Esempio n. 1
    def __call__(self):
        """It expects to find the arguments for tc.setFileStatusForTransformation in operation.Arguments"""
            setFileStatusDict = DEncode.decode(self.operation.Arguments)[0]
            self.log.debug("decoded filStatusDict=%s" % str(setFileStatusDict))
        except ValueError as error:
            self.operation.Error = str(error)
            self.operation.Status = "Failed"
            return S_ERROR(str(error))

        tc = TransformationClient()
        setStatus = tc.setFileStatusForTransformation(
            setFileStatusDict["statusDict"], setFileStatusDict["force"])

        if not setStatus["OK"]:
            errorStr = "failed to change status: %s" % setStatus["Message"]
            self.operation.Error = errorStr
            return S_ERROR(self.operation.Error)

            self.operation.Status = "Done"
            return S_OK()
Esempio n. 2
class FileReport( object ):
  """ A stateful object for reporting to TransformationDB

  def __init__( self, server = 'Transformation/TransformationManager' ):
    """ c'tor

        self.transClient is a TransformationClient object
    self.transClient = TransformationClient()
    self.transClient.setServer( server )
    self.statusDict = {}
    self.transformation = None
    self.force = False

  def setFileStatus( self, transformation, lfn, status, sendFlag = False ):
    """ Set file status in the context of the given transformation
    if not self.transformation:
      self.transformation = transformation
    self.statusDict[lfn] = status
    if sendFlag:
      return self.commit()
    return S_OK()

  def setCommonStatus( self, status ):
    """ Set common status for all files in the internal cache
    for lfn in self.statusDict.keys():
      self.statusDict[lfn] = status
    return S_OK()

  def getFiles( self ):
    """ Get the statuses of the files already accumulated in the FileReport object
    return copy.deepcopy( self.statusDict )

  def commit( self ):
    """ Commit pending file status update records
    if not self.statusDict:
      return S_OK( {} )

    result = self.transClient.setFileStatusForTransformation( self.transformation, self.statusDict, force = self.force )
    if result['OK']:
      self.statusDict = {}
    return result

  def generateForwardDISET( self ):
    """ Commit the accumulated records and generate request eventually
    result = self.commit()
    commitOp = None
    if not result['OK']:
      # Generate Request
      commitOp = Operation()
      commitOp.Type = 'SetFileStatus'
      commitOp.Arguments = DEncode.encode( {'transformation':self.transformation, 'statusDict':self.statusDict, 'force':self.force} )

    return S_OK( commitOp )
Esempio n. 3
class FileReport( object ):
  """ A stateful object for reporting to TransformationDB

  def __init__( self, server = 'Transformation/TransformationManager' ):
    self.transClient = TransformationClient()
    self.transClient.setServer( server )
    self.statusDict = {}
    self.transformation = None
    self.force = False

  def setFileStatus( self, transformation, lfn, status, sendFlag = False ):
    """ Set file status in the context of the given transformation """
    if not self.transformation:
      self.transformation = transformation
    self.statusDict[lfn] = status
    if sendFlag:
      return self.commit()
    return S_OK()

  def setCommonStatus( self, status ):
    """ Set common status for all files in the internal cache """
    for lfn in self.statusDict.keys():
      self.statusDict[lfn] = status
    return S_OK()

  def getFiles( self ):
    """ Get the statuses of the files already accumulated in the FileReport object """
    return copy.deepcopy( self.statusDict )

  def commit( self ):
    """ Commit pending file status update records """
    if not self.statusDict:
      return S_OK()

    res = self.transClient.setFileStatusForTransformation( self.transformation, self.statusDict, force = self.force )
    if not res['OK']:
      return res

    return S_OK()

  def generateForwardDISET( self ):
    """ Commit the accumulated records and generate request eventually """
    result = self.commit()
    forwardDISETOp = None
    if not result['OK']:
      # Generate Request
      if result.has_key( 'rpcStub' ):
        forwardDISETOp = Operation()
        forwardDISETOp.Type = "ForwardDISET"
        forwardDISETOp.Arguments = DEncode.encode( result['rpcStub'] )

        return S_ERROR( 'Could not create ForwardDISET operation' )

    return S_OK( forwardDISETOp )
Esempio n. 4
class TransformationCLI( cmd.Cmd, API ):

  def __init__( self ):
    self.server = TransformationClient()
    self.indentSpace = 4
    cmd.Cmd.__init__( self )
    API.__init__( self )

  def printPair( self, key, value, separator = ":" ):
    valueList = value.split( "\n" )
    print "%s%s%s %s" % ( key, " " * ( self.indentSpace - len( key ) ), separator, valueList[0].strip() )
    for valueLine in valueList[ 1:-1 ]:
      print "%s  %s" % ( " " * self.indentSpace, valueLine.strip() )

  def do_exit( self, args ):
    """ Exits the shell.
        usage: exit
    sys.exit( 0 )

  def do_quit( self, *args ):
    """ Exits the shell.
        Usage: quit
    sys.exit( 0 )

  def do_help( self, args ):
    """ Default version of the help command
       Usage: help <command>
       OR use helpall to see description for all commans"""
    cmd.Cmd.do_help( self, args )

  # overriting default help command
  def do_helpall( self, args ):
    Shows help information
        Usage: helpall <command>
        If no command is specified all commands are shown
    if len( args ) == 0:
      print "\nAvailable commands:\n"
      attrList = dir( self )
      for attribute in attrList:
        if attribute.find( "do_" ) == 0:
          self.printPair( attribute[ 3: ], getattr( self, attribute ).__doc__[ 1: ] )
          print ""
      command = args.split()[0].strip()
        obj = getattr( self, "do_%s" % command )
        print "There's no such %s command" % command
      self.printPair( command, obj.__doc__[1:] )

  def do_shell( self, args ):
    """Execute a shell command

       usage !<shell_command>
    comm = args
    res = shellCall( 0, comm )
    if res['OK'] and res['Value'][0] == 0:
      returnCode, stdOut, stdErr = res['Value']
      print "%s\n%s" % ( stdOut, stdErr )
      print res['Message']

  def check_params( self, args, num ):
    """Checks if the number of parameters correct"""
    argss = string.split( args )
    length = len( argss )
    if length < num:
      print "Error: Number of arguments provided %d less that required %d, please correct." % ( length, num )
      return ( False, length )
    return ( argss, length )

  def check_id_or_name( self, id_or_name ):
    """resolve name or Id by converting type of argument """
    if id_or_name.isdigit():
      return long( id_or_name ) # its look like id
    return id_or_name

  def do_setServer( self, args ):
    """ Set the destination server

        usage: setServer serverURL
    argss = string.split( args )
    if len( argss ) == 0:
      print "no server provided"
    self.serverURL = argss[0]
    self.server.setServer( self.serverURL )

  # These are the methods for transformation manipulation

  def do_getall( self, args ):
    """Get transformation details

       usage: getall [Status] [Status]
    oTrans = Transformation()
    oTrans.setServer( self.serverURL )
    oTrans.getTransformations( transStatus = string.split( args ), printOutput = True )

  def do_getStatus( self, args ):
    """Get transformation details

       usage: getStatus <transName|ID>
    argss = string.split( args )
    if not len( argss ) > 0:
      print "no transformation supplied"
    for transName in argss:
      res = self.server.getTransformation( transName )
      if not res['OK']:
        print "Getting status of %s failed: %s" % ( transName, res['Message'] )
        print "%s: %s" % ( transName, res['Value']['Status'] )

  def do_setStatus( self, args ):
    """Set transformation status

       usage: setStatus  <Status> <transName|ID>
       Status <'New' 'Active' 'Stopped' 'Completed' 'Cleaning'>
    argss = string.split( args )
    if not len( argss ) > 1:
      print "transformation and status not supplied"
    status = argss[0]
    transNames = argss[1:]
    for transName in transNames:
      res = self.server.setTransformationParameter( transName, 'Status', status )
      if not res['OK']:
        print "Setting status of %s failed: %s" % ( transName, res['Message'] )
        print "%s set to %s" % ( transName, status )

  def do_start( self, args ):
    """Start transformation

       usage: start <transName|ID>
    argss = string.split( args )
    if not len( argss ) > 0:
      print "no transformation supplied"
    for transName in argss:
      res = self.server.setTransformationParameter( transName, 'Status', 'Active' )
      if not res['OK']:
        print "Setting Status of %s failed: %s" % ( transName, res['Message'] )
        res = self.server.setTransformationParameter( transName, 'AgentType', 'Automatic' )
        if not res['OK']:
          print "Setting AgentType of %s failed: %s" % ( transName, res['Message'] )
          print "%s started" % transName

  def do_stop( self, args ):
    """Stop transformation

       usage: stop <transID|ID>
    argss = string.split( args )
    if not len( argss ) > 0:
      print "no transformation supplied"
    if not len( argss ) > 0:
      print "no transformation supplied"
    for transName in argss:
      res = self.server.setTransformationParameter( transName, 'AgentType', 'Manual' )
      if not res['OK']:
        print "Stopping of %s failed: %s" % ( transName, res['Message'] )
        print "%s stopped" % transName

  def do_flush( self, args ):
    """Flush transformation

       usage: flush <transName|ID>
    argss = string.split( args )
    if not len( argss ) > 0:
      print "no transformation supplied"
    for transName in argss:
      res = self.server.setTransformationParameter( transName, 'Status', 'Flush' )
      if not res['OK']:
        print "Flushing of %s failed: %s" % ( transName, res['Message'] )
        print "%s flushing" % transName

  def do_get( self, args ):
    """Get transformation definition

    usage: get <transName|ID>
    argss = string.split( args )
    if not len( argss ) > 0:
      print "no transformation supplied"
    transName = argss[0]
    res = self.server.getTransformation( transName )
    if not res['OK']:
      print "Failed to get %s: %s" % ( transName, res['Message'] )
      res['Value'].pop( 'Body' )
      printDict( res['Value'] )

  def do_getBody( self, args ):
    """Get transformation body

    usage: getBody <transName|ID>
    argss = string.split( args )
    if not len( argss ) > 0:
      print "no transformation supplied"
    transName = argss[0]
    res = self.server.getTransformation( transName )
    if not res['OK']:
      print "Failed to get %s: %s" % ( transName, res['Message'] )
      print res['Value']['Body']

  def do_getFileStat( self, args ):
    """Get transformation file statistics

     usage: getFileStat <transName|ID>
    argss = string.split( args )
    if not len( argss ) > 0:
      print "no transformation supplied"
    transName = argss[0]
    res = self.server.getTransformationStats( transName )
    if not res['OK']:
      print "Failed to get statistics for %s: %s" % ( transName, res['Message'] )
      res['Value'].pop( 'Total' )
      printDict( res['Value'] )

  def do_modMask( self, args ):
    """Modify transformation input definition

       usage: modInput <mask> <transName|ID>
    argss = string.split( args )
    if not len( argss ) > 0:
      print "no transformation supplied"
    mask = argss[0]
    transNames = argss[1:]
    for transName in transNames:
      res = self.server.setTransformationParameter( transName, "FileMask", mask )
      if not res['OK']:
        print "Failed to modify input file mask for %s: %s" % ( transName, res['Message'] )
        print "Updated %s filemask" % transName

  def do_getFiles( self, args ):
    """Get files for the transformation (optionally with a given status)

    usage: getFiles <transName|ID> [Status] [Status]
    argss = string.split( args )
    if not len( argss ) > 0:
      print "no transformation supplied"
    transName = argss[0]
    status = argss[1:]
    res = self.server.getTransformation( transName )
    if not res['OK']:
      print "Failed to get transformation information: %s" % res['Message']
      selectDict = {'TransformationID':res['Value']['TransformationID']}
      if status:
        selectDict['Status'] = status
      res = self.server.getTransformationFiles( condDict = selectDict )
      if not res['OK']:
        print "Failed to get transformation files: %s" % res['Message']
      elif res['Value']:
        self._printFormattedDictList( res['Value'], ['LFN', 'Status', 'ErrorCount', 'TargetSE', 'LastUpdate'], 'LFN', 'LFN' )
        print "No files found"

  def do_getFileStatus( self, args ):
    """Get file(s) status for the given transformation

    usage: getFileStatus <transName|ID> <lfn> [<lfn>...]
    argss = string.split( args )
    if len( argss ) < 2:
      print "transformation and file not supplied"
    transName = argss[0]
    lfns = argss[1:]

    res = self.server.getTransformation( transName )
    if not res['OK']:
      print "Failed to get transformation information: %s" % res['Message']
      selectDict = {'TransformationID':res['Value']['TransformationID']}
      res = self.server.getTransformationFiles( condDict = selectDict )
      if not res['OK']:
        print "Failed to get transformation files: %s" % res['Message']
      elif res['Value']:
        filesList = []
        for fileDict in res['Value']:
          if fileDict['LFN'] in lfns:
            filesList.append( fileDict )
        if  filesList:
          self._printFormattedDictList( filesList, ['LFN', 'Status', 'ErrorCount', 'TargetSE', 'LastUpdate'], 'LFN', 'LFN' )
          print "Could not find any LFN in", lfns, "for transformation", transName
        print "No files found"

  def do_setFileStatus( self, args ):
    """Set file status for the given transformation

    usage: setFileStatus <transName|ID> <lfn> <status>
    argss = string.split( args )
    if not len( argss ) == 3:
      print "transformation file and status not supplied"
    transName = argss[0]
    lfn = argss[1]
    status = argss[2]
    res = self.server.setFileStatusForTransformation( transName, status, [lfn] )
    if not res['OK']:
      print "Failed to update file status: %s" % res['Message']
      print "Updated file status to %s" % status

  def do_resetFile( self, args ):
    """Reset file status for the given transformation

    usage: resetFile <transName|ID> <lfn>
    argss = string.split( args )
    if not len( argss ) > 1:
      print "transformation and file(s) not supplied"
    transName = argss[0]
    lfns = argss[1:]
    res = self.server.setFileStatusForTransformation( transName, 'Unused', lfns )
    if not res['OK']:
      print "Failed to reset file status: %s" % res['Message']
      if res['Value']['Failed']:
        print "Could not reset some files: "
        for lfn, reason in res['Value']['Failed'].items():
          print lfn, reason
        print "Updated file statuses to 'Unused' for %d file(s)" % len( lfns )

  def do_resetProcessedFile( self, args ):
    """ Reset file status for the given transformation
        usage: resetFile <transName|ID> <lfn>
    argss = string.split( args )
    if not len( argss ) > 1:
      print "transformation and file(s) not supplied"
    transName = argss[0]
    lfns = argss[1:]
    res = self.server.setFileStatusForTransformation( transName, 'Unused', lfns, force = True )
    if not res['OK']:
      print "Failed to reset file status: %s" % res['Message']
      if res['Value']['Failed']:
        print "Could not reset some files: "
        for lfn, reason in res['Value']['Failed'].items():
          print lfn, reason
        print "Updated file statuses to 'Unused' for %d file(s)" % len( lfns )

  # These are the methods for file manipulation

  def do_addDirectory( self, args ):
    """Add files from the given catalog directory

    usage: addDirectory <directory> [directory]
    argss = string.split( args )
    if not len( argss ) > 0:
      print "no directory supplied"
    for directory in argss:
      res = self.server.addDirectory( directory, force = True )
      if not res['OK']:
        print 'failed to add directory %s: %s' % ( directory, res['Message'] )
        print 'added %s files for %s' % ( res['Value'], directory )

  def do_replicas( self, args ):
    """ Get replicas for <path>

        usage: replicas <lfn> [lfn]
    argss = string.split( args )
    if not len( argss ) > 0:
      print "no files supplied"
    res = self.server.getReplicas( argss )
    if not res['OK']:
      print "failed to get any replica information: %s" % res['Message']
    for lfn in sortList( res['Value']['Failed'].keys() ):
      error = res['Value']['Failed'][lfn]
      print "failed to get replica information for %s: %s" % ( lfn, error )
    for lfn in sortList( res['Value']['Successful'].keys() ):
      ses = sortList( res['Value']['Successful'][lfn].keys() )
      outStr = "%s :" % lfn.ljust( 100 )
      for se in ses:
        outStr = "%s %s" % ( outStr, se.ljust( 15 ) )
      print outStr

  def do_addFile( self, args ):
    """Add new files to transformation DB

    usage: addFile <lfn> [lfn]
    argss = string.split( args )
    if not len( argss ) > 0:
      print "no files supplied"
    lfnDict = {}
    for lfn in argss:
      lfnDict[lfn] = {'PFN':'IGNORED-PFN', 'SE':'IGNORED-SE', 'Size':0, 'GUID':'IGNORED-GUID', 'Checksum':'IGNORED-CHECKSUM'}
    res = self.server.addFile( lfnDict, force = True )
    if not res['OK']:
      print "failed to add any files: %s" % res['Message']
    for lfn in sortList( res['Value']['Failed'].keys() ):
      error = res['Value']['Failed'][lfn]
      print "failed to add %s: %s" % ( lfn, error )
    for lfn in sortList( res['Value']['Successful'].keys() ):
      print "added %s" % lfn

  def do_removeFile( self, args ):
    """Remove file from transformation DB

    usage: removeFile <lfn> [lfn]
    argss = string.split( args )
    if not len( argss ) > 0:
      print "no files supplied"
    res = self.server.removeFile( argss )
    if not res['OK']:
      print "failed to remove any files: %s" % res['Message']
    for lfn in sortList( res['Value']['Failed'].keys() ):
      error = res['Value']['Failed'][lfn]
      print "failed to remove %s: %s" % ( lfn, error )
    for lfn in sortList( res['Value']['Successful'].keys() ):
      print "removed %s" % lfn

  def do_addReplica( self, args ):
    """ Add new replica to the transformation DB

    usage: addReplica <lfn> <se>
    argss = string.split( args )
    if not len( argss ) == 2:
      print "no file info supplied"
    lfn = argss[0]
    se = argss[1]
    lfnDict = {}
    lfnDict[lfn] = {'PFN':'IGNORED-PFN', 'SE':se, 'Size':0, 'GUID':'IGNORED-GUID', 'Checksum':'IGNORED-CHECKSUM'}
    res = self.server.addReplica( lfnDict, force = True )
    if not res['OK']:
      print "failed to add replica: %s" % res['Message']
    for lfn in sortList( res['Value']['Failed'].keys() ):
      error = res['Value']['Failed'][lfn]
      print "failed to add replica: %s" % ( error )
    for lfn in sortList( res['Value']['Successful'].keys() ):
      print "added %s" % lfn

  def do_removeReplica( self, args ):
    """Remove replica from the transformation DB

    usage: removeReplica <lfn> <se>
    argss = string.split( args )
    if not len( argss ) == 2:
      print "no file info supplied"
    lfn = argss[0]
    se = argss[1]
    lfnDict = {}
    lfnDict[lfn] = {'PFN':'IGNORED-PFN', 'SE':se, 'Size':0, 'GUID':'IGNORED-GUID', 'Checksum':'IGNORED-CHECKSUM'}
    res = self.server.removeReplica( lfnDict )
    if not res['OK']:
      print "failed to remove replica: %s" % res['Message']
    for lfn in sortList( res['Value']['Failed'].keys() ):
      error = res['Value']['Failed'][lfn]
      print "failed to remove replica: %s" % ( error )
    for lfn in sortList( res['Value']['Successful'].keys() ):
      print "removed %s" % lfn

  def do_setReplicaStatus( self, args ):
    """Set replica status, usually used to mark a replica Problematic

    usage: setReplicaStatus <lfn> <status> <se>
    argss = string.split( args )
    if not len( argss ) > 2:
      print "no file info supplied"
    lfn = argss[0]
    status = argss[1]
    se = argss[2]
    lfnDict = {}
    lfnDict[lfn] = {'Status':status, 'PFN':'IGNORED-PFN', 'SE':se, 'Size':0, 'GUID':'IGNORED-GUID', 'Checksum':'IGNORED-CHECKSUM'}
    res = self.server.setReplicaStatus( lfnDict )
    if not res['OK']:
      print "failed to set replica status: %s" % res['Message']
    for lfn in sortList( res['Value']['Failed'].keys() ):
      error = res['Value']['Failed'][lfn]
      print "failed to set replica status: %s" % ( error )
    for lfn in sortList( res['Value']['Successful'].keys() ):
      print "updated replica status %s" % lfn
    userGroup = None

    transList = __getTransformations(Script.getPositionalArgs())
    if not transList:

    requestedLFNs = dmScript.getOption('LFNs')
    if not requestedLFNs:
        gLogger.always('No files to add')

    from DIRAC.TransformationSystem.Client.TransformationClient import TransformationClient
    trClient = TransformationClient()
    rc = 0
    for transID in transList:
        res = trClient.setFileStatusForTransformation(transID,
        if res['OK']:
                'Successfully set %d files%s Removed in transformation %d' %
                (len(res['Value']), (' (out of %d)' % len(requestedLFNs))
                 if len(res['Value']) != len(requestedLFNs) else '', transID))
                'Failed to set %d files Removed in transformation %d' %
                (len(requestedLFNs), transID), res['Message'])
            rc = 2
Esempio n. 6
class FileReport(object):
    """A stateful object for reporting to TransformationDB"""
    def __init__(self, server="Transformation/TransformationManager"):

        self.transClient is a TransformationClient object
        self.transClient = TransformationClient()
        self.statusDict = {}
        self.transformation = None
        self.force = False

    def setFileStatus(self, transformation, lfn, status, sendFlag=False):
        """Set file status in the context of the given transformation"""
        if not self.transformation:
            self.transformation = transformation
        if isinstance(lfn, (list, dict, tuple)):
            self.statusDict.update(dict.fromkeys(lfn, status))
            self.statusDict[lfn] = status
        if sendFlag:
            return self.commit()
        return S_OK()

    def setCommonStatus(self, status):
        """Set common status for all files in the internal cache"""
        for lfn in self.statusDict:
            self.statusDict[lfn] = status
        return S_OK()

    def getFiles(self):
        """Get the statuses of the files already accumulated in the FileReport object"""
        return copy.deepcopy(self.statusDict)

    def commit(self):
        """Commit pending file status update records"""
        if not self.statusDict:
            return S_OK({})

        result = self.transClient.setFileStatusForTransformation(
            self.transformation, self.statusDict, force=self.force)
        if result["OK"]:
            self.statusDict = {}
        return result

    def generateForwardDISET(self):
        """Commit the accumulated records and generate request eventually"""
        result = self.commit()
        commitOp = None
        if not result["OK"]:
            # Generate Request
            commitOp = Operation()
            commitOp.Type = "SetFileStatus"
            commitOp.Arguments = DEncode.encode({
                "transformation": self.transformation,
                "statusDict": self.statusDict,
                "force": self.force

        return S_OK(commitOp)
class FileStatusTransformationAgent(AgentModule):
  """ FileStatusTransformationAgent """

  def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
    AgentModule.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) = 'FileStatusTransformationAgent'
    self.enabled = False
    self.shifterProxy = 'DataManager'
    self.transformationTypes = ["Replication"]
    self.transformationStatuses = ["Active"]
    self.transformationFileStatuses = ["Assigned", "Problematic", "Processed", "Unused"]

    self.addressTo = ["*****@*****.**"]
    self.addressFrom = "*****@*****.**"
    self.emailSubject = "FileStatusTransformationAgent"

    self.accounting = defaultdict(list)
    self.errors = []

    self.fcClient = FileCatalogClient()
    self.tClient = TransformationClient()
    self.reqClient = ReqClient()
    self.nClient = NotificationClient()

  def checkFileStatusFuncExists(self, status):
    """ returns True/False if a function to check transformation files with a given status exists or not """
    checkFileStatusFuncName = "check_%s_files" % (status.lower())
    if not (hasattr(self, checkFileStatusFuncName) and callable(getattr(self, checkFileStatusFuncName))):
      self.log.warn("Unable to process transformation files with status ", status)
      return False

    return True

  def beginExecution(self):
    """ Reload the configurations before every cycle """
    self.enabled = self.am_getOption('EnableFlag', False)
    self.shifterProxy = self.am_setOption('shifterProxy', 'DataManager')
    self.transformationTypes = self.am_getOption('TransformationTypes', ["Replication"])
    self.transformationStatuses = self.am_getOption('TransformationStatuses', ["Active"])
    self.transformationFileStatuses = self.am_getOption(
        'TransformationFileStatuses', ["Assigned", "Problematic", "Processed", "Unused"])

    self.addressTo = self.am_getOption('MailTo', ["*****@*****.**"])
    self.addressFrom = self.am_getOption('MailFrom', "*****@*****.**")

    self.transformationFileStatuses = filter(self.checkFileStatusFuncExists, self.transformationFileStatuses)

    return S_OK()

  def sendNotification(self, transID, transType=None, sourceSEs=None, targetSEs=None):
    """ sends email notification about accounting information of a transformation """
    if not(self.errors or self.accounting):
      return S_OK()

    emailBody = "Transformation ID: %s\n" % transID
    if transType:
      emailBody += "Transformation Type: %s\n" % transType

    if sourceSEs:
      emailBody += "Source SE: %s\n" % (" ".join(str(source) for source in sourceSEs))

    if targetSEs:
      emailBody += "Target SE: %s\n\n" % (" ".join(str(target) for target in targetSEs))

    rows = []
    for action, transFiles in self.accounting.iteritems():
      emailBody += "Total number of files with action %s: %s\n" % (action, len(transFiles))
      for transFile in transFiles:
        rows.append([[transFile['LFN']], [str(transFile['AvailableOnSource'])],
                     [str(transFile['AvailableOnTarget'])], [transFile['Status']], [action]])

    if rows:
      columns = ["LFN", "Source", "Target", "Old Status", "Action"]
      emailBody += printTable(columns, rows, printOut=False, numbering=False, columnSeparator=' | ')

    if self.errors:
      emailBody += "\n\nErrors:"
      emailBody += "\n".join(self.errors)

    subject = "%s: %s" % (self.emailSubject, transID)
    for address in self.addressTo:
      res = self.nClient.sendMail(address, subject, emailBody, self.addressFrom, localAttempt=False)
      if not res['OK']:
        self.log.error("Failure to send Email notification to ", address)

    self.errors = []
    return S_OK()

  def logError(self, errStr, varMsg=''):
    self.log.error(errStr, varMsg)
    self.errors.append(errStr + varMsg)

  def execute(self):
    """ main execution loop of Agent """

    res = self.getTransformations()
    if not res['OK']:
      self.log.error('Failure to get transformations', res['Message'])
      return S_ERROR("Failure to get transformations")

    transformations = res['Value']
    if not transformations:
      self.log.notice('No transformations found with Status %s and Type %s ' %
                      (self.transformationStatuses, self.transformationTypes))
      return S_OK()

    self.log.notice('Will treat %d transformations' % len(transformations))
    self.log.notice('Transformations: %s' % ",".join([str(transformation['TransformationID'])
                                                      for transformation in transformations]))

    for trans in transformations:
      transID = trans['TransformationID']
      if 'SourceSE' not in trans or not trans['SourceSE']:
        self.logError("SourceSE not set for transformation, skip processing, transID: ", "%s" % transID)

      if 'TargetSE' not in trans or not trans['TargetSE']:
        self.logError("TargetSE not set for transformation, skip processing, transID: ", "%s" % transID)
        self.sendNotification(transID, sourceSEs=trans['SourceSE'])

      if 'DataTransType' not in trans:
        self.logError("Transformation Type not set for transformation, skip processing, transID: ", "%s" % transID)
        self.sendNotification(transID, sourceSEs=trans['SourceSE'], targetSEs=trans['TargetSE'])

      res = self.processTransformation(transID, trans['SourceSE'], trans['TargetSE'], trans['DataTransType'])
      if not res['OK']:
        self.log.error('Failure to process transformation with ID:', transID)

    return S_OK()

  def getTransformations(self, transID=None):
    """ returns transformations of a given type and status """
    res = None
    if transID:
      res = self.tClient.getTransformations(
          condDict={'TransformationID': transID,
                    'Status': self.transformationStatuses,
                    'Type': self.transformationTypes})
      res = self.tClient.getTransformations(
          condDict={'Status': self.transformationStatuses, 'Type': self.transformationTypes})

    if not res['OK']:
      return res

    result = res['Value']
    for trans in result:
      res = self.tClient.getTransformationParameters(trans['TransformationID'], ['SourceSE', 'TargetSE'])
      if not res['OK']:
        self.log.error('Failure to get SourceSE and TargetSE parameters for Transformation ID:',

      trans['SourceSE'] = eval(res['Value']['SourceSE'])
      trans['TargetSE'] = eval(res['Value']['TargetSE'])

      res = self.getDataTransformationType(trans['TransformationID'])
      if not res['OK']:
        self.log.error('Failure to determine Data Transformation Type', "%s: %s"
                       % (trans['TransformationID'], res['Message']))

      trans['DataTransType'] = res['Value']

    return S_OK(result)

  def getRequestStatus(self, transID, taskIDs):
    """ returns request statuses for a given list of task IDs """
    res = self.tClient.getTransformationTasks(condDict={'TransformationID': transID, 'TaskID': taskIDs})
    if not res['OK']:
      self.log.error('Failure to get Transformation Tasks for Transformation ID:', transID)
      return res

    result = res['Value']
    requestStatus = {}
    for task in result:
      requestStatus[task['TaskID']] = {'RequestStatus': task['ExternalStatus'], 'RequestID': long(task['ExternalID'])}

    return S_OK(requestStatus)

  def getDataTransformationType(self, transID):
    """ returns transformation types Replication/Moving/Unknown for a given transformation """
    res = self.tClient.getTransformationParameters(transID, 'Body')
    if not res['OK']:
      return res

    # if body is empty then we assume that it is a replication transformation
    if not res['Value']:

    replication = False
    rmReplica = False
      body = json.loads(res['Value'])
      for operation in body:
        if 'ReplicateAndRegister' in operation:
          replication = True
        if 'RemoveReplica' in operation:
          rmReplica = True
    except ValueError:
      if 'ReplicateAndRegister' in res['Value']:
        replication = True
        if 'RemoveReplica' in res['Value']:
          rmReplica = True

    if rmReplica and replication:
      return S_OK(MOVING_TRANS)

    if replication:

    return S_ERROR("Unknown Transformation Type '%r'" % res['Value'])

  def setFileStatus(self, transID, transFiles, status):
    """ sets transformation file status  """

    lfns = [transFile['LFN'] for transFile in transFiles]
    lfnStatuses = {lfn: status for lfn in lfns}

    if lfnStatuses:
      if self.enabled:
        res = self.tClient.setFileStatusForTransformation(transID, newLFNsStatus=lfnStatuses, force=True)
        if not res['OK']:
          self.logError('Failed to set statuses for LFNs ', "%s" % res['Message'])
          return res

      for transFile in transFiles:
        self.accounting[status].append({'LFN': transFile['LFN'],
                                        'Status': transFile['Status'],
                                        'AvailableOnSource': transFile['AvailableOnSource'],
                                        'AvailableOnTarget': transFile['AvailableOnTarget']})
    return S_OK()

  def selectFailedRequests(self, transFile):
    """ returns True if transformation file has a failed request otherwise returns False """
    res = self.getRequestStatus(transFile['TransformationID'], transFile['TaskID'])
    if not res['OK']:
      self.log.error('Failure to get Request Status for Assigned File')
      return False
    result = res['Value']

    if result[transFile['TaskID']]['RequestStatus'] == 'Failed':
      return True

    return False

  def retryStrategyForFiles(self, transID, transFiles):
    """ returns retryStrategy Reset Request if a request is found in RMS, otherwise returns set file status to unused"""
    taskIDs = [transFile['TaskID'] for transFile in transFiles]
    res = self.getRequestStatus(transID, taskIDs)
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    result = res['Value']
    retryStrategy = defaultdict(dict)
    for taskID in taskIDs:
      if taskID is None:
        self.log.error("Task ID is None", "Transformation: %s\n Files: %r " % (transID, transFiles))
        retryStrategy[None]['Strategy'] = SET_UNUSED
      res = self.reqClient.getRequest(requestID=result[taskID]['RequestID'])
      if not res['OK']:
        self.log.notice('Request %s does not exist setting file status to unused' % result[taskID]['RequestID'])
        retryStrategy[taskID]['Strategy'] = SET_UNUSED
        retryStrategy[taskID]['Strategy'] = SET_UNUSED  # RESET_REQUEST
        retryStrategy[taskID]['RequestID'] = result[taskID]['RequestID']

    return S_OK(retryStrategy)

  def check_assigned_files(self, actions, transFiles, transType):
    """ treatment for transformation files with assigned status """
    for transFile in transFiles:
      if transFile['AvailableOnSource'] and transFile['AvailableOnTarget']:
        if transType == REPLICATION_TRANS:
        if transType == MOVING_TRANS:

      elif transFile['AvailableOnSource'] and not transFile['AvailableOnTarget']:

      elif not transFile['AvailableOnSource'] and transFile['AvailableOnTarget']:

        # not on src and target

  def check_unused_files(self, actions, transFiles, transType):
    """ treatment for transformation files with unused status """
    for transFile in transFiles:
      if not transFile['AvailableOnSource'] and transFile['AvailableOnTarget']:

      if not transFile['AvailableOnSource'] and not transFile['AvailableOnTarget']:

  def check_processed_files(self, actions, transFiles, transType):
    """ treatment for transformation files with processed status """
    for transFile in transFiles:
      if transFile['AvailableOnSource'] and transFile['AvailableOnTarget'] and transType == MOVING_TRANS:

      if transFile['AvailableOnSource'] and not transFile['AvailableOnTarget']:

      if not transFile['AvailableOnSource'] and not transFile['AvailableOnTarget']:

  def check_problematic_files(self, actions, transFiles, transType):
    """ treatment for transformation files with problematic status """
    for transFile in transFiles:
      if transFile['AvailableOnSource'] and transFile['AvailableOnTarget']:
        if transType == REPLICATION_TRANS:
        if transType == MOVING_TRANS:

      elif transFile['AvailableOnSource'] and not transFile['AvailableOnTarget']:

      elif not transFile['AvailableOnSource'] and transFile['AvailableOnTarget']:

        # not available on source and target

  def retryFiles(self, transID, transFiles):
    """ resubmits request or sets file status to unused based on the retry strategy of transformation file """
    setFilesUnused = []
    setFilesAssigned = []
    res = self.retryStrategyForFiles(transID, transFiles)
    if not res['OK']:
      self.logError('Failure to determine retry strategy (unused / reset request) for files ', "%s" % res['Message'])
      return res

    retryStrategy = res['Value']
    for transFile in transFiles:
      if retryStrategy[transFile['TaskID']]['Strategy'] != RESET_REQUEST:

      requestID = retryStrategy[transFile['TaskID']]['RequestID']
      if self.enabled:
        res = self.reqClient.resetFailedRequest(requestID, allR=True)
        if not res['OK']:
          self.logError('Failed to reset request ', 'ReqID: %s Error: %s' % (requestID, res['Message']))

        if res['Value'] == "Not reset":
          self.logError('Failed to reset request ', 'ReqID: %s is non-recoverable' % requestID)


        res = self.tClient.setTaskStatus(transID, transFile['TaskID'], 'Waiting')
        if not res['OK']:
          self.logError('Failure to set Waiting status for Task ID: ', "%s %s" % (transFile['TaskID'], res['Message']))

      self.accounting[RESET_REQUEST].append({'LFN': transFile['LFN'],
                                             'Status': transFile['Status'],
                                             'AvailableOnSource': transFile['AvailableOnSource'],
                                             'AvailableOnTarget': transFile['AvailableOnTarget']})

    if setFilesUnused:
      self.setFileStatus(transID, setFilesUnused, 'Unused')

    if setFilesAssigned:
      self.setFileStatus(transID, setFilesAssigned, 'Assigned')

    return S_OK()

  def applyActions(self, transID, actions):
    """ sets new file statuses and resets requests """
    for action, transFiles in actions.iteritems():
      if action == SET_PROCESSED and transFiles:
        self.setFileStatus(transID, transFiles, 'Processed')

      if action == SET_DELETED and transFiles:
        self.setFileStatus(transID, transFiles, 'Deleted')

      if action == RETRY and transFiles:
        # if there is a request in RMS then reset request otherwise set file status unused
        self.retryFiles(transID, transFiles)

  def existsInFC(self, storageElements, lfns):
    """ checks if files have replicas registered in File Catalog for all given storageElements """
    res = self.fcClient.getReplicas(lfns)
    if not res['OK']:
      return res

    result = {}
    result['Successful'] = {}
    result['Failed'] = {}
    setOfSEs = set(storageElements)

    for lfn, msg in res['Value']['Failed'].iteritems():
      if msg == 'No such file or directory':
        result['Successful'][lfn] = False
        result['Failed'][lfn] = msg

    # check if all replicas are registered in FC
    filesFoundInFC = res['Value']['Successful']
    for lfn, replicas in filesFoundInFC.iteritems():
      result['Successful'][lfn] = setOfSEs.issubset(replicas.keys())

    return S_OK(result)

  def existsOnSE(self, storageElements, lfns):
    """ checks if the given files exist physically on a list of storage elements"""

    result = {}
    result['Failed'] = {}
    result['Successful'] = {}

    if not lfns:
      return S_OK(result)

    voName = lfns[0].split('/')[1]
    for se in storageElements:
      res = StorageElement(se, vo=voName).exists(lfns)
      if not res['OK']:
        return res
      for lfn, status in res['Value']['Successful'].iteritems():
        if lfn not in result['Successful']:
          result['Successful'][lfn] = status

        if not status:
          result['Successful'][lfn] = False

      result['Failed'][se] = res['Value']['Failed']

    return S_OK(result)

  def exists(self, storageElements, lfns):
    """ checks if files exists on both file catalog and storage elements """

    fcRes = self.existsInFC(storageElements, lfns)
    if not fcRes['OK']:
      self.logError('Failure to determine if files exists in File Catalog ', "%s" % fcRes['Message'])
      return fcRes

    if fcRes['Value']['Failed']:
      self.logError("Failed FileCatalog Response ", "%s" % fcRes['Value']['Failed'])

    # check if files found in file catalog also exist on SE
    checkLFNsOnStorage = [lfn for lfn in fcRes['Value']['Successful'] if fcRes['Value']['Successful'][lfn]]

    # no files were found in FC, return the result instead of verifying them on SE
    if not checkLFNsOnStorage:
      return fcRes

    seRes = self.existsOnSE(storageElements, checkLFNsOnStorage)
    if not seRes['OK']:
      self.logError('Failure to determine if files exist on SE ', "%s" % seRes['Message'])
      return seRes

    for se in storageElements:
      if seRes['Value']['Failed'][se]:
        self.logError('Failed to determine if files exist on SE ', "%s %s" % (se, seRes['Value']['Failed'][se]))
        return S_ERROR()

    fcResult = fcRes['Value']['Successful']
    seResult = seRes['Value']['Successful']
    for lfn in fcResult:
      if fcResult[lfn] and not seResult[lfn]:
        fcRes['Value']['Successful'][lfn] = False

    return fcRes

  def processTransformation(self, transID, sourceSE, targetSEs, transType):
    """ process transformation for a given transformation ID """

    actions = {}
    actions[SET_PROCESSED] = []
    actions[RETRY] = []
    actions[SET_DELETED] = []

    for status in self.transformationFileStatuses:
      res = self.tClient.getTransformationFiles(condDict={'TransformationID': transID, 'Status': status})
      if not res['OK']:
        errStr = 'Failure to get Transformation Files, Status: %s Transformation ID: %s Message: %s' % (status,

      transFiles = res['Value']
      if not transFiles:
        self.log.notice("No Transformation Files found with status %s for Transformation ID %d" % (status, transID))

      self.log.notice("Processing Transformation Files with status %s for TransformationID %d " % (status, transID))

      if status == 'Assigned':
        transFiles = filter(self.selectFailedRequests, transFiles)

      lfns = [transFile['LFN'] for transFile in transFiles]

      if not lfns:

      res = self.exists(sourceSE, lfns)
      if not res['OK']:

      resultSourceSe = res['Value']['Successful']

      res = self.exists(targetSEs, lfns)
      if not res['OK']:
      resultTargetSEs = res['Value']['Successful']

      for transFile in transFiles:
        lfn = transFile['LFN']
        transFile['AvailableOnSource'] = resultSourceSe[lfn]
        transFile['AvailableOnTarget'] = resultTargetSEs[lfn]

      checkFilesFuncName = "check_%s_files" % status.lower()
      checkFiles = getattr(self, checkFilesFuncName)
      checkFiles(actions, transFiles, transType)

    self.applyActions(transID, actions)
    self.sendNotification(transID, transType, sourceSE, targetSEs)

    return S_OK()
Esempio n. 8
class FileReport( object ):
  """ A stateful object for reporting to TransformationDB

  def __init__( self, server = 'Transformation/TransformationManager' ):
    self.transClient = TransformationClient()
    self.transClient.setServer( server )
    self.statusDict = {}
    self.transformation = None

  def setFileStatus( self, transformation, lfn, status, sendFlag = False ):
    """ Set file status in the context of the given transformation """
    if not self.transformation:
      self.transformation = transformation
    self.statusDict[lfn] = status
    if sendFlag:
      return self.commit()
    return S_OK()

  def setCommonStatus( self, status ):
    """ Set common status for all files in the internal cache """
    for lfn in self.statusDict.keys():
      self.statusDict[lfn] = status
    return S_OK()

  def getFiles( self ):
    """ Get the statuses of the files already accumulated in the FileReport object """
    return copy.deepcopy( self.statusDict )

  def commit( self ):
    """ Commit pending file status update records """
    if not self.statusDict:
      return S_OK()

    # create intermediate status dictionary
    sDict = {}
    for lfn, status in self.statusDict.items():
      if not sDict.has_key( status ):
        sDict[status] = []
      sDict[status].append( lfn )

    summaryDict = {}
    failedResults = []
    for status, lfns in sDict.items():
      res = self.transClient.setFileStatusForTransformation( self.transformation, status, lfns )
      if not res['OK']:
        failedResults.append( res )
      for lfn, error in res['Value']['Failed'].items():
        gLogger.error( "Failed to update file status", "%s %s" % ( lfn, error ) )
      if res['Value']['Successful']:
        summaryDict[status] = len( res['Value']['Successful'] )
        for lfn in res['Value']['Successful']:
          self.statusDict.pop( lfn )

    if not self.statusDict:
      return S_OK( summaryDict )
    result = S_ERROR( "Failed to update all file statuses" )
    result['FailedResults'] = failedResults
    return result

  def generateForwardDISET( self ):
    """ Commit the accumulated records and generate request eventually """
    result = self.commit()
    forwardDISETOp = None
    if not result['OK']:
      # Generate Request
      if "FailedResults" in result:
        for res in result['FailedResults']:
          if 'rpcStub' in res:
            forwardDISETOp = Operation()
            forwardDISETOp.Type = "ForwardDISET"
            forwardDISETOp.Arguments = DEncode.encode( res['rpcStub'] )

    return S_OK( forwardDISETOp )
Esempio n. 9
class TransformationCLI(CLI, API):
    def __init__(self):
        self.server = TransformationClient()
        self.indentSpace = 4

    def printPair(self, key, value, separator=":"):
        valueList = value.split("\n")
        print "%s%s%s %s" % (key, " " * (self.indentSpace - len(key)),
                             separator, valueList[0].strip())
        for valueLine in valueList[1:-1]:
            print "%s  %s" % (" " * self.indentSpace, valueLine.strip())

    def do_help(self, args):
        """ Default version of the help command
       Usage: help <command>
       OR use helpall to see description for all commands"""
        CLI.do_help(self, args)

    # overriting default help command
    def do_helpall(self, args):
    Shows help information
        Usage: helpall <command>
        If no command is specified all commands are shown
        if len(args) == 0:
            print "\nAvailable commands:\n"
            attrList = dir(self)
            for attribute in attrList:
                if attribute.find("do_") == 0:
                                   getattr(self, attribute).__doc__[1:])
                    print ""
            command = args.split()[0].strip()
                obj = getattr(self, "do_%s" % command)
                print "There's no such %s command" % command
            self.printPair(command, obj.__doc__[1:])

    def do_shell(self, args):
        """Execute a shell command

       usage !<shell_command>
        comm = args
        res = shellCall(0, comm)
        if res['OK'] and res['Value'][0] == 0:
            _returnCode, stdOut, stdErr = res['Value']
            print "%s\n%s" % (stdOut, stdErr)
            print res['Message']

    def check_params(self, args, num):
        """Checks if the number of parameters correct"""
        argss = args.split()
        length = len(argss)
        if length < num:
            print "Error: Number of arguments provided %d less that required %d, please correct." % (
                length, num)
            return (False, length)
        return (argss, length)

    def check_id_or_name(self, id_or_name):
        """resolve name or Id by converting type of argument """
        if id_or_name.isdigit():
            return long(id_or_name)  # its look like id
        return id_or_name

    # These are the methods for transformation manipulation

    def do_getall(self, args):
        """Get transformation details

       usage: getall [Status] [Status]
        oTrans = Transformation()
        oTrans.getTransformations(transStatus=args.split(), printOutput=True)

    def do_getAllByUser(self, args):
        """Get all transformations created by a given user

The first argument is the authorDN or username. The authorDN
is preferred: it need to be inside quotes because contains
white spaces. Only authorDN should be quoted.

When the username is provided instead, 
the authorDN is retrieved from the uploaded proxy,
so that the retrieved transformations are those created by
the user who uploaded that proxy: that user could be different
that the username provided to the function.

       usage: getAllByUser authorDN or username [Status] [Status]
        oTrans = Transformation()
        argss = args.split()
        username = ""
        author = ""
        status = []
        if not len(argss) > 0:
            print self.do_getAllByUser.__doc__

        # if the user didnt quoted the authorDN ends
        if '=' in argss[0] and argss[0][0] not in ["'", '"']:
            print "AuthorDN need to be quoted (just quote that argument)"

        if argss[0][0] in ["'", '"']:  # authorDN given
            author = argss[0]
            status_idx = 1
            for arg in argss[1:]:
                author += ' ' + arg
                status_idx += 1
                if arg[-1] in ["'", '"']:
            # At this point we should have something like 'author'
            if not author[0] in ["'", '"'] or not author[-1] in ["'", '"']:
                print "AuthorDN need to be quoted (just quote that argument)"
                author = author[1:-1]  # throw away the quotes
            # the rest are the requested status
            status = argss[status_idx:]
        else:  # username given
            username = argss[0]
            status = argss[1:]


    def do_summaryTransformations(self, args):
        """Show the summary for a list of Transformations

    Fields starting with 'F' ('J')  refers to files (jobs).
    Proc. stand for processed.

        Usage: summaryTransformations <ProdID> [<ProdID> ...]
        argss = args.split()
        if not len(argss) > 0:
            print self.do_summaryTransformations.__doc__

        transid = argss
        oTrans = Transformation()

    def do_getStatus(self, args):
        """Get transformation details

       usage: getStatus <transName|ID>
        argss = args.split()
        if not len(argss) > 0:
            print "no transformation supplied"
        for transName in argss:
            res = self.server.getTransformation(transName)
            if not res['OK']:
                print "Getting status of %s failed: %s" % (transName,
                print "%s: %s" % (transName, res['Value']['Status'])

    def do_setStatus(self, args):
        """Set transformation status

       usage: setStatus  <Status> <transName|ID>
       Status <'New' 'Active' 'Stopped' 'Completed' 'Cleaning'>
        argss = args.split()
        if not len(argss) > 1:
            print "transformation and status not supplied"
        status = argss[0]
        transNames = argss[1:]
        for transName in transNames:
            res = self.server.setTransformationParameter(
                transName, 'Status', status)
            if not res['OK']:
                print "Setting status of %s failed: %s" % (transName,
                print "%s set to %s" % (transName, status)

    def do_start(self, args):
        """Start transformation

       usage: start <transName|ID>
        argss = args.split()
        if not len(argss) > 0:
            print "no transformation supplied"
        for transName in argss:
            res = self.server.setTransformationParameter(
                transName, 'Status', 'Active')
            if not res['OK']:
                print "Setting Status of %s failed: %s" % (transName,
                res = self.server.setTransformationParameter(
                    transName, 'AgentType', 'Automatic')
                if not res['OK']:
                    print "Setting AgentType of %s failed: %s" % (
                        transName, res['Message'])
                    print "%s started" % transName

    def do_stop(self, args):
        """Stop transformation

       usage: stop <transID|ID>
        argss = args.split()
        if not len(argss) > 0:
            print "no transformation supplied"
        if not len(argss) > 0:
            print "no transformation supplied"
        for transName in argss:
            res = self.server.setTransformationParameter(
                transName, 'AgentType', 'Manual')
            if not res['OK']:
                print "Stopping of %s failed: %s" % (transName, res['Message'])
                print "%s stopped" % transName

    def do_flush(self, args):
        """Flush transformation

       usage: flush <transName|ID>
        argss = args.split()
        if not len(argss) > 0:
            print "no transformation supplied"
        for transName in argss:
            res = self.server.setTransformationParameter(
                transName, 'Status', 'Flush')
            if not res['OK']:
                print "Flushing of %s failed: %s" % (transName, res['Message'])
                print "%s flushing" % transName

    def do_get(self, args):
        """Get transformation definition

    usage: get <transName|ID>
        argss = args.split()
        if not len(argss) > 0:
            print "no transformation supplied"
        transName = argss[0]
        res = self.server.getTransformation(transName)
        if not res['OK']:
            print "Failed to get %s: %s" % (transName, res['Message'])

    def do_getBody(self, args):
        """Get transformation body

    usage: getBody <transName|ID>
        argss = args.split()
        if not len(argss) > 0:
            print "no transformation supplied"
        transName = argss[0]
        res = self.server.getTransformation(transName)
        if not res['OK']:
            print "Failed to get %s: %s" % (transName, res['Message'])
            print res['Value']['Body']

    def do_getFileStat(self, args):
        """Get transformation file statistics

     usage: getFileStat <transName|ID>
        argss = args.split()
        if not len(argss) > 0:
            print "no transformation supplied"
        transName = argss[0]
        res = self.server.getTransformationStats(transName)
        if not res['OK']:
            print "Failed to get statistics for %s: %s" % (transName,

    def do_modMask(self, args):
        """Modify transformation input definition

       usage: modInput <mask> <transName|ID>
        argss = args.split()
        if not len(argss) > 0:
            print "no transformation supplied"
        mask = argss[0]
        transNames = argss[1:]
        for transName in transNames:
            res = self.server.setTransformationParameter(
                transName, "FileMask", mask)
            if not res['OK']:
                print "Failed to modify input file mask for %s: %s" % (
                    transName, res['Message'])
                print "Updated %s filemask" % transName

    def do_getFiles(self, args):
        """Get files for the transformation (optionally with a given status)

    usage: getFiles <transName|ID> [Status] [Status]
        argss = args.split()
        if not len(argss) > 0:
            print "no transformation supplied"
        transName = argss[0]
        status = argss[1:]
        res = self.server.getTransformation(transName)
        if not res['OK']:
            print "Failed to get transformation information: %s" % res[
            selectDict = {'TransformationID': res['Value']['TransformationID']}
            if status:
                selectDict['Status'] = status
            res = self.server.getTransformationFiles(condDict=selectDict)
            if not res['OK']:
                print "Failed to get transformation files: %s" % res['Message']
            elif res['Value']:
                    ['LFN', 'Status', 'ErrorCount', 'TargetSE', 'LastUpdate'],
                    'LFN', 'LFN')
                print "No files found"

    def do_getFileStatus(self, args):
        """Get file(s) status for the given transformation

    usage: getFileStatus <transName|ID> <lfn> [<lfn>...]
        argss = args.split()
        if len(argss) < 2:
            print "transformation and file not supplied"
        transName = argss[0]
        lfns = argss[1:]

        res = self.server.getTransformation(transName)
        if not res['OK']:
            print "Failed to get transformation information: %s" % res[
            selectDict = {'TransformationID': res['Value']['TransformationID']}
            res = self.server.getTransformationFiles(condDict=selectDict)
            if not res['OK']:
                print "Failed to get transformation files: %s" % res['Message']
            elif res['Value']:
                filesList = []
                for fileDict in res['Value']:
                    if fileDict['LFN'] in lfns:
                if filesList:
                    self._printFormattedDictList(filesList, [
                        'LFN', 'Status', 'ErrorCount', 'TargetSE', 'LastUpdate'
                    ], 'LFN', 'LFN')
                    print "Could not find any LFN in", lfns, "for transformation", transName
                print "No files found"

    def do_getOutputFiles(self, args):
        """Get output files for the transformation

    usage: getOutputFiles <transName|ID>
        argss = args.split()
        if not len(argss) > 0:
            print "no transformation supplied"
        transName = argss[0]
        res = self.server.getTransformation(transName)
        if not res['OK']:
            print "Failed to get transformation information: %s" % res[
            fc = FileCatalog()
            meta = {}
            meta['ProdID'] = transName
            res = fc.findFilesByMetadata(meta)
            if not res['OK']:
                print res['Message']
            if not len(res['Value']) > 0:
                print 'No output files yet for transformation %d' % int(
                for lfn in res['Value']:
                    print lfn

    def do_getInputDataQuery(self, args):
        """Get input data query for the transformation

    usage: getInputDataQuery <transName|ID>
        argss = args.split()
        if not len(argss) > 0:
            print "no transformation supplied"
        transName = argss[0]
        res = self.server.getTransformationInputDataQuery(transName)
        if not res['OK']:
            print "Failed to get transformation input data query: %s" % res[
            print res['Value']

    def do_setFileStatus(self, args):
        """Set file status for the given transformation

    usage: setFileStatus <transName|ID> <lfn> <status>
        argss = args.split()
        if not len(argss) == 3:
            print "transformation file and status not supplied"
        transName = argss[0]
        lfn = argss[1]
        status = argss[2]
        res = self.server.setFileStatusForTransformation(
            transName, status, [lfn])
        if not res['OK']:
            print "Failed to update file status: %s" % res['Message']
            print "Updated file status to %s" % status

    def do_resetFile(self, args):
        """Reset file status for the given transformation

    usage: resetFile <transName|ID> <lfns>
        argss = args.split()
        if not len(argss) > 1:
            print "transformation and file(s) not supplied"
        transName = argss[0]
        lfns = argss[1:]
        res = self.server.setFileStatusForTransformation(
            transName, 'Unused', lfns)
        if not res['OK']:
            print "Failed to reset file status: %s" % res['Message']
            if 'Failed' in res['Value']:
                print "Could not reset some files: "
                for lfn, reason in res['Value']['Failed'].items():
                    print lfn, reason
                print "Updated file statuses to 'Unused' for %d file(s)" % len(

    def do_resetProcessedFile(self, args):
        """ Reset file status for the given transformation
        usage: resetFile <transName|ID> <lfn>
        argss = args.split()

        if not len(argss) > 1:
            print "transformation and file(s) not supplied"
        transName = argss[0]
        lfns = argss[1:]
        res = self.server.setFileStatusForTransformation(transName,
        if not res['OK']:
            print "Failed to reset file status: %s" % res['Message']
            if 'Failed' in res['Value'] and res['Value']['Failed']:
                print "Could not reset some files: "
                for lfn, reason in res['Value']['Failed'].items():
                    print lfn, reason
                print "Updated file statuses to 'Unused' for %d file(s)" % len(

    # These are the methods for file manipulation

    def do_addDirectory(self, args):
        """Add files from the given catalog directory

    usage: addDirectory <directory> [directory]
        argss = args.split()
        if not len(argss) > 0:
            print "no directory supplied"
        for directory in argss:
            res = self.server.addDirectory(directory, force=True)
            if not res['OK']:
                print 'failed to add directory %s: %s' % (directory,
                print 'added %s files for %s' % (res['Value'], directory)

    def do_replicas(self, args):
        """ Get replicas for <path>

        usage: replicas <lfn> [lfn]
        argss = args.split()
        if not len(argss) > 0:
            print "no files supplied"
        res = self.server.getReplicas(argss)
        if not res['OK']:
            print "failed to get any replica information: %s" % res['Message']
        for lfn in sorted(res['Value']['Failed'].keys()):
            error = res['Value']['Failed'][lfn]
            print "failed to get replica information for %s: %s" % (lfn, error)
        for lfn in sorted(res['Value']['Successful'].keys()):
            ses = sorted(res['Value']['Successful'][lfn].keys())
            outStr = "%s :" % lfn.ljust(100)
            for se in ses:
                outStr = "%s %s" % (outStr, se.ljust(15))
            print outStr

    def do_addFile(self, args):
        """Add new files to transformation DB

    usage: addFile <lfn> [lfn]
        argss = args.split()
        if not len(argss) > 0:
            print "no files supplied"
        lfnDict = {}
        for lfn in argss:
            lfnDict[lfn] = {
                'PFN': 'IGNORED-PFN',
                'SE': 'IGNORED-SE',
                'Size': 0,
                'GUID': 'IGNORED-GUID',
                'Checksum': 'IGNORED-CHECKSUM'
        res = self.server.addFile(lfnDict, force=True)
        if not res['OK']:
            print "failed to add any files: %s" % res['Message']
        for lfn in sorted(res['Value']['Failed'].keys()):
            error = res['Value']['Failed'][lfn]
            print "failed to add %s: %s" % (lfn, error)
        for lfn in sorted(res['Value']['Successful'].keys()):
            print "added %s" % lfn

    def do_removeFile(self, args):
        """Remove file from transformation DB

    usage: removeFile <lfn> [lfn]
        argss = args.split()
        if not len(argss) > 0:
            print "no files supplied"
        res = self.server.removeFile(argss)
        if not res['OK']:
            print "failed to remove any files: %s" % res['Message']
        for lfn in sorted(res['Value']['Failed'].keys()):
            error = res['Value']['Failed'][lfn]
            print "failed to remove %s: %s" % (lfn, error)
        for lfn in sorted(res['Value']['Successful'].keys()):
            print "removed %s" % lfn

    def do_addReplica(self, args):
        """ Add new replica to the transformation DB

    usage: addReplica <lfn> <se>
        argss = args.split()
        if not len(argss) == 2:
            print "no file info supplied"
        lfn = argss[0]
        se = argss[1]
        lfnDict = {}
        lfnDict[lfn] = {
            'PFN': 'IGNORED-PFN',
            'SE': se,
            'Size': 0,
            'GUID': 'IGNORED-GUID',
            'Checksum': 'IGNORED-CHECKSUM'
        res = self.server.addReplica(lfnDict, force=True)
        if not res['OK']:
            print "failed to add replica: %s" % res['Message']
        for lfn in sorted(res['Value']['Failed'].keys()):
            error = res['Value']['Failed'][lfn]
            print "failed to add replica: %s" % (error)
        for lfn in sorted(res['Value']['Successful'].keys()):
            print "added %s" % lfn

    def do_removeReplica(self, args):
        """Remove replica from the transformation DB

    usage: removeReplica <lfn> <se>
        argss = args.split()
        if not len(argss) == 2:
            print "no file info supplied"
        lfn = argss[0]
        se = argss[1]
        lfnDict = {}
        lfnDict[lfn] = {
            'PFN': 'IGNORED-PFN',
            'SE': se,
            'Size': 0,
            'GUID': 'IGNORED-GUID',
            'Checksum': 'IGNORED-CHECKSUM'
        res = self.server.removeReplica(lfnDict)
        if not res['OK']:
            print "failed to remove replica: %s" % res['Message']
        for lfn in sorted(res['Value']['Failed'].keys()):
            error = res['Value']['Failed'][lfn]
            print "failed to remove replica: %s" % (error)
        for lfn in sorted(res['Value']['Successful'].keys()):
            print "removed %s" % lfn

    def do_setReplicaStatus(self, args):
        """Set replica status, usually used to mark a replica Problematic

    usage: setReplicaStatus <lfn> <status> <se>
        argss = args.split()
        if not len(argss) > 2:
            print "no file info supplied"
        lfn = argss[0]
        status = argss[1]
        se = argss[2]
        lfnDict = {}
        lfnDict[lfn] = {
            'Status': status,
            'PFN': 'IGNORED-PFN',
            'SE': se,
            'Size': 0,
            'GUID': 'IGNORED-GUID',
            'Checksum': 'IGNORED-CHECKSUM'
        res = self.server.setReplicaStatus(lfnDict)
        if not res['OK']:
            print "failed to set replica status: %s" % res['Message']
        for lfn in sorted(res['Value']['Failed'].keys()):
            error = res['Value']['Failed'][lfn]
            print "failed to set replica status: %s" % (error)
        for lfn in sorted(res['Value']['Successful'].keys()):
            print "updated replica status %s" % lfn
Esempio n. 10
class FileReport:
    ''' A stateful object for reporting to TransformationDB
    def __init__(self, server='Transformation/TransformationManager'):
        self.client = TransformationClient()
        self.statusDict = {}
        self.transformation = None

    def setFileStatus(self, transformation, lfn, status, sendFlag=False):
        ''' Set file status in the context of the given transformation '''
        if not self.transformation:
            self.transformation = transformation
        self.statusDict[lfn] = status
        if sendFlag:
            return self.commit()
        return S_OK()

    def setCommonStatus(self, status):
        ''' Set common status for all files in the internal cache '''
        for lfn in self.statusDict.keys():
            self.statusDict[lfn] = status
        return S_OK()

    def getFiles(self):
        ''' Get the statuses of the files already accumulated in the FileReport object '''
        return copy.deepcopy(self.statusDict)

    def commit(self):
        ''' Commit pending file status update records '''
        if not self.statusDict:
            return S_OK()

        # create intermediate status dictionary
        sDict = {}
        for lfn, status in self.statusDict.items():
            if not sDict.has_key(status):
                sDict[status] = []

        summaryDict = {}
        failedResults = []
        for status, lfns in sDict.items():
            res = self.client.setFileStatusForTransformation(
                self.transformation, status, lfns)
            if not res['OK']:
            for lfn, error in res['Value']['Failed'].items():
                gLogger.error("Failed to update file status",
                              "%s %s" % (lfn, error))
            if res['Value']['Successful']:
                summaryDict[status] = len(res['Value']['Successful'])
                for lfn in res['Value']['Successful']:

        if not self.statusDict:
            return S_OK(summaryDict)
        result = S_ERROR("Failed to update all file statuses")
        result['FailedResults'] = failedResults
        return result

    def generateRequest(self):
        ''' Commit the accumulated records and generate request eventually '''
        result = self.commit()
        request = None
        if not result['OK']:
            # Generate Request
            request = RequestContainer()
            if result.has_key('FailedResults'):
                for res in result['FailedResults']:
                    if res.has_key('rpcStub'):
        return S_OK(request)
Esempio n. 11
class TransformationCLI( cmd.Cmd, API ):

  def __init__( self ):
    self.server = TransformationClient()
    self.indentSpace = 4
    cmd.Cmd.__init__( self )
    API.__init__( self )

  def printPair( self, key, value, separator = ":" ):
    valueList = value.split( "\n" )
    print "%s%s%s %s" % ( key, " " * ( self.indentSpace - len( key ) ), separator, valueList[0].strip() )
    for valueLine in valueList[ 1:-1 ]:
      print "%s  %s" % ( " " * self.indentSpace, valueLine.strip() )

  def do_exit( self, args ):
    """ Exits the shell.
        usage: exit
    sys.exit( 0 )

  def do_quit( self, *args ):
    """ Exits the shell.
        Usage: quit
    sys.exit( 0 )

  def do_help( self, args ):
    """ Default version of the help command
       Usage: help <command>
       OR use helpall to see description for all commands"""
    cmd.Cmd.do_help( self, args )

  # overriting default help command
  def do_helpall( self, args ):
    Shows help information
        Usage: helpall <command>
        If no command is specified all commands are shown
    if len( args ) == 0:
      print "\nAvailable commands:\n"
      attrList = dir( self )
      for attribute in attrList:
        if attribute.find( "do_" ) == 0:
          self.printPair( attribute[ 3: ], getattr( self, attribute ).__doc__[ 1: ] )
          print ""
      command = args.split()[0].strip()
        obj = getattr( self, "do_%s" % command )
        print "There's no such %s command" % command
      self.printPair( command, obj.__doc__[1:] )

  def do_shell( self, args ):
    """Execute a shell command

       usage !<shell_command>
    comm = args
    res = shellCall( 0, comm )
    if res['OK'] and res['Value'][0] == 0:
      _returnCode, stdOut, stdErr = res['Value']
      print "%s\n%s" % ( stdOut, stdErr )
      print res['Message']

  def check_params( self, args, num ):
    """Checks if the number of parameters correct"""
    argss = args.split()
    length = len( argss )
    if length < num:
      print "Error: Number of arguments provided %d less that required %d, please correct." % ( length, num )
      return ( False, length )
    return ( argss, length )

  def check_id_or_name( self, id_or_name ):
    """resolve name or Id by converting type of argument """
    if id_or_name.isdigit():
      return long( id_or_name ) # its look like id
    return id_or_name

  # These are the methods for transformation manipulation

  def do_getall( self, args ):
    """Get transformation details

       usage: getall [Status] [Status]
    oTrans = Transformation()
    oTrans.getTransformations( transStatus = args.split(), printOutput = True )

  def do_getAllByUser( self, args ):
    """Get all transformations created by a given user

The first argument is the authorDN or username. The authorDN
is preferred: it need to be inside quotes because contains
white spaces. Only authorDN should be quoted.

When the username is provided instead, 
the authorDN is retrieved from the uploaded proxy,
so that the retrieved transformations are those created by
the user who uploaded that proxy: that user could be different
that the username provided to the function.

       usage: getAllByUser authorDN or username [Status] [Status]
    oTrans = Transformation()
    argss = args.split()
    username = ""
    author = ""
    status = []
    if not len( argss ) > 0:
      print self.do_getAllByUser.__doc__

    # if the user didnt quoted the authorDN ends
    if '=' in argss[0] and argss[0][0] not in ["'", '"']:
      print "AuthorDN need to be quoted (just quote that argument)"

    if argss[0][0] in ["'", '"']: # authorDN given
      author = argss[0]
      status_idx = 1
      for arg in argss[1:]:
        author += ' ' + arg
        status_idx +=1
        if arg[-1] in ["'", '"']:
      # At this point we should have something like 'author'
      if not author[0] in ["'", '"'] or not author[-1] in ["'", '"']:
        print "AuthorDN need to be quoted (just quote that argument)"
        author = author[1:-1] # throw away the quotes
      # the rest are the requested status
      status = argss[ status_idx: ]
    else: # username given
      username = argss[0]
      status = argss[ 1: ]

    oTrans.getTransformationsByUser( authorDN = author, userName = username, transStatus = status, printOutput = True )

  def do_summaryTransformations( self, args ):
    """Show the summary for a list of Transformations

    Fields starting with 'F' ('J')  refers to files (jobs).
    Proc. stand for processed.

        Usage: summaryTransformations <ProdID> [<ProdID> ...]
    argss = args.split()
    if not len( argss ) > 0:
      print self.do_summaryTransformations.__doc__

    transid = argss
    oTrans = Transformation()
    oTrans.getSummaryTransformations( transID = transid )

  def do_getStatus( self, args ):
    """Get transformation details

       usage: getStatus <transName|ID>
    argss = args.split()
    if not len( argss ) > 0:
      print "no transformation supplied"
    for transName in argss:
      res = self.server.getTransformation( transName )
      if not res['OK']:
        print "Getting status of %s failed: %s" % ( transName, res['Message'] )
        print "%s: %s" % ( transName, res['Value']['Status'] )

  def do_setStatus( self, args ):
    """Set transformation status

       usage: setStatus  <Status> <transName|ID>
       Status <'New' 'Active' 'Stopped' 'Completed' 'Cleaning'>
    argss = args.split()
    if not len( argss ) > 1:
      print "transformation and status not supplied"
    status = argss[0]
    transNames = argss[1:]
    for transName in transNames:
      res = self.server.setTransformationParameter( transName, 'Status', status )
      if not res['OK']:
        print "Setting status of %s failed: %s" % ( transName, res['Message'] )
        print "%s set to %s" % ( transName, status )

  def do_start( self, args ):
    """Start transformation

       usage: start <transName|ID>
    argss = args.split()
    if not len( argss ) > 0:
      print "no transformation supplied"
    for transName in argss:
      res = self.server.setTransformationParameter( transName, 'Status', 'Active' )
      if not res['OK']:
        print "Setting Status of %s failed: %s" % ( transName, res['Message'] )
        res = self.server.setTransformationParameter( transName, 'AgentType', 'Automatic' )
        if not res['OK']:
          print "Setting AgentType of %s failed: %s" % ( transName, res['Message'] )
          print "%s started" % transName

  def do_stop( self, args ):
    """Stop transformation

       usage: stop <transID|ID>
    argss = args.split()
    if not len( argss ) > 0:
      print "no transformation supplied"
    if not len( argss ) > 0:
      print "no transformation supplied"
    for transName in argss:
      res = self.server.setTransformationParameter( transName, 'AgentType', 'Manual' )
      if not res['OK']:
        print "Stopping of %s failed: %s" % ( transName, res['Message'] )
        print "%s stopped" % transName

  def do_flush( self, args ):
    """Flush transformation

       usage: flush <transName|ID>
    argss = args.split()
    if not len( argss ) > 0:
      print "no transformation supplied"
    for transName in argss:
      res = self.server.setTransformationParameter( transName, 'Status', 'Flush' )
      if not res['OK']:
        print "Flushing of %s failed: %s" % ( transName, res['Message'] )
        print "%s flushing" % transName

  def do_get( self, args ):
    """Get transformation definition

    usage: get <transName|ID>
    argss = args.split()
    if not len( argss ) > 0:
      print "no transformation supplied"
    transName = argss[0]
    res = self.server.getTransformation( transName )
    if not res['OK']:
      print "Failed to get %s: %s" % ( transName, res['Message'] )
      res['Value'].pop( 'Body' )
      printDict( res['Value'] )

  def do_getBody( self, args ):
    """Get transformation body

    usage: getBody <transName|ID>
    argss = args.split()
    if not len( argss ) > 0:
      print "no transformation supplied"
    transName = argss[0]
    res = self.server.getTransformation( transName )
    if not res['OK']:
      print "Failed to get %s: %s" % ( transName, res['Message'] )
      print res['Value']['Body']

  def do_getFileStat( self, args ):
    """Get transformation file statistics

     usage: getFileStat <transName|ID>
    argss = args.split()
    if not len( argss ) > 0:
      print "no transformation supplied"
    transName = argss[0]
    res = self.server.getTransformationStats( transName )
    if not res['OK']:
      print "Failed to get statistics for %s: %s" % ( transName, res['Message'] )
      res['Value'].pop( 'Total' )
      printDict( res['Value'] )

  def do_modMask( self, args ):
    """Modify transformation input definition

       usage: modInput <mask> <transName|ID>
    argss = args.split()
    if not len( argss ) > 0:
      print "no transformation supplied"
    mask = argss[0]
    transNames = argss[1:]
    for transName in transNames:
      res = self.server.setTransformationParameter( transName, "FileMask", mask )
      if not res['OK']:
        print "Failed to modify input file mask for %s: %s" % ( transName, res['Message'] )
        print "Updated %s filemask" % transName

  def do_getFiles( self, args ):
    """Get files for the transformation (optionally with a given status)

    usage: getFiles <transName|ID> [Status] [Status]
    argss = args.split()
    if not len( argss ) > 0:
      print "no transformation supplied"
    transName = argss[0]
    status = argss[1:]
    res = self.server.getTransformation( transName )
    if not res['OK']:
      print "Failed to get transformation information: %s" % res['Message']
      selectDict = {'TransformationID':res['Value']['TransformationID']}
      if status:
        selectDict['Status'] = status
      res = self.server.getTransformationFiles( condDict = selectDict )
      if not res['OK']:
        print "Failed to get transformation files: %s" % res['Message']
      elif res['Value']:
        self._printFormattedDictList( res['Value'], ['LFN', 'Status', 'ErrorCount', 'TargetSE', 'LastUpdate'],
                                      'LFN', 'LFN' )
        print "No files found"

  def do_getFileStatus( self, args ):
    """Get file(s) status for the given transformation

    usage: getFileStatus <transName|ID> <lfn> [<lfn>...]
    argss = args.split()
    if len( argss ) < 2:
      print "transformation and file not supplied"
    transName = argss[0]
    lfns = argss[1:]

    res = self.server.getTransformation( transName )
    if not res['OK']:
      print "Failed to get transformation information: %s" % res['Message']
      selectDict = {'TransformationID':res['Value']['TransformationID']}
      res = self.server.getTransformationFiles( condDict = selectDict )
      if not res['OK']:
        print "Failed to get transformation files: %s" % res['Message']
      elif res['Value']:
        filesList = []
        for fileDict in res['Value']:
          if fileDict['LFN'] in lfns:
            filesList.append( fileDict )
        if  filesList:
          self._printFormattedDictList( filesList, ['LFN', 'Status', 'ErrorCount', 'TargetSE', 'LastUpdate'],
                                        'LFN', 'LFN' )
          print "Could not find any LFN in", lfns, "for transformation", transName
        print "No files found"

  def do_getOutputFiles( self, args ):
    """Get output files for the transformation

    usage: getOutputFiles <transName|ID>
    argss = args.split()
    if not len( argss ) > 0:
      print "no transformation supplied"
    transName = argss[0]
    res = self.server.getTransformation( transName )
    if not res['OK']:
      print "Failed to get transformation information: %s" % res['Message']
      fc = FileCatalog()
      meta = {}
      meta ['ProdID'] = transName
      res = fc.findFilesByMetadata( meta )
      if not res['OK']:
        print res['Message']
      if not len( res['Value'] ) > 0:
        print 'No output files yet for transformation %d' %int(transName)
        for lfn in res['Value']:
          print lfn

  def do_getInputDataQuery( self, args ):
    """Get input data query for the transformation

    usage: getInputDataQuery <transName|ID>
    argss = args.split()
    if not len( argss ) > 0:
      print "no transformation supplied"
    transName = argss[0]
    res = self.server.getTransformationInputDataQuery( transName )
    if not res['OK']:
      print "Failed to get transformation input data query: %s" % res['Message']
      print res['Value']

  def do_setFileStatus( self, args ):
    """Set file status for the given transformation

    usage: setFileStatus <transName|ID> <lfn> <status>
    argss = args.split()
    if not len( argss ) == 3:
      print "transformation file and status not supplied"
    transName = argss[0]
    lfn = argss[1]
    status = argss[2]
    res = self.server.setFileStatusForTransformation( transName, status, [lfn] )
    if not res['OK']:
      print "Failed to update file status: %s" % res['Message']
      print "Updated file status to %s" % status

  def do_resetFile( self, args ):
    """Reset file status for the given transformation

    usage: resetFile <transName|ID> <lfns>
    argss = args.split()
    if not len( argss ) > 1:
      print "transformation and file(s) not supplied"
    transName = argss[0]
    lfns = argss[1:]
    res = self.server.setFileStatusForTransformation( transName, 'Unused', lfns )
    if not res['OK']:
      print "Failed to reset file status: %s" % res['Message']
      if 'Failed' in res['Value']:
        print "Could not reset some files: "
        for lfn, reason in res['Value']['Failed'].items():
          print lfn, reason
        print "Updated file statuses to 'Unused' for %d file(s)" % len( lfns )

  def do_resetProcessedFile( self, args ):
    """ Reset file status for the given transformation
        usage: resetFile <transName|ID> <lfn>
    argss = args.split() 
    if not len( argss ) > 1:
      print "transformation and file(s) not supplied"
    transName = argss[0]
    lfns = argss[1:]
    res = self.server.setFileStatusForTransformation( transName, 'Unused', lfns, force = True )
    if not res['OK']:
      print "Failed to reset file status: %s" % res['Message']
      if res['Value']['Failed']:
        print "Could not reset some files: "
        for lfn, reason in res['Value']['Failed'].items():
          print lfn, reason
        print "Updated file statuses to 'Unused' for %d file(s)" % len( lfns )

  # These are the methods for file manipulation

  def do_addDirectory( self, args ):
    """Add files from the given catalog directory

    usage: addDirectory <directory> [directory]
    argss = args.split()
    if not len( argss ) > 0:
      print "no directory supplied"
    for directory in argss:
      res = self.server.addDirectory( directory, force = True )
      if not res['OK']:
        print 'failed to add directory %s: %s' % ( directory, res['Message'] )
        print 'added %s files for %s' % ( res['Value'], directory )

  def do_replicas( self, args ):
    """ Get replicas for <path>

        usage: replicas <lfn> [lfn]
    argss = args.split()
    if not len( argss ) > 0:
      print "no files supplied"
    res = self.server.getReplicas( argss )
    if not res['OK']:
      print "failed to get any replica information: %s" % res['Message']
    for lfn in sorted( res['Value']['Failed'].keys() ):
      error = res['Value']['Failed'][lfn]
      print "failed to get replica information for %s: %s" % ( lfn, error )
    for lfn in sorted( res['Value']['Successful'].keys() ):
      ses = sorted( res['Value']['Successful'][lfn].keys() )
      outStr = "%s :" % lfn.ljust( 100 )
      for se in ses:
        outStr = "%s %s" % ( outStr, se.ljust( 15 ) )
      print outStr

  def do_addFile( self, args ):
    """Add new files to transformation DB

    usage: addFile <lfn> [lfn]
    argss = args.split()
    if not len( argss ) > 0:
      print "no files supplied"
    lfnDict = {}
    for lfn in argss:
      lfnDict[lfn] = {'PFN':'IGNORED-PFN', 'SE':'IGNORED-SE', 'Size':0, 'GUID':'IGNORED-GUID',
    res = self.server.addFile( lfnDict, force = True )
    if not res['OK']:
      print "failed to add any files: %s" % res['Message']
    for lfn in sorted( res['Value']['Failed'].keys() ):
      error = res['Value']['Failed'][lfn]
      print "failed to add %s: %s" % ( lfn, error )
    for lfn in sorted( res['Value']['Successful'].keys() ):
      print "added %s" % lfn

  def do_removeFile( self, args ):
    """Remove file from transformation DB

    usage: removeFile <lfn> [lfn]
    argss = args.split()
    if not len( argss ) > 0:
      print "no files supplied"
    res = self.server.removeFile( argss )
    if not res['OK']:
      print "failed to remove any files: %s" % res['Message']
    for lfn in sorted( res['Value']['Failed'].keys() ):
      error = res['Value']['Failed'][lfn]
      print "failed to remove %s: %s" % ( lfn, error )
    for lfn in sorted( res['Value']['Successful'].keys() ):
      print "removed %s" % lfn

  def do_addReplica( self, args ):
    """ Add new replica to the transformation DB

    usage: addReplica <lfn> <se>
    argss = args.split()
    if not len( argss ) == 2:
      print "no file info supplied"
    lfn = argss[0]
    se = argss[1]
    lfnDict = {}
    lfnDict[lfn] = {'PFN':'IGNORED-PFN', 'SE':se, 'Size':0, 'GUID':'IGNORED-GUID', 'Checksum':'IGNORED-CHECKSUM'}
    res = self.server.addReplica( lfnDict, force = True )
    if not res['OK']:
      print "failed to add replica: %s" % res['Message']
    for lfn in sorted( res['Value']['Failed'].keys() ):
      error = res['Value']['Failed'][lfn]
      print "failed to add replica: %s" % ( error )
    for lfn in sorted( res['Value']['Successful'].keys() ):
      print "added %s" % lfn

  def do_removeReplica( self, args ):
    """Remove replica from the transformation DB

    usage: removeReplica <lfn> <se>
    argss = args.split()
    if not len( argss ) == 2:
      print "no file info supplied"
    lfn = argss[0]
    se = argss[1]
    lfnDict = {}
    lfnDict[lfn] = {'PFN':'IGNORED-PFN', 'SE':se, 'Size':0, 'GUID':'IGNORED-GUID', 'Checksum':'IGNORED-CHECKSUM'}
    res = self.server.removeReplica( lfnDict )
    if not res['OK']:
      print "failed to remove replica: %s" % res['Message']
    for lfn in sorted( res['Value']['Failed'].keys() ):
      error = res['Value']['Failed'][lfn]
      print "failed to remove replica: %s" % ( error )
    for lfn in sorted( res['Value']['Successful'].keys() ):
      print "removed %s" % lfn

  def do_setReplicaStatus( self, args ):
    """Set replica status, usually used to mark a replica Problematic

    usage: setReplicaStatus <lfn> <status> <se>
    argss = args.split()
    if not len( argss ) > 2:
      print "no file info supplied"
    lfn = argss[0]
    status = argss[1]
    se = argss[2]
    lfnDict = {}
    lfnDict[lfn] = {'Status':status, 'PFN':'IGNORED-PFN', 'SE':se, 'Size':0, 'GUID':'IGNORED-GUID', 'Checksum':'IGNORED-CHECKSUM'}
    res = self.server.setReplicaStatus( lfnDict )
    if not res['OK']:
      print "failed to set replica status: %s" % res['Message']
    for lfn in sorted( res['Value']['Failed'].keys() ):
      error = res['Value']['Failed'][lfn]
      print "failed to set replica status: %s" % ( error )
    for lfn in sorted( res['Value']['Successful'].keys() ):
      print "updated replica status %s" % lfn
Esempio n. 12
class TransformationCLI(cmd.Cmd, API):
    def __init__(self):
        self.server = TransformationClient()
        self.indentSpace = 4

    def printPair(self, key, value, separator=":"):
        valueList = value.split("\n")
        print "%s%s%s %s" % (key, " " * (self.indentSpace - len(key)),
                             separator, valueList[0].strip())
        for valueLine in valueList[1:-1]:
            print "%s  %s" % (" " * self.indentSpace, valueLine.strip())

    def do_exit(self, args):
        """ Exits the shell.
        usage: exit

    def do_quit(self, *args):
        """ Exits the shell.
        Usage: quit

    def do_help(self, args):
        """ Default version of the help command
       Usage: help <command>
       OR use helpall to see description for all commans"""
        cmd.Cmd.do_help(self, args)

    # overriting default help command
    def do_helpall(self, args):
    Shows help information
        Usage: helpall <command>
        If no command is specified all commands are shown
        if len(args) == 0:
            print "\nAvailable commands:\n"
            attrList = dir(self)
            for attribute in attrList:
                if attribute.find("do_") == 0:
                                   getattr(self, attribute).__doc__[1:])
                    print ""
            command = args.split()[0].strip()
                obj = getattr(self, "do_%s" % command)
                print "There's no such %s command" % command
            self.printPair(command, obj.__doc__[1:])

    def do_shell(self, args):
        """Execute a shell command

       usage !<shell_command>
        comm = args
        res = shellCall(0, comm)
        if res['OK'] and res['Value'][0] == 0:
            returnCode, stdOut, stdErr = res['Value']
            print "%s\n%s" % (stdOut, stdErr)
            print res['Message']

    def check_params(self, args, num):
        """Checks if the number of parameters correct"""
        argss = string.split(args)
        length = len(argss)
        if length < num:
            print "Error: Number of arguments provided %d less that required %d, please correct." % (
                length, num)
            return (False, length)
        return (argss, length)

    def check_id_or_name(self, id_or_name):
        """resolve name or Id by converting type of argument """
        if id_or_name.isdigit():
            return long(id_or_name)  # its look like id
        return id_or_name

    def do_setServer(self, args):
        """ Set the destination server

        usage: setServer serverURL
        argss = string.split(args)
        if len(argss) == 0:
            print "no server provided"
        self.serverURL = argss[0]

    # These are the methods for transformation manipulation

    def do_getall(self, args):
        """Get transformation details

       usage: getall [Status] [Status]
        oTrans = Transformation()

    def do_getStatus(self, args):
        """Get transformation details

       usage: getStatus <transName|ID>
        argss = string.split(args)
        if not len(argss) > 0:
            print "no transformation supplied"
        for transName in argss:
            res = self.server.getTransformation(transName)
            if not res['OK']:
                print "Getting status of %s failed: %s" % (transName,
                print "%s: %s" % (transName, res['Value']['Status'])

    def do_setStatus(self, args):
        """Set transformation status

       usage: setStatus  <Status> <transName|ID>
       Status <'New' 'Active' 'Stopped' 'Completed' 'Cleaning'>
        argss = string.split(args)
        if not len(argss) > 1:
            print "transformation and status not supplied"
        status = argss[0]
        transNames = argss[1:]
        for transName in transNames:
            res = self.server.setTransformationParameter(
                transName, 'Status', status)
            if not res['OK']:
                print "Setting status of %s failed: %s" % (transName,
                print "%s set to %s" % (transName, status)

    def do_start(self, args):
        """Start transformation

       usage: start <transName|ID>
        argss = string.split(args)
        if not len(argss) > 0:
            print "no transformation supplied"
        for transName in argss:
            res = self.server.setTransformationParameter(
                transName, 'Status', 'Active')
            if not res['OK']:
                print "Setting Status of %s failed: %s" % (transName,
                res = self.server.setTransformationParameter(
                    transName, 'AgentType', 'Automatic')
                if not res['OK']:
                    print "Setting AgentType of %s failed: %s" % (
                        transName, res['Message'])
                    print "%s started" % transName

    def do_stop(self, args):
        """Stop transformation

       usage: stop <transID|ID>
        argss = string.split(args)
        if not len(argss) > 0:
            print "no transformation supplied"
        if not len(argss) > 0:
            print "no transformation supplied"
        for transName in argss:
            res = self.server.setTransformationParameter(
                transName, 'AgentType', 'Manual')
            if not res['OK']:
                print "Stopping of %s failed: %s" % (transName, res['Message'])
                print "%s stopped" % transName

    def do_flush(self, args):
        """Flush transformation

       usage: flush <transName|ID>
        argss = string.split(args)
        if not len(argss) > 0:
            print "no transformation supplied"
        for transName in argss:
            res = self.server.setTransformationParameter(
                transName, 'Status', 'Flush')
            if not res['OK']:
                print "Flushing of %s failed: %s" % (transName, res['Message'])
                print "%s flushing" % transName

    def do_get(self, args):
        """Get transformation definition

    usage: get <transName|ID>
        argss = string.split(args)
        if not len(argss) > 0:
            print "no transformation supplied"
        transName = argss[0]
        res = self.server.getTransformation(transName)
        if not res['OK']:
            print "Failed to get %s: %s" % (transName, res['Message'])

    def do_getBody(self, args):
        """Get transformation body

    usage: getBody <transName|ID>
        argss = string.split(args)
        if not len(argss) > 0:
            print "no transformation supplied"
        transName = argss[0]
        res = self.server.getTransformation(transName)
        if not res['OK']:
            print "Failed to get %s: %s" % (transName, res['Message'])
            print res['Value']['Body']

    def do_getFileStat(self, args):
        """Get transformation file statistics

     usage: getFileStat <transName|ID>
        argss = string.split(args)
        if not len(argss) > 0:
            print "no transformation supplied"
        transName = argss[0]
        res = self.server.getTransformationStats(transName)
        if not res['OK']:
            print "Failed to get statistics for %s: %s" % (transName,

    def do_modMask(self, args):
        """Modify transformation input definition

       usage: modInput <mask> <transName|ID>
        argss = string.split(args)
        if not len(argss) > 0:
            print "no transformation supplied"
        mask = argss[0]
        transNames = argss[1:]
        for transName in transNames:
            res = self.server.setTransformationParameter(
                transName, "FileMask", mask)
            if not res['OK']:
                print "Failed to modify input file mask for %s: %s" % (
                    transName, res['Message'])
                print "Updated %s filemask" % transName

    def do_getFiles(self, args):
        """Get files for the transformation (optionally with a given status)

    usage: getFiles <transName|ID> [Status] [Status]
        argss = string.split(args)
        if not len(argss) > 0:
            print "no transformation supplied"
        transName = argss[0]
        status = argss[1:]
        res = self.server.getTransformation(transName)
        if not res['OK']:
            print "Failed to get transformation information: %s" % res[
            selectDict = {'TransformationID': res['Value']['TransformationID']}
            if status:
                selectDict['Status'] = status
            res = self.server.getTransformationFiles(condDict=selectDict)
            if not res['OK']:
                print "Failed to get transformation files: %s" % res['Message']
            elif res['Value']:
                    ['LFN', 'Status', 'ErrorCount', 'TargetSE', 'LastUpdate'],
                    'LFN', 'LFN')
                print "No files found"

    def do_getFileStatus(self, args):
        """Get file(s) status for the given transformation

    usage: getFileStatus <transName|ID> <lfn> [<lfn>...]
        argss = string.split(args)
        if len(argss) < 2:
            print "transformation and file not supplied"
        transName = argss[0]
        lfns = argss[1:]

        res = self.server.getTransformation(transName)
        if not res['OK']:
            print "Failed to get transformation information: %s" % res[
            selectDict = {'TransformationID': res['Value']['TransformationID']}
            res = self.server.getTransformationFiles(condDict=selectDict)
            if not res['OK']:
                print "Failed to get transformation files: %s" % res['Message']
            elif res['Value']:
                filesList = []
                for fileDict in res['Value']:
                    if fileDict['LFN'] in lfns:
                if filesList:
                    self._printFormattedDictList(filesList, [
                        'LFN', 'Status', 'ErrorCount', 'TargetSE', 'LastUpdate'
                    ], 'LFN', 'LFN')
                    print "Could not find any LFN in", lfns, "for transformation", transName
                print "No files found"

    def do_setFileStatus(self, args):
        """Set file status for the given transformation

    usage: setFileStatus <transName|ID> <lfn> <status>
        argss = string.split(args)
        if not len(argss) == 3:
            print "transformation file and status not supplied"
        transName = argss[0]
        lfn = argss[1]
        status = argss[2]
        res = self.server.setFileStatusForTransformation(
            transName, status, [lfn])
        if not res['OK']:
            print "Failed to update file status: %s" % res['Message']
            print "Updated file status to %s" % status

    def do_resetFile(self, args):
        """Reset file status for the given transformation

    usage: setFileStatus <transName|ID> <lfn>
        argss = string.split(args)
        if not len(argss) > 1:
            print "transformation and file(s) not supplied"
        transName = argss[0]
        lfns = argss[1:]
        res = self.server.setFileStatusForTransformation(
            transName, 'Unused', lfns)
        if not res['OK']:
            print "Failed to reset file status: %s" % res['Message']
            print "Updated file statuses to 'Unused' for %d file(s)" % len(

    # These are the methods for file manipulation

    def do_addDirectory(self, args):
        """Add files from the given catalog directory

    usage: addDirectory <directory> [directory]
        argss = string.split(args)
        if not len(argss) > 0:
            print "no directory supplied"
        for directory in argss:
            res = self.server.addDirectory(directory, force=True)
            if not res['OK']:
                print 'failed to add directory %s: %s' % (directory,
                print 'added %s files for %s' % (res['Value'], directory)

    def do_replicas(self, args):
        """ Get replicas for <path>

        usage: replicas <lfn> [lfn]
        argss = string.split(args)
        if not len(argss) > 0:
            print "no files supplied"
        res = self.server.getReplicas(argss)
        if not res['OK']:
            print "failed to get any replica information: %s" % res['Message']
        for lfn in sortList(res['Value']['Failed'].keys()):
            error = res['Value']['Failed'][lfn]
            print "failed to get replica information for %s: %s" % (lfn, error)
        for lfn in sortList(res['Value']['Successful'].keys()):
            ses = sortList(res['Value']['Successful'][lfn].keys())
            outStr = "%s :" % lfn.ljust(100)
            for se in ses:
                outStr = "%s %s" % (outStr, se.ljust(15))
            print outStr

    def do_addFile(self, args):
        """Add new files to transformation DB

    usage: addFile <lfn> [lfn]
        argss = string.split(args)
        if not len(argss) > 0:
            print "no files supplied"
        lfnDict = {}
        for lfn in argss:
            lfnDict[lfn] = {
                'PFN': 'IGNORED-PFN',
                'SE': 'IGNORED-SE',
                'Size': 0,
                'GUID': 'IGNORED-GUID',
                'Checksum': 'IGNORED-CHECKSUM'
        res = self.server.addFile(lfnDict, force=True)
        if not res['OK']:
            print "failed to add any files: %s" % res['Message']
        for lfn in sortList(res['Value']['Failed'].keys()):
            error = res['Value']['Failed'][lfn]
            print "failed to add %s: %s" % (lfn, error)
        for lfn in sortList(res['Value']['Successful'].keys()):
            print "added %s" % lfn

    def do_removeFile(self, args):
        """Remove file from transformation DB

    usage: removeFile <lfn> [lfn]
        argss = string.split(args)
        if not len(argss) > 0:
            print "no files supplied"
        res = self.server.removeFile(argss)
        if not res['OK']:
            print "failed to remove any files: %s" % res['Message']
        for lfn in sortList(res['Value']['Failed'].keys()):
            error = res['Value']['Failed'][lfn]
            print "failed to remove %s: %s" % (lfn, error)
        for lfn in sortList(res['Value']['Successful'].keys()):
            print "removed %s" % lfn

    def do_addReplica(self, args):
        """ Add new replica to the transformation DB

    usage: addReplica <lfn> <se>
        argss = string.split(args)
        if not len(argss) == 2:
            print "no file info supplied"
        lfn = argss[0]
        se = argss[1]
        lfnDict = {}
        lfnDict[lfn] = {
            'PFN': 'IGNORED-PFN',
            'SE': se,
            'Size': 0,
            'GUID': 'IGNORED-GUID',
            'Checksum': 'IGNORED-CHECKSUM'
        res = self.server.addReplica(lfnDict, force=True)
        if not res['OK']:
            print "failed to add replica: %s" % res['Message']
        for lfn in sortList(res['Value']['Failed'].keys()):
            error = res['Value']['Failed'][lfn]
            print "failed to add replica: %s" % (error)
        for lfn in sortList(res['Value']['Successful'].keys()):
            print "added %s" % lfn

    def do_removeReplica(self, args):
        """Remove replica from the transformation DB

    usage: removeReplica <lfn> <se>
        argss = string.split(args)
        if not len(argss) == 2:
            print "no file info supplied"
        lfn = argss[0]
        se = argss[1]
        lfnDict = {}
        lfnDict[lfn] = {
            'PFN': 'IGNORED-PFN',
            'SE': se,
            'Size': 0,
            'GUID': 'IGNORED-GUID',
            'Checksum': 'IGNORED-CHECKSUM'
        res = self.server.removeReplica(lfnDict)
        if not res['OK']:
            print "failed to remove replica: %s" % res['Message']
        for lfn in sortList(res['Value']['Failed'].keys()):
            error = res['Value']['Failed'][lfn]
            print "failed to remove replica: %s" % (error)
        for lfn in sortList(res['Value']['Successful'].keys()):
            print "removed %s" % lfn

    def do_setReplicaStatus(self, args):
        """Set replica status, usually used to mark a replica Problematic

    usage: setReplicaStatus <lfn> <status> <se>
        argss = string.split(args)
        if not len(argss) > 2:
            print "no file info supplied"
        lfn = argss[0]
        status = argss[1]
        se = argss[2]
        lfnDict = {}
        lfnDict[lfn] = {
            'Status': status,
            'PFN': 'IGNORED-PFN',
            'SE': se,
            'Size': 0,
            'GUID': 'IGNORED-GUID',
            'Checksum': 'IGNORED-CHECKSUM'
        res = self.server.setReplicaStatus(lfnDict)
        if not res['OK']:
            print "failed to set replica status: %s" % res['Message']
        for lfn in sortList(res['Value']['Failed'].keys()):
            error = res['Value']['Failed'][lfn]
            print "failed to set replica status: %s" % (error)
        for lfn in sortList(res['Value']['Successful'].keys()):
            print "updated replica status %s" % lfn
    selectDict = {'TransformationID': res['Value']['TransformationID']}
    if status:
        selectDict['Status'] = status
    res = tc.getTransformationFiles(condDict=selectDict)
    if not res['OK']:
        gLogger.error('Failed to get transformation files: %s' % res['Message'])
    if not res['Value']:
        gLogger.debug('No file found for transformation %s' % t)

    lfns = [f['LFN'] for f in res['Value']]

    gLogger.notice('Reset files for status: %s' % status)
    res = tc.setFileStatusForTransformation(t, 'Unused', lfns)
    if not res['OK']:
        gLogger.error('Failed to reset file status: %s' % res['Message'])
    if 'Failed' in res['Value']:
        gLogger.warn('Could not reset some files: ')
        for lfn, reason in res['Value']['Failed'].items():
          gLogger.warn('%s: %s' % (lfn, reason))

    gLogger.notice('Updated file statuses to "Unused" for %d file(s)' % len(lfns))

    result = tc.setTransformationParameter(t, 'Status', 'Flush')
    if not result['OK']:
        gLogger.error('Can not flush transformation: %s' % result['Message'])
Esempio n. 14

            lfns = [d['LFN'] for d in res['Value']]
            if not lfns:
                print "No files found in transformation %s, status %s" % (
                    transID, status)

        if not lfns:
            print "No files to be set in transformation", transID
            resetFiles = 0
            failed = {}
            for lfnChunk in breakListIntoChunks(lfns, 10000):
                force = 'MaxReset' in status or 'Processed' in status or lfnsExplicit
                res = transClient.setFileStatusForTransformation(transID,
                if res['OK']:
                    resetFiles += len(res['Value'].get('Successful',
                    for lfn, reason in res['Value'].get('Failed',
                        if reason != 'File not found in the Transformation Database':
                            failed.setdefault(reason, []).append(lfn)
                    print "Failed to set %d files to %s in transformation %s: %s" % \
                        (len(lfns), newStatus, transID, res['Message'])
            print "%d files were set %s in transformation %s" % (
                resetFiles, newStatus, transID)
            if failed:
                for reason in failed:
Esempio n. 15
class FileReport:
  ''' A stateful object for reporting to TransformationDB

  def __init__( self, server = 'Transformation/TransformationManager' ):
    self.client = TransformationClient()
    self.client.setServer( server )
    self.statusDict = {}
    self.transformation = None

  def setFileStatus( self, transformation, lfn, status, sendFlag = False ):
    ''' Set file status in the context of the given transformation '''
    if not self.transformation:
      self.transformation = transformation
    self.statusDict[lfn] = status
    if sendFlag:
      return self.commit()
    return S_OK()

  def setCommonStatus( self, status ):
    ''' Set common status for all files in the internal cache '''
    for lfn in self.statusDict.keys():
      self.statusDict[lfn] = status
    return S_OK()

  def getFiles( self ):
    ''' Get the statuses of the files already accumulated in the FileReport object '''
    return copy.deepcopy( self.statusDict )

  def commit( self ):
    ''' Commit pending file status update records '''
    if not self.statusDict:
      return S_OK()

    # create intermediate status dictionary
    sDict = {}
    for lfn, status in self.statusDict.items():
      if not sDict.has_key( status ):
        sDict[status] = []
      sDict[status].append( lfn )

    summaryDict = {}
    failedResults = []
    for status, lfns in sDict.items():
      res = self.client.setFileStatusForTransformation( self.transformation, status, lfns )
      if not res['OK']:
        failedResults.append( res )
      for lfn, error in res['Value']['Failed'].items():
        gLogger.error( "Failed to update file status", "%s %s" % ( lfn, error ) )
      if res['Value']['Successful']:
        summaryDict[status] = len( res['Value']['Successful'] )
        for lfn in res['Value']['Successful']:
          self.statusDict.pop( lfn )

    if not self.statusDict:
      return S_OK( summaryDict )
    result = S_ERROR( "Failed to update all file statuses" )
    result['FailedResults'] = failedResults
    return result

  def generateRequest( self ):
    ''' Commit the accumulated records and generate request eventually '''
    result = self.commit()
    request = None
    if not result['OK']:
      # Generate Request
      request = RequestContainer()
      if result.has_key( 'FailedResults' ):
        for res in result['FailedResults']:
          if res.has_key( 'rpcStub' ):
            request.setDISETRequest( res['rpcStub'] )
    return S_OK( request )
Esempio n. 16
class DataRecoveryAgent( AgentModule ):
  def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
    AgentModule.__init__( self, *args, **kwargs ) = 'DataRecoveryAgent'
    self.log = gLogger
  def initialize(self):
    """Sets defaults
    self.enableFlag = '' #defined below
    self.replicaManager = ReplicaManager()
    self.prodDB = TransformationClient()
    self.requestClient = RequestClient()
    self.taskIDName = 'TaskID' 
    self.externalStatus = 'ExternalStatus'
    self.externalID = 'ExternalID'
    self.am_setOption('PollingTime',2*60*60) #no stalled jobs are considered so can be frequent
    self.enableFlag = self.am_getOption('EnableFlag', False)
    self.am_setModuleParam("shifterProxy", "ProductionManager")
    self.ops = Operations()
    return S_OK()
  def execute(self):
    """ The main execution method.
    """'Enable flag is %s' % self.enableFlag)  
    self.removalOKFlag = True
    transformationTypes = ['MCReconstruction', 'MCSimulation', 'MCReconstruction_Overlay', 'Merge']
    transformationStatus = ['Active', 'Completing']
    fileSelectionStatus = ['Assigned', 'MaxReset']
    updateStatus = 'Unused'
    wmsStatusList = ['Failed']
    #only worry about files > 12hrs since last update    
    selectDelay = self.am_getOption("Delay", 2) #hours 

    transformationDict = {}
    for transStatus in transformationStatus:
      result = self.getEligibleTransformations(transStatus, transformationTypes)
      if not result['OK']:
        return S_ERROR('Could not obtain eligible transformations for status "%s"' % (transStatus))
      if not result['Value']:'No "%s" transformations of types %s to process.' % (transStatus, string.join(transformationTypes, ', ')))

      transformationDict.update(result['Value'])'Selected %s transformations of types %s' % (len(transformationDict.keys()), string.join(transformationTypes, ', ')))
    self.log.verbose('The following transformations were selected out of %s:\n%s' % (string.join(transformationTypes, ', '), string.join(transformationDict.keys(), ', ')))

    trans = []
    #initially this was useful for restricting the considered list
    #now we use the DataRecoveryAgent in setups where IDs are low
    ignoreLessThan = self.ops.getValue("Transformations/IgnoreLessThan", '724') 
    if trans:'Skipping all transformations except %s' % (string.join(trans, ', ')))
    for transformation, typeName in transformationDict.items():
      if trans:
        if not transformation in trans:
      if ignoreLessThan:
        if int(ignoreLessThan) > int(transformation):
          self.log.verbose('Ignoring transformation %s ( is less than specified limit %s )' % (transformation, ignoreLessThan))
          continue'='*len('Looking at transformation %s type %s:' % (transformation, typeName)))'Looking at transformation %s:' % (transformation))

      result = self.selectTransformationFiles(transformation, fileSelectionStatus)
      if not result['OK']:
        self.log.error('Could not select files for transformation %s' % transformation)
      if not result['Value']:'No files in status %s selected for transformation %s' % (string.join(fileSelectionStatus, ', '), transformation))
      fileDict = result['Value']      
      result = self.obtainWMSJobIDs(transformation, fileDict, selectDelay, wmsStatusList)
      if not result['OK']:
        self.log.error('Could not obtain WMS jobIDs for files of transformation %s' % (transformation))
      if not result['Value']:'No eligible WMS jobIDs found for %s files in list:\n%s ...' % (len(fileDict.keys()), fileDict.keys()[0]))
      jobFileDict = result['Value']
      fileCount = 0
      for lfnList in jobFileDict.values():
        fileCount += len(lfnList)
      if not fileCount:'No files were selected for transformation %s after examining WMS jobs.' % transformation)
   '%s files are selected after examining related WMS jobs' % (fileCount))   
      result = self.checkOutstandingRequests(jobFileDict)
      if not result['OK']:

      if not result['Value']:'No WMS jobs without pending requests to process.')
      jobFileNoRequestsDict = result['Value']
      fileCount = 0
      for lfnList in jobFileNoRequestsDict.values():
        fileCount += len(lfnList)
   '%s files are selected after removing any relating to jobs with pending requests' % (fileCount))
      result = self.checkDescendents(transformation, fileDict, jobFileNoRequestsDict)
      if not result['OK']:

      jobsWithFilesOKToUpdate = result['Value']['filesToMarkUnused']
      jobsWithFilesProcessed = result['Value']['filesprocessed']'====> Transformation %s total files that can be updated now: %s' % (transformation, len(jobsWithFilesOKToUpdate)))

      filesToUpdateUnused = []
      for fileList in jobsWithFilesOKToUpdate:
      if len(filesToUpdateUnused):
        result = self.updateFileStatus(transformation, filesToUpdateUnused, updateStatus)
        if not result['OK']:
          self.log.error('Recoverable files were not updated with result:\n%s' % (result['Message']))
      else:'There are no files with failed jobs to update for production %s in this cycle' % transformation)             

      filesToUpdateProcessed = []  
      for fileList in jobsWithFilesProcessed:
      if len(filesToUpdateProcessed):
        result = self.updateFileStatus(transformation, filesToUpdateProcessed, 'Processed')
        if not result['OK']:
          self.log.error('Recoverable files were not updated with result:\n%s' % (result['Message']))
      else:'There are no files processed to update for production %s in this cycle' % transformation)              
    return S_OK()

  def getEligibleTransformations(self, status, typeList):
    """ Select transformations of given status and type.
    res = self.prodDB.getTransformations(condDict = {'Status' : status, 'Type' : typeList})
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    transformations = {}
    for prod in res['Value']:
      prodID = prod['TransformationID']
      transformations[str(prodID)] = prod['Type']
    return S_OK(transformations)
  def selectTransformationFiles(self, transformation, statusList):
    """ Select files, production jobIDs in specified file status for a given transformation.
    #Until a query for files with timestamp can be obtained must rely on the
    #WMS job last update
    res = self.prodDB.getTransformationFiles(condDict = {'TransformationID' : transformation, 'Status' : statusList})
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    resDict = {}
    for fileDict in res['Value']:
      if not fileDict.has_key('LFN') or not fileDict.has_key(self.taskIDName) or not fileDict.has_key('LastUpdate'):'LFN, %s and LastUpdate are mandatory, >=1 are missing for:\n%s' % (self.taskIDName, fileDict))
      lfn = fileDict['LFN']
      jobID = fileDict[self.taskIDName]
      resDict[lfn] = jobID
    if resDict:'Selected %s files overall for transformation %s' % (len(resDict.keys()), transformation))
    return S_OK(resDict)
  def obtainWMSJobIDs(self, transformation, fileDict, selectDelay, wmsStatusList):
    """ Group files by the corresponding WMS jobIDs, check the corresponding
        jobs have not been updated for the delay time.  Can't get into any 
        mess because we start from files only in MaxReset / Assigned and check
        corresponding jobs.  Mixtures of files for jobs in MaxReset and Assigned 
        statuses only possibly include some files in Unused status (not Processed 
        for example) that will not be touched.
    prodJobIDs = uniqueElements(fileDict.values())'The following %s production jobIDs apply to the selected files:\n%s' % (len(prodJobIDs), prodJobIDs))

    jobFileDict = {}
    condDict = {'TransformationID' : transformation, self.taskIDName : prodJobIDs}
    delta = datetime.timedelta( hours = selectDelay )
    now = dateTime()
    olderThan = now-delta

    res = self.prodDB.getTransformationTasks(condDict = condDict, older = olderThan,
                                             timeStamp = 'LastUpdateTime', inputVector = True)
    if not res['OK']:
      self.log.error('getTransformationTasks returned an error:\n%s')
      return res
    for jobDict in res['Value']:
      missingKey = False
      for key in [self.taskIDName, self.externalID, 'LastUpdateTime', self.externalStatus, 'InputVector']:
        if not jobDict.has_key(key):
'Missing key %s for job dictionary, the following is available:\n%s' % (key, jobDict))
          missingKey = True
      if missingKey:
      job = jobDict[self.taskIDName]
      wmsID = jobDict[self.externalID]
      lastUpdate = jobDict['LastUpdateTime']
      wmsStatus = jobDict[self.externalStatus]
      jobInputData = jobDict['InputVector']
      jobInputData = [lfn.replace('LFN:','') for lfn in jobInputData.split(';')]
      if not int(wmsID):'Prod job %s status is %s (ID = %s) so will not recheck with WMS' %(job, wmsStatus, wmsID))
   'Job %s, prod job %s last update %s, production management system status %s' % (wmsID, job, lastUpdate, wmsStatus))
      #Exclude jobs not having appropriate WMS status - have to trust that production management status is correct        
      if not wmsStatus in wmsStatusList:'Job %s is in status %s, not %s so will be ignored' % (wmsID, wmsStatus, string.join(wmsStatusList, ', ')))
      finalJobData = []
      #Must map unique files -> jobs in expected state
      for lfn,prodID in fileDict.items():
        if int(prodID) == int(job):
   'Found %s files for job %s' % (len(finalJobData), job))    
      jobFileDict[wmsID] = finalJobData
    return S_OK(jobFileDict)
  def checkOutstandingRequests(self, jobFileDict):
    """ Before doing anything check that no outstanding requests are pending
        for the set of WMS jobIDs.
    jobs = jobFileDict.keys()
    result = self.requestClient.getRequestForJobs(jobs)
    if not result['OK']:
      return result
    if not result['Value']:'None of the jobs have pending requests')
      return S_OK(jobFileDict)
    for jobID in result['Value'].keys():
      del jobFileDict[str(jobID)]'Removing jobID %s from consideration until requests are completed' % (jobID))
    return S_OK(jobFileDict)
  def checkDescendents(self, transformation, filedict, jobFileDict):
    """ look that all jobs produced, or not output
    res = self.prodDB.getTransformationParameters(transformation, ['Body'])
    if not res['OK']:
      self.log.error('Could not get Body from TransformationDB')
      return res
    body = res['Value']
    workflow = fromXMLString(body)

    olist = []
    jtype = workflow.findParameter('JobType')
    if not jtype:
      self.log.error('Type for transformation %d was not defined' % transformation)
      return S_ERROR('Type for transformation %d was not defined' % transformation)
    for step in workflow.step_instances:
      param = step.findParameter('listoutput')
      if not param:
    expectedlfns = []
    contactfailed = []
    fileprocessed = []
    files = []
    tasks_to_be_checked = {}
    for files in jobFileDict.values():
      for f in files:
        if f in filedict:
          tasks_to_be_checked[f] = filedict[f] #get the tasks that need to be checked
    for filep, task in tasks_to_be_checked.items():
      commons = {}
      commons['outputList'] = olist
      commons['PRODUCTION_ID'] = transformation
      commons['JOB_ID'] = task
      commons['JobType'] = jtype
      out = constructProductionLFNs(commons)
      expectedlfns = out['Value']['ProductionOutputData']
      res = self.replicaManager.getCatalogFileMetadata(expectedlfns)
      if not res['OK']:
        self.log.error('Getting metadata failed')
      if not filep in files:
      success = res['Value']['Successful'].keys()
      failed = res['Value']['Failed'].keys()
      if len(success) and not len(failed):
    final_list_unused = files
    for file_all in files:
      if file_all in fileprocessed:
          self.log.warn("Item not in list anymore")

    result = {'filesprocessed' : fileprocessed, 'filesToMarkUnused' : final_list_unused}    
    return S_OK(result)

  def updateFileStatus(self, transformation, fileList, fileStatus):
    """ Update file list to specified status.
    if not self.enableFlag:'Enable flag is False, would update  %s files to "%s" status for %s' % (len(fileList), fileStatus, transformation))
      return S_OK()'Updating %s files to "%s" status for %s' % (len(fileList), fileStatus, transformation))
    result = self.prodDB.setFileStatusForTransformation(int(transformation), fileStatus, fileList, force = True)
    if not result['OK']:
      return result
    if result['Value']['Failed']:
      return result
    msg = result['Value']['Successful']
    for lfn, message in msg.items():'%s => %s' % (lfn, message))
    return S_OK()