class TextField(Control, ActionBase, EditCmdHandler): """A control for entering and editing small amounts of text.""" text = overridable_property('text') selection = overridable_property('selection', "Range of text selected.") multiline = overridable_property('multiline', "Multiple text lines allowed.") password = overridable_property('password', "Display characters obfuscated.") enter_action = action_property( 'enter_action', "Action to be performed " "when the Return or Enter key is pressed.") escape_action = action_property( 'escape_action', "Action to be performed " "when the Escape key is pressed.") _may_be_password = True #_tabbable = True _default_tab_stop = True _user_tab_stop_override = False _enter_action = 'do_default_action' _escape_action = 'do_cancel_action' _intercept_tab_key = True def __init__(self, **kwds): self._multiline = kwds.pop('multiline') Control.__init__(self, **kwds) def get_multiline(self): return self._multiline def key_down(self, event): #print "GTextField.key_down for", self ### c = event.char if c == '\r': if event.key == 'enter' or not self._multiline: self.do_enter_action() return if c == '\x1b': self.do_escape_action() return if c == '\t': if self._intercept_tab_key: self.pass_event_to_next_handler(event) return Control.key_down(self, event) def setup_menus(self, m): Control.setup_menus(self, m) EditCmdHandler.setup_menus(self, m) def do_enter_action(self): self.do_named_action('enter_action') def do_escape_action(self): self.do_named_action('escape_action') def get_text_length(self): # Implementations can override this if they have a more # efficient way of getting the text length. return len(self.text) def get_value(self): return self.text def set_value(self, x): self.text = x
class Dialog(Window, ActionBase): _default_keys = "\r" _cancel_keys = "\x1b" default_button = overridable_property( 'default_button', "Button to be activated by the default key.") cancel_button = overridable_property( 'cancel_button', "Button to be activated by the cancel key.") _default_button = None _cancel_button = None default_action = action_property( 'default_action', "Action to perform when Return or Enter is pressed.") cancel_action = action_property( 'cancel_action', "Action to perform when Escape is pressed.") _default_action = 'ok' _cancel_action = 'cancel' def __init__(self, style='nonmodal_dialog', closable=0, zoomable=0, resizable=0, **kwds): if 'title' not in kwds: kwds['title'] = Globals.application_name Window.__init__(self, style=style, closable=closable, zoomable=zoomable, resizable=resizable, **kwds) def get_default_button(self): return self._default_button def set_default_button(self, button): self._default_button = button if button: = 'default' if not button.action: button.action = 'do_default_action' def get_cancel_button(self): return self._cancel_button def set_cancel_button(self, button): self._cancel_button = button if button: = 'cancel' if not button.action: button.action = 'do_cancel_action' def key_down(self, event): #print "GDialog.key_down:", repr(event.char) ### c = event.char if c: if c in self._default_keys: self._activate_button( self.default_button) or self.do_default_action() return elif c in self._cancel_keys: self._activate_button( self.cancel_button) or self.do_cancel_action() return Window.key_down(self, event) def do_default_action(self): self.do_named_action('default_action') def do_cancel_action(self): self.do_named_action('cancel_action') def _activate_button(self, button): #print("GDialog._activate_button:", button) if button: button.activate() return True else: return False