def __init__(self, cpuTime=432000): """ Constructor Keyword arguments: cpuTime -- max cpu time allowed for the job """ Job.__init__(self) self.setCPUTime(cpuTime) # defaults self.setName('Evndisplay_Reco') self.package = 'evndisplay' self.program_category = 'reconstruction' self.version = 'prod3b_d20170602' # or later self.configuration_id = 0 self.output_data_level = 2 self.prefix = 'CTA.prod3Nb' self.layout = 'Baseline' self.pointing = '180' self.table_file = 'tables_CTA-prod3b-LaPalma-NNq05-NN-ID0_0deg-d20160925m4-Nb.3AL4-BN15.root' self.disp_subdir_name = 'BDTdisp.Nb.3AL4-BN15.T1' self.recid = '0,1,2' # 0 = all teltescopes, 1 = LST only, 2 = MST only self.basepath = '/' self.fcc = FileCatalogClient() self.metadata = collections.OrderedDict() self.filemetadata = {} self.catalogs = json.dumps(['DIRACFileCatalog', 'TSCatalog'])
def __init__(self, cpuTime=432000): """ Constructor Keyword arguments: cpuTime -- max cpu time allowed for the job """ Job.__init__(self) self.setCPUTime(cpuTime) # defaults self.setName('Evndisplay_CalibReco') self.package='evndisplay' self.version = 'prod5_d20200702' self.compiler='gcc48_default' self.program_category = 'calibimgreco' self.prog_name = 'evndisp' self.configuration_id = 7 self.output_data_level = 1 self.prefix = 'CTA.prod5S' self.layout_list = 'BL-0LSTs15MSTs50SSTs-MSTF \ BL-0LSTs15MSTs50SSTs-MSTN \ BL-4LSTs25MSTs70SSTs-MSTF \ BL-4LSTs25MSTs70SSTs-MSTN' self.calibration_file = 'prod5/prod5-IPR.root' self.reconstructionparameter = 'EVNDISP.prod5.reconstruction.runparameter' self.base_path = '/' self.metadata = collections.OrderedDict() self.file_meta_data = dict() self.catalogs = json.dumps(['DIRACFileCatalog', 'TSCatalog']) self.ts_task_id = 0
def __init__(self, cpu_time=129600): """ Constructor Keyword arguments: cpuTime -- max cpu time allowed for the job """ Job.__init__(self) self.setCPUTime(cpu_time) self.setName('Prod4_MC_Generation') self.setType('MCSimulation') self.package = 'corsika_simhessarray' self.program_category = 'airshower_sim' self.prog_name = 'corsika' self.version = '2018-09-19' self.configuration_id = 4 self.output_data_level = DATA_LEVEL_METADATA_ID['MC0'] self.start_run_number = '0' self.run_number = '10' self.n_shower = 100 self.cta_site = 'Paranal' self.particle = 'gamma' self.pointing_dir = 'South' self.zenith_angle = 20. self.output_pattern = 'Data/corsika/run*/*corsika.zst' self.n_output_files = 1 self.output_file_size = 1000 # kb self.base_path = '/' self.catalogs = json.dumps(['DIRACFileCatalog', 'TSCatalog']) self.metadata = collections.OrderedDict()
def __init__(self, cpuTime=432000): """ Constructor Keyword arguments: cpuTime -- max cpu time allowed for the job """ Job.__init__(self) self.setCPUTime(cpuTime) # defaults self.setName('Evndisplay_CalibReco') self.package = 'evndisplay' self.program_category = 'calibimgreco' self.version = 'prod3b_d20170602' # or later self.configuration_id = 0 self.output_data_level = 1 self.prefix = 'CTA.prod3Nb' self.layout = 'Baseline' self.calibration_file = 'gamma_20deg_180deg_run3___cta-prod3-lapalma3-2147m-LaPalma.ped.root' self.reconstructionparameter = 'EVNDISP.prod3.reconstruction.runparameter.NN' self.NNcleaninginputcard = 'EVNDISP.NNcleaning.dat' self.basepath = '/' self.fcc = FileCatalogClient() self.metadata = collections.OrderedDict() self.filemetadata = {} self.catalogs = json.dumps(['DIRACFileCatalog', 'TSCatalog2'])
def __init__(self, cpuTime=259200): """ Constructor Keyword arguments: cpuTime -- max cpu time allowed for the job """ Job.__init__(self) self.setCPUTime(cpuTime) # defaults self.setName('Prod3MC_Generation') self.package = 'corsika_simhessarray' self.program_category = 'tel_sim' self.version = '2017-04-19-div' self.configuration_id = 3 self.output_data_level = 0 self.nShower = 100 self.start_run_number = '0' self.run_number = '10' self.cta_site = 'Paranal' self.cta_site_tag = '' self.array_layout = 'Baseline' self.particle = 'gamma' self.pointing_dir = 'South' self.zenith_angle = 20. self.div_cfg_id = 0 self.inputpath = 'Data/sim_telarray/cta-prod3-demo/0.0deg' self.N_output_files = 1 self.basepath = '/' self.catalogs = json.dumps(['DIRACFileCatalog', 'TSCatalog']) self.metadata = collections.OrderedDict() self.metadata_field = dict() self.filemetadata = dict()
def __init__(self, cpuTime=432000): """ Constructor Keyword arguments: cpuTime -- max cpu time allowed for the job """ Job.__init__(self) self.setCPUTime(cpuTime) # defaults self.setName('Evndisplay_CalibReco') self.package = 'evndisplay' self.program_category = 'calibimgreco' self.version = 'prod3b_d20180201' self.configuration_id = -1 self.output_data_level = 1 self.prefix = 'CTA.prod3Sb' self.layout_list = '3HB9-FD 3HB9-FG 3HB9-FA 3HB9-ND 3HB9-NG 3HB9-NA \ 3HB9-TS-BB-FD 3HB9-TS-BB-FG 3HB9-TS-BB-FA \ 3HB9-TS-BB-ND 3HB9-TS-BB-NG 3HB9-TS-BB-NA' self.focal_file = 'CTA.prod3b.EffectiveFocalLength.dat' self.calibration_file = 'prod3b.Paranal-20171214.ped.root' self.reconstructionparameter = 'EVNDISP.prod3.reconstruction.runparameter.NN.noLL' self.NNcleaninginputcard = 'EVNDISP.NNcleaning.dat' self.basepath = '/' self.fcc = FileCatalogClient() self.metadata = collections.OrderedDict() self.filemetadata = {} self.catalogs = json.dumps(['DIRACFileCatalog', 'TSCatalog']) self.ts_task_id = 0
def __init__(self, cpuTime=36000): """ Constructor Keyword arguments: cpuTime -- max cpu time allowed for the job """ Job.__init__(self) self.setCPUTime(cpuTime) # defaults self.setName('dl1 data handler reduction') self.package = 'dl1_data_handler' self.program_category = 'calibimgreco' self.version = 'v0.7.4' self.configuration_id = 1 self.output_data_level = DATA_LEVEL_METADATA_ID['DL1'] self.N_output_files = 1 self.prefix = 'CTA.prod3Sb' self.layout = 'Baseline' self.base_path = '/' self.fcc = FileCatalogClient() self.metadata = collections.OrderedDict() self.catalogs = json.dumps(['DIRACFileCatalog', 'TSCatalog']) self.ts_task_id = 0 self.split_md = 'test' self.config_file_name = 'grid_config_train_02052019.yml'
def __init__(self, cpuTime=432000): """ Constructor Keyword arguments: cpuTime -- max cpu time allowed for the job """ Job.__init__(self) self.setCPUTime(cpuTime) # defaults self.setName('Evndisplay_Analysis') self.package = 'evndisplay' self.program_category = 'analysis' #'calibimgreco' self.version = 'prod3_d20150831b' self.prefix = 'CTA.prod3S' self.layout_list = '3HB1 3HB2 3HB3 3HD1 3HD2 3HI1' self.calibration_file = 'prod3.peds.20150820.dst.root' self.reconstructionparameter = 'EVNDISP.prod3.reconstruction.runparameter.NN' self.NNcleaninginputcard = 'EVNDISP.NNcleaning.dat' self.basepath = '/' self.outputpattern = './*evndisp.tar.gz' self.fcc = FileCatalogClient() self.metadata = collections.OrderedDict() self.filemetadata = {} self.catalogs = json.dumps(['DIRACFileCatalog', 'TSCatalog']) self.jobGroupID = 1
def __init__(self, cpuTime=432000): """ Constructor Keyword arguments: cpuTime -- max cpu time allowed for the job """ Job.__init__(self) self.setCPUTime(cpuTime) # defaults self.setName('Evndisplay_CalibReco') self.package = 'evndisplay' self.program_category = 'calibimgreco' self.version = 'prod4_d20181110' self.configuration_id = 4 self.output_data_level = DATA_LEVEL_METADATA_ID['DL1'] self.N_output_files = 1 self.prefix = 'CTA.prod4S' self.layout = '3HB9-SST' self.calibration_file = 'prod4b-SST-IPR.root' self.reconstructionparameter = 'EVNDISP.prod4.reconstruction.runparameter.NN.noLL' self.base_path = '/' self.fcc = FileCatalogClient() self.metadata = collections.OrderedDict() self.filemetadata = {} self.catalogs = json.dumps(['DIRACFileCatalog', 'TSCatalog']) self.ts_task_id = 0
def __init__(self, cpuTime=432000): """ Constructor Keyword arguments: cpuTime -- max cpu time allowed for the job """ Job.__init__(self) self.setCPUTime(cpuTime) # defaults self.setName('Simtel') self.package = 'corsika_simhessarray' self.program_category = 'tel_sim' self.version = '2018-06-12' self.configuration_id = 4 self.output_data_level = 0 self.base_path = '/' self.fcc = FileCatalogClient() self.metadata = collections.OrderedDict() self.filemetadata = {} self.catalogs = json.dumps(['DIRACFileCatalog', 'TSCatalog']) self.ts_task_id = 1000 self.simtel_config_file = 'ASTRI_MiniArray15_Paranal_ACDC_2018_06_12.cfg' self.thetaP = 20.0 self.phiP = 0.0 self.particle = 'Proton' self.output_path = os.path.join(self.base_path, self.particle, str(self.phiP)) self.se_list = json.dumps(['FRASCATI-USER', 'CNAF-USER'])
def __init__(self, cpuTime = 432000): """ Constructor Keyword arguments: cpuTime -- max cpu time allowed for the job """ Job.__init__(self) self.setCPUTime(cpuTime) # defaults self.setName('Prod3MC_Generation') self.package='corsika_simhessarray' self.version='2015-07-21' self.nShower=5 self.start_run_number = '0' self.run_number = '10' self.array_layout='full' self.template_tag='6' self.cta_site='Paranal' self.particle='gamma' self.pointing_dir = 'South' self.zenith_angle = 20. self.no_sct=True self.inputpath = 'Data/sim_telarray/cta-prod3/0.0deg' self.basepath = '/' self.catalogs = json.dumps(['DIRACFileCatalog','TSCatalog'])
def __init__( self, cpuTime = 432000 ): """ Constructor Keyword arguments: cpuTime -- max cpu time allowed for the job """ Job.__init__( self ) self.setCPUTime( cpuTime ) # defaults self.setName( 'Mars_Analysis' ) self.package = 'chimp' self.version = 'prod3_xxx' self.PixelRequiredPhes = '-100.' self.outdir = './' self.MuonMode = '0' self.StarOutput = '-staroutput' # self.training_type = 'point-like' self.training_type = 'diffuse' #self.training_type = 'point-like diffuse' self.basepath = '/' #self.outputpattern = './stereo_All/*.root' # not used self.outputpattern = './data/*.tar.gz' # used for ctastereo #self.outputpattern = './*_I.root' # used for chimp self.fcc = FileCatalogClient() self.metadata = collections.OrderedDict() self.filemetadata = {} self.jobGroupID = 1
def __init__(self, script, parameters=None, softwarePackage='HESS/v0.1/root', compiled=False, cpuTime=3600): Job.__init__(self) self.workflow = Workflow() self.executable = '$DIRACROOT/scripts/cta-root-macro' self.setName(os.path.basename(script)) self.script = os.path.basename(script) self.setInputSandbox([script]) self.setCPUTime(cpuTime) arguments = [] toCompile = '' if compiled: toCompile = '+' if parameters: arguments = [ repr(k).replace('"', "\\\\'").replace("'", "\\\\'") for k in parameters ] argumentStr = "%s%s %s" % (os.path.basename(script), toCompile, ' '.join(arguments)) self.setConfigArgs(argumentStr) self.__addSoftwarePackage(softwarePackage)
def __init__(self, cpu_time=259200): """ Constructor takes almosst everything from base class Keyword arguments: cpuTime -- max cpu time allowed for the job """ Job.__init__(self) self.setCPUTime(cpu_time) self.setName('Prod5MC_Generation') self.setType('MCSimulation') self.package = 'corsika_simtelarray' self.version = '2020-06-29b' self.compiler = 'gcc83_matchcpu' self.program_category = 'tel_sim' self.prog_name = 'sim_telarray' self.configuration_id = 8 self.output_data_level = DATA_LEVEL_METADATA_ID['DL0'] self.n_shower = 100 self.start_run_number = '0' self.run_number = '10' self.cta_site = 'Paranal' self.particle = 'gamma' self.pointing_dir = 'South' self.zenith_angle = 20. self.no_sct = True self.output_pattern = './Data/sim_telarray/cta-prod5-%s/0.0deg/Data/*.zst'\ % self.cta_site.lower() self.base_path = '/' self.catalogs = json.dumps(['DIRACFileCatalog', 'TSCatalog']) self.n_output_files = 2 self.output_file_size = 1000 # kb self.metadata = collections.OrderedDict()
def __init__( self, cpuTime = 259200 ): """ Constructor Keyword arguments: cpuTime -- max cpu time allowed for the job """ Job.__init__( self ) self.setCPUTime( cpuTime ) # defaults self.setName('Prod3MC_Generation') self.package='corsika_simhessarray' self.program_category='tel_sim' self.version='2017-04-19' self.configuration_id = 0 self.output_data_level=0 self.nShower=100 self.start_run_number = '0' self.run_number = '10' self.cta_site='Paranal' self.cta_site_tag='' self.array_layout = 'Baseline' self.particle='gamma' self.pointing_dir = 'South' self.zenith_angle = 20. self.outputquery = {'MCCampaign':'PROD3','outputType':{'in': ['Data', 'Log']}} #self.inputpath = 'Data/sim_telarray/cta-prod3-%s/0.0deg'%self.array_layout.lower() self.inputpath = 'Data/sim_telarray/cta-prod3-demo/0.0deg' self.N_output_files = 1 self.basepath = '/' self.catalogs = json.dumps(['DIRACFileCatalog','TSCatalog2'])
def __init__(self, cpuTime=3600): Job.__init__(self) self.workflow = Workflow() self.executable = '$DIRACROOT/scripts/cta-corsikasimteluser' self.setCPUTime(cpuTime) global argumentStr
def __init__(self, cpuTime=3600): Job.__init__(self) self.workflow = Workflow() self.executable = '$DIRACROOT/scripts/cta-read-cta' # self.executable = '$DIRACROOT/CTADIRAC/Core/scripts/' self.setCPUTime(cpuTime) global argumentStr
def __init__(self, parameters=None, cpuTime=3600): Job.__init__(self) self.workflow = Workflow() self.executable = '$DIRACROOT/scripts/cta-hap-wf-param' self.setCPUTime(cpuTime) argumentStr = "%s" % (' '.join(parameters)) self.setConfigArgs(argumentStr)
def __init__(self, cpuTime=3600): Job.__init__(self) self.workflow = Workflow() self.executable = '$DIRACROOT/scripts/cta-evndispstandalone' self.setCPUTime(cpuTime) global parfileList parfileList = [] global argumentStr
def __init__(self, script, parameters=None, cpuTime=3600): Job.__init__(self) self.workflow = Workflow() self.executable = '$DIRACROOT/scripts/cta-hap-application' self.setName(os.path.basename(script)) self.setCPUTime(cpuTime) global argumentStr argumentStr = "%s" % (' '.join(parameters)) self.setConfigArgs(argumentStr)
def __init__(self, script = None): DiracJob.__init__(self, script) self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger("ILCJob") self.applicationlist = [] self.inputsandbox = [] self.outputsandbox = [] self.check = True self.systemConfig = '' self.stepnumber = 0 self.steps = [] self.nbevts = 0 = 0 self.setSystemConfig('x86_64-slc5-gcc43-opt')
def __init__(self, cpuTime=432000): """ Constructor Keyword arguments: cpuTime -- max cpu time allowed for the job """ Job.__init__(self) self.setCPUTime(cpuTime) # defaults self.setName('Prod3MC_Generation') self.package = 'corsika_simhessarray' self.version = '2015-08-18' self.simtelopts = '' self.outputpattern = './*simtel.gz' self.outputpath = '/' self.outputSE = json.dumps(['CC-IN2P3-USER', 'DESY-ZN-USER'])
def __init__(self, cpuTime=432000): """ Constructor Keyword arguments: cpuTime -- max cpu time allowed for the job """ Job.__init__(self) self.setCPUTime(cpuTime) # defaults self.setName('Evndisplay_Analysis') self.package = 'evndisplay' self.version = 'prod3_d20150831b' self.layout_list = '3HB1 3HB2 3HB3 3HD1 3HD2 3HI1' self.calibration_file = 'prod3.peds.20150820.dst.root' self.reconstructionparameter = 'EVNDISP.prod3.reconstruction.runparameter.NN' self.NNcleaninginputcard = 'EVNDISP.NNcleaning.dat'
def __init__(self, cpuTime=432000): """ Constructor Keyword arguments: cpuTime -- max cpu time allowed for the job """ Job.__init__(self) self.setCPUTime(cpuTime) # defaults self.setName('Merge3HB89') self.package = 'corsika_simhessarray' self.version = '2015-10-20-p4' self.basepath = '/' self.outputpattern = '' self.fcc = FileCatalogClient() self.metadata = collections.OrderedDict() self.filemetadata = {} self.jobGroupID = 1
def __init__(self, cpuTime=36000): """ Constructor Keyword arguments: cpuTime -- max cpu time allowed for the job """ Job.__init__(self) self.setCPUTime(cpuTime) # defaults self.setName('prov_test') self.package = 'provtest' self.program_category = 'calibimgreco' self.version = 'v0.5.3' self.configuration_id = 1 # To be set according to the input dataset ######################################################################## # data management params self.basepath = '/' self.metadata = collections.OrderedDict() self.filemetadata = {} self.catalogs = json.dumps(['DIRACFileCatalog', 'TSCatalog'])
def __init__(self, cpuTime=432000): """ Constructor Keyword arguments: cpuTime -- max cpu time allowed for the job """ Job.__init__(self) self.setCPUTime(cpuTime) # defaults self.setName('Simtel') self.package = 'corsika_simhessarray' self.program_category = 'tel_sim' self.version = '2018-11-07-lstmagic' self.configuration_id = 5 self.output_data_level = DATA_LEVEL_METADATA_ID['DL0'] self.N_output_files = 2 # 1 data and 1 log tar file self.base_path = '/' self.fcc = FileCatalogClient() self.metadata = collections.OrderedDict() self.catalogs = json.dumps(['DIRACFileCatalog', 'TSCatalog']) self.ts_task_id = 0
def __init__(self, cpuTime=432000): """ Constructor Keyword arguments: cpuTime -- max cpu time allowed for the job """ Job.__init__(self) self.setCPUTime(cpuTime) # defaults self.setName('Evndisplay_CalibReco') self.package = 'evndisplay' self.version = 'eventdisplay-cta-dl1-prod3b-sct.v02' self.container = True self.program_category = 'calibimgreco' self.prog_name = 'evndisp' self.configuration_id = 9 self.output_data_level = 1 self.base_path = '/' self.metadata = collections.OrderedDict() self.file_meta_data = dict() self.catalogs = json.dumps(['DIRACFileCatalog', 'TSCatalog']) self.ts_task_id = 0
def __init__(self, cpuTime=36000): """ Constructor Keyword arguments: cpuTime -- max cpu time allowed for the job """ Job.__init__(self) self.setCPUTime(cpuTime) # defaults self.setName('ImageExtractor reduction') self.package = 'image_extractor' self.program_category = 'calibimgreco' self.version = 'v0.5.1' self.configuration_id = -1 self.output_data_level = 1 self.prefix = 'CTA.prod3Sb' self.layout = 'HB9' self.basepath = '/' self.outputpattern = './*.hdf5' self.fcc = FileCatalogClient() self.metadata = collections.OrderedDict() self.filemetadata = {} self.catalogs = json.dumps(['DIRACFileCatalog', 'TSCatalog'])
def __init__(self, cpuTime=36000): """ Constructor Keyword arguments: cpuTime -- max cpu time allowed for the job """ Job.__init__(self) self.setCPUTime(cpuTime) # defaults self.setName('Evndisplay_Analysis_SCT') self.package = 'evndisplay' self.version = 'prod3bSCT_d20161130' self.prefix = 'CTA.prod3Sb' # not used, hardcoded in script self.layout_list = 'HB9' # not used, hardcoded in script self.telescopetype_combination_list = 'MFNS' # not used, hardcoded in script self.calibration_file = 'gamma_20deg_180deg_run5___cta-prod3-demo_desert-2150m-Paranal.all.ped.root' # not used, hardcoded in script self.reconstructionparameter = 'EVNDISP.prod3.reconstruction.runparameter.NN' # not used, hardcoded in script self.NNcleaninginputcard = 'EVNDISP.NNcleaning.dat' # not used, hardcoded in script self.basepath = '/' self.outputpattern = './*all.evn.tar' self.fcc = FileCatalogClient() self.metadata = collections.OrderedDict() self.filemetadata = {} self.jobGroupID = 1
def __init__(self, cpuTime=432000): """ Constructor Keyword arguments: cpuTime -- max cpu time allowed for the job """ Job.__init__(self) self.setCPUTime(cpuTime) # defaults self.setName('ctapipe_stage1') self.package = 'ctapipe' self.version = 'v0.10.0' self.compiler = 'gcc48_default' self.program_category = 'stage1' self.prog_name = 'ctapipe-stage1' self.stage1_config = 'stage1_config.json' self.simtel_ext = "zst" self.configuration_id = 7 self.output_data_level = 1 self.base_path = '/' self.metadata = collections.OrderedDict() self.file_meta_data = dict() self.catalogs = json.dumps(['DIRACFileCatalog', 'TSCatalog']) self.ts_task_id = 0
def __init__( self, cpuTime = 259200 ): """ Constructor Keyword arguments: cpuTime -- max cpu time allowed for the job """ Job.__init__( self ) self.setCPUTime( cpuTime ) # defaults self.setName('Prod3MC_Generation') self.package='corsika_simhessarray' self.version='2016-12-02' self.nShower=100 self.start_run_number = '0' self.run_number = '10' self.cta_site='LaPalma' self.cta_site_tag='3' self.array_layout = 'LaPalma3' self.particle='gamma' self.pointing_dir = 'South' self.zenith_angle = 20. self.inputpath = 'Data/sim_telarray/cta-prod3-%s/0.0deg'%self.array_layout.lower() self.basepath = '/' self.no_sct = False