Esempio n. 1
def test_getJobStatus(mocker):
    """Test HTCondorCE getJobStatus"""
    mocker.patch(MODNAME + ".commands.getstatusoutput",
                 side_effect=([(0, "\n".join(STATUS_LINES)), (0, 0)]))
    patchPopen = mocker.patch(
    patchPopen.return_value.communicate.side_effect = [
        ("\n".join(HISTORY_LINES), "")
    patchPopen.return_value.returncode = 0
        MODNAME +

    htce = HTCE.HTCondorCEComputingElement(12345)
    ret = htce.getJobStatus([

    expectedResults = {
        "htcondorce://": "Done",
        "htcondorce://": "Aborted",
        "htcondorce://": "Aborted",
        "htcondorce://": "Unknown",

    assert ret["OK"] is True
    assert expectedResults == ret["Value"]
    def test_getJobStatus(self):

        htce = HTCE.HTCondorCEComputingElement(12345)

        with patch( MODNAME+".commands.getstatusoutput", new=Mock(
          side_effect=( [ (0, "\n".join(STATUS_LINES) ), # condor_q
                          (0, "\n".join(HISTORY_LINES)), # condor_history
                          (0, 0), # condor_rm, ignored in any case
                        ] ))), \
          patch( MODNAME+".HTCondorCEComputingElement._HTCondorCEComputingElement__cleanup", new=Mock() ) \
            ret = htce.getJobStatus([

        expectedResults = {
            "htcondorce://": "Done",
            "htcondorce://": "Aborted",
            "htcondorce://": "Aborted",
            "htcondorce://": "Unknown",

        self.assertTrue(ret['OK'], ret.get('Message', ''))
        self.assertEqual(expectedResults, ret['Value'])
Esempio n. 3
    def test_parseCondorStatus(self):
        statusLines = """
    104097.9 2
    104098.0 1
    104098.1 4

    foo bar
    104098.2 3
    104098.3 5
    104098.4 7
        # force there to be an empty line

        expectedResults = {
            "104097.9": "Running",
            "104098.0": "Waiting",
            "104098.1": "Done",
            "104098.2": "Aborted",
            "104098.3": "HELD",
            "104098.4": "Unknown"

        for jobID, expected in expectedResults.iteritems():
            self.assertEqual(HTCE.parseCondorStatus(statusLines, jobID),
    def test_parseCondorStatus(self):
        statusLines = """
    104097.9 2
    104098.0 1
    104098.1 4

    foo bar
    104098.2 3
    104098.3 5
    104098.4 7
        ## force there to be an empty line

        expectedResults = {
            "104097.9": "Running",
            "104098.0": "Waiting",
            "104098.1": "Done",
            "104098.2": "Aborted",
            "104098.3": "HELD",
            "104098.4": "Unknown",
        for jobID, expected in expectedResults.iteritems():
            self.assertEqual(HTCE.parseCondorStatus(statusLines, jobID), expected)
 def test_reset_local(self):
     htce = HTCE.HTCondorCEComputingElement(12345)
     htce.ceParameters = self.ceParameters
     htce.useLocalSchedd = True
     ceName = ""
     htce.ceName = ceName
     self.assertEqual(htce.remoteScheddOptions, "")
Esempio n. 6
 def test_reset_remote(self):
   htce = HTCE.HTCondorCEComputingElement(12345)
   htce.ceParameters = self.ceParameters
   htce.useLocalSchedd = False
   ceName = ""
   htce.ceName = ceName
   self.assertEqual(htce.remoteScheddOptions, "-pool %s:9619 -name %s " % (ceName, ceName))
Esempio n. 7
def test_reset(setUp, localSchedd, expected):
    ceParameters = setUp

    htce = HTCE.HTCondorCEComputingElement(12345)
    htce.ceParameters = ceParameters
    htce.useLocalSchedd = True
    ceName = ""
    htce.ceName = ceName
    assert htce.remoteScheddOptions == ""
Esempio n. 8
  def test_killJob(self, jobIDList, jobID, ret=0, success=True, local=True):
    mock = Mock(return_value=(ret, ''))
    htce = HTCE.HTCondorCEComputingElement(12345)
    htce.ceName = ''
    htce.useLocalSchedd = local
    htce.ceParameters = self.ceParameters
    with patch(MODNAME + ".commands.getstatusoutput", new=mock):
      ret = htce.killJob(jobIDList=jobIDList)

    assert ret['OK'] == success
    if jobID:
      mock.assert_called_with('condor_rm %s %s' % (htce.remoteScheddOptions, jobID))
Esempio n. 9
  def test__writeSub_local(self):
    htce = HTCE.HTCondorCEComputingElement(12345)
    htce.useLocalSchedd = True
    subFileMock = Mock()

    patchFdopen = patch(MODNAME + ".os.fdopen", new=Mock(return_value=subFileMock))
    patchMkstemp = patch(MODNAME + ".tempfile.mkstemp", new=Mock(return_value=("os", "pilotName")))
    patchMkdir = patch(MODNAME + ".mkDir", new=Mock())

    with patchFdopen, patchMkstemp, patchMkdir:
      htce._HTCondorCEComputingElement__writeSub("dirac-install", 42, '', 1)  # pylint: disable=E1101
      for option in ["ShouldTransferFiles = YES", "WhenToTransferOutput = ON_EXIT_OR_EVICT", "universe = grid"]:
        # the three [0] are: call_args_list[firstCall][ArgsArgumentsTuple][FirstArgsArgument]
        self.assertIn(option, subFileMock.write.call_args_list[0][0][0])
Esempio n. 10
  def test_submitJob_remote(self):
    htce = HTCE.HTCondorCEComputingElement(12345)
    htce.ceParameters = self.ceParameters
    htce.useLocalSchedd = False
    ceName = ""
    htce.ceName = ceName
    execMock = Mock(return_value=S_OK((0, "123.0 - 123.0")))
    htce._HTCondorCEComputingElement__writeSub = Mock(return_value="dirac-pilot")
    with patch(MODNAME + ".executeGridCommand", new=execMock), patch(MODNAME + ".os", new=Mock()):
      result = htce.submitJob("pilot", "proxy", 1)

    self.assertTrue(result['OK'], result.get('Message'))
    remotePoolList = " ".join(['-pool', '%s:9619' % ceName, '-remote', ceName])
    self.assertIn(remotePoolList, " ".join(execMock.call_args_list[0][0][1]))
def test__writeSub(mocker, localSchedd, optionsNotExpected, optionsExpected):
    htce = HTCE.HTCondorCEComputingElement(12345)
    htce.useLocalSchedd = localSchedd
    subFileMock = mocker.Mock()

    mocker.patch(MODNAME + ".os.fdopen", return_value=subFileMock)
    mocker.patch(MODNAME + ".tempfile.mkstemp", return_value=("os", "pilotName"))
    mocker.patch(MODNAME + ".mkDir")

    htce._HTCondorCEComputingElement__writeSub("dirac-install", 42, "", 1)  # pylint: disable=E1101
    for option in optionsNotExpected:
        # the three [0] are: call_args_list[firstCall][ArgsArgumentsTuple][FirstArgsArgument]
        assert option not in subFileMock.write.call_args_list[0][0][0]
    for option in optionsExpected:
        assert option in subFileMock.write.call_args_list[0][0][0]
Esempio n. 12
  def test__writeSub_remote(self):
    htce = HTCE.HTCondorCEComputingElement(12345)
    htce.useLocalSchedd = False
    subFileMock = Mock()

    patchFdopen = patch(MODNAME + ".os.fdopen", new=Mock(return_value=subFileMock))
    patchMkstemp = patch(MODNAME + ".tempfile.mkstemp", new=Mock(return_value=("os", "pilotName")))
    patchMkdir = patch(MODNAME + ".mkDir", new=Mock())

    with patchFdopen, patchMkstemp, patchMkdir:
      htce._HTCondorCEComputingElement__writeSub("dirac-install", 42, '', 1)  # pylint: disable=E1101
      for option in ["ShouldTransferFiles = YES", "WhenToTransferOutput = ON_EXIT_OR_EVICT"]:
        self.assertNotIn(option, subFileMock.write.call_args_list[0][0][0])
      for option in ["universe = vanilla"]:
        self.assertIn(option, subFileMock.write.call_args_list[0][0][0])
def test_killJob(setUp, mocker, jobIDList, jobID, ret, success, local):
    ceParameters = setUp
    htce = HTCE.HTCondorCEComputingElement(12345)
    htce.ceName = ""
    htce.useLocalSchedd = local
    htce.ceParameters = ceParameters

    execMock = mocker.patch(MODNAME + ".executeGridCommand", return_value=S_OK((ret, "", "")))
    with execMock:
        ret = htce.killJob(jobIDList=jobIDList)

    assert ret["OK"] == success
    if jobID:
        expected = "condor_rm %s %s" % (htce.remoteScheddOptions.strip(), jobID)
        assert " ".join(execMock.call_args_list[0][0][1]) == expected
Esempio n. 14
  def test_getJobStatus(self):

    htce = HTCE.HTCondorCEComputingElement(12345)

    ret = htce.getJobStatus(["htcondorce://",

    expectedResults = {"htcondorce://": "Done",
                       "htcondorce://": "Aborted",
                       "htcondorce://": "Aborted",
                       "htcondorce://": "Unknown"}

    self.assertTrue(ret['OK'], ret.get('Message', ''))
    self.assertEqual(expectedResults, ret['Value'])
def test_submitJob(setUp, mocker, localSchedd, expected):
    ceParameters = setUp
    htce = HTCE.HTCondorCEComputingElement(12345)
    htce.ceParameters = ceParameters
    htce.useLocalSchedd = localSchedd
    ceName = ""
    htce.ceName = ceName

    execMock = mocker.patch(MODNAME + ".executeGridCommand", return_value=S_OK((0, "123.0 - 123.0")))
        MODNAME + ".HTCondorCEComputingElement._HTCondorCEComputingElement__writeSub", return_value="dirac_pilot"
    mocker.patch(MODNAME + ".os")

    result = htce.submitJob("pilot", "proxy", 1)

    assert result["OK"] is True
    assert " ".join(execMock.call_args_list[0][0][1]) == expected