def GlobalApply(vfn, kfn, vstop=0.02, kstop=0.05, rlambda=1E-4, niters=100, nvar=0.1, gain=0.5, prefilter=None, out=None, omf=False, fast=True, vext=True, savedf=False, verbose=0, p2fft=False): wtype = np.float32 if fast else np.float64 volume = MIV(vfn, dtype=wtype) kernel = MIV(kfn, dtype=wtype) v = None if vext is 'fft': v = volume.GetFFTVolume(p2=True) elif vext is True: v = volume.Mirror(volume.vdim // 8).GetFFTVolume() elif vext is 0: v = volume.Pad(volume.vdim // 8).GetFFTVolume() else: pdim = MIV.FFTSize(volume.vdim, p2=p2fft) - volume.vdim v = volume.Mirror(pdim) #v = volume.GetFFTVolume() s = v.vdim.clip(kernel.vdim) print 'PadTo: ', s k = kernel.PadTo(s) v = v.PadTo(s) if isinstance(prefilter, str): try: v = v.ApplyMask(prefilter) k = k.ApplyMask(prefilter) except: print 'Masking method %s not found' % prefilter return r = v.Clone(data=[]) dm = vstop / 10 cm = int((5 + np.log10(vstop)) * 200) dcv = BDKF() dcv.SetWorkingSize(k.cdim) dcv.SetParameters(vstop, kstop, rlambda, dm, cm, niters, verbose) dcv.SetFilterParameters(nvar, gain) dcv.Invoke(v, k, r) dcv.Release() r = r.Rip(volume.vdim) if out is None: return r r.Save(filename=out) if isinstance(omf, int) and omf > 2: r.Filter.Median(omf).Save(XFile.NewExt(out, 'mf%d.miv' % omf)) if savedf is True: k.Rip(kernel.vdim).Save(XFile.NewExt(out, 'kdf.miv'))
def GetFullPath(dll): if XFile.Exists(dll): return os.path.abspath(dll) dpath = ExternalLib.DEFAULT_SHARED_LIB_PATH if dpath is None: dpath = os.path.abspath('./lib') if not XFile.PathExists(dpath): return dll return dpath + os.sep + dll
def Tiff2MIV(sdir, odir, pattern='*.tif'): if not XFile.PathExists(odir): XFile.MkDir(odir) for f in XFile.GetList(sdir, pattern): print 'Loading', f, '...', v = TIV(sdir + '/' + f) print 'done.' v = MIV([:, :, :, 0].copy()) v.Save(odir + '/' + XFile.NewExt(f, 'miv'))
def Save(self, filename=None): if isinstance(filename, str): self.filename = filename while self.filename == None or self.filename == '': self.filename = raw_input('Enter new filename: ').strip() if self.filename != '' and XFile.GetExt( self.filename) != MIV.DEFAULT_EXTENSION: self.filename = XFile.NewExt(self.filename, MIV.DEFAULT_EXTENSION) print 'Saving data to %s ... ' % (self.filename), MIV.Write(self.filename,, self.vsize, self.vunit, self.clist) print 'done.'
def SaveHDF5(self, filename=None, compression=None, level=6): try: import h5py if isinstance(filename,str): self.filename = filename if not isinstance(self.filename,str): self.filename = raw_input('Enter new filename: ').strip() hdf = h5py.File(XFile.NewExt(self.filename, 'h5v'), 'w') vds = None if compression == 'gzip' and isinstance(level,int): vds = hdf.create_dataset('volume',, compression=compression, compression_opts=level) elif compression == 'lzf': vds = hdf.create_dataset('volume',, compression=compression) else: vds = hdf.create_dataset('volume', vds.attrs['voxel_size'] = self.vsize vds.attrs['voxel_unit'] = self.vunit vds.attrs['n_channels'] = self.nchan vds.attrs['vcolorlist'] = self.clist hdf.attrs['vclzid'] = self.__class__.__name__ hdf.close() except ImportError: print 'Error: h5py module is required to save to HDF5 format' except: print 'Unexpected error:', sys.exc_info()[0]
def Release(self): try: while self.DFree(self.hid) == 1: pass cdll.__delattr__(XFile.CutExt(self.dll)) except Exception: pass
def SegBulk(sdir, odir, mk=None, sk=None, ft='mf', pattern='*.miv'): if not XFile.PathExists(odir): os.mkdir(odir) if mk is None: mk = [3] * 3 if sk is None: sk = [0.5] * 3 t0 = time.time() files = XFile.GetList(sdir, pattern) for f in files: fn = sdir + '/' + f fo = odir + '/' + XFile.NewExt(f, 'bin.miv') MIV_Seg(fn, mk=mk, sk=sk, pfk=[.5] * 3, fltmode=ft, out=fo) print 'Total time: %.1fs' % (time.time() - t0)
def Load(self, filename): try: if XFile.GetExt(filename) != RIV.DEFAULT_EXTENSION: raise RIVError(-1) fn = XFile.CutExt(filename) # filename without ext mi = XFile.GetExt(fn) # extract metainfo if mi == '': raise RIVError(-1) dt = mi[-1] # last char in metainfo is datatype vt = RIV_DTYPES['b'] # assume 'byte' type if no datatype if RIV_DTYPES.has_key(dt): vt = RIV_DTYPES[dt] mi = mi[:-1] mi = mi.split('x') if len(mi) != 3: raise RIVError(-2, mi) xdim, ydim, zdim = vdim = [int(v) for v in mi] if xdim <= 0 or ydim <= 0 or zdim <= 0: raise RIVError(-2, vdim) # Load data type ID (compatible with ImageJ data type) dm = (zdim, ydim, xdim) if dt != 'c' else (zdim, ydim, xdim, 3) # Voxel unit (See Volume.VOXEL_UNITS) vu = 0 # no voxel unit (default is pixel) # Voxel size vs = [1.0] * 3 # no voxel size (default [1,1,1]) # Number of channels nc = 1 # only support 1 channel # Color map id (support maximum 8 channels) cl = [0] * 8 # color table is gray with open(filename, 'rb') as fp: # Load data vb = np.fromfile(fp, np.dtype(vt)).reshape(dm) except RIVError as err: print err.message % filename, raise except Exception: raise else: = vb self.xdim = xdim self.ydim = ydim self.zdim = zdim self.vdim = vdim self.vunit = vu self.vsize = vs self.nchan = nc self.clist = cl
def Load(self, dirname): try: if not XFile.PathExists(dirname): raise DIVError(-1) files = XFile.GetList(dirname, '*.' + DIV.DEFAULT_EXTENSION) if files is None or len(files) == 0: raise DIVError(-2) vol = None vdim = None for dfile in sorted(files): dicom = gdcm.ImageReader() dicom.SetFileName(dirname + '/' + dfile) if not dicom.Read(): raise DIVError(-3) image = dicom.GetImage() if vdim is None: vdim = image.GetDimensions() # Image dimensions fmt = image.GetPixelFormat() # Pixel format vs = image.GetSpacing() # Voxel size vdim.append(len(files)) dt = DIV_DTYPES[fmt.GetScalarType()] raw = np.frombuffer(image.GetBuffer(), dtype=dt) vol = raw if vol is None else np.append(vol, raw) xdim, ydim, zdim = vdim vol = vol.reshape((zdim, ydim, xdim)) vu = Volume.VOXEL_UNITS['mm'] cl = [0] * 8 nc = 1 except DIVError as err: print err.message % filename, raise except Exception: raise else: = vol self.xdim = xdim self.ydim = ydim self.zdim = zdim self.vdim = vdim self.vunit = vu self.vsize = vs self.nchan = nc self.clist = cl
def Init(self, dll): if XFile.GetExt(dll) == '': if platform.system() == 'Windows': dll += '.dll' else: dll += '.so' try: self.lib = cdll.__getattr__(XFile.CutExt(dll)) except Exception: self.lib = cdll.LoadLibrary(self.GetFullPath(dll)) self.dll = dll if platform.system() == 'Windows': self.DFree = cdll.kernel32.FreeLibrary self.hid = c_voidp(self.lib._handle) else: self.DFree = cdll.LoadLibrary('').dlclose self.hid = self.lib._handle self.npt = cpu_count() self.args = []
def Promote(self, clz): if not issubclass(clz, Volume): raise TypeError('%s must be a subclass of %s' % (repr(clz), repr(Volume))) self.__class__ = clz if self.filename is not None: self.filename = XFile.NewExt(self.filename, clz.DEFAULT_EXTENSION)
def MIV_Seg(fn=None, mk=[1.0] * 3, sk=[20.0] * 3, pfk=[1.5] * 3, fltmode='ln', pad=None, out=None, **kw_args): if not isinstance(fn, str): fn = raw_input('Input MIV file: ') if fn == '': return if isinstance(out, bool) and out == True: out = None elif out is MIV: pass elif not isinstance(out, str): out = XFile.NewExt(fn, 'bin.miv') t0 = time.time() print 'Starting QuickSeg("%s", mk=%s, sk=%s)' % (fn, str(mk), str(sk)) print '- Loading...' v = MIV(fn) if isinstance(pad, np.ndarray) and len(pad.shape) == 1 and pad.size == 3: v = v.Pad(pad) if fltmode == 'ln': print '- Local Normalizing...' p = v.Filter.LocalNormalize(sigm=mk, sigv=sk) print '- GF Smoothing...' p = p.GetFFTVolume() if pfk != None: p = p.Filter.Gaussian(pfk) elif fltmode == 'mo': print '- Morphing...' p = v.Morph('Close', Volume.Gaussian(mk), gray=True) print '- GF Smoothing...' p = p.GetFFTVolume() p = p.Filter.Gaussian(sk) elif fltmode == 'gf': print '- GF Smoothing...' p = v.GetFFTVolume() p = p.Filter.Gaussian(sk) elif fltmode == 'mf': print '- MF Smoothing...' p = v.GetFFTVolume() k = Volume.Ones(tuple(mk)) p = p.Filter.Median(k, cdf=True) elif fltmode == 'af': print '- AF Smoothing...' p = v.GetFFTVolume() p = p.Filter.Anisotropic(N=mk[0]) else: print '- No Smoothing...' p = v.GetFFTVolume() print '- Local mean calculating...' s = p.Filter.Hanning().Rip(v.vdim) p = p.Rip(v.vdim).AsByte() print '- Binarizing...' v = DynaBinarize(p, s, mk, **kw_args) if isinstance(out, str) or out is None: v.Save(filename=out) print 'Elapse: %.1fs' % (time.time() - t0) if out is MIV: return v