Esempio n. 1
File: Progetto: lesyk/Evolife
	def DNAfill(self, Nucleotides):
		" fills the DNA with given Nucleotides "
		self.__dna = Nucleotides[:] # important: make a ground copy
		if len(Nucleotides) > 0 and len(Nucleotides) != self.nb_nucleotides:
			Tools.error('DNA: initialization','Provided genome length does not match gene map')
		if len(Nucleotides) > 0 and not set(Nucleotides) <= set([0,1]):
			Tools.error('DNA: initialization','Provided genome is not binary')
Esempio n. 2
	def nextNode(self, node, visited):
		""" Finds next node from the node in argument """
		if len(visited) > self.size: # the length of the trip before the last step cannot be greater than the number of nodes
			ET.error('nextNode', 'Unexpected behavior')
			return None
		elif len(visited) == self.size: # the trip ends so we go to the first node
			return visited[0]
			attractions = []
			for n in self.nodes:
				if n not in visited:
					if Gbl.Parameter('PheromoneInfluence') > 0:
						pheromoneInfluence = self.pheromones.getValue(node, n) ** Gbl.Parameter('PheromoneInfluence')
						pheromoneInfluence = 1
					if Gbl.Parameter('DistanceInfluence') > 0:
						distanceInfluence = self.distances.getValue(node, n) ** Gbl.Parameter('DistanceInfluence')
						distanceInfluence = 1
					attractions.append((pheromoneInfluence / distanceInfluence, n))
			return max(attractions)[1]
Esempio n. 3
	def __init__(self, Size=100, nbNodes=0):
		#self.TestMessages = []	# Messages used to test the efficiency of the network
		margin = 5 if Size > 20 else 0
		self.nodes = []
		self.currentLength = 0
		if Gbl.Parameter('RandomNetwork') and nbNodes > 1:
			self.nodes = [Node('N%d' % i, (random.randint(margin, Size-margin), random.randint(margin, Size-margin))) for i in range(nbNodes)]
			# loading network from file
			#	file format:
			#		Name1	x1	y1
			#		Name2	x2	y2
			#		...
				for Line in open(Gbl.Parameter('NetworkFileName'), 'r', 1):	# read one line at a time
					NodeDef = Line.split()
					self.nodes.append(Node(NodeDef[0], tuple(map(int, NodeDef[1:]))))
			except IOError:	ET.error('Unable to find Network description', Gbl.Parameter('NetworkFileName'))
		self.size = len(self.nodes)
		for n in self.nodes:
			print "%s %d %d" % (, n.getX(), n.getY())

		self.distances = Distances(self.nodes)
		self.pheromones = Pheromones(self.nodes)
Esempio n. 4
    def __init__(self, Size=100, NbNodes=0, NetworkFileName=None):
        self.TestMessages = [
        ]  # Messages used to test the efficiency of the network
        margin = 5 if Size > 20 else 0
        self.NodeNames = {}
        self.Nodes = []
        self.Links = []
        if Gbl.Parameter('RandomNetwork') and NbNodes > 1:
            self.Nodes = [
                Node('N%d' % i, (random.randint(margin, Size - margin),
                                 random.randint(margin, Size - margin)))
                for i in range(NbNodes)
            if NbNodes > 1:
                for n in self.Nodes:
                    OtherNodes = self.Nodes[:]
                    OtherNodes.remove(n)  # does not need to be efficient
                    if OtherNodes:
                        self.Links.append((n, random.choice(OtherNodes)))
                        self.Links.append((n, random.choice(OtherNodes)))
            self.Links = list(set(self.Links))  # to remove duplicates
            self.NodeNames = dict([(n.Name, n) for n in self.Nodes])
        else:  # loading network from file
            #	file format:
            #		Name1	x1	y1
            #		Name2	x2	y2
            #		...
            #		Link	NameA	NameB	C	(C = capacity)
            #		...
            #	('Link' = keyword)
            LinkDefinitions = []
                for Line in open(Gbl.Parameter('NetworkFileName'), 'r',
                                 1):  # read one line at a time
                    Link = re.match('(?i)link\s+(.*)', Line)
                    if Link is not None:
                    elif Line:
                        NodeDef = Line.split()
                            Node(NodeDef[0], tuple(map(int, NodeDef[1:]))))
                        self.NodeNames[NodeDef[0]] = self.Nodes[-1]
            except IOError:
                ET.error('Unable to find Network description',
            for L in LinkDefinitions:
            for N in self.Nodes:
        self.Size = len(self.Nodes)

        self.TestMessages = [Message('M1', self.Nodes[0], self.Nodes[1])]

        # Creating routing tables
        for n in self.Nodes:
            n.CreateTable(self.Nodes, self.Neighbours(n))
Esempio n. 5
 def interaction(self, indiv, partner):
     " Interaction between individuals "
     PerceivedSignal = ET.noise_mult(partner.signal(), self['Noise'])
     PartnerPerceivedSignal = ET.noise_mult(indiv.signal(), self['Noise'])
     #indiv.get_friend(PerceivedSignal, partner, PartnerPerceivedSignal)
     # Suppression du gene Demande : bruit ??? 
     if PerceivedSignal >= indiv.demand() and PartnerPerceivedSignal >= partner.demand():
Esempio n. 6
	def NextNode(self, Target, deterministic=False):
		" determines the most attractive neighbouring node when heading to Target"
		if len(self.Table):
			if deterministic:
				return max([(self.Table[Target][n], n) for n in self.Table[Target]])[1]
			return self.Table[Target].keys()[ET.fortune_wheel(self.Table[Target].values())]
		return None
Esempio n. 7
 def NextNode(self, Target, deterministic=False):
     " determines the most attractive neighbouring node when heading to Target"
     if len(self.Table):
         if deterministic:
             return max([(self.Table[Target][n], n)
                         for n in self.Table[Target]])[1]
         return list(self.Table[Target].keys())[ET.fortune_wheel(
     return None
Esempio n. 8
	def __init__(self, Size=100, NbNodes=0, NetworkFileName=None):
		self.TestMessages = []	# Messages used to test the efficiency of the network
		margin = 5 if Size > 20 else 0
		self.NodeNames = {}
		self.Nodes = []
		self.Links = []
		if Gbl.Parameter('RandomNetwork') and NbNodes > 1:
			self.Nodes = [Node('N%d' % i, (random.randint(margin, Size-margin), random.randint(margin, Size-margin))) for i in range(NbNodes)]
			if NbNodes > 1:
				for n in self.Nodes:
					OtherNodes = self.Nodes[:]
					OtherNodes.remove(n)	# does not need to be efficient
					if OtherNodes:
						self.Links.append((n, random.choice(OtherNodes)))
						self.Links.append((n, random.choice(OtherNodes)))
			self.Links = list(set(self.Links))	# to remove duplicates
			self.NodeNames = dict([(n.Name, n) for n in self.Nodes])
		else:	# loading network from file
			#	file format:
			#		Name1	x1	y1
			#		Name2	x2	y2
			#		...
			#		Link	NameA	NameB	C	(C = capacity)
			#		...
			#	('Link' = keyword)
			LinkDefinitions = []
				for Line in open(Gbl.Parameter('NetworkFileName'), 'r', 1):	# read one line at a time
					Link = re.match('(?i)link\s+(.*)', Line)
					if Link is not None:	LinkDefinitions.append(
					elif Line:	
						NodeDef = Line.split()
						self.Nodes.append(Node(NodeDef[0], tuple(map(int, NodeDef[1:]))))
						self.NodeNames[NodeDef[0]] = self.Nodes[-1]
			except IOError:	ET.error('Unable to find Network description', Gbl.Parameter('NetworkFileName'))
			for L in LinkDefinitions:	
			for N in self.Nodes:	print N
		self.Size = len(self.Nodes)
		self.TestMessages = [Message('M1', self.Nodes[0], self.Nodes[1])]
		# Creating routing tables
		for n in self.Nodes:	n.CreateTable(self.Nodes, self.Neighbours(n))
Esempio n. 9
	def Sniff(self):
		" Looks for the next place to go "
		# The ant makes a biased choice of its next location
		# More probable links leading from neighbouring nodes to the ant's origin are more likely to be chosen
		Neighbours = self.location.Neighbours[:]
		if self.Origin in Neighbours: Neighbours.remove(self.Origin)
		Probabilities = [n.Table[self.Origin][self.location] for n in Neighbours]
		if Probabilities:
			NodeRank = ET.fortune_wheel(Probabilities)	# chooses a neighbour based on probabilities
			return Neighbours[NodeRank]
		return None
Esempio n. 10
	def learning(self):
		for agent in self.Pop:	agent.assessment()	# storing current scores (with possible cross-benefits)
		# some agents learn
		Learners = sample(self.Pop, ET.chances(self.Param('LearningProbability')/100.0, len(self.Pop)))	
		for agent in self.Pop:
			agent.wins(agent.Points)	# Stores points for learning
			if agent in Learners:
				if not agent.Learns(self.neighbours(agent), hot=self.Obs.hot_phase()):
					# agent.update()	# this is a newborn - update position for display
				agent.update()	# update position for display
Esempio n. 11
	def learning(self):
		for agent in self.Pop:	agent.assessment()	# storing current scores (with possible cross-benefits)
		# some agents learn
		Learners = sample(self.Pop, ET.chances(self.Param('LearningProbability')/100.0, len(self.Pop)))	
		for agent in self.Pop:
			agent.wins(agent.Points)	# Stores points for learning
			if agent in Learners:
				if not agent.Learns(self.neighbours(agent), hot=self.Obs.hot_phase()):
					# agent.update()	# this is a newborn - update position for display
				agent.update()	# update position for display
Esempio n. 12
File: Progetto: lesyk/Evolife
	def mutate(self, mutation_rate = -1):
		" computing the expected number of mutations "
		if mutation_rate < 0:	mutation_rate = self.Scenario.Parameter('MutationRate')
		mutation_number = Tools.chances(mutation_rate/1000.0, self.nb_nucleotides)
##        mutation_number =  (mutation_rate * self.nb_nucleotides) / 1000
##        if randint(1,1000) < 1 + ((mutation_rate * self.nb_nucleotides) % 1000) :
##            mutation_number += 1
		# performing mutations
		for mutation in range(mutation_number):
			pos = random.randint(0, self.nb_nucleotides - 1)
			self.__dna[pos] = 1 - self.__dna[pos]
		return mutation_number
Esempio n. 13
 def Sniff(self):
     " Looks for the next place to go "
     # The ant makes a biased choice of its next location
     # More probable links leading from neighbouring nodes to the ant's origin are more likely to be chosen
     Neighbours = self.location.Neighbours[:]
     if self.Origin in Neighbours: Neighbours.remove(self.Origin)
     Probabilities = [
         n.Table[self.Origin][self.location] for n in Neighbours
     if Probabilities:
         NodeRank = ET.fortune_wheel(
             Probabilities)  # chooses a neighbour based on probabilities
         return Neighbours[NodeRank]
     return None
Esempio n. 14
File: Progetto: tomMoral/pjld
	def read_DNA(self, start, end, coding = None):
		" reads a chunk of DNA "
		if coding == None:	coding = self.Scenario.Parameter('GeneCoding')
		if coding in range(-1,3):
			# old numeric designation of coding
			coding = ['NoCoding', 'Weighted', 'Unweighted', 'Gray'][coding+1]
		value = 0
		if coding == 'NoCoding':
			return 0
		if coding not in ['Weighted', 'Unweighted', 'Gray']:
			Tools.error("DNA", 'unknown binary coding mode')
			for pos in range(start,end):
				if coding == 'Unweighted':
					value += self.__dna[pos]
				else:   # Weighted or Gray
##                    value += self.__dna[pos]* 2 ** (end - 1 - pos)
					value += (self.__dna[pos] << (end - 1 - pos))
			if coding == 'Gray':
				value = Tools.GrayTable.Gray2Int(value)
		except IndexError:
			Tools.error("DNA", "reading outside the DNA")
Esempio n. 15
	def Sniff(self):
		" Looks for the next place to go "
		DirectionToTarget = cmath.phase(t2c(self.Target) - t2c(self.location))   # argument 
		DirectionToTarget = ET.noise_add(DirectionToTarget, 0.02*cmath.pi * Gbl.Parameter('Noise'))
		# Distance0 = abs(DirectionToTarget)
		Neighbourhood = list(Land.neighbours(self.location, Gbl.Parameter('SniffingDistance')))
		random.shuffle(Neighbourhood) # to avoid anisotropy
		acceptable = None
		best = -Gbl.Parameter('Saturation')	# best == pheromone balance found so far
		for NewPos in Neighbourhood:
			if NewPos == self.location: continue
			# Target attractiveness
			Direction = cmath.phase(t2c(NewPos) - t2c(self.location))
			Value = Gbl.Parameter('TargetAttractiveness') * abs(cmath.pi - abs(DirectionToTarget - Direction))
			# looking for position with pheromone
			# attractiveness of pheromone
			Value += Gbl.Parameter('PheromoneAttractiveness') * float(Land.pheromone(NewPos)) / Gbl.Parameter('Saturation')
			# Value += Gbl.Parameter('PheromoneAttractiveness') * (Land.pheromone(NewPos))
			# aversion to climbing
			Value -= Gbl.Parameter('SlopeAversion') * abs(Land.Altitude(NewPos) - Land.Altitude(self.location))
			if Value > best:			  
				acceptable = NewPos
				best = Value
		return acceptable
Esempio n. 16
	def Sniff(self):
		" Looks for the next place to go "
		DirectionToTarget = cmath.phase(t2c(self.Target) - t2c(self.location))   # argument 
		DirectionToTarget = ET.noise_add(DirectionToTarget, 0.02*cmath.pi * Gbl.Parameter('Noise'))
		# Distance0 = abs(DirectionToTarget)
		Neighbourhood = Land.neighbours(self.location, Gbl.Parameter('SniffingDistance'))
		random.shuffle(Neighbourhood) # to avoid anisotropy
		acceptable = None
		best = -Gbl.Parameter('Saturation')	# best == pheromone balance found so far
		for NewPos in Neighbourhood:
			if NewPos == self.location: continue
			# Target attractiveness
			Direction = cmath.phase(t2c(NewPos) - t2c(self.location))
			Value = Gbl.Parameter('TargetAttractiveness') * abs(cmath.pi - abs(DirectionToTarget - Direction))
			# looking for position with pheromone
			# attractiveness of pheromone
			Value += Gbl.Parameter('PheromoneAttractiveness') * float(Land.pheromone(NewPos)) / Gbl.Parameter('Saturation')
			# Value += Gbl.Parameter('PheromoneAttractiveness') * (Land.pheromone(NewPos))
			# aversion to climbing
			Value -= Gbl.Parameter('SlopeAversion') * abs(Land.Altitude(NewPos) - Land.Altitude(self.location))
			if Value > best:			  
				acceptable = NewPos
				best = Value
		return acceptable
Esempio n. 17
import sys
from time import sleep
import random
import Evolife.Scenarii.Parameters			as EPar
import Evolife.Ecology.Observer				as EO
import Evolife.Ecology.Individual			as EI
import Evolife.Ecology.Group				as EG
import Evolife.Ecology.Population			as EP
import Evolife.QtGraphics.Evolife_Window	as EW
import Evolife.Tools.Tools					as ET

print(ET.boost())	# significantly accelerates python on some platforms

from Antnet import Antnet_Observer, Node, Network, Ant, Group, Population

# Aspect of ants, food and pheromons on display
LinkAspect = ('green5', 2)	# 2 = thickness
AntAspect = ('black', 5)	# 4 = size
AntAspectWhenOld = ('red5', 4)	# 4 = size
PPAspect = (17, 2)	# 17th colour
class City(Node):
	def __init__(self, Name, Location):
		Node.__init__(self, Name, Location)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# License:  Creative Commons BY-NC-SA                                        #
""" 2D Cellular Automaton with coloring mutation:
	Modified by Cybill Clerger

import sys

import Evolife.Ecology.Observer as EO
import Evolife.QtGraphics.Evolife_Window as EW
import Evolife.Tools.Tools as ET
import Evolife.Scenarii.Parameters as EPar

print ET.boost(
)  # A technical trick that sometimes provides impressive speeding up

import random
import math

class Rule:
    " defines all possible automaton rules "

    def __init__(self, RuleNumber):
        " convert the rule number into a list of bits "
        # For each configuration number (9-bit for nine-cell neighbourhood --> 512 configurations),
        # the rule gives the new binary state of the cell.
        self.Rule = [int(b) for b in list(bin(RuleNumber)[2:].rjust(512, '0'))]
        # if this configuration is absent at the beginning, an all-0 state emerges.
Esempio n. 19
		Evolife.QtGraphics.Evolife_Batch.Start(Population.One_Run, Observer)
		# writing header to result file

	# Interactive mode
	print __doc__
	" launching window "
	# Evolife.QtGraphics.Evolife_Window.Start(Pop.One_Run, Observer, Capabilities='FNCP', Options=[('BackGround','grey')])
	Evolife.QtGraphics.Evolife_Window.Start(Population.One_Run, Observer, Capabilities='FNCP', Options=[('BackGround','lightblue')])

	print "Bye......."

if __name__ == "__main__":
	ET.boost()   # A technical trick that sometimes provides impressive speeding up with Python up to 2.6
	Observer = Social_Observer(Gbl.Parameters)   # Observer contains statistics
	Observer.recordInfo('DefaultViews',	['Field', 'Network'])	# Evolife should start with that window open
	Pop = Population(Gbl.Param('NbAgents'), Observer)   # population of agents

__author__ = 'Dessalles'
Esempio n. 20
 def recordChanges(self, Info, Slot='Positions'):
     # stores current changes
     # Info is a couple (InfoName, Position) and Position == (x,y) or a longer tuple
     if Slot == 'Positions': self.Positions.append(Info)
     elif Slot == 'Trajectories': self.Trajectories.append(Info)
     else: ET.error('Antnet Observer', 'unknown slot')
Esempio n. 21
	def recordChanges(self, Info, Slot='Positions'):
		# stores current changes
		# Info is a couple (InfoName, Position) and Position == (x,y) or a longer tuple
		if Slot ==  'Positions':	self.Positions.append(Info)
		elif Slot == 'Trajectories':	self.Trajectories.append(Info)
		else:	ET.error('Antnet Observer', 'unknown slot')
Esempio n. 22

""" Cellular Automaton:


import sys

import Evolife.Ecology.Observer as EO
import Evolife.QtGraphics.Evolife_Window as EW
import Evolife.Tools.Tools as ET
import Evolife.Scenarii.Parameters as EPar

print ET.boost()   # A technical trick that sometimes provides impressive speeding up

import random

class Rule:
	" defines all possible automaton rules "
	def __init__(self, RuleNumber):
		" convert the rule number into a list of bits "
		# For each configuration number (3-bit for three-cell neighbourhood --> 8 configurations), 
		# the rule gives the new binary state of the cell.
		# Attention: the following line is only valid for 8 configurations
		self.Rule = [int(b) for b in list(bin(RuleNumber)[2:].rjust(8,'0'))]
		# example: rule 32 --> 00100000
		# example: rule 32 --> 00000100
Esempio n. 23
	def Neighbours(self, Node):
		if not Node in self.Nodes:	ET.error('Network', 'Non existing node has no neighbours')
		return [n for n in self.Nodes if (Node, n) in self.Links]
Esempio n. 24
            for M in Ntwrk.TestMessages:
                for link in M.erase():
                        link, Slot='Trajectories')  # display of message route
                Route = M.draw(MaxPath=Ntwrk.Size)
                self.Observer.MsgLength[M] = len(Route)
                for link in Route:
                        link, Slot='Trajectories')  # display of message route
        # print (year, self.AllMoved, Moves),
        return self.SimulationEnd > 0  # stops the simulation when True

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print(ET.boost())  # significantly accelerates python on some platforms

    # Global objects			#
    Gbl = EPar.Parameters('_Params.evo')  # Loading global parameter values
    Observer = Antnet_Observer(Gbl)  # Observer contains statistics
    Ntwrk = Network(Size=Gbl.Parameter('DisplaySize'),
    Pop = AntPopulation(Gbl, Observer, Ntwrk.nodes())  # Ant colony

    # Initial draw
    Observer.recordInfo('FieldWallpaper', 'yellow')
    Observer.recordInfo('TrajectoriesWallpaper', 'lightblue')
    Observer.recordInfo('DefaultViews', ['Field', 'Trajectories'])
Esempio n. 25
from time import sleep
import random
import cmath
import Evolife.Scenarii.Parameters			as EPar
import Evolife.Ecology.Observer				as EO
import Evolife.Ecology.Individual			as EI
import Evolife.Ecology.Group				as EG
import Evolife.Ecology.Population			as EP
import Evolife.QtGraphics.Evolife_Window	as EW
import Evolife.Tools.Tools					as ET
import Landscapes

print ET.boost()	# significWalkerly accelerates python on some platforms

# two functions to convert from complex numbers into (x,y) coordinates
c2t = lambda c: (int(round(c.real)),int(round(c.imag))) # converts a complex into a couple
t2c = lambda (x,y): complex(x,y) # converts a couple into a complex

# Aspect of Walkers and pheromone on display
# WalkerAspect = ('black', 6)	
# PheromonAspect = (17, 2)
WalkerAspect = ('white', 1)	
PheromonAspect = ('white', 4)