Esempio n. 1
def model_search_rounds(X, Y, original_buffer, sorted_models, tested_models,
                        tested_k_exprs, expanded, not_expanded,
                        model_list_fitter, p_rules, utility_function, restarts,
                        rounds, buffer, dynamic_buffer, verbose, optimiser):
    See explore_model_space description and source code for argument explanation and context

    Note: sorted_models is not actually used but replaced with the new value; present as an argument just for consistency
    def score(m):
        return m.compute_utility(utility_function)

    for d in range(1, rounds + 1):
        new_k_exprs = [
            kex for kex in unique(
                    expand(mod.kernel_expression, p_rules)
                    for mod in not_expanded[:buffer]
                ])) if kex not in tested_k_exprs
            sorted(model_list_fitter(X, Y, new_k_exprs, restarts, optimiser),
                   key=score))  # tested_models[d]

        sorted_models = sorted(
            flatten(tested_models), key=attrgetter(
                'cached_utility_function'))  # Merge-sort would be applicable
        expanded += not_expanded[:buffer]
        not_expanded = diff(
            expanded)  # More efficient than sorting another whole list
        tested_k_exprs += new_k_exprs

        buffer -= 1 if dynamic_buffer and (
            d <= 2 or d in range(rounds - 1, rounds + 1)) else 0
        if verbose:
                f'Round-{d} models [{len(tested_models[d])} new; {buffer} moving forward]:\n\tBest new: {print_k_list(tested_models[d][:original_buffer])}\n\tBest so far: {print_k_list(sorted_models[:original_buffer])}\n\tBest not-already-expanded: {print_k_list(not_expanded[:buffer])}'

    return sorted_models, tested_models, tested_k_exprs, expanded, not_expanded
Esempio n. 2
def model_search_rounds(X, Y, sorted_models, tested_models, tested_k_exprs,
                        expanded, not_expanded, model_list_fitter, p_rules,
                        utility_function, rounds, beam, restarts, optimiser,
    This function can be used to continue a previous search: the 5 arguments after Y are the outputs of explore_model_space.
    See explore_model_space description and definition for argument explanation and context.

    Note: sorted_models is not actually used but replaced with the new value; present as an argument just for consistency
    def score(m):
        return m.compute_utility(utility_function)

    for r, b in zip(range(1, rounds + 1), beam):
        new_k_exprs = [
            kex for kex in unique(
                    expand(mod.kernel_expression, p_rules)
                    for mod in not_expanded[:b]
                ])) if kex not in tested_k_exprs
            sorted(model_list_fitter(X, Y, new_k_exprs, restarts, optimiser),
                   key=score))  # tested_models[d]

        sorted_models = sorted(
            flatten(tested_models), key=attrgetter(
                'cached_utility_function'))  # Merge-sort would be applicable
        expanded += not_expanded[:b]
        not_expanded = diff(
            expanded)  # More efficient than sorting another whole list
        tested_k_exprs += new_k_exprs

        if verbose:
                f'Round-{r} models [{len(tested_models[r])} new; {b} moving forward]:\n\tBest new: {print_k_list(tested_models[r][:beam[0]])}\n\tBest so far: {print_k_list(sorted_models[:beam[0]])}\n\tBest not-already-expanded: {print_k_list(not_expanded[:b])}'

    return sorted_models, tested_models, tested_k_exprs, expanded, not_expanded
Esempio n. 3
def explore_model_space(
    start_kernels: Dict[str,
                        List[KernelExpression]] = start_kernels['Default'],
    p_rules: Dict[str, List[Callable]] = production_rules['Default'],
    utility_function: Callable = BIC,
    rounds: int = 2,
    buffer: int = 4,
    dynamic_buffer: bool = True,
    verbose: bool = True,
    restarts: int = 5,
    model_list_fitter: Callable = fit_mods_parallel_processes,
    optimiser: str = GPy_optimisers[0]
) -> Tuple[List[GPModel], List[List[GPModel]], List[KernelExpression],
           List[GPModel], List[GPModel]]:
    '''Perform `rounds` rounds of kernel expansion followed by model fit starting from the given `start_kernels` with and expanding the best `buffer` of them with `p_rules` production rules

    NOTE: if the default `model_list_fitter` argument `fit_mods_parallel_processes` is used the function should be called from within a :code:`if __name__ == '__main__':` for full OS-agnostic use.

    :param start_kernels: the starting kernels
    :type start_kernels: Dict[str, List[KernelExpression]]
    :param p_rules: the production rules applied at each expansion
    :type p_rules: Dict[str, List[Callable]]
    :param utility_function: model-scoring utility function: inputs are log-likelihood (ll), number of data points (n) and number of estimated parameters (k); AIC, AICc and BIC functions exported; arbitrary ones accepted
    :type utility_function: Callable
    :param rounds: number of rounds of model exploration
    :type rounds: Int
    :param buffer: number of best fit-models' kernels to expand each round
    :type buffer: Int
    :param dynamic_buffer: if True: buffer is increased by 2 at the beginning and decreased by 1 in the first two and last two rounds
    :type dynamic_buffer: Boolean
    :param verbose: produce verbose logs
    :type verbose: Boolean
    :param restarts: number of GPy model-fitting restarts with different parameters
    :type restarts: Int
    :param model_list_fitter: function handling the fitting of a list of kernels to the same data; this is where parallelisation implementation can be changed
    :type model_list_fitter: Callable
    :param optimiser: identifying string for the model optimiser function; GPy 1.9.9 optimiser strings (GPy > paramz > optimization > 'lbfgsb', 'org-bfgs', 'fmin_tnc', 'scg', 'simplex', 'adadelta', 'rprop', 'adam'
    :type optimiser: str

    :rtype: (sorted_models: [GPModel], tested_models: [[GPModel]], tested_k_exprs: [KernelExpression], expanded: [GPModel], not_expanded: [GPModel])
    if len(np.shape(X)) == 1: X = np.array(X)[:, None]
    if len(np.shape(Y)) == 1: Y = np.array(Y)[:, None]

    start_kexs = make_simple_kexs(start_kernels)

    if verbose:
            f'Testing {rounds} layers of model expansion on {len(X)} datapoints, starting from: {print_k_list(start_kexs)}\nModels are fitted with {restarts} random restarts (with {optimiser} optimiser) and scored by {utility_function.__name__}'

    def score(m):
        return m.compute_utility(utility_function)

    tested_models = [
        sorted(model_list_fitter(X, Y, start_kexs, restarts, optimiser),
    sorted_models = not_expanded = sorted(flatten(tested_models), key=score)
    expanded = []
    tested_k_exprs = deepcopy(start_kexs)

    original_buffer = buffer
    if dynamic_buffer: buffer += 2  # Higher for the 1st round
    if verbose:
            f'(All models are listed by descending {utility_function.__name__})\n\nBest round-{0} models [{len(tested_models[0])} new; {buffer} moving forward]: {print_k_list(not_expanded[:buffer])}'

    sorted_models, tested_models, tested_k_exprs, expanded, not_expanded = model_search_rounds(
        X, Y, original_buffer, sorted_models, tested_models, tested_k_exprs,
        expanded, not_expanded, model_list_fitter, p_rules, utility_function,
        restarts, rounds, buffer, dynamic_buffer, verbose, optimiser)

    if verbose:
            f'\nBest models overall: {print_k_list(sorted_models[:original_buffer])}\n'
    return sorted_models, tested_models, tested_k_exprs, expanded, not_expanded
Esempio n. 4
def expand_node(k_expr, p_rules):
    return unique(flatten(flatten([pr(k_expr) for pr in p_rules])))
Esempio n. 5
def expand(k_expr, p_rules):
    return unique(
        roots(flatten([expand_node(kex, p_rules)
                       for kex in k_expr.traverse()])))
Esempio n. 6
def explore_model_space(
    start_kernels: List[Union[str,
                              KernelExpression]] = start_kernels['Default'],
    p_rules: List[Callable] = production_rules['Default'],
    utility_function: Callable = BIC,
    rounds: int = 2,
    beam: Union[int, List[int]] = [3, 2, 1],
    restarts: int = 5,
    model_list_fitter: Callable = fit_mods_parallel_processes,
    optimiser: str = GPy_optimisers[0],
    verbose: bool = True
) -> Tuple[List[GPModel], List[List[GPModel]], List[KernelExpression],
           List[GPModel], List[GPModel]]:
    '''Perform `rounds` rounds of kernel expansion followed by model fit starting from the given `start_kernels` with and expanding the best `buffer` of them with `p_rules` production rules

    NOTE: if the default `model_list_fitter` argument `fit_mods_parallel_processes` is used the function should be called from within a :code:`if __name__ == '__main__':` for full OS-agnostic use.

    :param start_kernels: the 0th-round starting kernels
    :type start_kernels: List[Union[str, KernelExpression]]
    :param p_rules: the production rules applied at each expansion
    :type p_rules: List[Callable]
    :param utility_function: model-scoring utility function: inputs are log-likelihood (ll), number of data points (n) and number of estimated parameters (k); AIC, AICc and BIC functions exported; arbitrary ones accepted
    :type utility_function: Callable
    :param rounds: number of rounds of model exploration
    :type rounds: Int
    :param beam: number of best fit-models' kernels to expand each round, either an integer or a list of integers; in the latter case, if its length is less than rounds then the last value will be repeated until required
    :type beam: Union[Int, List[Int]]
    :param restarts: number of GPy model-fitting restarts with different parameters
    :type restarts: Int
    :param model_list_fitter: function handling the fitting of a list of kernels to the same data; this is where parallelisation implementation can be changed
    :type model_list_fitter: Callable
    :param optimiser: identifying string for the model optimiser function; GPy 1.9.9 optimiser strings (GPy > paramz > optimization > 'lbfgsb', 'org-bfgs', 'fmin_tnc', 'scg', 'simplex', 'adadelta', 'rprop', 'adam'
    :type optimiser: str
    :param verbose: produce verbose logs
    :type verbose: Boolean

    :rtype: (sorted_models: [GPModel], tested_models: [[GPModel]], tested_k_exprs: [KernelExpression], expanded: [GPModel], not_expanded: [GPModel])
    if len(np.shape(X)) == 1: X = np.array(X)[:, None]
    if len(np.shape(Y)) == 1: Y = np.array(Y)[:, None]

    start_kexs = make_simple_kexs(start_kernels)

    if verbose:
            f'Testing {rounds} layers of model expansion on {len(X)} datapoints, starting from: {print_k_list(start_kexs)}\nModels are fitted with {restarts} random restarts (with {optimiser} optimiser) and scored by {utility_function.__name__}'

    def score(m):
        return m.compute_utility(utility_function)

    tested_models = [
        sorted(model_list_fitter(X, Y, start_kexs, restarts, optimiser),
    sorted_models = not_expanded = sorted(flatten(tested_models), key=score)
    expanded = []
    tested_k_exprs = deepcopy(start_kexs)

    # Handle beam argument: ensure it is a list of integers of length rounds
    if isinstance(beam, list) and all(isinstance(x, int) for x in beam):
        beam = beam + ([beam[-1]] * more) if (more := rounds -
                                              len(beam)) > 0 else beam[:rounds]