def get_users(self, slug, limit, since, desk): self.db_cur.execute(self.check_forum.format(slug=slug)) forum_status = self.db_cur.fetchall() if not len(forum_status): db.close() return tornado.escape.json_encode( {"message": "Can`t find user with id #42\n"}), '404' db.obj_reconnect() request = '''SELECT nickname, fullname, about, email FROM users u JOIN usersForums t ON LOWER(u.nickname) = LOWER( WHERE LOWER( = LOWER('{slug}')'''\ .format(slug=slug) if desk == 'true': request += '''{since}'''\ .format(since=' AND LOWER(u.nickname) < ' + "LOWER('" + since + "')" if since != None else '') else: request += '''{since}''' \ .format(since=' AND LOWER(u.nickname) > ' + "LOWER('" + since + "')" if since != None else '') request += ''' ORDER BY LOWER(u.nickname){desk_or_ask}{limit}'''\ .format(limit=' LIMIT ' + limit if limit != None else '', desk_or_ask=' DESC' if desk == 'true' else ' ASC') self.db_cur.execute(request) users = self.db_cur.fetchall() return tornado.escape.json_encode(users), '200'
def create_forum(self, slug, title, user_name): self.db_cur.execute(self.check_user.format(nickname=user_name)) user_status = self.db_cur.fetchone() if not user_status: return tornado.escape.json_encode( {"message": "Can`t find user with id #42\n"}), '404' else: user_name = user_status['nickname'] self.db_cur.execute(self.check_forum.format(slug=slug)) forum_status = self.db_cur.fetchone() if forum_status: db.close() forum_status['user'] = forum_status['author'] return tornado.escape.json_encode(forum_status), '409' self.db_cur.execute( '''INSERT INTO forum (slug, title, author) VALUES ('{slug}','{title}', '{username}') RETURNING *;''' .format(slug=slug, title=title, username=user_name)) forum = self.db_cur.fetchone() forum['user'] = forum['author'] db.obj_reconnect(True) return tornado.escape.json_encode(forum), '201'
def create_thread(self, forum, author, created, message, title, slug): # db = DataBase() # db_cur = db.get_object_cur() self.db_cur.execute( '''SELECT nickname FROM users WHERE LOWER(users.nickname) = LOWER('{author}');''' .format(author=author)) author = self.db_cur.fetchone() self.db_cur.execute(self.check_forum.format(slug=forum)) forum_status = db_cur.fetchone() if not author or not forum_status: db.close() return tornado.escape.json_encode( {"message": "Can`t find user with id #42\n"}), '404' self.db_cur.execute('''INSERT INTO usersForums (author, forum) SELECT '{author}', '{forum}' WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT forum FROM usersForums WHERE LOWER(author) = LOWER('{author}') AND forum = '{forum}')''' .format(author=author['nickname'], forum=forum_status['slug'])) db.obj_reconnect(True) if slug != None: self.db_cur.execute(self.check_slug.format(slug=slug)) thread_status = self.db_cur.fetchall() if len(thread_status): thread_status[0]['created'] = datetime.isoformat( thread_status[0]['created']) return tornado.escape.json_encode(thread_status[0]), '409' self.db_cur.execute( '''INSERT INTO thread (created, message, title, author, forum{is_slug}) VALUES ('{created_on}', '{message}', '{title}', '{author}', '{forum}'{slug}) RETURNING *;''' .format(is_slug=', slug' if slug != None else '', created_on=created, message=message, title=title, author=author['nickname'], forum=forum_status['slug'], slug=", '" + slug + "'" if slug != None else '')) thread = self.db_cur.fetchone() thread['created'] = datetime.isoformat(thread['created']) db.obj_reconnect(True) return tornado.escape.json_encode(thread), '201'
def get_forum(self, slug): self.db_cur.execute( '''SELECT * FROM forum WHERE LOWER(forum.slug) = LOWER('{slug}');''' .format(slug=slug)) forum = self.db_cur.fetchone() if not forum: db.close() return tornado.escape.json_encode( {"message": "Can`t find user with id #42\n"}), '404' self.db_cur.execute('''SELECT COUNT(*) FROM thread WHERE LOWER( = LOWER('{slug}');'''. format(slug=slug)) forum.update({'threads': db_cur.fetchone()['count']}) self.db_cur.execute('''SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages WHERE LOWER( = LOWER('{slug}');''' .format(slug=slug)) forum.update({'posts': self.db_cur.fetchone()['count']}) forum['user'] = forum['author'] return tornado.escape.json_encode(forum), '200'
def create_post(self, id, forum, date, data): author = data['author'] if 'parent' not in data: data['parent'] = 0 self.db_cur.execute(self.check_user.format(nickname=author)) user = self.db_cur.fetchone() if not user: db.close() return {"message": "Can`t find thread with id #42\n"}, '404' self.db_cur.execute( self.check_parent.format(id=data['parent'], thread=id)) parent = self.db_cur.fetchone() if data['parent'] != 0: if not parent: db.close() return {"message": "Can`t find parent with id #42\n"}, '409' self.db_cur.execute('''INSERT INTO usersForums (author, forum) SELECT '{author}', '{forum}' WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT forum FROM usersForums WHERE LOWER(author) = LOWER('{author}') AND forum = '{forum}')''' .format(author=author, forum=forum)) db.obj_reconnect(True) if parent: data['path'] = parent['path'] data['path'].append(parent['id']) else: data['path'] = [] path = '' for x in data['path']: path += str(x) + ',' if len(path) > 1: path = path[:-1] self.db_cur.execute( '''SELECT nextval(pg_get_serial_sequence('messages', 'id'))''') mid = self.db_cur.fetchone() self.db_cur.execute( '''INSERT INTO messages (id, created, message, author, thread, forum, parent, path) VALUES ({mid}, '{datetime}','{message}','{username}', {thread}, '{forum}', {parent}, array_append(ARRAY[{path}]::integer[], {mid})) RETURNING *;''' .format(datetime=date, message=data['message'], username=author, thread=id, parent=data['parent'], forum=forum, path=path, mid=mid['nextval'])) post = self.db_cur.fetchone() db.obj_reconnect(True) # post['created'] = datetime.datetime.isoformat(post['created']) return post, '201'