def __init__(self, req): GObject.GObject.__init__(self) self.req = req self.config_obj = self.req.get_global_config() self.browser_config = self.config_obj.get_subconfig("browser") self.plugins_config = self.config_obj.get_subconfig("plugins") self.task_config = self.config_obj.get_taskconfig() # Editors self.opened_task = {} # This is the list of tasks that are already # opened in an editor of course it's empty # right now self.browser = None self.__start_browser_hidden = False self.gtk_terminate = False # if true, the gtk main is not started # if true, closing the last window doesn't quit GTG # (GTG lives somewhere else without GUI, e.g. notification area) self.daemon_mode = False # Shared clipboard self.clipboard = clipboard.TaskClipboard(self.req) # Initialize Timer self.config = self.req.get_config('browser') self.timer = Timer(self.config) # Browser (still hidden) self.browser = TaskBrowser(self.req, self) self.__init_plugin_engine() if not self.__start_browser_hidden: self.show_browser() # Deletion UI self.delete_dialog = None # Preferences and Backends windows # Initialize dialogs self.preferences = PreferencesDialog(self.req, self) self.plugins = PluginsDialog(self.config_obj) self.edit_backends_dialog = None # Tag Editor self.tag_editor_dialog = None # DBus DBusTaskWrapper(self.req, self) Log.debug("Manager initialization finished")
def __init__(self, req): GObject.GObject.__init__(self) self.req = req self.config_obj = self.req.get_global_config() self.browser_config = self.config_obj.get_subconfig("browser") self.plugins_config = self.config_obj.get_subconfig("plugins") self.task_config = self.config_obj.get_taskconfig() # Editors # This is the list of tasks that are already opened in an editor # of course it's empty right now self.opened_task = {} self.browser = None self.__start_browser_hidden = False self.gtk_terminate = False # if true, the gtk main is not started # if true, closing the last window doesn't quit GTG # (GTG lives somewhere else without GUI, e.g. notification area) self.daemon_mode = False # Shared clipboard self.clipboard = clipboard.TaskClipboard(self.req) # Initialize Timer self.config = self.req.get_config('browser') self.timer = Timer(self.config) # Browser (still hidden) self.browser = TaskBrowser(self.req, self) self.__init_plugin_engine() if not self.__start_browser_hidden: self.show_browser() # Deletion UI self.delete_dialog = None # Preferences and Backends windows # Initialize dialogs self.preferences = PreferencesDialog(self.req, self) self.plugins = PluginsDialog(self.config_obj) self.edit_backends_dialog = None # Tag Editor self.tag_editor_dialog = None # DBus DBusTaskWrapper(self.req, self) Log.debug("Manager initialization finished")
class Manager(GObject.GObject): __object_signal__ = (GObject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, GObject.TYPE_NONE, (GObject.TYPE_PYOBJECT, )) __object_string_signal__ = (GObject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, GObject.TYPE_NONE, ( GObject.TYPE_PYOBJECT, GObject.TYPE_STRING, )) __gsignals__ = { 'tasks-deleted': __object_signal__, 'task-status-changed': __object_string_signal__, } ############## init ##################################################### def __init__(self, req): GObject.GObject.__init__(self) self.req = req self.config_obj = self.req.get_global_config() self.browser_config = self.config_obj.get_subconfig("browser") self.plugins_config = self.config_obj.get_subconfig("plugins") self.task_config = self.config_obj.get_taskconfig() # Editors self.opened_task = {} # This is the list of tasks that are already # opened in an editor of course it's empty # right now self.browser = None self.__start_browser_hidden = False self.gtk_terminate = False # if true, the gtk main is not started # if true, closing the last window doesn't quit GTG # (GTG lives somewhere else without GUI, e.g. notification area) self.daemon_mode = False # Shared clipboard self.clipboard = clipboard.TaskClipboard(self.req) # Initialize Timer self.config = self.req.get_config('browser') self.timer = Timer(self.config) # Browser (still hidden) self.browser = TaskBrowser(self.req, self) self.__init_plugin_engine() if not self.__start_browser_hidden: self.show_browser() # Deletion UI self.delete_dialog = None # Preferences and Backends windows # Initialize dialogs self.preferences = PreferencesDialog(self.req, self) self.plugins = PluginsDialog(self.config_obj) self.edit_backends_dialog = None # Tag Editor self.tag_editor_dialog = None # DBus DBusTaskWrapper(self.req, self) Log.debug("Manager initialization finished") def __init_plugin_engine(self): self.pengine = PluginEngine(GTG.PLUGIN_DIR) # initializes the plugin api class self.plugin_api = PluginAPI(self.req, self) self.pengine.register_api(self.plugin_api) # checks the conf for user settings try: plugins_enabled = self.plugins_config.get("enabled") except configparser.Error: plugins_enabled = [] for plugin in self.pengine.get_plugins(): plugin.enabled = plugin.module_name in plugins_enabled # initializes and activates each plugin (that is enabled) self.pengine.activate_plugins() ############## Browser ################################################# def open_browser(self): if not self.browser: self.browser = TaskBrowser(self.req, self) # notify user if backup was used backend_dic = self.req.get_all_backends() for backend in backend_dic: if backend.get_name() == "backend_localfile" and \ backend.used_backup(): backend.notify_user_about_backup() Log.debug("Browser is open") # FIXME : the browser should not be the center of the universe. # In fact, we should build a system where view can register themselves # as "stay_alive" views. As long as at least one "stay_alive" view # is registered, gtg keeps running. It quit only when the last # "stay_alive view" is closed (and then unregistered). # Currently, the browser is our only "stay_alive" view. def close_browser(self, sender=None): self.hide_browser() # may take a while to quit self.quit() def hide_browser(self, sender=None): self.browser.hide() def iconify_browser(self, sender=None): self.browser.iconify() def show_browser(self, sender=None): def is_browser_visible(self, sender=None): return self.browser.is_visible() def get_browser(self): # used by the plugin api to hook in the browser return self.browser def start_browser_hidden(self): self.__start_browser_hidden = True def set_daemon_mode(self, in_daemon_mode): """ Used by notification area plugin to override the behavior: last closed window quits GTG """ self.daemon_mode = in_daemon_mode ################# Task Editor ############################################ def get_opened_editors(self): ''' Returns a dict of task_uid -> TaskEditor, one for each opened editor window ''' return self.opened_task def open_task(self, uid, thisisnew=False): """Open the task identified by 'uid'. If a Task editor is already opened for a given task, we present it. Else, we create a new one. """ t = self.req.get_task(uid) tv = None if uid in self.opened_task: tv = self.opened_task[uid] tv.present() elif t: tv = TaskEditor(requester=self.req, vmanager=self, task=t, taskconfig=self.task_config, thisisnew=thisisnew, clipboard=self.clipboard) tv.present() # registering as opened self.opened_task[uid] = tv # save that we opened this task opened_tasks = self.browser_config.get("opened_tasks") if uid not in opened_tasks: opened_tasks.append(uid) self.browser_config.set("opened_tasks", opened_tasks) return tv def close_task(self, tid): # When an editor is closed, it should de-register itself. if tid in self.opened_task: # the following line has the side effect of removing the # tid key in the opened_task dictionary. editor = self.opened_task[tid] if editor: del self.opened_task[tid] # we have to remove the tid from opened_task first # else, it close_task would be called once again # by editor.close editor.close() opened_tasks = self.browser_config.get("opened_tasks") if tid in opened_tasks: opened_tasks.remove(tid) self.browser_config.set("opened_tasks", opened_tasks) self.check_quit_condition() def check_quit_condition(self): ''' checking if we need to shut down the whole GTG (if no window is open) ''' if not self.daemon_mode and not self.is_browser_visible() and \ not self.opened_task: # no need to live" self.quit() ################ Others dialog ############################################ def open_edit_backends(self, sender=None, backend_id=None): if not self.edit_backends_dialog: self.edit_backends_dialog = BackendsDialog(self.req) self.edit_backends_dialog.activate() if backend_id is not None: self.edit_backends_dialog.show_config_for_backend(backend_id) def configure_backend(self, backend_id): self.open_edit_backends(None, backend_id) def open_preferences(self, config_priv): self.preferences.activate() def configure_plugins(self): self.plugins.activate() def ask_delete_tasks(self, tids): if not self.delete_dialog: self.delete_dialog = DeletionUI(self.req) finallist = self.delete_dialog.delete_tasks(tids) for t in finallist: if t.get_id() in self.opened_task: self.close_task(t.get_id()) GObject.idle_add(self.emit, "tasks-deleted", finallist) return finallist def open_tag_editor(self, tag): if not self.tag_editor_dialog: self.tag_editor_dialog = TagEditor(self.req, self, tag) else: self.tag_editor_dialog.set_tag(tag) self.tag_editor_dialog.present() def close_tag_editor(self): self.tag_editor_dialog.hide() ### STATUS ################################################################### def ask_set_task_status(self, task, new_status): ''' Both browser and editor have to use this central method to set task status. It also emits a signal with the task instance as first and the new status as second parameter ''' task.set_status(new_status) GObject.idle_add(self.emit, "task-status-changed", task, new_status) ### URIS ################################################################### def open_uri_list(self, unused, uri_list): ''' Open the Editor windows of the tasks associated with the uris given. Uris are of the form gtg://<taskid> ''' for uri in uri_list: if uri.startswith("gtg://"): self.open_task(uri[6:]) # if no window was opened, we just quit self.check_quit_condition() ### MAIN ################################################################### def main(self, once_thru=False, uri_list=[]): if uri_list: # before opening the requested tasks, we make sure that all of them # are loaded. BackendSignals().connect('default-backend-loaded', self.open_uri_list, uri_list) else: self.open_browser() GObject.threads_init() if not self.gtk_terminate: if once_thru: Gtk.main_iteration() else: Gtk.main() return 0 def quit(self, sender=None): Gtk.main_quit() # save opened tasks and their positions. open_task = [] for otid in list(self.opened_task.keys()): open_task.append(otid) self.opened_task[otid].close() self.browser_config.set("opened_tasks", open_task) # adds the plugin settings to the conf # FIXME: this code is replicated in the preference window. if len(self.pengine.plugins) > 0: self.plugins_config.clear() self.plugins_config.set( "disabled", [p.module_name for p in self.pengine.get_plugins("disabled")], ) self.plugins_config.set( "enabled", [p.module_name for p in self.pengine.get_plugins("enabled")], ) # plugins are deactivated self.pengine.deactivate_plugins()
class Manager(object): ############## init ##################################################### def __init__(self, req): self.req = req self.config_obj = self.req.get_global_config() self.config = self.config_obj.conf_dict self.task_config = self.config_obj.task_conf_dict # Editors self.opened_task = {} # This is the list of tasks that are already # opened in an editor of course it's empty # right now self.browser = None self.__start_browser_hidden = False self.gtk_terminate = False #if true, the gtk main is not started #Shared clipboard self.clipboard = clipboard.TaskClipboard(self.req) #Browser (still hidden) self.browser = TaskBrowser(self.req, self) self.__init_plugin_engine() if not self.__start_browser_hidden: self.show_browser() #Deletion UI self.delete_dialog = None #Preferences and Backends windows # Initialize dialogs self.preferences_dialog = None self.edit_backends_dialog = None #DBus DBusTaskWrapper(self.req, self) Log.debug("Manager initialization finished") def __init_plugin_engine(self): self.pengine = PluginEngine(GTG.PLUGIN_DIR) # initializes the plugin api class self.plugin_api = PluginAPI(self.req, self) self.pengine.register_api(self.plugin_api) # checks the conf for user settings try: plugins_enabled = self.config["plugins"]["enabled"] except KeyError: plugins_enabled = [] for plugin in self.pengine.get_plugins(): plugin.enabled = plugin.module_name in plugins_enabled # initializes and activates each plugin (that is enabled) self.pengine.activate_plugins() ############## Browser ################################################# def open_browser(self): if not self.browser: self.browser = TaskBrowser(self.req, self) Log.debug("Browser is open") #FIXME : the browser should not be the center of the universe. # In fact, we should build a system where view can register themselves # as "stay_alive" views. As long as at least one "stay_alive" view # is registered, gtg keeps running. It quit only when the last # "stay_alive view" is closed (and then unregistered). # Currently, the browser is our only "stay_alive" view. def close_browser(self,sender=None): self.hide_browser() #may take a while to quit self.quit() def hide_browser(self,sender=None): self.browser.hide() def iconify_browser(self,sender=None): self.browser.iconify() def show_browser(self,sender=None): def is_browser_visible(self,sender=None): return self.browser.is_visible() def get_browser(self): #used by the plugin api to hook in the browser return self.browser def start_browser_hidden(self): self.__start_browser_hidden = True ################# Task Editor ############################################ def get_opened_editors(self): ''' Returns a dict of task_uid -> TaskEditor, one for each opened editor window ''' return self.opened_task def open_task(self, uid,thisisnew = False): """Open the task identified by 'uid'. If a Task editor is already opened for a given task, we present it. Else, we create a new one. """ t = self.req.get_task(uid) tv = None if uid in self.opened_task: tv = self.opened_task[uid] tv.present() elif t: tv = TaskEditor( requester = self.req, \ vmanager = self, \ task = t, \ taskconfig = self.task_config, \ thisisnew = thisisnew,\ clipboard = self.clipboard) #registering as opened self.opened_task[uid] = tv return tv def close_task(self, tid): # When an editor is closed, it should de-register itself. if tid in self.opened_task: #the following line has the side effect of removing the # tid key in the opened_task dictionary. editor = self.opened_task[tid] if editor: del self.opened_task[tid] #we have to remove the tid from opened_task first #else, it close_task would be called once again #by editor.close editor.close() self.check_quit_condition() def check_quit_condition(self): ''' checking if we need to shut down the whole GTG (if no window is open) ''' if not self.is_browser_visible() and not self.opened_task: #no need to live print "AAAAAAAAAAA" self.quit() print self.opened_task ################ Others dialog ############################################ def open_edit_backends(self, sender = None, backend_id = None): if not self.edit_backends_dialog: self.edit_backends_dialog = BackendsDialog(self.req) self.edit_backends_dialog.activate() if backend_id != None: self.edit_backends_dialog.show_config_for_backend(backend_id) def configure_backend(self, backend_id): self.open_edit_backends(None, backend_id) def open_preferences(self, config_priv, sender=None): if not hasattr(self, "preferences"): self.preferences = PreferencesDialog(self.config_obj) self.preferences.activate(config_priv) def ask_delete_tasks(self, tids): if not self.delete_dialog: self.delete_dialog = DeletionUI(self.req) if self.delete_dialog.delete_tasks(tids): for t in tids: if t in self.opened_task: self.close_task(t) ### URIS ################################################################### def open_uri_list(self, unused, uri_list): ''' Open the Editor windows of the tasks associated with the uris given. Uris are of the form gtg://<taskid> ''' print self.req.get_all_tasks_list() for uri in uri_list: if uri.startswith("gtg://"): self.open_task(uri[6:]) #if no window was opened, we just quit self.check_quit_condition() ### MAIN ################################################################### def main(self, once_thru = False, uri_list = []): if uri_list: #before opening the requested tasks, we make sure that all of them #are loaded. BackendSignals().connect('default-backend-loaded', self.open_uri_list, uri_list) else: self.open_browser() gobject.threads_init() if not self.gtk_terminate: if once_thru: gtk.main_iteration() else: gtk.main() return 0 def quit(self,sender=None): gtk.main_quit() #save opened tasks and their positions. open_task = [] for otid in self.opened_task.keys(): open_task.append(otid) self.opened_task[otid].close() self.config["browser"]["opened_tasks"] = open_task # adds the plugin settings to the conf #FIXME: this code is replicated in the preference window. if len(self.pengine.plugins) > 0: self.config["plugins"] = {} self.config["plugins"]["disabled"] = \ [p.module_name for p in self.pengine.get_plugins("disabled")] self.config["plugins"]["enabled"] = \ [p.module_name for p in self.pengine.get_plugins("enabled")] # plugins are deactivated self.pengine.deactivate_plugins()
def open_preferences(self, config_priv, sender=None): if not hasattr(self, "preferences"): self.preferences = PreferencesDialog(self.config_obj) self.preferences.activate(config_priv)
class Manager(GObject.GObject): __object_signal__ = (GObject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, GObject.TYPE_NONE, (GObject.TYPE_PYOBJECT,)) __object_string_signal__ = (GObject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, GObject.TYPE_NONE, (GObject.TYPE_PYOBJECT, GObject.TYPE_STRING, )) __gsignals__ = {'tasks-deleted': __object_signal__, 'task-status-changed': __object_string_signal__, } # init ################################################################## def __init__(self, req): GObject.GObject.__init__(self) self.req = req self.config_obj = self.req.get_global_config() self.browser_config = self.config_obj.get_subconfig("browser") self.plugins_config = self.config_obj.get_subconfig("plugins") self.task_config = self.config_obj.get_taskconfig() # Editors # This is the list of tasks that are already opened in an editor # of course it's empty right now self.opened_task = {} self.browser = None self.__start_browser_hidden = False self.gtk_terminate = False # if true, the gtk main is not started # if true, closing the last window doesn't quit GTG # (GTG lives somewhere else without GUI, e.g. notification area) self.daemon_mode = False # Shared clipboard self.clipboard = clipboard.TaskClipboard(self.req) # Initialize Timer self.config = self.req.get_config('browser') self.timer = Timer(self.config) # Browser (still hidden) self.browser = TaskBrowser(self.req, self) self.__init_plugin_engine() if not self.__start_browser_hidden: self.show_browser() # Deletion UI self.delete_dialog = None # Preferences and Backends windows # Initialize dialogs self.preferences = PreferencesDialog(self.req, self) self.plugins = PluginsDialog(self.config_obj) self.edit_backends_dialog = None # Tag Editor self.tag_editor_dialog = None # DBus DBusTaskWrapper(self.req, self) Log.debug("Manager initialization finished") def __init_plugin_engine(self): self.pengine = PluginEngine(GTG.PLUGIN_DIR) # initializes the plugin api class self.plugin_api = PluginAPI(self.req, self) self.pengine.register_api(self.plugin_api) # checks the conf for user settings try: plugins_enabled = self.plugins_config.get("enabled") except configparser.Error: plugins_enabled = [] for plugin in self.pengine.get_plugins(): plugin.enabled = plugin.module_name in plugins_enabled # initializes and activates each plugin (that is enabled) self.pengine.activate_plugins() # Browser ############################################################## def open_browser(self): if not self.browser: self.browser = TaskBrowser(self.req, self) # notify user if backup was used backend_dic = self.req.get_all_backends() for backend in backend_dic: if backend.get_name() == "backend_localfile" and \ backend.used_backup(): backend.notify_user_about_backup() Log.debug("Browser is open") # FIXME : the browser should not be the center of the universe. # In fact, we should build a system where view can register themselves # as "stay_alive" views. As long as at least one "stay_alive" view # is registered, gtg keeps running. It quit only when the last # "stay_alive view" is closed (and then unregistered). # Currently, the browser is our only "stay_alive" view. def close_browser(self, sender=None): self.hide_browser() # may take a while to quit self.quit() def hide_browser(self, sender=None): self.browser.hide() def iconify_browser(self, sender=None): self.browser.iconify() def show_browser(self, sender=None): def is_browser_visible(self, sender=None): return self.browser.is_visible() def get_browser(self): # used by the plugin api to hook in the browser return self.browser def start_browser_hidden(self): self.__start_browser_hidden = True def set_daemon_mode(self, in_daemon_mode): """ Used by notification area plugin to override the behavior: last closed window quits GTG """ self.daemon_mode = in_daemon_mode # Task Editor ############################################################ def get_opened_editors(self): ''' Returns a dict of task_uid -> TaskEditor, one for each opened editor window ''' return self.opened_task def open_task(self, uid, thisisnew=False): """Open the task identified by 'uid'. If a Task editor is already opened for a given task, we present it. Else, we create a new one. """ t = self.req.get_task(uid) tv = None if uid in self.opened_task: tv = self.opened_task[uid] tv.present() elif t: tv = TaskEditor( requester=self.req, vmanager=self, task=t, taskconfig=self.task_config, thisisnew=thisisnew, clipboard=self.clipboard) tv.present() # registering as opened self.opened_task[uid] = tv # save that we opened this task opened_tasks = self.browser_config.get("opened_tasks") if uid not in opened_tasks: opened_tasks.append(uid) self.browser_config.set("opened_tasks", opened_tasks) return tv def close_task(self, tid): # When an editor is closed, it should de-register itself. if tid in self.opened_task: # the following line has the side effect of removing the # tid key in the opened_task dictionary. editor = self.opened_task[tid] if editor: del self.opened_task[tid] # we have to remove the tid from opened_task first # else, it close_task would be called once again # by editor.close editor.close() opened_tasks = self.browser_config.get("opened_tasks") if tid in opened_tasks: opened_tasks.remove(tid) self.browser_config.set("opened_tasks", opened_tasks) self.check_quit_condition() def check_quit_condition(self): ''' checking if we need to shut down the whole GTG (if no window is open) ''' if not self.daemon_mode and not self.is_browser_visible() and \ not self.opened_task: # no need to live" self.quit() # Others dialog ########################################################### def open_edit_backends(self, sender=None, backend_id=None): if not self.edit_backends_dialog: self.edit_backends_dialog = BackendsDialog(self.req) self.edit_backends_dialog.activate() if backend_id is not None: self.edit_backends_dialog.show_config_for_backend(backend_id) def configure_backend(self, backend_id): self.open_edit_backends(None, backend_id) def open_preferences(self, config_priv): self.preferences.activate() def configure_plugins(self): self.plugins.activate() def ask_delete_tasks(self, tids): if not self.delete_dialog: self.delete_dialog = DeletionUI(self.req) finallist = self.delete_dialog.delete_tasks(tids) for t in finallist: if t.get_id() in self.opened_task: self.close_task(t.get_id()) GObject.idle_add(self.emit, "tasks-deleted", finallist) return finallist def open_tag_editor(self, tag): if not self.tag_editor_dialog: self.tag_editor_dialog = TagEditor(self.req, self, tag) else: self.tag_editor_dialog.set_tag(tag) self.tag_editor_dialog.present() def close_tag_editor(self): self.tag_editor_dialog.hide() # STATUS ##################################################################### def ask_set_task_status(self, task, new_status): ''' Both browser and editor have to use this central method to set task status. It also emits a signal with the task instance as first and the new status as second parameter ''' task.set_status(new_status) GObject.idle_add(self.emit, "task-status-changed", task, new_status) # URIS ##################################################################### def open_uri_list(self, unused, uri_list): ''' Open the Editor windows of the tasks associated with the uris given. Uris are of the form gtg://<taskid> ''' for uri in uri_list: if uri.startswith("gtg://"): self.open_task(uri[6:]) # if no window was opened, we just quit self.check_quit_condition() # MAIN ##################################################################### def main(self, once_thru=False, uri_list=[]): if uri_list: # before opening the requested tasks, we make sure that all of them # are loaded. BackendSignals().connect('default-backend-loaded', self.open_uri_list, uri_list) else: self.open_browser() GObject.threads_init() if not self.gtk_terminate: if once_thru: Gtk.main_iteration() else: Gtk.main() return 0 def quit(self, sender=None): Gtk.main_quit() # save opened tasks and their positions. open_task = [] for otid in list(self.opened_task.keys()): open_task.append(otid) self.opened_task[otid].close() self.browser_config.set("opened_tasks", open_task) # adds the plugin settings to the conf # FIXME: this code is replicated in the preference window. if len(self.pengine.plugins) > 0: self.plugins_config.clear() self.plugins_config.set( "disabled", [p.module_name for p in self.pengine.get_plugins("disabled")], ) self.plugins_config.set( "enabled", [p.module_name for p in self.pengine.get_plugins("enabled")], ) # plugins are deactivated self.pengine.deactivate_plugins()