def __init__(self): self.dictionary = Dictionaries() self.code = "" self.blockCommaStack = [] self.elementCommaStack = [] self.attribCommaStack = [] self.alterCommaStack = [] self.condCommaStack = [] self.indents = 0 self.smoothContext = False self.alternativesContext = False self.conditionContext = False self.conditionalContext = False
def __init__(self, pos, chunk, event, classify, mallet_memory='256m'): self.clear_line_counter() self.posTagger = pos_tagger_stdin.PosTagger() if pos else None self.chunkTagger = chunk_tagger_stdin.ChunkTagger() if chunk and pos else None self.eventTagger = event_tagger_stdin.EventTagger() if event and pos else None self.llda = GetLLda() if classify else None if pos and chunk: self.ner_model = 'ner.model' elif pos: self.ner_model = 'ner_nochunk.model' else: self.ner_model = 'ner_nopos_nochunk.model' self.ner = GetNer(self.ner_model, memory=mallet_memory) self.fe = Features.FeatureExtractor('%s/data/dictionaries' % (BASE_DIR)) self.capClassifier = cap_classifier.CapClassifier() self.vocab = Vocab('%s/hbc/data/vocab' % (BASE_DIR)) self.dictMap = {} self.dictMap = self.dictMap i = 1 for line in open('%s/hbc/data/dictionaries' % (BASE_DIR)): dictionary = line.rstrip('\n') self.dictMap[i] = dictionary i += 1 self.dict2index = {} for i in self.dictMap.keys(): self.dict2index[self.dictMap[i]] = i if self.llda: self.dictionaries = Dictionaries('%s/data/LabeledLDA_dictionaries3' % (BASE_DIR), self.dict2index) self.entityMap = {} i = 0 if self.llda: for line in open('%s/hbc/data/entities' % (BASE_DIR)): entity = line.rstrip('\n') self.entityMap[entity] = i i += 1 self.dict2label = {} for line in open('%s/hbc/data/dict-label3' % (BASE_DIR)): (dictionary, label) = line.rstrip('\n').split(' ') self.dict2label[dictionary] = label
def __init__(self): self.numberLines = 0 self.eventTagger = None self.posTagger = None self.chunkTagger = None self.llda = GetLLda() self.ner = GetNer('ner_nopos_nochunk.model') self.fe = Features.FeatureExtractor('%s/data/dictionaries' % (BASE_DIR)) self.capClassifier = cap_classifier.CapClassifier() self.vocab = Vocab('%s/hbc/data/vocab' % (BASE_DIR)) self.dictMap = {} i = 1 for line in open('%s/hbc/data/dictionaries' % (BASE_DIR)): dictionary = line.rstrip('\n') self.dictMap[i] = dictionary i += 1 dict2index = {} for i in self.dictMap.keys(): dict2index[self.dictMap[i]] = i if self.llda: self.dictionaries = Dictionaries( '%s/data/LabeledLDA_dictionaries3' % (BASE_DIR), dict2index) self.entityMap = {} i = 0 if self.llda: for line in open('%s/hbc/data/entities' % (BASE_DIR)): entity = line.rstrip('\n') self.entityMap[entity] = i i += 1 self.dict2label = {} for line in open('%s/hbc/data/dict-label3' % (BASE_DIR)): (dictionary, label) = line.rstrip('\n').split(' ') self.dict2label[dictionary] = label
class PythonCoder(): def __init__(self): self.dictionary = Dictionaries() self.code = "" self.blockCommaStack = [] self.elementCommaStack = [] self.attribCommaStack = [] self.alterCommaStack = [] self.condCommaStack = [] self.indents = 0 self.smoothContext = False self.alternativesContext = False self.conditionContext = False self.conditionalContext = False self.spec_condition = [] def getCode(self): return self.code def indent(self): return (" " * 4 * self.indents) def write(self, text): self.code += text def literalize(self, text, useUnderscore): if text[0] == '"': return text if useUnderscore: literalized = re.sub( '("[ _]+")', ' ', re.sub('("")', '"', re.sub('([a-zA-Z]+)', '"\\1"', text))) else: literalized = re.sub('([a-zA-Z_]+[a-zA-Z0-9_]*)', '"\\1"', text) return literalized def toCamelCase(self, text): return ''.join([x.capitalize() for x in text.split('_')]) def replaceHexColorCode(self, match): value = if len(value) == 3: # short group value = [str(round(int(c + c, 16) / 255.0, 3)) for c in value] elif len(value) == 6: value = [ str(round(int(c1 + c2, 16) / 255.0, 3)) for c1, c2 in zip(value[::2], value[1::2]) ] else: raise Exception('Invalid hex number: #' + value) return '({}, 1.0)'.format(', '.join(value)) def replaceRGBColorCode(self, match): rgb = values = rgb[4:-1].split(',') values.append('255') return str(tuple(round(c / 255., 3) for c in values)) def replaceRGBAColorCode(self, match): rgba = values = rgba[5:-1].split(',') values[3] = str(255. * float(values[3])) return str(tuple(round(c / 255., 3) for c in values)) def replaceColorsInText(self, text): # _hex_colour = re.compile(r'#([0-9a-fA-F]{3}|[0-9a-fA-F]{6})\b') _hex_colour = re.compile(r'#([0-9a-fA-F]+|[0-9a-fA-F]+)\b') text = _hex_colour.sub(self.replaceHexColorCode, text) _rgb_colour = re.compile(r'rgb\(\s*(?:(\d{1,3})\s*,?){3}\)') text = _rgb_colour.sub(self.replaceRGBColorCode, text) _rgba_colour = re.compile(r'rgba\(\s*(?:(\d{1,3})\s*,?){3},\d+\.\d+\)') text = _rgba_colour.sub(self.replaceRGBAColorCode, text) for word, initial in self.dictionary.colors.items(): text = re.sub(r'\b' + word + r'\b', str(initial), text) return text # ------------------------------------------------------------ # styles # : named_block+ EOF #NAMED # | elements EOF #UNNAMED # ; # ------------------------------------------------------------ def enterNAMED(self): self.indents = 1 self.blockCommaStack.append('') self.write('styles = {\n') def exitNAMED(self): self.blockCommaStack.pop() self.write('\n}') def enterUNNAMED(self): self.indents = 1 self.write('styles = [') def exitUNNAMED(self): self.write(']') # ------------------------------------------------------------ # named_block # : ('@name' STRING_LITERAL SEMI elements) # ; # ------------------------------------------------------------ def enterNamed_block(self, name): self.write(self.blockCommaStack[-1]) self.write(self.indent() + name + ' : [') self.blockCommaStack[-1] = ',\n' self.indents += 1 def exitNamed_block(self): self.write(self.indent() + ']') # ------------------------------------------------------------ # elements # : element ( element )* # ; # ------------------------------------------------------------ def enterElements(self): self.elementCommaStack.append('\n') self.attribCommaStack.append("\n") def exitElements(self): self.write("\n") self.indents -= 1 self.elementCommaStack.pop() # ------------------------------------------------------------ # element # : '@'? 'level' (STRUDEL def_name)? spec_conditions* (LPAREN condition RPAREN)? LCURLY attributes RCURLY # | '@'? element_name (STRUDEL def_name)? (LPAREN condition RPAREN)? LCURLY attributes RCURLY # ; # ------------------------------------------------------------ def enterElement_name(self, name): txt = self.toCamelCase(name) self.write(self.indent() + txt + '(') self.indents += 1 def enterElement(self, txt): self.write(self.elementCommaStack[-1]) self.attribCommaStack.append("\n") # maybe we have a condition first if 'level' in txt[:15]: self.write(self.indent() + 'Level(') self.indents += 1 def exitElement(self): self.indents -= 1 self.write(self.indent() + ')') self.elementCommaStack[-1] = ",\n" def enterCondition(self): self.conditionContext = True self.write(self.attribCommaStack[-1]) self.write(self.indent() + 'condition = lambda item : ') self.attribCommaStack[-1] = ',\n' def exitCondition(self): self.conditionContext = False self.attribCommaStack[-1] = ',\n' # ------------------------------------------------------------ # attributes # : attribute* # ; # ------------------------------------------------------------ def enterAttributes(self): pass # self.attribCommaStack.append("\n") def exitAttributes(self): self.write("\n") self.attribCommaStack.pop() # ------------------------------------------------------------ # attribute # : 'symmetry' COLON sym_expression SEMI # | 'use' COLON use_expression SEMI # | ('faces' | 'sharpEdges') COLON smooth_expression SEMI # | attr_name COLON expression SEMI # | attr_name COLON markup_block // markup # ; # sym_expression # : IDENTIFIER # ; # use_expression # : IDENTIFIER (COMMA IDENTIFIER)* # ; # smooth_expression # : expression # ; # markup_block # : LBRACK elements RBRACK # ; # ------------------------------------------------------------ def enterSym_expression(self, sym): self.write(self.attribCommaStack[-1]) symmetry = self.toCamelCase(sym) self.write(self.indent() + 'symmetry = symmetry.' + symmetry) self.attribCommaStack[-1] = ",\n" def enterUse_expression(self, enterSimple_expr): self.write(self.attribCommaStack[-1]) expression = self.literalize(enterSimple_expr, False) self.write(self.indent() + 'use = (' + expression + ',)') self.attribCommaStack[-1] = ",\n" def enterSmooth_expression(self, name): self.smoothContext = True self.write(self.attribCommaStack[-1]) self.write(self.indent() + name + ' = ') self.attribCommaStack[-1] = ",\n" def exitSmooth_expression(self): self.smoothContext = False def enterMarkup_block(self): self.write(' [') self.indents += 1 def exitMarkup_block(self): self.write(self.indent() + ']') def enterAttr_name(self, name): if name == 'class': # avoid conflict with Python keyword name = 'cl' self.write(self.attribCommaStack[-1]) self.write(self.indent() + name + ' = ') self.attribCommaStack[-1] = ",\n" # ------------------------------------------------------------ # expression # : simple_expr | function | alternatives # ; # alternatives # : function (PIPE function)+ # ; # ------------------------------------------------------------ def enterAlternatives(self): self.alternativesContext = True # self.inFunctionStack.append('inFunction') self.functionContext = True self.write("Value(Alternatives(\n") self.alterCommaStack.append("") self.indents += 1 def exitAlternatives(self): self.alternativesContext = False self.alterCommaStack.pop() self.indents -= 1 self.write('\n' + self.indent() + '))') # ------------------------------------------------------------ # function # : 'attr' LPAREN string_literal RPAREN #ATTR # | 'bldgAttr' LPAREN string_literal RPAREN #BUILDATTR # | 'random_normal' LPAREN NUMBER RPAREN #RANDN # | 'random_weighted' nested_list #RANDW # | 'if' LPAREN conditional RPAREN function #COND # | 'use_from' LPAREN IDENTIFIER RPAREN #USEFROM # | 'per_building' LPAREN function RPAREN #PERBUILD # | 'rgb' LPAREN NUMBER COMMA NUMBER COMMA NUMBER RPAREN #RGB # | 'rgba' LPAREN NUMBER COMMA NUMBER COMMA NUMBER COMMA NUMBER RPAREN #RGBA # | constant #CONST # | nested_list #NESTED # | arith_atom #ARITH # ; # ------------------------------------------------------------ def enterATTR(self, attribute): types = self.dictionary.getAttributeTypes(attribute) if self.alternativesContext: self.write(self.alterCommaStack[-1]) if len(types) == 1: self.write(self.indent() + "FromAttr(" + attribute + ", " + types[0] + ')') else: self.write(self.indent() + "FromAttr(" + attribute + ", " + types[0] + '),\n') self.write(self.indent() + "FromAttr(" + attribute + ", " + types[1] + ')') self.alterCommaStack[-1] = ",\n" else: if len(types) == 1: self.write("Value(FromAttr(" + attribute + ", " + types[0] + '))') else: self.write('Value(Alternatives(\n') self.indents += 1 self.write(self.indent() + "FromAttr(" + attribute + ", " + types[0] + '),\n') self.write(self.indent() + "FromAttr(" + attribute + ", " + types[1] + ')\n') self.indents -= 1 self.write(self.indent() + '))') def enterBUILDATTR(self, attribute): types = self.dictionary.getAttributeTypes(attribute) if self.alternativesContext: self.write(self.alterCommaStack[-1]) if len(types) == 1: self.write(self.indent() + "FromBldgAttr(" + attribute + ", " + types[0] + ')') else: self.write(self.indent() + "FromBldgAttr(" + attribute + ", " + types[0] + '),\n') self.write(self.indent() + "FromBldgAttr(" + attribute + ", " + types[1] + ')') self.alterCommaStack[-1] = ",\n" else: if len(types) == 1: self.write("Value(FromBldgAttr(" + attribute + ", " + types[0] + '))') else: self.write('Value(Alternatives(\n') self.indents += 1 self.write(self.indent() + "FromBldgAttr(" + attribute + ", " + types[0] + '),\n') self.write(self.indent() + "FromBldgAttr(" + attribute + ", " + types[1] + ')\n') self.indents -= 1 self.write(self.indent() + '))') # ------------------------------------------------------------ # function # : ... # | 'random_normal' LPAREN NUMBER RPAREN #RANDN # | 'random_weighted' nested_list #RANDW # | ... # ------------------------------------------------------------ def enterRANDN(self, value): if self.alternativesContext or self.conditionContext: self.write(self.alterCommaStack[-1]) self.write(self.indent() + 'RandomNormal( ' + value + ' )') self.alterCommaStack[-1] = ",\n" else: self.write('Value(RandomNormal( ' + value + ' ))') def enterRANDW(self, li): li = self.replaceColorsInText(li) list = self.literalize(li, False) if self.alternativesContext or self.conditionContext: self.write(self.alterCommaStack[-1]) self.write(self.indent() + 'RandomWeighted( ' + list + ' )') self.alterCommaStack[-1] = ",\n" else: self.write('Value(RandomWeighted( ' + list + ' ))') # ------------------------------------------------------------ # function # : ... # | 'if' LPAREN conditional RPAREN function #COND # | ... # ------------------------------------------------------------ def enterCOND(self, condition, result): self.conditionContext = True self.conditionalContext = True if self.alternativesContext: self.write(self.alterCommaStack[-1]) self.write(self.indent() + "Conditional(\n") self.indents += 1 self.write(self.indent() + 'lambda item: ') self.alterCommaStack.append(',\n') else: self.write("Value(Conditional(\n") self.indents += 1 self.write(self.indent() + 'lambda item: ') def exitCOND(self): self.indents -= 1 self.write("\n") if self.conditionContext: if self.alternativesContext: self.write(self.indent() + ")") else: self.write(self.indent() + "))") else: self.write(self.indent() + ")") self.conditionContext = False self.conditionalContext = False # ------------------------------------------------------------ # function # : ... # | 'use_from' LPAREN IDENTIFIER RPAREN #USEFROM # | 'per_building' LPAREN function RPAREN #PERBUILD # | ... # ------------------------------------------------------------ def enterUSEFROM(self, ident): self.write('useFrom("' + ident + '")') def enterPERBUILD(self): if self.alternativesContext: self.write(self.alterCommaStack[-1]) self.alterCommaStack[-1] = '' self.write(self.indent() + 'PerBuilding(\n') self.indents += 1 else: self.write('PerBuilding(') def exitPERBUILD(self): if self.alternativesContext: self.indents -= 1 self.alterCommaStack[-1] = ',\n' self.write('\n' + self.indent() + ')') else: self.write(')') # ------------------------------------------------------------ # function # : ... # | 'rgb' LPAREN NUMBER COMMA NUMBER COMMA NUMBER RPAREN #RGB # | 'rgba' LPAREN NUMBER COMMA NUMBER COMMA NUMBER COMMA NUMBER RPAREN #RGBA # | ... # ------------------------------------------------------------ def enterRGB(self, rgb): expr = self.replaceColorsInText(rgb) if self.alternativesContext or self.conditionalContext: self.write(self.alterCommaStack[-1]) self.write(self.indent() + "Constant(" + expr + ')') self.alterCommaStack[-1] = ',\n' else: self.write('Value(Constant(' + expr + ')') def enterRGBA(self, rgba): expr = self.replaceColorsInText(rgba) if self.alternativesContext or self.conditionalContext: self.write(self.alterCommaStack[-1]) self.write(self.indent() + "Constant(" + expr + ')') self.alterCommaStack[-1] = ',\n' else: self.write('Value(Constant(' + expr + ')') # ------------------------------------------------------------ # function # : ... # | constant #CONST # | nested_list #NESTED # | ... # ------------------------------------------------------------ def enterCONST(self, text): text = self.replaceColorsInText(text) if self.conditionalContext: self.write(',\n') if self.smoothContext and text in ('smooth', 'flat', 'horizontal', 'side', 'all'): expr = self.toCamelCase(text) self.write(self.indent() + "Constant(smoothness." + expr + ')') else: expr = self.literalize(text, False) self.write(self.indent() + "Constant(" + expr + ')') elif self.alternativesContext: self.write(self.alterCommaStack[-1]) expr = self.literalize(text, False) self.write(self.indent() + "Constant(" + expr + ')') self.alterCommaStack[-1] = ',\n' else: expr = self.literalize(text, False) self.write(expr) def enterNESTED(self, li): li = self.replaceColorsInText(li) list = self.literalize(li, False) if self.alternativesContext: self.write(self.alterCommaStack[-1]) self.write(self.indent() + list) self.alterCommaStack[-1] = ',\n' else: self.write(list) def exitINNESTED(self, li): list = self.literalize(li, True) self.write(list) # ------------------------------------------------------------ # spec_conditions # : LBRACK spec_condition RBRACK #SPEC_LEVEL # ; # spec_condition # : '@roof' #SPEC_ROOF # | '@all' #SPEC_ALL # | NUMBER COLON NUMBER #SPEC_FULL_INDX # | NUMBER COLON #SPEC_LEFT_INDX # | COLON NUMBER #SPEC_RIGHT_INDX # ; # ------------------------------------------------------------ def enterSPEC_LEVEL(self): self.spec_condition = [] def exitSPEC_LEVEL(self): roof_val = 'True' if '@roof' in self.spec_condition else 'False' self.write(self.attribCommaStack[-1]) self.write(self.indent() + 'roofLevels = ' + roof_val) self.attribCommaStack[-1] = ",\n" all_val = 'True' if '@all' in self.spec_condition else 'False' self.write(self.attribCommaStack[-1]) self.write(self.indent() + 'allLevels = ' + all_val) self.attribCommaStack[-1] = ",\n" self.spec_condition = [] def enterSPEC_ROOF(self, cond): self.spec_condition.append(cond) def enterSPEC_FULL_INDX(self, index_text): indices = index_text.split(':') self.write(self.attribCommaStack[-1]) self.write(self.indent() + 'indices = (' + indices[0] + ',' + indices[1] + ')') self.attribCommaStack[-1] = ",\n" def enterSPEC_SINGLE(self, index_text): self.write(self.attribCommaStack[-1]) self.write(self.indent() + 'indices = (' + index_text + ',' + index_text + ')') self.attribCommaStack[-1] = ",\n" def enterSPEC_LEFT_INDX(self, index_text): indices = index_text.split(':') self.write(self.attribCommaStack[-1]) self.write(self.indent() + 'indices = (' + indices[0] + ',-1)') self.attribCommaStack[-1] = ",\n" def enterSPEC_RIGHT_INDX(self, index_text): indices = index_text.split(':') self.write(self.attribCommaStack[-1]) self.write(self.indent() + 'indices = (0,' + indices[1] + ')') self.attribCommaStack[-1] = ",\n" # ------------------------------------------------------------ # arith_atom # : 'item' '.' IDENTIFIER # ATOM_SINGLE # | 'item' '.' IDENTIFIER '.' IDENTIFIER # ATOM_SINGLE # | 'item' '.' IDENTIFIER LBRACK STRING_LITERAL RBRACK # ATOM_FROMATTR # | 'item' LBRACK STRING_LITERAL RBRACK # ATOM_FROMATTR_SHORT #| | 'style' '.' IDENTIFIER # ATOM_STYLE # | identifier # ATOM_IDENT # | NUMBER # ATOM_IDENT # | STRING_LITERAL # ATOM_IDENT # ------------------------------------------------------------ def enterATOM_SINGLE(self, atom): self.write(atom) def enterATOM_FROMATTR(self, ident, literal): if self.conditionContext or self.conditionalContext: self.write('item.' + ident + '.getStyleBlockAttr(' + literal + ')') else: # self.write(self.alterCommaStack[-1]) identifier = ident.capitalize() self.write("FromStyleBlockAttr(" + literal + ",FromStyleBlockAttr." + identifier + ")") # self.alterCommaStack[-1] = ",\n" def enterATOM_FROMATTR_SHORT(self, literal): if self.conditionContext: self.write('item.getStyleBlockAttr(' + literal + ')') else: self.write(self.alterCommaStack[-1]) self.write(self.indent() + "FromStyleBlockAttr(" + literal + ")") self.alterCommaStack[-1] = ",\n" def enterATOM_STYLE(self, identifier): if self.conditionContext: self.write('self.' + identifier) else: self.write(self.alterCommaStack[-1]) self.write(self.indent() + 'self.' + identifier) self.alterCommaStack[-1] = ",\n" def enterATOM_IDENT(self, ident): self.write(ident) def enterConst_atom(self, atom): const = self.literalize(atom, True) self.write(',\n' + self.indent() + "Constant(" + const + ')') # ------------------------------------------------------------ # ... and all the remaining details # ------------------------------------------------------------ def enterDef_name(self, definition): self.write(self.attribCommaStack[-1]) self.write(self.indent() + 'defName = "' + definition + '"') self.attribCommaStack[-1] = ",\n" def enterConstant(self, text): self.enterCONST(text) def enterSimple_expr(self, text): if self.smoothContext: return if text in ('true', 'false'): expr = text.capitalize() else: expr = self.replaceColorsInText(text) expr = self.literalize(expr, False) if self.alternativesContext or self.conditionalContext: # ???or self.context in ( "conditional" ): # self.write(self.alterCommaStack[-1]) self.write(self.indent() + "Constant(" + expr + ')') else: self.write(expr) def enterAri_lparen(self): self.write(' (') def enterAri_rparen(self): self.write(') ') def enterIdentifier(self, ident): if self.smoothContext and ident in ('smooth', 'flat', 'horizontal', 'side', 'all'): self.write('smoothness.' + ident) def enterInop(self, op): self.write(' ' + op + ' ') def enterRelop(self, op): self.write(' ' + op + ' ') def enterLogicop(self, op): self.write(' ' + op + ' ') def enterNotop(self, op): self.write(' ' + op + ' ') def enterArith_op(self, op): self.write(' ' + op + ' ')
vocab = Vocab('%s/hbc/data/vocab' % (BASE_DIR)) dictMap = {} i = 1 for line in open('%s/hbc/data/dictionaries' % (BASE_DIR)): dictionary = line.rstrip('\n') dictMap[i] = dictionary i += 1 dict2index = {} for i in dictMap.keys(): dict2index[dictMap[i]] = i if llda: dictionaries = Dictionaries('%s/data/LabeledLDA_dictionaries3' % (BASE_DIR), dict2index) entityMap = {} i = 0 if llda: for line in open('%s/hbc/data/entities' % (BASE_DIR)): entity = line.rstrip('\n') entityMap[entity] = i i += 1 dict2label = {} for line in open('%s/hbc/data/dict-label3' % (BASE_DIR)): (dictionary, label) = line.rstrip('\n').split(' ') dict2label[dictionary] = label #ACCESS_TOKEN = '38812730-H9OzvfbIIRZQL7VsIBKJxeSjEwyUv9jzUcM9XLcgt'
for line in open(eFile): entity = line.rstrip('\n') self.entityNumbers[entity] = i i += 1 def GetID(self, entity): if self.entityNumbers.has_key(entity): return self.entityNumbers[entity] else: return -1 ts = TaggedSentence() vocab = Vocab(sys.argv[2]) entityMap = EntityMap(sys.argv[3]) dictionaries = Dictionaries(sys.argv[4]) hbcOut = open('test.hbc', 'w') entitiesOut = open('entities', 'w') entityMapOut = open('entityMap', 'w') goldOut = open('gold', 'w') labelsOut = open('labels', 'w') dictOut = open('dictionaries', 'w') nInVocabOut = open('nInVocab', 'w') for dictionary in dictionaries.dictionaries: dictOut.write('%s\n' % dictionary) for line in open(sys.argv[1]): line = line.strip() fields = re.split(r'\s+', line)
#!/usr/bin/python import sys sys.path.append('/homes/gws/aritter/twitter_nlp/python') from twokenize import tokenize from LdaFeatures import LdaFeatures from Vocab import Vocab from Dictionaries import Dictionaries vocab = Vocab() eOut = open('entities', 'w') lOut = open('labels', 'w') dOut = open('dictionaries', 'w') dictionaries = Dictionaries( '/homes/gws/aritter/twitter_nlp/data/LabeledLDA_dictionaries2') prevText = None for line in sys.stdin: line = line.rstrip('\n') fields = line.split('\t') sid = fields[0] text = fields[6] words = tokenize(text) confidence = 1.0 / float(fields[-1]) eType = fields[-2] entity = fields[-3] neTags = fields[-4].split(' ') pos = fields[-5].split(' ') words = fields[-6].split(' ')
class EntityExtractor: def __init__(self, pos, chunk, event, classify, mallet_memory='256m'): self.clear_line_counter() self.posTagger = pos_tagger_stdin.PosTagger() if pos else None self.chunkTagger = chunk_tagger_stdin.ChunkTagger() if chunk and pos else None self.eventTagger = event_tagger_stdin.EventTagger() if event and pos else None self.llda = GetLLda() if classify else None if pos and chunk: self.ner_model = 'ner.model' elif pos: self.ner_model = 'ner_nochunk.model' else: self.ner_model = 'ner_nopos_nochunk.model' self.ner = GetNer(self.ner_model, memory=mallet_memory) self.fe = Features.FeatureExtractor('%s/data/dictionaries' % (BASE_DIR)) self.capClassifier = cap_classifier.CapClassifier() self.vocab = Vocab('%s/hbc/data/vocab' % (BASE_DIR)) self.dictMap = {} self.dictMap = self.dictMap i = 1 for line in open('%s/hbc/data/dictionaries' % (BASE_DIR)): dictionary = line.rstrip('\n') self.dictMap[i] = dictionary i += 1 self.dict2index = {} for i in self.dictMap.keys(): self.dict2index[self.dictMap[i]] = i if self.llda: self.dictionaries = Dictionaries('%s/data/LabeledLDA_dictionaries3' % (BASE_DIR), self.dict2index) self.entityMap = {} i = 0 if self.llda: for line in open('%s/hbc/data/entities' % (BASE_DIR)): entity = line.rstrip('\n') self.entityMap[entity] = i i += 1 self.dict2label = {} for line in open('%s/hbc/data/dict-label3' % (BASE_DIR)): (dictionary, label) = line.rstrip('\n').split(' ') self.dict2label[dictionary] = label def clear_line_counter(self): self.nlines = 0 def trigger_line_counter(self): self.ner.stdin.close() self.ner.stdout.close() os.kill(, SIGTERM) # Need to do this for python 2.4 self.ner.wait() self.ner = GetNer(self.ner_model) def line_counter(self): self.nlines += 1 if self.nlines % 50000 == 0: self.trigger_line_counter() self.clear_line_counter() def parse_lines(self, lines): res = [] for line in lines: # nLines = 1 line = line.encode('utf-8', "ignore") words = twokenize.tokenize(line) seq_features = [] tags = [] goodCap = self.capClassifier.Classify(words) > 0.9 if self.posTagger: pos = self.posTagger.TagSentence(words) pos = [re.sub(r':[^:]*$', '', p) for p in pos] # remove weights else: pos = None # Chunking the tweet if self.posTagger and self.chunkTagger: word_pos = zip(words, [p.split(':')[0] for p in pos]) chunk = self.chunkTagger.TagSentence(word_pos) chunk = [c.split(':')[0] for c in chunk] # remove weights else: chunk = None # Event tags if self.posTagger and self.eventTagger: events = self.eventTagger.TagSentence(words, [p.split(':')[0] for p in pos]) events = [e.split(':')[0] for e in events] else: events = None quotes = Features.GetQuotes(words) for i in range(len(words)): features = self.fe.Extract(words, pos, chunk, i, goodCap) + ['DOMAIN=Twitter'] if quotes[i]: features.append("QUOTED") seq_features.append(" ".join(features)) self.ner.stdin.write(("\t".join(seq_features) + "\n").encode('utf8')) for i in range(len(words)): tags.append(self.ner.stdout.readline().rstrip('\n').strip(' ')) features = LdaFeatures(words, tags) # Extract and classify entities for i in range(len(features.entities)): # type = None wids = [str(self.vocab.GetID(x.lower())) for x in features.features[i] if self.vocab.HasWord(x.lower())] if self.llda and len(wids) > 0: entityid = "-1" if self.entityMap.has_key(features.entityStrings[i].lower()): entityid = str(self.entityMap[features.entityStrings[i].lower()]) labels = self.dictionaries.GetDictVector(features.entityStrings[i]) if sum(labels) == 0: labels = [1 for _ in labels] self.llda.stdin.write("\t".join([entityid, " ".join(wids), " ".join([str(x) for x in labels])]) + "\n") sample = self.llda.stdout.readline().rstrip('\n') labels = [self.dict2label[self.dictMap[int(x)]] for x in sample[4:len(sample) - 8].split(' ')] count = {} for label in labels: count[label] = count.get(label, 0.0) + 1.0 maxL = None maxP = 0.0 for label in count.keys(): p = count[label] / float(len(count)) if p > maxP or maxL == None: maxL = label maxP = p if maxL != 'None': tags[features.entities[i][0]] = "B-%s" % (maxL) for j in range(features.entities[i][0] + 1, features.entities[i][1]): tags[j] = "I-%s" % (maxL) else: tags[features.entities[i][0]] = "O" for j in range(features.entities[i][0] + 1, features.entities[i][1]): tags[j] = "O" else: tags[features.entities[i][0]] = "B-ENTITY" for j in range(features.entities[i][0] + 1, features.entities[i][1]): tags[j] = "I-ENTITY" output = ["%s/%s" % (words[x], tags[x]) for x in range(len(words))] if pos: output = ["%s/%s" % (output[x], pos[x]) for x in range(len(output))] if chunk: output = ["%s/%s" % (output[x], chunk[x]) for x in range(len(output))] if events: output = ["%s/%s" % (output[x], events[x]) for x in range(len(output))] res.append(" ".join(output)) # seems like there is a memory leak comming from mallet, so just restart it every 1,000 tweets or so # if nLines % 10000 == 0: # self.trigger_line_counter() self.line_counter() return res def close(self): self.ner.stdin.close() self.ner.stdout.close() self.ner.terminate() self.ner.wait() self.llda.stdin.close() self.llda.stdout.close() self.llda.terminate() self.llda.wait() del self.ner, self.llda del self.dict2index, self.dict2label, self.dictionaries, self.dictMap, self.entityMap del self.chunkTagger, self.eventTagger, self.posTagger del self.capClassifier, self.fe, self.vocab
vocab = Vocab('%s/hbc/data/vocab' % (BASE_DIR)) dictMap = {} i = 1 for line in open('%s/hbc/data/dictionaries' % (BASE_DIR)): dictionary = line.rstrip('\n') dictMap[i] = dictionary i += 1 dict2index = {} for i in dictMap.keys(): dict2index[dictMap[i]] = i if llda: dictionaries = Dictionaries( '%s/data/LabeledLDA_dictionaries3' % (BASE_DIR), dict2index) entityMap = {} i = 0 if llda: for line in open('%s/hbc/data/entities' % (BASE_DIR)): entity = line.rstrip('\n') entityMap[entity] = i i += 1 dict2label = {} for line in open('%s/hbc/data/dict-label3' % (BASE_DIR)): (dictionary, label) = line.rstrip('\n').split(' ') dict2label[dictionary] = label print >> sys.stderr, "Finished loading all models. Now waiting for files in %s and writing to %s" % ( INPUT_DIR, OUTPUT_DIR)
class RitterTagger: def __init__(self): self.numberLines = 0 self.eventTagger = None self.posTagger = None self.chunkTagger = None self.llda = GetLLda() self.ner = GetNer('ner_nopos_nochunk.model') self.fe = Features.FeatureExtractor('%s/data/dictionaries' % (BASE_DIR)) self.capClassifier = cap_classifier.CapClassifier() self.vocab = Vocab('%s/hbc/data/vocab' % (BASE_DIR)) self.dictMap = {} i = 1 for line in open('%s/hbc/data/dictionaries' % (BASE_DIR)): dictionary = line.rstrip('\n') self.dictMap[i] = dictionary i += 1 dict2index = {} for i in self.dictMap.keys(): dict2index[self.dictMap[i]] = i if self.llda: self.dictionaries = Dictionaries( '%s/data/LabeledLDA_dictionaries3' % (BASE_DIR), dict2index) self.entityMap = {} i = 0 if self.llda: for line in open('%s/hbc/data/entities' % (BASE_DIR)): entity = line.rstrip('\n') self.entityMap[entity] = i i += 1 self.dict2label = {} for line in open('%s/hbc/data/dict-label3' % (BASE_DIR)): (dictionary, label) = line.rstrip('\n').split(' ') self.dict2label[dictionary] = label def process_tweet(self, line): self.numberLines = self.numberLines + 1 if self.numberLines == 1000: self.numberLines = 0 self.ner.stdin.close() self.ner.stdout.close() os.kill(, SIGTERM) #Need to do this for python 2.4 self.ner.wait() self.ner = GetNer('ner_nopos_nochunk.model') words = twokenize.tokenize(line) seq_features = [] tags = [] goodCap = self.capClassifier.Classify(words) > 0.9 if self.posTagger: pos = self.posTagger.TagSentence(words) #pos = [p.split(':')[0] for p in pos] # remove weights pos = [re.sub(r':[^:]*$', '', p) for p in pos] # remove weights else: pos = None # Chunking the tweet if self.posTagger and self.chunkTagger: word_pos = zip(words, [p.split(':')[0] for p in pos]) chunk = self.chunkTagger.TagSentence(word_pos) chunk = [c.split(':')[0] for c in chunk] # remove weights else: chunk = None #Event tags if self.posTagger and self.eventTagger: events = self.eventTagger.TagSentence( words, [p.split(':')[0] for p in pos]) events = [e.split(':')[0] for e in events] else: events = None quotes = Features.GetQuotes(words) for i in range(len(words)): features = self.fe.Extract(words, pos, chunk, i, goodCap) + ['DOMAIN=Twitter'] if quotes[i]: features.append("QUOTED") seq_features.append(" ".join(features)) self.ner.stdin.write(("\t".join(seq_features) + "\n").encode('utf8')) for i in range(len(words)): tags.append(self.ner.stdout.readline().rstrip('\n').strip(' ')) features = LdaFeatures(words, tags) #Extract and classify entities for i in range(len(features.entities)): type = None wids = [ str(self.vocab.GetID(x.lower())) for x in features.features[i] if self.vocab.HasWord(x.lower()) ] if self.llda and len(wids) > 0: entityid = "-1" if self.entityMap.has_key(features.entityStrings[i].lower()): entityid = str( self.entityMap[features.entityStrings[i].lower()]) labels = self.dictionaries.GetDictVector( features.entityStrings[i]) if sum(labels) == 0: labels = [1 for x in labels] self.llda.stdin.write("\t".join([ entityid, " ".join(wids), " ".join( [str(x) for x in labels]) ]) + "\n") sample = self.llda.stdout.readline().rstrip('\n') labels = [ self.dict2label[self.dictMap[int(x)]] for x in sample[4:len(sample) - 8].split(' ') ] count = {} for label in labels: count[label] = count.get(label, 0.0) + 1.0 maxL = None maxP = 0.0 for label in count.keys(): p = count[label] / float(len(count)) if p > maxP or maxL == None: maxL = label maxP = p if maxL != 'None': tags[features.entities[i][0]] = "B-%s" % (maxL) for j in range(features.entities[i][0] + 1, features.entities[i][1]): tags[j] = "I-%s" % (maxL) else: tags[features.entities[i][0]] = "O" for j in range(features.entities[i][0] + 1, features.entities[i][1]): tags[j] = "O" else: tags[features.entities[i][0]] = "B-ENTITY" for j in range(features.entities[i][0] + 1, features.entities[i][1]): tags[j] = "I-ENTITY" output = " ".join("%s/%s" % (words[x], tags[x]) for x in range(len(words))) if pos: output = " ".join("%s/%s" % (output[x], pos[x]) for x in range(len(output))) if chunk: output = " ".join("%s/%s" % (output[x], chunk[x]) for x in range(len(output))) if events: output = " ".join("%s/%s" % (output[x], events[x]) for x in range(len(output))) return output
from optparse import OptionParser import random from LdaFeatures import LdaFeatures from Vocab import Vocab from Dictionaries import Dictionaries parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("--noWords", action="store_false", dest="useWords", default=True) parser.add_option("--useNoDict", action="store_true", dest="useNoDict", default=False) parser.add_option("--maxWords", dest="maxWords", default=500) parser.add_option("--maxEntities", dest="maxEntities", default=None) parser.add_option("--dictDir", dest="dictDir", default='/homes/gws/aritter/twitter_nlp/data/LabeledLDA_dictionaries') (options, args) = parser.parse_args() dictionaries = Dictionaries(options.dictDir) vocab = Vocab() eOut = open('entities', 'w') lOut = open('labels', 'w') dOut = open('dictionaries', 'w') stop_list = set() for word in open('/homes/gws/aritter/twitter_nlp/data/dictionaries/english.stop'): word = word.rstrip('\n') stop_list.add(word) fNoDictOut = None fNoDictOutLabels = None fNoDictOutEntities = None if not options.useNoDict: fNoDictOut = open('noDictOut', 'w')