def run_testcase(filename): # find destinations in folder starting_... and ending_... finder = findDestinations(filename) end = finder.returnDestination() start = finder.returnStarting() map_file = np.loadtxt('map.txt',dtype=int) # bounding negative values for keeping it in bounds map_file[0,:] = MIN_VALUE map_file[:,0] = MIN_VALUE map_file[:,len(map_file)-1]=MIN_VALUE map_file[len(map_file)-1,:]=MIN_VALUE # UAV map emulation env = Map(start,end,filename,map_file) RL = DeepQNetwork(env.n_actions, env.n_features, learning_rate=0.01, reward_decay=0.9, e_greedy=0.9, replace_target_iter=200, memory_size=2000, output_graph=True, iteration=filename ) run_map(filename,RL,env) RL.plot_cost() compare = Compare(filename) #compare to given results print("Finished iteration", filename)
def main(): env = RideHitch("data/norm1000.txt") print(env.requests_list) RL = DeepQNetwork(env.pool_size, env.state_num, learning_rate=0.01, reward_decay=0.99, e_greedy=1, replace_target_iter=200, memory_size=2000, output_graph=False, T=env.T_threshold, D=env.D_threshold) step = 0 matched_list = [] for episode in range(100): # init observation = env.reset(reset_seq=False) # if episode % 100 == 0: # print(episode) matched = 0 print("seq size:", env.request_num, "pool size:", env.pool_size) while True: action = RL.choose_action(observation) observation_, reward, done = env.step(action) if reward > 0: matched += 1 RL.store_transition(observation, action, reward, observation_) if (step > 200) and (step % 5 == 0): RL.learn() observation = observation_ if done: break step += 1 matched_list.append(matched) print("eps", episode, "matching", matched) # print(matched_list) RL.plot_cost()
print( 'episode:' + str(episode) + ' steps:' + str(step) + ' reward:' + str( rwd) + ' eps_greedy:' + str( dqn.epsilon)) rewards.append(rwd) break if __name__ == '__main__': rewards = [] env = Env(N_VM) memories = Memory(MEMORY_SIZE) dqn = DeepQNetwork(env.n_actions, env.n_features, learning_rate=0.001, replace_target_iter=200, e_greedy_increment=3e-5 ) run_env(EPISODES, MINI_BATCH) dqn.plot_cost() plt.plot(np.arange(len(rewards)), rewards) plt.plot(np.arange(len(rewards)), [138 for i in range(len(rewards))]) plt.ylabel('reward') plt.xlabel('episode')
rl.store_transition(state, action, reward, state_) ep_r += reward if rl.memory_full: # start to learn once has fulfilled the memory rl.learn() state = state_ if done: print('Ep: %i | %s | ep_r: %.1f' % (i, '---' if not done else 'done', ep_r)) break def eval(): rl.restore() # env.render() state = env.reset(clf) while True: env.render() action = rl.choose_action(state) state, reward, done = env.step(action, clf) if ON_TRAIN: train() rl.plot_cost() else: eval()
DQN = DeepQNetwork( n_actions, n_features, learning_rate=0.03, reward_decay=0.9, replace_target_iter=150, memory_size=1000, # output_graph=True ) t = threading.Thread(target=run) t.daemon = True t.start() t.join start_simulation() DQN.plot_q_t() DQN.plot_cost() plot_values = [] accumulation = 0 for i in range(len(scores)): accumulation += scores[i] if (i + 1) % 500 == 0: plot_values.append(accumulation / 500.0) accumulation = 0 print DQN.epsilon print DQN.learn_step_counter #print scores print plot_values average = np.array(plot_values)
break step += 1 s.append[count] plt.plot(np.arange(len(s)), s) plt.ylabel('points to goal') plt.xlabel('training steps') plt.savefig("figPtsv1.png") total_time = start - time.time() f = open("trainTime.txt", "w+") f.write(total_time) f.close() print('Finished') if __name__ == "__main__": # maze game env = Map() RL = DeepQNetwork(env.n_actions, env.n_features, learning_rate=0.01, reward_decay=0.9, e_greedy=0.9, replace_target_iter=200, memory_size=2000, output_graph=True) run_map() RL.plot_cost()
class view(tkinter.Tk): def __init__(self): self.gameStart=False self.status=False self.reward=0 super(view, self).__init__() self.n_actions = 361 #定义动作的可能个数 self.n_features = 361 self.doneList=[] self.allphoto=[] self.initView() self.env=env() self.wobservation=None self.wobservation_=None self.action1=None self.RL = DeepQNetwork(self.n_actions, self.n_features ) def callback(self,event): if self.gameStart: mouse_x = event.x mouse_y = event.y if 590 > mouse_x > 20 and 590 > mouse_y > 20: # 横向为a,纵向为b a = round((mouse_x - 40) / 30) b = round((mouse_y - 40) / 30) action = b * 19 + a # self.env.qipan[b, a] = 2,非计算机方 observation =self.getdouble(np.reshape(np.copy(self.env.qipan), [1, space])) bobservation=self.transfore(observation) qipan,observation_, reward, done=self.step(action, 'Black') bobservation_=self.transfore(observation_) print('人工下棋的reward:%d'%reward) self.RL.store_transition(bobservation, action, reward*1.5, bobservation_) #此处默认人的掷棋是最优的 if done: tkinter.messagebox.showinfo(title='提示', message='you win!!!1') self.RL.learn(flag=2) self.RL.saveavarriable() self.RL.plot_cost() self.gameStart=False # self.status = True #计算机选择动作 self.bqipan=np.copy(self.env.qipan) wobservation = self.getdouble(np.reshape(self.bqipan,[1,space])) action1= self.RL.choose_action(self.bqipan,wobservation) #这里让电脑选择下一步下 bqipan_,wobservation_,reward,done=self.step(action1,'White') print('计算机下棋的reward:%d'%reward) self.RL.store_transition(observation, action, reward, observation_) if done: tkinter.messagebox.showinfo(title='提示', message='you failure') self.RL.saveavarriable() self.RL.plot_cost() self.gameStart = False def initView(self): def buttonCallBack(): self.RL.getvarriable() self.gameStart = True if len(self.allphoto) > 0: for i in self.allphoto: self.w.delete(i) self.allphoto.clear() self.doneList.clear() observation = self.env.reset() self.master = Tk() self.master.title("五子棋") self.master.resizable(width=False, height=False) self.w = Canvas(self.master, bg="#FFFFF0", width=700, height=630) for c in range(40, 610, 30): # 竖向 x0, y0, x1, y1 = c, 40, c, 580 self.w.create_line(x0, y0, x1, y1) for r in range(40, 610, 30): x0, y0, x1, y1 = 40, r, 580, r self.w.create_line(x0, y0, x1, y1) Label(self.w, text=1, bg="#FFFFF0").place(x=5, y=5) x1 = 60 y1 = 5 for i in range(2, 20): Label(self.w, text=i, bg="#FFFFF0").place(x=x1, y=y1) x1 += 30 x1 = 5 y1 = 60 for i in range(2, 20): Label(self.w, text=i, bg="#FFFFF0").place(x=x1, y=y1) y1 += 30 Button(self.w, text="开始游戏", bg="yellow", activebackground="Black", command=buttonCallBack).place(x=610, y=500) self.w.bind("<Double-Button-1>", self.callback) self.w.pack() #self.master.mainloop() def show(self,action,flag): y=(action//19)*30+40 x=(action%19)*30+40 if flag=='Black': a=self.w.create_oval(x-14,y-14,x+14,y+14,fill="Black") elif flag=='White': a = self.w.create_oval(x-14, y-14, x+14, y+14, fill="White") self.allphoto.append(a) self.update() def setPosition(self,action,flag): if action in self.doneList: tkinter.messagebox.showinfo(title='提示', message='当前位置不可下') else: self.doneList.append(action),flag) def reset(self): if len(self.allphoto)>0: for i in self.allphoto: self.w.delete(i) self.allphoto.clear() self.doneList.clear() self.gameStart=False observation=self.env.reset() ob=self.getdouble(np.reshape(observation,[1,space])) return np.copy(self.env.qipan),ob ############################################# def step(self,action,flag): # 根据不同的掷棋方,返回reward # print(flag) # print('ation:%d'%action) p1 = self.env.pwb(flag) p2 = self.env.pwn(action, flag) # 走完后赢的可能性 # print('落子前所得分数%d'%p1) # print('落子后所得分数%d'%p2) s=p2-p1 # if s<=0: # self.reward=0 # elif 0<s<150: # self.reward=300 # elif 150<=s<800: # self.reward=500 # elif 800<=s<3500: # self.reward=2000 # elif 3500<=s<4800: # self.reward=4000 # elif s>4800: # self.reward=6000 print("该步的回报值:%d"%s) self.setPosition(action,flag) if(s==-120): time.sleep(10000) qipan=self.getdouble(np.reshape(np.copy(self.env.qipan),[1,space])) return np.copy(self.env.qipan),qipan,s,self.env.done def tryPosition(self,Ob,ation,flag): qipan=np.copy(Ob) if flag=='White': qipan[0,ation]=1 else: qipan[0,ation]=2 return qipan def render(self): self.update() def transfore(self,observation): # print(np.shape(shape)[1]) s1=observation[0,:space] s2=observation[0,space:] s=np.hstack((s1,s2)) return s #将棋盘1*361转化为1*722形式 def getdouble(self,qipan): w_qipan=np.zeros([1,space]) b_qipan=np.zeros([1,space]) w_array=np.where(qipan==1)[1] b_array=np.where(qipan==2)[1] w_qipan[0,w_array]=1 b_qipan[0,b_array]=1 s=np.hstack((w_qipan,b_qipan)) #转化为1*722矩阵,前361是白字的状态,后361是黑子的状态 return s