Esempio n. 1
def shift_time(hours: int = 0, minutes: int = 0, seconds: int = 0, is_video: bool = False):
    shift DateTimeOriginal to correct for wrong camera time setting

    :example: to adjust time zone by one, set hours=-1

    :param hours: hours to shift
    :param minutes: minutes to shift
    :param seconds: seconds to shift
    :param is_video: whether to modify videos, if false modifies pictures
    log_function_call(shift_time.__name__, hours, minutes, seconds, is_video)
    inpath = os.getcwd()
    delta_t = dt.timedelta(hours=hours, minutes=minutes, seconds=seconds)
    Tagdict = read_exiftags(inpath, settings.video_types if is_video else settings.image_types)
    if has_not_keys(Tagdict, keys=["Directory", "File Name", "Date/Time Original"]): return
    leng = len(list(Tagdict.values())[0])
    time_tags = ["DateTimeOriginal", "CreateDate", "ModifyDate"]
    time_tags_mp4 = ["TrackCreateDate", "TrackModifyDate", "MediaCreateDate", "MediaModifyDate"]
    dir_change_printer = DirChangePrinter(Tagdict["Directory"][0])
    for i in range(leng):
        model = create_model(Tagdict, i)
        time = giveDatetime(model.get_date())
        newtime = time + delta_t
        timestring = dateformating(newtime, "YYYY:MM:DD HH:mm:ss")
        outTagDict = {}
        for time_tag in time_tags:
            outTagDict[time_tag] = timestring
        if is_video:
            for time_tag in time_tags_mp4:
                outTagDict[time_tag] = timestring
        write_exiftag(outTagDict, model.dir, model.filename)
Esempio n. 2
def _detect_3D():
    not yet fully implemented
    inpath = os.getcwd()
    Tagdict = read_exiftags(inpath)
    if has_not_keys(Tagdict,
                        "Directory", "File Name", "Date/Time Original",
                        "Burst Mode", "Sequence Number"
    time_old = giveDatetime()
    filenames = []
    dir3D = "3D"
    for i in range(len(list(Tagdict.values())[0])):
        newDir = os.path.join(Tagdict["Directory"][i], dir3D)
        os.makedirs(newDir, exist_ok=True)
        model = create_model(Tagdict, i)
        SequenceNumber = model.get_sequence_number()
        if model.is_series() or SequenceNumber > 1: continue
        time = giveDatetime(model.get_date())
        timedelta = time - time_old
        timedelta_sec = timedelta.days * 3600 * 24 + timedelta.seconds
        time_old = time
        if timedelta_sec < 10 or (SequenceNumber == 1
                                  and timedelta_sec < 15) or filenames == []:
            filenames.append(getPath(Tagdict, i))
        elif len(filenames) > 1:
            for filename in filenames:
                if os.path.isfile(
                        filename.replace(Tagdict["Directory"][i], newDir)):
                shutil.copy2(filename, newDir)
            filenames = []
Esempio n. 3
def rename_from_exif():
    use exif information written by :func:`write_exif_using_csv` to restore filename
    Tagdict = read_exiftags()
    if has_not_keys(Tagdict, keys=["Label"]): return

    temppostfix = renameTemp(Tagdict["Directory"], Tagdict["File Name"])
    leng = len(list(Tagdict.values())[0])
    for i in range(leng):
        filename = Tagdict["File Name"][i]
        ext = filename[filename.rfind('.'):]
        renameInPlace(Tagdict["Directory"][i], filename + temppostfix,
                      Tagdict["Label"][i] + ext)
Esempio n. 4
def rotate(subname: str = "",
           folder: str = r"",
    rotate back according to tag information (Rotate 90 CW or Rotate 270 CW)
    Some programs like franzis hdr projects rotate the resolution of the picture -> picture gets upward resolution and
    shown as rotated two times. This function reverses the resolution rotation according to exif info.
    Pictures that either have no rotation according to exif or have a normal resolution ratio are not modified.
    So calling it a second time wont change anything.
    :param subname: only files that contain this name are rotated, empty string: no restriction
    :param sign: direction of rotation
    :param folder: only files in directories that match this regex are rotated, empty string: no restriction
    :param override: override file with rotated one
    :param ask: if should ask for user confirmation
    log_function_call(rotate.__name__, subname, folder, sign, override, ask)
    from PIL import Image

    NFiles = 0
    clock = Clock()
    inpath = os.getcwd()
    for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(inpath):
        if is_invalid_path(dirpath, regex=folder): continue
        if len(filenames) == 0: continue
        Tagdict = read_exiftags(dirpath, settings.image_types, ask=ask)
        if has_not_keys(Tagdict, keys=["Orientation"]): continue
        leng = len(list(Tagdict.values())[0])
        for i in range(leng):
            # Load the original image:
            model = create_model(Tagdict, i)
            if not subname in model.filename: continue
            if model.is_rotated_by(0) or not model.is_upward():
            name = model.get_path()
            log().info("rotate %s", model.filename)
            img =
            if model.is_rotated_by(90):
                img_rot = img.rotate(90 * sign, expand=True)
            elif model.is_rotated_by(-90):
                img_rot = img.rotate(-90 * sign, expand=True)
            NFiles += 1
            if not override:
                name = name[:name.rfind(".")] + "_ROTATED" + name[name.
  , 'JPEG', quality=99,['exif'])
Esempio n. 5
def searchby_exiftag_equality(tag_name: str, value: str):
    searches for files where the value of the exiftag equals the input value
    :param tag_name: exiftag key
    :param value: exiftag value
    Tagdict = read_exiftags()
    if has_not_keys(
            keys=["Directory", "File Name", "Date/Time Original", tag_name]):
    leng = len(list(Tagdict.values())[0])
    files = []
    for i in range(leng):
        if not Tagdict[tag_name][i] == value: continue
        files.append(getPath(Tagdict, i))
    copyFilesTo(files, os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "matches"))
Esempio n. 6
def searchby_exiftag_interval(tag_name: str, min_value: float,
                              max_value: float):
    searches for files where the value of the exiftag is in the specified interval
    :param tag_name: exiftag key
    :param min_value: interval start
    :param max_value: interval end
    inpath = os.getcwd()
    Tagdict = read_exiftags(inpath)
    if has_not_keys(Tagdict, keys=[tag_name]): return
    leng = len(list(Tagdict.values())[0])
    files = []
    for i in range(leng):
        value = tofloat(Tagdict[tag_name][i])
        if not (value and min_value < value < max_value): continue
        files.append(getPath(Tagdict, i))
    copyFilesTo(files, os.path.join(inpath, "matches"))
Esempio n. 7
def _detect_sunset():
    not yet fully implemented
    inpath = os.getcwd()
    Tagdict = read_exiftags(inpath)
    if has_not_keys(Tagdict, keys=["Directory", "File Name", "Scene Mode"]):
    for i in range(len(list(Tagdict.values())[0])):
        newDir = os.path.join(Tagdict["Directory"][i], "Sunset")
        os.makedirs(newDir, exist_ok=True)
        model = create_model(Tagdict, i)
        time = giveDatetime(model.get_date())
        if 23 < time.hour or time.hour < 17: continue
        if not model.is_sun(): continue
        filename = getPath(Tagdict, i)
        if os.path.isfile(filename.replace(Tagdict["Directory"][i], newDir)):
        shutil.copy2(filename, newDir)