Esempio n. 1
def main(assets, keep_meta, geo_tag, dest_dir, size):
    minumum_size = True
    resizePercent = 0
    # This is time in seconds to allow for dropbox to process each photo.  Older iOS devices will require more time.
    upload_pause = 3

    if size == 'fifty':
        scale = float(50) / 100
    elif size == 'custom':
        scale = tf2
        # Numbers only for textbox entries
        scale.keyboard_type = ui.KEYBOARD_NUMBER_PAD

        # Display ui locked in portrait orientation and wait till user selects something from it.

        scale = float(scale.text) / 100
        # No minumums here...reduce all photos no matter what their size.
        minumum_size = False
        # If user pressed the close button then cancel script
        if not ok:
            console.hud_alert('Script Cancelled')

    elif size == 'none':
        scale = 1

    # Disable idle timer to cover working with a large batch of photos

    start = time.clock()

    # Create an instance of Dropbox client
    drop_client = get_client()

    for asset in assets:
        print('\nProcessing photo...')
    Get date & time photo was created on YOUR iOS device.
    Note that in some cases the creation date may not be the
    date the photo was taken (ie you got it via text, email, Facebook, etc), but rather the date the photo was saved
    to the camera roll on your device.
        the_year, the_date, the_time = get_date_time(asset.creation_date)

        file_name = ''
        # Formulate file name for photo
        old_filename = str(ObjCInstance(asset).filename())

        if the_date:
            folder_name = '{}/{}'.format(the_year, the_date)
            new_filename = '{}.{}'.format(the_time, old_filename)
            folder_name = 'NoDates'
            new_filename = old_filename
            keep_meta = False

        new_filename = '{}/{}/{}'.format(dest_dir, folder_name, new_filename)

        if folder_name == 'NoDates':

        file_name = '{}.{}'.format(the_time, file_name)

        # Get dimensions for resize based on size of original photo
        new_w, new_h, w, h, resizeOk = get_dimensions(asset, scale,

        fmt = '\nOriginal Name: {}\nNew Name: {}'

        print(fmt.format(old_filename, new_filename))

        fmt = '\nOriginal Size: {}x{}\nNew Size: {}x{}'
        print(fmt.format(w, h, new_w, new_h))

        addToMsg = 'with' if keep_meta else 'without'

        if resizeOk:
            msg = '\nCreating resized copy of original photo {} the metadata from original.'
            msg = '\nCreating copy of original photo {} the metadata from original.'


        # Fetch asset's image data & return it as a io.BytesIO object and then as a byte string
        img = asset.get_image_data(original=False).getvalue()
        # Write string image of original photo to Pythonista script dir
        with open('with_meta.jpg', 'wb') as out_file:

        # Open image, resize it, and write new image to scripts dir
        img ='with_meta.jpg')
        # Retrieve a number that represents the orientation of photo
        orientation = str(ObjCInstance(asset).orientation())

        # Landscape
        if orientation in ('1', '3'):
            img = img.resize((new_w, new_h), Image.ANTIALIAS)
            # Occasionally metadata will say the photo orientation is 1 even though the width is less than the height of photo.
            oriented = 'portrait' if new_w < new_h else 'landscape'
        # Portrait
        elif orientation in ('6', '8'):
            img = img.resize((new_h, new_w), Image.ANTIALIAS)
            oriented = 'portrait'
        # Unavailable
            img = img.resize((new_w, new_h), Image.ANTIALIAS)
            oriented = 'unknown'

        print('\nThe orientation for photo is {}.'.format(oriented))

        if geo_tag:
            # Get geo-tagging info
            the_location = get_location(asset.location)

            if the_location:
                print('\nGeo-tagging photo...')

                the_time = the_time.replace('.', ':')
                the_location = '{} @ {} in {}'.format(the_date, the_time,
        Get degrees needed to rotate photo for it's proper
        orientation. See
        orientation.html for more details.
                degrees = get_degrees_to_rotate(orientation)

                # Rotate photo so tag is on bottom of photo regardless of orientation
                img = img.rotate(degrees).convert('RGBA')
                # Tuple
                w, h = img.size
                draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)

                # Font for geo-tag will be 28 pt Helvetica
                fontsize = 28
                font = ImageFont.truetype('Helvetica', fontsize)
                y = h - 35

                # Put red text @ bottom left of photo
                draw.text((25, y), the_location, (255, 0, 0), font=font)

                # Rotate photo back to original position
                img = img.rotate(-degrees)
                print('\nNo gps metadata for photo.')
            print('\nPhoto will not be geo_tagged. Flag is set to false.')

        # Save new image'without_meta.jpg')

        if keep_meta:
      Copy metadata from 'with_meta.jpg' to 'without_meta.jpg
      and call this reprocessed image file
            copy_meta('with_meta.jpg', 'without_meta.jpg', new_w, new_h)

            jpg_file = 'meta_resized.jpg'

            # Use resized photo that has not had metadata added back into it
            jpg_file = 'without_meta.jpg'

        print('\nUploading photo to Dropbox...')
    Upload resized photo with or without original metadata to
    Dropbox...use 'with' statement to open file so file
    closes automatically at end of 'with'.
        with open(jpg_file, 'r') as img:
            response = drop_client.put_file(new_filename, img)

            # Give Dropbox server time to process...pause time is user defined.
        response = jpg_file = the_location = img = the_date = the_time = the_year = new_filename = old_filename = ''
        print('\nUpload successful.')

    finish = time.clock()
    print('{} photos processed in {}'.format(
        count, timer(start, finish, count, upload_pause)))

    if no_exif:
            '\nPhotos with no DateTimeOriginal tag in their metadata and will need categorizing manually:'

    if no_resize:
            '\nPhotos that did not get resized because either you chose not to resize, or they were smaller than the minumum size of 1600x1200:'

    if no_gps:
            '\nPhotos that did not get geo-tagged because there was no gps info in the photo\'s metadata:'

    # Re-enable idle timer
Esempio n. 2
def main():
    Here we are picking photos from the
    camera roll which, in Pythonista,
    allows us access to extra media data
    in photo's metafile. Because raw data
    is set to true, the image is a string
    representing the image object, not the
    object itself.
    choose = photos.pick_image(show_albums = True, multi = True, original = True, raw_data = True,  include_metadata = True)
    sys.exit('No photos choosen...exiting.')

  minumum_size = True
  resizePercent = 0

  # Pick a scaling percent for selected photo(s)
    ans = console.alert('Reduce the selected photo(s) by what percent of their original size?', '', '50% with a 1600x1200 minumum', 'Custom without a minumum', 'None')

    if ans == 1:
      scale = float(50) / 100
    elif ans == 2:
      msg = 'Enter desired reduction percent for selected photo(s): '
      scale = float(console.input_alert(msg,'Numbers only','35')) / 100

      # No minumums here...reduce all photos no matter what their size.
      minumum_size = False
    elif ans == 3:
      # Don't resize
      scale = 1
  except (IndexError, ValueError):
    sys.exit('No valid entry...Process cancelled.')

  start = time.clock()

  # Create an instance of Dropbox client
  drop_client = get_client()

  ans = ''
  dest_dir = '/Photos'
  When metadata is returned with photo
  the photo is a tuple, with one the
  image, and the other the media
  for count,photo in enumerate(choose):
    print '\nProcessing photo...'
    # Raw data string and Metadata
    img, meta = photo
    #print meta

    # Get date & time photo was taken
    theYear, theDate, theTime = GetDateTime(meta)

    # Formulate file name for photo
    old_filename = str(meta.get('filename'))

    if theDate:
      folder_name = '{}/{}'.format(theYear, theDate)
      new_filename = '{}.{}'.format(theTime, old_filename)
      folder_name = 'NoDates'
      new_filename = old_filename

    new_filename = '{}/{}/{}'.format(dest_dir, folder_name, new_filename)

    if folder_name == 'NoDates':

    # Get dimensions for resize based on size of original photo
    new_w, new_h, w, h, resizeOk = GetDimensions(meta, scale, new_filename, minumum_size)

    fmt = '\nOriginal Name: {}\nNew Name: {}'

    print fmt.format(old_filename, new_filename)

    fmt = '\nOriginal Size: {}x{}\nNew Size: {}x{}'
    print fmt.format(w, h, new_w, new_h)

    addToMsg = 'with' if keepMeta else 'without'

    if resizeOk:
      msg = '\nCreating resized copy of original photo {} the metadata from original.'
      msg = '\nCreating copy of original photo {} the metadata from original.'

    print msg.format(addToMsg)

    # Write string image of original photo to Pythonista script dir
    with open('with_meta.jpg', 'wb') as out_file:

    # Open image, resize it, and write new image to scripts dir
    img ='with_meta.jpg')

    if geoTag:
      # Get geo-tagging info
      theLocation = GetLocation(meta)

      if theLocation:
        print '\nGeo-tagging photo...'

        # Find out if photo is oriented for landscape or portrait
        orientation = meta.get('Orientation')  # ccc: add a default?

        Get degrees needed to rotate photo
        for it's proper orientation. See
        exif-orientation.html for more
        degrees, oriented = GetDegreesToRotate(orientation)

        print '\nThe orientation for photo is {}.'.format(oriented)

        theTime = theTime.replace('.',':')
        theLocation = '{} @ {} in {}'.format(theDate, theTime, theLocation)

        # Rotate so tag is on bottom of photo regardless of orientation
        img = img.rotate(degrees).convert('RGBA')

        # Tuple
        w, h= img.size
        draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
        Font for geo-tag of smaller photos
        will be 28 point Helvetica, while
        the rest will be 56 point.
        fontsize = 56 if w > 1200 else 28
        font = ImageFont.truetype('Helvetica', fontsize)

        # Put red text @ bottom left of photo
        draw.text((25, h-75), theLocation,(255, 0, 0), font = font)

        # Rotate back to original position
        img = img.rotate(-degrees)
        print '\nNo gps metadata for photo.'
      print '\nPhoto will not be geotagged. Flag is set to false.'

    meta = ''
    resized = img.resize((new_w, new_h),Image.ANTIALIAS)'without_meta.jpg')
    resized = ''

    if keepMeta:
      Copy metadata from 'with_meta.jpg'
      to 'without_meta.jpg and call this
      reprocessed image file
      CopyMeta('with_meta.jpg', 'without_meta.jpg', new_w, new_h)

      jpgFile = 'meta_resized.jpg'

      # Use resized photo that has not had metadata added back into it
      jpgFile = 'without_meta.jpg'

    print '\nUploading photo to Dropbox...'

    Upload resized photo with or without
    original metadata to Dropbox...use
    with statement to open file so file
    closes automatically at end of with.
    with open(jpgFile,'r') as img:
      response = drop_client.put_file(new_filename, img)

    # Give Dropbox server time to process
    response = jpgFile = theLocation = img = theDate = theTime = theYear = new_filename = old_filename = ''
    print '\nUpload successful.'

  finish = time.clock()
  print '{} photos processed in {}'.format(count + 1, Timer(start, finish, count + 1))

  if no_exif:
    print '\nPhotos with no DateTimeOriginal tag in their metadata and will need categorizing manually:'
    print '\n'.join(no_exif)

  if no_resize:
    print '\nPhotos that did not get resized because either you chose not to resize, or they were smaller than the minumum size of 1600x1200:'
    print '\n'.join(no_resize)

  if no_gps:
    print '\nPhotos that did not get geo-tagged because there was no gps info in the photo\'s metadata:'
    print '\n'.join(no_gps)
def main(assets, keep_meta, geo_tag, dest_dir, size):
  minumum_size = True
  resizePercent = 0
  # This is time in seconds to allow for dropbox to process each photo.  Older iOS devices will require more time.
  upload_pause = 3

  if size == 'fifty':
    scale = float(50) / 100
  elif size == 'custom': 
    scale = v2['scale_text']
    # Numbers only for textbox entries
    scale.keyboard_type = ui.KEYBOARD_NUMBER_PAD

    # Display ui locked in portrait orientation and wait till user selects something from it.
    v2.present(orientations = ['portrait'])
    scale = float(scale.text) / 100
    # No minumums here...reduce all photos no matter what their size.
    minumum_size = False
    # If user pressed the close button then cancel script
    if not ok:
      sys.exit('Script Cancelled')
  elif size == 'none':
    scale = 1

  # Disable idle timer to cover working with a large batch of photos

  start = time.clock()

  # Create an instance of Dropbox client
  drop_client = get_client()

  for asset in assets:
    print '\nProcessing photo...'
    # Get date & time photo was taken
    the_year, the_date, the_time = get_date_time(asset.creation_date)
    file_name = ''
    # Formulate file name for photo
    old_filename = str(ObjCInstance(asset).filename())
    if the_date:
      folder_name = '{}/{}'.format(the_year, the_date)
      new_filename = '{}.{}'.format(the_time, old_filename)
      folder_name = 'NoDates'
      new_filename = old_filename
      keep_meta = False

    new_filename = '{}/{}/{}'.format(dest_dir, folder_name, new_filename)

    if folder_name == 'NoDates':
    file_name = '{}.{}'.format(the_time, file_name)
    # Get dimensions for resize based on size of original photo
    new_w, new_h, w, h, resizeOk = get_dimensions(asset, scale, new_filename, minumum_size)
    fmt = '\nOriginal Name: {}\nNew Name: {}'

    print fmt.format(old_filename, new_filename)

    fmt = '\nOriginal Size: {}x{}\nNew Size: {}x{}'
    print fmt.format(w, h, new_w, new_h)

    addToMsg = 'with' if keep_meta else 'without'

    if resizeOk:
      msg = '\nCreating resized copy of original photo {} the metadata from original.'
      msg = '\nCreating copy of original photo {} the metadata from original.'

    print msg.format(addToMsg)
    # Fetch asset's image data & return it as a io.BytesIO object and then as a byte string
    img = asset.get_image_data(original = False).getvalue()
    # Write string image of original photo to Pythonista script dir
    with open('with_meta.jpg', 'wb') as out_file:
    # Open image, resize it, and write new image to scripts dir
    img ='with_meta.jpg')
    # Retrieve a number that represents the orientation of photo
    orientation = str(ObjCInstance(asset).orientation())
    # Landscape
    if orientation == '1' or orientation == '3':
      img = img.resize((new_w, new_h),Image.ANTIALIAS)
      # Occasionally metadata will say the photo orientation is 1 even though the width is less than the height of photo. 
      if new_w < new_h:
        oriented = 'portrait'
        oriented = 'landscape'
    # Portrait
    elif orientation == '6' or orientation == '8':
      img = img.resize((new_h, new_w), Image.ANTIALIAS)
      oriented = 'portrait'
    # Unavailable
      img = img.resize((new_w, new_h),Image.ANTIALIAS)
      oriented = 'unknown'
    print '\nThe orientation for photo is {}.'.format(oriented)
    if geo_tag:
      # Get geo-tagging info
      the_location = get_location(asset.location)
      if the_location:
        print '\nGeo-tagging photo...'
        the_time = the_time.replace('.',':')
        the_location = '{} @ {} in {}'.format(the_date, the_time, the_location)
        Get degrees needed to rotate photo for it's proper
        orientation. See
        orientation.html for more details.
        degrees = get_degrees_to_rotate(orientation)

        # Rotate photo so tag is on bottom of photo regardless of orientation
        img = img.rotate(degrees).convert('RGBA')
        # Tuple
        w, h = img.size
        draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)

        # Font for geo-tag will be 28 pt Helvetica
        fontsize = 28
        font = ImageFont.truetype('Helvetica', fontsize)
        y = h - 35

        # Put red text @ bottom left of photo
        draw.text((25, y), the_location,(255, 0, 0), font = font)

        # Rotate photo back to original position
        img = img.rotate(-degrees)
        print '\nNo gps metadata for photo.'
      print '\nPhoto will not be geo_tagged. Flag is set to false.'

    # Save new image'without_meta.jpg')

    if keep_meta:
      Copy metadata from 'with_meta.jpg' to 'without_meta.jpg
      and call this reprocessed image file
      copy_meta('with_meta.jpg', 'without_meta.jpg', new_w, new_h)

      jpg_file = 'meta_resized.jpg'

      # Use resized photo that has not had metadata added back into it
      jpg_file = 'without_meta.jpg'

    print '\nUploading photo to Dropbox...'
    Upload resized photo with or without original metadata to
    Dropbox...use 'with' statement to open file so file
    closes automatically at end of 'with'.
    with open(jpg_file,'r') as img:
      response = drop_client.put_file(new_filename, img)

      # Give Dropbox server time to process...pause time is user defined.
    response = jpg_file = the_location = img = the_date = the_time = the_year = new_filename = old_filename = ''
    print '\nUpload successful.'

  finish = time.clock()
  print '{} photos processed in {}'.format(count, timer(start, finish, count, upload_pause))

  if no_exif:
    print '\nPhotos with no DateTimeOriginal tag in their metadata and will need categorizing manually:'
    print '\n'.join(no_exif)

  if no_resize:
    print '\nPhotos that did not get resized because either you chose not to resize, or they were smaller than the minumum size of 1600x1200:'
    print '\n'.join(no_resize)

  if no_gps:
    print '\nPhotos that did not get geo-tagged because there was no gps info in the photo\'s metadata:'
    print '\n'.join(no_gps)
  # Re-enable idle timer
Esempio n. 4
def main(choose, keepMeta, geoTag, dest_dir, size):
	minumum_size = True
	resizePercent = 0
	if size == 'fifty':
		scale = float(50) / 100
	elif size == 'custom':
		msg = 'Enter desired reduction percent for selected photo(s): '
			scale = float(console.input_alert(msg,'Numbers only','35')) / 100
			# No minumums here...reduce all photos no matter what their size.
			minumum_size = False
		except KeyboardInterrupt:
			sys.exit('Script cancelled.')
	elif size == 'none':
		scale = 1
	#john = dialogs.form_dialog(title = 'Photo Options',fields=[{'type':'switch','title':'Geotag'}, {'type':'switch','title':'Keep Metadata'}])
	# Disable idle timer to cover working with a large batch of photos
	start = time.clock()
	# Create an instance of Dropbox client
	drop_client = get_client()
	ans = ''
	When metadata is returned with photo
	the photo is a tuple, with one the
	image, and the other the media
	for count, photo in enumerate(choose):
		# Raw data string and Metadata
		img, meta = photo
		#print meta
		print('\nProcessing photo...')
		# Get date & time photo was taken
		theYear, theDate, theTime = GetDateTime(meta)
		# Formulate file name for photo
		old_filename = str(meta.get('filename'))
		if theDate:
			folder_name = '{}/{}'.format(theYear, theDate)
			new_filename = '{}.{}'.format(theTime, old_filename)
			folder_name = 'NoDates'
			new_filename = old_filename
			keepMeta = False
		new_filename = '{}/{}/{}'.format(dest_dir, folder_name, new_filename)
		if folder_name == 'NoDates':
		# Get dimensions for resize based on size of original photo
		new_w, new_h, w, h, resizeOk = GetDimensions(meta, scale, new_filename, minumum_size)
		fmt = '\nOriginal Name: {}\nNew Name: {}'
		print(fmt.format(old_filename, new_filename))
		fmt = '\nOriginal Size: {}x{}\nNew Size: {}x{}'
		print(fmt.format(w, h, new_w, new_h))
		addToMsg = 'with' if keepMeta else 'without'
		if resizeOk:
			msg = '\nCreating resized copy of original photo {} the metadata from original.'
			msg = '\nCreating copy of original photo {} the metadata from original.'
		# Write string image of original photo to Pythonista script dir
		with open('with_meta.jpg', 'wb') as out_file:
		# Open image, resize it, and write new image to scripts dir
		img ='with_meta.jpg')
		img = img.resize((new_w, new_h),Image.ANTIALIAS)
		if geoTag:
			# Get geo-tagging info
			theLocation = GetLocation(meta)
			if theLocation:
				print('\nGeo-tagging photo...')
				# Find out if photo is oriented for landscape or portrait
				orientation = meta.get('Orientation')  # ccc: add a default?
				Get degrees needed to rotate photo
				for it's proper orientation. See
				exif-orientation.html for more
				degrees, oriented = GetDegreesToRotate(orientation)
				print('\nThe orientation for photo is {}.'.format(oriented))
				theTime = theTime.replace('.',':')
				theLocation = '{} @ {} in {}'.format(theDate, theTime, theLocation)
				# Rotate so tag is on bottom of photo regardless of orientation
				img = img.rotate(degrees).convert('RGBA')
				# Tuple
				w, h = img.size
				draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
				# Font for geo-tag will be 28 pt Helvetica
				#fontsize = 56 if w > 1300 else 28
				fontsize = 28
				font = ImageFont.truetype('Helvetica', fontsize)
				# Determine y axis for geotag
				#if h < 1000:
				#y = h - 35
				#y = h - 75
				y = h - 35
				# Put red text @ bottom left of photo
				draw.text((25, y), theLocation,(255, 0, 0), font = font)
				# Rotate back to original position
				img = img.rotate(-degrees)
				print('\nNo gps metadata for photo.')
			print('\nPhoto will not be geotagged. Flag is set to false.')
		meta = ''
		#img = img.resize((new_w, new_h),Image.ANTIALIAS)
		# Save new image'without_meta.jpg')
		if keepMeta:
			Copy metadata from 'with_meta.jpg'
			to 'without_meta.jpg and call this
			reprocessed image file
			CopyMeta('with_meta.jpg', 'without_meta.jpg', new_w, new_h)
			jpgFile = 'meta_resized.jpg'
			# Use resized photo that has not had metadata added back into it
			jpgFile = 'without_meta.jpg'
		print('\nUploading photo to Dropbox...')
		Upload resized photo with or without
		original metadata to Dropbox...use
		with statement to open file so file
		closes automatically at end of with.
		with open(jpgFile,'r') as img:
			response = drop_client.put_file(new_filename, img)
			# Give Dropbox server time to process
		response = jpgFile = theLocation = img = theDate = theTime = theYear = new_filename = old_filename = ''
		print('\nUpload successful.')
	finish = time.clock()
	print('{} photos processed in {}'.format(count + 1, Timer(start, finish, count + 1)))
	if no_exif:
		print('\nPhotos with no DateTimeOriginal tag in their metadata and will need categorizing manually:')
	if no_resize:
		print('\nPhotos that did not get resized because either you chose not to resize, or they were smaller than the minumum size of 1600x1200:')
	if no_gps:
		print('\nPhotos that did not get geo-tagged because there was no gps info in the photo\'s metadata:')
Esempio n. 5
def main():
    Here we are picking photos from the
    camera roll which, in Pythonista,
    allows us access to extra media data
    in photo's metafile. Because raw data
    is set to true, the image is a string
    representing the image object, not the
    object itself.
    choose = photos.pick_image(show_albums = True, multi = True, original = True, raw_data = True,  include_metadata = True)
    sys.exit('No photos choosen...exiting.')

  minumum_size = True
  resizePercent = 0

  # Pick a scaling percent for selected photo(s)
    ans = console.alert('Reduce the selected photo(s) by what percent of their original size?', '', '50% with a 1600x1200 minumum', 'Custom without a minumum', 'None')

    if ans == 1:
      scale = float(50) / 100
    elif ans == 2:
      msg = 'Enter desired reduction percent for selected photo(s): '
      scale = float(console.input_alert(msg,'Numbers only','35')) / 100

      # No minumums here...reduce all photos no matter what their size.
      minumum_size = False
    elif ans == 3:
      # Don't resize
      scale = 1
  except (IndexError, ValueError):
    sys.exit('No valid entry...Process cancelled.')

  start = time.clock()

  # Create an instance of Dropbox client
  drop_client = get_client()

  ans = ''
  dest_dir = '/Photos'
  When metadata is returned with photo
  the photo is a tuple, with one the
  image, and the other the media
  for count,photo in enumerate(choose):
    print '\nProcessing photo...'
    # Raw data string and Metadata
    img, meta = photo
    #print meta

    # Get date & time photo was taken
    theYear, theDate, theTime = GetDateTime(meta)

    # Formulate file name for photo
    old_filename = str(meta.get('filename'))

    if theDate:
      folder_name = '{}/{}'.format(theYear, theDate)
      new_filename = '{}.{}'.format(theTime, old_filename)
      folder_name = 'NoDates'
      new_filename = old_filename

    new_filename = '{}/{}/{}'.format(dest_dir, folder_name, new_filename)

    if folder_name == 'NoDates':

    # Get dimensions for resize based on size of original photo
    new_w, new_h, w, h, resizeOk = GetDimensions(meta, scale, new_filename, minumum_size)

    fmt = '\nOriginal Name: {}\nNew Name: {}'

    print fmt.format(old_filename, new_filename)

    fmt = '\nOriginal Size: {}x{}\nNew Size: {}x{}'
    print fmt.format(w, h, new_w, new_h)

    addToMsg = 'with' if keepMeta else 'without'

    if resizeOk:
      msg = '\nCreating resized copy of original photo {} the metadata from original.'
      msg = '\nCreating copy of original photo {} the metadata from original.'

    print msg.format(addToMsg)

    # Write string image of original photo to Pythonista script dir
    with open('with_meta.jpg', 'wb') as out_file:

    # Open image, resize it, and write new image to scripts dir
    img ='with_meta.jpg')

    if geoTag:
      # Get geo-tagging info
      theLocation = GetLocation(meta)

      if theLocation:
        print '\nGeo-tagging photo...'

        # Find out if photo is oriented for landscape or portrait
        orientation = meta.get('Orientation')  # ccc: add a default?

        Get degrees needed to rotate photo
        for it's proper orientation. See
        exif-orientation.html for more
        degrees, oriented = GetDegreesToRotate(orientation)

        print '\nThe orientation for photo is {}.'.format(oriented)

        theTime = theTime.replace('.',':')
        theLocation = '{} @ {} in {}'.format(theDate, theTime, theLocation)

        # Rotate so tag is on bottom of photo regardless of orientation
        img = img.rotate(degrees).convert('RGBA')

        # Tuple
        w, h= img.size
        draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
        Font for geo-tag of smaller photos
        will be 28 point Helvetica, while
        the rest will be 56 point.
        fontsize = 56 if w > 1200 else 28
        font = ImageFont.truetype('Helvetica', fontsize)

        # Put red text @ bottom left of photo
        draw.text((25, h-75), theLocation,(255, 0, 0), font = font)

        # Rotate back to original position
        img = img.rotate(-degrees)
        print '\nNo gps metadata for photo.'
      print '\nPhoto will not be geotagged. Flag is set to false.'

    meta = ''
    resized = img.resize((new_w, new_h),Image.ANTIALIAS)'without_meta.jpg')
    resized = ''

    if keepMeta:
      Copy metadata from 'with_meta.jpg'
      to 'without_meta.jpg and call this
      reprocessed image file
      CopyMeta('with_meta.jpg', 'without_meta.jpg', new_w, new_h)

      jpgFile = 'meta_resized.jpg'

      # Use resized photo that has not had metadata added back into it
      jpgFile = 'without_meta.jpg'

    print '\nUploading photo to Dropbox...'

    Upload resized photo with or without
    original metadata to Dropbox...use
    with statement to open file so file
    closes automatically at end of with.
    with open(jpgFile,'r') as img:
      response = drop_client.put_file(new_filename, img)

    # Give Dropbox server time to process
    response = jpgFile = theLocation = img = theDate = theTime = theYear = new_filename = old_filename = ''
    print '\nUpload successful.'

  finish = time.clock()
  print '{} photos processed in {}'.format(count + 1, Timer(start, finish, count + 1))

  if no_exif:
    print '\nPhotos with no DateTimeOriginal tag in their metadata and will need categorizing manually:'
    print '\n'.join(no_exif)

  if no_resize:
    print '\nPhotos that did not get resized because either you chose not to resize, or they were smaller than the minumum size of 1600x1200:'
    print '\n'.join(no_resize)

  if no_gps:
    print '\nPhotos that did not get geo-tagged because there was no gps info in the photo\'s metadata:'
    print '\n'.join(no_gps)