Esempio n. 1
def main2():
    p = Preprocessing()
    keys = "11110111110000001010010111101001101111101000101000000000111111111111000000001111111011011100010101010010101101010101000010111111"
    KEYS = p.Convert128_to_32bits(keys)
    #plain_text = "00000001110101111011011011111011110000000111010111101101101111100010111110011101001101110010100001011000100000100111011001001110"
    plain_text = "00000000000000000000000000000001010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
    EI_S = p.Convert128_to_32bits(plain_text)
    e = Encryption()
    d = Decryption()

    cypher_txt = e.Encrypt(EI_S, KEYS)
    print("\ncypher_txt ", cypher_txt, "\n\n")

    e1, e2, e3, e4 = d.Decrypt(cypher_txt, KEYS)
    decrypted_txt = e1 + e2 + e3 + e4
    print("Decrypted Txt : ", decrypted_txt, "\n\n")
    print(decrypted_txt == plain_text)

    count = 0
    for i in range(128):
        if decrypted_txt[i] != plain_text[i]:
            print(i + 1)

            count += 1

Esempio n. 2
    def Crpyto_Encrytor(self, p_text):

        # encrypt it so that it gives out cypher text. which is stored in image

        plain_text = p_text  # input("Enter a plain text : ")
        plain_text += "#####"

        #example : This World shall Know Pain

        print(f"Entered plian Txt : {plain_text}")

        preprocessor = Preprocessing()

        #convert to binary
        plain_2_binary_string = preprocessor.string_2_binary(plain_text)

        #append the length in front of 25 bit
        #prepended_binary_string = preprocessor.prepend_length_of_binary_string(plain_2_binary_string)
        prepended_binary_string = plain_2_binary_string

        #padding with zeroes that binary string so that it is a multiple of 128.
        padded_binary_string = preprocessor.padding_of_text(

        encryptor = Encryption()

        print(f"Padded Binary string  pt1_txt --> : {padded_binary_string}")

        cipher_text = ""
        pt1_txt = padded_binary_string
        keys = key_generation()
        KEYS = preprocessor.Convert128_to_32bits(keys)

        for i in range(0, len(padded_binary_string), 128):
            string_128_bit = padded_binary_string[i:i + 128]

            #Encryption starts
            EI_S = preprocessor.Convert128_to_32bits(string_128_bit)

            #keys = "11110111110000001010010111101001101111101000101000000000111111111111000000001111111011011100010101010010101101010101000010111111"

            C1, C2, C3, C4 = encryptor.Encrypt(EI_S, KEYS)
            cipher_text += C1 + C2 + C3 + C4

        print("cipher_text\n", cipher_text)
        print("pt1_txt\n", pt1_txt)

        return cipher_text, keys
Esempio n. 3
def main():
    # For the integration testing I will take plain txt from usr converting into binary string giving it to Encryption block to
    # encrypt it so that it gives out cypher text. which is tored in image
    # after extraaction of cypher txt from stegeo img it will be given to the decryption module
    # Decryptor decrypt it to yield plain txt.

    plain_text = input("Enter a plain text : ")

    #example : This World shall Know Pain

    print(f"Entered plian Txt : {plain_text}")

    preprocessor = Preprocessing()

    #convert to binary
    plain_2_binary_string = preprocessor.string_2_binary(plain_text)

    #append the length in front of 25 bit
    prepended_binary_string = preprocessor.prepend_length_of_binary_string(

    #padding with zeroes that binary string so that it is a multiple of 128.
    padded_binary_string = preprocessor.padding_of_text(

    encryptor = Encryption()

    print(f"Padded Binary string  pt1_txt --> : {padded_binary_string}")

    cipher_text = ""
    pt1_txt = padded_binary_string

    for i in range(0, len(padded_binary_string), 128):
        string_128_bit = padded_binary_string[i:i + 128]

        #Encryption starts
        EI_S = preprocessor.Convert128_to_32bits(string_128_bit)

        keys = "11110111110000001010010111101001101111101000101000000000111111111111000000001111111011011100010101010010101101010101000010111111"
        KEYS = preprocessor.Convert128_to_32bits(keys)

        C1, C2, C3, C4 = encryptor.Encrypt(EI_S, KEYS)
        cipher_text += C1 + C2 + C3 + C4

    print("cipher_text\n", cipher_text)
    print("pt1_txt\n", pt1_txt)
    ct_text = cipher_text

    #prepended the length of cypher text in front of 25 bit i.e first 25 bit shows length of cypher text
    prepended_cypher_txt = preprocessor.prepend_length_of_binary_string(

    #padd it now this cypher txt -->prepended_cypher_txt to padded_cypher_txt
    padded_cypher_txt = preprocessor.padding_of_text(prepended_cypher_txt)

    #Now the padded cypher text -->padded_cypher_txt   will go inside the image and image will be called after insertion as
    #steogo image

    #Now we have to extract LSB of whole image (or it can be modified / optimized further )

    cypher_txt_after_extraction = preprocessor.extract_real_binary_string(

    padded_pt_text = ""

    decryptor = Decryption()

    for i in range(0, len(cypher_txt_after_extraction), 128):
        cypher_128_bit = cypher_txt_after_extraction[i:i + 128]
        #print("###",i , i+128 , string_128_bit)

        CT_S = preprocessor.Convert128_to_32bits(cypher_128_bit)
        keys = "11110111110000001010010111101001101111101000101000000000111111111111000000001111111011011100010101010010101101010101000010111111"
        KEYS = preprocessor.Convert128_to_32bits(keys)
        #print("\n\nKEYS : ",KEYS)


        E1, E2, E3, E4 = decryptor.Decrypt(CT_S, KEYS)
        padded_pt_text += E1 + E2 + E3 + E4

    print("padded_pt_text\n", padded_pt_text)

    print("Ab bata jara ", end="")
    print(pt1_txt == padded_pt_text)

    #Now extracting actual binary string from padded plain txt
    real_pt_text = preprocessor.extract_real_binary_string(padded_pt_text)

    #Now convert this real plain txt into Ascii text
    real_plain_text = preprocessor.binary_2_string(real_pt_text)

        f"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n After all the actual text was :--> {real_plain_text}\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"