Esempio n. 1
    def initialize_name_mapping(self):
        from DQUtils.db import Databases, get_channel_ids_names

        f = Databases.get_folder("/TDAQ/EnabledResources/ATLAS/PIXEL/Modules",
        cids, cnames, cmap = get_channel_ids_names(f)
        self.name_mapping = dict(zip(cids, cnames))
        self.name_mapping_initialized = True
def generate_table(folder, channel, since, until):

    cool_folder = Databases.get_folder(folder)

    channelid = cool_folder.channelId(channel)
    cs = cool.ChannelSelection(channelid, channelid)

    print "Totals for channel '%s' in folder '%s'" % (channel, folder)

    iovs, info_runs = fetch_fixedup_folder_information(folder, since, until,
    table = generate_lb_count_table(folder, iovs, info_runs)
    pprint_table(table, header_loc=2)
Esempio n. 3
def test_coracool():

    folder_path = "/SCT/DAQ/Configuration/Module"

    database = Databases.get_instance("COOLONL_SCT/COMP200")
    folder = database.getFolder(folder_path)

    #print "Total:", folder.countObjects(0, 2**63-1, cool.ChannelSelection())

    if not "<coracool>" in folder.description():
        print "%s is not a coracool folder" % folder.fullPath()

    #x = fetch_objects("LBLB", (142391,0), (142391,0xFFFF), what=[], with_channel=False)
    #print "Expected count:", len(x)

    # Run 142391 timestamps
    #since, until = 1260878894897166135, 1260879303912307635
    run = 142391
    #run = 90415

    since, until, dummy = fetch_lb_timestamps((run, 0), (run, 2**32 - 1))

    #since, until = 0, 2**63-1
    since, until = 1221973544491128285, 1221995264779751560

    variables = ["group", "id"]

    record = namedtuple("coracool_record", "since until channel elements")
    element = namedtuple("element", " ".join(variables))

    start = time()

    objects = browse_coracool(database, folder_path, since, until,
                              cool.ChannelSelection(), "", variables, record,

    elapsed = time() - start
    print "Took %.2f to browse_coracool" % elapsed

    print len(objects)

    bad = [x for x in objects if any( == -1 for el in x.elements)]
    print len(bad)



Esempio n. 4
def test():
    def filter_hello(line):
        if line.startswith("Data source lookup using"):
            return True

    print "Before with block.."

    with silence(filter_hello):
        from DQUtils.db import Databases
        f = Databases.get_folder("DQMFONL")
        print "Sensible stuff!"

    print "f =", f

    print "I am after the silence block"
Esempio n. 5
def test():
    def filter_hello(line):
        if line.startswith("Data source lookup using"):
            return True
    print "Before with block.."
    with silence(filter_hello):
        from DQUtils.db import Databases
        f = Databases.get_folder("DQMFONL")
        print "Sensible stuff!"
    print "f =", f
    print "I am after the silence block"
Esempio n. 6
def test_update_virtual_defect():

    ddb = DefectsDB(TEST_DATABASE, read_only=False)

    # Create two defects
    create_defect_type(ddb, 0)
    create_defect_type(ddb, 1)
    create_defect_type(ddb, 2)

    ddb.insert("DQD_TEST_DEFECT_0", 0, 100, "", "")
    ddb.insert("DQD_TEST_DEFECT_1", 100, 200, "", "")
    ddb.insert("DQD_TEST_DEFECT_2", 200, 300, "", "")

    defects_tag = ddb.new_defects_tag("dqd-test", "New iov tag")

    # Make a virtual defect whose result is the combination of the above
    ddb.new_virtual_defect("DQD_TEST_VIRTUAL_DEFECT", "",
                           "DQD_TEST_DEFECT_0 DQD_TEST_DEFECT_1")

    original_tag = ddb.new_logics_tag()
    original_htag = ddb.new_hierarchical_tag(defects_tag, original_tag)

                              "DQD_TEST_DEFECT_0 DQD_TEST_DEFECT_2")

    new_tag = ddb.new_logics_tag()
    new_htag = ddb.new_hierarchical_tag(defects_tag, new_tag)

    what = {"channels": ["DQD_TEST_VIRTUAL_DEFECT"]}

    orig_iovs = DefectsDB(TEST_DATABASE, tag=original_htag).retrieve(**what)
    new_iovs = DefectsDB(TEST_DATABASE, tag=new_htag).retrieve(**what)
    head_iovs = DefectsDB(TEST_DATABASE).retrieve(**what)

    assert head_iovs == new_iovs
    assert head_iovs != orig_iovs

    assert len(head_iovs) == 2
    assert (head_iovs[0].since, head_iovs[0].until) == (0, 100)
    assert (head_iovs[1].since, head_iovs[1].until) == (200, 300)

    from DQUtils.db import Databases
    db3 = Databases.get_instance(TEST_DATABASE, read_only=True)
    pfs = db3.getFolderSet('/GLOBAL/DETSTATUS')
    assert pfs.tagDescription(
        new_htag) != '', 'Hierarchical tag description not created'
Esempio n. 7
def make_sct_mapping():
    Generate a mapping for the channelids in /SCT/DCS/HV to DCSOFL output 
    channel ids. The highest two bits can be used to determine the system.
    (see `subdets`)
    from DQUtils.db import Databases
    from DQUtils.channel_mapping import get_channel_ids_names
    f = Databases.get_folder("/SCT/DCS/HV", "COOLOFL_DCS/CONDBR2")
    cids, cnames, cmap = get_channel_ids_names(f)

    mapping = {}

    subdets = {0: 114, 1: 111, 2: 115}

    for cid in cids:
        # The highest-two bits of cid specify which DQ region we're in
        output_subdet = subdets[(cid >> 25) & 0x3]
        mapping.setdefault(output_subdet, []).append(cid)

    return mapping
        ('TRCOS', [-1, 0, 1, 2], 'TRIG_HLT_COS_2010NONGREEN'),
        ('TAUB', [-1, 0, 1, 2], 'TAU_B_2010NONGREEN'),
        ('TAUCR', [-1, 0, 1, 2], 'TAU_CR_2010NONGREEN'),
        ('TAUE', [-1, 0, 1, 2], 'TAU_E_2010NONGREEN'),
        ('BTGLIFE', [-1, 0, 1, 2], 'BTAG_BTGLIFE_2010NONGREEN'),
        ('BTGSOFTE', [-1, 0, 1, 2], 'BTAG_BTGSOFTE_2010NONGREEN'),
        ('BTGSOFTM', [-1, 0, 1, 2], 'BTAG_BTGSOFTM_2010NONGREEN'),
        ('MMUIDVX', [-1, 0, 1, 2], 'MCP_MMUIDVX_2010NONGREEN'),

    runends = get_runends()
    outdb = DefectsDB('defectstest.db/COMP200', read_only=False)
    with outdb.storage_buffer:
        for trip in TRIPLES:
            print trip
                Databases.get_instance('COOLOFL_GLOBAL/COMP200'), outdb,
                               'DetStatusLBSUMM-repro05-01', trip[0], trip[1]),
                defect_output(trip[2]), runends)
                Databases.get_instance('COOLOFL_GLOBAL/COMP200'), outdb,
                               trip[0], trip[1]), defect_output(trip[2]),

        copyfunc(Databases.get_instance('COOLONL_TDAQ/COMP200'), outdb,
                 atlas_notready_filter, defect_output('GLOBAL_NOTREADY'),
    db = DefectsDB(opts.db, read_only=False, tag=opts.defecttag)

    primary_names = DetStatusNames()

    with db.storage_buffer:
        print 'Populating old primary flags'
        ## for defect in primary_names.allNames():
        ##     #print defect
        ##     try:
        ##         print db.new_virtual_defect(0, defect, defect, ''), defect
        ##     except DefectExistsError:
        ##         if opts.ignoreold:
        ##             print 'Defect', defect, 'already exists; ignoring'
        ##         else:
        ##             raise
        folder = Databases.get_folder(opts.origpridb, read_only=True)
        ids, names, cdict = get_channel_ids_names(folder)
        for defect in names:
            if defect in DEPRECATED_PRIMARY_FLAGS:
                print 'Skipping', defect, 'as it is deprecated'
            #print defect, folder.channelDescription(cdict[defect])
                print db.new_virtual_defect(defect, defect, ''), defect
            except DefectExistsError:
                if opts.ignoreold:
                    print 'Defect', defect, 'already exists; ignoring'

        print 'Populating old virtual flags'
def clear_lookup_line():