def makeDSASignal2DPlots(): for quantity in ('pT', 'eta', 'trkChi2'): hkey = 'DSA-12-' + quantity HISTS = HG.getAddedSignalHistograms(FILES[fs], fs, (hkey, )) if 'trkChi2' not in hkey: HISTS[hkey].Rebin2D(10, 10) for sp in SIGNALPOINTS: HISTS[sp] = HG.getHistogram(FILES[fs], (fs, sp), hkey).Clone() if 'trkChi2' not in hkey: HISTS[sp].Rebin2D(10, 10) opt = 'colz' #opt = 'scat=0.2' PLOTS = {hkey: Plotter.Plot(HISTS[hkey], '', '', opt)} for sp in SIGNALPOINTS: PLOTS[sp] = Plotter.Plot(HISTS[sp], '', '', opt) for sp in [ hkey, ] + SIGNALPOINTS: canvas = Plotter.Canvas(lumi=fs + lumiExtra.get(CUTSTRING) if type(sp) != tuple else SPLumiStr(fs, *sp)) canvas.addMainPlot(PLOTS[sp]) canvas.mainPad.SetLogz() if quantity == 'trkChi2': canvas.firstPlot.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(0., 10.) canvas.firstPlot.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0., 10.) canvas.scaleMargins(1.75, edges='R') canvas.scaleMargins(0.8, edges='L') canvas.cleanup('pdfs/ZEP_2D_{}_{}_{}_{}.pdf'.format( quantity, CUTSTRING, fs, 'Global' if type(sp) != tuple else SPStr(sp)))
def fillPlots(fs, sp, HList, FNAME): # get file and tree f = R.TFile.Open(FNAME.format('HTo2XTo' + fs + '_' + SPStr(sp))) t = f.Get('SimpleNTupler/DDTree') # set basic particle aliases RT.setGenAliases(t, fs) # set additional aliases from HAliases for alias, expr in HAliases.iteritems(): t.SetAlias(alias, expr) # define histogram configurations for this signal point HConfig = HistogramConfigurations(fs, sp) # declare histograms # make sure histograms don't get deleted when file is closed # fill histograms using TTree::Draw for key in HList: if key not in raise Exception('At least one histogram key: ' + key + ' not known') nAxes = str([key]['nAxes']) HISTS[(fs, sp)][key] = getattr(R, 'TH' + nAxes + 'F')(*HConfig[key]) Draw(t, HConfig, key, HExpressions[key]) HISTS[(fs, sp)][key].SetDirectory(0) # cleanup del t f.Close() del f
def makeColorPlots(key): for ref in HISTS: if not type(ref) == tuple: continue if type(ref) == tuple: if ref[0] == '4Mu': name = 'HTo2XTo4Mu_' latexFS = '4#mu' elif ref[0] == '2Mu2J': name = 'HTo2XTo2Mu2J_' latexFS = '2#mu2j' if TRIGGER: name = 'Trig-' + name name += SPStr(ref[1]) lumi = SPLumiStr(ref[0], *ref[1]) else: name = ref lumi = HistogramGetter.PLOTCONFIG[ref]['LATEX'] if '_Matched' in key: continue h = HISTS[ref][key].Clone() h.Rebin2D(10, 10) p = Plotter.Plot(h, '', '', 'colz') canvas = Plotter.Canvas(lumi=lumi) #canvas.mainPad.SetLogz(True) canvas.addMainPlot(p) canvas.scaleMargins(1.75, edges='R') canvas.scaleMargins(0.8, edges='L') fname = 'pdfs/{}{}_{}.pdf'.format(key, CUTSTRING, name) canvas.cleanup(fname)
def makeLxyEffPlot(key, colorAxis, fs, sp, pTCut=''): config = { 'Correct': ('Correct', 'Matches'), } if colorAxis == 'nMuons': num, den = config[key] nums = ['Lxy' + pTCut + '_n' + num + '_' + m for m in mnames] dens = ['Lxy' + pTCut + '_n' + den + '_' + m for m in mnames] tags = list(set(nums + dens)) legs = { num: m if 'All' in m else m + ' #mu' for num, m in zip(nums, mnames) } cols = {num: c for num, c in zip(nums, colors)} if sp is None: h = {} for tag in tags: h[tag] = HistogramGetter.getHistogram(f, (fs, SIGNALPOINTS[0]), tag).Clone() for SP in SIGNALPOINTS[1:]: for tag in tags: h[tag].Add(HistogramGetter.getHistogram(f, (fs, SP), tag)) else: h = {} for tag in tags: h[tag] = HistogramGetter.getHistogram(f, (fs, sp), tag).Clone() for z in h: h[z].Rebin(10) p = {} graphs = {} for num, den in zip(nums, dens): realDen = h[den].Clone() graphs[num] = R.TGraphAsymmErrors(h[num], realDen, 'cp') p[num] = Plotter.Plot(graphs[num], legs[num], 'l', 'px') canvas = Plotter.Canvas(lumi=SPLumiStr(fs, sp) if sp is not None else fs) for tag in nums: canvas.addMainPlot(p[tag]) canvas.firstPlot.SetMaximum(1.01) canvas.firstPlot.SetMinimum(0.) canvas.firstPlot.setTitles(X=h[tags[0]].GetXaxis().GetTitle(), Y='Efficiency') for tag in p: p[tag].setColor(cols[tag], which='LM') canvas.makeLegend(lWidth=.275, pos='tr') canvas.legend.resizeHeight() canvas.cleanup('pdfs/RA_{}-Lxy{}-{}{}_HTo2XTo{}_{}.pdf'.format( 'ComboMu' if colorAxis == 'nMuons' else 'ComboEff', pTCut, key, ARGS.CUTSTRING, fs, SPStr(sp) if sp is not None else 'Global'))
def makeDistPlot(quantity, criteria, fs, sp=None): # configy type stuff legs = ('All', 'Matched', 'NotMatched') tags = [ quantity + '_' + ('All' + ('-4' if '-4' in criteria else '') if 'All' in leg else criteria + '_' + leg) for leg in legs ] cols = (R.kBlack, R.kBlue, R.kRed) # get/add histograms if sp is None: h = {} for tag in tags: h[tag] = HistogramGetter.getHistogram(f, (fs, SIGNALPOINTS[0]), tag).Clone() for SP in SIGNALPOINTS[1:]: for tag in tags: h[tag].Add(HistogramGetter.getHistogram(f, (fs, SP), tag)) else: h = {} for tag in tags: h[tag] = HistogramGetter.getHistogram(f, (fs, sp), tag).Clone() # make plots p = {} for i, tag in enumerate(tags): p[tag] = Plotter.Plot(h[tag], legs[i], 'l', 'hist') # canvas, plots, min max logy = True canvas = Plotter.Canvas(lumi=SPLumiStr(fs, sp) if sp is not None else fs, logy=logy) for tag in tags: canvas.addMainPlot(p[tag]) canvas.setMaximum() if not logy: canvas.firstPlot.SetMinimum(0) else: canvas.firstPlot.SetMinimum(1.) if 'Lxy' in quantity: canvas.firstPlot.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(0., 330.) # colors for i, tag in enumerate(tags): p[tag].SetLineColor(cols[i]) # legend, cleanup canvas.makeLegend(lWidth=.2, pos='tr') canvas.legend.resizeHeight() canvas.cleanup('pdfs/LCD_{}Dist_{}{}_HTo2XTo{}_{}.pdf'.format( quantity, criteria, ARGS.CUTSTRING, fs, SPStr(sp) if sp is not None else 'Global'))
def makePerSignalPlots(fs): for sp in SIGNALPOINTS: for key in HISTS[(fs, sp)]: h = HISTS[(fs, sp)][key] RT.addFlows(h) p = Plotter.Plot(h, '', 'p', 'hist') canvas = Plotter.Canvas(lumi=SPLumiStr(fs, *sp)) canvas.addMainPlot(p) p.SetLineColor(R.kBlue) RT.addBinWidth(p) pave = canvas.makeStatsBox(p, color=R.kBlue) canvas.cleanup('pdfs/Gen_{}_{}HTo2XTo{}_{}.pdf'.format( key, 'Trig-' if TRIGGER else '', fs, SPStr(sp)))
def makeEffPlot(fs, sp): if sp is None: hNum = HG.getAddedSignalHistograms(FILES[fs], fs, 'Lxy-Num')['Lxy-Num'] hDen = HG.getAddedSignalHistograms(FILES[fs], fs, 'Lxy-Den')['Lxy-Den'] else: hNum = HG.getHistogram(FILES[fs], (fs, sp), 'Lxy-Num').Clone() hDen = HG.getHistogram(FILES[fs], (fs, sp), 'Lxy-Den').Clone() hNumInt = hNum.Integral(hNum.GetXaxis().FindBin(65.), hNum.GetNbinsX() + 1) hDenInt = hDen.Integral(hDen.GetXaxis().FindBin(65.), hDen.GetNbinsX() + 1) #if sp == (sp[0], sp[1], SIGNALS[sp[0]][sp[1]][0]): return print '{:5s} {:4d} {:3d} {:4d} ::: {:5.0f} {:5.0f} {:7.2%}'.format( fs, sp[0], sp[1], sp[2], hNumInt, hDenInt, hNumInt / hDenInt if hDenInt != 0. else 0.) return hNum.Rebin(2) hDen.Rebin(2) g = R.TGraphAsymmErrors(hNum, hDen, 'cp') p = Plotter.Plot(g, '', '', 'p') prettyFS = '2#mu' if '2Mu' in fs else '4#mu' if sp is not None: lumi = 'H#rightarrow2X#rightarrow{} ({} GeV, {} GeV, {} mm)'.format( prettyFS, *sp) else: lumi = 'H#rightarrow2X#rightarrow{}, all samples combined'.format( prettyFS) c = Plotter.Canvas(lumi=lumi, cWidth=600 if ARGS.SQUARE else 800) c.addMainPlot(p) p.setColor(R.kBlue, which='LM') c.firstPlot.SetMinimum(0.) c.firstPlot.SetMaximum(1.) c.firstPlot.setTitles(X='', copy=hNum) c.firstPlot.setTitles( Y='Efficiency for pairing criteria to select correct dimuons') if ARGS.SQUARE: c.firstPlot.scaleTitleOffsets(1.1, 'X') c.cleanup('pdfs/PC_Lxy_{}_{}.pdf'.format( fs, 'Global' if sp is None else SPStr(sp)), mode='LUMI')
def makePTCutPlot(fs, sp=None): # configy type stuff legs = ('All', 'Matched', 'Wrong', 'Right', 'Hopeless', 'Lost') tags = ['pT_' + tag for tag in legs] cols = (R.kBlack, R.kGreen, R.kOrange, R.kBlue, R.kRed, R.kMagenta) # get/add histograms if sp is None: h = {} for tag in tags: h[tag] = HistogramGetter.getHistogram(f, (fs, SIGNALPOINTS[0]), tag).Clone() for SP in SIGNALPOINTS[1:]: for tag in tags: h[tag].Add(HistogramGetter.getHistogram(f, (fs, SP), tag)) else: h = {} for tag in tags: h[tag] = HistogramGetter.getHistogram(f, (fs, sp), tag).Clone() # make plots p = {} for i, tag in enumerate(tags): p[tag] = Plotter.Plot(h[tag], legs[i], 'l', 'hist') # canvas, plots, min max logy = True canvas = Plotter.Canvas(lumi=SPLumiStr(fs, sp) if sp is not None else fs, logy=logy) for tag in tags: canvas.addMainPlot(p[tag]) canvas.setMaximum() if not logy: canvas.firstPlot.SetMinimum(0) else: canvas.firstPlot.SetMinimum(1.) #canvas.firstPlot.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(0., 200.) canvas.firstPlot.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(0., 30.) # colors for i, tag in enumerate(tags): p[tag].SetLineColor(cols[i]) # legend, cleanup canvas.makeLegend(lWidth=.2, pos='tr') canvas.legend.resizeHeight() canvas.cleanup('pdfs/HPD_pTDist_HTo2XTo{}_{}.pdf'.format( fs, SPStr(sp) if sp is not None else 'Global'))
def makePerSamplePlots(): for ref in HISTS: for key in HISTS[ref]: if 'DenVS' in key: continue matches = re.match(r'(.*)EffVS(.*)', key) cut = val = if cut in Selections.CutLists['MuonCutList'] and val == 'Lxy': continue if cut in Selections.CutLists['DimuonCutList'] and val in ('pT', 'eta', 'd0'): continue if type(ref) == tuple: if ref[0] == '4Mu': name = 'HTo2XTo4Mu_' elif ref[0] == '2Mu2J': name = 'HTo2XTo2Mu2J_' name += SPStr(ref[1]) if TRIGGER: name = 'Trig-' + name lumi = SPLumiStr(ref[0], *ref[1]) legName = HistogramGetter.PLOTCONFIG['HTo2XTo' + ref[0]]['LATEX'] else: name = ref lumi = HistogramGetter.PLOTCONFIG[ref]['LATEX'] legName = HistogramGetter.PLOTCONFIG[ref]['LATEX'] h = HISTS[ref][key].Clone() RT.addFlows(h) d = HISTS[ref][key.replace('Eff', 'Den')].Clone() RT.addFlows(d) g = R.TGraphAsymmErrors(h, d, 'cp') g.SetNameTitle( 'g_' + key, ';' + h.GetXaxis().GetTitle() + ';' + h.GetYaxis().GetTitle()) p = Plotter.Plot(g, '', 'pe', 'pe') canvas = Plotter.Canvas(lumi=lumi) canvas.addMainPlot(p) p.setColor(R.kBlue) canvas.firstPlot.SetMinimum(0.) canvas.firstPlot.SetMaximum(1.) fname = 'pdfs/NM1E_{}_{}.pdf'.format(key, name) canvas.cleanup(fname)
def makeGenRecoPlots(): for ref in HISTS: if not type(ref) == tuple: continue if ref[0] == '4Mu': name = 'HTo2XTo4Mu_' latexFS = '4#mu' elif ref[0] == '2Mu2J': name = 'HTo2XTo2Mu2J_' latexFS = '2#mu2j' if TRIGGER: name = 'Trig-' + name name += SPStr(ref[1]) lumi = SPLumiStr(ref[0], *ref[1]) colors = {'Matched': R.kRed, 'Closest': R.kBlue} KEYS = ('Matched', 'Closest') for MUON in ('DSA', 'REF'): h, p = {}, {} for key in KEYS: h[key] = HISTS[ref]['{}_{}_{}'.format(MUON, 'deltaRGR', key)].Clone() RT.addFlows(h[key]) if h[key].GetNbinsX() > 100: h.Rebin(10) p[key] = Plotter.Plot(h[key], key, 'l', 'hist') fname = 'pdfs/{}{}_{}_{}_{}.pdf'.format(MUON, CUTSTRING, 'deltaRGR', 'Matched', name) canvas = Plotter.Canvas(lumi=lumi) for key in KEYS: canvas.addMainPlot(p[key]) p[key].SetLineColor(colors[key]) canvas.makeLegend(lWidth=.25, pos='tr') canvas.legend.resizeHeight() canvas.setMaximum() RT.addBinWidth(canvas.firstPlot) LPOS = (canvas.legend.GetX1NDC() + .01, canvas.legend.GetY1NDC() - .04) for i, key in enumerate(KEYS): canvas.drawText(text='#color[{}]{{n = {:d}}}'.format( colors[key], int(p[key].GetEntries())), pos=(LPOS[0], LPOS[1] - i * 0.04)) canvas.cleanup(fname)
def makeEffPlot(quantity, den, fs, sp=None): tags = (quantity + '_MSD', quantity + '_LCD', quantity + '_CID') effTag = quantity + '_CID' # get/add histograms if sp is None: h = {} for tag in tags: h[tag] = HistogramGetter.getHistogram(f, (fs, SIGNALPOINTS[0]), tag).Clone() for SP in SIGNALPOINTS[1:]: for tag in tags: h[tag].Add(HistogramGetter.getHistogram(f, (fs, SP), tag)) else: h = {} for tag in tags: h[tag] = HistogramGetter.getHistogram(f, (fs, sp), tag).Clone() hNum = h[quantity + '_CID'] h[quantity + '_' + den].Add(h[quantity + '_CID']) hDen = h[quantity + '_' + den] graph = R.TGraphAsymmErrors(hNum, hDen, 'cp') # make plots p = Plotter.Plot(graph, '', 'l', 'px') # canvas, plots, min max canvas = Plotter.Canvas(lumi=SPLumiStr(fs, sp) if sp is not None else fs) canvas.addMainPlot(p) canvas.setMaximum() canvas.firstPlot.SetMinimum(0) # set titles canvas.firstPlot.setTitles(X=hNum.GetXaxis().GetTitle(), Y='Efficiency') # colors p.setColor(R.kBlue, which='M') # legend, cleanup #canvas.makeLegend(lWidth=.2, pos='tr') #canvas.legend.resizeHeight() canvas.cleanup('pdfs/3Mu_{}Eff-{}{}_HTo2XTo{}_{}.pdf'.format( quantity, den, ARGS.CUTSTRING, fs, SPStr(sp) if sp is not None else 'Global'))
def makeEffPlot(fs, sp): if sp is None: hNum = HG.getAddedSignalHistograms(FILES[fs], fs, ['nRec' + MUON for MUON in MUONS]) hDen = HG.getAddedSignalHistograms(FILES[fs], fs, ['nGen' + MUON for MUON in MUONS]) prettyFS = '2#mu' if '2Mu' in fs else '4#mu' lumi = 'H#rightarrow2X#rightarrow{}, all samples combined{}'.format( prettyFS, ' + trigger' if ARGS.TRIGGER else '') else: hNum, hDen = {}, {} for MUON in MUONS: hNum['nRec' + MUON] = HG.getHistogram(FILES[fs], (fs, sp), 'nRec' + MUON).Clone() hDen['nGen' + MUON] = HG.getHistogram(FILES[fs], (fs, sp), 'nGen' + MUON).Clone() prettyFS = '2#mu' if '2Mu' in fs else '4#mu' lumi = 'H#rightarrow2X#rightarrow{} ({} GeV, {} GeV, {} mm){}'.format( prettyFS, sp[0], sp[1], sp[2], ' + trigger' if ARGS.TRIGGER else '') c = Plotter.Canvas(lumi=lumi, cWidth=600 if ARGS.SQUARE else 800) pretty = {'DSA': {'col': R.kBlue}, 'RSA': {'col': R.kRed}} g, p = {}, {} for MUON in MUONS: hNum['nRec' + MUON].Rebin(10) hDen['nGen' + MUON].Rebin(10) g[MUON] = R.TGraphAsymmErrors(hNum['nRec' + MUON], hDen['nGen' + MUON], 'cp') p[MUON] = Plotter.Plot(g[MUON], MUON, 'l', 'p') c.addMainPlot(p[MUON]) p[MUON].setColor(pretty[MUON]['col'], which='LM') c.makeLegend(lWidth=0.125, pos='bl') c.legend.resizeHeight() c.firstPlot.SetMinimum(0.) c.firstPlot.SetMaximum(1.) c.firstPlot.setTitles(X='', Y='', copy=hNum['nRecDSA']) if ARGS.SQUARE: c.firstPlot.scaleTitleOffsets(1.1, 'X') c.cleanup('pdfs/REFF_Lxy{}_{}_{}.pdf'.format( '_Trig' if ARGS.TRIGGER else '', fs, 'Global' if sp is None else SPStr(sp)), mode='LUMI')
def makeEffPlots(quantity, fs, SP=None): HKeys = { 'Eff': '{}Eff', 'Den': '{}Den', } for key in HKeys: HKeys[key] = HKeys[key].format(quantity) h = {} p = {} g = {} if SP is None: for i, sp in enumerate(SIGNALPOINTS): if i == 0: for key in HKeys: h[key] = HISTS[(fs, sp)][HKeys[key]].Clone() h[key].SetDirectory(0) else: for key in HKeys: h[key].Add(HISTS[(fs, sp)][HKeys[key]]) else: sp = SP for key in HKeys: h[key] = HISTS[(fs, sp)][HKeys[key]].Clone() h[key].SetDirectory(0) for key in HKeys: RT.addFlows(h[key]) h[key].Rebin(10) g['Eff'] = R.TGraphAsymmErrors(h['Eff'], h['Den'], 'cp') g['Eff'].SetNameTitle( 'g_Eff', ';' + h['Eff'].GetXaxis().GetTitle() + ';Vertex Fit Efficiency') p['Eff'] = Plotter.Plot(g['Eff'], '', 'elp', 'pe') canvas = Plotter.Canvas(lumi=fs if SP is None else SPLumiStr(fs, *SP)) canvas.addMainPlot(p['Eff']) p['Eff'].setColor(R.kBlue) RT.addBinWidth(canvas.firstPlot) canvas.firstPlot.SetMinimum(0.) canvas.firstPlot.SetMaximum(1.) canvas.cleanup('pdfs/SVFE_{}Eff{}_{}HTo2XTo{}_{}.pdf'.format( quantity, CUTSTRING, 'Trig-' if TRIGGER else '', fs, 'Global' if SP is None else SPStr(SP)))
def makePlot(fs, sp, quantity): # configy type stuff tags = ('Matched', 'Junk') legs = {'Matched': 'Matched', 'Junk': 'Incorrect Pair'} cols = {'Matched': R.kBlue, 'Junk': R.kRed} # get/add histograms if sp is None: h = {} for tag in tags: h[tag] = HistogramGetter.getHistogram( f, (fs, SIGNALPOINTS[0]), quantity + '_' + tag).Clone() for SP in SIGNALPOINTS[1:]: for tag in tags: h[tag].Add( HistogramGetter.getHistogram(f, (fs, SP), quantity + '_' + tag)) else: h = {} for tag in tags: h[tag] = HistogramGetter.getHistogram(f, (fs, sp), quantity + '_' + tag).Clone() # make plots p = {} for tag in tags: p[tag] = Plotter.Plot(h[tag], legs[tag], 'l', 'hist') # canvas, plots, min max canvas = Plotter.Canvas(lumi=SPLumiStr(fs, sp) if sp is not None else fs, logy=True) for tag in tags: canvas.addMainPlot(p[tag]) canvas.setMaximum() # colors for tag in tags: p[tag].SetLineColor(cols[tag]) # legend, cleanup canvas.makeLegend(lWidth=.2, pos='tr') canvas.legend.resizeHeight() canvas.cleanup('pdfs/PV_{}{}_HTo2XTo{}_{}.pdf'.format( quantity, args.CUTSTRING, fs, SPStr(sp) if sp is not None else 'Global'))
def makeRepEffectPlots(sp=None): lumi = 'H#rightarrow2X#rightarrow2#mu' if sp is None: lumi += ', all samples combined' else: lumi += ' ({} GeV, {} GeV, {} mm)'.format(*sp) hkeys = ('Lxy-before', 'Lxy-after') if sp is None: HISTS = HG.getAddedSignalHistograms(FILES['Signal'], '2Mu2J', hkeys) else: HISTS = {} for key in hkeys: HISTS[key] = HG.getHistogram(FILES['Signal'], ('2Mu2J', sp), key).Clone() nPass = HISTS['Lxy-after'].Integral( HISTS['Lxy-after'].GetXaxis().FindBin(65.), HISTS['Lxy-after'].GetNbinsX() + 1) nTot = HISTS['Lxy-before'].Integral( HISTS['Lxy-before'].GetXaxis().FindBin(65.), HISTS['Lxy-before'].GetNbinsX() + 1) print nPass / nTot for key in hkeys: HISTS[key].Rebin(2) g = R.TGraphAsymmErrors(HISTS['Lxy-after'], HISTS['Lxy-before'], 'cp') p = Plotter.Plot(g, '', '', 'p') canvas = Plotter.Canvas(lumi=lumi, cWidth=600 if ARGS.SQUARE else 800) canvas.addMainPlot(p) p.setColor(R.kBlue) canvas.firstPlot.setTitles(X='generated L_{xy} [cm]', Y='Dimuons after / before association') canvas.firstPlot.SetMaximum(1.) canvas.firstPlot.SetMinimum(0.) if ARGS.SQUARE: canvas.firstPlot.scaleTitleOffsets(1.1, 'X') canvas.cleanup('pdfs/REPEFF_Signal_{}.pdf'.format( 'Global' if sp is None else SPStr(sp)), mode='LUMI')
def makeSplit4Plot(quantity, fs, sp=None): tags = [quantity + '_' + tag for tag in ('CID', 'MSD', 'LCD', 'UMD')] legs = dict( zip(tags, ('correct', 'signal', 'lowest #chi^{2}/dof', 'unmatched'))) cols = dict(zip(tags, (R.kBlue, R.kGreen, R.kMagenta, R.kRed))) # get/add histograms if sp is None: h = {} for tag in tags: h[tag] = HistogramGetter.getHistogram(f, (fs, SIGNALPOINTS[0]), tag).Clone() for SP in SIGNALPOINTS[1:]: for tag in tags: h[tag].Add(HistogramGetter.getHistogram(f, (fs, SP), tag)) else: h = {} for tag in tags: h[tag] = HistogramGetter.getHistogram(f, (fs, sp), tag).Clone() # make plots p = {} for tag in tags: p[tag] = Plotter.Plot(h[tag], legs[tag], 'l', 'hist') # canvas, plots, min max canvas = Plotter.Canvas(lumi=SPLumiStr(fs, sp) if sp is not None else fs, logy=True) for tag in tags: canvas.addMainPlot(p[tag]) canvas.setMaximum(scale=2.) canvas.firstPlot.SetMinimum(1.) # colors for tag in tags: p[tag].setColor(cols[tag], which='L') # legend, cleanup canvas.makeLegend(lWidth=.2, pos='tr') canvas.legend.resizeHeight() canvas.cleanup('pdfs/3Mu_{}Dist{}_HTo2XTo{}_{}.pdf'.format( quantity, ARGS.CUTSTRING, fs, SPStr(sp) if sp is not None else 'Global'))
def makeResPlot(fs, sp): if sp is None: h = HG.getAddedSignalHistograms(FILES[fs], fs, ['pTRes-' + MUON for MUON in MUONS]) prettyFS = '2#mu' if '2Mu' in fs else '4#mu' lumi = 'H#rightarrow2X#rightarrow{}, all samples combined{}'.format( prettyFS, ' + trigger' if ARGS.TRIGGER else '') else: h = {} for MUON in MUONS: h['pTRes-' + MUON] = HG.getHistogram(FILES[fs], (fs, sp), 'pTRes-' + MUON).Clone() prettyFS = '2#mu' if '2Mu' in fs else '4#mu' lumi = 'H#rightarrow2X#rightarrow{} ({} GeV, {} GeV, {} mm){}'.format( prettyFS, sp[0], sp[1], sp[2], ' + trigger' if ARGS.TRIGGER else '') c = Plotter.Canvas(lumi=lumi, cWidth=600 if ARGS.SQUARE else 800) pretty = {'DSA': {'col': R.kBlue}, 'RSA': {'col': R.kRed}} p = {} for MUON in MUONS: h['pTRes-' + MUON].Scale( 1. / h['pTRes-' + MUON].Integral(0, h['pTRes-' + MUON].GetNbinsX() + 1)) #h['pTRes-'+MUON].Rebin(10) p[MUON] = Plotter.Plot(h['pTRes-' + MUON], MUON, 'l', 'hist') c.addMainPlot(p[MUON]) p[MUON].setColor(pretty[MUON]['col'], which='LM') c.makeLegend(lWidth=0.125, pos='tr') c.legend.resizeHeight() c.setMaximum() c.firstPlot.setTitles(X='', Y='', copy=h['pTRes-DSA']) RT.addBinWidth(c.firstPlot) if ARGS.SQUARE: c.firstPlot.scaleTitleOffsets(1.1, 'X') c.firstPlot.scaleTitleOffsets(1.3, 'Y') c.cleanup('pdfs/PTRES{}_{}_{}.pdf'.format( '_Trig' if ARGS.TRIGGER else '', fs, 'Global' if sp is None else SPStr(sp)), mode='LUMI')
def makePTCutPlot(fs, sp=None, PC=False, extra=''): # configy type stuff tags = TAGS[ARGS.FS + ('' if not PC else 'PC') + extra] legs = [CONFIG[tag]['LEG_H'] for tag in tags] cols = [CONFIG[tag]['COL'] for tag in tags] # get/add histograms if sp is None: h = {} for tag in tags: h[tag] = HistogramGetter.getHistogram(f, (fs, SIGNALPOINTS[0]), tag).Clone() for SP in SIGNALPOINTS[1:]: for tag in tags: h[tag].Add(HistogramGetter.getHistogram(f, (fs, SP), tag)) else: h = {} for tag in tags: h[tag] = HistogramGetter.getHistogram(f, (fs, sp), tag).Clone() # make plots p = {} for i, tag in enumerate(tags): p[tag] = Plotter.Plot(h[tag], legs[i], 'l', 'hist') # canvas, plots, min max canvas = Plotter.Canvas(lumi=SPLumiStr(fs, sp) if sp is not None else fs) for tag in tags: canvas.addMainPlot(p[tag]) canvas.setMaximum() canvas.setMinimum() # colors for i, tag in enumerate(tags): p[tag].SetLineColor(cols[i]) # legend, cleanup canvas.makeLegend(lWidth=.275, pos='tr') canvas.legend.resizeHeight() canvas.cleanup('pdfs/PC_Match{}{}_HTo2XTo{}_{}.pdf'.format( '-PC' if PC else '', extra, fs, SPStr(sp) if sp is not None else 'Global'))
def makePerSamplePlots(): for ref in HISTS: if not type(ref) == tuple: continue for key in HISTS[ref]: if 'deltaRGR' in key: continue if 'VS' in key: continue if type(ref) == tuple: if ref[0] == '4Mu': name = 'HTo2XTo4Mu_' latexFS = '4#mu' elif ref[0] == '2Mu2J': name = 'HTo2XTo2Mu2J_' latexFS = '2#mu2j' if TRIGGER: name = 'Trig-' + name name += SPStr(ref[1]) lumi = SPLumiStr(ref[0], *ref[1]) legName = HistogramGetter.PLOTCONFIG['HTo2XTo' + ref[0]]['LATEX'] else: if '_Matched' in key: continue name = ref lumi = HistogramGetter.PLOTCONFIG[ref]['LATEX'] legName = HistogramGetter.PLOTCONFIG[ref]['LATEX'] h = HISTS[ref][key].Clone() RT.addFlows(h) if h.GetNbinsX() > 100: h.Rebin(10) p = Plotter.Plot(h, legName, 'l', 'hist') fname = 'pdfs/{}{}_{}.pdf'.format(key, CUTSTRING, name) canvas = Plotter.Canvas(lumi=lumi) canvas.addMainPlot(p) canvas.makeLegend(lWidth=.25, pos='tr') canvas.legend.moveLegend(Y=-.3) canvas.legend.resizeHeight() p.SetLineColor(R.kBlue) RT.addBinWidth(p) pave = canvas.makeStatsBox(p, color=R.kBlue) canvas.cleanup(fname)
def makePerSamplePlots(): for ref in HISTS: for key in HISTS[ref]: if type(ref) == tuple: if ref[0] == '4Mu': name = 'HTo2XTo4Mu_' elif ref[0] == '2Mu2J': name = 'HTo2XTo2Mu2J_' name += SPStr(ref[1]) if TRIGGER: name = 'Trig-' + name lumi = SPLumiStr(ref[0], *ref[1]) legName = HistogramGetter.PLOTCONFIG['HTo2XTo' + ref[0]]['LATEX'] else: name = ref lumi = HistogramGetter.PLOTCONFIG[ref]['LATEX'] legName = HistogramGetter.PLOTCONFIG[ref]['LATEX'] h = HISTS[ref][key].Clone() RT.addFlows(h) p = Plotter.Plot(h, legName, 'l', 'hist') fname = 'pdfs/NM1_{}_{}.pdf'.format(key, name) canvas = Plotter.Canvas(lumi=lumi) canvas.lumi += ' : |#Delta#Phi| ' + ('<' if '_Less' in key else '>') + ' #pi/2' canvas.addMainPlot(p) canvas.makeLegend(lWidth=.25, pos='tr') canvas.legend.moveLegend(Y=-.3) canvas.legend.resizeHeight() p.SetLineColor(R.kBlue) RT.addBinWidth(p) cutKey = key.replace('_Less', '').replace('_More', '') cutVal = Selections.CUTS[cutKey].val l = R.TLine(cutVal, p.GetMinimum(), cutVal, p.GetMaximum() * 1.05) l.SetLineStyle(2) l.SetLineWidth(2) l.Draw() canvas.cleanup(fname)
def makeSignal2DPlots(): for quantity in ('normChi2', 'nTrkLay', 'nPxlHit', 'highPurity', 'isGlobal', 'isMedium', 'hitsBeforeVtx', 'missingHitsAfterVtx'): if quantity == 'nTrkLay': R.gStyle.SetPaintTextFormat('.1f') else: R.gStyle.SetPaintTextFormat('g') hkey = 'PAT-12-' + quantity HISTS = HG.getAddedSignalHistograms(FILES[fs], fs, (hkey, )) for sp in SIGNALPOINTS: HISTS[sp] = HG.getHistogram(FILES[fs], (fs, sp), hkey).Clone() if quantity != 'normChi2': opt = 'colz text' else: opt = 'colz' PLOTS = {hkey: Plotter.Plot(HISTS[hkey], '', '', opt)} for sp in SIGNALPOINTS: PLOTS[sp] = Plotter.Plot(HISTS[sp], '', '', opt) for sp in [ hkey, ] + SIGNALPOINTS: canvas = Plotter.Canvas(lumi=fs + lumiExtra.get(CUTSTRING) if type(sp) != tuple else SPLumiStr(fs, *sp)) canvas.addMainPlot(PLOTS[sp]) canvas.firstPlot.SetMarkerColor(R.kWhite) if quantity == 'normChi2': canvas.firstPlot.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(0., 10.) canvas.firstPlot.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0., 10.) canvas.scaleMargins(1.75, edges='R') canvas.scaleMargins(0.8, edges='L') canvas.cleanup('pdfs/ZEP_2D_{}_{}_{}_{}.pdf'.format( quantity, CUTSTRING, fs, 'Global' if type(sp) != tuple else SPStr(sp)))
def makeResPlots(metric, quantity, sp=None): PRETTY = { 'pTRes_hits_less': { 'mnice': 'p_{T} res.', 'qnice': 'N(hits)', 'leg': 'N(hits) #leq 12', 'col': R.kRed }, 'pTRes_hits_more': { 'mnice': 'p_{T} res.', 'qnice': 'N(hits)', 'leg': 'N(hits) > 12', 'col': R.kBlue }, 'pTRes_fpte_less': { 'mnice': 'p_{T} res.', 'qnice': '#sigma_{p_{T}}/p_{T}', 'leg': '#sigma_{p_{T}}/p_{T} < 1', 'col': R.kBlue }, 'pTRes_fpte_more': { 'mnice': 'p_{T} res.', 'qnice': '#sigma_{p_{T}}/p_{T}', 'leg': '#sigma_{p_{T}}/p_{T} #geq 1', 'col': R.kRed }, 'qdiff_hits_less': { 'mnice': 'charge diff.', 'qnice': 'N(hits)', 'leg': 'N(hits) #leq 12', 'col': R.kRed }, 'qdiff_hits_more': { 'mnice': 'charge diff.', 'qnice': 'N(hits)', 'leg': 'N(hits) > 12', 'col': R.kBlue }, 'qdiff_fpte_less': { 'mnice': 'charge diff.', 'qnice': '#sigma_{p_{T}}/p_{T}', 'leg': '#sigma_{p_{T}}/p_{T} < 1', 'col': R.kBlue }, 'qdiff_fpte_more': { 'mnice': 'charge diff.', 'qnice': '#sigma_{p_{T}}/p_{T}', 'leg': '#sigma_{p_{T}}/p_{T} #geq 1', 'col': R.kRed }, } witches = ('less', 'more') if quantity == 'fpte' else ('more', 'less') hkeys = ['{}_{}_{}'.format(metric, quantity, which) for which in witches] if sp is None: HISTS = HG.getAddedSignalHistograms(FILES['Signal'], '2Mu2J', hkeys) else: HISTS = {} for key in hkeys: HISTS[key] = HG.getHistogram(FILES['Signal'], ('2Mu2J', sp), key).Clone() PLOTS = {} for key in hkeys: HISTS[key].Scale(1. / HISTS[key].Integral(0, HISTS[key].GetNbinsX() + 1)) #RT.addFlows(HISTS[key]) PLOTS[key] = Plotter.Plot(HISTS[key], PRETTY[key]['leg'], 'l', 'hist') #canvas = Plotter.Canvas(lumi='{} by {}'.format(PRETTY[hkeys[0]]['mnice'], PRETTY[hkeys[0]]['qnice'])) lumi = 'H#rightarrow2X#rightarrow2#mu' if sp is None: lumi += ', all samples combined' else: lumi += ' ({} GeV, {} GeV, {} mm)'.format(*sp) canvas = Plotter.Canvas(lumi=lumi, cWidth=600 if ARGS.SQUARE else 800) for key in hkeys: canvas.addMainPlot(PLOTS[key]) PLOTS[key].setColor(PRETTY[key]['col'], which='L') canvas.firstPlot.SetMinimum(0.) canvas.setMaximum() if metric == 'qdiff': canvas.firstPlot.SetMaximum(1.) canvas.firstPlot.setTitles(Y='Density') if 'qdiff' in hkeys[0]: canvas.firstPlot.SetNdivisions(3) canvas.makeLegend(lWidth=0.27, pos='tr') canvas.legend.resizeHeight() RT.addBinWidth(canvas.firstPlot) if ARGS.SQUARE: canvas.firstPlot.scaleTitleOffsets(1.1, 'X') if metric == 'pTRes': canvas.firstPlot.scaleTitleOffsets(1.3, 'Y') canvas.cleanup('pdfs/QCUTRES_Sig_{}_{}_{}.pdf'.format( metric, quantity, 'Global' if sp is None else SPStr(sp)), mode='LUMI')
def optimizeCut(fs, sp, quantity): # get histograms s = getHistogram(f, fs, sp, quantity, 'Matched') b = getHistogram(f, fs, sp, quantity, 'Junk' ) # get cumulatives sCum = s.GetCumulative() bCum = b.GetCumulative() fom = sCum.Clone() # print out suppression nBins = sCum.GetNbinsX() if quantity == 'LxyErr': ibin = 200 else: ibin = 660 srej = 1.-sCum.GetBinContent(ibin)/sCum.GetBinContent(nBins) brej = 1.-bCum.GetBinContent(ibin)/bCum.GetBinContent(nBins) #print '{:5s} {:4d} {:3d} {:4d} :: {:6s} :: reject {:6.2%} of signal, but {:6.2%} of background'.format( # fs, # sp[0], sp[1], sp[2], # quantity, # 1.-sCum.GetBinContent(ibin)/sCum.GetBinContent(nBins), # 1.-bCum.GetBinContent(ibin)/bCum.GetBinContent(nBins), #) # fill f.o.m. histogram, and keep track of max f.o.m. and cut value nBins = sCum.GetNbinsX() xAxis = sCum.GetXaxis() fom_max = 0. opt_cut = 0. for ibin in range(1,nBins+1): val = FOM(sCum.GetBinContent(ibin), bCum.GetBinContent(ibin)) if val > fom_max: fom_max = val opt_cut = xAxis.GetBinCenter(ibin) fom.SetBinContent(ibin, val) # make plots p = {} p['sig'] = Plotter.Plot(sCum, 'matched' , 'l', 'hist') p['bg' ] = Plotter.Plot(bCum, 'other' , 'l', 'hist') p['fom'] = Plotter.Plot(fom , 'S/#sqrt{S+B}', 'l', 'hist') # make canvas, colors, maximum canvas = Plotter.Canvas(lumi=SPLumiStr(fs, *sp)) canvas.addMainPlot(p['sig']) canvas.addMainPlot(p['bg' ]) canvas.addMainPlot(p['fom']) p['sig'].SetLineColor(R.kBlue ) p['bg' ].SetLineColor(R.kRed ) p['fom'].SetLineColor(R.kGreen) canvas.setMaximum() # scale f.o.m. and make new axis fom.Scale(canvas.firstPlot.GetMaximum()/fom_max/1.05) axis = R.TGaxis(xAxis.GetXmax(), 0., xAxis.GetXmax(), canvas.firstPlot.GetMaximum(), 0., fom_max*1.05, 510, '+L') for attr in ('LabelFont', 'LabelOffset', 'TitleFont', 'TitleOffset', 'TitleSize'): getattr(axis, 'Set'+attr)(getattr(xAxis, 'Get'+attr)()) axis.SetTitle('Figure of Merit') axis.CenterTitle() axis.Draw() canvas.scaleMargins(1.1, edges='R') # make the legend after canvas.makeLegend(lWidth=.2, pos='br') canvas.legend.resizeHeight() # draw optimum text and line x, y = canvas.legend.GetX1(), canvas.legend.GetY2() canvas.drawText(text='#color[{:d}]{{opt. cut = {:.2f}}}'.format(R.kBlack, opt_cut), pos=(x, y+0.05), align='bl') line = R.TLine(opt_cut, 0., opt_cut, canvas.firstPlot.GetMaximum()) line.SetLineStyle(2) line.Draw() # save canvas.cleanup('OPT_{}_HTo2XTo{}_{}.pdf'.format(quantity, fs, SPStr(sp))) # save cut val if sp not in DATA[fs]: DATA[fs][sp] = {} if quantity not in DATA[fs][sp]: DATA[fs][sp][quantity] = { 'opt':0, 'srej':0, 'brej':0, } DATA[fs][sp][quantity]['opt'] = opt_cut DATA[fs][sp][quantity]['srej'] = srej DATA[fs][sp][quantity]['brej'] = brej
def getHistogram(f, fs, sp, quantity, which): return f.Get(quantity+'_'+which+'_HTo2XTo'+fs+'_'+SPStr(sp)).Clone()
def makeBinnedResPlotBinwise(MUONS, outputTag, quantity, q2, fs, sp): defaultColorOrder = (R.kRed, R.kBlue, R.kGreen, R.kMagenta) h = {} for MUON in MUONS: h[MUON] = HistogramGetter.getHistogram(f, (fs, sp), '{M}_{Q}ResVS{Q2}'.format(M=MUON, Q=quantity, Q2=q2)).Clone() # leaving space for the bin number fname = 'pdfs/SRR_{}_{}_{}-Binned-Bin-{{}}_{}HTo2XTo{}_{}.pdf'.format(outputTag, quantity+'Res', q2, 'Trig-' if TRIGGER else '', fs, SPStr(sp)) pretty, binranges, values, colors, colors2, legName = getBinningValues(q2) for i, key in enumerate(binranges): canvas = Plotter.Canvas(lumi=SPLumiStr(fs, *sp)) projections, plots = {}, {} for j, MUON in enumerate(MUONS): projections[MUON] = h[MUON].ProjectionY('_'+str(i)+'_'+str(j), key[0], key[1]) plots[MUON] = Plotter.Plot(projections[MUON], MUON, 'l', 'hist') RT.addFlows(plots[MUON]) plots[MUON].Rebin(10) if plots[MUON].Integral() != 0: plots[MUON].Scale(1./plots[MUON].Integral()) plots[MUON].SetLineColor(defaultColorOrder[j]) canvas.addMainPlot(plots[MUON]) canvas.makeLegend(lWidth=.25, pos='tr') canvas.legend.resizeHeight() canvas.setMaximum(recompute=True) canvas.drawText(legName.format(Q2=pretty, V1=values[key][0], V2=values[key][1]), (canvas.legend.GetX1NDC()+.01, canvas.legend.GetY1NDC()-.04)) for j, MUON in enumerate(MUONS): plots[MUON].SetLineColor(defaultColorOrder[j]) plots[MUON].setTitles(X=plots[MUON].GetXaxis().GetTitle(), Y='Normalized Counts') canvas.drawText('#color[{}]{{'.format(defaultColorOrder[j]) + 'RMS = {:.4f}'.format(plots[MUON].GetStdDev()) + '}', (canvas.legend.GetX1NDC()+.01, canvas.legend.GetY1NDC()-(j*0.04)-.08) ) RT.addBinWidth(canvas.firstPlot) canvas.cleanup(fname.format(i+1))
def makeBinnedResPlot(MUON, fs, sp, quantity, q2): h = HistogramGetter.getHistogram(f, (fs, sp), '{M}_{Q}ResVS{Q2}'.format(M=MUON, Q=quantity, Q2=q2)).Clone() fname = 'pdfs/SRR_{}_{}_{}-Binned_{}HTo2XTo{}_{}.pdf'.format(MUON, quantity+'Res', q2, 'Trig-' if TRIGGER else '', fs, SPStr(sp)) pretty, binranges, values, colors, colors2, legName = getBinningValues(q2) projections = {key:h.ProjectionY('_'+str(i), key[0], key[1]) for i,key in enumerate(binranges)} plots = {key:Plotter.Plot(projections[key], legName.format(Q2=pretty, V1=values[key][0], V2=values[key][1]), 'l', 'hist') for key in binranges} canvas = Plotter.Canvas(lumi=SPLumiStr(fs, *sp)) for key in binranges: RT.addFlows(plots[key]) plots[key].Rebin(10) if plots[key].Integral() != 0: plots[key].Scale(1./plots[key].Integral()) canvas.addMainPlot(plots[key]) canvas.makeLegend(lWidth=.25, pos='tr') canvas.legend.moveLegend(X=-.08) canvas.legend.resizeHeight() canvas.setMaximum(recompute=True) for i, key in enumerate(binranges): plots[key].SetLineColor(colors[key]) plots[key].setTitles(X=plots[key].GetXaxis().GetTitle(), Y='Normalized Counts') canvas.drawText('#color[{}]{{'.format(colors2[key]) + 'RMS = {:.4f}'.format(plots[key].GetStdDev()) + '}', (canvas.legend.GetX1NDC()+.01, canvas.legend.GetY1NDC()-(i*0.04)-.04) ) RT.addBinWidth(canvas.firstPlot) canvas.cleanup(fname)
def makeColorPlot(MUON, fs, quantity, sp=None, q2=None): if q2 is None: fstring = '{M}_{Q}VS{Q}'.format(M=MUON, Q=quantity) else: fstring = '{M}_{Q}ResVS{Q2}'.format(M=MUON, Q=quantity, Q2=q2) if sp is None: for i, SP in enumerate(SIGNALPOINTS): if i == 0: h = HistogramGetter.getHistogram(f, (fs, SP), fstring).Clone() else: h.Add(HistogramGetter.getHistogram(f, (fs, SP), fstring).Clone()) fname = 'pdfs/SRR_{}_{}HTo2XTo{}_Global.pdf'.format(fstring, 'Trig-' if TRIGGER else '', fs) else: h = HistogramGetter.getHistogram(f, (fs, sp), fstring).Clone() fname = 'pdfs/SRR_{}_{}HTo2XTo{}_{}.pdf'.format(fstring, 'Trig-' if TRIGGER else '', fs, SPStr(sp)) h.Rebin2D(10, 10) p = Plotter.Plot(h, '', '', 'colz') canvas = Plotter.Canvas(lumi=SPLumiStr(fs, *sp) if sp is not None else fs) canvas.mainPad.SetLogz(True) canvas.addMainPlot(p) canvas.scaleMargins(1.75, edges='R') canvas.scaleMargins(0.8, edges='L') canvas.cleanup(fname)
def makeSimplePlots(quantity, fs, SP=None, normalize=False): range_limits = { 'pT': [0., 300.], 'eta': None, 'phi': None, 'd0': None, 'Lxy': [0., (500. if SP is None else \ SAMPLE_SPECS[fs]['{}_{}_{}'.format(*SP)]['xmax'])], 'deltaR': None, 'mass': None, 'cosAlpha': None, 'dimuonPTOverM': [0, 10], 'XBeta': None, } HKeys = { 'GEN_Den' : 'GEN_{}Den', 'DSA_Den' : 'DSA_{}Den', 'RSA_Den' : 'RSA_{}Den', } for key in HKeys: HKeys[key] = HKeys[key].format(quantity, 'HTo2XTo'+fs) h = {} p = {} if SP is None: for i, sp in enumerate(SIGNALPOINTS): if i == 0: for key in HKeys: h[key] = HISTS[(fs, sp)][HKeys[key]].Clone() h[key].Sumw2() h[key].SetDirectory(0) else: for key in HKeys: h[key].Sumw2() h[key].Add(HISTS[(fs, sp)][HKeys[key]]) else: for key in HKeys: h[key] = HISTS[(fs, SP)][HKeys[key]].Clone() h[key].Sumw2() if normalize is True and h[key].Integral() != 0: h[key].Scale(1/h[key].Integral()) h[key].SetDirectory(0) for key in HKeys: RT.addFlows(h[key]) nConcatBins = 20 if SP is None else \ SAMPLE_SPECS[fs]['{}_{}_{}'.format(*SP)]['rebin'] h[key].Rebin(nConcatBins) if quantity == 'deltaR': ratio_cut = 0.5 hist_ratios = {} for key in HKeys: num_before_cut = 0 num_after_cut = 0 for i in range(h[key].GetNbinsX()+1): if h[key].GetXaxis().GetBinCenter(i) < ratio_cut: num_before_cut += h[key].GetBinContent(i) else: num_after_cut += h[key].GetBinContent(i) if num_before_cut+num_after_cut != 0: hist_ratios[key] = 1.0*num_before_cut/(num_before_cut+num_after_cut) else: hist_ratios[key] = -1 HistSpecs = ( ('GEN_Den', 'GEN', R.kGreen, 'Yield [a.u.]'), ('DSA_Den', 'DSA', R.kBlue, 'Yield [a.u.]'), ('RSA_Den', 'RSA', R.kRed, 'Yield [a.u.]'), ) for key, leg, col, yTitle in HistSpecs: if range_limits[quantity] is not None: h[key].GetXaxis().SetRangeUser( range_limits[quantity][0], range_limits[quantity][1]) h[key].SetNameTitle('h_'+key, ';'+h[key].GetXaxis().GetTitle() + '; ' + \ ('Normalized ' if normalize is True else '') + yTitle) # leg += (': yield(#Delta R<0.5) #times 100 / (total yield) = {}'.format( # round(hist_ratios[key]*100,2)) if quantity == 'deltaR' else '') p[key] = Plotter.Plot(h[key], leg, '', 'hist e1 x0') FIRST = (0, 3) CHARGE = '' for SECTION in (FIRST,): fraction_str = '' if SP is None else '[{}%, {}%]'.format( round(SAMPLE_SPECS[fs]['{}_{}_{}'.format(*SP)]['fractions'][0], 1), round(SAMPLE_SPECS[fs]['{}_{}_{}'.format(*SP)]['fractions'][1], 1)) canvas = Plotter.Canvas(lumi = fs if SP is None else \ '{} ({} GeV, {} GeV, {} mm) ' \ '#scale[0.7]{{{fraction_str}}}'.format( fs, *SP, fraction_str=fraction_str)) for i in range(SECTION[0], SECTION[1]): key = HistSpecs[i][0] col = HistSpecs[i][2] yTitle = HistSpecs[i][3] canvas.addMainPlot(p[key]) p[key].SetMarkerColor(col) p[key].SetLineColor(col) # p[key].firstPlot.SetYTitle(yTitle) canvas.makeLegend(pos='tl') canvas.legend.moveLegend(X=0.15) canvas.legend.resizeHeight() RT.addBinWidth(canvas.firstPlot) canvas.cleanup(OUTPUT_PATH + FILENAME_OUT.format('STD', LXYMIN, LXYMAX, quantity, fs, 'Global' if SP is None else SPStr(SP)))
def makeEffPlots(quantity, fs, SP=None): range_limits = { 'pT': [0., 300.], 'eta': None, 'phi': None, 'd0': None, 'Lxy': [0., (500. if SP is None else \ SAMPLE_SPECS[fs]['{}_{}_{}'.format(*SP)]['xmax'])], 'deltaR': None, 'mass': None, 'cosAlpha': None, 'dimuonPTOverM': [0, 10], 'XBeta': None, } HKeys = { 'GEN_Eff' : 'GEN_{}Num' , 'GEN_Den' : 'GEN_{}Den' , 'DSA_Eff' : 'DSA_{}Num' , 'DSA_Den' : 'DSA_{}Den' , 'RSA_Eff' : 'RSA_{}Num' , 'RSA_Den' : 'RSA_{}Den' , } for key in HKeys: HKeys[key] = HKeys[key].format(quantity, 'HTo2XTo'+fs) h = {} p = {} g = {} hm = {} if SP is None: for i, sp in enumerate(SIGNALPOINTS): if i == 0: for key in HKeys: h[key] = HISTS[(fs, sp)][HKeys[key]].Clone() h[key].SetDirectory(0) else: for key in HKeys: h[key].Add(HISTS[(fs, sp)][HKeys[key]]) else: sp = SP for key in HKeys: h[key] = HISTS[(fs, sp)][HKeys[key]].Clone() h[key].SetDirectory(0) for key in HKeys: RT.addFlows(h[key]) nConcatBins = 20 if SP is None else \ SAMPLE_SPECS[fs]['{}_{}_{}'.format(*SP)]['rebin'] h[key].Rebin(nConcatBins) # h[key].Rebin(30) NumDens = ( ('GEN_Eff' , 'GEN_Den' , 'GEN' , R.kGreen ), ('DSA_Eff' , 'DSA_Den' , 'DSA' , R.kBlue ), ('RSA_Eff' , 'RSA_Den' , 'RSA' , R.kRed ), ) for num, den, leg, col in NumDens: g[num] = R.TGraphAsymmErrors(h[num], h[den], 'cp') g[num].SetNameTitle('g_'+num, ';'+h[num].GetXaxis().GetTitle()+'; Trigger Efficiency') # g[num].GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(0., 30.) if range_limits[quantity] is not None: g[num].GetXaxis().SetLimits( range_limits[quantity][0], range_limits[quantity][1]) p[num] = Plotter.Plot(g[num], leg, 'elp', 'pe') h[num].Sumw2() h[den].Sumw2() ratio_hist = R.TEfficiency(h[num], h[den]) eff_sum_num = 0 eff_sum_den = 0 for binx in range(1,h[num].GetXaxis().GetNbins()+2): # if h[num].GetBinLowEdge(binx) > 250: continue glob_bin = ratio_hist.GetGlobalBin(binx) efferror = max(ratio_hist.GetEfficiencyErrorLow(glob_bin), ratio_hist.GetEfficiencyErrorUp(glob_bin)) if efferror != 0: eff_sum_num += ratio_hist.GetEfficiency(glob_bin) / \ (efferror*efferror) if ratio_hist.GetEfficiency(glob_bin) != 0: eff_sum_den += 1/(efferror*efferror) if eff_sum_den != 0: hm[num] = eff_sum_num / eff_sum_den FIRST = (0, 3) # SECOND = (3, 5) CHARGE = '' for SECTION in (FIRST,): fraction_str = '' if SP is None else '[{}%, {}%]'.format( round(SAMPLE_SPECS[fs]['{}_{}_{}'.format(*SP)]['fractions'][0], 1), round(SAMPLE_SPECS[fs]['{}_{}_{}'.format(*SP)]['fractions'][1], 1)) canvas = Plotter.Canvas(lumi = fs if SP is None else \ '{} ({} GeV, {} GeV, {} mm) ' \ '#scale[0.7]{{{fraction_str}}}'.format( fs, *SP, fraction_str=fraction_str)) for i in range(SECTION[0], SECTION[1]): key = NumDens[i][0] col = NumDens[i][3] canvas.addMainPlot(p[key]) p[key].SetMarkerColor(col) p[key].SetLineColor(col) # if quantity in ['Lxy','pT']: # axis_min = p[key].GetXaxis().GetBinLowEdge(1) # axis_max = p[key].GetXaxis().GetBinLowEdge(p[key].GetXaxis().GetNbins()+1) # hline = R.TLine(axis_min, hm[key], range_limits[quantity][1], hm[key]) # R.SetOwnership(hline, 0) # hline.SetLineColor(col) # hline.Draw() canvas.makeLegend(pos='tr') canvas.legend.moveLegend(X=-0.18) canvas.legend.resizeHeight() canvas.firstPlot.SetMinimum(0.) canvas.firstPlot.SetMaximum(1.) RT.addBinWidth(canvas.firstPlot) if quantity == 'pT': vline = R.TLine(28.,0.,28.,1.) # draw vertical line at 28 GeV R.SetOwnership(vline, 0) vline.SetLineColor(15) vline.Draw() canvas.cleanup(OUTPUT_PATH + FILENAME_OUT.format('STE', LXYMIN, LXYMAX, quantity, fs, 'Global' if SP is None else SPStr(SP)))
def makeOverlaidResPlot(MUONS, fs, sp, quantity, outputTag=None): # whether the plot is dif or res makes a difference wrt binning, fit range, and stats box positions # only pT is a res type; the others are all dif types ISDIF = quantity != 'pT' # what to name the plot. if MUONS is length 1, no sense to pass it twice, so get it automatically if outputTag is None: outputTag = MUONS[0] # colors, in order of MUONS, and also hashed defaultColorOrder = (R.kBlue, R.kRed, R.kGreen) colorDict = dict(zip(MUONS, defaultColorOrder)) # get histograms and define plots h = {} for MUON in MUONS: h[MUON] = HistogramGetter.getHistogram(f, (fs, sp), MUON+'_'+quantity+'Res').Clone() p = {} for MUON in MUONS: RT.addFlows(h[MUON]) if not ISDIF: h[MUON].Rebin(5) else: h[MUON].Rebin(10) p[MUON] = Plotter.Plot(h[MUON], 'Signal MC ({})'.format(MUON[:3]), 'l', 'hist') # define and fit gaussians to everything. Set FITRANGE to be something useful. funcs = {} fplots = {} for MUON in MUONS: if quantity == 'pT': FITRANGE = (-0.4, 0.3) elif quantity == 'eta': FITRANGE = (-0.1, 0.1) else: FITRANGE = (-20., 20.) funcs[MUON] = R.TF1('f'+MUON, 'gaus', *FITRANGE) h[MUON].Fit('f'+MUON, 'R') fplots[MUON] = Plotter.Plot(funcs[MUON], 'Gaussian fit ({})'.format(MUON[:3]), 'l', '') # define canvas, add plots. addS is so that statsbox will be drawn later. # these all should be pretty obvious until... canvas = Plotter.Canvas(lumi=SPLumiStr(fs, *sp)) for i, MUON in enumerate(MUONS): canvas.addMainPlot(p[MUON], addS=True if i!=0 else False) canvas.addMainPlot(fplots[MUON]) if len(MUONS) > 1: canvas.firstPlot.setTitles(X=canvas.firstPlot.GetXaxis().GetTitle().replace(MUONS[0],'Reco')) canvas.makeLegend(lWidth=.25, pos='tl') canvas.legend.resizeHeight() for MUON in MUONS: p [MUON].SetLineColor(colorDict[MUON] ) fplots[MUON].SetLineColor(colorDict[MUON]+1) RT.addBinWidth(canvas.firstPlot) # dif type: fit boxes go down the left side # res type: fit boxes go down the middle # stats boxes are on the right paves = [] for i, MUON in enumerate(MUONS): paves.append(canvas.makeStatsBox(p[MUON], color=colorDict[MUON])) Plotter.MOVE_OBJECT(paves[-1], Y=-.2*i) if not ISDIF: canvas.setFitBoxStyle(h[MUON], lWidth=0.275, pos='tr') else: canvas.setFitBoxStyle(h[MUON], lWidth=0.275, pos='tl') sbox = p[MUON].FindObject('stats') sbox.SetTextColor(colorDict[MUON]+1) if not ISDIF: Plotter.MOVE_OBJECT(sbox, Y=-.15*i, X=-.18, NDC=True) else: Plotter.MOVE_OBJECT(sbox, Y=-.15*i-0.04*4.1, NDC=True) fname = 'pdfs/SRR_{}_{}_{}HTo2XTo{}_{}.pdf'.format(outputTag, quantity+'Res', 'Trig-' if TRIGGER else '', fs, SPStr(sp)) canvas.cleanup(fname)