor.addMark( 'CPU', percentage )

  def __executeModuleCycle( self ):
    # Execute the beginExecution function
    result = self.am_secureCall( self.beginExecution, name = "beginExecution" )
    if not result[ 'OK' ]:
      return result
    # Launch executor functions
    executors = self.__moduleProperties[ 'executors' ]
    if len( executors ) == 1:
      result = self.am_secureCall( executors[0][0], executors[0][1] )
      if not result[ 'OK' ]:
        return result
      exeThreads = [ threading.Thread( target = executor[0], args = executor[1] ) for executor in executors ]
      for thread in exeThreads:
        thread.setDaemon( 1 )
      for thread in exeThreads:
    # Execute the endExecution function
    return  self.am_secureCall( self.endExecution, name = "endExecution" )

  def initialize( self, *args, **kwargs ):
    return S_OK()

  def beginExecution( self ):
    return S_OK()

  def endExecution( self ):
    return S_OK()

  def finalize( self ):
    return S_OK()

  def execute( self ):
    return S_ERROR( "Execute method has to be overwritten by agent module" )
Esempio n. 4
class AgentModule:
  """ Base class for all agent modules

      This class is used by the AgentReactor Class to steer the execution of
      DIRAC Agents.

      For this purpose the following methods are used:
      - am_initialize()      just after instantiated
      - am_getPollingTime()  to set the execution frequency
      - am_getMaxCycles()    to determine the number of cycles
      - am_go()              for the actual execution of one cycle

      Before each iteration, the following methods are used to determine
      if the new cycle is to be started.
      - am_getModuleParam( 'alive' )
      - am_checkStopAgentFile()
      - am_removeStopAgentFile()

      To start new execution cycle the following methods are used
      - am_getCyclesDone()
      - am_setOption( 'MaxCycles', maxCycles )

      At the same time it provides all Agents with common interface.
      All Agent class must inherit from this base class and must implement
      at least the following method:
      - execute()            main method called in the agent cycle

      Additionally they may provide:
      - initialize()         for initial settings
      - finalize()           the graceful exit

      - beginExecution()     before each execution cycle
      - endExecution()       at the end of each execution cycle

      The agent can be stopped either by a signal or by creating a 'stop_agent' file
      in the controlDirectory defined in the agent configuration


  def __init__( self, agentName, loadName, baseAgentName = False, properties = {} ):
      Common __init__ method for all Agents.
      All Agent modules must define:
      They are used to populate __codeProperties

      The following Options are used from the Configuration:
      - /LocalSite/InstancePath
      - /DIRAC/Setup
      - Status
      - Enabled
      - PollingTime            default = 120
      - MaxCycles              default = 500
      - ControlDirectory       control/SystemName/AgentName
      - WorkDirectory          work/SystemName/AgentName
      - shifterProxy           ''
      - shifterProxyLocation   WorkDirectory/SystemName/AgentName/.shifterCred

      It defines the following default Options that can be set via Configuration (above):
      - MonitoringEnabled     True
      - Enabled               True if Status == Active
      - PollingTime           120
      - MaxCycles             500
      - ControlDirectory      control/SystemName/AgentName
      - WorkDirectory         work/SystemName/AgentName
      - shifterProxy          False
      - shifterProxyLocation  work/SystemName/AgentName/.shifterCred

      different defaults can be set in the initialize() method of the Agent using am_setOption()

      In order to get a shifter proxy in the environment during the execute()
      the configuration Option 'shifterProxy' must be set, a default may be given
      in the initialize() method.

    if baseAgentName and agentName == baseAgentName:
      self.log = gLogger
      standaloneModule = True
      self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger( agentName, child = False )
      standaloneModule = False

    self.__basePath = gConfig.getValue( '/LocalSite/InstancePath', rootPath )
    self.__agentModule = None
    self.__codeProperties = {}

    self.__moduleProperties = { 'fullName' : agentName,
                                'loadName' : loadName,
                                'section' : PathFinder.getAgentSection( agentName ),
                                'loadSection' : PathFinder.getAgentSection( loadName ),
                                'standalone' : standaloneModule,
                                'cyclesDone' : 0,
                                'totalElapsedTime' : 0,
                                'setup' : gConfig.getValue( "/DIRAC/Setup", "Unknown" ),
                                'alive' : True }
    self.__moduleProperties[ 'system' ], self.__moduleProperties[ 'agentName' ] = agentName.split( "/" )
    self.__configDefaults = {}
    self.__configDefaults[ 'MonitoringEnabled'] = True
    self.__configDefaults[ 'Enabled'] = self.am_getOption( "Status", "Active" ).lower() in ( 'active' )
    self.__configDefaults[ 'PollingTime'] = self.am_getOption( "PollingTime", 120 )
    self.__configDefaults[ 'MaxCycles'] = self.am_getOption( "MaxCycles", 500 )
    self.__configDefaults[ 'ControlDirectory' ] = os.path.join( self.__basePath,
                                                                *agentName.split( "/" ) )
    self.__configDefaults[ 'WorkDirectory' ] = os.path.join( self.__basePath,
                                                             *agentName.split( "/" ) )
    self.__configDefaults[ 'shifterProxy' ] = ''
    self.__configDefaults[ 'shifterProxyLocation' ] = os.path.join( self.__configDefaults[ 'WorkDirectory' ],
                                                                        '.shifterCred' )

    if type( properties ) == types.DictType:
      for key in properties:
        self.__moduleProperties[ key ] = properties[ key ]
      self.__moduleProperties[ 'executors' ] = [ ( self.execute, () ) ]
      self.__moduleProperties[ 'shifterProxy' ] = False

    self.__monitorLastStatsUpdate = -1
    self.monitor = None
    self.__initialized = False

  def __getCodeInfo( self ):
    versionVar = "__RCSID__"
    docVar = "__doc__"
      self.__agentModule = __import__( self.__class__.__module__,
                                       versionVar )
    except Exception:
      self.log.exception( "Cannot load agent module" )
    for prop in ( ( versionVar, "version" ), ( docVar, "description" ) ):
        self.__codeProperties[ prop[1] ] = getattr( self.__agentModule, prop[0] )
      except Exception:
        self.log.error( "Missing %s" % prop[0] )
        self.__codeProperties[ prop[1] ] = 'unset'
    self.__codeProperties[ 'DIRACVersion' ] = DIRAC.version
    self.__codeProperties[ 'platform' ] = DIRAC.platform

  def am_initialize( self, *initArgs ):
    agentName = self.am_getModuleParam( 'fullName' )
    result = self.initialize( *initArgs )
    if not isReturnStructure( result ):
      return S_ERROR( "initialize must return S_OK/S_ERROR" )
    if not result[ 'OK' ]:
      return S_ERROR( "Error while initializing %s: %s" % ( agentName, result[ 'Message' ] ) )
    _checkDir( self.am_getControlDirectory() )
    workDirectory = self.am_getWorkDirectory()
    _checkDir( workDirectory )
    # Set the work directory in an environment variable available to subprocesses if needed
    os.environ['AGENT_WORKDIRECTORY'] = workDirectory

    self.__moduleProperties[ 'shifterProxy' ] = self.am_getOption( 'shifterProxy' )
    if self.am_monitoringEnabled():
    if len( self.__moduleProperties[ 'executors' ] ) < 1:
      return S_ERROR( "At least one executor method has to be defined" )
    if not self.am_Enabled():
      return S_ERROR( "Agent is disabled via the configuration" )
    self.log.notice( "="*40 )
    self.log.notice( "Loaded agent module %s" % self.__moduleProperties[ 'fullName' ] )
    self.log.notice( " Site: %s" % DIRAC.siteName() )
    self.log.notice( " Setup: %s" % gConfig.getValue( "/DIRAC/Setup" ) )
    self.log.notice( " Base Module version: %s " % __RCSID__ )
    self.log.notice( " Agent version: %s" % self.__codeProperties[ 'version' ] )
    self.log.notice( " DIRAC version: %s" % DIRAC.version )
    self.log.notice( " DIRAC platform: %s" % DIRAC.platform )
    pollingTime = int( self.am_getOption( 'PollingTime' ) )
    if pollingTime > 3600:
      self.log.notice( " Polling time: %s hours" % ( pollingTime / 3600. ) )
      self.log.notice( " Polling time: %s seconds" % self.am_getOption( 'PollingTime' ) )
    self.log.notice( " Control dir: %s" % self.am_getControlDirectory() )
    self.log.notice( " Work dir: %s" % self.am_getWorkDirectory() )
    if self.am_getOption( 'MaxCycles' ) > 0:
      self.log.notice( " Cycles: %s" % self.am_getMaxCycles() )
      self.log.notice( " Cycles: unlimited" )
    self.log.notice( "="*40 )
    self.__initialized = True
    return S_OK()

  def am_getControlDirectory( self ):
    return os.path.join( self.__basePath, str( self.am_getOption( 'ControlDirectory' ) ) )

  def am_getStopAgentFile( self ):
    return os.path.join( self.am_getControlDirectory(), 'stop_agent' )

  def am_checkStopAgentFile( self ):
    return os.path.isfile( self.am_getStopAgentFile() )

  def am_createStopAgentFile( self ):
      fd = open( self.am_getStopAgentFile(), 'w' )
      fd.write( 'Dirac site agent Stopped at %s' % Time.toString() )
    except Exception:

  def am_removeStopAgentFile( self ):
      os.unlink( self.am_getStopAgentFile() )
    except Exception:

  def am_getBasePath( self ):
    return self.__basePath

  def am_getWorkDirectory( self ):
    return os.path.join( self.__basePath, str( self.am_getOption( 'WorkDirectory' ) ) )

  def am_getShifterProxyLocation( self ):
    return os.path.join( self.__basePath, str( self.am_getOption( 'shifterProxyLocation' ) ) )

  def am_getOption( self, optionName, defaultValue = None ):
    if defaultValue == None:
      if optionName in self.__configDefaults:
        defaultValue = self.__configDefaults[ optionName ]
    if optionName and optionName[0] == "/":
      return gConfig.getValue( optionName, defaultValue )
    for section in ( self.__moduleProperties[ 'section' ], self.__moduleProperties[ 'loadSection' ] ):
      result = gConfig.getOption( "%s/%s" % ( section, optionName ), defaultValue )
      if result[ 'OK' ]:
        return result[ 'Value' ]
    return defaultValue

  def am_setOption( self, optionName, value ):
    self.__configDefaults[ optionName ] = value

  def am_getModuleParam( self, optionName ):
    return self.__moduleProperties[ optionName ]

  def am_setModuleParam( self, optionName, value ):
    self.__moduleProperties[ optionName ] = value

  def am_getPollingTime( self ):
    return self.am_getOption( "PollingTime" )

  def am_getMaxCycles( self ):
    return self.am_getOption( "MaxCycles" )

  def am_getCyclesDone( self ):
    return self.am_getModuleParam( 'cyclesDone' )

  def am_Enabled( self ):
    return self.am_getOption( "Enabled" )

  def am_disableMonitoring( self ):
    self.am_setOption( 'MonitoringEnabled' , False )

  def am_monitoringEnabled( self ):
    return self.am_getOption( "MonitoringEnabled" )

  def am_stopExecution( self ):
    self.am_setModuleParam( 'alive', False )

  def __initializeMonitor( self ):
    Initialize the system monitor client
    if self.__moduleProperties[ 'standalone' ]:
      self.monitor = gMonitor
      self.monitor = MonitoringClient()
    self.monitor.setComponentType( self.monitor.COMPONENT_AGENT )
    self.monitor.setComponentName( self.__moduleProperties[ 'fullName' ] )
    self.monitor.registerActivity( 'CPU', "CPU Usage", 'Framework', "CPU,%", self.monitor.OP_MEAN, 600 )
    self.monitor.registerActivity( 'MEM', "Memory Usage", 'Framework', 'Memory,MB', self.monitor.OP_MEAN, 600 )
    # Component monitor
    for field in ( 'version', 'DIRACVersion', 'description', 'platform' ):
      self.monitor.setComponentExtraParam( field, self.__codeProperties[ field ] )
    self.monitor.setComponentExtraParam( 'startTime', Time.dateTime() )
    self.monitor.setComponentExtraParam( 'cycles', 0 )
    self.__monitorLastStatsUpdate = time.time()

  def am_secureCall( self, functor, args = (), name = False ):
    if not name:
      name = str( functor )
      result = functor( *args )
      if not isReturnStructure( result ):
        raise Exception( "%s method for %s module has to return S_OK/S_ERROR" % ( name, self.__moduleProperties[ 'fullName' ] ) )
      return result
    except Exception, e:
      self.log.exception( "Exception while calling %s method" % name )
      return S_ERROR( "Exception while calling %s method: %s" % ( name, str( e ) ) )