def vanilla_CGAN_step(netD, netG, optD, optG, loss_func, device, X_i=None, C_i=None, Z_i=None, real_label=1, fake_label=0, n_D=1): # Train discriminator n_D times per batch for j in range(n_D): # Train on all-real batch netD.zero_grad() real_sample =, C_i), axis=1) b_size = X_i.size(0) label = torch.full((b_size, ), real_label, device=device, dtype=torch.get_default_dtype()) output = netD(real_sample) errD_real = loss_func(output.view(-1), label.view(-1)) errD_real.backward() D_x = output.mean().item() # Train on all-fake batch input_G = input_sample(b_size, C=C_i, device=device) fake =, C_i), axis=1) label.fill_(fake_label) output = netD(fake) errD_fake = loss_func(output.view(-1), label.view(-1)) errD_fake.backward() D_G_z1 = output.mean().item() errD = errD_real + errD_fake optD.step() # Train generator netG.zero_grad() # Create fake sample input_G = input_sample(b_size, C=C_i, device=device) fake =, C_i), axis=1) output = netD(fake) errG = -torch.log(output).mean() # 'Logtrick' errG.backward() D_G_z2 = output.mean().item() optG.step() return errD, errG, D_x, D_G_z1, D_G_z2
def QQ_plots(self,C=None,n_plot=None,G=None,params=None,results_path=None,save=False): ''' Method to create QQ plots of generated data, test data and train data. ''' if (not save) and self.save_all_figs: save = True if params is None: params = self.params if results_path is None: results_path = self.results_path if G is None: G = self.G if (C is None) and self.CGAN: C = self.C_test assert G.c_dim > 0, 'Generator must be a conditional GAN if CGAN is toggled in the dataset.' elif self.CGAN: assert G.c_dim > 0, 'Generator must be a conditional GAN if CGAN is toggled in the dataset.' assert str(C.keys()) == str(self.C_test.keys()), 'The tensor specified must include all conditional parameters, in the same order as C_test.' else: # Vanilla GAN case C = dict() if n_plot is None: if self.format == 'pdf': n_plot = 1000 else: n_plot = self.N_test # Update parameters accordingly. If vanilla GAN, params remain unchanged params = {**params,**C} if self.CGAN: C_test_tensor = make_test_tensor(C,n_plot,device=self.device) in_sample = input_sample(n_plot,C=C_test_tensor,device=self.device) else: in_sample = input_sample(n_plot,C=None,device=self.device) gendata = postprocess(G(in_sample).detach(),params['S0'],proc_type=self.proc_type,S_ref=torch.tensor(params['S_bar'],device=self.device,dtype=torch.float32),eps=self.eps).cpu().view(-1).numpy() if self.SDE == 'GBM': mu = params['mu'] sigma = params['sigma'] S0 = params['S0'] t = params['t'] scale = np.exp(np.log(S0)+(mu-0.5*sigma**2)*(t)) s = sigma*np.sqrt(t) dist = stat.lognorm sparams = (s,0,scale) elif self.SDE == 'CIR': kappa = params['kappa'] gamma = params['gamma'] S_bar = params['S_bar'] S0 = params['S0'] s = params['s'] t = params['t'] kappa_bar = (4*kappa*S0*np.exp(-kappa*(t-s)))/(gamma**2*(1-np.exp(-kappa*(t-s)))) c_bar = (gamma**2)/(4*kappa)*(1-np.exp(-kappa*(t-s))) delta = (4*kappa*S_bar)/(gamma**2) dist = stat.ncx2 sparams = (delta,kappa_bar,0,c_bar) else: raise Exception('SDE type not supported or understood.') # Test set plt.figure(dpi=100) stat.probplot(x=self.sample_exact(N=n_plot,params=params).view(-1).cpu().numpy(),dist=dist,sparams=sparams,plot=plt) plt.title('') if save: plt.savefig(results_path+'_QQ_test.'+self.format,format=self.format) else: plt.close() # Generated plt.figure(dpi=100) stat.probplot(x=gendata,dist=dist,sparams=sparams,plot=plt) plt.title('') if save: plt.savefig(results_path+'_QQ_generated.'+self.format,format=self.format) else: plt.close() if save: print('Saved QQ plot of exact variates and generated data in folder %s'%results_path)
def save_iter_plot(self,iteration,filename=None,C=None,G=None,D=None,params=None,save_conf=True): ''' Plots a kde plot and the confidence of the discriminator D(x). Saves the plot in `filename'. ''' if params is None: params = self.params.copy() if G is None: G = self.G if D is None: D = self.D if (C is None) and self.CGAN: C = self.C_test if filename is None: filename = os.path.join(self.results_path,'plot_iter_%02d.'%iteration + self.format) if self.CGAN: assert G.c_dim > 0, 'Generator must be a conditional GAN if CGAN is toggled in the dataset.' assert str(C.keys()) == str(self.C_test.keys()), 'The tensor specified must include all conditional parameters, in the same order as C_test.' else: # Vanilla GAN case C = dict() # Update the relevant parameters with C params = {**params,**C} #------------------------------------------------------ # Compute inputs #------------------------------------------------------ if self.CGAN: C_test_tensor = make_test_tensor(C,self.N_test,device=self.device) in_sample = input_sample(self.N_test,C=C_test_tensor,,device=self.device) else: in_sample = input_sample(self.N_test,C=None,Z=self.fixed_noise,device=self.device) output = G(in_sample).detach() gendata = postprocess(output.view(-1),params['S0'],proc_type=self.proc_type,S_ref=torch.tensor(params['S_bar'],device=self.device,dtype=torch.float32),eps=self.eps).cpu().view(-1).numpy() # Instantiate function for pdf of analytical distribution, add 1e-6 to keep the fraction X_next/X_prev finite exact_raw = preprocess(self.sample_exact(N=self.N_test,params=params),torch.tensor(params['S0'],\ dtype=torch.float32).view(-1,1),proc_type=self.proc_type,S_ref=torch.tensor(params['S_bar'],device=torch.device('cpu'),dtype=torch.float32),eps=self.eps).cpu().view(-1).numpy() output = output.view(-1).cpu().numpy() # Define domain based on GAN output a1 = np.min(output)-0.1*np.abs(output.min()) b1 = np.min(exact_raw)-0.1*np.abs(exact_raw.min()) a2 = np.max(output)+0.1*np.abs(output.max()) b2 = np.max(exact_raw)+0.1*np.abs(exact_raw.max()) a = np.min((a1,b1)) b = np.max((a2,b2)) if a == 0: a -= 1e-20 if not self.supervised: # Define grid for KDE to be computed on x_opt = np.linspace(a,b,1000) # Compute exact density p* and generator density p_th if self.proc_type is None: # Use exact pdf for p* if no pre-processing is used p_star = self.get_exact_pdf(params)(x_opt) else: # Otherwise use kernel estimate to compute p* p_star = FFTKDE(kernel='gaussian',bw='silverman').fit(exact_raw).evaluate(x_opt) kde_th = FFTKDE(kernel='gaussian',bw='silverman').fit(output) p_th = kde_th.evaluate(x_opt) # Optimal discriminator given G D_opt = p_star/(p_th+p_star) x_D = torch.linspace(x_opt.min(),x_opt.max(),self.N_test) # Build the input to the discriminator input_D = x_D.view(-1,1).to(self.device) if self.supervised: # If the discriminator is informed with Z, give it zeros for testing input_D =,torch.zeros(self.N_test).view(-1,1)),axis=1) if self.CGAN: input_D =,C_test_tensor),axis=1) #------------------------------------------------------ # Select amount of subplots to be shown #------------------------------------------------------ # Only plot pre-processed data if pre-processing is not None # Only plot discriminator confidence if vanilla GAN is used single_handle = False # toggle to use if the axis handle is not an array if (self.proc_type is None) and (self.supervised): fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(10,10),dpi=100) title_string = 'Generator output' single_handle = True elif (self.proc_type is None) and (not self.supervised): fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,2,figsize=(20,10),dpi=100) title_string = 'Generator output' elif (self.proc_type is not None) and (self.supervised): fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,2,figsize=(20,10),dpi=100) title_string = 'Post-processed data' else: fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,3,figsize=(30,10),dpi=100) title_string = 'Post-processed data' k_ax = 0 # counter for axis index #------------------------------------------------------ # Plot 1: Post-processed data #------------------------------------------------------ y = self.x ymin = y.min()-0.1*np.abs(y.min()) ymax = y.max()+0.1*np.abs(y.max()) exact_pdf = self.get_exact_pdf(params) if single_handle: ax_plot_1 = ax else: ax_plot_1 = ax[k_ax] ax_plot_1.plot(y,exact_pdf(y),'--k',label='Exact pdf') sns.kdeplot(gendata,shade=True,ax=ax_plot_1,label='Generated data') ax_plot_1.set_xlabel('$S_t$') # fig.suptitle(f'time = {self.T}') ax_plot_1.legend() # ax_plot_1.set_xlim(xmin=ymin,xmax=ymax) ax_plot_1.autoscale(enable=True, axis='x', tight=True) ax_plot_1.autoscale(enable=True, axis='y') ax_plot_1.set_ylim(bottom=0) ax_plot_1.set_title(title_string) # Also plot only the kde plot as pdf f_kde,ax_kde = plt.subplots(1,1,dpi=100) ax_kde.plot(y,exact_pdf(y),'--k',label='Exact pdf') sns.kdeplot(gendata,shade=True,ax=ax_kde,label='Generated data') ax_kde.set_xlabel('$S_t$') ax_kde.legend() ax_kde.set_xlim(xmin=ymin,xmax=ymax) # ax_kde.set_title(title_string) f_kde.suptitle(f'Iteration {iteration}') f_kde.savefig(os.path.join(self.results_path,'kde_output_iter_%02d'%iteration+'.pdf'),format='pdf') plt.close(f_kde) #------------------------------------------------------ # Plot 2: Generator output #------------------------------------------------------ if self.proc_type is not None: k_ax += 1 sns.kdeplot(exact_raw,linestyle='--',color='k',ax=ax[k_ax],label='Pre-processed exact') sns.kdeplot(output,shade=True,ax=ax[k_ax],label='Generated data') ax[k_ax].set_xlabel('$R_t$') ax[k_ax].legend() # ax[k_ax].set_xlim(xmin=a,xmax=b) ax[k_ax].autoscale(enable=True, axis='x', tight=True) ax[k_ax].autoscale(enable=True, axis='y') ax[k_ax].set_ylim(bottom=0) ax[k_ax].set_title('Generator output') #------------------------------------------------------ # Plot 3: Discriminator confidence #------------------------------------------------------ if not self.supervised: k_ax += 1 ax[k_ax].plot(x_D,D(input_D).view(-1,1).detach().view(-1).cpu().numpy(),label='Discriminator output') ax[k_ax].plot(x_opt,D_opt,'--k',label='Optimal discriminator') # ax[1].set_title('Discriminator confidence') if self.proc_type is None: ax[k_ax].set_xlabel('$S_t$') else: ax[k_ax].set_xlabel('$R_t$') ax[k_ax].legend() # ax[k_ax].set_xlim(xmin=a,xmax=b) ax[k_ax].autoscale(enable=True, axis='x', tight=True) ax[k_ax].autoscale(enable=True, axis='y') ax[k_ax].set_ylim(bottom=0) if save_conf: # Repeat plot to save discriminator confidence itself as well f_conf,ax_conf = plt.subplots(1,1,dpi=100) ax_conf.plot(x_D,D(input_D).view(-1,1).detach().view(-1).cpu().numpy(),label='Discriminator output') ax_conf.plot(x_opt,D_opt,'--k',label='Optimal discriminator') if self.proc_type is None: ax_conf.set_xlabel('$S_t$') else: ax_conf.set_xlabel('$R_t$') ax_conf.legend() ax_conf.set_xlim(xmin=a,xmax=b) f_conf.suptitle(f'Iteration {iteration}') f_conf.savefig(os.path.join(self.results_path,'D_conf_iter_%02d'%iteration+'.pdf'),format='pdf') plt.close(f_conf) #------------------------------------------------------ # Wrap up #------------------------------------------------------ fig.suptitle(f'Iteration {iteration}') fig.savefig(filename,format=self.format) plt.close()
def kde_plot(self,C=None,G=None,params=None,save=False,filename=None,raw_output=False,save_format=None,x_lims=None): ''' Plotting function that creates [kde plot]. ''' if params is None: params = self.params.copy() if G is None: G = self.G if self.CGAN: params = {**params,**self.C_test} assert self.CGAN and (G.c_dim > 0), 'Generator appears not to be trained as a CGAN, while CGAN is toggled.' assert len(C) == 1, 'Only one plot condition is supported. To fix other parameters, specify them in self.C_test' if save_format is None: save_format = self.format if save: assert filename is not None, 'Please specify a filename to save the figure to.' # Define plotting linestyles lines = ['dashed','solid','dotted','dashdot'] # Initialise handles for legend entries handles_exact = [] handles = [] names = [] fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,1,dpi=100) if G.c_dim > 0: #------------------------------------------------ # Case 1: Conditional GAN #------------------------------------------------ # Get name of conditional parameter c_name = next(iter(C.keys())) # Get array with plot values cs = np.array(next(iter(C.values()))) for i,c in enumerate(cs): # Cycle between linestyles line = lines[i%len(lines)] # First cast the current condition back to a dict c_dict = dict() c_dict[c_name] = c # Cast current condition into tensor, replacing the relevant value in C_test c_tensor = make_test_tensor({**self.C_test,**c_dict},self.N_test,device=self.device) # Get an input sample in_sample = input_sample(self.N_test,C=c_tensor,device=self.device) # Infer with generator output = G(in_sample).detach() gendata = postprocess(output,{**params,**c_dict}['S0'],proc_type=self.proc_type,S_ref=torch.tensor(params['S_bar'],device=self.device,dtype=torch.float32),eps=self.eps).cpu().view(-1).numpy() if raw_output and (self.proc_type is not None): # Get pre-processed exact variates for estimate of exact pdf exact_raw = preprocess(self.sample_exact(N=self.N_test,params={**params,**c_dict}),torch.tensor({**params,**c_dict}['S0'],\ dtype=torch.float32).view(-1,1),proc_type=self.proc_type,S_ref=torch.tensor(params['S_bar'],device=self.device,dtype=torch.float32),eps=self.eps).cpu().view(-1).numpy() x_out_kde_exact, kde_exact = FFTKDE(kernel='gaussian',bw='silverman').fit(exact_raw)(self.N_test) x_out_kde_gen, kde_gen = FFTKDE(kernel='gaussian',bw='silverman').fit(output.view(-1).cpu().numpy())(self.N_test) l_e, = ax.plot(x_out_kde_exact,kde_exact,'k',linestyle=line) l_g, = ax.plot(x_out_kde_gen,kde_gen,'-') # Define the color if only one condition is chosen if (len(cs) == 1): l_g.set_color('darkorange') ax.fill_between(x_out_kde_gen, y1=kde_gen, alpha=0.25, facecolor=l_g.get_color()) plt.autoscale(enable=True, axis='x', tight=True) ax.set_ylim(bottom=0) handles_exact.append(l_e) handles.append(l_g) names.append(c_name+f' = {c}') ax.set_xlabel('$R_t$') else: a = 0.1*gendata.min() b = 1.1*gendata.max() if a <= 1e-4: a = self.eps x = np.linspace(a,b,1000) # Instantiate function for pdf of analytical distribution exact_pdf = self.get_exact_pdf({**params,**c_dict}) x_out_kde_gen, kde_gen = FFTKDE(kernel='gaussian',bw='silverman').fit(gendata)(self.N_test) l_e, = ax.plot(x,exact_pdf(x),'k',linestyle=line) l_g, = ax.plot(x_out_kde_gen,kde_gen,'-') # Define the color if only one condition is chosen if (len(cs) == 1): l_g.set_color('darkorange') ax.fill_between(x_out_kde_gen, y1=kde_gen, alpha=0.25, facecolor=l_g.get_color()) handles_exact.append(l_e) handles.append(l_g) names.append(c_name+f' = {c}') ax.set_xlabel('$S_t$') # Make final handles for legend names.append('Exact') handles.append(tuple(handles_exact)) ax.legend(handles, names, numpoints=1, handler_map={tuple: HandlerTuple(ndivide=None)}) # Optional manual setting of horizontal axis limits if x_lims is not None: ax.set_xlim(x_lims) else: ax.autoscale(enable=True, axis='x', tight=True) ax.autoscale(enable=True, axis='y') ax.set_ylim(bottom=0) else: #------------------------------------------------ # Case 2: Unconditional GAN #------------------------------------------------ in_sample = input_sample(self.N_test,device=self.device) # Infer with generator output = G(in_sample).detach() gendata = postprocess(output,params['S0'],proc_type=self.proc_type,S_ref=torch.tensor(params['S_bar'],device=self.device,dtype=torch.float32),eps=self.eps).cpu().view(-1).numpy() if raw_output and (self.proc_type is not None): exact_raw = preprocess(self.sample_exact(N=self.N_test,params=params),torch.tensor(params['S0'],\ dtype=torch.float32).view(-1,1),proc_type=self.proc_type,K=calc_K(params,proc_type=self.proc_type,SDE=self.SDE),S_ref=torch.tensor(params['S_bar'],device=self.device,dtype=torch.float32),eps=self.eps).cpu().view(-1).numpy() sns.kdeplot(exact_raw,label='Exact',ax=ax,linestyle='--',color='k') sns.kdeplot(output,label='Generated',shade=True,color='darkorange') ax.set_xlabel('$R_t$') else: a = 0.1*gendata.min() b = 1.1*gendata.max() if a <= 1e-4: a = self.eps x = np.linspace(a,b,1000) ecdf_gen_data = smd.ECDF(gendata) # Instantiate functions for cdf and pdf of analytical distribution exact_pdf = self.get_exact_pdf(params) ax.plot(x,exact_pdf(x),'--k',label='Exact') sns.kdeplot(gendata,label='Generated',ax=ax,shade=True,color='DarkOrange') ax.set_xlabel('$S_t$') ax.legend() # Optional manual setting of horizontal axis limits if x_lims is not None: ax.set_xlim(x_lims) # fig.suptitle(c_name + f' = {cs}') # fig.suptitle(f'{str( {**self.C_test,**C}) }') #------------------------------------------------ # Wrap up #------------------------------------------------ if (save == True): plt.savefig(filename,format=self.format) print(f'Saved kde_plot in folder at {filename}') plt.close() else:
def ecdf_plot(self,C=None,G=None,params=None,save=False,filename=None,raw_output=False,save_format=None,x_plot=None,legendname=None,grid=False): ''' Plotting function that creates [ECDF plot]. ''' if (not save) and self.save_all_figs: save = True if params is None: params = self.params.copy() if G is None: G = self.G if self.CGAN: params = {**params,**self.C_test} assert self.CGAN and (G.c_dim > 0), 'Generator appears not to be trained as a CGAN, while CGAN is toggled.' assert len(C) == 1, 'Only one plot condition is supported. To fix other parameters, specify them in self.C_test' if save_format is None: save_format = self.format if save: assert filename is not None, 'Please specify a filename to save the figure to.' # Define plotting linestyles lines = ['dashed','solid','dotted','dashdot'] # Initialise handles for legend entries handles_exact = [] handles = [] names = [] fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,1,dpi=100) if G.c_dim > 0: #------------------------------------------------ # Case 1: Conditional GAN #------------------------------------------------ # Get name of the conditional parameter c_name = next(iter(C.keys())) # Prepare the base strong of legend name if legendname is None: legendname = c_name # Get array with plot values cs = np.array(next(iter(C.values()))) for i,c in enumerate(cs): # Cycle between linestyles line = lines[i%len(lines)] # First cast the current condition back to a dict c_dict = dict() c_dict[c_name] = c # Cast current condition into tensor, replacing the relevant value in C_test c_tensor = make_test_tensor({**self.C_test,**c_dict},self.N_test,device=self.device) # Get an input sample in_sample = input_sample(self.N_test,C=c_tensor,device=self.device) # Infer with generator output = G(in_sample).detach() gendata = postprocess(output,{**params,**c_dict}['S0'],proc_type=self.proc_type,delta_t=torch.tensor(params['t']),S_ref=torch.tensor(params['S_bar'],device=self.device,dtype=torch.float32),eps=self.eps).view(-1).cpu().numpy() if raw_output and (self.proc_type is not None): if x_plot is None: a,b = self.get_plot_bounds(output) x = np.linspace(a,b,1000) else: x = x_plot # Option to plot output before postprocessing ecdf_gen_data = smd.ECDF(output.view(-1).cpu().numpy()) # Get pre-processed exact variates for estimate of exact cdf exact_raw = preprocess(self.sample_exact(N=self.N_test,params={**params,**c_dict}),torch.tensor({**params,**c_dict}['S0'],\ dtype=torch.float32).view(-1,1),proc_type=self.proc_type,S_ref=torch.tensor(params['S_bar'],device=self.device,dtype=torch.float32),eps=self.eps).view(-1).cpu().numpy() exact_cdf = smd.ECDF(exact_raw) l_e, = ax.plot(x,exact_cdf(x),'k',linestyle=line) l_g, = ax.plot(x,ecdf_gen_data(x),'-') handles_exact.append(l_e) handles.append(l_g) names.append(legendname+f'= {c}') ax.set_xlabel('$R_t$') else: if x_plot is None: a = 0.1*gendata.min() b = 1.1*gendata.max() if a <= 1e-4: a = self.eps x = np.linspace(a,b,1000) else: x = x_plot # Plot output after pre-processing ecdf_gen_data = smd.ECDF(gendata) # Instantiate function for cdf of analytical distribution exact_cdf = self.get_exact_cdf({**params,**c_dict}) l_e, = ax.plot(x,exact_cdf(x),'k',linestyle=line) l_g, = ax.plot(x,ecdf_gen_data(x),'-') handles_exact.append(l_e) handles.append(l_g) names.append(legendname+f'={c}') ax.set_xlabel('$S_{t+\Delta t} \mid S_t$') # Make final handles for legend names.append('Exact') handles.append(tuple(handles_exact)) ax.legend(handles, names, numpoints=1, handler_map={tuple: HandlerTuple(ndivide=None)}) else: #------------------------------------------------ # Case 2: Unconditional GAN #------------------------------------------------ in_sample = input_sample(self.N_test,device=self.device) # Infer with generator output = G(in_sample).detach() gendata = postprocess(output,params['S0'],proc_type=self.proc_type,S_ref=torch.tensor(params['S_bar'],device=self.device,dtype=torch.float32),eps=self.eps).view(-1).cpu().numpy() if raw_output and (self.proc_type is not None): if x_plot is None: a,b = self.get_plot_bounds(output) x = np.linspace(a,b,1000) else: x = x_plot ecdf_gen_data = smd.ECDF(output.view(-1).cpu().numpy()) exact_raw = preprocess(self.sample_exact(N=self.N_test,params=params),torch.tensor(params['S0'],\ dtype=torch.float32).view(-1,1),proc_type=self.proc_type,S_ref=torch.tensor(params['S_bar'],device=self.device,dtype=torch.float32),eps=self.eps).view(-1).cpu().numpy() ax.plot(x,smd.ECDF(exact_raw)(x),'Exact') ax.plot(x,smd.ECDF(output.view(-1).cpu().numpy())(x),'-',label='Generated') ax.set_xlabel('$R_t$') else: a = 0.1*gendata.min() b = 1.1*gendata.max() if a <= 1e-4: a = self.eps x = np.linspace(a,b,1000) ecdf_gen_data = smd.ECDF(gendata) # Instantiate functions for cdf and pdf of analytical distribution exact_cdf = self.get_exact_cdf(params) ax.plot(x,exact_cdf(x),'--k',label='Exact') ax.plot(x,ecdf_gen_data(x),label='Generated') ax.set_xlabel('$S_{t+\Delta t} \mid S_t$') # Optional manual setting of horizontal axis limits if x_lims is not None: ax.set_xlim(x_lims) ax.legend() # Uncommented for paper # fig.suptitle(c_name + f' = {cs}') # fig.suptitle(f'{str( {**self.C_test,**C}) }') #------------------------------------------------ # Wrap up #------------------------------------------------ if grid: plt.grid('on') if (save == True): plt.savefig(filename,format=self.format) print(f'Saved ecdf_plot in folder at {filename}') plt.close() else:
def train_GAN(netD, netG, data, meta, netD_Mil=None): ''' Training loop: train_GAN(netD,netG,data,meta) Inspired by several tricks from DCGAN PyTorch tutorial. ''' #------------------------------------------------------- # Initialisation #------------------------------------------------------- real_label = 1 fake_label = 0 GANloss = nn.BCELoss() GAN_step = step_handler(supervised_bool=meta['supervised'], CGAN_bool=data.CGAN) # Initialise lists for logging D_losses = [] G_losses = [] times = [] wasses = [] ksstat = [] delta_ts_passed = [] D_grads = [] G_grads = [] # Short handle for training params c_lr = meta['c_lr'] cut_lr_every = meta['cut_lr_every'] epochs = meta['epochs'] results_path = meta['results_path'] b_size = meta['batch_size'] proc_type = meta['proc_type'] device = meta['device'] if not pt.exists(pt.join(results_path, 'training', '')): os.mkdir(pt.join(results_path, 'training', '')) train_analysis = CGANalysis(data,netD,netG,SDE=data.SDE,save_all_figs=meta['save_figs'],results_path=pt.join(meta['results_path'],'training',''),\ proc_type=proc_type,eps=meta['eps'],supervised=meta['supervised'],device=meta['device']) train_analysis.format = 'png' if data.C is not None: C_tensors = dict_to_tensor(data.C) C_test = make_test_tensor(data.C_test, data.N_test) else: C_test = None # Pre-allocate an empty array for each layer to store the norm for l in range(count_layers(netD)): D_grads.append([]) for l in range(count_layers(netG)): G_grads.append([]) # Initialise counters itervec = [] iters = 0 plot_iter = 0 # Get the amount of batches implied by training set size and batch_size n_batches = data.N // b_size optG = optim.Adam(netG.parameters(), lr=meta['lr_G'], betas=(meta['beta1'], meta['beta2'])) optD = optim.Adam(netD.parameters(), lr=meta['lr_D'], betas=(meta['beta1'], meta['beta2'])) #------------------------------------------------------- # Start training loop #------------------------------------------------------- for epoch in range(epochs): tick0 = time.time() for i in range(n_batches): if iters % cut_lr_every == 0: optG.param_groups[0]['lr'] = optG.param_groups[0]['lr'] / c_lr # Sample random minibatch from training set with replacement indices = np.array((np.random.rand(b_size) * data.N), dtype=int) # Uncomment to sample minibatch from training set without replacement # indices = np.arange(i*b_size,(i+1)*b_size) # Get data batch based on indices X_i = data.exact[indices, :].to(device) C_i = C_tensors[indices, :].to(device) if data.CGAN else None Z_i = data.Z[indices, :].to(device) if meta['supervised'] else None #------------------------------------------------------- # GAN training step #------------------------------------------------------- errD, errG, D_x, D_G_z1, D_G_z2 = GAN_step(netD, netG, optD, optG, GANloss, device, X_i=X_i, C_i=C_i, Z_i=Z_i, real_label=real_label, fake_label=fake_label, n_D=meta['n_D']) #------------------------------------------------------- # Output training stats if (iters % 100 == 0) and (i % b_size) == 0: print( '[%d/%d][%d/%d]\tLoss_D: %.4f\tLoss_G: %.4f\tD(x): %.4f\tD(G(z)): %.4f / %.4f' % (epoch, epochs, i, data.N // b_size, errD.item(), errG.item(), D_x, D_G_z1, D_G_z2)) input_G = input_sample(data.N_test, C=C_test, device=device) fake = postprocess(netG(input_G).detach().view(-1),{**data.params,**data.C_test}['S0'],proc_type=proc_type,\ S_ref=torch.tensor(data.params['S_bar'],device=meta['device'],dtype=torch.float32),eps=meta['eps']).cpu().view(-1).numpy() ecdf_fake = smd.ECDF(fake) ecdf_test = smd.ECDF(data.exact_test.view(-1)) # cdf_test = train_analysis.exact_cdf(params={**data.params,**C_test}) x = np.linspace(1e-5, 3, 1000) # plotting vector x = train_analysis.x # Infinity norm with ECDF on test data (Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic) ksstat.append(np.max(np.abs(ecdf_fake(x) - ecdf_test(x)))) # ksstat.append(stat.kstest(fake,cdf=cdf_test),alternative='two-sided')[0]) # 1D Wasserstein distance as implemented in Scipy stats package wasses.append( stat.wasserstein_distance(fake, data.exact_test.view(-1))) # Keep track of the L1 norm of the gradients in each layer append_gradients(netD, netG, D_grads, G_grads) itervec.append(iters) # Update the generated data in analysis instance if ((iters % meta['plot_interval'] == 0) and (meta['save_iter_plot'] == True)): # Update network references for inference train_analysis.G = netG train_analysis.D = netD train_analysis.save_iter_plot(iters, params=data.params, D=netD, G=netG) plot_iter += 1 # Save Losses for plotting later G_losses.append(errG.item()) D_losses.append(errD.item()) iters += 1 tick1 = time.time() times.append(tick1 - tick0) #------------------------------------------------------- # Store training results #------------------------------------------------------- # Get range of training parameters if CGAN if data.C is not None: C_ranges = dict() for key in list(data.C.keys()): C_ranges[key] = (min(data.C[key]), max(data.C[key])) # Create dict for output log output_dict = dict( iterations=np.arange(1, iters + 1), iters=itervec, D_losses=D_losses, G_losses=G_losses, Wass_dist_test=wasses, KS_stat_test=ksstat, D_layers=[count_layers(netD)], G_layers=[count_layers(netG)], final_lr_G=[optG.param_groups[0]['lr']], final_lr_D=[optD.param_groups[0]['lr']], total_time=[np.sum(times)], train_condition=list(data.C.keys()) if data.C is not None else None, train_condition_ranges=[str(C_ranges)] if data.C is not None else None, test_condition=[str(data.C_test)] if data.C is not None else None, params_names=list(data.params), params=list(data.params.values()), SDE=[data.SDE], ) # Add metaparameters to output log output_dict = {**meta, **output_dict} for k in range(len(G_grads)): dict_entry = dict() dict_entry['G_grad_layer_%d' % k] = G_grads[k] output_dict.update(dict_entry) for k in range(len(D_grads)): dict_entry = dict() dict_entry['D_grad_layer_%d' % k] = D_grads[k] output_dict.update(dict_entry) # Convert to Pandas DataFrame results_df = pd.DataFrame( dict([(k, pd.Series(v)) for k, v in output_dict.items()])) pd.concat( (results_df, pd.DataFrame({ **data.params, **data.C_test }, index=[0])), axis=1, ignore_index=True) results_df = pd.concat( [results_df, pd.DataFrame(G_grads[k], columns=['GradsG_L%d' % k])], axis=1, sort=False) for k in range(len(D_grads)): results_df = pd.concat( [results_df, pd.DataFrame(D_grads[k], columns=['GradsD_L%d' % k])], axis=1, sort=False) print('----- Training complete -----') return output_dict, results_df