def countPlayers(): """Returns the number of players currently registered.""" qry = """SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Players""" with Cursor(tournament_database) as cursor: cursor.execute(qry) results = cursor.fetchone() return results[0]
def playerStandings(): """Returns a list of the players and their win records, sorted by wins. The first entry in the list should be the player in first place, or a player tied for first place if there is currently a tie. Returns: A list of tuples, each of which contains (id, name, wins, matches): id: the player's unique id (assigned by the database) name: the player's full name (as registered) wins: the number of matches the player has won matches: the number of matches the player has played """ qry = """WITH w AS ( SELECT winner AS id, COUNT(winner) AS wins FROM matches GROUP BY winner), l AS ( SELECT loser AS id, COUNT(loser) AS losses FROM matches GROUP BY loser) SELECT, p.firstname, p.lastname, wins, losses FROM w FULL OUTER JOIN l ON ( = RIGHT OUTER JOIN Players p ON ( = OR =;""" with Cursor(tournament_database) as cursor: cursor.execute(qry) standings = sorted([(pid, " ".join([fn, ln]), (w or 0), (w or 0) + (l or 0)) for pid, fn, ln, w, l in cursor.fetchall()], key=lambda x: x[2], reverse=True) n = len(standings) i = 0 while i < n - 1: # Search the standings for ties # Break any ties found by sending all tied players # in a list to be sorted by the OWM scores # i the is index of the first player with score = x, and # j is the index of the first player (sequencially from i) with score != x. # This leaves us a slice of players [i:j], where each player as the same score. j = i while j < n - 1 and standings[i][2] == standings[j][2]: j += 1 tied_players = standings[i:j] if len(tied_players) > 1: # There are 2 or more tied players. # Sort the sublist containing them by their OWM scores OWM_sorted_players = sortByOWM(tied_players) standings[i:j] = OWM_sorted_players i = j return standings
def reportMatch(winner, loser): """Records the outcome of a single match between two players. Args: winner: the id number of the player who won loser: the id number of the player who lost """ # qry = """INSERT INTO Matches (id, winner, loser) # VALUES (DEFAULT, (%s), (%s))""" qry = "INSERT INTO MATCHES VALUES (DEFAULT, %s, %s)" with Cursor(tournament_database) as cursor: cursor.execute(qry, [winner, loser])
def registerPlayer(name): """Adds a player to the tournament database. The database assigns a unique serial id number for the player. (This should be handled by your SQL database schema, not in your Python code.) Args: name: the player's full name (need not be unique). """ qry = """INSERT INTO Players (firstname, lastname) VALUES ((%s), (%s));""" full_name = name.split(" ") # Get the first and last name of the player. If name cannot be split # into 2, set the last name as the empty string fname, lname = full_name if len(full_name) == 2 else [name, ""] # Names may have a single-quote in them, escape it: with Cursor(tournament_database) as cursor: cursor.execute(qry, [fname, lname])
def opponentMatchWins(p): '''Returns player p's oppenents match wins count''' match_qry = """SELECT winner, loser FROM Matches WHERE winner = (%s) OR loser = (%s)""" # wins_qry = """SELECT wins FROM Players WHERE id = (%s)""" wins_qry = """SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Matches WHERE winner = (%s)""" OWM = 0 with Cursor(tournament_database) as cursor: cursor.execute(match_qry, [p, p]) p_opps = [opp for tpl in cursor.fetchall() for opp in tpl if opp != p] for opp in p_opps: qry = wins_qry cursor.execute(qry, [opp]) OWM += cursor.fetchone()[0] return OWM
def deletePlayers(): """Remove all the player records from the database.""" qry = """TRUNCATE Players RESTART IDENTITY CASCADE""" with Cursor(tournament_database) as cursor: cursor.execute(qry)
def deleteMatches(): """Remove all the match records from the database.""" qry_del = """TRUNCATE Matches RESTART IDENTITY CASCADE""" with Cursor(tournament_database) as cursor: cursor.execute(qry_del)