Esempio n. 1
    result = getVOfromProxyGroup()
    if not result['OK']:
        gLogger.notice('Error:', result['Message'])
    vo = result['Value']
    resources = Resources(vo=vo)
    result = resources.getEligibleStorageElements()
    if not result['OK']:
        gLogger.notice('Error:', result['Message'])
    seList = sortList(result['Value'])

    resourceStatus = ResourceStatus()

    result = resourceStatus.getStorageStatus(seList)
    if not result['OK']:
        gLogger.notice('Error:', result['Message'])

    for k, v in result['Value'].items():

        readState, writeState = 'Active', 'Active'

        if v.has_key('ReadAccess'):
            readState = v['ReadAccess']

        if v.has_key('WriteAccess'):
            writeState = v['WriteAccess']
            "%s %s %s" %
Esempio n. 2
class StrategyHandler( object ):
  .. class:: StrategyHandler

  StrategyHandler is a helper class for determining optimal replication tree for given
  source files, their replicas and target storage elements.

  def __init__( self, configSection, channels=None, bandwidths=None, failedFiles=None ):

    :param self: self reference
    :param str configSection: path on CS to ReplicationScheduler agent
    :param bandwithds: observed throughput on active channels
    :param channels: active channels
    :param int failedFiles: max number of distinct failed files to allow scheduling
    ## save config section
    self.configSection = configSection + "/" + self.__class__.__name__

    ## sublogger
    self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger( "StrategyHandler", child=True )
    self.log.setLevel( gConfig.getValue( self.configSection + "/LogLevel", "DEBUG"  ) )
    self.supportedStrategies = [ 'Simple', 'DynamicThroughput', 'Swarm', 'MinimiseTotalWait' ] "Supported strategies = %s" % ", ".join( self.supportedStrategies ) )
    self.sigma = gConfig.getValue( self.configSection + '/HopSigma', 0.0 ) "HopSigma = %s" % self.sigma )
    self.schedulingType = gConfig.getValue( self.configSection + '/SchedulingType', 'File' ) "SchedulingType = %s" % self.schedulingType )
    self.activeStrategies = gConfig.getValue( self.configSection + '/ActiveStrategies', ['MinimiseTotalWait'] ) "ActiveStrategies = %s" % ", ".join( self.activeStrategies ) )
    self.numberOfStrategies = len( self.activeStrategies ) "Number of active strategies = %s" % self.numberOfStrategies )
    self.acceptableFailureRate = gConfig.getValue( self.configSection + '/AcceptableFailureRate', 75 ) "AcceptableFailureRate = %s" % self.acceptableFailureRate )
    self.acceptableFailedFiles = gConfig.getValue( self.configSection + "/AcceptableFailedFiles", 5 ) "AcceptableFailedFiles = %s" % self.acceptableFailedFiles )
    self.rwUpdatePeriod = gConfig.getValue( self.configSection + "/RssRWUpdatePeriod", 600 ) "RSSUpdatePeriod = %s s" % self.rwUpdatePeriod )
    self.rwUpdatePeriod = datetime.timedelta( seconds=self.rwUpdatePeriod )
    ## bandwithds
    self.bandwidths = bandwidths if bandwidths else {}
    ## channels
    self.channels = channels if channels else {}
    ## distinct failed files per channel 
    self.failedFiles = failedFiles if failedFiles else {}
    ## chosen strategy
    self.chosenStrategy = 0
    ## fts graph
    self.ftsGraph = None
    ## timestamp for last update
    self.lastRssUpdate =    
    # dispatcher
    self.strategyDispatcher = { "MinimiseTotalWait" : self.minimiseTotalWait, 
                                "DynamicThroughput" : self.dynamicThroughput,
                                "Simple" : self.simple, 
                                "Swarm" : self.swarm }
    ## own RSS client
    self.resourceStatus = ResourceStatus()
    ## create fts graph
    ftsGraph = self.setup( self.channels, self.bandwidths, self.failedFiles )    
    if not ftsGraph["OK"]:
      raise SHGraphCreationError( ftsGraph["Message"] )"%s has been constructed" % self.__class__.__name__ )

  def setup( self, channels, bandwithds, failedFiles ):
    """ prepare fts graph 

    :param dict channels: { channelID : { "Files" : long , Size = long, "ChannelName" : str, 
                                          "Source" : str, "Destination" : str , "ChannelName" : str, "Status" : str  } }
    :param dict bandwidths: { channelID { "Throughput" : float, "Fileput" : float, "SucessfulFiles" : long, "FailedFiles" : long  } }
    :param dict failedFiles: { channelID : int }

    channelInfo { channelName : { "ChannelID" : int, "TimeToStart" : float} }  
    graph = FTSGraph( "sites" )
    result = getStorageElementSiteMapping()
    if not result['OK']:
      return result
    sitesDict = result['Value']

    ## create nodes 
    for site, ses in sitesDict.items():
      rwDict = self.__getRWAccessForSE( ses )
      if not rwDict["OK"]:
        return rwDict
      siteName = site
      if '.' in site:
        siteName = site.split('.')[1]  
      graph.addNode( LCGSite( siteName, { "SEs" : rwDict["Value"] } ) )
    ## channels { channelID : { "Files" : long , Size = long, "ChannelName" : str, 
    ##                          "Source" : str, "Destination" : str , 
    ##                          "ChannelName" : str, "Status" : str  } }
    ## bandwidths { channelID { "Throughput" : float, "Fileput" : float, 
    ##                           "SucessfulFiles" : long, "FailedFiles" : long  } }
    ## channelInfo { channelName : { "ChannelID" : int, "TimeToStart" : float} }
    for channelID, channelDict in channels.items():
      sourceName = channelDict["Source"]
      destName = channelDict["Destination"]
      fromNode = graph.getNode( sourceName )
      toNode = graph.getNode( destName )
      if fromNode and toNode:  
        rwAttrs = { "status" : channels[channelID]["Status"], 
                    "files" : channelDict["Files"],
                    "size" : channelDict["Size"],
                    "successfulAttempts" : bandwithds[channelID]["SuccessfulFiles"], 
                    "failedAttempts" : bandwithds[channelID]["FailedFiles"], 
                    "distinctFailedFiles" : failedFiles.get( channelID, 0 ),
                    "fileput" : bandwithds[channelID]["Fileput"], 
                    "throughput" : bandwithds[channelID]["Throughput"] }
        roAttrs = { "channelID" : channelID,
                    "channelName" : channelDict["ChannelName"],
                    "acceptableFailureRate" : self.acceptableFailureRate,
                    "acceptableFailedFiles" : self.acceptableFailedFiles,
                    "schedulingType" : self.schedulingType }
        ftsChannel = FTSChannel( fromNode, toNode, rwAttrs, roAttrs )
        graph.addEdge( ftsChannel ) 
    self.ftsGraph = graph
    self.lastRssUpdate =
    return S_OK()

  def updateGraph( self, rwAccess=False, replicationTree=None, size=0.0 ):
    """ update rw access for nodes (sites) and size anf files for edges (channels) """
    replicationTree = replicationTree if replicationTree else {}
    size = size if size else 0.0
    ## update nodes rw access for SEs
    if rwAccess:
      for lcgSite in self.ftsGraph.nodes():
        rwDict = self.__getRWAccessForSE( lcgSite.SEs.keys() )
        if not rwDict["OK"]:
          return rwDict
        lcgSite.SEs = rwDict["Value"]
    ## update channels size and files
    if replicationTree:
      for channel in self.ftsGraph.edges():
        if channel.channelID in replicationTree:
          channel.size += size 
          channel.files += 1
    return S_OK()
  def simple( self, sourceSEs, targetSEs ):
    """ simple strategy - one source, many targets

    :param list sourceSEs: list with only one sourceSE name
    :param list targetSEs: list with target SE names
    :param str lfn: logical file name
    :param dict metadata: file metadata read from catalogue
    ## make targetSEs list unique 
    if len(sourceSEs) != 1:
      return S_ERROR( "simple: wrong argument supplied for sourceSEs, only one sourceSE allowed" )
    sourceSE = sourceSEs[0]
    tree = {}
    for targetSE in targetSEs:
      channel = self.ftsGraph.findChannel( sourceSE, targetSE )
      if not channel["OK"]:
        return S_ERROR( channel["Message"] )
      channel = channel["Value"]
      if not channel.fromNode.SEs[sourceSE]["read"]:
        return S_ERROR( "simple: sourceSE '%s' in banned for reading rigth now" % sourceSE )
      if not channel.toNode.SEs[targetSE]["write"]:
        return S_ERROR( "simple: targetSE '%s' is banned for writing rigth now" % targetSE )
      if channel.channelID in tree:
        return S_ERROR( "simple: unable to create replication tree, channel '%s' cannot be used twice" %\
                          channel.channelName )      
      tree[channel.channelID] = { "Ancestor" : False, "SourceSE" : sourceSE, 
                                  "DestSE" : targetSE, "Strategy" : "Simple" } 

    return S_OK(tree)
  def swarm( self, sourceSEs, targetSEs ):
    """ swarm strategy - one target, many sources, pick up the fastest 
    :param list sourceSEs: list of source SE 
    :param str targetSEs: on element list with name of target SE
    :param str lfn: logical file name
    :param dict metadata: file metadata read from catalogue
    tree = {}
    channels = []
    if len(targetSEs) > 1:
      return S_ERROR("swarm: wrong argument supplied for targetSEs, only one targetSE allowed")
    targetSE = targetSEs[0]
    ## find channels
    for sourceSE in sourceSEs:
      channel = self.ftsGraph.findChannel( sourceSE, targetSE )
      if not channel["OK"]:
        self.log.warn( "swarm: %s" % channel["Message"] )
      channels.append( ( sourceSE, channel["Value"] ) )      
    ## exit - no channels 
    if not channels:
      return S_ERROR("swarm: unable to find FTS channels between '%s' and '%s'" % ( ",".join(sourceSEs), targetSE ) )
    ## filter out non active channels 
    channels = [ ( sourceSE, channel ) for sourceSE, channel in channels 
                 if channel.fromNode.SEs[sourceSE]["read"] and channel.toNode.SEs[targetSE]["write"] and 
                 channel.status == "Active" and channel.timeToStart < float("inf") ]
    ## exit - no active channels 
    if not channels:
      return S_ERROR( "swarm: no active channels found between %s and %s" % ( sourceSEs, targetSE ) )
    ## find min timeToStart
    minTimeToStart = float("inf")
    selSourceSE = selChannel = None
    for sourceSE, ftsChannel in channels:
      if ftsChannel.timeToStart < minTimeToStart:
        minTimeToStart = ftsChannel.timeToStart
        selSourceSE = sourceSE
        selChannel = ftsChannel
    if not selSourceSE:
      return S_ERROR( "swarm: no active channels found between %s and %s" % ( sourceSEs, targetSE ) )

    tree[selChannel.channelID] = { "Ancestor" : False, "SourceSE" : selSourceSE,
                                   "DestSE" : targetSE, "Strategy" : "Swarm" } 
    return S_OK( tree )
  def minimiseTotalWait( self, sourceSEs, targetSEs ):
    """ find dag that minimises start time 
    :param list sourceSEs: list of avialable source SEs
    :param list targetSEs: list of target SEs
    :param str lfn: logical file name
    :param dict metadata: file metadata read from catalogue
    tree = {}
    primarySources = sourceSEs
    while targetSEs:
      minTimeToStart = float("inf")
      channels = []
      for targetSE in targetSEs:
        for sourceSE in sourceSEs:
          ftsChannel = self.ftsGraph.findChannel( sourceSE, targetSE )
          if not ftsChannel["OK"]:
            self.log.warn( "minimiseTotalWait: %s" % ftsChannel["Message"] )
          ftsChannel = ftsChannel["Value"]
          channels.append( ( ftsChannel, sourceSE, targetSE ) )
      if not channels:
        msg = "minimiseTotalWait: FTS channels between %s and %s not defined" % ( ",".join(sourceSEs), 
                                                                                  ",".join(targetSEs) )
        self.log.error( msg )
        return S_ERROR( msg )
      ## filter out already used channels 
      channels = [ (channel, sourceSE, targetSE) for channel, sourceSE, targetSE in channels 
                   if channel.channelID not in tree ]
      if not channels:
        msg = "minimiseTotalWait: all FTS channels between %s and %s are already used in tree" % ( ",".join(sourceSEs),
                                                                                                   ",".join(targetSEs) )
        self.log.error( msg )
        return S_ERROR( msg )
      self.log.debug("minimiseTotalWait: found %s candiate channels, checking activity" % len( channels) )
      channels = [ ( channel, sourceSE, targetSE ) for channel, sourceSE, targetSE in channels
                   if channel.fromNode.SEs[sourceSE]["read"] and channel.toNode.SEs[targetSE]["write"] 
                   and channel.status == "Active" and channel.timeToStart < float("inf") ]
      if not channels:
        self.log.error("minimiseTotalWait: no active FTS channels found" )
        return S_ERROR("minimiseTotalWait: no active FTS channels found" )
      candidates = []
      for channel, sourceSE, targetSE in channels:
        timeToStart = channel.timeToStart
        if sourceSE not in primarySources:
          timeToStart += self.sigma        
        ## local found 
        if channel.fromNode == channel.toNode:
          self.log.debug("minimiseTotalWait: found local channel '%s'" % channel.channelName )
          candidates = [ ( channel, sourceSE, targetSE ) ]
        if timeToStart <= minTimeToStart:
          minTimeToStart = timeToStart
          candidates = [ ( channel, sourceSE, targetSE ) ]
        elif timeToStart == minTimeToStart:
          candidates.append( (channel, sourceSE, targetSE ) )

      if not candidates:
        return S_ERROR("minimiseTotalWait: unable to find candidate FTS channels minimising total wait time")

      random.shuffle( candidates )
      selChannel, selSourceSE, selTargetSE = candidates[0]
      ancestor = False
      for channelID, treeItem in tree.items():
        if selSourceSE in treeItem["DestSE"]:
          ancestor = channelID
      tree[selChannel.channelID] = { "Ancestor" : ancestor,
                                     "SourceSE" : selSourceSE,
                                     "DestSE" : selTargetSE,
                                     "Strategy" : "MinimiseTotalWait" }
      sourceSEs.append( selTargetSE )
      targetSEs.remove( selTargetSE )

    return S_OK(tree)        

  def dynamicThroughput( self, sourceSEs, targetSEs ):
    """ dynamic throughput - many sources, many targets - find dag that minimises overall throughput 

    :param list sourceSEs: list of available source SE names
    :param list targetSE: list of target SE names
    :param str lfn: logical file name
    :param dict metadata: file metadata read from catalogue
    tree = {}
    primarySources = sourceSEs
    timeToSite = {}
    while targetSEs:
      minTimeToStart = float("inf")
      channels = []
      for targetSE in targetSEs:
        for sourceSE in sourceSEs:
          ftsChannel = self.ftsGraph.findChannel( sourceSE, targetSE )
          if not ftsChannel["OK"]:
            self.log.warn( "dynamicThroughput: %s" % ftsChannel["Message"] )
          ftsChannel = ftsChannel["Value"]
          channels.append( ( ftsChannel, sourceSE, targetSE ) )
      ## no candidate channels found
      if not channels:
        msg = "dynamicThroughput: FTS channels between %s and %s are not defined" % ( ",".join(sourceSEs), 
                                                                                      ",".join(targetSEs) )
        self.log.error( msg )
        return S_ERROR( msg )
      ## filter out already used channels
      channels = [ (channel, sourceSE, targetSE) for channel, sourceSE, targetSE in channels 
                   if channel.channelID not in tree ]
      if not channels:
        msg = "dynamicThroughput: all FTS channels between %s and %s are already used in tree" % ( ",".join(sourceSEs), 
                                                                                                   ",".join(targetSEs) )
        self.log.error( msg )
        return S_ERROR( msg )
      ## filter out non-active channels
      self.log.debug("dynamicThroughput: found %s candidate channels, checking activity" % len(channels) )
      channels = [ ( channel, sourceSE, targetSE ) for channel, sourceSE, targetSE in channels
                   if channel.fromNode.SEs[sourceSE]["read"] and channel.toNode.SEs[targetSE]["write"] 
                   and channel.status == "Active" and channel.timeToStart < float("inf") ]
      if not channels:"dynamicThroughput: active candidate channels not found")
        return S_ERROR("dynamicThroughput: no active candidate FTS channels")
      candidates = []
      selTimeToStart = None
      for channel, sourceSE, targetSE in channels:
        timeToStart = channel.timeToStart
        if sourceSE not in primarySources:
          timeToStart += self.sigma        
        if sourceSE in timeToSite:
          timeToStart += timeToSite[sourceSE]
        ## local found 
        if channel.fromNode == channel.toNode:
          self.log.debug("dynamicThroughput: found local channel '%s'" % channel.channelName )
          candidates = [ ( channel, sourceSE, targetSE ) ]
          selTimeToStart = timeToStart
        if timeToStart <= minTimeToStart:
          selTimeToStart = timeToStart
          minTimeToStart = timeToStart
          candidates = [ ( channel, sourceSE, targetSE ) ]
        elif timeToStart == minTimeToStart:
          candidates.append( (channel, sourceSE, targetSE ) )

      if not candidates:
        return S_ERROR("dynamicThroughput: unable to find candidate FTS channels")

      random.shuffle( candidates )
      selChannel, selSourceSE, selTargetSE = candidates[0]
      ancestor = False
      for channelID, treeItem in tree.items():
        if selSourceSE in treeItem["DestSE"]:
          ancestor = channelID
      tree[selChannel.channelID] = { "Ancestor" : ancestor,
                                     "SourceSE" : selSourceSE,
                                     "DestSE" : selTargetSE,
                                     "Strategy" : "DynamicThroughput" }
      timeToSite[selTargetSE] = selTimeToStart 
      sourceSEs.append( selTargetSE )
      targetSEs.remove( selTargetSE )
    return S_OK( tree )

  def reset( self ):
    """ reset :chosenStrategy: 

    :param self: self reference
    self.chosenStrategy = 0

  def getSupportedStrategies( self ):
    """ Get supported strategies.

    :param self: self reference
    return self.supportedStrategies

  def replicationTree( self, sourceSEs, targetSEs, size, strategy=None ):
    """ get replication tree

    :param str lfn: LFN
    :param list sourceSEs: list of sources SE names to use
    :param list targetSEs: liost of target SE names to use
    :param long size: file size
    :param str strategy: strategy name
    ## update SEs rwAccess every rwUpdatePertion timedelta (default 300 s)
    now =
    if now - self.lastRssUpdate > self.rwUpdatePeriod:
      update = self.updateGraph( rwAccess=True )
      if not update["OK"]:
        self.log.warn("replicationTree: unable to update FTS graph: %s" % update["Message"] )
        self.lastRssUpdate = now
    ## get strategy
    strategy = strategy if strategy else self.__selectStrategy()
    if strategy not in self.getSupportedStrategies():
      return S_ERROR("replicationTree: unsupported strategy '%s'" % strategy ) "replicationTree: strategy=%s sourceSEs=%s targetSEs=%s size=%s" %\
                     ( strategy, sourceSEs, targetSEs, size ) )
    ## fire action from dispatcher
    tree = self.strategyDispatcher[strategy]( sourceSEs, targetSEs )
    if not tree["OK"]:
      self.log.error( "replicationTree: %s" % tree["Message"] )
      return tree
    ## update graph edges
    update = self.updateGraph( replicationTree=tree["Value"], size=size )
    if not update["OK"]:
      self.log.error( "replicationTree: unable to update FTS graph: %s" % update["Message"] )
      return update
    return tree
  def __selectStrategy( self ):
    """ If more than one active strategy use one after the other.

    :param self: self reference
    chosenStrategy = self.activeStrategies[self.chosenStrategy]
    self.chosenStrategy += 1
    if self.chosenStrategy == self.numberOfStrategies:
      self.chosenStrategy = 0
    return chosenStrategy

  def __getRWAccessForSE( self, seList ):
    """ get RSS R/W for :seList: 

    :param list seList: SE list
    rwDict = dict.fromkeys( seList )
    for se in rwDict:
      rwDict[se] = { "read" : False, "write" : False  }
    rAccess = self.resourceStatus.getStorageStatus( seList, statusType = "ReadAccess" )
    if not rAccess["OK"]:
      return rAccess
    rAccess = [ k for k, v in rAccess["Value"].items() if "ReadAccess" in v and v["ReadAccess"] in ( "Active", 
                                                                                                     "Degraded" ) ]
    wAccess = self.resourceStatus.getStorageStatus( seList, statusType = "WriteAccess" )
    if not wAccess["OK"]:
      return wAccess
    wAccess = [ k for k, v in wAccess["Value"].items() if "WriteAccess" in v and v["WriteAccess"] in ( "Active", 
                                                                                                       "Degraded" ) ]
    for se in rwDict:
      rwDict[se]["read"] = se in rAccess
      rwDict[se]["write"] = se in wAccess
    return S_OK( rwDict )
Esempio n. 3
  result = getVOfromProxyGroup()
  if not result['OK']:
    gLogger.notice( 'Error:', result['Message'] )
    DIRAC.exit( 1 )
  vo = result['Value']  
  resources = Resources( vo = vo )
  result = resources.getEligibleStorageElements()
  if not result['OK']:
    gLogger.notice( 'Error:', result['Message'] )
    DIRAC.exit( 2 )
  seList = sortList( result[ 'Value' ] )

  resourceStatus = ResourceStatus()
  result = resourceStatus.getStorageStatus( seList )
  if not result['OK']:
    gLogger.notice( 'Error:', result['Message'] )
    DIRAC.exit( 3 )

  for k,v in result[ 'Value' ].items():
    readState, writeState = 'Active', 'Active'
    if v.has_key( 'ReadAccess' ):
      readState = v[ 'ReadAccess' ]  
    if v.has_key( 'WriteAccess' ):
      writeState = v[ 'WriteAccess']
    gLogger.notice("%s %s %s" % ( k.ljust(25),readState.rjust(15),writeState.rjust(15)) )
Esempio n. 4
  res = Resources().getStorageElements( site )
  if not res[ 'OK' ]:
    gLogger.error( 'The provided site (%s) is not known.' % site )
    DIRAC.exit( -1 )
  ses.extend( res[ 'Value' ] )
if not ses:
  gLogger.error( 'There were no SEs provided' )

readAllowed = []
writeAllowed = []
checkAllowed = []

resourceStatus = ResourceStatus()

res = resourceStatus.getStorageStatus( ses )
if not res[ 'OK' ]:
  gLogger.error( 'Storage Element %s does not exist' % ses )
  DIRAC.exit( -1 )

reason = 'Forced with dirac-admin-allow-se by %s' % userName

for se, seOptions in res[ 'Value' ].items():

  resW = resC = resR = { 'OK' : False }

  # InActive is used on the CS model, Banned is the equivalent in RSS
  if read and seOptions.has_key( 'ReadAccess' ):

    if not seOptions[ 'ReadAccess' ] in [ "InActive", "Banned", "Probing", "Degraded" ]:
Esempio n. 5
  if not res[ 'OK' ]:
    gLogger.error( 'The provided site (%s) is not known.' % site )
    DIRAC.exit( -1 )
  ses.extend( res[ 'Value' ][ 'SE' ].replace( ' ', '' ).split( ',' ) )

if not ses:
  gLogger.error( 'There were no SEs provided' )
  DIRAC.exit( -1 )

readBanned = []
writeBanned = []
checkBanned = []

resourceStatus = ResourceStatus()

res = resourceStatus.getStorageStatus( ses )
if not res['OK']:
  gLogger.error( "Storage Element %s does not exist" % ses )
  DIRAC.exit( -1 )

reason = 'Forced with dirac-admin-ban-se by %s' % userName

for se, seOptions in res[ 'Value' ].items():

  resW = resC = resR = { 'OK' : False }

  # Eventually, we will get rid of the notion of InActive, as we always write Banned.
  if read and seOptions.has_key( 'ReadAccess' ):

    if not seOptions[ 'ReadAccess' ] in [ 'Active', 'Degraded', 'Probing' ]:
      gLogger.notice( 'Read option for %s is %s, instead of %s' % ( se, seOptions[ 'ReadAccess' ], [ 'Active', 'Degraded', 'Probing' ] ) )
Esempio n. 6
class StorageFactory:
    def __init__(self, useProxy=False, vo=None):

        self.valid = True
        self.proxy = False
        self.proxy = useProxy
        self.resourceStatus = ResourceStatus()
        self.resourcesHelper = Resources(vo=vo)

    # Below are public methods for obtaining storage objects

    def getStorageName(self, initialName):
        return self._getConfigStorageName(initialName)

    def getStorage(self, parameterDict):
        """ This instantiates a single storage for the details provided and doesn't check the CS.
        # The storage name must be supplied.
        if parameterDict.has_key("StorageName"):
            storageName = parameterDict["StorageName"]
            errStr = "StorageFactory.getStorage: StorageName must be supplied"
            return S_ERROR(errStr)

        # ProtocolName must be supplied otherwise nothing with work.
        if parameterDict.has_key("ProtocolName"):
            protocolName = parameterDict["ProtocolName"]
            errStr = "StorageFactory.getStorage: ProtocolName must be supplied"
            return S_ERROR(errStr)

        # The other options need not always be specified
        if parameterDict.has_key("Protocol"):
            protocol = parameterDict["Protocol"]
            protocol = ""

        if parameterDict.has_key("Port"):
            port = parameterDict["Port"]
            port = ""

        if parameterDict.has_key("Host"):
            host = parameterDict["Host"]
            host = ""

        if parameterDict.has_key("Path"):
            path = parameterDict["Path"]
            path = ""

        if parameterDict.has_key("SpaceToken"):
            spaceToken = parameterDict["SpaceToken"]
            spaceToken = ""

        if parameterDict.has_key("WSUrl"):
            wsPath = parameterDict["WSUrl"]
            wsPath = ""

        return self.__generateStorageObject(
            storageName, protocolName, protocol, path, host, port, spaceToken, wsPath, parameterDict

    def getStorages(self, storageName, protocolList=[]):
        """ Get an instance of a Storage based on the DIRAC SE name based on the CS entries CS

        'storageName' is the DIRAC SE name i.e. 'CERN-RAW'
        'protocolList' is an optional list of protocols if a sub-set is desired i.e ['SRM2','SRM1']
        self.remoteProtocols = []
        self.localProtocols = [] = ""
        self.options = {}
        self.protocolDetails = []
        self.storages = []

        # Get the name of the storage provided
        res = self._getConfigStorageName(storageName)
        if not res["OK"]:
            self.valid = False
            return res
        storageName = res["Value"] = storageName

        # Get the options defined in the CS for this storage
        res = self._getConfigStorageOptions(storageName)
        if not res["OK"]:
            self.valid = False
            return res
        self.options = res["Value"]

        # Get the protocol specific details
        res = self._getConfigStorageProtocols(storageName)
        if not res["OK"]:
            self.valid = False
            return res
        self.protocolDetails = res["Value"]

        requestedLocalProtocols = []
        requestedRemoteProtocols = []
        requestedProtocolDetails = []
        turlProtocols = []
        # Generate the protocol specific plug-ins
        self.storages = []
        for protocolDict in self.protocolDetails:
            protocolName = protocolDict["ProtocolName"]
            protocolRequested = True
            if protocolList:
                if protocolName not in protocolList:
                    protocolRequested = False
            if protocolRequested:
                protocol = protocolDict["Protocol"]
                host = protocolDict["Host"]
                path = protocolDict["Path"]
                port = protocolDict["Port"]
                spaceToken = protocolDict["SpaceToken"]
                wsUrl = protocolDict["WSUrl"]
                res = self.__generateStorageObject(
                if res["OK"]:
                    if protocolName in self.localProtocols:
                    if protocolName in self.remoteProtocols:

        if len(self.storages) > 0:
            resDict = {}
            resDict["StorageName"] =
            resDict["StorageOptions"] = self.options
            resDict["StorageObjects"] = self.storages
            resDict["LocalProtocols"] = requestedLocalProtocols
            resDict["RemoteProtocols"] = requestedRemoteProtocols
            resDict["ProtocolOptions"] = requestedProtocolDetails
            resDict["TurlProtocols"] = turlProtocols
            return S_OK(resDict)
            errStr = "StorageFactory.getStorages: Failed to instantiate any storage protocols."
            return S_ERROR(errStr)

    # Below are internal methods for obtaining section/option/value configuration

    def _getConfigStorageName(self, storageName):
      This gets the name of the storage the configuration service.
      If the storage is an alias for another the resolution is performed.

      'storageName' is the storage section to check in the CS
        result = self.resourcesHelper.getStorageElementOptionsDict(storageName)
        if not result["OK"]:
            errStr = "StorageFactory._getConfigStorageName: Failed to get storage options"
            gLogger.error(errStr, result["Message"])
            return S_ERROR(errStr)
        if not result["Value"]:
            errStr = "StorageFactory._getConfigStorageName: Supplied storage doesn't exist."
            gLogger.error(errStr, storageName)
            return S_ERROR(errStr)
        if "Alias" in res["Value"]:
            configPath = "%s/%s/Alias" % (self.rootConfigPath, storageName)
            aliasName = gConfig.getValue(configPath)
            result = self._getConfigStorageName(aliasName)
            if not result["OK"]:
                errStr = "StorageFactory._getConfigStorageName: Supplied storage doesn't exist."
                gLogger.error(errStr, configPath)
                return S_ERROR(errStr)
            resolvedName = result["Value"]
            resolvedName = storageName
        return S_OK(resolvedName)

    def _getConfigStorageOptions(self, storageName):
        """ Get the options associated to the StorageElement as defined in the CS

        result = self.resourcesHelper.getStorageElementOptionsDict(storageName)
        if not result["OK"]:
            errStr = "StorageFactory._getStorageOptions: Failed to get storage options."
            gLogger.error(errStr, "%s: %s" % (storageName, result["Message"]))
            return S_ERROR(errStr)
        optionsDict = result["Value"]

        result = self.resourceStatus.getStorageStatus(storageName, "ReadAccess")
        if not result["OK"]:
            errStr = "StorageFactory._getStorageOptions: Failed to get storage status"
            gLogger.error(errStr, "%s: %s" % (storageName, result["Message"]))
            return S_ERROR(errStr)
        # optionsDict.update( result[ 'Value' ][ storageName ] )

        return S_OK(optionsDict)

    def _getConfigStorageProtocols(self, storageName):
        """ Protocol specific information is present as sections in the Storage configuration
        result = getSiteForResource(storageName)
        if not result["OK"]:
            return result
        site = result["Value"]
        result = self.resourcesHelper.getEligibleNodes("AccessProtocol", {"Site": site, "Resource": storageName})
        if not result["OK"]:
            return result
        nodesList = result["Value"]
        protocols = []
        for node in nodesList:
        protocolDetails = []
        for protocol in protocols:
            result = self._getConfigStorageProtocolDetails(protocol)
            if not result["OK"]:
                return result
        self.protocols = self.localProtocols + self.remoteProtocols
        return S_OK(protocolDetails)

    def _getConfigStorageProtocolDetails(self, protocol):
      Parse the contents of the protocol block

        result = self.resourcesHelper.getAccessProtocolOptionsDict(protocol)
        if not result["OK"]:
            return result
        optionsDict = result["Value"]

        # We must have certain values internally even if not supplied in CS
        protocolDict = {
            "Access": "",
            "Host": "",
            "Path": "",
            "Port": "",
            "Protocol": "",
            "ProtocolName": "",
            "SpaceToken": "",
            "WSUrl": "",
        for option in optionsDict:
            protocolDict[option] = optionsDict[option]

        # Now update the local and remote protocol lists.
        # A warning will be given if the Access option is not set.
        if protocolDict["Access"] == "remote":
        elif protocolDict["Access"] == "local":
            errStr = (
                "StorageFactory.__getProtocolDetails: The 'Access' option for %s is neither 'local' or 'remote'."
                % protocol

        # The ProtocolName option must be defined
        if not protocolDict["ProtocolName"]:
            errStr = "StorageFactory.__getProtocolDetails: 'ProtocolName' option is not defined."
            gLogger.error(errStr, "%s" % protocol)
            return S_ERROR(errStr)
        return S_OK(protocolDict)

    # Below is the method for obtaining the object instantiated for a provided storage configuration

    def __generateStorageObject(

        storageType = protocolName
        if self.proxy:
            storageType = "Proxy"

        moduleRootPaths = getInstalledExtensions()
        moduleLoaded = False
        path = path.rstrip("/")
        if not path:
            path = "/"
        for moduleRootPath in moduleRootPaths:
            if moduleLoaded:
            gLogger.verbose("Trying to load from root path %s" % moduleRootPath)
            moduleFile = os.path.join(rootPath, moduleRootPath, "Resources", "Storage", "" % storageType)
            gLogger.verbose("Looking for file %s" % moduleFile)
            if not os.path.isfile(moduleFile):
                # This inforces the convention that the plug in must be named after the protocol
                moduleName = "%sStorage" % (storageType)
                storageModule = __import__(
                    "%s.Resources.Storage.%s" % (moduleRootPath, moduleName), globals(), locals(), [moduleName]
            except Exception, x:
                errStr = "StorageFactory._generateStorageObject: Failed to import %s: %s" % (storageName, x)
                return S_ERROR(errStr)

                evalString = "storageModule.%s(storageName,protocol,path,host,port,spaceToken,wsUrl)" % moduleName
                storage = eval(evalString)
                if not storage.isOK():
                    errStr = "StorageFactory._generateStorageObject: Failed to instantiate storage plug in."
                    gLogger.error(errStr, "%s" % (moduleName))
                    return S_ERROR(errStr)
            except Exception, x:
                errStr = "StorageFactory._generateStorageObject: Failed to instantiate %s(): %s" % (moduleName, x)
                return S_ERROR(errStr)

            # Set extra parameters if any
            if parameters:
                result = storage.setParameters(parameters)
                if not result["OK"]:
                    return result

            # If use proxy, keep the original protocol name
            if self.proxy:
                storage.protocolName = protocolName
            return S_OK(storage)
Esempio n. 7
class StorageFactory:

  def __init__( self, useProxy=False, vo = None ):

    self.valid = True
    self.proxy = False
    self.proxy = useProxy
    self.resourceStatus = ResourceStatus()
    self.resourcesHelper = Resources( vo = vo )

  # Below are public methods for obtaining storage objects

  def getStorageName( self, initialName ):
    return self._getConfigStorageName( initialName )

  def getStorage( self, parameterDict ):
    """ This instantiates a single storage for the details provided and doesn't check the CS.
    # The storage name must be supplied.
    if parameterDict.has_key( 'StorageName' ):
      storageName = parameterDict['StorageName']
      errStr = "StorageFactory.getStorage: StorageName must be supplied"
      gLogger.error( errStr )
      return S_ERROR( errStr )

    # ProtocolName must be supplied otherwise nothing with work.
    if parameterDict.has_key( 'ProtocolName' ):
      protocolName = parameterDict['ProtocolName']
      errStr = "StorageFactory.getStorage: ProtocolName must be supplied"
      gLogger.error( errStr )
      return S_ERROR( errStr )

    # The other options need not always be specified
    if parameterDict.has_key( 'Protocol' ):
      protocol = parameterDict['Protocol']
      protocol = ''

    if parameterDict.has_key( 'Port' ):
      port = parameterDict['Port']
      port = ''

    if parameterDict.has_key( 'Host' ):
      host = parameterDict['Host']
      host = ''

    if parameterDict.has_key( 'Path' ):
      path = parameterDict['Path']
      path = ''

    if parameterDict.has_key( 'SpaceToken' ):
      spaceToken = parameterDict['SpaceToken']
      spaceToken = ''

    if parameterDict.has_key( 'WSUrl' ):
      wsPath = parameterDict['WSUrl']
      wsPath = ''

    return self.__generateStorageObject( storageName, protocolName, protocol, path, host, port, spaceToken, wsPath, parameterDict )

  def getStorages( self, storageName, protocolList = [] ):
    """ Get an instance of a Storage based on the DIRAC SE name based on the CS entries CS

        'storageName' is the DIRAC SE name i.e. 'CERN-RAW'
        'protocolList' is an optional list of protocols if a sub-set is desired i.e ['SRM2','SRM1']
    self.remoteProtocols = []
    self.localProtocols = [] = ''
    self.options = {}
    self.protocolDetails = []
    self.storages = []

    # Get the name of the storage provided
    res = self._getConfigStorageName( storageName )
    if not res['OK']:
      self.valid = False
      return res
    storageName = res['Value'] = storageName

    # Get the options defined in the CS for this storage
    res = self._getConfigStorageOptions( storageName )
    if not res['OK']:
      self.valid = False
      return res
    self.options = res['Value']

    # Get the protocol specific details
    res = self._getConfigStorageProtocols( storageName )
    if not res['OK']:
      self.valid = False
      return res
    self.protocolDetails = res['Value']

    requestedLocalProtocols = []
    requestedRemoteProtocols = []
    requestedProtocolDetails = []
    turlProtocols = []
    # Generate the protocol specific plug-ins
    self.storages = []
    for protocolDict in self.protocolDetails:
      protocolName = protocolDict['ProtocolName']
      protocolRequested = True
      if protocolList:
        if protocolName not in protocolList:
          protocolRequested = False
      if protocolRequested:
        protocol = protocolDict['Protocol']
        host = protocolDict['Host']
        path = protocolDict['Path']
        port = protocolDict['Port']
        spaceToken = protocolDict['SpaceToken']
        wsUrl = protocolDict['WSUrl']
        res = self.__generateStorageObject( storageName, protocolName, protocol,
                                            path = path, host = host, port = port,
                                            spaceToken = spaceToken, wsUrl = wsUrl,
                                            parameters = protocolDict )
        if res['OK']:
          self.storages.append( res['Value'] )
          if protocolName in self.localProtocols:
            turlProtocols.append( protocol )
            requestedLocalProtocols.append( protocolName )
          if protocolName in self.remoteProtocols:
            requestedRemoteProtocols.append( protocolName )
          requestedProtocolDetails.append( protocolDict )
 res['Message'] )

    if len( self.storages ) > 0:
      resDict = {}
      resDict['StorageName'] =
      resDict['StorageOptions'] = self.options
      resDict['StorageObjects'] = self.storages
      resDict['LocalProtocols'] = requestedLocalProtocols
      resDict['RemoteProtocols'] = requestedRemoteProtocols
      resDict['ProtocolOptions'] = requestedProtocolDetails
      resDict['TurlProtocols'] = turlProtocols
      return S_OK( resDict )
      errStr = "StorageFactory.getStorages: Failed to instantiate any storage protocols."
      gLogger.error( errStr, )
      return S_ERROR( errStr )
  # Below are internal methods for obtaining section/option/value configuration

  def _getConfigStorageName( self, storageName ):
      This gets the name of the storage the configuration service.
      If the storage is an alias for another the resolution is performed.

      'storageName' is the storage section to check in the CS
    result = self.resourcesHelper.getStorageElementOptionsDict( storageName )
    if not result['OK']:
      errStr = "StorageFactory._getConfigStorageName: Failed to get storage options"
      gLogger.error( errStr, result['Message'] )
      return S_ERROR( errStr )
    if not result['Value']:
      errStr = "StorageFactory._getConfigStorageName: Supplied storage doesn't exist."
      gLogger.error( errStr, storageName )
      return S_ERROR( errStr )
    if 'Alias' in res['Value']:
      configPath = '%s/%s/Alias' % ( self.rootConfigPath, storageName )
      aliasName = gConfig.getValue( configPath )
      result = self._getConfigStorageName( aliasName )
      if not result['OK']:
        errStr = "StorageFactory._getConfigStorageName: Supplied storage doesn't exist."
        gLogger.error( errStr, configPath )
        return S_ERROR( errStr )
      resolvedName = result['Value']
      resolvedName = storageName
    return S_OK( resolvedName )

  def _getConfigStorageOptions( self, storageName ):
    """ Get the options associated to the StorageElement as defined in the CS
    result = self.resourcesHelper.getStorageElementOptionsDict( storageName ) 
    if not result['OK']:
      errStr = "StorageFactory._getStorageOptions: Failed to get storage options."
      gLogger.error( errStr, "%s: %s" % ( storageName, result['Message'] ) )
      return S_ERROR( errStr )    
    optionsDict = result['Value']
    result = self.resourceStatus.getStorageStatus( storageName, 'ReadAccess' )    
    if not result[ 'OK' ]:
      errStr = "StorageFactory._getStorageOptions: Failed to get storage status"
      gLogger.error( errStr, "%s: %s" % ( storageName, result['Message'] ) )
      return S_ERROR( errStr )
    #optionsDict.update( result[ 'Value' ][ storageName ] )

    return S_OK( optionsDict )

  def _getConfigStorageProtocols( self, storageName ):
    """ Protocol specific information is present as sections in the Storage configuration
    result = getSiteForResource( storageName )
    if not result['OK']:
      return result
    site = result['Value']
    result = self.resourcesHelper.getEligibleNodes( 'AccessProtocol', {'Site': site, 'Resource': storageName } )
    if not result['OK']:
      return result
    nodesList = result['Value']
    protocols = []
    for node in nodesList:
      protocols.append( node )
    protocolDetails = []
    for protocol in protocols:
      result = self._getConfigStorageProtocolDetails( protocol )
      if not result['OK']:
        return result
      protocolDetails.append( result['Value'] )
    self.protocols = self.localProtocols + self.remoteProtocols
    return S_OK( protocolDetails )

  def _getConfigStorageProtocolDetails( self, protocol ):
      Parse the contents of the protocol block
    result = self.resourcesHelper.getAccessProtocolOptionsDict( protocol )
    if not result['OK']:
      return result
    optionsDict = result['Value']

    # We must have certain values internally even if not supplied in CS
    protocolDict = {'Access':'', 'Host':'', 'Path':'', 'Port':'', 'Protocol':'', 'ProtocolName':'', 'SpaceToken':'', 'WSUrl':''}
    for option in optionsDict:
      protocolDict[option] = optionsDict[option]

    # Now update the local and remote protocol lists.
    # A warning will be given if the Access option is not set.
    if protocolDict['Access'] == 'remote':
      self.remoteProtocols.append( protocolDict['ProtocolName'] )
    elif protocolDict['Access'] == 'local':
      self.localProtocols.append( protocolDict['ProtocolName'] )
      errStr = "StorageFactory.__getProtocolDetails: The 'Access' option for %s is neither 'local' or 'remote'." % protocol
      gLogger.warn( errStr )

    # The ProtocolName option must be defined
    if not protocolDict['ProtocolName']:
      errStr = "StorageFactory.__getProtocolDetails: 'ProtocolName' option is not defined."
      gLogger.error( errStr, "%s" % protocol )
      return S_ERROR( errStr )
    return S_OK( protocolDict )

  # Below is the method for obtaining the object instantiated for a provided storage configuration

  def __generateStorageObject( self, storageName, protocolName, protocol, path = None,
                              host = None, port = None, spaceToken = None, wsUrl = None, parameters={} ):
    storageType = protocolName
    if self.proxy:
      storageType = 'Proxy'
    moduleRootPaths = getInstalledExtensions()
    moduleLoaded = False
    path = path.rstrip( '/' )
    if not path:
      path = '/'
    for moduleRootPath in moduleRootPaths:
      if moduleLoaded:
      gLogger.verbose( "Trying to load from root path %s" % moduleRootPath )
      moduleFile = os.path.join( rootPath, moduleRootPath, "Resources", "Storage", "" % storageType )
      gLogger.verbose( "Looking for file %s" % moduleFile )
      if not os.path.isfile( moduleFile ):
        # This inforces the convention that the plug in must be named after the protocol
        moduleName = "%sStorage" % ( storageType )
        storageModule = __import__( '%s.Resources.Storage.%s' % ( moduleRootPath, moduleName ),
                                    globals(), locals(), [moduleName] )
      except Exception, x:
        errStr = "StorageFactory._generateStorageObject: Failed to import %s: %s" % ( storageName, x )
        gLogger.exception( errStr )
        return S_ERROR( errStr )

        evalString = "storageModule.%s(storageName,protocol,path,host,port,spaceToken,wsUrl)" % moduleName
        storage = eval( evalString )
        if not storage.isOK():
          errStr = "StorageFactory._generateStorageObject: Failed to instantiate storage plug in."
          gLogger.error( errStr, "%s" % ( moduleName ) )
          return S_ERROR( errStr )
      except Exception, x:
        errStr = "StorageFactory._generateStorageObject: Failed to instantiate %s(): %s" % ( moduleName, x )
        gLogger.exception( errStr )
        return S_ERROR( errStr )
      # Set extra parameters if any
      if parameters:
        result = storage.setParameters( parameters )
        if not result['OK']:
          return result
      # If use proxy, keep the original protocol name
      if self.proxy:
        storage.protocolName = protocolName
      return S_OK( storage )
Esempio n. 8
class StrategyHandler(object):
  .. class:: StrategyHandler

  StrategyHandler is a helper class for determining optimal replication tree for given
  source files, their replicas and target storage elements.
    def __init__(self,

    :param self: self reference
    :param str configSection: path on CS to ReplicationScheduler agent
    :param bandwithds: observed throughput on active channels
    :param channels: active channels
    :param int failedFiles: max number of distinct failed files to allow scheduling
        ## save config section
        self.configSection = configSection + "/" + self.__class__.__name__

        ## sublogger
        self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger("StrategyHandler", child=True)
            gConfig.getValue(self.configSection + "/LogLevel", "DEBUG"))

        self.supportedStrategies = [
            'Simple', 'DynamicThroughput', 'Swarm', 'MinimiseTotalWait'
        ]"Supported strategies = %s" %
                      ", ".join(self.supportedStrategies))

        self.sigma = gConfig.getValue(self.configSection + '/HopSigma', 0.0)"HopSigma = %s" % self.sigma)
        self.schedulingType = gConfig.getValue(
            self.configSection + '/SchedulingType', 'File')"SchedulingType = %s" % self.schedulingType)
        self.activeStrategies = gConfig.getValue(
            self.configSection + '/ActiveStrategies', ['MinimiseTotalWait'])"ActiveStrategies = %s" %
                      ", ".join(self.activeStrategies))
        self.numberOfStrategies = len(self.activeStrategies)"Number of active strategies = %s" %
        self.acceptableFailureRate = gConfig.getValue(
            self.configSection + '/AcceptableFailureRate', 75)"AcceptableFailureRate = %s" %
        self.acceptableFailedFiles = gConfig.getValue(
            self.configSection + "/AcceptableFailedFiles", 5)"AcceptableFailedFiles = %s" %
        self.rwUpdatePeriod = gConfig.getValue(
            self.configSection + "/RssRWUpdatePeriod", 600)"RSSUpdatePeriod = %s s" % self.rwUpdatePeriod)
        self.rwUpdatePeriod = datetime.timedelta(seconds=self.rwUpdatePeriod)
        ## bandwithds
        self.bandwidths = bandwidths if bandwidths else {}
        ## channels
        self.channels = channels if channels else {}
        ## distinct failed files per channel
        self.failedFiles = failedFiles if failedFiles else {}
        ## chosen strategy
        self.chosenStrategy = 0
        ## fts graph
        self.ftsGraph = None
        ## timestamp for last update
        self.lastRssUpdate =
        # dispatcher
        self.strategyDispatcher = {
            "MinimiseTotalWait": self.minimiseTotalWait,
            "DynamicThroughput": self.dynamicThroughput,
            "Simple": self.simple,
            "Swarm": self.swarm
        ## own RSS client
        self.resourceStatus = ResourceStatus()
        ## create fts graph
        ftsGraph = self.setup(self.channels, self.bandwidths, self.failedFiles)
        if not ftsGraph["OK"]:
            raise SHGraphCreationError(ftsGraph["Message"])"%s has been constructed" % self.__class__.__name__)

    def setup(self, channels, bandwithds, failedFiles):
        """ prepare fts graph 

    :param dict channels: { channelID : { "Files" : long , Size = long, "ChannelName" : str, 
                                          "Source" : str, "Destination" : str , "ChannelName" : str, "Status" : str  } }
    :param dict bandwidths: { channelID { "Throughput" : float, "Fileput" : float, "SucessfulFiles" : long, "FailedFiles" : long  } }
    :param dict failedFiles: { channelID : int }

    channelInfo { channelName : { "ChannelID" : int, "TimeToStart" : float} }  
        graph = FTSGraph("sites")

        result = getStorageElementSiteMapping()
        if not result['OK']:
            return result
        sitesDict = result['Value']

        ## create nodes
        for site, ses in sitesDict.items():
            rwDict = self.__getRWAccessForSE(ses)
            if not rwDict["OK"]:
                return rwDict
            siteName = site
            if '.' in site:
                siteName = site.split('.')[1]
            graph.addNode(LCGSite(siteName, {"SEs": rwDict["Value"]}))
        ## channels { channelID : { "Files" : long , Size = long, "ChannelName" : str,
        ##                          "Source" : str, "Destination" : str ,
        ##                          "ChannelName" : str, "Status" : str  } }
        ## bandwidths { channelID { "Throughput" : float, "Fileput" : float,
        ##                           "SucessfulFiles" : long, "FailedFiles" : long  } }
        ## channelInfo { channelName : { "ChannelID" : int, "TimeToStart" : float} }
        for channelID, channelDict in channels.items():
            sourceName = channelDict["Source"]
            destName = channelDict["Destination"]
            fromNode = graph.getNode(sourceName)
            toNode = graph.getNode(destName)
            if fromNode and toNode:
                rwAttrs = {
                    "status": channels[channelID]["Status"],
                    "files": channelDict["Files"],
                    "size": channelDict["Size"],
                    "failedAttempts": bandwithds[channelID]["FailedFiles"],
                    "distinctFailedFiles": failedFiles.get(channelID, 0),
                    "fileput": bandwithds[channelID]["Fileput"],
                    "throughput": bandwithds[channelID]["Throughput"]
                roAttrs = {
                    "channelID": channelID,
                    "channelName": channelDict["ChannelName"],
                    "acceptableFailureRate": self.acceptableFailureRate,
                    "acceptableFailedFiles": self.acceptableFailedFiles,
                    "schedulingType": self.schedulingType
                ftsChannel = FTSChannel(fromNode, toNode, rwAttrs, roAttrs)
        self.ftsGraph = graph
        self.lastRssUpdate =
        return S_OK()

    def updateGraph(self, rwAccess=False, replicationTree=None, size=0.0):
        """ update rw access for nodes (sites) and size anf files for edges (channels) """
        replicationTree = replicationTree if replicationTree else {}
        size = size if size else 0.0
        ## update nodes rw access for SEs
        if rwAccess:
            for lcgSite in self.ftsGraph.nodes():
                rwDict = self.__getRWAccessForSE(lcgSite.SEs.keys())
                if not rwDict["OK"]:
                    return rwDict
                lcgSite.SEs = rwDict["Value"]
        ## update channels size and files
        if replicationTree:
            for channel in self.ftsGraph.edges():
                if channel.channelID in replicationTree:
                    channel.size += size
                    channel.files += 1
        return S_OK()

    def simple(self, sourceSEs, targetSEs):
        """ simple strategy - one source, many targets

    :param list sourceSEs: list with only one sourceSE name
    :param list targetSEs: list with target SE names
    :param str lfn: logical file name
    :param dict metadata: file metadata read from catalogue
        ## make targetSEs list unique
        if len(sourceSEs) != 1:
            return S_ERROR(
                "simple: wrong argument supplied for sourceSEs, only one sourceSE allowed"
        sourceSE = sourceSEs[0]
        tree = {}
        for targetSE in targetSEs:
            channel = self.ftsGraph.findChannel(sourceSE, targetSE)
            if not channel["OK"]:
                return S_ERROR(channel["Message"])
            channel = channel["Value"]
            if not channel.fromNode.SEs[sourceSE]["read"]:
                return S_ERROR(
                    "simple: sourceSE '%s' in banned for reading rigth now" %
            if not channel.toNode.SEs[targetSE]["write"]:
                return S_ERROR(
                    "simple: targetSE '%s' is banned for writing rigth now" %
            if channel.channelID in tree:
                return S_ERROR( "simple: unable to create replication tree, channel '%s' cannot be used twice" %\
                                  channel.channelName )
            tree[channel.channelID] = {
                "Ancestor": False,
                "SourceSE": sourceSE,
                "DestSE": targetSE,
                "Strategy": "Simple"

        return S_OK(tree)

    def swarm(self, sourceSEs, targetSEs):
        """ swarm strategy - one target, many sources, pick up the fastest 
    :param list sourceSEs: list of source SE 
    :param str targetSEs: on element list with name of target SE
    :param str lfn: logical file name
    :param dict metadata: file metadata read from catalogue
        tree = {}
        channels = []
        if len(targetSEs) > 1:
            return S_ERROR(
                "swarm: wrong argument supplied for targetSEs, only one targetSE allowed"
        targetSE = targetSEs[0]
        ## find channels
        for sourceSE in sourceSEs:
            channel = self.ftsGraph.findChannel(sourceSE, targetSE)
            if not channel["OK"]:
                self.log.warn("swarm: %s" % channel["Message"])
            channels.append((sourceSE, channel["Value"]))
        ## exit - no channels
        if not channels:
            return S_ERROR(
                "swarm: unable to find FTS channels between '%s' and '%s'" %
                (",".join(sourceSEs), targetSE))
        ## filter out non active channels
        channels = [
            (sourceSE, channel) for sourceSE, channel in channels
            if channel.fromNode.SEs[sourceSE]["read"]
            and channel.toNode.SEs[targetSE]["write"] and channel.status ==
            "Active" and channel.timeToStart < float("inf")
        ## exit - no active channels
        if not channels:
            return S_ERROR(
                "swarm: no active channels found between %s and %s" %
                (sourceSEs, targetSE))

        ## find min timeToStart
        minTimeToStart = float("inf")
        selSourceSE = selChannel = None
        for sourceSE, ftsChannel in channels:
            if ftsChannel.timeToStart < minTimeToStart:
                minTimeToStart = ftsChannel.timeToStart
                selSourceSE = sourceSE
                selChannel = ftsChannel

        if not selSourceSE:
            return S_ERROR(
                "swarm: no active channels found between %s and %s" %
                (sourceSEs, targetSE))

        tree[selChannel.channelID] = {
            "Ancestor": False,
            "SourceSE": selSourceSE,
            "DestSE": targetSE,
            "Strategy": "Swarm"
        return S_OK(tree)

    def minimiseTotalWait(self, sourceSEs, targetSEs):
        """ find dag that minimises start time 
    :param list sourceSEs: list of avialable source SEs
    :param list targetSEs: list of target SEs
    :param str lfn: logical file name
    :param dict metadata: file metadata read from catalogue
        tree = {}
        primarySources = sourceSEs
        while targetSEs:
            minTimeToStart = float("inf")
            channels = []
            for targetSE in targetSEs:
                for sourceSE in sourceSEs:
                    ftsChannel = self.ftsGraph.findChannel(sourceSE, targetSE)
                    if not ftsChannel["OK"]:
                        self.log.warn("minimiseTotalWait: %s" %
                    ftsChannel = ftsChannel["Value"]
                    channels.append((ftsChannel, sourceSE, targetSE))
            if not channels:
                msg = "minimiseTotalWait: FTS channels between %s and %s not defined" % (
                    ",".join(sourceSEs), ",".join(targetSEs))
                return S_ERROR(msg)
            ## filter out already used channels
            channels = [(channel, sourceSE, targetSE)
                        for channel, sourceSE, targetSE in channels
                        if channel.channelID not in tree]
            if not channels:
                msg = "minimiseTotalWait: all FTS channels between %s and %s are already used in tree" % (
                    ",".join(sourceSEs), ",".join(targetSEs))
                return S_ERROR(msg)

                "minimiseTotalWait: found %s candiate channels, checking activity"
                % len(channels))
            channels = [
                (channel, sourceSE, targetSE)
                for channel, sourceSE, targetSE in channels
                if channel.fromNode.SEs[sourceSE]["read"]
                and channel.toNode.SEs[targetSE]["write"] and channel.status ==
                "Active" and channel.timeToStart < float("inf")

            if not channels:
                    "minimiseTotalWait: no active FTS channels found")
                return S_ERROR(
                    "minimiseTotalWait: no active FTS channels found")

            candidates = []
            for channel, sourceSE, targetSE in channels:
                timeToStart = channel.timeToStart
                if sourceSE not in primarySources:
                    timeToStart += self.sigma
                ## local found
                if channel.fromNode == channel.toNode:
                        "minimiseTotalWait: found local channel '%s'" %
                    candidates = [(channel, sourceSE, targetSE)]
                if timeToStart <= minTimeToStart:
                    minTimeToStart = timeToStart
                    candidates = [(channel, sourceSE, targetSE)]
                elif timeToStart == minTimeToStart:
                    candidates.append((channel, sourceSE, targetSE))

            if not candidates:
                return S_ERROR(
                    "minimiseTotalWait: unable to find candidate FTS channels minimising total wait time"

            selChannel, selSourceSE, selTargetSE = candidates[0]
            ancestor = False
            for channelID, treeItem in tree.items():
                if selSourceSE in treeItem["DestSE"]:
                    ancestor = channelID
            tree[selChannel.channelID] = {
                "Ancestor": ancestor,
                "SourceSE": selSourceSE,
                "DestSE": selTargetSE,
                "Strategy": "MinimiseTotalWait"

        return S_OK(tree)

    def dynamicThroughput(self, sourceSEs, targetSEs):
        """ dynamic throughput - many sources, many targets - find dag that minimises overall throughput 

    :param list sourceSEs: list of available source SE names
    :param list targetSE: list of target SE names
    :param str lfn: logical file name
    :param dict metadata: file metadata read from catalogue
        tree = {}
        primarySources = sourceSEs
        timeToSite = {}
        while targetSEs:
            minTimeToStart = float("inf")
            channels = []
            for targetSE in targetSEs:
                for sourceSE in sourceSEs:
                    ftsChannel = self.ftsGraph.findChannel(sourceSE, targetSE)
                    if not ftsChannel["OK"]:
                        self.log.warn("dynamicThroughput: %s" %
                    ftsChannel = ftsChannel["Value"]
                    channels.append((ftsChannel, sourceSE, targetSE))
            ## no candidate channels found
            if not channels:
                msg = "dynamicThroughput: FTS channels between %s and %s are not defined" % (
                    ",".join(sourceSEs), ",".join(targetSEs))
                return S_ERROR(msg)
            ## filter out already used channels
            channels = [(channel, sourceSE, targetSE)
                        for channel, sourceSE, targetSE in channels
                        if channel.channelID not in tree]
            if not channels:
                msg = "dynamicThroughput: all FTS channels between %s and %s are already used in tree" % (
                    ",".join(sourceSEs), ",".join(targetSEs))
                return S_ERROR(msg)
            ## filter out non-active channels
                "dynamicThroughput: found %s candidate channels, checking activity"
                % len(channels))
            channels = [
                (channel, sourceSE, targetSE)
                for channel, sourceSE, targetSE in channels
                if channel.fromNode.SEs[sourceSE]["read"]
                and channel.toNode.SEs[targetSE]["write"] and channel.status ==
                "Active" and channel.timeToStart < float("inf")
            if not channels:
                    "dynamicThroughput: active candidate channels not found")
                return S_ERROR(
                    "dynamicThroughput: no active candidate FTS channels")

            candidates = []
            selTimeToStart = None
            for channel, sourceSE, targetSE in channels:
                timeToStart = channel.timeToStart
                if sourceSE not in primarySources:
                    timeToStart += self.sigma
                if sourceSE in timeToSite:
                    timeToStart += timeToSite[sourceSE]
                ## local found
                if channel.fromNode == channel.toNode:
                        "dynamicThroughput: found local channel '%s'" %
                    candidates = [(channel, sourceSE, targetSE)]
                    selTimeToStart = timeToStart
                if timeToStart <= minTimeToStart:
                    selTimeToStart = timeToStart
                    minTimeToStart = timeToStart
                    candidates = [(channel, sourceSE, targetSE)]
                elif timeToStart == minTimeToStart:
                    candidates.append((channel, sourceSE, targetSE))

            if not candidates:
                return S_ERROR(
                    "dynamicThroughput: unable to find candidate FTS channels")

            selChannel, selSourceSE, selTargetSE = candidates[0]
            ancestor = False
            for channelID, treeItem in tree.items():
                if selSourceSE in treeItem["DestSE"]:
                    ancestor = channelID
            tree[selChannel.channelID] = {
                "Ancestor": ancestor,
                "SourceSE": selSourceSE,
                "DestSE": selTargetSE,
                "Strategy": "DynamicThroughput"
            timeToSite[selTargetSE] = selTimeToStart

        return S_OK(tree)

    def reset(self):
        """ reset :chosenStrategy: 

    :param self: self reference
        self.chosenStrategy = 0

    def getSupportedStrategies(self):
        """ Get supported strategies.

    :param self: self reference
        return self.supportedStrategies

    def replicationTree(self, sourceSEs, targetSEs, size, strategy=None):
        """ get replication tree

    :param str lfn: LFN
    :param list sourceSEs: list of sources SE names to use
    :param list targetSEs: liost of target SE names to use
    :param long size: file size
    :param str strategy: strategy name
        ## update SEs rwAccess every rwUpdatePertion timedelta (default 300 s)
        now =
        if now - self.lastRssUpdate > self.rwUpdatePeriod:
            update = self.updateGraph(rwAccess=True)
            if not update["OK"]:
                    "replicationTree: unable to update FTS graph: %s" %
                self.lastRssUpdate = now
        ## get strategy
        strategy = strategy if strategy else self.__selectStrategy()
        if strategy not in self.getSupportedStrategies():
            return S_ERROR("replicationTree: unsupported strategy '%s'" %
                           strategy) "replicationTree: strategy=%s sourceSEs=%s targetSEs=%s size=%s" %\
                         ( strategy, sourceSEs, targetSEs, size ) )
        ## fire action from dispatcher
        tree = self.strategyDispatcher[strategy](sourceSEs, targetSEs)
        if not tree["OK"]:
            self.log.error("replicationTree: %s" % tree["Message"])
            return tree
        ## update graph edges
        update = self.updateGraph(replicationTree=tree["Value"], size=size)
        if not update["OK"]:
            self.log.error("replicationTree: unable to update FTS graph: %s" %
            return update
        return tree

    def __selectStrategy(self):
        """ If more than one active strategy use one after the other.

    :param self: self reference
        chosenStrategy = self.activeStrategies[self.chosenStrategy]
        self.chosenStrategy += 1
        if self.chosenStrategy == self.numberOfStrategies:
            self.chosenStrategy = 0
        return chosenStrategy

    def __getRWAccessForSE(self, seList):
        """ get RSS R/W for :seList: 

    :param list seList: SE list
        rwDict = dict.fromkeys(seList)
        for se in rwDict:
            rwDict[se] = {"read": False, "write": False}

        rAccess = self.resourceStatus.getStorageStatus(seList,
        if not rAccess["OK"]:
            return rAccess
        rAccess = [
            k for k, v in rAccess["Value"].items()
            if "ReadAccess" in v and v["ReadAccess"] in ("Active", "Degraded")
        wAccess = self.resourceStatus.getStorageStatus(
            seList, statusType="WriteAccess")
        if not wAccess["OK"]:
            return wAccess
        wAccess = [
            k for k, v in wAccess["Value"].items()
            if "WriteAccess" in v and v["WriteAccess"] in ("Active",
        for se in rwDict:
            rwDict[se]["read"] = se in rAccess
            rwDict[se]["write"] = se in wAccess
        return S_OK(rwDict)