Esempio n. 1
def meta2Heatmap(settingFile):
    settings = config(settingFile)
    metaDir = settings['meta directory']
    if settings['mapping to gene in meta']:
        exprDir = settings['gene expression table directory']
        exprDir = settings['expression table directory']
    clinicalDir = settings['simplified clinical data directory']
    clinicalTag = settings['clinical phenotype']
    pCut = settings['p-value cutoff']
    esCut = settings['effect size cutoff']
    gse_gpl_list = [(info['gse'], info['gpl'])
                    for info in settings['datasets information']
                    if info['meta']]
    ramdomTimes = settings['randomized times']
    heatmapSampleCount = settings['max sample in heatmap']
    outlierReplace = settings['outliers replace']
    stratification = settings['randomized sampling']
    runningR = settings['run R in python']
    differentGeneCount = settings['max different expression gene included']
    log = settings['log']

    if settings['meta method'] == 'MAMA':
        return MAMA2Heatmap(gse_gpl_list, metaDir, exprDir, clinicalDir,
                            clinicalTag, pCut, esCut, stratification,
                            ramdomTimes, heatmapSampleCount, outlierReplace,
                            runningR, log)
    elif settings['meta method'] == 'mDEDS':
        return mDEDS2Heatmap(gse_gpl_list, metaDir, exprDir, clinicalDir,
                             clinicalTag, differentGeneCount, stratification,
                             ramdomTimes, heatmapSampleCount, outlierReplace,
                             runningR, log)
def geneExpr(settingFile, probeExprDone=False):
    settings = config(settingFile)
    if not probeExprDone:
    if settings['probe mapping to gene']:
        gplList = {info['gpl'] for info in settings['datasets information']}
            directory=settings['probe annotation directory'],
            maxTrial=settings['max trail in downloading files'],
        for gpl in gplList:
            annot2Map(gpl, settings['probe annotation directory'],
                      settings['probe mapping to gene keyword'],
        p = [(info['gse'], info['gpl'], settings['expression table directory'],
              settings['probe annotation directory'],
              settings['gene expression table directory'],
              settings['probe mapping to gene keyword'],
              settings['probe mapping to gene method'],
              settings['multiple mapped probe'])
             for info in settings['datasets information']]
        with multiprocessing.Pool(processes=settings['thread']) as pool:
            results = pool.starmap(probeExpr2geneExpr, p)
def probeExpr(settingFile):
    settings = config(settingFile)
    gsmList = extractClinical(
        settings['datasets information'],
        settings['directory containing clinical csv files'],
        settings['simplified clinical data directory'],
        settings['clinical phenotype'], settings['log'])
    for item in settings['datasets information']:
        item['gsmList'] = gsmList[(item['gse'], item['gpl'])]
        if 'matrixOnly' not in item:
            item['matrixOnly'] = False
    with open(
                settings['expression table directory']), 'w') as wf:
        json.dump(settings, wf, indent=2)
    return getExprTables(
        gse_gpl_gsmList_matrixOnly_List=settings['datasets information'],
        exprDir=settings['expression table directory'],
        maxTrial=settings['max trail in downloading files'],
        downloadMethod=settings['download method'],
        runningR=settings['run R in python'],
        rScriptDir=settings['R script directory'],
        gseRawDir=settings['GSE raw directory'],
        celDir=settings['CEL file directory'],
        matrixDir=settings['GSE matrix directory'])
Esempio n. 4
def metaQC(settingFile):
    settings = config(settingFile)
    metaqcDir = settings['metaQC directory']
    geneExprDir = settings['gene expression table directory']
    clinicalDir = settings['simplified clinical data directory']
    gse_gpl_list = [
        '{}_{}'.format(info['gse'], info['gpl'])
        for info in settings['datasets information'] if info['metaQC']
    gmtFile = settings['gmt File']

    p = [(info['gse'], info['gpl'], metaqcDir, geneExprDir, clinicalDir)
         for info in settings['datasets information'] if info['metaQC']]
    with multiprocessing.Pool(processes=settings['thread']) as pool:
        results = pool.starmap(geneExpr2metaqcTable, p)

    s = 'rm(list = ls())\nlibrary("MetaDE")\nlibrary("MetaQC")\n\n'
    s += 'setwd("{}")\nmemory.limit(16000)\n\n'.format(metaqcDir)
    s += 'study.names <- c({})\n'.format(', '.join(
        ['"%s"' % i for i in gse_gpl_list]))
    s += 'raw <- MetaDE.Read(study.names, skip=rep(1, {}), via="txt", matched=T, log=T)\n'.format(
    s += 'gc()\n'
    s += 'merged <- MetaDE.merge(raw)\ngc()\n'
    s += 'Data.QC<-list()\nfor(i in 1:%d){\n' % len(gse_gpl_list)
    s += '  colnames(merged[[i]][[1]])<-merged[[i]][[2]]\n'
    s += '  Data.QC[[i]]<-impute.knn(merged[[i]][[1]])$data\n}\n'
    s += 'names(Data.QC)<-names(merged)\n'
    s += 'QC <- MetaQC(Data.QC, "{}", filterGenes=F,verbose=TRUE, isParallel=T, resp.type="Twoclass")\n'.format(
    s += 'gc()\nrunQC(QC, B=1e4, fileForCQCp="{}")\n'.format(gmtFile)
    s += 'png(file="{}/metaQC.png", width=2048, height=2048, bg="transparent")\n'.format(
    s += 'plot(QC)\\n'
    s += 'sink("{}/metaQC.txt")\nprint(QC)\nsink()\n'.format(metaqcDir)
    s += 'save.image("{}/metaQC.RData")'.format(metaqcDir)

    with open('{}/metaQC.R'.format(metaqcDir), 'w') as wf:
        print(s, file=wf, end='')

    if settings['run R in python']:
        if settings['log']:
  'Begin QC by R.')
            cmd = 'Rscript {}/metaQC.R >{}/metaQC.R.log'. \
                format(metaqcDir, metaqcDir)
            if os.system(cmd) == 0:
      'QC Successfully.')
                return True
                logging.error('QC Failed.')
                return False
Esempio n. 5
def meta2Forest(settingFile):
    settings = config(settingFile)
    metaDir = settings['meta directory']
    if settings['mapping to gene in valid']:
        exprDir = settings['gene expression table directory']
        exprDir = settings['expression table directory']
    clinicalDir = settings['simplified clinical data directory']
    clinicalTag = settings['clinical phenotype']
    thread = settings['thread']
    outlierReplace = settings['outliers replace']
    gse_gpl_list = [(info['gse'], info['gpl'])
                    for info in settings['datasets information']]
    gpl = [
        info['gpl'] for info in settings['datasets information']
        if info['meta']
    log = settings['log']
    runningR = settings['run R in python']
    gplMapFile = ''
    if settings['probe mapping to gene'] \
            and not settings['mapping to gene in meta']\
            and settings['mapping to gene in valid']:
        gplMapFile = '{}/{}_probe2{}.json'.format(
            settings['probe annotation directory'], gpl,
            settings['probe mapping to gene keyword'])
    if settings['meta method'] == 'MAMA':
        pCut = settings['p-value cutoff']
        esCut = settings['effect size cutoff']
        return MAMA2Forest(gse_gpl_list, metaDir, exprDir, clinicalDir,
                           clinicalTag, pCut, esCut, thread, gplMapFile,
                           outlierReplace, runningR, log)
    elif settings['meta method'] == 'mDEDS':
        maxDEDSGeneCount = max(
            settings['max different expression gene included'])
        return mDEDS2Forest(gse_gpl_list, metaDir, exprDir, clinicalDir,
                            clinicalTag, outlierReplace, runningR, log)
Esempio n. 6
def meta2Csv(settingFile):
    settings = config(settingFile)
    metaDir = settings['meta directory']
    metaMethod = settings['meta method']

    if not settings['mapping to gene in meta'] \
            and settings['probe mapping to gene']:
        annotDir = settings['probe annotation directory']
        gpls = [
            ds['gpl'] for ds in settings['datasets information'] if ds['meta']
        gpls = set(gpls)
        rfs = [
            open('{}/{}_probe2symbol.json'.format(annotDir, gpl), 'r')
            for gpl in gpls
        probe2symbols = [json.load(rf) for rf in rfs]
        probe2symbol = dict()
        for i in probe2symbols:
        for rf in rfs:

    if metaMethod == 'MAMA':

    elif metaMethod == 'mDEDS':
        geneCount = max(settings['max different expression gene included'])
        geneOrderFile = '{}/geneOrder.tsv'.format(metaDir)
        with open(geneOrderFile, 'r') as rf:
            lines = rf.readlines()[1:]
            table = [[i.replace('"', '').strip() for i in line.split('\t')]
                     for line in lines if len(line.split('\t')) > 1]
            geneOrder = {i[0]: i[1] for i in table}

        with open('{}/mDEDS_{}.csv'.format(metaDir, geneCount), 'r') as rf:
            lines = rf.readlines()
            title = [i.replace('"', '').strip() for i in lines[0].split(',')]
            table = [[i.replace('"', '').strip() for i in line.split(',')]
                     for line in lines[1:] if len(line.split(',')) > 1]
            data = dict()
            for i in range(len(title)):
                t = title[i]
                if t.upper() == 'geneOrder'.upper():
                    if settings['mapping to gene in meta']:
                        data['input order'] = [row[i] for row in table]
                        data['symbol'] = [
                            geneOrder[j] for j in data['input order']
                        data['input order'] = [row[i] for row in table]
                        data['probe'] = [
                            geneOrder[j] for j in data['input order']
                        if settings['probe mapping to gene']:
                            data['symbol'] = list()
                            for p in data['probe']:
                                if p in probe2symbol:
                elif t == '':
                    data['order'] = [row[i] for row in table]
                elif t.lower() == 'fc'.lower():
                    data['fc'] = [row[i] for row in table]
                    data['abs(fc)'] = [-abs(float(row[i])) for row in table]
                    data[t.lower()] = [row[i] for row in table]

            df = pd.DataFrame(data).sort_values(by=['deds', 'abs(fc)'])
            df.to_csv('{}/__meta_results.csv'.format(metaDir), index=False)
Esempio n. 7
def metaAnalysis(settingFile):
    settings = config(settingFile)
    metaDir = settings['meta directory']
    geneExprDir = settings['gene expression table directory']
    exprDir = settings['expression table directory']
    clinicalDir = settings['simplified clinical data directory']
    clinicalTag = settings['clinical phenotype']
    gse_gpl_list = [
        '{}_{}'.format(info['gse'], info['gpl'])
        for info in settings['datasets information'] if info['meta']
    metaMethod = settings['meta method']

    if metaMethod == 'MAMA':
        s = 'rm(list = ls())\nlibrary("MAMA")\nlibrary("metaMA")\n'
        s += 'library("affyPLM")\nlibrary("affy")\n\n'
        s += 'memory.limit(16000)\n\n'
        for gse in gse_gpl_list:
            if settings['mapping to gene in meta']:
                s += '{} <- as.matrix(read.table("{}/{}_expr.tsv"))\n' \
                    .format(gse, geneExprDir, gse)
                s += '{} <- as.matrix(read.table("{}/{}_expr.tsv"))\n' \
                    .format(gse, exprDir, gse)
        s += 'GEDM<-list({})\n'.format(', '.join(gse_gpl_list))
        s += 'rm({})\ngc()\n\n'.format(', '.join(gse_gpl_list))
        s += 'setwd("{}")\n'.format(metaDir)
        for gse in gse_gpl_list:
            s += 'annot_%s <- read.csv("%s/%s_clinical.csv")\n' \
                 % (gse, clinicalDir, gse)
            s += 'row.names(annot_%s) <- annot_%s$CEL_Number\n' \
                 % (gse, gse)
            s += 'annot_%s$%s <- as.factor(annot_%s$%s)\n' \
                 % (gse, clinicalTag, gse, clinicalTag)
        s += 'Clinical <- list(%s)\n' \
             % ', '.join(['annot_%s' % gse for gse in gse_gpl_list])
        s += 'rm(%s)\ngc()\n' \
             % ', '.join(['annot_%s' % gse for gse in gse_gpl_list])
        s += 'datanames <- c(%s)\n\n' \
             % ', '.join(['"%s"' % gse for gse in gse_gpl_list])
        s += 'setClass("esets",slots=list(GEDM="list",clinical="list",datanames="character"),package = "MAMA")\n'
        s += 'HCC_meta_data <- new("esets",GEDM=GEDM,clinical=Clinical,datanames=datanames)\n'
        s += 'rm(Clinical,datanames)\ngc()\n\n'

        s += 'pval <- metaMA(HCC_meta_data,"%s",which="pval")\n' % clinicalTag
        s += 'gc()\n'
        s += 'es2 <- ES.GeneMeta(HCC_meta_data,"%s",nperm=1000)\n\n' % clinicalTag

        s += 'results1 <- join.results(pval,type=1,genenames=rownames(GEDM(HCC_meta_data)[[1]]))\n'
        s += 'p_value <-\n'
        s += 'rawpval = 2 * (1 - pnorm(abs(pval$TestStatistic)))\n'
        s += 'FDR_pval <- p.adjust(rawpval, method="BY", n=length(rawpval))\n'
        s += 'p_value$c_pval <- rawpval\n'
        s += 'p_value$FDR <- FDR_pval\n'
        s += 'rm(rawpval, FDR_pval)\ngc()\n'
        s += 'es2_theScores <- es2$theScores\n'
        s += 'es2_ScoresFDR <- es2$ScoresFDR\n'
        s += 'es2_ScoresFDR <- es2_ScoresFDR$two.sided\n'
        s += 'write.table(p_value, file="p_value", sep="\\t", col.names = T)\n'
        s += 'write.table(es2_ScoresFDR, file="es", sep="\\t", col.names = T)\n'

        with open('{}/{}.R'.format(metaDir, metaMethod), 'w') as wf:
            print(s, file=wf)

        if settings['run R in python']:
            if settings['log']:
      'Begin meta-analysis by R.')
                cmd = 'Rscript {}/{}.R >{}/{}.R.log'. \
                    format(metaDir, metaMethod, metaDir, metaMethod)
                if os.system(cmd) == 0:
          'meta-analysis Successfully.')
                    return True
                    logging.error('meta-analysis Failed.')
                    return False

    elif metaMethod == 'mDEDS':
        with open('{}/clinic.csv'.format(metaDir), 'w') as wf:
            print('gsm,{}'.format(clinicalTag), file=wf, end='')
            for dataset in gse_gpl_list:
                with open('{}/{}_clinical.csv'.format(clinicalDir, dataset),
                          'r') as rf:
                    s = '\n'
                    for line in rf.readlines()[1:]:
                        s += line
                    print(s, file=wf, end='')
        s = 'rm(list = ls())\nlibrary("MAMA")\nlibrary("metaMA")\n'
        s += 'library("affyPLM")\nlibrary("affy")\n'
        s += 'library("CONOR")\nlibrary("DEDS")\n\n'
        s += 'memory.limit(16000)\n\n'

        gse = gse_gpl_list[0]
        if settings['mapping to gene in meta']:
            s += 'a <- read.table("%s/%s_expr.tsv")\n' % (geneExprDir, gse)
            s += 'a <- read.table("%s/%s_expr.tsv")\n' % (exprDir, gse)
        for gse in gse_gpl_list[1:]:
            if settings['mapping to gene in meta']:
                s += 'b <- read.table("%s/%s_expr.tsv")\n' % (geneExprDir, gse)
                s += 'b <- read.table("%s/%s_expr.tsv")\n' % (exprDir, gse)
            s += 'm <- xpn(a, b, iterations=10)\na <- m$x\nb <- m$y\n'
            s += 'm <- merge(a, b, by="row.names")\n'
            s += 'row.names(m) <- m$Row.names\na <- m[, -1]\n'
            s += 'a <- a[, order(colnames(a))]\na <- as.matrix(a)\n'
            s += 'rm(b, m)\ngc()\n\n'
        s += 'merged.expr <- a\n'

        s += 'save(merged.expr, file="%s/merged.expr.RData")\n' % metaDir
        s += 'rm(a)\ngc()\n\n'

        s += 'annot <- read.csv("{}/clinic.csv", row.names=1, header=T)\n'.format(
        s += 'merged <-\n'
        s += 'annot <- annot[order(row.names(annot)), ]\n'
        s += 'merged <- merged[, order(colnames(merged))]\n'
        s += 'merged <- as.matrix(merged)\n'
        # s += 'merged <- 2 ^ merged\n'
        s += 'rm(merged.expr)\ngc()\n'
        s += 'deds <- deds.stat.linkC(merged, annot, B=1300)\n'
        s += 'save(deds, file="{}/deds.RData")\n'.format(metaDir)
        s += 'gc()\n\n'

        for i in settings['max different expression gene included']:
            s += 'r <- topgenes(deds, number=%d,"fc")\n' % i
            s += 'write.csv(r, file="%s/mDEDS_%d.csv")\n' % (metaDir, i)

        s += 'write.table(rownames(merged), file="{}/geneOrder.tsv", sep="\t")'.format(

        with open('{}/{}.R'.format(metaDir, metaMethod), 'w') as wf:
            print(s, file=wf)

        if settings['run R in python']:
            if settings['log']:
      'Begin meta-analysis by R.')
            cmd = 'Rscript {}/{}.R >{}/{}.R.log'. \
                format(metaDir, metaMethod, metaDir, metaMethod)
            if os.system(cmd) == 0:
                if settings['log']:
          'meta-analysis Successfully.')
                return True
                if settings['log']:
                    logging.error('meta-analysis Failed.')
                return False