def addVOMSExtIfNeeded(self): addVOMS = self.__piParams.addVOMSExt or Registry.getGroupOption( self.__piParams.diracGroup, "AutoAddVOMS", False ) if not addVOMS: return S_OK() vomsAttr = Registry.getVOMSAttributeForGroup(self.__piParams.diracGroup) if not vomsAttr: return S_ERROR( "Requested adding a VOMS extension but no VOMS attribute defined for group %s" % self.__piParams.diracGroup ) result = VOMS.VOMS().setVOMSAttributes( self.__proxyGenerated, attribute=vomsAttr, vo=Registry.getVOForGroup(self.__piParams.diracGroup) ) if not result["OK"]: return S_ERROR( "Could not add VOMS extensions to the proxy\nFailed adding VOMS attribute: %s" % result["Message"] ) gLogger.notice("Added VOMS attribute %s" % vomsAttr) chain = result["Value"] chain.dumpAllToFile(self.__proxyGenerated) return S_OK()
def resetFailedRequest(self, requestID, allR=False): """ Reset a failed request to "Waiting" status """ # # we can safely only peek the request as it is Failed and therefore not owned by an agent res = self.peekRequest(requestID) if not res['OK']: return res req = res['Value'] if allR or recoverableRequest(req): # Only reset requests that can be recovered if req.Status != 'Failed': gLogger.notice("Reset NotBefore time, was %s" % str(req.NotBefore)) else: for i, op in enumerate(req): op.Error = '' if op.Status == 'Failed': printOperation((i, op), onlyFailed=True) for fi in op: if fi.Status == 'Failed': fi.Attempt = 1 fi.Error = '' fi.Status = 'Waiting' if op.Status == 'Failed': op.Status = 'Waiting' # Reset also NotBefore req.NotBefore = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(microsecond=0) return self.putRequest(req) return S_OK("Not reset")
def __generateReleaseNotes( self ): result = self.__loadReleaseNotesFile() if not result[ 'OK' ]: return result releaseData = result[ 'Value' ] if not releaseData: "release.notes not found. Trying to find releasenotes.rst" ) for rstFileName in ( "releasenotes.rst", "releasehistory.rst" ): result = self.__compileReleaseNotes( rstFileName ) if result[ 'OK' ]: gLogger.notice( "Compiled %s file!" % rstFileName ) else: gLogger.warn( result[ 'Message' ] ) return S_OK() "Loaded release.notes" ) for rstFileName, singleVersion in ( ( "releasenotes.rst", True ), ( "releasehistory.rst", False ) ): result = self.__generateRSTFile( releaseData, rstFileName, self.params.version, singleVersion ) if not result[ 'OK' ]: gLogger.error( "Could not generate %s: %s" % ( rstFileName, result[ 'Message' ] ) ) continue result = self.__compileReleaseNotes( rstFileName ) if not result[ 'OK' ]: gLogger.error( "Could not compile %s: %s" % ( rstFileName, result[ 'Message' ] ) ) continue gLogger.notice( "Compiled %s file!" % rstFileName ) return S_OK()
def printInfo(self): result = ProxyInfo.getProxyInfoAsString(self.__proxyGenerated) if not result["OK"]: gLogger.error("Failed to get the new proxy info: %s" % result["Message"]) else: gLogger.notice("Proxy generated:") gLogger.notice(result["Value"]) if self.__uploadedInfo: gLogger.notice("\nProxies uploaded:") maxDNLen = 0 maxGroupLen = 0 for userDN in self.__uploadedInfo: maxDNLen = max(maxDNLen, len(userDN)) for group in self.__uploadedInfo[userDN]: maxGroupLen = max(maxGroupLen, len(group)) gLogger.notice(" %s | %s | Until (GMT)" % ("DN".ljust(maxDNLen), "Group".ljust(maxGroupLen))) for userDN in self.__uploadedInfo: for group in self.__uploadedInfo[userDN]: gLogger.notice( " %s | %s | %s" % ( userDN.ljust(maxDNLen), group.ljust(maxGroupLen), self.__uploadedInfo[userDN][group].strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M"), ) )
def __checkDestination( self ): if not self.params.destination: self.params.destination = tempfile.mkdtemp( 'DIRACTarball' ) gLogger.notice( "Will generate tarball in %s" % self.params.destination ) mkDir(self.params.destination) return S_OK()
def do_update( self, args ): """ Update the software on the target host to a given version usage: update <version> [ -r <rootPath> ] [ -g <lcgVersion> ] where rootPath - path to the DIRAC installation lcgVersion - version of the LCG bindings to install """ try: argss = args.split() version = argss[0] rootPath = '' lcgVersion = '' del argss[0] while len( argss ) > 0: if argss[0] == '-r': rootPath = argss[1] del argss[0] del argss[0] elif argss[0] == '-g': lcgVersion = argss[1] del argss[0] del argss[0] except Exception, x: gLogger.notice( "ERROR: wrong input:", str( x ) ) gLogger.notice( self.do_update.__doc__ ) return
def __setAutoreload( self, filepath = False ): devLoader = Devloader() devLoader.bootstrap() if filepath: devLoader.watchFile( filepath ) gLogger.notice( "Devloader started" ) return S_OK()
def do_quit( self, args ): """ Exit the shell. usage: quit """ gLogger.notice( '' ) sys.exit( 0 )
def do_stop( self, args ): """ Stop services or agents or database server usage: stop <system|*> <service|agent|*> stop mysql """ if not args: gLogger.notice( self.do_stop.__doc__ ) return argss = args.split() if argss[0] != 'mysql': system = argss[0] if system != '*': component = argss[1] else: component = '*' client = SystemAdministratorClient(, self.port ) result = client.stopComponent( system, component ) if not result['OK']: self.__errMsg( result['Message'] ) else: if system != '*' and component != '*': gLogger.notice( "\n%s_%s stopped successfully, runit status:\n" % ( system, component ) ) else: gLogger.notice( "\nComponents stopped successfully, runit status:\n" ) for comp in result['Value']: gLogger.notice( ( comp.rjust( 32 ), ':', result['Value'][comp]['RunitStatus'] ) ) else: gLogger.notice( "Not yet implemented" )
def do_execfile( self, args ): """ Execute a series of administrator CLI commands from a given file usage: execfile <filename> """ if not args: gLogger.notice( self.do_execfile.__doc__ ) return argss = args.split() fname = argss[0] execfile = open( fname, 'r' ) lines = execfile.readlines() execfile.close() for line in lines: if line.find( '#' ) != -1 : line = line[:line.find( '#' )] line = line.strip() if not line: continue gLogger.notice( "\n--> Executing %s\n" % line ) elements = line.split() command = elements[0] args = ' '.join( elements[1:] ) eval( "self.do_%s(args)" % command )
def __do_set_project( self, args ): project = args[0] result = self.__getClient().setProject( project ) if not result[ 'OK' ]: self.__errMsg( "Cannot set project: %s" % result[ 'Message' ] ) else: gLogger.notice( "Project set to %s" % project )
def uploadProxy( self, userGroup = False ): issuerCert = self.getIssuerCert() userDN = issuerCert.getSubjectDN()[ 'Value' ] if not userGroup: userGroup = self.__piParams.diracGroup gLogger.notice( "Uploading proxy for %s..." % userGroup ) if userGroup in self.__proxiesUploaded: "Proxy already uploaded" ) return S_OK() if userDN in self.__uploadedInfo: expiry = self.__uploadedInfo[ userDN ].get( userGroup ) if expiry: if issuerCert.getNotAfterDate()[ 'Value' ] - datetime.timedelta( minutes = 10 ) < expiry: "SKipping upload for group %s. Already uploaded" % userGroup ) return S_OK() "Uploading %s proxy to ProxyManager..." % self.__piParams.diracGroup ) upParams = ProxyUpload.CLIParams() upParams.onTheFly = True upParams.proxyLifeTime = issuerCert.getRemainingSecs()[ 'Value' ] - 300 upParams.diracGroup = userGroup for k in ( 'certLoc', 'keyLoc', 'userPasswd' ): setattr( upParams, k , getattr( self.__piParams, k ) ) result = ProxyUpload.uploadProxy( upParams ) if not result[ 'OK' ]: gLogger.error( result[ 'Message' ] ) sys.exit( 1 ) self.__uploadedInfo = result[ 'Value' ] self.__proxiesUploaded.append( userGroup ) "Proxy uploaded" ) return S_OK()
def insertCSSection( self, path, pardict ): """ insert a section and values (or subsections) into the CS :param str path: full path of the new section :param str pardict: dictionary of key values in the new section, values can also be dictionaries :return: S_OK(), S_ERROR() """ from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.CSAPI import CSAPI if self.csapi is None: self.csapi = CSAPI() for key, value in pardict.iteritems(): newSectionPath = os.path.join(path,key) gLogger.debug( "Adding to cs %s : %s " % ( newSectionPath, value ) ) self.csapi.createSection( path ) if isinstance( value, dict ): res = self.insertCSSection( newSectionPath, value ) else: res = self.csapi.setOption( newSectionPath, value ) if not res['OK']: return res else: gLogger.notice( "Added to CS: %s " % res['Value'] ) return S_OK("Added all things to cs")
def insertApplicationToCS(self, name, csParameter): """add given application found via CVMFS to the CS""" pars = dict(self.parameter) pars['name'] = name gLogger.notice("%(name)s: Adding version %(version)s to the CS" % pars) existingVersions = gConfig.getSections("%(softSec)s/%(platform)s/%(name)s" % pars, []) if not existingVersions['OK']: gLogger.error("Could not find all versions available in CS: %s" % existingVersions['Message']) dexit(255) if pars['version'] in existingVersions['Value']: gLogger.always('Application %s %s for %s already in CS, nothing to do' % (name.lower(), pars['version'], pars['platform'])) return S_OK() csPath = self.softSec + ("/%(platform)s/%(name)s/%(version)s/" % pars) for par, val in csParameter.iteritems(): gLogger.notice("Add: %s = %s" %(csPath+par, val)) result = self.csAPI.setOption(csPath+par, val) if result['OK']: self.modifiedCS = True else: gLogger.error("Failure to add to CS", result['Message']) return S_ERROR("") return S_OK()
def __moduleProcess( self, eType, taskId, taskStub, fastTrackLevel = 0 ): result = self.__getInstance( eType ) if not result[ 'OK' ]: return result modInstance = result[ 'Value' ] try: result = modInstance._ex_processTask( taskId, taskStub ) except Exception as excp: gLogger.exception( "Error while processing task %s" % taskId, lException = excp ) return S_ERROR( "Error processing task %s: %s" % ( taskId, excp ) ) self.__storeInstance( eType, modInstance ) if not result[ 'OK' ]: return S_OK( ( 'TaskError', taskStub, "Error: %s" % result[ 'Message' ] ) ) taskStub, freezeTime, fastTrackType = result[ 'Value' ] if freezeTime: return S_OK( ( "TaskFreeze", taskStub, freezeTime ) ) if fastTrackType: if fastTrackLevel < 10 and fastTrackType in self.__modules: gLogger.notice( "Fast tracking task %s to %s" % ( taskId, fastTrackType ) ) return self.__moduleProcess( fastTrackType, taskId, taskStub, fastTrackLevel + 1 ) else: gLogger.notice( "Stopping %s fast track. Sending back to the mind" % ( taskId ) ) return S_OK( ( "TaskDone", taskStub, True ) )
def sync(self): """ Main synchronizer method. """ ops = Operations() self.pilotFileServer = ops.getValue("Pilot/pilotFileServer", self.pilotFileServer) if not self.pilotFileServer: gLogger.warn("The /Operations/<Setup>/Pilot/pilotFileServer option is not defined") gLogger.warn("Pilot 3 files won't be updated, and you won't be able to use Pilot 3") gLogger.warn("The Synchronization steps are anyway displayed") gLogger.notice('-- Synchronizing the content of the JSON file %s with the content of the CS --' % self.jsonFile) self.pilotRepo = ops.getValue("Pilot/pilotRepo", self.pilotRepo) self.pilotVORepo = ops.getValue("Pilot/pilotVORepo", self.pilotVORepo) self.projectDir = ops.getValue("Pilot/projectDir", self.projectDir) self.pilotScriptPath = ops.getValue("Pilot/pilotScriptsPath", self.pilotScriptPath) self.pilotVOScriptPath = ops.getValue("Pilot/pilotVOScriptsPath", self.pilotVOScriptPath) result = self._syncJSONFile() if not result['OK']: gLogger.error("Error uploading the pilot file: %s" % result['Message']) return result gLogger.notice('-- Synchronizing the pilot scripts %s with the content of the repository --' % self.pilotRepo) self._syncScripts() return S_OK()
def updateDelayCounters( self, siteName, jid ): #Get the info from the CS siteSection = "%s/%s" % ( self.__matchingDelaySection, siteName ) result = self.__extractCSData( siteSection ) if not result['OK']: return result delayDict = result[ 'Value' ] #limitsDict is something like { 'JobType' : { 'Merge' : 20, 'MCGen' : 1000 } } if not delayDict: return S_OK() attNames = [] for attName in delayDict: if attName not in gJobDB.jobAttributeNames: gLogger.error( "Attribute %s does not exist in the JobDB. Please fix it!" % attName ) else: attNames.append( attName ) result = gJobDB.getJobAttributes( jid, attNames ) if not result[ 'OK' ]: gLogger.error( "While retrieving attributes coming from %s: %s" % ( siteSection, result[ 'Message' ] ) ) return result atts = result[ 'Value' ] #Create the DictCache if not there if siteName not in Limiter.__delayMem: Limiter.__delayMem[ siteName ] = DictCache() #Update the counters delayCounter = Limiter.__delayMem[ siteName ] for attName in atts: attValue = atts[ attName ] if attValue in delayDict[ attName ]: delayTime = delayDict[ attName ][ attValue ] gLogger.notice( "Adding delay for %s/%s=%s of %s secs" % ( siteName, attName, attValue, delayTime ) ) delayCounter.add( ( attName, attValue ), delayTime ) return S_OK()
def notifyAboutNewSoftware(self): """Send an email to the mailing list if a new software version was defined""" #Only send email when something was actually added if not self.modifiedCS: return subject = '%s %s added to DIRAC CS' % (self.appName, self.appVersion) msg = 'New application %s %s declared into Configuration service\n %s' % (self.appName, self.appVersion, self.comment) from DIRAC.Core.Security.ProxyInfo import getProxyInfo from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers.Registry import getUserOption from DIRAC.FrameworkSystem.Client.NotificationClient import NotificationClient notifyClient = NotificationClient() gLogger.notice('Sending mail for software installation to %s' % (self.mailadress)) res = getProxyInfo() if not res['OK']: sender = '*****@*****.**' else: if 'username' in res['Value']: sender = getUserOption(res['Value']['username'],'Email') else: sender = '*****@*****.**''*'*80)# surround email with stars res = notifyClient.sendMail(self.mailadress, subject, msg, sender, localAttempt = False)'*'*80) if not res[ 'OK' ]: gLogger.error('The mail could not be sent: %s' % res['Message'])
def addCommentToCS(self): """adds the comment for the TarBall to the CS""" gLogger.notice("Adding comment to CS: %s" % self.comment) result = self.diracAdmin.csSetOptionComment("%(softSec)s/%(platform)s/%(appname)s/%(appVersion)s/TarBall"% self.parameter, self.comment) if not result['OK']: gLogger.error("Error setting comment in CS")
def __checkoutFromGit(self): if self.params.vcsBranch: brCmr = "-b %s" % self.params.vcsBranch else: brCmr = "" fDirName = os.path.join(self.params.destination, cmd = "git clone %s '%s' '%s'" % (brCmr, self.params.sourceURL, fDirName) gLogger.verbose("Executing: %s" % cmd) if os.system(cmd): return S_ERROR("Error while retrieving sources from git") branchName = "DIRACDistribution-%s" % os.getpid() isTagCmd = "( cd '%s'; git tag -l | grep '%s' )" % (fDirName, self.params.version) if os.system(isTagCmd): # No tag found, assume branch branchSource = "origin/%s" % self.params.version else: branchSource = self.params.version cmd = "( cd '%s'; git checkout -b '%s' '%s' )" % (fDirName, branchName, branchSource) gLogger.verbose("Executing: %s" % cmd) exportRes = os.system(cmd) # Add the keyword substitution gLogger.notice("Replacing keywords (can take a while)...") self.replaceKeywordsWithGit(fDirName) shutil.rmtree("%s/.git" % fDirName) if exportRes: return S_ERROR("Error while exporting from git") return S_OK()
def initialize( self ): """ service initialisation :param self: self reference """ gLogger.notice( "CacheDirectory: %s" % self.cacheDir() ) return S_OK()
def checkCAs( self ): if not "X509_CERT_DIR" in os.environ: gLogger.warn( "X509_CERT_DIR is unset. Abort check of CAs" ) return caDir = os.environ[ "X509_CERT_DIR" ] # In globus standards .r0 files are CRLs. They have the same names of the CAs but diffent file extension searchExp = os.path.join( caDir, "*.r0" ) crlList = glob.glob( searchExp ) if not crlList: gLogger.warn( "No CRL files found for %s. Abort check of CAs" % searchExp ) return newestFPath = max( crlList, key=os.path.getmtime ) newestFTime = os.path.getmtime( newestFPath ) if newestFTime > ( time.time() - ( 2 * 24 * 3600 ) ): # At least one of the files has been updated in the last 2 days return S_OK() if not os.access(caDir, os.W_OK): gLogger.error("Your CRLs appear to be outdated, but you have no access to update them.") # Try to continue anyway... return S_OK() # Update the CAs & CRLs gLogger.notice( "Your CRLs appear to be outdated; attempting to update them..." ) bdc = BundleDeliveryClient() res = bdc.syncCAs() if not res[ 'OK' ]: gLogger.error( "Failed to update CAs", res[ 'Message' ] ) res = bdc.syncCRLs() if not res[ 'OK' ]: gLogger.error( "Failed to update CRLs", res[ 'Message' ] ) # Continue even if the update failed... return S_OK()
def convertCatalogs(): global csapi, defaultSite gLogger.notice( 'Converting Catalog services' ) result = gConfig.getSections('/Resources/FileCatalogs') if not result['OK']: gLogger.error(result['Message']) return result catalogs = result['Value'] for catalog in catalogs: gLogger.notice( 'Processing catalog %s' % catalog ) if defaultSite: inputSite = raw_input('Hosting site for %s [%s]: ' % (catalog, defaultSite) ) if not inputSite: site = defaultSite else: site = inputSite else: inputSite = raw_input('Hosting site for %s: ' % catalog ) if not inputSite: gLogger.error(result['Message']) return site = inputSite result = csapi.copySection( '/Resources/FileCatalogs/%s' % catalog, '%s/Sites/%s/Catalog/%s' % (RESOURCES_NEW_SECTION,site,catalog) ) if not result['OK']: gLogger.error(result['Message']) return result csapi.setOptionComment( '%s/Sites/%s/Catalog' % (RESOURCES_NEW_SECTION,site), 'Catalog resources' ) return S_OK()
def addUserToEgroup(clip): """Add user to e-group""" login = gConfig.getValue("/Security/egroupAdmin","").strip('"') pwd = gConfig.getValue("/Security/egroupPass","").strip('"') url = '' if not ( login and pwd ): gLogger.warn("Missing configuration parameters: username or password for WSDL interactions") gLogger.warn("Add options: -o /Security/egroupAdmin=<cernusername> -o /Security/egroupPass=<password>") gLogger.error("User registration in e-group must be done manually") return try: client = Client(url=url, username=login, password=pwd) #gLogger.notice(client) except suds.transport.TransportError as exc: gLogger.error("Failed to get the WSDL client:%s" %exc) gLogger.error("User registration in e-group must be done manually") return except: gLogger.error("Something unexpected happened with the suds client, aborting") return if clip.external: sudsUser = client.factory.create("ns0:MemberType") sudsUser['Type'] = 'External' sudsUser['Email'] = userl = [sudsUser] else: user = getUserInfoFromPhonebook(client, clip) userl = [user] res = client.service.AddEgroupMembers('ilc-dirac',False, userl) if hasattr(res, 'warnings'): gLogger.notice(res.warnings)
def add(self, section, option, new_value): """ Add a value into the configuration system. This method will overwrite any existing option's value. Args: section (str): The section option (str): The option to be created/modified new_value: The value to be assigned Example: >>> cs = ConfigurationSystem() >>> cs.add('/Registry', 'DefaultGroup', 'dteam_user') """ if isinstance(new_value, (tuple, list, set, GeneratorType)): new_value = ', '.join(sorted(map(str, new_value))) else: new_value = str(new_value) old_value = gConfig.getValue(cfgPath(section, option), None) if old_value == new_value: return if old_value is None: gLogger.notice("Setting %s/%s: -> %s" % (section, option, new_value)) self.setOption(cfgPath(section, option), new_value) else: gLogger.notice("Modifying %s/%s: %s -> %s" % (section, option, old_value, new_value)) self.modifyValue(cfgPath(section, option), new_value) self._num_changes += 1
def _getProdInfoFromIDs(self): """get the processName, energy and eventsPerJob from the MetaData catalog :raises: AttributeError if some of the information cannot be found :returns: None """ if not self.prodIDs: raise AttributeError("No prodIDs defined") self.eventsPerJobs = [] self.processes = [] self.energies = [] from DIRAC.TransformationSystem.Client.TransformationClient import TransformationClient from DIRAC.Resources.Catalog.FileCatalogClient import FileCatalogClient trc = TransformationClient() fc = FileCatalogClient() for prodID in self.prodIDs: gLogger.notice("Getting information for %s" % prodID) tRes = trc.getTransformation(str(prodID)) if not tRes['OK']: raise AttributeError("No prodInfo found for %s" % prodID) self.eventsPerJobs.append(int(tRes['Value']['EventsPerTask'])) lfnRes = fc.findFilesByMetadata({'ProdID': prodID}) if not lfnRes['OK'] or not lfnRes['Value']: raise AttributeError("Could not find files for %s: %s " % (prodID, lfnRes.get('Message', lfnRes.get('Value')))) path = os.path.dirname(lfnRes['Value'][0]) fileRes = fc.getDirectoryUserMetadata(path) self.processes.append(fileRes['Value']['EvtType']) self.energies.append(fileRes['Value']['Energy']) gLogger.notice("Found (Evts,Type,Energy): %s %s %s " % (self.eventsPerJobs[-1], self.processes[-1], self.energies[-1]))
def createTransformations(self, taskDict): """Create all the transformations we want to create.""" for pType, createProduction in [('GEN', self.createGenerationProduction), ('SPLIT', self.createSplitProduction)]: for task in taskDict.get(pType, []): meta = createProduction(task) self.addSimTask(taskDict, meta, originalTask=task) taskDict['MOVE_' + pType].append(dict(meta)) for task in taskDict.get('SIM', []): if not self._flags.sim: continue gLogger.notice("Creating task %s" % task) simMeta = self.createSimulationProduction(task) self.addRecTask(taskDict, simMeta, originalTask=task) taskDict['MOVE_SIM'].append(dict(simMeta)) for task in taskDict.get('REC', []): for name, over, enabled in [('REC', False, self._flags.rec), ('OVER', True, self._flags.over)]: if enabled: recMeta = self.createReconstructionProduction(task, over=over) taskDict['MOVE_' + name].append(dict(recMeta)) for name, pType in [('GEN', 'MCGeneration'), ('SPLIT', 'MCGeneration'), ('SIM', 'MCSimulation'), ('REC', 'MCReconstruction'), ('OVER', 'MCReconstruction_Overlay')]: for meta in taskDict.get('MOVE_' + name, []): self.createMovingTransformation(meta, pType)
def uploadProxy( self, userGroup = False ): """ Upload the proxy to the proxyManager service """ issuerCert = self.getIssuerCert() resultUserDN = issuerCert.getSubjectDN() #pylint: disable=no-member if not resultUserDN['OK']: return resultUserDN userDN = resultUserDN['Value'] if not userGroup: userGroup = self.__piParams.diracGroup gLogger.notice( "Uploading proxy for %s..." % userGroup ) if userDN in self.__uploadedInfo: expiry = self.__uploadedInfo[ userDN ].get( userGroup ) if expiry: if issuerCert.getNotAfterDate()[ 'Value' ] - datetime.timedelta( minutes = 10 ) < expiry: #pylint: disable=no-member "SKipping upload for group %s. Already uploaded" % userGroup ) return S_OK() "Uploading %s proxy to ProxyManager..." % self.__piParams.diracGroup ) upParams = ProxyUpload.CLIParams() upParams.onTheFly = True upParams.proxyLifeTime = issuerCert.getRemainingSecs()[ 'Value' ] - 300 #pylint: disable=no-member upParams.rfcIfPossible = self.__piParams.rfc upParams.diracGroup = userGroup for k in ( 'certLoc', 'keyLoc', 'userPasswd' ): setattr( upParams, k , getattr( self.__piParams, k ) ) resultProxyUpload = ProxyUpload.uploadProxy( upParams ) if not resultProxyUpload[ 'OK' ]: gLogger.error( resultProxyUpload[ 'Message' ] ) sys.exit( 1 ) self.__uploadedInfo = resultProxyUpload[ 'Value' ] "Proxy uploaded" ) return S_OK()
def _addTask(self, taskDict, metaInput, originalTask, prodType, applicationName): """Add a task to the given prodType and applicatioName.""" options = defaultdict(list) nTasks = 0 for option, value in self.applicationOptions[applicationName].items(): if option.startswith('FE.'): optionName = option.split('.', 1)[1] options[optionName] = listify(value) gLogger.notice("Found option %s with values %s" % (optionName, pformat(options[optionName]))) nTasks = len(options[optionName]) theTask = Task(metaInput, parameterDict=originalTask.parameterDict, eventsPerJob=originalTask.eventsPerJob, metaPrev=originalTask.meta, dryRun=self._flags.dryRun, sinFile=originalTask.sinFile, nbTasks=originalTask.nbTasks, ) theTask.sourceName = originalTask.taskName if not nTasks: taskDict[prodType].append(theTask) return taskList = [deepcopy(theTask) for _ in xrange(nTasks)] taskDict[prodType].extend(taskList) self.addTaskOptions(options, taskList) return
def doTheMagic( self ): proxy = self.createProxy() if not proxy[ 'OK' ]: return proxy self.checkCAs() pI.certLifeTimeCheck() resultProxyWithVOMS = pI.addVOMSExtIfNeeded() if not resultProxyWithVOMS[ 'OK' ]: if "returning a valid AC for the user" in resultProxyWithVOMS['Message']: gLogger.error( resultProxyWithVOMS[ 'Message' ] ) gLogger.error("\n Are you sure you are properly registered in the VO?") elif "Missing voms-proxy" in resultProxyWithVOMS['Message']: gLogger.notice( "Failed to add VOMS extension: no standard grid interface available" ) else: gLogger.error( resultProxyWithVOMS['Message'] ) if self.__piParams.strict: return resultProxyWithVOMS for pilotGroup in pI.getGroupsToUpload(): resultProxyUpload = pI.uploadProxy( userGroup = pilotGroup ) if not resultProxyUpload[ 'OK' ]: if self.__piParams.strict: return resultProxyUpload return S_OK()
def do_show(self, args): """ Show list of components with various related information usage: show software - show components for which software is available show installed - show components installed in the host with runit system show setup - show components set up for automatic running in the host show project - show project to install or upgrade show status - show status of the installed components show database - show status of the databases show mysql - show status of the MySQL server show log <system> <service|agent> [nlines] - show last <nlines> lines in the component log file show info - show version of software and setup show doc <type> <system> <name> - show documentation for a given service or agent show host - show host related parameters show hosts - show all available hosts show ports [host] - show all ports used by a host. If no host is given, the host currently connected to is used show installations [ list | current | -n <Name> | -h <Host> | -s <System> | -m <Module> | -t <Type> | -itb <InstallationTime before> | -ita <InstallationTime after> | -utb <UnInstallationTime before> | -uta <UnInstallationTime after> ]* - show all the installations of components that match the given parameters show profile <system> <component> [ -s <size> | -h <host> | -id <initial date DD/MM/YYYY> | -it <initial time hh:mm> | -ed <end date DD/MM/YYYY | -et <end time hh:mm> ]* - show <size> log lines of profiling information for a component in the machine <host> show errors [*|<system> <service|agent>] - show error count for the given component or all the components in the last hour and day """ argss = args.split() if not argss: gLogger.notice(self.do_show.__doc__) return option = argss[0] del argss[0] if option == 'software': client = SystemAdministratorClient(, self.port) result = client.getSoftwareComponents() if not result['OK']: self._errMsg(result['Message']) else: gLogger.notice('') pprint.pprint(result['Value']) elif option == 'installed': client = SystemAdministratorClient(, self.port) result = client.getInstalledComponents() if not result['OK']: self._errMsg(result['Message']) else: gLogger.notice('') pprint.pprint(result['Value']) elif option == 'setup': client = SystemAdministratorClient(, self.port) result = client.getSetupComponents() if not result['OK']: self._errMsg(result['Message']) else: gLogger.notice('') pprint.pprint(result['Value']) elif option == 'project': result = SystemAdministratorClient(, self.port).getProject() if not result['OK']: self._errMsg(result['Message']) else: gLogger.notice("Current project is %s" % result['Value']) elif option == 'status': client = SystemAdministratorClient(, self.port) result = client.getOverallStatus() if not result['OK']: self._errMsg(result['Message']) else: fields = ["System", 'Name', 'Module', 'Type', 'Setup', 'Installed', 'Runit', 'Uptime', 'PID'] records = [] rDict = result['Value'] for compType in rDict: for system in rDict[compType]: components = sorted(rDict[compType][system].keys()) for component in components: record = [] if rDict[compType][system][component]['Installed']: module = str(rDict[compType][system][component]['Module']) record += [system, component, module, compType.lower()[:-1]] if rDict[compType][system][component]['Setup']: record += ['Setup'] else: record += ['NotSetup'] if rDict[compType][system][component]['Installed']: record += ['Installed'] else: record += ['NotInstalled'] record += [str(rDict[compType][system][component]['RunitStatus'])] record += [str(rDict[compType][system][component]['Timeup'])] record += [str(rDict[compType][system][component]['PID'])] records.append(record) printTable(fields, records) elif option == 'database' or option == 'databases': client = SystemAdministratorClient(, self.port) if not gComponentInstaller.mysqlPassword: gComponentInstaller.mysqlPassword = "******" gComponentInstaller.getMySQLPasswords() result = client.getDatabases(gComponentInstaller.mysqlRootPwd) if not result['OK']: self._errMsg(result['Message']) return resultSW = client.getAvailableDatabases() if not resultSW['OK']: self._errMsg(resultSW['Message']) return sw = resultSW['Value'] installed = result['Value'] gLogger.notice('') for db in sw: if db in installed: gLogger.notice(db.rjust(25), ': Installed') else: gLogger.notice(db.rjust(25), ': Not installed') if not sw: gLogger.notice("No database found") elif option == 'mysql': client = SystemAdministratorClient(, self.port) result = client.getMySQLStatus() if not result['OK']: self._errMsg(result['Message']) elif result['Value']: gLogger.notice('') for par, value in result['Value'].items(): gLogger.notice((par.rjust(28), ':', value)) else: gLogger.notice("No MySQL database found") elif option == "log": self.getLog(argss) elif option == "info": client = SystemAdministratorClient(, self.port) result = client.getInfo() if not result['OK']: self._errMsg(result['Message']) else: gLogger.notice('') gLogger.notice("Setup:", result['Value']['Setup']) gLogger.notice("DIRAC version:", result['Value']['DIRAC']) if result['Value']['Extensions']: for e, v in result['Value']['Extensions'].items(): gLogger.notice("%s version" % e, v) gLogger.notice('') elif option == "host": client = SystemAdministratorClient(, self.port) result = client.getHostInfo() if not result['OK']: self._errMsg(result['Message']) else: gLogger.notice('') gLogger.notice("Host info:") gLogger.notice('') fields = ['Parameter', 'Value'] records = [] for parameter in result['Value'].iteritems(): if parameter[0] == 'Extension': extensions = parameter[1].split(',') for extension in extensions: extensionName, extensionVersion = extension.split(':') records.append(['%sVersion' % extensionName, str(extensionVersion)]) else: records.append([parameter[0], str(parameter[1])]) printTable(fields, records) elif option == "hosts": client = ComponentMonitoringClient() result = client.getHosts({}, False, False) if not result['OK']: self._errMsg('Error retrieving the list of hosts: %s' % (result['Message'])) else: hostList = result['Value'] gLogger.notice('') gLogger.notice(' ' + 'Host'.center(32) + ' ' + 'CPU'.center(34) + ' ') gLogger.notice(('-' * 69)) for element in hostList: gLogger.notice('|' + element['HostName'].center(32) + '|' + element['CPU'].center(34) + '|') gLogger.notice(('-' * 69)) gLogger.notice('') elif option == "ports": if not argss: client = SystemAdministratorClient( else: hostname = argss[0] del argss[0] client = ComponentMonitoringClient() result = client.hostExists({'HostName': hostname}) if not result['OK']: self._errMsg(result['Message']) return else: if not result['Value']: self._errMsg('Given host does not exist') return client = SystemAdministratorClient(hostname) result = client.getUsedPorts() if not result['OK']: self._errMsg(result['Message']) return pprint.pprint(result['Value']) elif option == "errors": self.getErrors(argss) elif option == "installations": self.getInstallations(argss) elif option == "doc": if len(argss) > 2: if argss[0] in ['service', 'agent']: compType = argss[0] compSystem = argss[1] compModule = argss[2] client = SystemAdministratorClient(, self.port) result = client.getComponentDocumentation(compType, compSystem, compModule) if result['OK']: gLogger.notice(result['Value']) else: self._errMsg(result['Message']) else: gLogger.notice(self.do_show.__doc__) else: gLogger.notice(self.do_show.__doc__) elif option == "profile": if len(argss) > 1: system = argss[0] del argss[0] component = argss[0] del argss[0] component = '%s_%s' % (system, component) argDict = {'-s': None, '-h':, '-id': None, '-it': '00:00', '-ed': None, '-et': '00:00'} key = None for arg in argss: if not key: key = arg else: argDict[key] = arg key = None size = None try: if argDict['-s']: size = int(argDict['-s']) except ValueError: self._errMsg("Argument 'size' must be an integer") return host = argDict['-h'] initialDate = argDict['-id'] initialTime = argDict['-it'] endingDate = argDict['-ed'] endingTime = argDict['-et'] if initialDate: initialDate = '%s %s' % (initialDate, initialTime) else: initialDate = '' if endingDate: endingDate = '%s %s' % (endingDate, endingTime) else: endingDate = '' client = MonitoringClient() if size: result = client.getLimitedData(host, component, size) else: result = client.getDataForAGivenPeriod(host, component, initialDate, endingDate) if result['OK']: text = '' headers = [result['Value'][0].keys()] for header in headers: text += str(header).ljust(15) gLogger.notice(text) for record in result['Value']: for metric in record.itervalues(): text += str(metric).ljust(15) gLogger.notice(text) else: self._errMsg(result['Message']) else: gLogger.notice(self.do_show.__doc__) else: gLogger.notice("Unknown option:", option)
gLogger.verbose("%s does not have requirements for %s installation" % (entry, instType)) continue for req in reqList: reqName = False reqCond = "" for cond in ("==", ">="): iP = cond.find(req) if iP > 0: reqName = req[:iP] reqCond = req[iP:] break if not reqName: reqName = req if reqName not in reqDict: reqDict[reqName] = (reqCond, entry) else: gLogger.notice("Skipping %s, it's already requested by %s" % (reqName, reqDict[reqName][1])) if not reqDict: gLogger.notice("No extra python module requested to be installed") sys.exit(0) for reqName in reqDict: package = "%s%s" % (reqName, reqDict[reqName][0]) gLogger.notice("Requesting installation of %s" % package) status, output = pipInstall(package) if status != 0: gLogger.error(output) else: gLogger.notice("Successfully installed %s" % package)
res = resourceStatus.getStorageElementStatus(ses) if not res['OK']: gLogger.error("Storage Element %s does not exist" % ses) DIRAC.exit(-1) reason = 'Forced with dirac-admin-ban-se by %s' % userName for se, seOptions in res['Value'].items(): resW = resC = resR = {'OK': False} # Eventually, we will get rid of the notion of InActive, as we always write Banned. if read and seOptions.has_key('Read'): if not seOptions['Read'] in ['Active', 'Bad']: gLogger.notice('Read option for %s is %s, instead of %s' % (se, seOptions['Read'], ['Active', 'Bad'])) gLogger.notice('Try specifying the command switchs') continue resR = resourceStatus.setStorageElementStatus(se, 'Read', 'Banned', reason, userName) #res = csAPI.setOption( "%s/%s/ReadAccess" % ( storageCFGBase, se ), "InActive" ) if not resR['OK']: gLogger.error('Failed to update %s read access to Banned' % se) else: gLogger.notice('Successfully updated %s read access to Banned' % se) readBanned.append(se) # Eventually, we will get rid of the notion of InActive, as we always write Banned. if write and seOptions.has_key('Write'):
def do_restart(self, args): """ Restart services or agents or database server usage: restart <system|*> <service|agent|*> restart mysql """ if not args: gLogger.notice(self.do_restart.__doc__) return argss = args.split() option = argss[0] del argss[0] if option != 'mysql': if option != "*": if len(argss) < 1: gLogger.notice(self.do_restart.__doc__) return system = option if system != '*': component = argss[0] else: component = '*' client = SystemAdministratorClient(, self.port) result = client.restartComponent(system, component) if not result['OK']: if system == '*': gLogger.notice("All systems are restarted, connection to SystemAdministrator is lost") else: self._errMsg(result['Message']) else: if system != '*' and component != '*': gLogger.notice("\n%s_%s started successfully, runit status:\n" % (system, component)) else: gLogger.notice("\nComponents started successfully, runit status:\n") for comp in result['Value']: gLogger.notice((comp.rjust(32), ':', result['Value'][comp]['RunitStatus'])) else: gLogger.notice("Not yet implemented")
def do_uninstall(self, args): """ Uninstall a DIRAC component or host along with all its components usage: uninstall db <database> uninstall host <hostname> uninstall <-f ForceLogUninstall> <system> <component> """ argss = args.split() if not argss: gLogger.notice(self.do_uninstall.__doc__) return # Retrieve user uninstalling the component result = getProxyInfo() if not result['OK']: self._errMsg(result['Message']) user = result['Value']['username'] option = argss[0] if option == 'db': del argss[0] if not argss: gLogger.notice(self.do_uninstall.__doc__) return component = argss[0] client = SystemAdministratorClient(, self.port) result = client.getHostInfo() if not result['OK']: self._errMsg(result['Message']) return else: cpu = result['Value']['CPUModel'] hostname = result = client.getAvailableDatabases() if not result['OK']: self._errMsg(result['Message']) return system = result['Value'][component]['System'] result = MonitoringUtilities.monitorUninstallation(system, component, hostname=hostname, cpu=cpu) if not result['OK']: self._errMsg(result['Message']) return result = client.uninstallDatabase(component) if not result['OK']: self._errMsg(result['Message']) else: gLogger.notice("Successfully uninstalled %s" % (component)) elif option == 'host': del argss[0] if not argss: gLogger.notice(self.do_uninstall.__doc__) return hostname = argss[0] client = ComponentMonitoringClient() result = client.hostExists({'HostName': hostname}) if not result['OK']: self._errMsg(result['Message']) else: if not result['Value']: self._errMsg('Given host does not exist') else: result = client.getHosts({'HostName': hostname}, True, False) if not result['OK']: self._errMsg(result['Message']) else: host = result['Value'][0] # Remove every installation associated with the host for installation in host['Installations']: result = client.removeInstallations(installation, {}, {'HostName': hostname}) if not result['OK']: self._errMsg(result['Message']) break # Finally remove the host result = client.removeHosts({'HostName': hostname}) if not result['OK']: self._errMsg(result['Message']) else: gLogger.notice('Host %s was successfully removed' % hostname) else: if option == '-f': force = True del argss[0] else: force = False if len(argss) != 2: gLogger.notice(self.do_uninstall.__doc__) return system, component = argss client = SystemAdministratorClient(, self.port) monitoringClient = ComponentMonitoringClient() result = monitoringClient.getInstallations({'Instance': component, 'UnInstallationTime': None}, {'System': system}, {'HostName':}, True) if not result['OK']: self._errMsg(result['Message']) return if len(result['Value']) < 1: self._errMsg("Given component does not exist") return if len(result['Value']) > 1: self._errMsg("Too many components match") return removeLogs = False if force: removeLogs = True else: if result['Value'][0]['Component']['Type'] in self.runitComponents: result = promptUser('Remove logs?', ['y', 'n'], 'n') if result['OK']: removeLogs = result['Value'] == 'y' result = client.uninstallComponent(system, component, removeLogs) if not result['OK']: self._errMsg(result['Message']) else: gLogger.notice("Successfully uninstalled %s/%s" % (system, component)) result = client.getHostInfo() if not result['OK']: self._errMsg(result['Message']) return else: cpu = result['Value']['CPUModel'] hostname = result = MonitoringUtilities.monitorUninstallation(system, component, hostname=hostname, cpu=cpu) if not result['OK']: return result
def do_install(self, args): """ Install various DIRAC components usage: install db <databaseName> install service <system> <service> [-m <ModuleName>] [-p <Option>=<Value>] [-p <Option>=<Value>] ... install agent <system> <agent> [-m <ModuleName>] [-p <Option>=<Value>] [-p <Option>=<Value>] ... install executor <system> <executor> [-m <ModuleName>] [-p <Option>=<Value>] [-p <Option>=<Value>] ... """ argss = args.split() if not argss: gLogger.notice(self.do_install.__doc__) return option = argss[0] del argss[0] # Databases if option == "db": if not argss: gLogger.notice(self.do_install.__doc__) return database = argss[0] client = SystemAdministratorClient(, self.port) result = client.getAvailableDatabases() if not result['OK']: self._errMsg("Can not get database list: %s" % result['Message']) return if database not in result['Value']: self._errMsg("Unknown database %s: " % database) return system = result['Value'][database]['System'] dbType = result['Value'][database]['Type'] setup = gConfig.getValue('/DIRAC/Setup', '') if not setup: self._errMsg("Unknown current setup") return instance = gConfig.getValue('/DIRAC/Setups/%s/%s' % (setup, system), '') if not instance: self._errMsg("No instance defined for system %s" % system) self._errMsg("\tAdd new instance with 'add instance %s <instance_name>'" % system) return if dbType == 'MySQL': if not gComponentInstaller.mysqlPassword: gComponentInstaller.mysqlPassword = '******' gComponentInstaller.getMySQLPasswords() result = client.installDatabase(database, gComponentInstaller.mysqlRootPwd) if not result['OK']: self._errMsg(result['Message']) return extension, system = result['Value'] result = client.getHostInfo() if not result['OK']: self._errMsg(result['Message']) return else: cpu = result['Value']['CPUModel'] hostname = if not result['OK']: self._errMsg(result['Message']) return if database != 'InstalledComponentsDB': result = MonitoringUtilities.monitorInstallation( 'DB', system.replace('System', ''), database, cpu=cpu, hostname=hostname) if not result['OK']: self._errMsg(result['Message']) return gComponentInstaller.mysqlHost = result = client.getInfo() if not result['OK']: self._errMsg(result['Message']) hostSetup = result['Value']['Setup'] result = gComponentInstaller.addDatabaseOptionsToCS(gConfig, system, database, hostSetup, overwrite=True) if not result['OK']: self._errMsg(result['Message']) return gLogger.notice("Database %s from %s/%s installed successfully" % (database, extension, system)) # DIRAC components elif option in self.runitComponents: if len(argss) < 2: gLogger.notice(self.do_install.__doc__) return system = argss[0] del argss[0] component = argss[0] del argss[0] specialOptions = {} module = '' for i in range(len(argss)): if argss[i] == "-m": specialOptions['Module'] = argss[i + 1] module = argss[i + 1] if argss[i] == "-p": opt, value = argss[i + 1].split('=') specialOptions[opt] = value if module == component: module = '' client = SystemAdministratorClient(, self.port) # First need to update the CS # result = client.addDefaultOptionsToCS( option, system, component ) = result = client.getInfo() if not result['OK']: self._errMsg(result['Message']) return hostSetup = result['Value']['Setup'] # Install Module section if not yet there if module: result = gComponentInstaller.addDefaultOptionsToCS(gConfig, option, system, module, getCSExtensions(), hostSetup) # in case of Error we must stop, this can happen when the module name is wrong... if not result['OK']: self._errMsg(result['Message']) return # Add component section with specific parameters only result = gComponentInstaller.addDefaultOptionsToCS(gConfig, option, system, component, getCSExtensions(), hostSetup, specialOptions, addDefaultOptions=True) else: # Install component section result = gComponentInstaller.addDefaultOptionsToCS(gConfig, option, system, component, getCSExtensions(), hostSetup, specialOptions) if not result['OK']: self._errMsg(result['Message']) return # Then we can install and start the component result = client.setupComponent(option, system, component, module) if not result['OK']: self._errMsg(result['Message']) return compType = result['Value']['ComponentType'] runit = result['Value']['RunitStatus'] gLogger.notice("%s %s_%s is installed, runit status: %s" % (compType, system, component, runit)) # And register it in the database result = client.getHostInfo() if not result['OK']: self._errMsg(result['Message']) return else: cpu = result['Value']['CPUModel'] hostname = if component == 'ComponentMonitoring': # Make sure that the service is running before trying to use it nTries = 0 maxTries = 5 mClient = ComponentMonitoringClient() result = while not result['OK'] and nTries < maxTries: time.sleep(3) result = nTries = nTries + 1 if not result['OK']: self._errMsg("ComponentMonitoring service taking too long to start, won't be logged into the database") return result = MonitoringUtilities.monitorInstallation( 'DB', system, 'InstalledComponentsDB', cpu=cpu, hostname=hostname) if not result['OK']: self._errMsg('Error registering installation into database: %s' % result['Message']) return result = MonitoringUtilities.monitorInstallation(option, system, component, module, cpu=cpu, hostname=hostname) if not result['OK']: self._errMsg('Error registering installation into database: %s' % result['Message']) return else: gLogger.notice("Unknown option:", option)
def getInstallations(self, argss): """ Get data from the component monitoring database """ display = 'table' installationFilter = {} componentFilter = {} hostFilter = {} key = '' for arg in argss: if not key: if arg == 'list': display = 'list' elif arg == 'current': installationFilter['UnInstallationTime'] = None elif arg == '-t': key = 'Component.Type' elif arg == '-m': key = 'Component.Module' elif arg == '-s': key = 'Component.System' elif arg == '-h': key = 'Host.HostName' elif arg == '-n': key = 'Instance' elif arg == '-itb': key = 'InstallationTime.smaller' elif arg == '-ita': key = 'InstallationTime.bigger' elif arg == '-utb': key = 'UnInstallationTime.smaller' elif arg == '-uta': key = 'UnInstallationTime.bigger' else: if 'Component.' in key: componentFilter[key.replace('Component.', '')] = arg elif 'Host.' in key: hostFilter[key.replace('Host.', '')] = arg else: if 'Time.' in key: arg = datetime.datetime.strptime(arg, '%d-%m-%Y') installationFilter[key] = arg key = None client = ComponentMonitoringClient() result = client.getInstallations(installationFilter, componentFilter, hostFilter, True) if not result['OK']: self._errMsg('Could not retrieve the installations: %s' % (result['Message'])) installations = None else: installations = result['Value'] if installations: if display == 'table': gLogger.notice('') gLogger.notice(' ' + 'Num'.center(5) + ' ' + 'Host'.center(20) + ' ' + 'Name'.center(20) + ' ' + 'Module'.center(20) + ' ' + 'System'.center(16) + ' ' + 'Type'.center(12) + ' ' + 'Installed on'.center(18) + ' ' + 'Install by'.center(12) + ' ' + 'Uninstalled on'.center(18) + ' ' + 'Uninstall by'.center(12)) gLogger.notice(('-') * 164) for i, installation in enumerate(installations): if not installation['InstalledBy']: installedBy = '' else: installedBy = installation['InstalledBy'] if not installation['UnInstalledBy']: uninstalledBy = '' else: uninstalledBy = installation['UnInstalledBy'] if installation['UnInstallationTime']: uninstalledOn = installation['UnInstallationTime'].strftime("%d-%m-%Y %H:%M") isInstalled = 'No' else: uninstalledOn = '' isInstalled = 'Yes' if display == 'table': gLogger.notice('|' + str(i + 1).center(5) + '|' + installation['Host']['HostName'].center(20) + '|' + installation['Instance'].center(20) + '|' + installation['Component']['Module'].center(20) + '|' + installation['Component']['System'].center(16) + '|' + installation['Component']['Type'].center(12) + '|' + installation['InstallationTime'].strftime("%d-%m-%Y %H:%M").center(18) + '|' + + '|' + + '|' + + '|') gLogger.notice(('-') * 164) elif display == 'list': gLogger.notice('') gLogger.notice('Installation: '.rjust(20) + str(i + 1)) gLogger.notice('Installed: '.rjust(20) + isInstalled) gLogger.notice('Host: '.rjust(20) + installation['Host']['HostName']) gLogger.notice('Name: '.rjust(20) + installation['Instance']) gLogger.notice('Module: '.rjust(20) + installation['Component']['Module']) gLogger.notice('System: '.rjust(20) + installation['Component']['System']) gLogger.notice('Type: '.rjust(20) + installation['Component']['Type']) gLogger.notice('Installed on: '.rjust(20) + installation['InstallationTime'].strftime("%d-%m-%Y %H:%M")) if installedBy != '': gLogger.notice('Installed by: '.rjust(20) + installedBy) if uninstalledOn != '': gLogger.notice('Uninstalled on: '.rjust(20) + uninstalledOn) gLogger.notice('Uninstalled by: '.rjust(20) + uninstalledBy) else: self._errMsg('No display mode was selected') gLogger.notice('')
from LHCbDIRAC.DataManagementSystem.Client.ConsistencyChecks import ConsistencyChecks from LHCbDIRAC.BookkeepingSystem.Client.BKQuery import BKQuery from DIRAC.TransformationSystem.Client.TransformationClient import TransformationClient tr = TransformationClient() for prod in prodList: startTime = time.time() cc = ConsistencyChecks() # Setting the prod also sets its type try: = prod except RuntimeError as e: gLogger.exception(lException=e) continue if fileType and cc.transType in ('Merge', 'MCMerge'): gLogger.notice("It is not allowed to select file type for merging transformation", prod) continue cc.verbose = verbose cc.noFC = noFC cc.descendantsDepth = depth if prod != prodList[0]: gLogger.notice("====================") gLogger.notice("Processing %s production %d" % (cc.transType, if status: res = tr.getTransformationFiles({'TransformationID': prod, 'Status': status}) if res['OK']: lfnList = [trFile['LFN'] for trFile in res['Value']] gLogger.notice('Found %d files with status %s' % (len(lfnList), status)) else: gLogger.fatal("Error getting files %s" % status, res['Message'])
def main(): global overwrite global specialOptions global module global specialOptions from DIRAC.FrameworkSystem.Client.ComponentInstaller import gComponentInstaller gComponentInstaller.exitOnError = True Script.registerSwitch("w", "overwrite", "Overwrite the configuration in the global CS", setOverwrite) Script.registerSwitch("m:", "module=", "Python module name for the component code", setModule) Script.registerSwitch("p:", "parameter=", "Special component option ", setSpecialOption) # Registering arguments will automatically add their description to the help menu Script.registerArgument(( "System/Component: Full component name (ie: WorkloadManagement/Matcher)", "System: Name of the DIRAC system (ie: WorkloadManagement)", )) Script.registerArgument( " Component: Name of the DIRAC service (ie: Matcher)", mandatory=False) Script.parseCommandLine() args = Script.getPositionalArgs() if len(args) == 1: args = args[0].split("/") if len(args) != 2: Script.showHelp() DIRACexit(1) system = args[0] component = args[1] result = gComponentInstaller.addDefaultOptionsToCS( gConfig, "service", system, component, extensionsByPriority(), specialOptions=specialOptions, overwrite=overwrite, ) if not result["OK"]: gLogger.error(result["Message"]) DIRACexit(1) result = gComponentInstaller.addTornadoOptionsToCS(gConfig) if not result["OK"]: gLogger.error(result["Message"]) DIRACexit(1) result = gComponentInstaller.installTornado() if not result["OK"]: gLogger.error(result["Message"]) DIRACexit(1) gLogger.notice( "Successfully installed component %s in %s system, now setting it up" % (component, system)) result = gComponentInstaller.setupTornadoService(system, component, extensionsByPriority(), module) if not result["OK"]: gLogger.error(result["Message"]) DIRACexit(1) result = MonitoringUtilities.monitorInstallation("service", system, component, module) if not result["OK"]: gLogger.error(result["Message"]) DIRACexit(1) gLogger.notice("Successfully completed the installation of %s/%s" % (system, component)) DIRACexit()
def do_update(self, args): """ Update the software on the target host to a given version usage: update <version> [ -r <rootPath> ] [ -g <lcgVersion> ] where rootPath - path to the DIRAC installation lcgVersion - version of the LCG bindings to install """ try: argss = args.split() version = argss[0] rootPath = '' lcgVersion = '' del argss[0] while len(argss) > 0: if argss[0] == '-r': rootPath = argss[1] del argss[0] del argss[0] elif argss[0] == '-g': lcgVersion = argss[1] del argss[0] del argss[0] except Exception as x: gLogger.notice("ERROR: wrong input:", str(x)) gLogger.notice(self.do_update.__doc__) return client = SystemAdministratorClient(, self.port) gLogger.notice("Software update can take a while, please wait ...") result = client.updateSoftware(version, rootPath, lcgVersion, timeout=300) if not result['OK']: self._errMsg("Failed to update the software") gLogger.notice(result['Message']) else: gLogger.notice("Software successfully updated.") gLogger.notice("You should restart the services to use the new software version.") gLogger.notice("Think of updating /Operations/<vo>/<setup>/Pilot/Versions section in the CS")
def setOnlyReleaseNotes(optionValue): global onlyReleaseNotes gLogger.notice("Only updating release notes!") onlyReleaseNotes = True return S_OK()
res = resourceStatus.getStorageElementStatus(ses) if not res['OK']: gLogger.error('Storage Element %s does not exist' % ses) DIRAC.exit(-1) reason = 'Forced with dirac-admin-allow-se by %s' % userName for se, seOptions in res['Value'].items(): resW = resC = resR = {'OK': False} # InActive is used on the CS model, Banned is the equivalent in RSS for statusType in STATUS_TYPES: if statusFlagDict[statusType]: if seOptions.get(statusType) == "Active": gLogger.notice('%s status of %s is already Active' % (statusType, se)) continue if seOptions.has_key(statusType): if not seOptions[statusType] in ALLOWED_STATUSES: gLogger.notice('%s option for %s is %s, instead of %s' % (statusType, se, seOptions['ReadAccess'], ALLOWED_STATUSES)) gLogger.notice('Try specifying the command switches') continue resR = resourceStatus.setStorageElementStatus( se, statusType, 'Active', reason, userName) if not resR['OK']: gLogger.error("Failed to update %s %s to Active" % (se, statusType)) else:
def run(): from DIRAC.StorageManagementSystem.Client.StorageManagerClient import StorageManagerClient client = StorageManagerClient() queryDict = {} if 'status' in switchDict: queryDict['Status'] = str(switchDict['status']) if 'se' in switchDict: queryDict['SE'] = str(switchDict['se']) # weird: if there are no switches (dictionary is empty), then the --limit is ignored!! # must FIX that in! # ugly fix: newer = '1903-08-02 06:24:38' # select newer than if 'limit' in switchDict: gLogger.notice("Query limited to %s entries" % switchDict['limit']) res = client.getCacheReplicas(queryDict, None, newer, None, None, int(switchDict['limit'])) else: res = client.getCacheReplicas(queryDict) if not res['OK']: gLogger.error(res['Message']) outStr = "\n" if res['Records']: replicas = res['Value'] outStr += " %s" % ("Status".ljust(15)) outStr += " %s" % ("LastUpdate".ljust(20)) outStr += " %s" % ("LFN".ljust(80)) outStr += " %s" % ("SE".ljust(10)) outStr += " %s" % ("Reason".ljust(10)) if 'showJobs' in switchDict: outStr += " %s" % ("Jobs".ljust(10)) outStr += " %s" % ("PinExpiryTime".ljust(15)) outStr += " %s" % ("PinLength(sec)".ljust(15)) outStr += "\n" for crid, info in replicas.iteritems(): outStr += " %s" % (info['Status'].ljust(15)) outStr += " %s" % (str(info['LastUpdate']).ljust(20)) outStr += " %s" % (info['LFN'].ljust(30)) outStr += " %s" % (info['SE'].ljust(15)) outStr += " %s" % (str(info['Reason']).ljust(10)) # Task info if 'showJobs' in switchDict: resTasks = client.getTasks({'ReplicaID': crid}) if resTasks['OK']: if resTasks['Value']: tasks = resTasks['Value'] jobs = [] for tid in tasks: jobs.append(tasks[tid]['SourceTaskID']) outStr += ' %s ' % (str(jobs).ljust(10)) else: outStr += ' %s ' % (" --- ".ljust(10)) # Stage request info # what if there's no request to the site yet? resStageRequests = client.getStageRequests({'ReplicaID': crid}) if not resStageRequests['OK']: gLogger.error(resStageRequests['Message']) if resStageRequests['Records']: stageRequests = resStageRequests['Value'] for info in stageRequests.itervalues(): outStr += " %s" % (str(info['PinExpiryTime']).ljust(20)) outStr += " %s" % (str(info['PinLength']).ljust(10)) outStr += "\n" gLogger.notice(outStr) else: gLogger.notice("No entries")
string = inputFile.close() lfns.extend([lfn.strip() for lfn in string.splitlines()]) else: lfns.append(inputFileName) from DIRAC.Core.Utilities.List import sortList, breakListIntoChunks from DIRAC.DataManagementSystem.Client.DataManager import DataManager dm = DataManager() errorReasons = {} successfullyRemoved = 0 for lfnList in breakListIntoChunks(lfns, 100): res = dm.removeFile(lfnList) if not res['OK']: gLogger.error("Failed to remove data", res['Message']) DIRAC.exit(-2) for lfn, r in res['Value']['Failed'].items(): reason = str(r) if not reason in errorReasons.keys(): errorReasons[reason] = [] errorReasons[reason].append(lfn) successfullyRemoved += len(res['Value']['Successful'].keys()) for reason, lfns in errorReasons.items(): gLogger.notice("Failed to remove %d files with error: %s" % (len(lfns), reason)) if successfullyRemoved > 0: gLogger.notice("Successfully removed %d files" % successfullyRemoved) DIRAC.exit(0)
currentDir = activeDirs.pop() res = fc.listDirectory(currentDir, withMetadata, timeout=360) if not res['OK']: gLogger.error("Error retrieving directory contents", "%s %s" % (currentDir, res['Message'])) elif currentDir in res['Value']['Failed']: gLogger.error( "Error retrieving directory contents", "%s %s" % (currentDir, res['Value']['Failed'][currentDir])) else: dirContents = res['Value']['Successful'][currentDir] subdirs = dirContents['SubDirs'] files = dirContents['Files'] if not subdirs and not files: emptyDirs.append(currentDir) gLogger.notice('%s: empty directory' % currentDir) else: for subdir in sorted(subdirs, reverse=True): if (not withMetadata) or isOlderThan( subdirs[subdir]['CreationDate'], totalDays): activeDirs.append(subdir) for filename in sorted(files): fileOK = False if (not withMetadata) or isOlderThan( files[filename]['MetaData']['CreationDate'], totalDays): if wildcard is None or fnmatch.fnmatch(filename, wildcard): fileOK = True if not fileOK: files.pop(filename) allFiles += sorted(files)
setVersion) Script.registerSwitch("p:", "package=", "packages to tag comma separated (default = DIRAC)", setPackage) Script.registerSwitch("u:", "username="******"svn username to use", setUsername) Script.registerSwitch("n", "releaseNotes", "Only refresh release notes", setOnlyReleaseNotes) Script.setUsageMessage('\n'.join([ __doc__.split('\n')[1], 'Usage:', ' %s [option|cfgfile] ...' % Script.scriptName ])) Script.parseCommandLine(ignoreErrors=False) gLogger.notice('Executing: %s ' % (' '.join(sys.argv))) if not svnVersions: Script.showHelp() def generateAndUploadReleaseNotes(packageDistribution, svnPath, versionReleased): tmpDir = tempfile.mkdtemp() packageName = packageDistribution.getPackageName() gLogger.notice("Generating release notes for %s under %s" % (packageName, tmpDir)) for suffix, singleVersion in (("history", False), ("notes", True)): gLogger.notice("Generating %s rst" % suffix) rstHistory = os.path.join(tmpDir, "release%s.rst" % suffix) htmlHistory = os.path.join(tmpDir, "release%s.html" % suffix)
def __reloadAppCB(self): gLogger.notice("\n !!!!!! Reloading web app...\n")
def main(): Script.registerSwitch("", "Path=", " Path to search for") Script.registerSwitch( "", "SE=", " (comma-separated list of) SEs/SE-groups to be searched") # Registering arguments will automatically add their description to the help menu Script.registerArgument( [ "metaspec: metadata index specification (of the form: " '"meta=value" or "meta<value", "meta!=value", etc.)' ], mandatory=False, ) Script.parseCommandLine(ignoreErrors=True) args = Script.getPositionalArgs() import DIRAC from DIRAC import gLogger from DIRAC.Resources.Catalog.FileCatalog import FileCatalog from DIRAC.DataManagementSystem.Client.MetaQuery import MetaQuery, FILE_STANDARD_METAKEYS from DIRAC.DataManagementSystem.Utilities.DMSHelpers import resolveSEGroup path = "/" seList = None for opt, val in Script.getUnprocessedSwitches(): if opt == "Path": path = val elif opt == "SE": seList = resolveSEGroup(val.split(",")) if seList: args.append("SE=%s" % ",".join(seList)) fc = FileCatalog() result = fc.getMetadataFields() if not result["OK"]: gLogger.error("Can not access File Catalog:", result["Message"]) DIRAC.exit(-1) typeDict = result["Value"]["FileMetaFields"] typeDict.update(result["Value"]["DirectoryMetaFields"]) # Special meta tags typeDict.update(FILE_STANDARD_METAKEYS) if len(args) < 1: print("Error: No argument provided\n%s:" % Script.scriptName) gLogger.notice("MetaDataDictionary: \n%s" % str(typeDict)) Script.showHelp(exitCode=1) mq = MetaQuery(typeDict=typeDict) result = mq.setMetaQuery(args) if not result["OK"]: gLogger.error("Illegal metaQuery:", result["Message"]) DIRAC.exit(-1) metaDict = result["Value"] path = metaDict.pop("Path", path) result = fc.findFilesByMetadata(metaDict, path) if not result["OK"]: gLogger.error("Can not access File Catalog:", result["Message"]) DIRAC.exit(-1) lfnList = sorted(result["Value"]) gLogger.notice("\n".join(lfn for lfn in lfnList))
cancel = False listJobs = False force = False targetSE = set() for switch in Script.getUnprocessedSwitches(): if switch[0] == 'Job': try: jobs = [] for arg in switch[1].split(','): if os.path.exists(arg): lines = open(arg, 'r').readlines() jobs += [ int(job.strip()) for line in lines for job in line.split(',') ] gLogger.notice("Found %d jobs in file %s" % (len(jobs), arg)) else: jobs.append(int(arg)) except TypeError: gLogger.fatal("Invalid jobID", job) elif switch[0] == 'Transformation': try: transID = int(switch[1]) except Exception: gLogger.fatal('Invalid transID', switch[1]) elif switch[0] == 'Tasks': try: taskIDs = [int(task) for task in switch[1].split(',')] except Exception: gLogger.fatal('Invalid tasks', switch[1]) elif switch[0] == 'Full':
gLogger.debug("Successfully updated %s catalog status to Active" % site) allowed.append(site) if not allowed: gLogger.error("Failed to allow any catalog mirrors") DIRAC.exit(-1) res = csAPI.commitChanges() if not res['OK']: gLogger.error("Failed to commit changes to CS", res['Message']) DIRAC.exit(-1) subject = '%d catalog instance(s) allowed for use' % len(allowed) addressPath = 'EMail/Production' address = Operations().getValue(addressPath, '') body = 'The catalog mirrors at the following sites were allowed' for site in allowed: body = "%s\n%s" % (body, site) if not address: gLogger.notice( "'%s' not defined in Operations, can not send Mail\n" % addressPath, body) DIRAC.exit(0) NotificationClient().sendMail(address, subject, body, getUserOption(userName, 'Email', '')) DIRAC.exit(0)
def setSite(args): global Site Site = args def setQueue(args): global Queue Queue = args Script.registerSwitch("N:", "Name=", "Computing Element Name (Mandatory)", setCEName) Script.registerSwitch("S:", "Site=", "Site Name (Mandatory)", setSite) Script.registerSwitch("Q:", "Queue=", "Queue Name (Mandatory)", setQueue) Script.parseCommandLine(ignoreErrors=True) args = Script.getExtraCLICFGFiles() if len(args) > 1: Script.showHelp(exitCode=1) result = Resources.getQueue(Site, ceName, Queue) if not result['OK']: gLogger.error("Could not retrieve resource parameters", ": " + result['Message']) DIRACExit(1) gLogger.notice(json.dumps(result['Value']))
recursive=recursive, fcClient=dfc) if not res['OK']: gLogger.fatal('\nError changing directory owner', res['Message']) error = 1 continue if len(directories) == 1: gLogger.always( 'Successfully changed owner in %d directories in %.1f seconds' % (res['Value'], time() - startTime)) from LHCbDIRAC.DataManagementSystem.Client.DMScript import DMScript from LHCbDIRAC.DataManagementSystem.Client.ScriptExecutors import executeLfnMetadata dmScript = DMScript() dmScript.setLFNs(baseDir) sys.stdout.write('Directory metadata: ') sys.stdout.flush() executeLfnMetadata(dmScript) elif count % 10 == 0: sys.stdout.write('.') sys.stdout.flush() count += 1 success += res['Value'] error = 0 if len(directories) > 1: gLogger.notice( '\nSuccessfully changed owner in %d directories in %.1f seconds' % (success, time() - startTime)) exit(error)
def comment(self, message, optMsg=''): """ Print a comment """ fullMsg = '\n' + message + ' %s' % optMsg if optMsg else '' gLogger.notice(fullMsg) self._writeTitle() self.loop(increment=False)
Usage: %s <dataset> """ % Script.scriptName ) Script.parseCommandLine( ignoreErrors = True ) from DIRAC.Resources.Catalog.FileCatalogClient import FileCatalogClient argss = Script.getPositionalArgs() fc = FileCatalogClient() if len( argss ) > 0: datasetName = argss[0] else: Script.showHelp() result = fc.getDatasetFiles( datasetName ) if not result['OK']: print "ERROR: failed to get files for dataset:", result['Message'] else: lfnList = result['Value']['Successful'][datasetName] f = open ( datasetName + '.list', 'w' ) for lfn in lfnList: f.write( lfn + '\n' ) f.close() gLogger.notice( '%d files have been put in %s.list' % ( len( lfnList ), datasetName ) )
gLogger.error('Given component does not exist') DIRACexit(1) if len(result['Value']) > 1: gLogger.error('Too many components match') DIRACexit(1) removeLogs = False if force: removeLogs = True else: if result['Value'][0]['Component']['Type'] in InstallTools.COMPONENT_TYPES: result = promptUser('Remove logs?', ['y', 'n'], 'n') if result['OK']: removeLogs = result['Value'] == 'y' else: gLogger.error(result['Message']) DIRACexit(1) result = InstallTools.uninstallComponent(system, component, removeLogs) if not result['OK']: gLogger.error(result['Message']) DIRACexit(1) result = MonitoringUtilities.monitorUninstallation(system, component) if not result['OK']: gLogger.error(result['Message']) DIRACexit(1) gLogger.notice('Successfully uninstalled component %s/%s' % (system, component)) DIRACexit()
def main(): global overwrite global specialOptions global module global specialOptions from DIRAC.FrameworkSystem.Client.ComponentInstaller import gComponentInstaller gComponentInstaller.exitOnError = True Script.registerSwitch("w", "overwrite", "Overwrite the configuration in the global CS", setOverwrite) Script.registerSwitch("m:", "module=", "Python module name for the component code", setModule) Script.registerSwitch("p:", "parameter=", "Special component option ", setSpecialOption) Script.parseCommandLine() args = Script.getPositionalArgs() if len(args) == 1: args = args[0].split('/') if len(args) != 2: Script.showHelp() DIRACexit(1) system = args[0] component = args[1] compOrMod = module if module else component result = gComponentInstaller.addDefaultOptionsToCS( gConfig, 'service', system, component, getCSExtensions(), specialOptions=specialOptions, overwrite=overwrite) if not result['OK']: gLogger.error(result['Message']) DIRACexit(1) result = gComponentInstaller.addTornadoOptionsToCS(gConfig) if not result['OK']: gLogger.error(result['Message']) DIRACexit(1) result = gComponentInstaller.installTornado() if not result['OK']: gLogger.error(result['Message']) DIRACexit(1) gLogger.notice( 'Successfully installed component %s in %s system, now setting it up' % (component, system)) result = gComponentInstaller.setupTornadoService(system, component, getCSExtensions(), module) if not result['OK']: gLogger.error(result['Message']) DIRACexit(1) result = MonitoringUtilities.monitorInstallation('service', system, component, module) if not result['OK']: gLogger.error(result['Message']) DIRACexit(1) gLogger.notice('Successfully completed the installation of %s/%s' % (system, component)) DIRACexit()
def checkUnusedCEs(): global vo, dry, ceBdiiDict gLogger.notice( 'looking for new computing resources in the BDII database...') result = getCEsFromCS() if not result['OK']: gLogger.error('ERROR: failed to get CEs from CS', result['Message']) DIRACExit(-1) knownCEs = result['Value'] result = getGridCEs(vo, ceBlackList=knownCEs) if not result['OK']: gLogger.error('ERROR: failed to get CEs from BDII', result['Message']) DIRACExit(-1) ceBdiiDict = result['BdiiInfo'] siteDict = result['Value'] if siteDict: gLogger.notice('New resources available:\n') for site in siteDict: diracSite = 'Unknown' result = getDIRACSiteName(site) if result['OK']: diracSite = ','.join(result['Value']) ces = siteDict[site].keys() if ces: gLogger.notice(" %s, DIRAC site %s" % (site, diracSite)) for ce in ces: gLogger.notice(' ' * 4 + ce) gLogger.notice(' %s, %s' % (siteDict[site][ce]['CEType'], '%s_%s_%s' % siteDict[site][ce]['System'])) else: gLogger.notice('No new resources available, exiting') DIRACExit(0) inp = raw_input("\nDo you want to add sites ? [default=yes] [yes|no]: ") inp = inp.strip() if not inp and inp.lower().startswith('n'): gLogger.notice('Nothing else to be done, exiting') DIRACExit(0) gLogger.notice('\nAdding new sites/CEs interactively\n') sitesAdded = [] for site in siteDict: # Get the country code: country = '' ces = siteDict[site].keys() for ce in ces: country = ce.strip().split('.')[-1].lower() if len(country) == 2: break if country == 'gov': country = 'us' break if not country or len(country) != 2: country = 'xx' result = getDIRACSiteName(site) if not result['OK']: gLogger.notice( '\nThe site %s is not yet in the CS, give it a name' % site) diracSite = raw_input('[help|skip|<domain>.<name>.%s]: ' % country) if diracSite.lower() == "skip": continue if diracSite.lower() == "help": gLogger.notice('%s site details:' % site) for k, v in ceBdiiDict[site].items(): if k != "CEs": gLogger.notice('%s\t%s' % (k, v)) gLogger.notice( '\nEnter DIRAC site name in the form <domain>.<name>.%s\n' % country) diracSite = raw_input('[<domain>.<name>.%s]: ' % country) try: domain, siteName, country = diracSite.split('.') except Exception, x: gLogger.error( 'ERROR: DIRAC site name does not follow convention: %s' % diracSite) continue diracSites = [diracSite] else: diracSites = result['Value'] if len(diracSites) > 1: gLogger.notice( 'Attention! GOC site %s corresponds to more than one DIRAC sites:' % site) gLogger.notice(str(diracSites)) gLogger.notice( 'Please, pay attention which DIRAC site the new CEs will join\n' ) newCEs = {} addedCEs = [] for ce in ces: ceType = siteDict[site][ce]['CEType'] for diracSite in diracSites: if ce in addedCEs: continue yn = raw_input( "Add CE %s of type %s to %s? [default yes] [yes|no]: " % (ce, ceType, diracSite)) if yn == '' or yn.lower() == 'y': newCEs.setdefault(diracSite, []) newCEs[diracSite].append(ce) addedCEs.append(ce) for diracSite in diracSites: if diracSite in newCEs: cmd = "dirac-admin-add-site %s %s %s" % ( diracSite, site, ' '.join(newCEs[diracSite])) gLogger.notice( "\nNew site/CEs will be added with command:\n%s" % cmd) yn = raw_input("Add it ? [default yes] [yes|no]: ") if not (yn == '' or yn.lower() == 'y'): continue if dry: gLogger.notice("Command is skipped in the dry run") else: result = shellCall(0, cmd) if not result['OK']: gLogger.error( 'Error while executing dirac-admin-add-site command' ) yn = raw_input( "Do you want to continue ? [default no] [yes|no]: " ) if yn == '' or yn.lower().startswith('n'): if sitesAdded: gLogger.notice( 'CEs were added at the following sites:') for site, diracSite in sitesAdded: gLogger.notice("%s\t%s" % (site, diracSite)) DIRACExit(0) else: exitStatus, stdData, errData = result['Value'] if exitStatus: gLogger.error( 'Error while executing dirac-admin-add-site command\n', '\n'.join([stdData, errData])) yn = raw_input( "Do you want to continue ? [default no] [yes|no]: " ) if yn == '' or yn.lower().startswith('n'): if sitesAdded: gLogger.notice( 'CEs were added at the following sites:' ) for site, diracSite in sitesAdded: gLogger.notice("%s\t%s" % (site, diracSite)) DIRACExit(0) else: sitesAdded.append((site, diracSite)) gLogger.notice(stdData)
def __printDictionary(dictionary, offset=0, shift=0, empty="Empty directory", depth=9999): """ Dictionary pretty printing """ key_max = 0 value_max = 0 for key, value in dictionary.iteritems(): key_max = max(key_max, len(str(key))) value_max = max(value_max, len(str(value))) center = key_max + offset newOffset = offset + (shift if shift else key_max) for key in sorted(dictionary): value = dictionary[key] if isinstance(value, dict): if not depth: value = value.keys() elif value != {}: gLogger.notice('%s%s : ' % (offset * ' ', key)) __printDictionary(value, offset=newOffset, shift=shift, empty=empty, depth=depth - 1) elif key not in ('Failed', 'Successful'): gLogger.notice('%s%s : %s' % (offset * ' ', key, empty)) if isinstance(value, (list, set)): if not value: gLogger.notice('%s%s : %s' % (offset * ' ', key, '[]')) else: gLogger.notice('%s%s : ' % (offset * ' ', key)) for val in sorted(value): gLogger.notice('%s%s' % (newOffset * ' ', val)) elif not isinstance(value, dict): gLogger.notice('%s : %s' % (str(key).rjust(center), str(value)))
def handler(signum, frame): gLogger.notice('\nExit is forced, bye...') DIRACExit(-1)
from DIRAC.Core.Base import Script Script.setUsageMessage(""" Get the currently defined user data volume quotas Usage: %s [options] """ % Script.scriptName) Script.parseCommandLine(ignoreErrors=False) import DIRAC from DIRAC import gLogger, gConfig from DIRAC.Core.Security.ProxyInfo import getProxyInfo res = getProxyInfo(False, False) if not res['OK']: gLogger.error("Failed to get client proxy information.", res['Message']) DIRAC.exit(2) proxyInfo = res['Value'] username = proxyInfo['username'] try: quota = gConfig.getValue('/Registry/DefaultStorageQuota', 0.) quota = gConfig.getValue('/Registry/Users/%s/Quota' % username, quota) gLogger.notice('Current quota found to be %.1f GB' % quota) DIRAC.exit(0) except Exception as x: gLogger.exception("Failed to convert retrieved quota", '', x) DIRAC.exit(-1)