from Ganga.GPIDev.Lib.Tasks.TaskApplication import task_map

# Must take care of "taskifying" all possible apps
#from GangaLHCb.Lib.Applications.AppsBase import *
#from GangaLHCb.Lib.Applications.AppsBaseUtils import available_apps
import os
from GangaLHCb.Lib.Applications.AppsBaseUtils import available_apps
f = open(os.path.join(
    os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', 'Applications', ''), 'r')
cls =

# for app in available_apps():
# exec(cls.replace('AppName','%s'%app))

for app in available_apps():
    exec(cls.replace('AppName', '%s' % app))
    exec('%sTask = taskify(%s,"%sTask")' % (app, app, app))
    exec('task_map["%s"] = %sTask' % (app, app))

from GangaLHCb.Lib.Applications.GaudiPython import GaudiPython

GaudiPythonTask = taskify(GaudiPython, "GaudiPythonTask")
task_map["GaudiPython"] = GaudiPythonTask

from GangaLHCb.Lib.Applications.Bender import Bender

BenderTask = taskify(Bender, "BenderTask")
task_map["Bender"] = BenderTask
Esempio n. 2
from Ganga.GPIDev.Lib.Tasks.TaskApplication import taskify
from GangaAtlas.Lib.AthenaMC.AthenaMC import AthenaMC, AthenaMCSplitterJob
from GangaAtlas.Lib.Athena.Athena import Athena
AthenaTask = taskify(Athena, "AthenaTask")
AthenaMCTask = taskify(AthenaMC, "AthenaMCTask")
AthenaMCTaskSplitterJob = taskify(AthenaMCSplitterJob,
from Ganga.GPIDev.Base.Proxy import addProxy, stripProxy

from Ganga.GPIDev.Schema import *
from Ganga.GPIDev.Adapters.ISplitter import ISplitter

class AnaTaskSplitterJob(ISplitter):
    """AnaTask handler for job splitting"""
    _name = "AnaTaskSplitterJob"
    _category = "splitters"
    _schema = Schema(
        Version(1, 0), {
                       doc="List of subjobs",
            SimpleItem(defvalue=0, doc='Number of events per subjob'),
                doc='Maximum number of events in a file of input dataset')
Esempio n. 3
cls =
all_apps = ''
for app in AppsBaseUtils.available_apps():
    if app in dir():
    app = str(app)
    this_class = cls.replace('AppName', app)
    this_task = '%sTask = taskify(%s,"%sTask")' % (app, app, app)
    this_map = 'task_map["%s"] = %sTask' % (app, app)
    this_app = this_class + str('\n\n') + this_task + str('\n\n') + this_map

    all_apps = all_apps + str('\n\n') + this_app
    #exec(this_exec, all_global, all_local)
    logger.debug("Adding %s" % str(app))

logger.debug("Adding apps")
modules= compile(all_apps, '<string>', 'exec')
exec modules


GaudiPythonTask = taskify(GaudiPython, "GaudiPythonTask")
task_map["GaudiPython"] = GaudiPythonTask

BenderTask = taskify(Bender, "BenderTask")
task_map["Bender"] = BenderTask

from Ganga.GPIDev.Lib.Tasks.TaskApplication import taskify
from GangaAtlas.Lib.AthenaMC.AthenaMC import AthenaMC, AthenaMCSplitterJob
from GangaAtlas.Lib.Athena.Athena import Athena
AthenaTask = taskify(Athena,"AthenaTask")
AthenaMCTask = taskify(AthenaMC,"AthenaMCTask")
AthenaMCTaskSplitterJob = taskify(AthenaMCSplitterJob,"AthenaMCTaskSplitterJob")
from Ganga.GPIDev.Base.Proxy import addProxy, stripProxy

from Ganga.GPIDev.Schema import *
from Ganga.GPIDev.Adapters.ISplitter import ISplitter
class AnaTaskSplitterJob(ISplitter):
    """AnaTask handler for job splitting"""
    _name = "AnaTaskSplitterJob"
    _category = "splitters"
    _schema = Schema(Version(1,0), {
        'subjobs'           : SimpleItem(defvalue=[],sequence=1, doc="List of subjobs", typelist=["int"]),
        'numevtsperjob'     : SimpleItem(defvalue=0, doc='Number of events per subjob'),
        'numevtsperfile'    : SimpleItem(defvalue=0,doc='Maximum number of events in a file of input dataset')
    } )
    def split(self,job):
        from Ganga.GPIDev.Lib.Job import Job
        logger.debug("AnaTaskSplitterJob split called")
        sjl = []
        transform = stripProxy(job.application.getTransform())
        transform.setAppStatus(job.application, "removed")
        # Do the splitting
        for sj in self.subjobs:
            j = Job()
            j.inputdata = transform.partitions_data[sj-1]
            j.outputdata = job.outputdata