Esempio n. 1
 def getMove(self, currentState):
     #Get my inventory
     myInv = None
     for inv in currentState.inventories:
         if inv.player == currentState.whoseTurn:
             myInv = inv
     #If my inventory is still none, then I don't have one.
     if myInv == None:
         return Move(END, None, None)
     #Try to build an ant
     if myInv.foodCount >= UNIT_STATS[SOLDIER][COST]:  #is there enough food?
         #Detect whether the anthill has nothing on top of it
         hill = myInv.getAnthill()
         if currentState.board[hill.coords[0]][hill.coords[1]].ant == None:
             #build a random ant
             toPlace = random.randint(WORKER, R_SOLDIER)
             return Move(BUILD, [hill.coords], random.randint(WORKER, R_SOLDIER))
     #See if you can move any ants
     antsToMove = []
     for ant in myInv.ants:
         if not ant.hasMoved:
     #Move first of these ants
     if antsToMove != []:
         chosen = antsToMove[0]
         coordList = [chosen.coords]
         totalCost = 0
         lastStep = None
         while totalCost < UNIT_STATS[chosen.type][MOVEMENT]:
             #pick a random direction that won't move me back.
             possibleDirections = [(0, 1), (0, -1), (1, 0), (-1, 0)]
             validDirections = []
             for direction in possibleDirections:
                 nextLoc = addCoords(coordList[-1], direction)
                 #Check that the move would be inside the board bounds
                 if nextLoc[0] > 9 or nextLoc[0] < 0 or nextLoc[1] > 9 or nextLoc[1] < 0:
                 #Check that the move cost would not exceed what this ant is capable of
                 costOfStep = currentState.board[nextLoc[0]][nextLoc[1]].getMoveCost()
                 if currentState.board[nextLoc[0]][nextLoc[1]].ant == None and UNIT_STATS[chosen.type][MOVEMENT] >= totalCost + costOfStep:
             #If no directions are valid, break out of the loop.
             if validDirections == []:
                 #Choose a random direction
                 randDir = random.randint(0, len(validDirections) - 1)
                 #Apply it
                 nextCoord = addCoords(coordList[-1], validDirections[randDir])
                 #Add its cost to the total move cost
                 totalCost += currentState.board[nextCoord[0]][nextCoord[1]].getMoveCost()
         #Return the chosen move
         return Move(MOVE_ANT, coordList, None)
     #If I can't to anything, end turn
     return Move(END, None, None)
Esempio n. 2
 def drawTextBox(self):
     #Start by drawing the text box in the appropriate color.
     pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, DARK_RED if self.textBoxContent == '' else LIGHT_GREEN, self.buttonRect.move(self.textPosition))
     #Then draw the number in the text box.
     label = self.gameFont.render(self.textBoxContent + ('|' if self.boxSelected else ''), True, BLACK)
     offset = subtractCoords(, label.get_rect().center)
     self.screen.blit(label, addCoords(self.textPosition, offset))
     #Finally, draw the text box title.
     boxLabel = self.gameFont.render("Games to play:", True, BLACK)
     boxLabelOffset = (0, - boxLabel.get_height() - FIELD_SPACING)
     self.screen.blit(boxLabel, addCoords(self.textPosition, boxLabelOffset))
 def drawTextBox(self):
     #Start by drawing the text box in the appropriate color.
     pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, DARK_RED if self.textBoxContent == '' else LIGHT_GREEN, self.buttonRect.move(self.textPosition))
     #Then draw the number in the text box.
     label = self.gameFont.render(self.textBoxContent + ('|' if self.boxSelected else ''), True, BLACK)
     offset = subtractCoords(, label.get_rect().center)
     self.screen.blit(label, addCoords(self.textPosition, offset))
     #Finally, draw the text box title.
     boxLabel = self.gameFont.render("Games to play:", True, BLACK)
     boxLabelOffset = (0, - boxLabel.get_height() - FIELD_SPACING)
     self.screen.blit(boxLabel, addCoords(self.textPosition, boxLabelOffset))
 def drawCaptureHealth(self, health, coords, player):
     #Create and add settings to the text we want to draw. Background needs to be set so we don't have per pixel alpha.
     label = self.captureFont.render(str(health), True, LIGHT_RED if player == PLAYER_ONE else LIGHT_BLUE, WHITE)
     #Find where to place the text.
     sizeDiff = subtractCoords(CELL_SIZE.size, subtractCoords(label.get_size(), (0, 10)))
     halfDiff = (sizeDiff[0] / 2, sizeDiff[1] / 2)
     #Draw the text.
     self.screen.blit(label, addCoords(coords, halfDiff))
Esempio n. 5
 def drawCaptureHealth(self, health, coords, player):
     #Create and add settings to the text we want to draw. Background needs to be set so we don't have per pixel alpha.
     label = self.captureFont.render(str(health), True, LIGHT_RED if player == PLAYER_ONE else LIGHT_BLUE, WHITE)
     #Find where to place the text.
     sizeDiff = subtractCoords(CELL_SIZE.size, subtractCoords(label.get_size(), (0, 10)))
     halfDiff = (sizeDiff[0] / 2, sizeDiff[1] / 2)
     #Draw the text.
     self.screen.blit(label, addCoords(coords, halfDiff))
Esempio n. 6
    def getMove(self, currentState):
        #Get my inventory
        myInv = None
        for inv in currentState.inventories:
            if inv.player == currentState.whoseTurn:
                myInv = inv
        #If my inventory is still none, then I don't have one.
        if myInv == None:
            return Move(END, None, None)
        #If you have the food for an ant tunnel, try to purchase something random.
        if myInv.foodCount >= CONSTR_STATS[TUNNEL][BUILD_COST]:
            #First detect whether you have an ant WORKER with nothing under it
            placeableAnts = []
            for ant in myInv.ants:
                if currentState.board[ant.coords[0]][ant.coords[1]].constr == None and ant.type == WORKER and not ant.hasMoved:
            #Then detect whether you have an anthill with nothing on top of it
            placeableHill = False
            hill = myInv.getAnthill()
            if currentState.board[hill.coords[0]][hill.coords[1]].ant == None:
                placeableHill = True
            #Choose randomly between building ants or tunnels
            if len(placeableAnts) != 0 and placeableHill:
                #randint returns up to the max, so no need to add or subtract for placeableHill's sake
                toPlace = random.randint(0, 5)
                if toPlace == 5:
                    #build a tunnel
                    location = random.randint(0, len(placeableAnts) - 1)
                    return Move(BUILD, [placeableAnts[location].coords], TUNNEL)
                    #build an ant
                    return Move(BUILD, [hill.coords], random.randint(WORKER, R_SOLDIER))
            elif len(placeableAnts) != 0:
                #build a tunnel
                location = random.randint(0, len(placeableAnts) - 1)
                return Move(BUILD, [placeableAnts[location].coords], TUNNEL)
            elif placeableHill:
                #build an ant
                return Move(BUILD, [hill.coords], random.randint(WORKER, R_SOLDIER))
                #I have resources to build, but no place to build things
        #See if you can move any ants
        antsToMove = []
        for ant in myInv.ants:
            if not ant.hasMoved:
        #Move first of these ants
        if antsToMove != []:
            chosen = antsToMove[0]
            coordList = [chosen.coords]
            totalCost = 0
            lastStep = None
            #Variable to check if worker has moved
            hasMoved = 0
            while totalCost < UNIT_STATS[chosen.type][MOVEMENT]:
                #pick a random direction that won't move me back.
                possibleDirections = [(0, 1), (0, -1), (1, 0), (-1, 0)]
                validDirections = []
                for direction in possibleDirections:
                    nextLoc = addCoords(coordList[-1], direction)
                    #Check that the move would be inside the board bounds
                    if nextLoc[0] > 9 or nextLoc[0] < 0 or nextLoc[1] > 9 or nextLoc[1] < 0:
                    #Check that the move cost would not exceed what this ant is capable of
                    costOfStep = currentState.board[nextLoc[0]][nextLoc[1]].getMoveCost()
                    if currentState.board[nextLoc[0]][nextLoc[1]].ant == None and UNIT_STATS[chosen.type][MOVEMENT] >= totalCost + costOfStep:
                #If no directions are valid, break out of the loop.
                if validDirections == []:
                #Worker ant commands
                elif chosen.type == WORKER:
                    #Move toward adjacent food if not carrying
                    if chosen.carrying == False:
                        for direction in validDirections:
                            nextCoord = addCoords(coordList[-1], direction)
                            if currentState.board[nextCoord[0]][nextCoord[1]].constr == FOOD:
                                totalCost += currentState.board[nextCoord[0]][nextCoord[1]].getMoveCost()
                                hasMoved = 1
                    #Move toward adjacent anthill or tunnel if carrying
                        for direction in validDirections:
                            nextCoord = addCoords(coordList[-1], direction)
                            if currentState.board[nextCoord[0]][nextCoord[1]].constr == ANTHILL or currentState.board[nextCoord[0]][nextCoord[1]].constr == TUNNEL and currentState.board[nextCoord[0]][nextCoord[1]].ant == None:
                                totalCost += currentState.board[nextCoord[0]][nextCoord[1]].getMoveCost()
                                hasMoved = 1
                    if hasMoved == 0:
                    #store backward moves in array
                        backMove = []
                        #move back or to the side if on border
                        if chosen.coords[1] >=3:
                            for direction in validDirections:
                                if direction[1] <= 0:
                            randNum = random.randint(0, len(backMove) - 1)
                            nextCoord = addCoords(coordList[-1], backMove[randNum])
                            totalCost += currentState.board[nextCoord[0]][nextCoord[1]].getMoveCost()
                        #random move if not on border
                            #Choose a random direction
                            randDir = random.randint(0, len(validDirections) - 1)
                            #Apply it
                            nextCoord = addCoords(coordList[-1], validDirections[randDir])
                            #Add its cost to the total move cost
                            totalCost += currentState.board[nextCoord[0]][nextCoord[1]].getMoveCost()
                #Soldier/Drone commands
                elif chosen.type == SOLDIER or chosen.type == DRONE:
                    #have ants move and stay in enemy territory
                    if chosen.coords[1] <= 6:
                        #append foward valid directions to array
                        forwardMove = []
                        for direction in validDirections:
                            if direction[1] == 1:
                        #randomly choose forward direction
                        randDir = random.randint(0, len(forwardMove) - 1)
                        nextCoord = addCoords(coordList[-1], forwardMove[randDir])
                        totalCost += currentState.board[nextCoord[0]][nextCoord[1]].getMoveCost()
                    #move randomly if already on enemy side
                        randDir = random.randint(0, len(validDirections) - 1)
                        nextCoord = addCoords(coordList[-1], validDirections[randDir])
                        totalCost += currentState.board[nextCoord[0]][nextCoord[1]].getMoveCost()

                #random move if not worker or soldier                     
                    #Choose a random direction
                    randDir = random.randint(0, len(validDirections) - 1)
                    #Apply it
                    nextCoord = addCoords(coordList[-1], validDirections[randDir])
                    #Add its cost to the total move cost
                    totalCost += currentState.board[nextCoord[0]][nextCoord[1]].getMoveCost()
            #return the move created
            return Move(MOVE_ANT, coordList, None)
        #If I can't to anything, end turn
        return Move(END, None, None)
 def handleEvents(self, mode):
     #Make sure we check the right buttons
     relButtons = {} if self.choosingAIs else self.humanButtons if mode == HUMAN_MODE else self.aiButtons if mode == AI_MODE else {}
     #It should be impossible for self.buildAntMenu to be True unless mode is HUMAN_MODE and AIs have already been chosen.
     if mode == HUMAN_MODE and self.buildAntMenu:
         relButtons = self.antButtons
     #Check what to do for each event
     for event in pygame.event.get():
         if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
         elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and time.clock() - self.lastClicked > self.clickCooldown:
             self.lastClicked = time.clock()
             #Start by checking the basic buttons that always get drawn
             for key in self.buttons:
                 if self.buttonRect.move(self.buttons[key][0]).collidepoint(event.pos):
                     self.handleButton(key, 0, self.buttons)
             #Then check the buttons that congregate at the top of the screen, and change based on context
             for key in relButtons:
                 if self.buttonRect.move(relButtons[key][0]).collidepoint(event.pos):
                     self.handleButton(key, 0, relButtons)
             #Check to see if text box should be selected or deselected
             if mode == TOURNAMENT_MODE and self.buttonRect.move(self.textPosition).collidepoint(pygame.mouse.get_pos()):
                 self.boxSelected = True
                 self.boxSelected = False
             #Additionally, check if a cell on the board has been clicked.
             if mode != TOURNAMENT_MODE and not self.choosingAIs:
                 if event.pos[0] % (CELL_SPACING + CELL_SIZE.width) > CELL_SPACING and event.pos[1] % (CELL_SPACING + CELL_SIZE.height) > CELL_SPACING:
                     x = event.pos[0] / (CELL_SPACING + CELL_SIZE.width)
                     y = event.pos[1] / (CELL_SPACING + CELL_SIZE.height)
                     if x < BOARD_SIZE.width and y < BOARD_SIZE.height:
                         self.locationClicked((x, y))
             elif self.choosingAIs:
                 self.handleAICheckList(event, mode)
                 #Handle the AI selecting button.
                 AIKey = self.submitSelected.keys()[0]
                 if self.buttonRect.move(self.submitSelected[AIKey][0]).collidepoint(event.pos):
                     self.handleButton(AIKey, 0, self.submitSelected)
         elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP:
             #Start by checking the basic buttons that always get drawn
             for key in self.buttons:
                 if self.buttonRect.move(self.buttons[key][0]).collidepoint(event.pos):
                     self.handleButton(key, 1, self.buttons)
             #Then check the buttons that congregate at the top of the screen, and change based on context
             for key in relButtons:
                 if self.buttonRect.move(relButtons[key][0]).collidepoint(event.pos):
                     self.handleButton(key, 1, relButtons)
             #Handle the AI selecting button.
             if self.choosingAIs:
                 AIKey = self.submitSelected.keys()[0]
                 if self.buttonRect.move(self.submitSelected[AIKey][0]).collidepoint(event.pos):
                     self.handleButton(AIKey, 1, self.submitSelected)
             #Check to see if text box should be selected or deselected
             if mode == TOURNAMENT_MODE and self.buttonRect.move(self.textPosition).collidepoint(pygame.mouse.get_pos()):
                 boxSelected = True
                 boxSelected = False
         elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEMOTION and event.buttons[0]:
             #Start by checking the basic buttons that always get drawn
             for key in self.buttons:
                 if self.buttonRect.move(self.buttons[key][0]).collidepoint(addCoords(event.pos, event.rel)):
                     self.buttons[key][1] = 0
                     self.buttons[key][1] = 1
             #Then check the buttons that congregate at the top of the screen, and change based on context
             for key in relButtons:
                 if self.buttonRect.move(relButtons[key][0]).collidepoint(addCoords(event.pos, event.rel)):
                     relButtons[key][1] = 0
                     relButtons[key][1] = 1
             #Handle the AI selecting button.
             if self.choosingAIs:
                 AIKey = self.submitSelected.keys()[0]
                 if self.buttonRect.move(self.submitSelected[AIKey][0]).collidepoint(event.pos):
                     self.submitSelected[AIKey][1] = 0
                     self.submitSelected[AIKey][1] = 1
         elif self.boxSelected and event.type == KEYDOWN:
             if str(event.unicode) in [str(i) for i in range(0, 10)]:
                 self.textBoxContent += str(event.unicode)
             elif event.key == 8 and self.textBoxContent != '':
                 self.textBoxContent = self.textBoxContent[:-1]
         elif event.type == KEYDOWN:
             self.handleHotkey(mode, str(event.unicode))
 def drawScoreBoard(self, player1Score, player2Score):
     label1 = self.gameFont.render("Player 1: " + str(player1Score) + " food", True, BLACK)
     label2 = self.gameFont.render("Player 2: " + str(player2Score) + " food", True, BLACK)
     self.screen.blit(label1, self.scoreLocation)
     self.screen.blit(label2, addCoords(self.scoreLocation, (0, label2.get_rect().height)))
 def drawButton(self, key, buttons):
     label = self.gameFont.render(key, True, BLACK)
     offset = subtractCoords(, label.get_rect().center)
     self.screen.blit(self.buttonTextures[buttons[key][1]], buttons[key][0])
     self.screen.blit(label, addCoords(buttons[key][0], offset))
Esempio n. 10
 def handleEvents(self, mode):
     #Make sure we check the right buttons
     relButtons = {} if self.choosingAIs else self.humanButtons if mode == HUMAN_MODE else self.aiButtons if mode == AI_MODE else {}
     #It should be impossible for self.buildAntMenu to be True unless mode is HUMAN_MODE and AIs have already been chosen.
     if mode == HUMAN_MODE and self.buildAntMenu:
         relButtons = self.antButtons
     #Check what to do for each event
     for event in pygame.event.get():
         if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
         elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and time.clock() - self.lastClicked > self.clickCooldown:
             self.lastClicked = time.clock()
             #Start by checking the basic buttons that always get drawn
             for key in self.buttons:
                 if self.buttonRect.move(self.buttons[key][0]).collidepoint(event.pos):
                     self.handleButton(key, 0, self.buttons)
             #Then check the buttons that congregate at the top of the screen, and change based on context
             for key in relButtons:
                 if self.buttonRect.move(relButtons[key][0]).collidepoint(event.pos):
                     self.handleButton(key, 0, relButtons)
             #Check to see if text box should be selected or deselected
             if mode == TOURNAMENT_MODE and self.buttonRect.move(self.textPosition).collidepoint(pygame.mouse.get_pos()):
                 self.boxSelected = True
                 self.boxSelected = False
             #Additionally, check if a cell on the board has been clicked.
             if mode != TOURNAMENT_MODE and not self.choosingAIs:
                 if event.pos[0] % (CELL_SPACING + CELL_SIZE.width) > CELL_SPACING and event.pos[1] % (CELL_SPACING + CELL_SIZE.height) > CELL_SPACING:
                     x = event.pos[0] / (CELL_SPACING + CELL_SIZE.width)
                     y = event.pos[1] / (CELL_SPACING + CELL_SIZE.height)
                     if x < BOARD_SIZE.width and y < BOARD_SIZE.height:
                         self.locationClicked((x, y))
             elif self.choosingAIs:
                 self.handleAICheckList(event, mode)
                 #Handle the AI selecting button.
                 AIKey = self.submitSelected.keys()[0]
                 if self.buttonRect.move(self.submitSelected[AIKey][0]).collidepoint(event.pos):
                     self.handleButton(AIKey, 0, self.submitSelected)
         elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP:
             #Start by checking the basic buttons that always get drawn
             for key in self.buttons:
                 if self.buttonRect.move(self.buttons[key][0]).collidepoint(event.pos):
                     self.handleButton(key, 1, self.buttons)
             #Then check the buttons that congregate at the top of the screen, and change based on context
             for key in relButtons:
                 if self.buttonRect.move(relButtons[key][0]).collidepoint(event.pos):
                     self.handleButton(key, 1, relButtons)
             #Handle the AI selecting button.
             if self.choosingAIs:
                 AIKey = self.submitSelected.keys()[0]
                 if self.buttonRect.move(self.submitSelected[AIKey][0]).collidepoint(event.pos):
                     self.handleButton(AIKey, 1, self.submitSelected)
             #Check to see if text box should be selected or deselected
             if mode == TOURNAMENT_MODE and self.buttonRect.move(self.textPosition).collidepoint(pygame.mouse.get_pos()):
                 boxSelected = True
                 boxSelected = False
         elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEMOTION and event.buttons[0]:
             #Start by checking the basic buttons that always get drawn
             for key in self.buttons:
                 if self.buttonRect.move(self.buttons[key][0]).collidepoint(addCoords(event.pos, event.rel)):
                     self.buttons[key][1] = 0
                     self.buttons[key][1] = 1
             #Then check the buttons that congregate at the top of the screen, and change based on context
             for key in relButtons:
                 if self.buttonRect.move(relButtons[key][0]).collidepoint(addCoords(event.pos, event.rel)):
                     relButtons[key][1] = 0
                     relButtons[key][1] = 1
             #Handle the AI selecting button.
             if self.choosingAIs:
                 AIKey = self.submitSelected.keys()[0]
                 if self.buttonRect.move(self.submitSelected[AIKey][0]).collidepoint(event.pos):
                     self.submitSelected[AIKey][1] = 0
                     self.submitSelected[AIKey][1] = 1
         elif self.boxSelected and event.type == KEYDOWN:
             if str(event.unicode) in [str(i) for i in range(0, 10)]:
                 self.textBoxContent += str(event.unicode)
             elif event.key == 8 and self.textBoxContent != '':
                 self.textBoxContent = self.textBoxContent[:-1]
         elif event.type == KEYDOWN:
             self.handleHotkey(mode, str(event.unicode))
Esempio n. 11
 def drawScoreBoard(self, player1Score, player2Score):
     label1 = self.gameFont.render("Player 1: " + str(player1Score) + " food", True, BLACK)
     label2 = self.gameFont.render("Player 2: " + str(player2Score) + " food", True, BLACK)
     self.screen.blit(label1, self.scoreLocation)
     self.screen.blit(label2, addCoords(self.scoreLocation, (0, label2.get_rect().height)))
Esempio n. 12
 def drawButton(self, key, buttons):
     label = self.gameFont.render(key, True, BLACK)
     offset = subtractCoords(, label.get_rect().center)
     self.screen.blit(self.buttonTextures[buttons[key][1]], buttons[key][0])
     self.screen.blit(label, addCoords(buttons[key][0], offset))