Esempio n. 1
def CalcStopIntervals(Stops, StopType):
  # variable to keep track of the ETAs between all bus stops
  BusStopIntervals = {}
  BusStopIntervals['Intervals'] = []
  TotalETA = 0
  # Checks whether to calculate inner or outer bus stop intervals
  if (StopType == "OuterBusStops"):   # Variable set up for Outer Bus Stops
    prevStop = "Western_Drive_ETA"      # Tracks name of the previous Bus stop (starts @ Western)
    prevLat = 36.978685                 # Tracks previous latitude (starts @ Western)
    prevLon = -122.057785               # Tracks previous longitude (starts @ Western)
  else:                               # Variable set up for Inner Bus Stops
    prevStop = "Lower_Campus_ETA"
    prevLat = 36.981474
    prevLon = -122.052015
  for stops in Stops['BusStops']:
    # Calculates the eta from the prevStop to Current Stop
    eta = getETA(prevLat, prevLon, stops['lat'], stops['lon']) +.75  # + 0.75 to account for loading times
    # Adds the new Data onto the interval JSON table
        'Start': prevStop,
        'Destination': stops['Stop_Name'],
        'ETA': eta
    # Updates the prevStop/Lat/Lon variables
    prevStop = stops['Stop_Name']
    prevLat = stops['lat']
    prevLon = stops['lon']
    TotalETA += (eta)
  # Returns the json object that contains the ETA invertals between each bus stop
  return BusStopIntervals
Esempio n. 2
def CalculateETAs(Bus_Data, Outer_Stops, BusStopIntervals, StopType,

    # Defines variable/array used to store all ETA data
    ETAs = []  # Array used to strictly store ETAs
    BusETAData = [
    ]  # json Array usd to store all bus ETA data (bus ID, ETA to each stop, etc.)

    # Sets Max Stop Index based on the type of bus stops
    if (StopType == "OuterBusStops"):
        MaxStopIndex = 16  # Number of stops for Outer Loops
        MaxStopIndex = 14  # Number of stops for Inner Loops

    # Preallocates the space for exactly the number of stops for the Bus ETA Array
    PreallocETAIndeces = 0
    while (PreallocETAIndeces < MaxStopIndex):
        PreallocETAIndeces += 1

    # For Loop that goes through all buses and calculates its ETAs to all bus stops
    for buses in Bus_Data['rows']:
        # Calculate which stop the bus is approaching
        StopBusIsApproaching = ApproachingBusStop(buses['lat'], buses['lon'],
                                                  Outer_Stops, StopType)

        # Sets up variables used to calculate bus's ETA to every bus stop (for correct Bus Stop order for bus ETAs)
        BusStopETAsCalclated = 0  # Keeks track of the number of Bus Stop ETAs calculated
        FirstETACalculated = False  # Flag used to determine if it's the first ETA calculated or not
        CurrBusStop = NameToIndex(
            Outer_Stops, StopBusIsApproaching
        )  # Keeps track of which bus stop in the json array to calculate
        TotalETA = 0  # Keeps track of the total time it takes to get from a bus to each bus stop

        # While Loop that calculates the ETA from a bus to all bus stops
        while BusStopETAsCalclated < MaxStopIndex:

            # Calculates ETA to all bus stops based on pre-calulated intervals betwen adjacent stops
            if (FirstETACalculated == True):
                #Calculates ETA then stores it in the apropriate index of the pre-allocated json object
                TotalETA = TotalETA + BusStopIntervals['Intervals'][
                ETAs[CurrBusStop] = TotalETA

            # Calculates first ETA of bus to the bus stop it's approaching
                eta = getETA(buses['lat'], buses['lon'],
                ETAs[CurrBusStop] = eta
                FirstETACalculated = True
                TotalETA += eta

            # loop incrementations
            BusStopETAsCalclated += 1
            CurrBusStop += 1
            if (CurrBusStop == MaxStopIndex):
                CurrBusStop = 0

        # Once all ETAs from 1 bus to all bus stops are calculated, format it correctly
        if (StopType == "OuterBusStops"):
                'bus_id': buses['id'],
                'bus_type': 'LOOP OUT OF SERVICE AT THE BARN THEATER',
                'Main_Entrance_ETA': ETAs[0],
                'Lower_Campus_ETA': ETAs[1],
                'Village_Farm_ETA': ETAs[2],
                'East_Remote_Interior_ETA': ETAs[3],
                'East_Remote_ETA': ETAs[4],
                'East_Field_House_ETA': ETAs[5],
                'Bookstore_ETA': ETAs[6],
                'Crown_Merrill_ETA': ETAs[7],
                'Colleges9_10_ETA': ETAs[8],
                'Science_Hill_ETA': ETAs[9],
                'Kresge_ETA': ETAs[10],
                'Porter_RCC_ETA': ETAs[11],
                'Family_Student_Housing_ETA': ETAs[12],
                'Oakes_FSH_ETA': ETAs[13],
                'Arboretum_ETA': ETAs[14],
                'Western_Drive_ETA': ETAs[15]

                'bus_id': buses['id'],
                'bus_type': 'LOOP',
                'Barn_Theater_ETA': ETAs[0],
                'Western_Drive_ETA': ETAs[1],
                'Arboretum_ETA': ETAs[2],
                'West_Remote_Interior_ETA': ETAs[3],
                'Oakes_RCC_ETA': ETAs[4],
                'Porter_RCC_ETA': ETAs[5],
                'Kerr_Hall_ETA': ETAs[6],
                'Kresge_ETA': ETAs[7],
                'Science_Hill_ETA': ETAs[8],
                'Colleges9_10_ETA': ETAs[9],
                'Cowell_College_Bookstore_ETA': ETAs[10],
                'East_Remote_ETA': ETAs[11],
                'Village_Farm_ETA': ETAs[12],
                'Lower_Campus_ETA': ETAs[13]

    return BusETAData
Esempio n. 3
def CalculateETAs(Bus_Data, Outer_Stops, BusStopIntervals, StopType):
  # Defines variable used to store all ETA data and return
  BusETAs = {}
  BusETA = []   # array used to store the ETAS of the bus
  # Sets Max Stop Index based on the type of bus stops
  if(StopType == "OuterBusStops"):
    MaxStopIndex = 15 # Number of stops for Outer Loops
    MaxStopIndex = 13 # Number of stops for Inner Loops
  # Preallocates the space for exactly the number of stops for the Bus ETA Array
  PreallocETAIndeces = 0
  while (PreallocETAIndeces < MaxStopIndex):
    PreallocETAIndeces += 1
  # For loop that gets the ETAs of all buses
  for buses in Bus_Data['rows']:
    # Calculate which stop the bus is approaching
    StopBusIsApproaching = ApproachingBusStop(buses['lat'], buses['lon'], Outer_Stops, StopType)
    # Sets up json object variables that keeps track of the buses and their ETAs
    BusETAs[str(buses['id'])] = []                     # Defines what goes into BusETA json object
    PreallocatedIndeces = 0
    # Preallocates space for the ETA data table
    asdf = PreallocateETADataSpace(MaxStopIndex)
    print(json.dumps(asdf, indent=2))

    # While Loop that allocates 15 indeces to the json object
    while (PreallocatedIndeces < MaxStopIndex):
      BusETAs[str(buses['id'])].append({'StopName': IndexToName(Outer_Stops, PreallocatedIndeces),'ETAToStop': 0})
      PreallocatedIndeces += 1
    # Sets up variables used to calculate bus's ETA to every bus stop (for correct Bus Stop order for bus ETAs)
    BusStopETAsCalclated = 0                                      # Keeks track of the number of Bus Stop ETAs calculated
    FirstETACalculated = False                                    # Flag used to determine if it's the first ETA calculated or not
    CurrBusStop = NameToIndex(Outer_Stops, StopBusIsApproaching)  # Keeps track of which bus stop in the json array to calculate
    TotalETA = 0                                                  # Keeps track of the total time it takes to get from a bus to each bus stop
    # While Loop that calculates the ETA from a bus to all bus stops
    while BusStopETAsCalclated < MaxStopIndex:
      # Calculates ETA to all bus stops based on pre-calulated intervals betwen adjacent stops
      if (FirstETACalculated == False):
        #Calculates ETA then stores it in the apropriate index of the pre-allocated json object
        TotalETA = TotalETA + BusStopIntervals['Intervals'][CurrBusStop]['ETA']
        #BusETAs[str(buses['id'])][CurrBusStop]['ETAToStop'] = TotalETA
        BusETA[CurrBusStop] = TotalETA
      # Calculates first ETA of bus to the bus stop it's approaching
        eta = getETA(fakeBusLocaitons['lat'], fakeBusLocaitons['lon'],
          Outer_Stops['BusStops'][CurrBusStop]['lat'], Outer_Stops['BusStops'][CurrBusStop]['lon'])
        #BusETAs[str(fakeBusLocaitons['id'])][CurrBusStop]['ETAToStop'] = eta
        BusETA[CurrBusStop] = eta
        FirstETACalculated = True
        TotalETA += eta
      # loop incrementations
      BusStopETAsCalclated += 1
      CurrBusStop += 1
      if (CurrBusStop == MaxStopIndex):
        CurrBusStop = 0
  return BusETAs