#Defining lines log pv.Current_LinesLog = FileFolder + LogTableName # Start to loop through recorded line for m in range(1, len(TextLines)): try: Line = TextLines[m].split() pv.Current_Label, pv.Current_Ion, pv.Current_TheoLoc = Line[0], Line[1], float(Line[2]), pv.Wave1, pv.Wave2, pv.Wave3, pv.Wave4, pv.Wave5, pv.Wave6 = float(Line[4]), float(Line[5]), float(Line[6]), float(Line[7]), float(Line[8]), float(Line[9]) pv.Selections = [pv.Wave1, pv.Wave2, pv.Wave3, pv.Wave4, pv.Wave5, pv.Wave6] Ind_min = np_searchsorted(Wave, pv.Wave1) Ind_max = np_searchsorted(Wave, pv.Wave6) SubWave = Wave[Ind_min - 1 : Ind_max + 1] SubInt = Int[Ind_min - 1 : Ind_max + 1] pv.ind1, pv.ind2, pv.ind3, pv.ind4, pv.ind5, pv.ind6 = np_searchsorted(SubWave, pv.Wave1), np_searchsorted(SubWave, pv.Wave2), np_searchsorted(SubWave, pv.Wave3), np_searchsorted(SubWave, pv.Wave4), np_searchsorted(SubWave, pv.Wave5), np_searchsorted(SubWave, pv.Wave6) print '---Emission', pv.Current_Label #Clear the dictionaries with the line data pv.Fitting_dict = pv.Fitting_dict.fromkeys(pv.Fitting_dict) pv.Parameter_dict = pv.Parameter_dict.fromkeys(pv.Parameter_dict) #Calculation and plotting of continuum properties pv.LocalMedian, pv.ContinuumFlux, pv.SigmaContinuum, pv.Continuum_Gradient, pv.Continuum_n, WPoint1, Wpoint2, FPoint1, FPoint2 = pv.ContinuumRegions(SubInt, SubWave) #Check if emission or absorption line as well as line mixture pv.Check_GaussianMixture(SubWave) #Convert emission lines to gaussian equivalents GaussianWave, GaussianInt = pv.Measure_LineIntensity(SubWave, SubInt, Methodology = 'kmpfit_GaussHermite_MCMC')