Esempio n. 1
class FormController(UniqueObject, SimpleItemWithProperties):
    """ """

    security = ClassSecurityInfo()

    id = 'portal_form_controller'
    title = 'Manages form validation and post-validation actions'
    meta_type = 'Form Controller Tool'

    manage_options = ((
            'label': 'Overview',
            'action': 'manage_overview'
            'label': 'Documentation',
            'action': 'manage_docs'
            'label': 'Validation',
            'action': 'manage_formValidatorsForm'
            'label': 'Actions',
            'action': 'manage_formActionsForm'
            'label': 'Purge',
            'action': 'manage_purgeForm'
    ) + SimpleItemWithProperties.manage_options)

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'manage_overview')
    manage_overview = PageTemplateFile(os.path.join('www', 'manage_overview'),
    manage_overview.__name__ = 'manage_overview'
    manage_overview._need__name__ = 0

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'manage_docs')
    manage_docs = PageTemplateFile(os.path.join('www', 'manage_docs'),
    manage_docs.__name__ = 'manage_docs'

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'manage_formActionsForm')
    manage_formActionsForm = PageTemplateFile(
        os.path.join('www', 'manage_formActionsForm'), globals())
    manage_formActionsForm.__name__ = 'manage_formActionsForm'

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'manage_formValidatorsForm')
    manage_formValidatorsForm = PageTemplateFile(
        os.path.join('www', 'manage_formValidatorsForm'), globals())
    manage_formValidatorsForm.__name__ = 'manage_formValidatorsForm'

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'manage_purgeForm')
    manage_purgeForm = PageTemplateFile(
        os.path.join('www', 'manage_purgeForm'), globals())
    manage_purgeForm.__name__ = 'manage_purgeForm'

    # some aliases
    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'manage_main')
    manage_main = manage_overview

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'index_html')
    index_html = None

    wwwpath = os.path.join(package_home(fc_globals), 'www')
    f = open(os.path.join(wwwpath, 'docs.stx'), 'r')
    _docs =
    _docs = stx2html(_docs)

    def __init__(self):
        self.actions = FormActionContainer()
        self.validators = FormValidatorContainer()


    def docs(self):
        """Returns FormController docs formatted as HTML"""
        return self._docs

    def view(self, REQUEST, RESPONSE):
        """Invokes the default view."""
        return self.__call__(REQUEST, RESPONSE)

    def __call__(self, REQUEST, RESPONSE):
        """Invokes the default view."""
        if RESPONSE is not None:
            RESPONSE.redirect('%s/manage_main' % self.absolute_url())

    def _checkId(self, id):
        """See if an id is valid CMF/Plone id"""
        portal = getToolByName(self, 'portal_url').getPortalObject()
        if not id:
            return 'Empty id'
        s = bad_id(id)
        if s:
            return '\'%s\' is not a valid id' % (id)
        # extra checks for Plone sites
        if portal.__class__.__name__ == 'PloneSite':
            props = getToolByName(portal, 'portal_properties', None)
            if props is not None:
                if hasattr(props, 'site_properties') and \
                   hasattr(props.site_properties, 'invalid_ids'):
                    if id in props.site_properties.invalid_ids:
                        return '\'%s\' is a reserved id' % (id)

    # Web-accessible methods
    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'listActionTypes')

    def listActionTypes(self):
        """Return a list of available action types."""
        keys = form_action_types.keys()
        action_types = []
        for k in keys:
        return action_types

    def validActionTypes(self):
        return form_action_types.keys()

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'listContextTypes')

    def listContextTypes(self):
        """Return list of possible types for template context objects"""
        types_tool = getToolByName(self, 'portal_types')
        return types_tool.listContentTypes()

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'listFormValidators')

    def listFormValidators(self, override=None, **kwargs):
        """Return a list of existing validators.  Validators can be filtered by
           specifying required attributes via kwargs"""
        return self.validators.getFiltered(**kwargs)

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'listFormActions')

    def listFormActions(self, override=None, **kwargs):
        """Return a list of existing actions.  Actions can be filtered by
           specifying required attributes via kwargs"""
        return self.actions.getFiltered(**kwargs)

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'manage_editFormValidators')

    def manage_editFormValidators(self, REQUEST):
        """Process form validator edit form"""
        self._editFormValidators(self.validators, REQUEST)
        return REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(self.absolute_url() +


    def _editFormValidators(self, container, REQUEST):
        for k in REQUEST.form.keys():
            if k.startswith('old_object_id_'):
                n = k[len('old_object_id_'):]
                old_object_id = REQUEST.form.get('old_object_id_' + n)
                old_context_type = REQUEST.form.get('old_context_type_' + n)
                old_button = REQUEST.form.get('old_button_' + n)
                    FormValidatorKey(old_object_id, old_context_type,
                                     old_button, self))
                object_id = REQUEST.form.get('object_id_' + n)
                context_type = REQUEST.form.get('context_type_' + n)
                button = REQUEST.form.get('button_' + n)
                validators = REQUEST.form.get('validators_' + n)
                    FormValidator(object_id, context_type, button, validators,

    # Method for programmatically adding validators
    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'addFormValidators')

    def addFormValidators(self, object_id, context_type, button, validators):
            FormValidator(object_id, context_type, button, validators, self))

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'manage_addFormValidators')

    def manage_addFormValidators(self, REQUEST):
        """Process form validator add form"""
        self._addFormValidators(self.validators, REQUEST)
        return REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(self.absolute_url() +


    def _addFormValidators(self, container, REQUEST):
        object_id = REQUEST.form.get('new_object_id')
        context_type = REQUEST.form.get('new_context_type')
        button = REQUEST.form.get('new_button')
        validators = REQUEST.form.get('new_validators')
            FormValidator(object_id, context_type, button, validators, self))

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'manage_delFormValidators')

    def manage_delFormValidators(self, REQUEST):
        """Process form validator delete form"""
        self._delFormValidators(self.validators, REQUEST)
        return REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(self.absolute_url() +


    def _delFormValidators(self, container, REQUEST):
        for k in REQUEST.form.keys():
            if k.startswith('del_id_'):
                n = k[len('del_id_'):]
                old_object_id = REQUEST.form.get('old_object_id_' + n)
                old_context_type = REQUEST.form.get('old_context_type_' + n)
                old_button = REQUEST.form.get('old_button_' + n)
                    FormValidatorKey(old_object_id, old_context_type,
                                     old_button, self))

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'manage_editFormActions')

    def manage_editFormActions(self, REQUEST):
        """Process form action edit form"""
        self._editFormActions(self.actions, REQUEST)
        return REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(self.absolute_url() +


    def _editFormActions(self, container, REQUEST):
        for k in REQUEST.form.keys():
            if k.startswith('old_object_id_'):
                n = k[len('old_object_id_'):]
                old_object_id = REQUEST.form.get('old_object_id_' + n)
                old_status = REQUEST.form.get('old_status_' + n)
                old_context_type = REQUEST.form.get('old_context_type_' + n)
                old_button = REQUEST.form.get('old_button_' + n)
                    FormActionKey(old_object_id, old_status, old_context_type,
                                  old_button, self))
                object_id = REQUEST.form.get('object_id_' + n)
                status = REQUEST.form.get('status_' + n)
                context_type = REQUEST.form.get('context_type_' + n)
                button = REQUEST.form.get('button_' + n)
                action_type = REQUEST.form.get('action_type_' + n)
                action_arg = REQUEST.form.get('action_arg_' + n)
                    FormAction(object_id, status, context_type, button,
                               action_type, action_arg, self))

    # Method for programmatically adding actions
    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'addFormAction')

    def addFormAction(self, object_id, status, context_type, button,
                      action_type, action_arg):
            FormAction(object_id, status, context_type, button, action_type,
                       action_arg, self))

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'manage_addFormAction')

    def manage_addFormAction(self, REQUEST):
        """Process form action add form"""
        self._addFormAction(self.actions, REQUEST)
        return REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(self.absolute_url() +


    def _addFormAction(self, container, REQUEST):
        object_id = REQUEST.form.get('new_object_id')
        status = REQUEST.form.get('new_status').strip()
        context_type = REQUEST.form.get('new_context_type').strip()
        button = REQUEST.form.get('new_button').strip()
        action_type = REQUEST.form.get('new_action_type').strip()
        action_arg = REQUEST.form.get('new_action_arg').strip()
            FormAction(object_id, status, context_type, button, action_type,
                       action_arg, self))

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'manage_delFormActions')

    def manage_delFormActions(self, REQUEST):
        """Process form action delete form"""
        self._delFormActions(self.actions, REQUEST)
        return REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(self.absolute_url() +


    def _delFormActions(self, container, REQUEST):
        for k in REQUEST.form.keys():
            if k.startswith('del_id_'):
                n = k[len('del_id_'):]
                old_object_id = REQUEST.form.get('old_object_id_' + n)
                old_status = REQUEST.form.get('old_status_' + n)
                old_context_type = REQUEST.form.get('old_context_type_' + n)
                old_button = REQUEST.form.get('old_button_' + n)
                    FormActionKey(old_object_id, old_status, old_context_type,
                                  old_button, self))

    def getValidators(self, id, context_type, button):
        return self.validators.match(id, context_type, button)

    def getAction(self, id, status, context_type, button):
        return self.actions.match(id, status, context_type, button)

    def getState(self, obj, is_validator):
        id =
        controller_state = self.REQUEST.get('controller_state', None)
        # The variable 'env' is a dictionary that is passed
        # along using record variables on forms so that you can keep
        # some state between different forms.
        env = self.REQUEST.get('form_env', {})
        # Make sure controller_state is something generated by us, not something submitted via POST or GET
        if controller_state and getattr(controller_state, '__class__',
                                        None) != ControllerState:
            controller_state = None

        if not is_validator:
            # Construct a new controller state object or clear out the existing
            # one unless we are in a validator script.
            if controller_state is None:
                # XXX - errors={} shouldn't need to be set here, but without it
                # I encountered what looks like a weird Zope caching bug.
                # To reproduce, install CMFFormControllerDemo, go to portal_skins
                # then to CMFFormControllerDemo, then click on test_form and
                # click the Test tab.  Submit the form with an empty text box.
                # Now back up to the ZMI and click the Test tab again.  If
                # errors={} is left out in the line below, ControllerState.__init__()
                # gets called with errors set to a non-empty value (more
                # precisely, it is set to the value that was in REQUEST.controller_state.
                # Yikes!
                controller_state = ControllerState(errors={})
                # clear out values we don't want to carry over from previous states.
            controller_state.set(id=id, context=obj.__parent__)
            if controller_state is None:
                raise ValueError, 'No controller state available.  ' + \
                    'This commonly occurs when a ControllerValidator (.vpy) ' + \
                    'script is invoked via the validation mechanism in the ' + \
                    'portal_form tool.  If you are using a package designed to ' + \
                    'be used with portal_form, you are probably inadvertently ' + \
                    'invoking a validator designed for use with CMFFormController (e.g. validate_id).  ' + \
                    'If you are using a package designed to be used with CMFFormController, you probably ' + \
                    'have a "portal_form" in your URL that needs to be removed.'
        # Pass environment along, with care so we don't override
        # existing variables.
        for k, v in env.items():
            controller_state.kwargs.setdefault(k, v)
        self.REQUEST.set('controller_state', controller_state)
        return controller_state

    def validate(self, controller_state, REQUEST, validators, argdict=None):
        if argdict is None:
            args = REQUEST.args
            kwargs = REQUEST
            args = ()
            if REQUEST is None:
                kwargs = argdict
                kwargs = {}
                for k in REQUEST.keys():
                    if k in ('SESSION', ):
                    kwargs[k] = REQUEST[k]
        context = controller_state.getContext()
        if validators is None:
            REQUEST.set('controller_state', controller_state)
            return controller_state
        for v in validators:
            REQUEST.set('controller_state', controller_state)
            if controller_state.hasValidated(v):
                # make sure validator exists
                obj = context.restrictedTraverse(v, default=None)
                if obj is None:
                    raise ValueError, 'Unable to find validator %s\n' % str(v)
                if not getattr(obj, 'is_validator', 1):
                    raise ValueError, '%s is not a CMFFormController validator' % str(
                REQUEST = controller_state.getContext().REQUEST
                controller_state = mapply(obj,
                if controller_state is None or getattr(
                        controller_state, '__class__',
                        None) != ControllerState:
                    raise ValueError, 'Validator %s did not return the state object' % str(
            except ValidationError, e:
                # if a validator raises a ValidatorException, execution of
                # validators is halted and the controller_state is set to
                # the controller_state embedded in the exception
                controller_state = e.controller_state
                state_class = getattr(controller_state, '__class__', None)
                if state_class != ControllerState:
                    raise Exception, 'Bad ValidationError state (type = %s)' % str(
            state_class = getattr(controller_state, '__class__', None)
            if state_class != ControllerState:
                raise Exception, 'Bad validator return type from validator %s (%s)' % (
                    str(v), str(state_class))
            REQUEST.set('controller_state', controller_state)

        REQUEST.set('controller_state', controller_state)
        return controller_state
Esempio n. 2
class FormController(UniqueObject, SimpleItemWithProperties):
    """ """

    security = ClassSecurityInfo()

    id = 'portal_form_controller'
    title = 'Manages form validation and post-validation actions'
    meta_type= 'Form Controller Tool'


    manage_options = ( ({'label':'Overview', 'action':'manage_overview'},
                        {'label':'Documentation', 'action':'manage_docs'},
                        {'label': 'Validation', 'action': 'manage_formValidatorsForm'},
                        {'label': 'Actions', 'action': 'manage_formActionsForm'},
                        {'label': 'Purge', 'action': 'manage_purgeForm'},) +

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'manage_overview')
    manage_overview = PageTemplateFile(os.path.join('www','manage_overview'), globals())
    manage_overview.__name__ = 'manage_overview'
    manage_overview._need__name__ = 0

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'manage_docs')
    manage_docs = PageTemplateFile(os.path.join('www','manage_docs'), globals())
    manage_docs.__name__ = 'manage_docs'

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'manage_formActionsForm')
    manage_formActionsForm = PageTemplateFile(os.path.join('www','manage_formActionsForm'), globals())
    manage_formActionsForm.__name__ = 'manage_formActionsForm'

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'manage_formValidatorsForm')
    manage_formValidatorsForm = PageTemplateFile(os.path.join('www','manage_formValidatorsForm'), globals())
    manage_formValidatorsForm.__name__ = 'manage_formValidatorsForm'

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'manage_purgeForm')
    manage_purgeForm = PageTemplateFile(os.path.join('www','manage_purgeForm'), globals())
    manage_purgeForm.__name__ = 'manage_purgeForm'

    # some aliases
    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'manage_main')
    manage_main = manage_overview

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'index_html')
    index_html = None

    wwwpath = os.path.join(Globals.package_home(fc_globals), 'www')
    f = open(os.path.join(wwwpath, 'docs.stx'), 'r')
    _docs =
    _docs = HTML(_docs)

    def __init__(self):
        self.actions = FormActionContainer()
        self.validators = FormValidatorContainer()

    def docs(self):
        """Returns FormController docs formatted as HTML"""
        return self._docs

    def view(self, REQUEST, RESPONSE):
        """Invokes the default view."""
        return self.__call__(REQUEST, RESPONSE)

    def __call__(self, REQUEST, RESPONSE):
        """Invokes the default view."""
        if RESPONSE is not None:
            RESPONSE.redirect('%s/manage_main' % self.absolute_url())

    def _checkId(self, id):
        """See if an id is valid CMF/Plone id"""
        portal = getToolByName(self, 'portal_url').getPortalObject()
        if not id:
            return 'Empty id'
        s = bad_id(id)
        if s:
            return '\'%s\' is not a valid id' % (id)
        # extra checks for Plone sites
        if portal.__class__.__name__ == 'PloneSite':
            if hasattr(portal, 'portal_properties') and \
                hasattr(portal.portal_properties, 'site_properties') and \
                hasattr(portal.portal_properties.site_properties, 'invalid_ids'):
                if id in portal.portal_properties.site_properties.invalid_ids:
                    return '\'%s\' is a reserved id' % (id)

    # Web-accessible methods
    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'listActionTypes')
    def listActionTypes(self):
        """Return a list of available action types."""
        keys = form_action_types.keys()
        action_types = []
        for k in keys:
        return action_types

    def validActionTypes(self):
        return form_action_types.keys()

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'listContextTypes')
    def listContextTypes(self):
        """Return list of possible types for template context objects"""
        types_tool = getToolByName(self, 'portal_types')
        return types_tool.listContentTypes()

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'listFormValidators')
    def listFormValidators(self, override=None, **kwargs):
        """Return a list of existing validators.  Validators can be filtered by
           specifying required attributes via kwargs"""
        return self.validators.getFiltered(**kwargs)

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'listFormActions')
    def listFormActions(self, override=None, **kwargs):
        """Return a list of existing actions.  Actions can be filtered by
           specifying required attributes via kwargs"""
        return self.actions.getFiltered(**kwargs)

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'manage_editFormValidators')
    def manage_editFormValidators(self, REQUEST):
        """Process form validator edit form"""
        self._editFormValidators(self.validators, REQUEST)
        return REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(self.absolute_url()+'/manage_formValidatorsForm')

    def _editFormValidators(self, container, REQUEST):
        for k in REQUEST.form.keys():
            if k.startswith('old_object_id_'):
                n = k[len('old_object_id_'):]
                old_object_id = REQUEST.form.get('old_object_id_'+n)
                old_context_type = REQUEST.form.get('old_context_type_'+n)
                old_button = REQUEST.form.get('old_button_'+n)
                container.delete(FormValidatorKey(old_object_id, old_context_type, old_button, self))
                object_id = REQUEST.form.get('object_id_'+n)
                context_type = REQUEST.form.get('context_type_'+n)
                button = REQUEST.form.get('button_'+n)
                validators = REQUEST.form.get('validators_'+n)
                container.set(FormValidator(object_id, context_type, button, validators, self))

    # Method for programmatically adding validators
    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'addFormValidators')
    def addFormValidators(self, object_id, context_type, button, validators):
        self.validators.set(FormValidator(object_id, context_type, button, validators, self))

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'manage_addFormValidators')
    def manage_addFormValidators(self, REQUEST):
        """Process form validator add form"""
        self._addFormValidators(self.validators, REQUEST)
        return REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(self.absolute_url()+'/manage_formValidatorsForm')

    def _addFormValidators(self, container, REQUEST):
        object_id = REQUEST.form.get('new_object_id')
        context_type = REQUEST.form.get('new_context_type')
        button = REQUEST.form.get('new_button')
        validators = REQUEST.form.get('new_validators')
        container.set(FormValidator(object_id, context_type, button, validators, self))

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'manage_delFormValidators')
    def manage_delFormValidators(self, REQUEST):
        """Process form validator delete form"""
        self._delFormValidators(self.validators, REQUEST)
        return REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(self.absolute_url()+'/manage_formValidatorsForm')

    def _delFormValidators(self, container, REQUEST):
        for k in REQUEST.form.keys():
            if k.startswith('del_id_'):
                n = k[len('del_id_'):]
                old_object_id = REQUEST.form.get('old_object_id_'+n)
                old_context_type = REQUEST.form.get('old_context_type_'+n)
                old_button = REQUEST.form.get('old_button_'+n)
                container.delete(FormValidatorKey(old_object_id, old_context_type, old_button, self))

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'manage_editFormActions')
    def manage_editFormActions(self, REQUEST):
        """Process form action edit form"""
        self._editFormActions(self.actions, REQUEST)
        return REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(self.absolute_url()+'/manage_formActionsForm')

    def _editFormActions(self, container, REQUEST):
        for k in REQUEST.form.keys():
            if k.startswith('old_object_id_'):
                n = k[len('old_object_id_'):]
                old_object_id = REQUEST.form.get('old_object_id_'+n)
                old_status = REQUEST.form.get('old_status_'+n)
                old_context_type = REQUEST.form.get('old_context_type_'+n)
                old_button = REQUEST.form.get('old_button_'+n)
                container.delete(FormActionKey(old_object_id, old_status, old_context_type, old_button, self))
                object_id = REQUEST.form.get('object_id_'+n)
                status = REQUEST.form.get('status_'+n)
                context_type = REQUEST.form.get('context_type_'+n)
                button = REQUEST.form.get('button_'+n)
                action_type = REQUEST.form.get('action_type_'+n)
                action_arg = REQUEST.form.get('action_arg_'+n)
                container.set(FormAction(object_id, status, context_type, button, action_type, action_arg, self))

    # Method for programmatically adding actions
    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'addFormAction')
    def addFormAction(self, object_id, status, context_type, button, action_type, action_arg):
        self.actions.set(FormAction(object_id, status, context_type, button, action_type, action_arg, self))

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'manage_addFormAction')
    def manage_addFormAction(self, REQUEST):
        """Process form action add form"""
        self._addFormAction(self.actions, REQUEST)
        return REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(self.absolute_url()+'/manage_formActionsForm')

    def _addFormAction(self, container, REQUEST):
        object_id = REQUEST.form.get('new_object_id')
        status = REQUEST.form.get('new_status').strip()
        context_type = REQUEST.form.get('new_context_type').strip()
        button = REQUEST.form.get('new_button').strip()
        action_type = REQUEST.form.get('new_action_type').strip()
        action_arg = REQUEST.form.get('new_action_arg').strip()
        container.set(FormAction(object_id, status, context_type, button, action_type, action_arg, self))

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'manage_delFormActions')
    def manage_delFormActions(self, REQUEST):
        """Process form action delete form"""
        self._delFormActions(self.actions, REQUEST)
        return REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(self.absolute_url()+'/manage_formActionsForm')

    def _delFormActions(self, container, REQUEST):
        for k in REQUEST.form.keys():
            if k.startswith('del_id_'):
                n = k[len('del_id_'):]
                old_object_id = REQUEST.form.get('old_object_id_'+n)
                old_status = REQUEST.form.get('old_status_'+n)
                old_context_type = REQUEST.form.get('old_context_type_'+n)
                old_button = REQUEST.form.get('old_button_'+n)
                container.delete(FormActionKey(old_object_id, old_status, old_context_type, old_button, self))

    def getValidators(self, id, context_type, button):
        return self.validators.match(id, context_type, button)

    def getAction(self, id, status, context_type, button):
        return self.actions.match(id, status, context_type, button)

    def getState(self, obj, is_validator):
        id =
        controller_state = self.REQUEST.get('controller_state', None)
        # The variable 'env' is a dictionary that is passed
        # along using record variables on forms so that you can keep
        # some state between different forms.
        env = self.REQUEST.get('form_env', {})
        # Make sure controller_state is something generated by us, not something submitted via POST or GET
        if controller_state and getattr(controller_state, '__class__', None) != ControllerState:
            controller_state = None

        if not is_validator:
            # Construct a new controller state object or clear out the existing
            # one unless we are in a validator script.
            if controller_state is None:
                # XXX - errors={} shouldn't need to be set here, but without it
                # I encountered what looks like a weird Zope caching bug.
                # To reproduce, install CMFFormControllerDemo, go to portal_skins
                # then to CMFFormControllerDemo, then click on test_form and
                # click the Test tab.  Submit the form with an empty text box.
                # Now back up to the ZMI and click the Test tab again.  If
                # errors={} is left out in the line below, ControllerState.__init__()
                # gets called with errors set to a non-empty value (more
                # precisely, it is set to the value that was in REQUEST.controller_state.
                # Yikes!
                controller_state = ControllerState(errors={})
                # clear out values we don't want to carry over from previous states.
            controller_state.set(id=id, context=obj.getParentNode())
            if controller_state is None:
                raise ValueError, 'No controller state available.  ' + \
                    'This commonly occurs when a ControllerValidator (.vpy) ' + \
                    'script is invoked via the validation mechanism in the ' + \
                    'portal_form tool.  If you are using a package designed to ' + \
                    'be used with portal_form, you are probably inadvertently ' + \
                    'invoking a validator designed for use with CMFFormController (e.g. validate_id).  ' + \
                    'If you are using a package designed to be used with CMFFormController, you probably ' + \
                    'have a "portal_form" in your URL that needs to be removed.'
        # Pass environment along, with care so we don't override
        # existing variables.
        for k, v in env.items():
            controller_state.kwargs.setdefault(k, v)
        self.REQUEST.set('controller_state', controller_state)
        return controller_state

    def validate(self, controller_state, REQUEST, validators, argdict=None):
        if argdict is None:
            args = REQUEST.args
            kwargs = REQUEST
            args = ()
            if REQUEST is None:
                kwargs = argdict
                kwargs = {}
                for k in REQUEST.keys():
                    if k in ('SESSION',):
                    kwargs[k] = REQUEST[k]
        context = controller_state.getContext()
        if validators is None:
            REQUEST.set('controller_state', controller_state)
            return controller_state
        for v in validators:
            REQUEST.set('controller_state', controller_state)
            if controller_state.hasValidated(v):
                # make sure validator exists
                obj = context.restrictedTraverse(v, default=None)
                if obj is None:
                    raise ValueError, 'Unable to find validator %s\n' % str(v)
                if not getattr(obj, 'is_validator', 1):
                    raise ValueError, '%s is not a CMFFormController validator' % str(v)
                REQUEST = controller_state.getContext().REQUEST
                controller_state = mapply(obj, args, kwargs,
                                          call_object, 1, missing_name, dont_publish_class,
                                          REQUEST, bind=1)
                if controller_state is None or getattr(controller_state, '__class__', None) != ControllerState:
                    raise ValueError, 'Validator %s did not return the state object' % str(v)
            except ValidationError, e:
                # if a validator raises a ValidatorException, execution of
                # validators is halted and the controller_state is set to
                # the controller_state embedded in the exception
                controller_state = e.controller_state
                state_class = getattr(controller_state, '__class__', None)
                if state_class != ControllerState:
                    raise Exception, 'Bad ValidationError state (type = %s)' % str(state_class)
            state_class = getattr(controller_state, '__class__', None)
            if state_class != ControllerState:
                raise Exception, 'Bad validator return type from validator %s (%s)' % (str(v), str(state_class))
            REQUEST.set('controller_state', controller_state)

        REQUEST.set('controller_state', controller_state)
        return controller_state