def __resolveA(self, root: TxtWord, formation: str, rootWord: bool):
     if root.isAbbreviation():
         return formation + 'e'
     if "0" <= self.__lastVowel(self.__formationToCheck) <= "9":
         if self.__lastVowel(self.__formationToCheck) == "6" or self.__lastVowel(self.__formationToCheck) == 9:
             return formation + 'a'
         elif self.__lastVowel(self.__formationToCheck) == "0":
             if root.getName().endswith("10") or root.getName().endswith("30") or root.getName().endswith("40") \
                     or root.getName().endswith("60") or root.getName().endswith("90"):
                 return formation + 'a'
                 return formation + 'e'
             return formation + 'e'
     if TurkishLanguage.isBackVowel(self.__lastVowel(self.__formationToCheck)):
         if root.notObeysVowelHarmonyDuringAgglutination() and rootWord:
             return formation + 'e'
             return formation + 'a'
     if TurkishLanguage.isFrontVowel(self.__lastVowel(self.__formationToCheck)):
         if root.notObeysVowelHarmonyDuringAgglutination() and rootWord:
             return formation + 'a'
             return formation + 'e'
     if root.isNumeral() or root.isFraction() or root.isReal():
         if root.getName().endswith("6") or root.getName().endswith("9") or root.getName().endswith("10") or \
                 root.getName().endswith("30") or root.getName().endswith("40") or root.getName().endswith("60") \
                 or root.getName().endswith("90"):
             return formation + 'a'
             return formation + 'e'
     return formation
 def __resolveH(self, root: TxtWord, formation: str, beginningOfSuffix: bool, specialCaseTenseSuffix: bool,
                rootWord: bool):
     if root.isAbbreviation():
         return formation + 'i'
     if beginningOfSuffix and TurkishLanguage.isVowel(self.__lastPhoneme(self.__formationToCheck)) and \
             not specialCaseTenseSuffix:
         return formation
     if specialCaseTenseSuffix:
         if rootWord:
             if root.vowelAChangesToIDuringYSuffixation():
                 if TurkishLanguage.isFrontRoundedVowel(self.__beforeLastVowel(self.__formationToCheck)):
                     return formation[:len(formation) - 1] + 'ü'
                 if TurkishLanguage.isFrontUnroundedVowel(self.__beforeLastVowel(self.__formationToCheck)):
                     return formation[:len(formation) - 1] + 'i'
                 if TurkishLanguage.isBackRoundedVowel(self.__beforeLastVowel(self.__formationToCheck)):
                     return formation[:len(formation) - 1] + 'u'
                 if TurkishLanguage.isBackUnroundedVowel(self.__beforeLastVowel(self.__formationToCheck)):
                     return formation[:len(formation) - 1] + 'ı'
         if TurkishLanguage.isVowel(self.__lastPhoneme(self.__formationToCheck)):
             if TurkishLanguage.isFrontRoundedVowel(self.__beforeLastVowel(self.__formationToCheck)):
                 return formation[:len(formation) - 1] + 'ü'
             if TurkishLanguage.isFrontUnroundedVowel(self.__beforeLastVowel(self.__formationToCheck)):
                 return formation[:len(formation) - 1] + 'i'
             if TurkishLanguage.isBackRoundedVowel(self.__beforeLastVowel(self.__formationToCheck)):
                 return formation[:len(formation) - 1] + 'u'
             if TurkishLanguage.isBackUnroundedVowel(self.__beforeLastVowel(self.__formationToCheck)):
                 return formation[:len(formation) - 1] + 'ı'
     if TurkishLanguage.isFrontRoundedVowel(self.__lastVowel(self.__formationToCheck)) or \
              and root.notObeysVowelHarmonyDuringAgglutination()):
         return formation + 'ü'
     if TurkishLanguage.isFrontUnroundedVowel(self.__lastVowel(self.__formationToCheck)) or \
             (self.__lastVowel(self.__formationToCheck) == 'a' and root.notObeysVowelHarmonyDuringAgglutination()):
         return formation + 'i'
     if TurkishLanguage.isBackRoundedVowel(self.__lastVowel(self.__formationToCheck)):
         return formation + 'u'
     if TurkishLanguage.isBackUnroundedVowel(self.__lastVowel(self.__formationToCheck)):
         return formation + 'ı'
     if root.isNumeral() or root.isFraction() or root.isReal():
         if root.getName().endswith("6") or root.getName().endswith("40") or root.getName().endswith("60") \
                 or root.getName().endswith("90"):
             return formation + 'ı'
             if root.getName().endswith("3") or root.getName().endswith("4") or root.getName().endswith("00"):
                 return formation + 'ü'
                 if root.getName().endswith("9") or root.getName().endswith("10") or root.getName().endswith("30"):
                     return formation + 'u'
                     return formation + 'i'
     return formation
 def makeTransition(self, root: TxtWord, stem: str, startState: State) -> str:
     rootWord = root.getName() == stem or (root.getName() + "'") == stem
     formation = stem
     i = 0
     if self.__with == "0":
         return stem
     if (stem == "bu" or stem == "şu" or stem == "o") and rootWord and self.__with == "ylA":
         return stem + "nunla"
     if self.__with == "yA":
         if stem == "ben":
             return "bana"
     self.__formationToCheck = stem
     if rootWord and self.__withFirstChar() == "y" and root.vowelEChangesToIDuringYSuffixation() \
             and self.__with[1] != "H":
         formation = stem[:len(stem) - 1] + "i"
         self.__formationToCheck = formation
         if rootWord and (self.__with == "Hl" or self.__with == "Hn") and root.lastIdropsDuringPassiveSuffixation():
             formation = stem[:len(stem) - 2] + stem[len(stem) - 1]
             self.__formationToCheck = stem
             if rootWord and root.showsSuRegularities() and self.__startWithVowelorConsonantDrops() and \
                     not self.__with.startswith("y"):
                 formation = stem + 'y'
                 self.__formationToCheck = formation
                 if rootWord and root.duplicatesDuringSuffixation() and TurkishLanguage.isConsonantDrop(
                     if self.softenDuringSuffixation(root):
                         if self.__lastPhoneme(stem) == "p":
                             formation = stem[:len(stem) - 1] + "bb"
                         elif self.__lastPhoneme(stem) == "t":
                             formation = stem[:len(stem) - 1] + "dd"
                         formation = stem + stem[len(stem) - 1]
                     self.__formationToCheck = formation
                     if rootWord and root.lastIdropsDuringSuffixation() and \
                             not startState.getName().startswith(
                                 "VerbalRoot") and not startState.getName().startswith("ProperRoot") \
                             and self.__startWithVowelorConsonantDrops():
                         if self.softenDuringSuffixation(root):
                             if self.__lastPhoneme(stem) == "p":
                                 formation = stem[:len(stem) - 2] + 'b'
                             elif self.__lastPhoneme(stem) == "t":
                                 formation = stem[:len(stem) - 2] + 'd'
                             elif self.__lastPhoneme(stem) == "ç":
                                 formation = stem[:len(stem) - 2] + 'c'
                             formation = stem[:len(stem) - 2] + stem[len(stem) - 1]
                         self.__formationToCheck = stem
                         if self.__lastPhoneme(stem) == "p":
                             if self.__startWithVowelorConsonantDrops() and rootWord and \
                                 formation = stem[:len(stem) - 1] + 'b'
                         elif self.__lastPhoneme(stem) == "t":
                             if self.__startWithVowelorConsonantDrops() and rootWord and \
                                 formation = stem[:len(stem) - 1] + 'd'
                         elif self.__lastPhoneme(stem) == "ç":
                             if self.__startWithVowelorConsonantDrops() and rootWord and \
                                 formation = stem[:len(stem) - 1] + 'c'
                         elif self.__lastPhoneme(stem) == "g":
                             if self.__startWithVowelorConsonantDrops() and rootWord and \
                                 formation = stem[:len(stem) - 1] + 'ğ'
                         elif self.__lastPhoneme(stem) == "k":
                             if self.__startWithVowelorConsonantDrops() and rootWord and root.endingKChangesIntoG() \
                                     and not root.isProperNoun():
                                 formation = stem[:len(stem) - 1] + 'g'
                                 if self.__startWithVowelorConsonantDrops() and (not rootWord or (
                                         self.softenDuringSuffixation(root) and (
                                         not root.isProperNoun() or startState.__str__() != "ProperRoot"))):
                                     formation = stem[:len(stem) - 1] + 'ğ'
                         self.__formationToCheck = formation
     if TurkishLanguage.isConsonantDrop(self.__withFirstChar()) and not TurkishLanguage.isVowel(stem[len(stem) - 1])\
             and (root.isNumeral() or root.isReal() or root.isFraction() or root.isTime() or root.isDate()
                  or root.isPercent() or root.isRange()) \
             and (root.getName().endswith("1") or root.getName().endswith("3") or root.getName().endswith("4")
                  or root.getName().endswith("5") or root.getName().endswith("8") or root.getName().endswith("9")
                  or root.getName().endswith("10") or root.getName().endswith("30") or root.getName().endswith("40")
                  or root.getName().endswith("60") or root.getName().endswith("70") or root.getName().endswith("80")
                  or root.getName().endswith("90") or root.getName().endswith("00")):
         if self.__with[0] == "'":
             formation = formation + "'"
             i = 2
             i = 1
         if (TurkishLanguage.isConsonantDrop(self.__withFirstChar()) and TurkishLanguage.isConsonant(
                 self.__lastPhoneme(stem))) or (rootWord and root.consonantSMayInsertedDuringPossesiveSuffixation()):
             if self.__with[0] == "'":
                 formation = formation + "'"
                 if root.isAbbreviation():
                     i = 1
                     i = 2
                 i = 1
     while i < len(self.__with):
         if self.__with[i] == "D":
             formation = self.__resolveD(root, formation)
         elif self.__with[i] == "A":
             formation = self.__resolveA(root, formation, rootWord)
         elif self.__with[i] == "H":
             if self.__with[0] != "'":
                 formation = self.__resolveH(root, formation, i == 0, self.__with.startswith("Hyor"), rootWord)
                 formation = self.__resolveH(root, formation, i == 1, False, rootWord)
         elif self.__with[i] == "C":
             formation = self.__resolveC(formation)
         elif self.__with[i] == "S":
             formation = self.__resolveS(formation)
         elif self.__with[i] == "Ş":
             formation = self.__resolveSh(formation)
             if i == len(self.__with) - 1 and self.__with[i] == "s":
                 formation += "ş"
                 formation += self.__with[i]
         self.__formationToCheck = formation
         i = i + 1
     return formation