Esempio n. 1
def writeBeamPropertyDefinition(fName, spar_stn_list, biplane_flag_list, layup_data, beam_property_name, property_definition_type, coordinate_type, comments, read_layup_eta=True, print_flag=False):
    Write the DYMORE-formatted @BEAM_PROPERTY_DEFINITION code block to a file.

    fName : <string>
        A filename. The beam property definition code block will be saved here.
    spar_stn_list : <list of ints>
        A list of stations whose properties will be included in this code block.
    layup_data : <np.array>
        An array of cross-sectional data for the entire spar.
        This data has been obtained from a layup file.
        (See truegrid.read_layup.readLayupFile(...))
    beam_property_name : <string>
        The label associated with this beam property definition.
    property_definition_type : <string>
        The format of the properties.
        Acceptable values are: 'SECTIONAL_PROPERTIES',
                               '6X6_MATRICES', or
    coordinate_type : <string>
        The format of coordinates along the span of the beam.
        Acceptable values are: 'ETA_COORDINATE',
                               'CURVILINEAR_COORDINATE' (not yet supported), or
                               'AXIAL_COORDINATE' (not yet supported)
    comments : <string>
        The user-defined comment associated with this code block.
    read_layup_eta : <logical>
        Set to False to use local eta values from a subset of spar stations.
        (See truegrid.read_layup_sparStns_to_eta(...))
    print_flag : <logical>
        Set to True to print debugging information to the screen.

    <none> (However, a file is written to hard disk.)

    dymoreMKfile = du.makeFile(dymore_MKblock_filename)

    tab = '  '

    # write the header for the beam property definition
    dymoreMKfile.write('@BEAM_PROPERTY_DEFINITION {\n')
    dymoreMKfile.write(tab*1 + '@BEAM_PROPERTY_NAME {' + beam_property_name + '} {\n')
    dymoreMKfile.write(tab*2 +   '@PROPERTY_DEFINITION_TYPE {' + property_definition_type + '}\n')
    dymoreMKfile.write(tab*2 +   '@COORDINATE_TYPE {' + coordinate_type + '}\n')
    dymoreMKfile.write(tab*2 +   '\n')

    if not read_layup_eta:
        (eta, x1) = rl.sparStns_to_eta(layup_data, spar_stn_list[0], spar_stn_list[-1], pretty_print=print_flag)

    # write the mass and stiffness matrices for the beam property definition
    for n in range(len(spar_stn_list)):
        spar_station = spar_stn_list[n]
        if spar_station < 10:
            basefilestr = 'spar_station_0' + str(spar_station)
            basefilestr = 'spar_station_' + str(spar_station)

        if print_flag:
            print ''
            print '***************'
            print basefilestr, '  is_biplane =', biplane_flag_list[n]
            print '***************'

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        stationData = rl.extractStationData(layup_data,spar_station)
        if stationData['spar station'] < 10:
            sparstnstr = '0' + str(stationData['spar station'])
            sparstnstr = str(stationData['spar station'])
        # vabsMK = 'VABS/M_and_K_matrices/spar_station_' + sparstnstr + '.dat.K'
        if biplane_flag_list[n]:
            vabsMK = 'VABS/cs_database/biplane_full-hSW/spar_station_' + sparstnstr + '.dat.K'
            vabsMK = 'VABS/cs_database/monoplane/spar_station_' + sparstnstr + '.dat.K'
        if not read_layup_eta:
            stationData['eta'] = eta[n]
        du.writeMKmatrices(dymoreMKfile, vabsMK, stationData, CoordType=coordinate_type, debug_flag=False)

    # Format the comments for a Dymore code block. Maximum comment length is 5 lines of 120 characters each
    comments = du.formatComments(comments)

    # write the footer for the beam property definition
    dymoreMKfile.write(tab*2 + '@COMMENTS {' + comments + '}\n')
    dymoreMKfile.write(tab*1 + '}\n')

    # close the file, which now contains the complete beam property defintion
