def insertApplicationToCS(self, name, csParameter): """add given application found via CVMFS to the CS""" pars = dict(self.parameter) pars['name'] = name gLogger.notice("%(name)s: Adding version %(version)s to the CS" % pars) existingVersions = gConfig.getSections("%(softSec)s/%(platform)s/%(name)s" % pars, []) if not existingVersions['OK']: gLogger.error("Could not find all versions available in CS: %s" % existingVersions['Message']) dexit(255) if pars['version'] in existingVersions['Value']: gLogger.always('Application %s %s for %s already in CS, nothing to do' % (name.lower(), pars['version'], pars['platform'])) return S_OK() csPath = self.softSec + ("/%(platform)s/%(name)s/%(version)s/" % pars) for par, val in csParameter.iteritems(): gLogger.notice("Add: %s = %s" %(csPath+par, val)) result = self.csAPI.setOption(csPath+par, val) if result['OK']: self.modifiedCS = True else: gLogger.error("Failure to add to CS", result['Message']) return S_ERROR("") return S_OK()
def _runFSTAgent(): """ read commands line params and run FST agent for a given transformation ID """ params = _Params() params.registerSwitches() Script.parseCommandLine() if not params.checkSettings()['OK']: Script.showHelp() dexit(1) from ILCDIRAC.ILCTransformationSystem.Agent.FileStatusTransformationAgent import FileStatusTransformationAgent fstAgent = FileStatusTransformationAgent('ILCTransformation/FileStatusTransformationAgent', 'ILCTransformation/FileStatusTransformationAgent', 'dirac-ilc-filestatus-transformation') fstAgent.log = gLogger fstAgent.enabled = params.enabled res = fstAgent.getTransformations(transID=params.transID) if not res['OK']: dexit(1) if not res['Value']: print("Transformation Not Found") dexit(1) trans = res['Value'][0] res = fstAgent.processTransformation( int(params.transID), trans['SourceSE'], trans['TargetSE'], trans['DataTransType']) if not res["OK"]: dexit(1) dexit(0)
def uploadProcessListToFileCatalog(self, path_to_process_list, appVersion): """Upload the new processList to the FileCatalog """ from ILCDIRAC.Core.Utilities.FileUtils import upload from DIRAC.DataManagementSystem.Client.DataManager import DataManager from DIRAC import gConfig, exit as dexit datMan = DataManager() LOG.notice("Removing process list from file catalog" + path_to_process_list) res = datMan.removeFile(path_to_process_list) if not res['OK']: LOG.error("Could not remove process list from file catalog, do it by hand") dexit(2) LOG.notice("Done removing process list from file catalog") res = upload(os.path.dirname(path_to_process_list) + "/", self.location ) if not res['OK']: LOG.error("something went wrong in the copy") dexit(2) LOG.notice("Putting process list to local processlist directory") localprocesslistpath = gConfig.getOption("/LocalSite/ProcessListPath", "") if localprocesslistpath['Value']: try: localSvnRepo = "/afs/" shutil.copy(self.location, localSvnRepo) ## because it does not make a difference if we hardcode it here or in ${DIRAC}/etc/dirac.cfg, yours truly APS, JFS except OSError, err: LOG.error("Copy of process list to %s failed with error %s!" % (localSvnRepo, str(err))) try: ["svn","ci", os.path.join( localSvnRepo, os.path.basename(localprocesslistpath['Value'] )), "-m'Process list for whizard version %s'" % appVersion ], shell=False ) except OSError, err: LOG.error("Commit failed! Error: %s" % str(err))
def main(vo): # thanks to Stephane for suggesting this fix! #res1 = gConfig.getSections( 'Resources/Sites/LCG/', listOrdered = True ) res = getQueues() if not res['OK']: gLogger.error(res['Message']) gLogger.error("Cannot obtain Queues") dexit(1) sites = res['Value'].keys() values = [res['Value'][key].keys() for key in sites] sites_ce = dict(zip(sites,values)) vo_ces = ldapCEs(vo) final_dict = {} for site in sites_ce: final_dict[site]={"Tags":[],"CE":[]} ces_current_site = sites_ce[site] for ce in ces_current_site: if ce in vo_ces: curr_ces = final_dict[site]["CE"] curr_ces.append(ce) final_dict[site].update({"Tags":ldapTag(ce,vo),"CE":curr_ces}) #final_dict[site]={"Tags":ldapTag(ce,vo),"CE":[ce]} ret_dict = {} for key in final_dict: if len(final_dict[key]['CE'])!=0: ret_dict[key]=final_dict[key] return ret_dict
def runTests(): """runs the tests""" clip = CLIParams() clip.registerSwitches() Script.parseCommandLine() overlayrun = clip.testOverlay myMarlinSteeringFile = "clic_ild_cdr_steering_overlay_1400.0.xml" if overlayrun else "clic_ild_cdr_steering.xml" myLCSimPreSteeringFile = "clic_cdr_prePandoraOverlay_1400.0.lcsim" if overlayrun else "clic_cdr_prePandora.lcsim" myLCSimPostSteeringFile = "clic_cdr_postPandoraOverlay.lcsim" parameterDict = dict( mokkaVersion="0706P08", mokkaSteeringFile="clic_ild_cdr.steer", detectorModel="CLIC_ILD_CDR", steeringFileVersion="V22", machine="clic_cdr", backgroundType="gghad", energy=1400, marlinVersion="v0111Prod", rootVersion="5.34", marlinSteeringFile=myMarlinSteeringFile, marlinInputdata = "/ilc/user/s/sailer/testFiles/prod_clic_ild_e2e2_o_sim_2214_26.slcio", gearFile='clic_ild_cdr.gear', lcsimPreSteeringFile=myLCSimPreSteeringFile, lcsimPostSteeringFile=myLCSimPostSteeringFile ) myTests = TestCreater(clip, parameterDict) res = myTests.checkForTests() if not res['OK']: dexit(1) return
def addMD5SumToCS(self): """adds the MD5Sum of the Tarball fo the CS""" gLogger.notice("Adding MD5Sum to CS") md5sum = md5.md5(open(self.appTar).read()).hexdigest() result = self.diracAdmin.csSetOption("%(softSec)s/%(platform)s/%(appname)s/%(appVersion)s/Md5Sum" % self.parameter, md5sum) if result['OK']: self.modifiedCS = True else: gLogger.error("Could not add md5sum to CS") dexit(255)
def commitToCS(self): """write changes to the CS to the server""" gLogger.notice("Commiting changes to the CS") if self.modifiedCS: result = self.diracAdmin.csCommitChanges(False) if not result[ 'OK' ]: gLogger.error('Commit failed with message = %s' % (result[ 'Message' ])) dexit(255)'Successfully committed changes to CS') else:'No modifications to CS required')
def uploadTarBall(self): """get the tarballURL from the CS and upload the tarball there. Exits when error is encountered""" gLogger.notice("Uploading TarBall to the Grid") from ILCDIRAC.Core.Utilities.FileUtils import upload tarballurl = gConfig.getOption("%(softSec)s/%(platform)s/%(appname)s/TarBallURL" % self.parameter, "") if not tarballurl['OK'] or not tarballurl['Value']: gLogger.error('TarBallURL for application %(appname)s not defined' % self.parameter) dexit(255) res = upload(tarballurl['Value'], self.appTar) if not res['OK']: gLogger.error("Upload to %s failed" % tarballurl['Value'], res['Message']) dexit(255)
def getFiles(): """ Get the lfns: This is not the point of this example, so keep it out of the main """ fc = FileCatalogClient() meta = {} meta['ProdID'] = 1543 meta["Datatype"] = "DST" result = fc.findFilesByMetadata(meta, "/ilc/prod/clic") if not result["OK"]: gLogger.error(result["Message"]) dexit(1) return result['Value']
def _findInFC(): """Find something in the FileCatalog""" from DIRAC import exit as dexit clip = _Params() clip.registerSwitches() Script.parseCommandLine() args = Script.getPositionalArgs() if len(args)<2: Script.showHelp('ERROR: Not enough arguments') gLogger.error("Run %s --help" % SCRIPTNAME ) dexit(1) path = args[0] if path == '.': path = '/' ## Check that the first argument is not a MetaQuery if any( op in path for op in OPLIST ): gLogger.error("ERROR: Path '%s' is not a valid path! The first argument must be a path" % path) gLogger.error("Run %s --help" % SCRIPTNAME ) dexit(1) gLogger.verbose("Path:", path) metaQuery = args[1:] metaDataDict = _createQueryDict(metaQuery) gLogger.verbose("Query:",str(metaDataDict)) if not metaDataDict:"No query") dexit(1) fc = FileCatalogClient() res = fc.findFilesByMetadata(metaDataDict, path) if not res['OK']: gLogger.error(res['Message']) dexit(1) if not res['Value']: gLogger.notice("No files found") listToPrint = None if clip.printOnlyDirectories: listToPrint = set( "/".join(fullpath.split("/")[:-1]) for fullpath in res['Value'] ) else: listToPrint = res['Value'] for entry in listToPrint: print entry dexit(0)
def _getOutputs(): repoLocation = '' clip = _Params() clip.registerSwitches() Script.parseCommandLine( ignoreErrors = False ) repoLocation = clip.repo if not repoLocation: Script.showHelp() dexit(1) from DIRAC import gLogger from DIRAC.Interfaces.API.Dirac import Dirac dirac = Dirac(True, repoLocation) exitCode = 0 res = dirac.monitorRepository(False) if not res['OK']: gLogger.error("Failed because %s" % res['Message']) dexit(1) res = dirac.retrieveRepositorySandboxes() if not res['OK']: gLogger.error("Failed because %s" % res['Message']) dexit(1) if clip.outputdata: res = dirac.retrieveRepositoryData() if not res['OK']: gLogger.error("Failed because %s" % res['Message']) exit(1) dexit(exitCode)
def getJob(): """ produce a job: it's always the same, so we don't need to put it in the main """ j = UserJob() ma = Marlin() ma.setVersion("v0111Prod") ma.setSteeringFile("clic_ild_cdr_steering.xml") ma.setGearFile("clic_ild_cdr.gear") result = j.append(ma) if not result['OK']: gLogger.error(result["Message"]) dexit(1) j.setCPUTime(10000) j.setOutputSandbox("*.log") return j
def _getOutputData(): cliParams = _Params() cliParams.registerSwitches() Script.parseCommandLine( ignoreErrors = False ) if not cliParams.repo: Script.showHelp() dexit(2) from DIRAC.Interfaces.API.Dirac import Dirac dirac = Dirac(True, cliParams.repo) exitCode = 0 dirac.monitorRepository(False) dirac.retrieveRepositoryData() dexit(exitCode)
def getUserInfoFromPhonebook(client, clip): """return user information from the phonebook""" sudsUser = client.factory.create("ns0:MemberType") comm = "phonebook --login %s --terse firstname --terse surname --terse ccid --terse email" % clip.uname from DIRAC.Core.Utilities.Subprocess import shellCall res = shellCall(0, comm) if not res['OK']: gLogger.error("Failed getting user info:",res['Message']) gLogger.error("Please add user in e-group by hand.") dexit(1) if res['Value'][0]: gLogger.error("phonebook command returned an error:",res['Value'][2]) gLogger.error("Please add user in e-group by hand.") dexit(1) output = res['Value'][1] if output: output = output.split("\n") if len(output)>2: gLogger.error("This username somehow has more than one account, please choose the right one and register by hand") gLogger.error("%s"%output) dexit(1) user_fname = output[0].split(";")[0] #firstname user_sname = output[0].split(";")[1] # surname phoneBookEmail = output[0].split(";")[3] #email if phoneBookEmail != and gLogger.error( "Email for user (%s) does not match the email given in the command line (%s))" \ %(phoneBookEmail, dexit(1) else: = phoneBookEmail sudsUser['PrimaryAccount'] = clip.uname.upper() sudsUser['ID'] = output[0].split(";")[2] # CCID sudsUser['Type'] = 'Person' sudsUser['Name'] = '%s, %s' %(user_sname.upper(), user_fname) sudsUser['Email'] = output[0].split(";")[3] #email else: gLogger.notice("User '%s' does not appear to be in the CERN phonebook" % clip.uname) if not gLogger.error("Email address for external user is not given, please add -E<address>") dexit(1) sudsUser['Type'] = 'External' sudsUser['Email'] = return sudsUser
def addSoftware(): """uploads, registers, and sends email about new software package""" cliParams = Params() cliParams.registerSwitches() Script.parseCommandLine( ignoreErrors = True ) platform = cliParams.platform appName = appVersion = cliParams.version comment = cliParams.comment tarball_loc = cliParams.tarball if not platform or not appName or not comment: Script.showHelp() dexit(2) softAdder = SoftwareAdder(platform, appName, tarball_loc, appVersion, comment) softAdder.addSoftware() gLogger.notice("All done!") dexit(0)
def addUserToCS(clip, userProps): """Add the user to the CS, return list of errors""" from DIRAC.Interfaces.API.DiracAdmin import DiracAdmin diracAdmin = DiracAdmin() exitCode = 0 errorList = [] if not diracAdmin.csModifyUser( clip.uname, userProps, createIfNonExistant = True )['OK']: errorList.append( ( "add user", "Cannot register user: '******'" % clip.uname ) ) exitCode = 255 else: result = diracAdmin.csCommitChanges() if not result[ 'OK' ]: errorList.append( ( "commit", result[ 'Message' ] ) ) exitCode = 255 for error in errorList: gLogger.error( "%s: %s" % error ) if exitCode: dexit(exitCode)
def addUser(): """Add user to configuration service and other things""" clip = Params() clip.registerSwitches() Script.parseCommandLine() if not ( clip.certCN and clip.groups and clip.certDN and clip.uname): gLogger.error("Username, DN, CN, and groups have to be given") Script.showHelp() gLogger.notice("Add User to Egroup") addUserToEgroup(clip) if not gLogger.fatal("No email defined and not found in phonebook, you have to provide it: -E<email>") dexit(1) userProps = {'DN': clip.certDN, 'Email':, 'CN': clip.certCN, 'Groups': clip.groups} gLogger.notice("Add User to CS") addUserToCS(clip, userProps) gLogger.notice("Add User to FC") addUserToFC(clip) gLogger.notice("Done")
def checkForTarBall(self,tarball_loc): """checks if the tarball exists""""Check if tarball exists at %s" % tarball_loc) appTar = '' if tarball_loc: appTar = tarball_loc if self.appName == 'slic': self.appVersion = os.path.basename(tarball_loc).slit("_")[0].split("-")[1] else: if self.appVersion: appTar = "%s%s.tgz" % (self.appName, self.appVersion) else: gLogger.notice("Version not defined") if not os.path.exists(appTar): gLogger.error("Cannot find the file %s, exiting" % appTar) dexit(1) return appTar
def printUsers(): """Print the list of users in the VO""" clip = Params() clip.registerSwitches() Script.parseCommandLine() clip.setURLs() from DIRAC.Core.Security.VOMSService import VOMSService voms = VOMSService(clip.adminUrl, clip.attributeUrl) res = voms.admListMembers() if not res['OK']: gLogger.error(res['Message']) dexit(1) users = res['Value'] for user in users: if not clip.username: printUser(user, clip.addPrint) else: if user['DN'].lower().count(clip.username.lower()): printUser(user, clip.addPrint)
def printUsers(): """Print the list of users in the VO""" clip = Params() clip.registerSwitches() Script.parseCommandLine() clip.setURLs() from DIRAC.Core.Security.VOMSService import VOMSService voms = VOMSService(vo=clip.voName) res = voms.getUsers() if not res['OK']: gLogger.error(res['Message']) dexit(1) users = res['Value'] for userDN, userInfo in users.iteritems(): userInfo['DN'] = userDN if not clip.username: printUser(userInfo, clip.addPrint) else: if userDN.lower().count(clip.username.lower()): printUser(userInfo, clip.addPrint)
def _createLFNList(): """create the LFnList""" cliparams = _Params() cliparams.registerSwitches() Script.parseCommandLine( ignoreErrors = False ) repoLocation = cliparams.repo if not repoLocation: Script.showHelp() dexit(2) from ILCDIRAC.Interfaces.API.DiracILC import DiracILC dirac = DiracILC(True, repoLocation) dirac.monitorRepository(False) lfns = [] lfns = dirac.retrieveRepositoryOutputDataLFNs() LOG.notice("lfnlist=[") for lfn in lfns : LOG.notice('"LFN:%s",' % lfn) LOG.notice("]") dexit(0)
def _extend(): """Extends all the tasks""" clip = _Params() clip.registerSwitches() Script.parseCommandLine() from DIRAC import gLogger, exit as dexit if not or not clip.tasks: gLogger.error("Production ID is 0 or Tasks is 0, cannot be") dexit(1) from DIRAC.TransformationSystem.Client.TransformationClient import TransformationClient tc = TransformationClient() res = tc.getTransformation( trans= res['Value'] transp = trans['Plugin'] if transp != 'Limited': gLogger.error("This cannot be used on productions that are not using the 'Limited' plugin") dexit(0)"Prod %s has %s tasks registered" % (, trans['MaxNumberOfTasks']) ) if clip.tasks >0: max_tasks = trans['MaxNumberOfTasks'] + clip.tasks groupsize = trans['GroupSize'] gLogger.notice("Adding %s tasks (%s file(s)) to production %s" %(clip.tasks, clip.tasks*groupsize, elif clip.tasks <0: max_tasks = -1 gLogger.notice("Now all existing files in the DB for production %s will be processed." % else: gLogger.error("Number of tasks must be different from 0") dexit(1) res = tc.setTransformationParameter(, 'MaxNumberOfTasks', max_tasks) if not res['OK']: gLogger.error(res['Message']) dexit(1) gLogger.notice("Production %s extended!" % dexit(0)
def _createTrafo(): """reads command line parameters, makes check and creates replication transformation""" from DIRAC import exit as dexit clip = _Params() clip.registerSwitches() Script.parseCommandLine() if not clip.checkSettings()['OK']: gLogger.error("ERROR: Missing settings") dexit(1) resCreate = _createReplication( clip.targetSE, clip.sourceSE, clip.prodID, clip.datatype, clip.extraname ) if not resCreate['OK']: dexit(1) dexit(0)
def _getProdLogs(): """get production log files from LogSE""" clip = _Params() clip.registerSwitch() Script.parseCommandLine() if not ( clip.logF or clip.logD or clip.prodid ): Script.showHelp() dexit(1) from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers.Operations import Operations ops = Operations() storageElementName = ops.getValue('/LogStorage/LogSE', 'LogSE') from DIRAC.Resources.Storage.StorageElement import StorageElementItem as StorageElement logSE = StorageElement(storageElementName) if clip.prodid and not ( clip.logD or clip.logF ): result = _getLogFolderFromID( clip ) if not result['OK']: gLogger.error( result['Message'] ) dexit(1) if clip.logD: if not clip.noPromptBeforeDL: res = promptUser('Are you sure you want to get ALL the files in this directory?') if not res['OK']: dexit() choice = res['Value'] if choice.lower()=='n': dexit(0) if isinstance(clip.logD, str): res = logSE.getDirectory(clip.logD, localPath=clip.outputdir) _printErrorReport(res) elif isinstance(clip.logD, list): for logdir in clip.logD: gLogger.notice('Getting log files from '+str(logdir)) res = logSE.getDirectory(logdir, localPath=clip.outputdir) _printErrorReport(res) if clip.logF: res = logSE.getFile(clip.logF, localPath = clip.outputdir) _printErrorReport(res)
def checkConsistency(self): """checks if platform is defined, application exists, etc.""" gLogger.notice("Checking consistency") av_platforms = gConfig.getSections(self.softSec, []) if av_platforms['OK']: if not self.platform in av_platforms['Value']: gLogger.error("Platform %s unknown, available are %s." % (self.platform, ", ".join(av_platforms['Value']))) gLogger.error("If yours is missing add it in CS") dexit(255) else: gLogger.error("Could not find all platforms available in CS") dexit(255) av_apps = gConfig.getSections("%(softSec)s/%(platform)s" % self.parameter, []) if not av_apps['OK']: gLogger.error("Could not find all applications available in CS") dexit(255)
def addVersionToCS(self): """adds the version of the application to the CS""" gLogger.notice("Adding version %(appVersion)s to the CS" % self.parameter) existingVersions = gConfig.getSections("%(softSec)s/%(platform)s/%(appname)s" % self.parameter, []) if not existingVersions['OK']: gLogger.error("Could not find all versions available in CS: %s" % existingVersions['Message']) dexit(255) if self.appVersion in existingVersions['Value']: gLogger.always('Application %s %s for %s already in CS, nothing to do' % (self.appName.lower(), self.appVersion, self.platform)) dexit(0) result = self.diracAdmin.csSetOption("%(softSec)s/%(platform)s/%(appname)s/%(appVersion)s/TarBall" % self.parameter, self.parameter['appTar_name']) if result['OK']: self.modifiedCS = True else: gLogger.error ("Could not add version to CS") dexit(255)
def addSoftware(): """uploads, registers, and sends email about new software package""" cliParams = Params() cliParams.registerSwitches() Script.parseCommandLine( ignoreErrors = True ) consistent = cliParams.checkConsistency() if not consistent['OK']: gLogger.error("Error checking consistency:", consistent['Message']) Script.showHelp() dexit(2) softAdder = CVMFSAdder(cliParams) resCheck = softAdder.checkConsistency() if not resCheck['OK']: Script.showHelp() dexit(2) softAdder.addSoftware() gLogger.notice("All done!") dexit(0)
'Arguments:', ' JobID: DIRAC Job ID' ] ) ) args = Script.getPositionalArgs() from DIRAC import gLogger, exit as dexit from DIRAC.Interfaces.API.Dirac import Dirac from DIRAC.FrameworkSystem.Client.ProxyManagerClient import gProxyManager from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers.Operations import Operations # get necessary credentials op = Operations("") shifter = op.getValue("Pipeline/Shifter","/DC=org/DC=doegrids/OU=People/CN=Stephan Zimmer 799865") shifter_group = op.getValue("Pipeline/ShifterGroup","glast_user") result = gProxyManager.downloadProxyToFile(shifter,shifter_group,requiredTimeLeft=10000) if not result['OK']: gLogger.error("ERROR: No valid proxy found; ",result['Message']) dexit(1) proxy = result[ 'Value' ] environ['X509_USER_PROXY'] = proxy"using proxy %s"%proxy) dirac = Dirac(True,"myRepo.rep") exitCode = 0 errorList = [] if len( args ) < 1: Script.showHelp() for job in args: result = dirac.kill( job ) if result['OK']:'Killed job %s' % ( job )) else: errorList.append( ( job, result['Message'] ) ) exitCode = 2
def main(): ''' This is the script main method, which will hold all the logic. ''' cliParams = Params() cliParams.registerSwitches() Script.parseCommandLine(ignoreErrors=True) consistent = cliParams.checkConsistency() if not consistent['OK']: gLogger.error("Error checking consistency:", consistent['Message']) Script.showHelp() dexit(2) ##Get prodID prodID = float(cliParams.prodID) ##Get all possible input files inputFiles = getInputFiles(prodID) ##Get suffix suffix = cliParams.suffix if suffix: suffix = "_" + suffix ##Jet clustering algorithm = "ValenciaPlugin {radius:.1f} {beta:.1f} {gamma:.1f}" jetRadius = float(cliParams.jetRadius) jetBeta = float(cliParams.jetBeta) jetGamma = float(cliParams.jetGamma) jetCluster = "ExclusiveNJets 2" jetRecomb = "E_scheme" ##Top tagger deltaR = float(cliParams.deltaR) deltaP = float(cliParams.deltaP) cos_theta_W_max = float(cliParams.cos_theta_W_max) ##Sixfermion sample sixFermionSample = cliParams.sixFermionSample ##Number of files per job nrFilesPerJob = int(cliParams.nrFilesPerJob) from ILCDIRAC.Interfaces.API.DiracILC import DiracILC repDir = "/afs/{prodID:04.0f}/rep/".format( prodID=prodID)"mkdir -p " + repDir, shell=True) dirac = DiracILC( False ) #, repDir+"topasymmetry_vlc{suffix}.rep".format(suffix = suffix)) jetAlgo = algorithm.format(radius=jetRadius, beta=jetBeta, gamma=jetGamma) inputFileList = [] i = 0 j = 1 for inputFile in inputFiles: inputFileList.append(inputFile) i += 1 if (i >= nrFilesPerJob * j) or (i == len(inputFiles)): jobName = "topasymmetry_chain_{jetSettings}_dR{deltaR:.2f}_dP{deltaP:.2f}_cthetaWmax{cos_theta_W_max:.2f}_1Jun2017_part{index}_{prodID:04.0f}".format( jetSettings=getJetSettings(jetAlgo, jetCluster, jetRecomb), deltaR=deltaR, deltaP=deltaP, cos_theta_W_max=cos_theta_W_max, index=j, prodID=prodID) jobGroup = "topasymmetry_chain_{prodID:04.0f}".format( prodID=prodID) job, outputFile, rootFile = defGridJob(jobName, jobGroup, inputFileList) ##Check if outputfile already exists pOutCheck = subprocess.Popen( "dirac-dms-lfn-replicas /ilc/user/r/rstrom/" + jobGroup + "/" + rootFile, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) outCheck, errCheck = pOutCheck.communicate() #gLogger.notice(jobName) if "no such file" not in outCheck.lower(): gLogger.notice('File exists! Skipping!') inputFileList = [] j += 1 continue #continue #use break if only part1, use continue of run over all parts #gLogger.notice(jetAlgo) #doLogger(jobName, inputFileList, outputFile, rootFile) res = job.append( defMarlin(outputFile, rootFile, jetAlgo=jetAlgo, jetCluster=jetCluster, jetRecomb=jetRecomb, deltaR=deltaR, deltaP=deltaP, cos_theta_W_max=cos_theta_W_max, sixFermionSample=sixFermionSample)) if not res['OK']: #Catch if there is an error print res['Message'] #Print the error message dexit ##Job submission print job.submit(dirac) inputFileList = [] j += 1 #break #add break of only part1 gLogger.notice("All done!") dexit(0)
def _createTrafo(): """reads command line parameters, makes check and creates replication transformation""" clip = Params() clip.registerSwitches(Script) Script.parseCommandLine() if not clip.checkSettings(Script)['OK']: gLogger.error("ERROR: Missing settings") return 1 for metaValue in clip.metaValues: resCreate = createDataTransformation(flavour=clip.flavour, targetSE=clip.targetSE, sourceSE=clip.sourceSE, metaKey=clip.metaKey, metaValue=metaValue, extraData=clip.extraData, extraname=clip.extraname, groupSize=clip.groupSize, tGroup=clip.groupName, plugin=clip.plugin, enable=clip.enable, ) if not resCreate['OK']: gLogger.error("Failed to create Transformation", resCreate['Message']) return 1 return 0 if __name__ == '__main__': dexit(_createTrafo())
Script.parseCommandLine() from DIRAC import gLogger, exit as dexit from GlastDIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.Client.SoftwareTagClient import SoftwareTagClient from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers.Resources import getQueues sw = SoftwareTagClient() mytag = 'SomeTag' mysite = '' #This is what the siteadmin does res = sw.addTagAtSite(mytag, mysite) if not res['OK']: gLogger.error(res['Message']) dexit(1) else: gLogger.notice("Added %s to %s" % (mytag, mysite)) #This is the most common Call from Clients res = sw.getSitesForTag(mytag) if not res['OK']: gLogger.error(res['Message']) else: gLogger.notice("Sites: ", res['Value']) #Get the tags with valid status res = sw.getTagsWithStatus("New") if not res['OK']: gLogger.error(res['Message']) else:
from DIRAC import exit as dexit from DIRAC import gLogger Script.setUsageMessage( """ Remove the given file or a list of files from the File Catalog Usage: %s <LFN | fileContainingLFNs> """ % Script.scriptName ) Script.parseCommandLine() from DIRAC.Core.Security.ProxyInfo import getProxyInfo res = getProxyInfo() if not res['OK']: gLogger.fatal( "Can't get proxy info", res['Message'] ) dexit( 1 ) properties = res['Value'].get( 'groupProperties', [] ) if not 'FileCatalogManagement' in properties: gLogger.error( "You need to use a proxy from a group with FileCatalogManagement" ) dexit( 5 ) from DIRAC.Resources.Catalog.FileCatalog import FileCatalog fc = FileCatalog() import os args = Script.getPositionalArgs() if len( args ) < 1: Script.showHelp() DIRAC.exit( -1 ) else:
break ov = OverlayInput() ov.setBXOverlay(60) ov.setGGToHadInt(3.2) ov.setNbSigEvtsPerJob(n_evts_per_job) ov.setBkgEvtType("gghad") ov.setDetectorModel("CLIC_ILD_CDR") res = j.append(ov) if not res['OK']: print res['Message'] break ma2 = Marlin() ma2.setVersion("v0111Prod") ma2.setSteeringFile("clic_ild_cdr_steering_overlay.xml") ma2.getInputFromApp(mo) ma2.setOutputDstFile("mydst_ov_%s.slcio" % i) res = j.append(ma2) if not res['OK']: print res['Message'] break j.setOutputSandbox( ["mydst_no_ov_%s.slcio" % i, "mydst_ov_%s.slcio" % i, "*.log"]) j.setName("SingleElectron_%s" % i) j.setJobGroup("singleElectrons") j.submit(d) dexit(0)
def doTheWhizardInstallation(): """Do the instalation for new whizard version Copy libraries, create tarball, upload processList file add entry in configuration system """ res = checkSLCVersion() if not res['OK']: gLogger.error(res['Message']) dexit(1) res = checkGFortranVersion() if not res['OK']: gLogger.error(res['Message']) dexit(1) cliParams = Params() cliParams.registerSwitches() Script.parseCommandLine( ignoreErrors= False) whizardResultFolder = cliParams.path platform = cliParams.platform whizard_version = cliParams.version appVersion = whizard_version beam_spectra_version = cliParams.beam_spectra if not whizardResultFolder or not whizard_version or not beam_spectra_version: Script.showHelp() dexit(2) from ILCDIRAC.Core.Utilities.ProcessList import ProcessList from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers.Operations import Operations from DIRAC.Interfaces.API.DiracAdmin import DiracAdmin from ILCDIRAC.Core.Utilities.FileUtils import upload from DIRAC.DataManagementSystem.Client.DataManager import DataManager diracAdmin = DiracAdmin() modifiedCS = False softwareSection = "/Operations/Defaults/AvailableTarBalls" processlistLocation = "ProcessList/Location" appName = "whizard" ops = Operations() path_to_process_list = ops.getValue(processlistLocation, "") if not path_to_process_list: gLogger.error("Could not find process list location in CS") dexit(2) gLogger.verbose("Getting process list from file catalog") datMan = DataManager() res = datMan.getFile(path_to_process_list) if not res['OK']: gLogger.error("Error while getting process list from storage") dexit(2) gLogger.verbose("done") ##just the name of the local file in current working directory processlist = os.path.basename(path_to_process_list) if not os.path.exists(processlist): gLogger.error("Process list does not exist locally") dexit(2) pl = ProcessList(processlist) startDir = os.getcwd() inputlist = {} os.chdir(whizardResultFolder) folderlist = os.listdir(whizardResultFolder) whiz_here = folderlist.count("whizard") if whiz_here == 0: gLogger.error("whizard executable not found in %s, please check" % whizardResultFolder) os.chdir(startDir) dexit(2) whizprc_here = folderlist.count("whizard.prc") if whizprc_here == 0: gLogger.error("whizard.prc not found in %s, please check" % whizardResultFolder) os.chdir(startDir) dexit(2) whizmdl_here = folderlist.count("whizard.mdl") if whizmdl_here == 0: gLogger.error("whizard.mdl not found in %s, please check" % whizardResultFolder) os.chdir(startDir) dexit(2) gLogger.verbose("Preparing process list") ## FIXME:: What is this doing exactly? Is this necessary? -- APS, JFS for f in folderlist: if f.count(".in"): infile = open(f, "r") found_detail = False for line in infile: if line.count("decay_description"): currprocess = f.split("")[0] inputlist[currprocess] = {} inputlist[currprocess]["InFile"] = f.rstrip("~") inputlist[currprocess]["Detail"] = line.split("\"")[1] found_detail = True if line.count("process_id") and found_detail: process_id = line.split("\"")[1] inputlist[currprocess]["Model"] = "" inputlist[currprocess]["Generator"] = "" inputlist[currprocess]["Restrictions"] = "" for process in process_id.split(): print "Looking for detail of process %s" % (process) process_detail = getDetailsFromPRC("whizard.prc", process) inputlist[currprocess]["Model"] = process_detail["Model"] inputlist[currprocess]["Generator"] = process_detail["Generator"] if len(inputlist[currprocess]["Restrictions"]): inputlist[currprocess]["Restrictions"] = inputlist[currprocess]["Restrictions"] + ", " + process_detail["Restrictions"] else: inputlist[currprocess]["Restrictions"] = process_detail["Restrictions"] #if len(inputlist[currprocess].items()): # inputlist.append(processdict) ## END FIXEME ##Update inputlist with what was found looking in the prc file processes = readPRCFile("whizard.prc") inputlist.update(processes) ##get from cross section files the cross sections for the processes in inputlist #Need full process list for f in folderlist: if f.count("cross_sections_"): crossfile = open(f, "r") for line in crossfile: line = line.rstrip().lstrip() if not len(line): continue if line[0] == "#" or line[0] == "!": continue if len(line.split()) < 2: continue currprocess = line.split()[0] if currprocess in inputlist: inputlist[currprocess]['CrossSection'] = line.split()[1] gLogger.notice("Preparing Tarball") ##Make a folder in the current directory of the user to store the whizard libraries, executable et al. localWhizardFolderRel = ("whizard" + whizard_version) # relative path localWhizardFolder = os.path.join(startDir, localWhizardFolderRel) if not os.path.exists(localWhizardFolder): os.makedirs(localWhizardFolder) localWhizardLibFolder = os.path.join(localWhizardFolder,'lib') if os.path.exists(localWhizardLibFolder): shutil.rmtree(localWhizardLibFolder) os.makedirs(localWhizardLibFolder) ##creates the lib folder whizardLibraries = getListOfLibraries(os.path.join(whizardResultFolder, "whizard")) copyLibsCall = ["rsync","-avzL"] for lib in whizardLibraries: copyLibsCall.append(lib) copyLibsCall.append(localWhizardLibFolder) subprocess.Popen(copyLibsCall, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) for fileName in folderlist: shutil.copy(fileName, localWhizardFolder) ##Get the list of md5 sums for all the files in the folder to be tarred os.chdir( localWhizardFolder )["find . -type f -exec md5sum {} > ../md5_checksum.md5 \\; && mv ../md5_checksum.md5 ."], shell=True) os.chdir(startDir) ##Create the Tarball gLogger.notice("Creating Tarball...") appTar = localWhizardFolder + ".tgz" myappTar =, "w:gz") myappTar.add(localWhizardFolderRel) myappTar.close() md5sum = md5.md5(open( appTar, 'r' ).read()).hexdigest() gLogger.notice("...Done") gLogger.notice("Registering new Tarball in CS") tarballurl = {} av_platforms = gConfig.getSections(softwareSection, []) if av_platforms['OK']: if platform not in av_platforms['Value']: gLogger.error("Platform %s unknown, available are %s." % (platform, ", ".join(av_platforms['Value']))) gLogger.error("If yours is missing add it in CS") dexit(255) else: gLogger.error("Could not find all platforms available in CS") dexit(255) av_apps = gConfig.getSections("%s/%s" % (softwareSection, platform), []) if not av_apps['OK']: gLogger.error("Could not find all applications available in CS") dexit(255) if appName.lower() in av_apps['Value']: versions = gConfig.getSections("%s/%s/%s" % (softwareSection, platform, appName.lower()), []) if not versions['OK']: gLogger.error("Could not find all versions available in CS") dexit(255) if appVersion in versions['Value']: gLogger.error('Application %s %s for %s already in CS, nothing to do' % (appName.lower(), appVersion, platform)) dexit(0) else: result = diracAdmin.csSetOption("%s/%s/%s/%s/TarBall" % (softwareSection, platform, appName.lower(), appVersion), os.path.basename(appTar)) if result['OK']: modifiedCS = True tarballurl = gConfig.getOption("%s/%s/%s/TarBallURL" % (softwareSection, platform, appName.lower()), "") if len(tarballurl['Value']) > 0: res = upload(tarballurl['Value'], appTar) if not res['OK']: gLogger.error("Upload to %s failed" % tarballurl['Value']) dexit(255) result = diracAdmin.csSetOption("%s/%s/%s/%s/Md5Sum" % (softwareSection, platform, appName.lower(), appVersion), md5sum) if result['OK']: modifiedCS = True result = diracAdmin.csSetOption("%s/%s/%s/%s/Dependencies/beam_spectra/version" % (softwareSection, platform, appName.lower(), appVersion), beam_spectra_version) else: result = diracAdmin.csSetOption("%s/%s/%s/%s/TarBall" % (softwareSection, platform, appName.lower(), appVersion), os.path.basename(appTar)) if result['OK']: modifiedCS = True tarballurl = gConfig.getOption("%s/%s/%s/TarBallURL" % (softwareSection, platform, appName.lower()), "") if len(tarballurl['Value']) > 0: res = upload(tarballurl['Value'], appTar) if not res['OK']: gLogger.error("Upload to %s failed" % tarballurl['Value']) dexit(255) result = diracAdmin.csSetOption("%s/%s/%s/%s/Md5Sum" % (softwareSection, platform, appName.lower(), appVersion), md5sum) result = diracAdmin.csSetOption("%s/%s/%s/%s/Dependencies/beam_spectra/version" % (softwareSection, platform, appName.lower(), appVersion), beam_spectra_version) gLogger.verbose("Done uploading the tar ball") os.remove(appTar) #Set for all new processes the TarBallURL for process in inputlist.keys(): inputlist[process]['TarBallCSPath'] = tarballurl['Value'] + os.path.basename(appTar) pl.updateProcessList(inputlist) pl.writeProcessList() raw_input("Do you want to upload the process list? Press ENTER to proceed or CTRL-C to abort!") pl.uploadProcessListToFileCatalog(path_to_process_list, appVersion) #Commit the changes if nothing has failed and the CS has been modified if modifiedCS: result = diracAdmin.csCommitChanges(False) gLogger.verbose(result) gLogger.notice('All done OK!') dexit(0)
from DIRAC import exit as dexit from DIRAC import gLogger Script.setUsageMessage(""" Remove the given file or a list of files from the File Catalog Usage: %s <LFN | fileContainingLFNs> """ % Script.scriptName) Script.parseCommandLine() from DIRAC.Core.Security.ProxyInfo import getProxyInfo res = getProxyInfo() if not res['OK']: gLogger.fatal("Can't get proxy info", res['Message']) dexit(1) properties = res['Value'].get('groupProperties', []) if 'FileCatalogManagement' not in properties: gLogger.error( "You need to use a proxy from a group with FileCatalogManagement") dexit(5) from DIRAC.Resources.Catalog.FileCatalog import FileCatalog fc = FileCatalog() import os args = Script.getPositionalArgs() if len(args) < 1: Script.showHelp() DIRAC.exit(-1)
def _getProductionSummary(): clip = _Params() clip.registerSwitch() Script.parseCommandLine() from ILCDIRAC.Core.Utilities.HTML import Table from ILCDIRAC.Core.Utilities.ProcessList import ProcessList from DIRAC.TransformationSystem.Client.TransformationClient import TransformationClient from DIRAC.Resources.Catalog.FileCatalogClient import FileCatalogClient from DIRAC import gConfig, gLogger prod = full_detail = clip.full_det fc = FileCatalogClient() processlist = gConfig.getValue('/LocalSite/ProcessListPath') prl = ProcessList(processlist) processesdict = prl.getProcessesDict() trc = TransformationClient() prodids = [] if not prod: conddict = {} conddict['Status'] = clip.statuses if clip.ptypes: conddict['Type'] = clip.ptypes res = trc.getTransformations(conddict) if res['OK']: for transfs in res['Value']: prodids.append(transfs['TransformationID']) else: prodids.extend(prod) metadata = []"Will run on prods %s" % str(prodids)) for prodID in prodids: if prodID < clip.minprod: continue meta = {} meta['ProdID'] = prodID res = trc.getTransformation(str(prodID)) if not res['OK']: gLogger.error("Error getting transformation %s" % prodID) continue prodtype = res['Value']['Type'] proddetail = res['Value']['Description'] if prodtype == 'MCReconstruction' or prodtype == 'MCReconstruction_Overlay': meta['Datatype'] = 'DST' elif prodtype == 'MCGeneration': meta['Datatype'] = 'gen' elif prodtype == 'MCSimulation': meta['Datatype'] = 'SIM' elif prodtype in ['Split', 'Merge']: gLogger.warn("Invalid query for %s productions" % prodtype) continue else: gLogger.error("Unknown production type %s" % prodtype) continue res = fc.findFilesByMetadata(meta) if not res['OK']: gLogger.error(res['Message']) continue lfns = res['Value'] nb_files = len(lfns) path = "" if not len(lfns): gLogger.warn("No files found for prod %s" % prodID) continue path = os.path.dirname(lfns[0]) res = fc.getDirectoryUserMetadata(path) if not res['OK']: gLogger.warn('No meta data found for %s' % path) continue dirmeta = {} dirmeta['proddetail'] = proddetail dirmeta['prodtype'] = prodtype dirmeta['nb_files'] = nb_files dirmeta.update(res['Value']) lumi = 0. nbevts = 0 addinfo = None files = 0 xsec = 0.0 if not full_detail: lfn = lfns[0] info = _getFileInfo(lfn) nbevts = info[1] * len(lfns) lumi = info[0] * len(lfns) addinfo = info[2] if 'xsection' in addinfo: if 'sum' in addinfo['xsection']: if 'xsection' in addinfo['xsection']['sum']: xsec += addinfo['xsection']['sum']['xsection'] files += 1 else: for lfn in lfns: info = _getFileInfo(lfn) lumi += info[0] nbevts += info[1] addinfo = info[2] if 'xsection' in addinfo: if 'sum' in addinfo['xsection']: if 'xsection' in addinfo['xsection']['sum']: xsec += addinfo['xsection']['sum']['xsection'] files += 1 if not lumi: xsec = 0 files = 0 depthDict = {} depSet = set() res = fc.getFileAncestors(lfns, [1, 2, 3, 4]) temp_ancestorlist = [] if res['OK']: for lfn, ancestorsDict in res['Value']['Successful'].items(): for ancestor, dep in ancestorsDict.items(): depthDict.setdefault(dep, []) if ancestor not in temp_ancestorlist: depthDict[dep].append(ancestor) depSet.add(dep) temp_ancestorlist.append(ancestor) depList = list(depSet) depList.sort() for ancestor in depthDict[depList[-1]]: info = _getFileInfo(ancestor) lumi += info[0] addinfo = info[2] if 'xsection' in addinfo: if 'sum' in addinfo['xsection']: if 'xsection' in addinfo['xsection']['sum']: xsec += addinfo['xsection']['sum']['xsection'] files += 1 if xsec and files: xsec /= files dirmeta['CrossSection'] = xsec else: dirmeta['CrossSection'] = 0.0 if nbevts: dirmeta['NumberOfEvents'] = nbevts #if not lumi: # dirmeta['Luminosity']=0 # dirmeta['CrossSection']=0 #else: # if nbevts: # dirmeta['CrossSection']=nbevts/lumi # else: # dirmeta['CrossSection']=0 #if addinfo: # if 'xsection' in addinfo: # if 'sum' in addinfo['xsection']: # if 'xsection' in addinfo['xsection']['sum']: # dirmeta['CrossSection']=addinfo['xsection']['sum']['xsection'] if 'NumberOfEvents' not in dirmeta: dirmeta['NumberOfEvents'] = 0 #print processesdict[dirmeta['EvtType']] dirmeta['detail'] = '' if dirmeta['EvtType'] in processesdict: if 'Detail' in processesdict[dirmeta['EvtType']]: detail = processesdict[dirmeta['EvtType']]['Detail'] else: detail = dirmeta['EvtType'] if not prodtype == 'MCGeneration': res = trc.getTransformationInputDataQuery(str(prodID)) if res['OK']: if 'ProdID' in res['Value']: dirmeta['MomProdID'] = res['Value']['ProdID'] if 'MomProdID' not in dirmeta: dirmeta['MomProdID'] = 0 dirmeta['detail'] = _translate(detail) metadata.append(dirmeta) detectors = {} detectors['ILD'] = {} corres = { "MCGeneration": 'gen', "MCSimulation": 'SIM', "MCReconstruction": "REC", "MCReconstruction_Overlay": "REC" } detectors['ILD']['SIM'] = [] detectors['ILD']['REC'] = [] detectors['SID'] = {} detectors['SID']['SIM'] = [] detectors['SID']['REC'] = [] detectors['sid'] = {} detectors['sid']['SIM'] = [] detectors['sid']['REC'] = [] detectors['gen'] = [] for channel in metadata: if 'DetectorType' not in channel: detectors['gen'].append( (channel['detail'], channel['Energy'], channel['ProdID'], channel['nb_files'], channel['NumberOfEvents'] / channel['nb_files'], channel['NumberOfEvents'], channel['CrossSection'], str(channel['proddetail']))) else: if not channel['DetectorType'] in detectors: gLogger.error("This is unknown detector", channel['DetectorType']) continue detectors[channel['DetectorType']][corres[ channel['prodtype']]].append( (channel['detail'], channel['Energy'], channel['DetectorType'], channel['ProdID'], channel['nb_files'], channel['NumberOfEvents'] / channel['nb_files'], channel['NumberOfEvents'], channel['CrossSection'], channel['MomProdID'], str(channel['proddetail']))) with open("tables.html", "w") as of: of.write("""<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title> Production summary </title> </head> <body> """) if len(detectors['gen']): of.write("<h1>gen prods</h1>\n") table = Table(header_row=('Channel', 'Energy', 'ProdID', 'Tasks', 'Average Evts/task', 'Statistics', 'Cross Section (fb)', 'Comment')) for item in detectors['gen']: table.rows.append(item) of.write(str(table))"Gen prods") if len(detectors['ILD']): of.write("<h1>ILD prods</h1>\n") for ptype in detectors['ILD'].keys(): if len(detectors['ILD'][ptype]): of.write("<h2>%s</h2>\n" % ptype) table = Table(header_row=('Channel', 'Energy', 'Detector', 'ProdID', 'Number of Files', 'Events/File', 'Statistics', 'Cross Section (fb)', 'Origin ProdID', 'Comment')) for item in detectors['ILD'][ptype]: table.rows.append(item) of.write(str(table))"ILC CDR prods %s" % ptype) if len(detectors['SID']): of.write("<h1>SID prods</h1>\n") for ptype in detectors['SID'].keys(): if len(detectors['SID'][ptype]): of.write("<h2>%s</h2>\n" % ptype) table = Table(header_row=('Channel', 'Energy', 'Detector', 'ProdID', 'Number of Files', 'Events/File', 'Statistics', 'Cross Section (fb)', 'Origin ProdID', 'Comment')) for item in detectors['SID'][ptype]: table.rows.append(item) of.write(str(table))"SID CDR prods %s" % ptype) if len(detectors['sid']): of.write("<h1>sid dbd prods</h1>\n") for ptype in detectors['sid'].keys(): if len(detectors['sid'][ptype]): of.write("<h2>%s</h2>\n" % ptype) table = Table(header_row=('Channel', 'Energy', 'Detector', 'ProdID', 'Number of Files', 'Events/File', 'Statistics', 'Cross Section (fb)', 'Origin ProdID', 'Comment')) for item in detectors['sid'][ptype]: table.rows.append(item) of.write(str(table))"sid DBD prods %s" % ptype) of.write(""" </body> </html> """) gLogger.notice("Check ./tables.html in any browser for the results") dexit(0)
#define your applications gen_app1 = GenericApplication() gen_app1.setScript("") gen_app1.setArguments('something or another') gen_app1.setOutputFile("something.ext") gen_app2 = GenericApplication() gen_app2.setScript("") gen_app2.setOutputFile("other.ext") #define the job j = UserJob() j.setName("DummyJob") j.setCPUTime(1000) res = j.append(gen_app1) if not res['OK']: gLogger.error(res['Message']) dexit(1) res = j.append(gen_app2) if not res['OK']: gLogger.error(res['Message']) dexit(1) j.setOutputSandbox(["*.log", "something.ext", "other.ext"]) #submit it res = j.submit(d) if not res['OK']: gLogger.error(res['Message']) dexit(1) dexit(0)
Usage: %s <LFN | fileContainingLFNs> <SE> """ % Script.scriptName) Script.parseCommandLine() from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers.Operations import Operations allowUsers = Operations().getValue("DataManagement/AllowUserReplicaManagement", False) from DIRAC.Core.Security.ProxyInfo import getProxyInfo res = getProxyInfo() if not res['OK']: gLogger.fatal("Can't get proxy info", res['Message']) dexit(1) properties = res['Value'].get('groupProperties', []) if not allowUsers: if 'FileCatalogManagement' not in properties: gLogger.error( "You need to use a proxy from a group with FileCatalogManagement") dexit(5) from DIRAC.DataManagementSystem.Client.DataManager import DataManager dm = DataManager() import os import sys args = Script.getPositionalArgs() if len(args) < 2: Script.showHelp()
if not specialOptions.has_key("JobID"): my_dict = {} #my_dict['Status']=['Matched','Staging','Completed','Done','Failed','Rescheduled','Stalled','Waiting','Running','Checking'] # monitor all states my_dict['Owner'] = [user] local_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow() timedelta = local_time - datetime.timedelta(seconds=86400) if specialOptions.has_key("dayspassed"): timedelta = local_time - datetime.timedelta( seconds=float(specialOptions["dayspassed"]) * 3600) res = w.getJobs(my_dict, timedelta.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) if not res['OK']: gLogger.error("Could not get list of running jobs.", res['Message']) dexit(1) job_list = res['Value'] else: job_list = specialOptions["JobID"].split(",") doLogging = True status = {} sites = {} for chunk in breakListIntoChunks(job_list, 1000): res = d.getJobSummary(chunk) if not res['OK']: gLogger.error("Could not get status of job list chunk,", res['Message']) if do_xml: d.exit(1) continue
def _uploadGenFiles(): """uploads the generator files""" clip = _Params() clip.registerSwitches() Script.parseCommandLine() from DIRAC import gLogger, exit as dexit if not clip.dir: gLogger.error('You need to set the path') Script.showHelp() dexit(1) if not clip.storageElement: gLogger.error('You need a storage element') Script.showHelp() dexit(1) for key in MANDATORY_KEYS: if key not in clip.fmeta: gLogger.error("Not all mandatory meta data defined, please check and add key: ", key) Script.showHelp() dexit(1) #resolve the inout files flist = [] if os.path.isdir(clip.dir): flistd = os.listdir(clip.dir) for filename in flistd: if filename.count(".stdhep"): flist.append( os.path.join(clip.dir, filename) ) elif os.path.isfile(clip.dir): flist.append(clip.dir) else: gLogger.error("%s is not a file nor a directory" % clip.dir) dexit(1) gLogger.notice("Will eventually upload %s file(s)" % len(flist)) from DIRAC.Core.Utilities.PromptUser import promptUser from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers.Operations import Operations basepath = Operations().getValue('Production/ILC_ILD/BasePath','') if not basepath: gLogger.error('Failed to contact CS, please try again') dexit(1) basepath = "/".join(basepath.split("/")[:-2])+"/" #need to get rid of the ild/ part at the end finalpath = os.path.join(basepath, 'generated',"-"+clip.machineParams, clip.evtclass, str(clip.fmeta['GenProcessID'])) gLogger.notice("Will upload the file(s) under %s" % finalpath) if not clip.force: res = promptUser('Continue?', ['y','n'], 'n') if not res['OK']: gLogger.error(res['Message']) dexit(1) if not res['Value'].lower()=='y': dexit(0) dirmeta = [] dirmeta.append({'path':os.path.join(basepath, 'generated'), 'meta':{'Datatype':'gen'}}) dirmeta.append({'path':os.path.join(basepath, 'generated',"-"+clip.machineParams), 'meta':{'Energy', 'MachineParams':clip.machineParams}}) dirmeta.append({'path':os.path.join(basepath, 'generated',"-"+clip.machineParams, clip.evtclass), 'meta':{'EvtClass':clip.evtclass }}) dirmeta.append({'path':finalpath, 'meta': {'EvtType':clip.evttype ,'Luminosity':clip.lumi, 'ProcessID': clip.fmeta['GenProcessID']} }) final_fname_base = 'E'"-"+clip.machineParams+".P"+clip.fmeta['GenProcessName']+".G"+clip.fmeta['ProgramNameVersion'] + "."+clip.particle1+clip.pol1+"."+clip.particle2+clip.pol2+".I"+str(clip.fmeta['GenProcessID']) gLogger.notice("Final file name(s) will be %s where XX will be replaced by file number, and ext by the input file extension" % (final_fname_base+".XX.ext") ) if not clip.force: res = promptUser('Continue?', ['y','n'], 'n') if not res['OK']: gLogger.error(res['Message']) dexit(1) if not res['Value'].lower()=='y': dexit(0) from DIRAC.DataManagementSystem.Client.DataManager import DataManager from DIRAC.Resources.Catalog.FileCatalogClient import FileCatalogClient fc = FileCatalogClient() for pathdict in dirmeta: res = fc.createDirectory(pathdict['path']) if not res['OK']: gLogger.error("Could not create this directory in FileCatalog, abort:", pathdict['path'] ) dexit(0) res = fc.setMetadata(pathdict['path'], pathdict['meta']) if not res['OK']: gLogger.error( "Failed to set meta data %s to %s\n" %(pathdict['meta'], pathdict['path']), res['Message'] ) datMan = DataManager() for filename in flist: fnum = filename.split(".")[-2] fext = filename.split(".")[-1] final_fname = final_fname_base + '.' + fnum + "." + fext gLogger.notice("Uploading %s to" % filename, finalpath+"/"+final_fname) if not clip.force: res = promptUser('Continue?', ['y','n'], 'n') if not res['OK']: gLogger.error(res['Message']) break if not res['Value'].lower()=='y': break res = datMan.putAndRegister(finalpath+"/"+final_fname, filename, clip.storageElement) if not res['OK']: gLogger.error("Failed to upload %s:" % filename, res['Message']) continue res = fc.setMetadata(finalpath+"/"+final_fname, clip.fmeta) if not res['OK']: gLogger.error("Failed setting the metadata to %s:" % filename, res['Message']) dexit(0)
def _getInfo(): """gets info about transformation""" clip = _Params() clip.registerSwitches() Script.parseCommandLine() if not clip.prodid and not clip.filename: Script.showHelp() dexit(1) from DIRAC import gLogger import os from DIRAC.TransformationSystem.Client.TransformationClient import TransformationClient tc = TransformationClient() from DIRAC.Resources.Catalog.FileCatalogClient import FileCatalogClient fc = FileCatalogClient() fmeta = {} trans = None info = [] if clip.prodid: res = tc.getTransformation(clip.prodid) if not res['OK']: gLogger.error(res['Message']) dexit(1) trans = res['Value'] res = tc.getTransformationInputDataQuery( clip.prodid ) if res['OK']: trans['InputDataQuery'] = res['Value'] res = tc.getAdditionalParameters ( clip.prodid ) if res['OK']: trans['AddParams'] = res['Value'] #do something with transf res1 = fc.findDirectoriesByMetadata({'ProdID':clip.prodid}) if res1['OK'] and len(res1['Value'].values()): gLogger.verbose("Found %i directory matching the metadata" % len(res1['Value'].values()) ) for dirs in res1['Value'].values(): res = fc.getDirectoryUserMetadata(dirs) if res['OK']: fmeta.update(res['Value']) else: gLogger.error("Failed to get metadata for %s, SKIPPING" % dirs) continue res = fc.listDirectory(dirs) if not res['OK']: continue content = res['Value']['Successful'][dirs] if content["Files"]: for f_ex in content["Files"].keys(): res = fc.getFileUserMetadata(f_ex) if res['OK']: fmeta.update(res['Value']) break #here we have trans and fmeta info.append("") info.append("Production %s has the following parameters:" % trans['TransformationID']) info.extend(_createTransfoInfo(trans)) if fmeta: info.append('The files created by this production have the following metadata:') info.extend(_createFileInfo(fmeta)) info.append("It's possible that some meta data was not brought back,") info.append("in particular file level metadata, so check some individual files") if clip.filename: pid = "" if clip.filename.count("/"): fpath = os.path.dirname(clip.filename) res = fc.getDirectoryUserMetadata(fpath) if not res['OK']: gLogger.error(res['Message']) dexit(0) fmeta.update(res['Value']) res = fc.getFileUserMetadata(clip.filename) if not res['OK']: gLogger.error(res['Message']) dexit(1) fmeta.update(res['Value']) if 'ProdID' in fmeta: pid = str(fmeta['ProdID']) res = fc.getFileAncestors([clip.filename], 1) if res["OK"]: for dummy_lfn,ancestorsDict in res['Value']['Successful'].items(): if ancestorsDict.keys(): fmeta["Ancestors"] = ancestorsDict.keys() res = fc.getFileDescendents([clip.filename], 1) if res["OK"]: for dummy_lfn,descendDict in res['Value']['Successful'].items(): if descendDict.keys(): fmeta['Descendants'] = descendDict.keys() else: ext = clip.filename.split(".")[-1] fitems = [] for i in clip.filename.split('.')[:-1]: fitems.extend(i.split('_')) pid = '' if ext == 'stdhep': pid = fitems[fitems.index('gen')+1] if ext == 'slcio': if 'rec' in fitems: pid = fitems[fitems.index('rec')+1] elif 'dst' in fitems: pid = fitems[fitems.index('dst')+1] elif 'sim' in fitems: pid = fitems[fitems.index('sim')+1] else: gLogger.error("This file does not follow the ILCDIRAC production conventions!") gLogger.error("Please specify a prod ID directly or check the file.") dexit(0) if not pid: gLogger.error("This file does not follow the ILCDIRAC production conventions!") gLogger.error("Please specify a prod ID directly or check the file.") dexit(0) #as task follows the prod id, to get it we need tid = fitems[fitems.index(pid)+1] last_folder = str(int(tid)/1000).zfill(3) res = fc.findDirectoriesByMetadata({'ProdID':int(pid)}) if not res['OK']: gLogger.error(res['Message']) dexit(1) dir_ex = res['Value'].values()[0] fpath = "" if int(dir_ex.split("/")[-1]) == int(pid): fpath = dir_ex+last_folder+"/" elif int(dir_ex.split("/")[-2]) == int(pid): fpath = "/".join(dir_ex.split('/')[:-2])+"/"+pid.zfill(8)+"/"+last_folder+"/" else: gLogger.error('Path does not follow conventions, will not get file family') if fpath: fpath += clip.filename res = fc.getFileAncestors([fpath], 1) if res["OK"]: for dummy_lfn,ancestorsDict in res['Value']['Successful'].items(): fmeta["Ancestors"] = ancestorsDict.keys() res = fc.getFileDescendents([fpath], 1) if res["OK"]: for dummy_lfn,descendDict in res['Value']['Successful'].items(): fmeta['Descendants'] = descendDict.keys() res = fc.getDirectoryUserMetadata(dir_ex) if not res['OK']: gLogger.error(res['Message']) else: fmeta.update(res['Value']) res = tc.getTransformation(pid) if not res['OK']: gLogger.error(res['Message']) gLogger.error('Will proceed anyway') else: trans = res['Value'] res = tc.getTransformationInputDataQuery( pid ) if res['OK']: trans['InputDataQuery'] = res['Value'] res = tc.getAdditionalParameters ( pid ) if res['OK']: trans['AddParams'] = res['Value'] info.append("") info.append("Input file has the following properties:") info.extend(_createFileInfo(fmeta)) info.append("") info.append('It was created with the production %s:' % pid) if trans: info.extend(_createTransfoInfo(trans)) gLogger.notice("\n".join(info)) dexit(0)