
# The test policy and plaintext
policy = '((one or three))' # needs to be in parentheses (because it's a gate!)
attrs = ['ONE', 'TWO', 'THREE']
msg = "Hello world!"

# The two separate encryption modules
enc1 = EncryptionModule()
enc2 = EncryptionModule()

 # Test before sharing
(mk1, pk1) = enc1.getValues()
(mk2, pk2) = enc2.getValues()
print("Master keys (before sharing)")
print(objectToBytes(mk1, PairingGroup('SS512')) == objectToBytes(mk2, PairingGroup('SS512'))) 
print("Public keys (before sharing)")
print(objectToBytes(pk1, PairingGroup('SS512')) == objectToBytes(pk2, PairingGroup('SS512')))

# Test before sharing the keys
ct1 = enc1.encrypt(msg, policy)
ct2 = enc2.encrypt(msg, policy)
sk1 = enc1.generateUserKey(attrs) # takes a list of attributes (in caps?)
sk2 = enc2.generateUserKey(attrs) # takes a list of attributes (in caps?)
#print(enc1.decrypt(sk1, ct2)[1])
print(enc1.decrypt(sk2, ct2)[1])

# Dipslay master keys