def main(): import sys import user # sys.path.append("../i686-slc5-gcc43-opt/") # output outputFile = "out1.root" # input inputFiles = sys.argv[1].split(',') from GaudiPython import AppMgr theApp = AppMgr() theApp.EvtMax = 1 # Verboseness threshold level: 0=NIL,1=VERBOSE, 2=DEBUG, 3=INFO, 4=WARNING, 5=ERROR, 6=FATAL, 7=ALWAYS # theApp.outputLevel = 4 # MessageSvc.OutputLevel = 4 # EventSelector.OutputLevel = 4 theApp.JobOptionsType = "NONE" theApp.EvtSel = "NONE" theApp.Dlls = ["GaudiAlg", "MiniNtuple"] myNtp = theApp.algorithm("TMiniNtuple") myNtp.InputFileName = inputFiles myNtp.OutputFileName = outputFile myNtp.Debug = False myNtp.ApplyLeptonSkim = True myNtp.MinLeptonPt = 9000. theApp.topAlg = ["TMiniNtuple"] theApp.config() theApp.initialize() theApp.exit()
def extractAlignmentParameters( elementsWithTESAndCondDBNodes, since, until, valueExtractor=lambda detElm: getGlobalPositionFromGeometryInfo( detElm.geometry()), DDDBtag="default", CondDBtag="default", alignDBs=[]): """ The method talking to the detector svc Extract from all DetectorElements down from each element in elementsWithTESAndCondDBNodes ( format { elm : ( detTES, [ condDBNode ] ) } ), alignment parameters using valueExtractor, for all iovs between since and until (datetimes), using the CondDBNodes. The default database is configured with database tags DDDBtag and CondDBtag, and all alignDBs [ (tag, connectString) ] are added as layers to the CondDB. Returns a dict { element : [ ( (iovBegin, iovEnd), alignmentTree ) ] } """ # Static configuration of the application manager from Configurables import LHCbApp, ApplicationMgr from LHCbKernel.Configuration import FATAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG, VERBOSE ApplicationMgr().AppName = "AlignmentCollector" ApplicationMgr().OutputLevel = ERROR LHCbApp().DDDBtag = DDDBtag LHCbApp().CondDBtag = CondDBtag # >>> This part stolen from Det/DetCond/tests/scripts/ ApplicationMgr().TopAlg = ["LoadDDDB"] from Configurables import EventClockSvc, FakeEventTime ecs = EventClockSvc( InitialTime=toTimeStamp(datetime(2010, 1, 1, 12, tzinfo=pytz.utc))) ecs.addTool(FakeEventTime, "EventTimeDecoder") ecs.EventTimeDecoder.StartTime = ecs.InitialTime ecs.EventTimeDecoder.TimeStep = toTimeStamp(timedelta(days=1)) # <<< + "lhcbcond" below layers = ["LHCBCOND"] if len(alignDBs) > 0: from Configurables import CondDB, CondDBAccessSvc for i, (connectString, tag) in enumerate(alignDBs): layerName = "AlignCond%i" % i alignCond = CondDBAccessSvc(layerName) alignCond.ConnectionString = connectString alignCond.DefaultTAG = tag CondDB().addLayer(alignCond) layers.append(layerName) # run a gaudi application from GaudiPython import AppMgr, gbl gaudi = AppMgr() gaudi.createSvc("UpdateManagerSvc") updateManagerSvc = gaudi.service("UpdateManagerSvc", interface="IUpdateManagerSvc") gaudi.initialize() conddbReaders = list( gaudi.service(name, gbl.ICondDBReader) for name in reversed(layers)) detDataSvc = updateManagerSvc.detDataSvc() alignmentTrees = dict( (detName, []) for detName in elementsWithTESAndCondDBNodes.iterkeys()) for detName, (detPath, condNodes) in elementsWithTESAndCondDBNodes.iteritems(): ### get the IOVs for all elements, and combine them timeLine = [("gap", (since, until))] for layerReader in conddbReaders: timeLineUpdated = list(timeLine) alreadyInserted = 0 for i, (typ, (gapBegin, gapEnd)) in enumerate(timeLine): if typ == "gap": iovs = combinedIOVs([ list((max(toDateTime(iov.since.ns()), gapBegin), min(toDateTime(iov.until.ns()), gapEnd)) for iov in layerReader.getIOVs( node, gbl.ICondDBReader.IOV( gbl.Gaudi.Time(toTimeStamp(gapBegin)), gbl.Gaudi.Time(toTimeStamp(gapEnd))), 0)) for node in TrackingAlignmentCondDBNodes[detName] ]) if len(iovs) != 0: updatedTimeSlice = list( ("iov", (begin, end)) for begin, end in iovs) if updatedTimeSlice[0][1][0] > gapBegin: updatedTimeSlice.insert( 0, ("gap", (gapBegin, updatedTimeSlice[0][1][0]))) if updatedTimeSlice[-1][1][1] < gapEnd: updatedTimeSlice.append( ("gap", (updatedTimeSlice[-1][1][1], gapEnd))) timeLineUpdated[i + alreadyInserted:i + alreadyInserted + 1] = updatedTimeSlice alreadyInserted += len(updatedTimeSlice) - 1 logging.debug("timeline after adding %s : %s" % (layerReader, timeLine)) timeLine = timeLineUpdated iovs = list(timespan for typ, timespan in timeLine if typ == "iov") ### For every IOV, extract the parameters for begin, end in iovs: detDataSvc.setEventTime( gbl.Gaudi.Time(toTimeStamp(begin + (end - begin) / 2))) updateManagerSvc.newEvent() motionSystem = None if detName != "Velo" else gaudi.detSvc( ).getObject("/dd/Conditions/Online/Velo/MotionSystem")"Extracting parameters for %s between %s and %s" % (detName, begin, end)) detTree = getAlignableTreeFromDetectorElement( gaudi.detSvc().getObject(detPath), nodeValue=valueExtractor, parentName=detPath, motionSystem=motionSystem) = detName alignmentTrees[detName].append(((begin, end), detTree)) gaudi.finalize() gaudi.exit() return alignmentTrees
def main(): import sys import user import glob import os fpath = '/UserDisk2/othrif/data/MiniNtuple/v44-3/' # folder = sys.argv[1] filename = sys.argv[1] # output # outputFile = os.path.join(fpath, 'user.othrif.'+filename) outputFile = os.path.join(fpath, filename) # input path = os.path.join('/UserDisk2/othrif/data/Ximo/v44-3/' + filename) inputFiles = glob.glob(path) # outputFile = "/tmp/test_out1.root" # inputFiles = glob.glob('/UserDisk2/othrif/susy/mc_method/Ximo.v18/user.jpoveda.t0616_v18.00270816.physics_Main.DAOD_SUSY2.f611_m1463_p2375_output.root/*.root') # inputFiles = glob.glob('/UserDisk2/othrif/susy/test/mc15_13TeV.370602.MGPy8EG_A14N23LO_NUHM2_m12_400_strong.merge.DAOD.e4209_a766_a777_r6282.root') # filename = sys.argv[1] # output # outputFile = "/tmp/test_out1.root" # outputFile = '/tmp/',filename,'.root' # input # inputFiles = glob.glob('/users/orifki/workarea/susy_ss3l/input/user.jpoveda.5286937._000001.output.root') # inputFiles = glob.glob('/data3/orifki/gtt_above_diag_FULL/validation/mc12_8TeV.156581.Herwigpp_UEEE3_CTEQ6L1_Gtt_G1100_T2500_L200.merge.NTUP_SUSY.e1221_s1469_s1470_r3542_r3549_p1328_tid01151387_00/NTUP_SUSY.01151387._000001.root.1') # run over data # inputFiles = glob.glob('/data3/orifki/susy/cutflow/user.jpoveda.t0609_v12.00266904.physics_Main.DAOD_SUSY9.f594_m1435_p2361_output.root.30695488/user.jpoveda.5632900._000001.output.root') # inputFiles = glob.glob('/afs/') # inputFiles = glob.glob('/afs/*/*.root') # inputFiles = glob.glob('/UserDisk2/othrif/susy/mc_method/user.jpoveda.t0615_v17.00266904.physics_Main.DAOD_SUSY9.r6847_p2358_p2361_output.root/*.root') # inputFiles = glob.glob('/UserDisk2/othrif/susy/mc_method/user.jpoveda.t0616_v18.410067.MadGraphPythia8EvtGen_A14NNPDF23LO_ttW_Np1.DAOD_SUSY2.s2608_r6793_p2375_output.root/user.jpoveda.6120928._000001.output.root') # inputFiles = glob.glob('/UserDisk2/othrif/susy/mc_method/user.jpoveda.t0615_v17.361106.PowhegPythia8EvtGen_AZNLOCTEQ6L1_Zee.DAOD_SUSY2.s2576_r6630_p2375_output.root/*.root') from GaudiPython import AppMgr theApp = AppMgr() theApp.EvtMax = 100 # Verboseness threshold level: 0=NIL,1=VERBOSE, 2=DEBUG, 3=INFO, 4=WARNING, 5=ERROR, 6=FATAL, 7=ALWAYS # theApp.outputLevel = 4 # MessageSvc.OutputLevel = 4 # EventSelector.OutputLevel = 4 theApp.JobOptionsType = "NONE" theApp.EvtSel = "NONE" theApp.Dlls = ["GaudiAlg", "MiniNtuple"] myNtp = theApp.algorithm("TMiniNtuple") myNtp.InputFileName = inputFiles myNtp.OutputFileName = outputFile myNtp.Debug = False myNtp.ApplyLeptonSkim = True myNtp.MinLeptonPt = 13000. theApp.topAlg = ["TMiniNtuple"] theApp.config() theApp.initialize() theApp.exit()
def main(): parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog [options]") parser.add_option("--debug", action="store_true", dest="debug", default=False, help="Debug?") parser.add_option("-d", "--datatype", action="store", dest="DataType", default="2015", help="DataType to run on.") parser.add_option("-n", "--evtmax", type="int", action="store", dest="EvtMax", default=10000, help="Number of events to run") parser.add_option("--dddbtag", action="store", dest="DDDBtag", default='dddb-20150526', help="DDDBTag to use") parser.add_option("--conddbtag", action="store", dest="CondDBtag", default='cond-20150617', help="CondDBtag to use") parser.add_option("--settings", action="store", dest="ThresholdSettings", default='Physics_25ns_September2015', help="ThresholdSettings to use") parser.add_option("--TCK", action="store", dest="TCK", default='', help="HLT TCK. If unspecified,then run from settings") parser.add_option("--simulation", action="store_true", dest="Simulation", default=False, help="Run on simulated data") parser.add_option("--input_rate", action="store", dest="input_rate", default=1.e6, help="Input rate from L0 in Hz") parser.add_option("--tuplefile", action="store", dest="tuplefile", default="", help="Output root file") parser.add_option("--inputdata", action="store", dest="inputdata", default="Physics1600TestNode", help="Name of inputdata") # Parse the arguments (options, args) = parser.parse_args() #### configured from the arguments input_rate = options.input_rate Moore().EvtMax = options.EvtMax Moore().DDDBtag = options.DDDBtag Moore().CondDBtag = options.CondDBtag Moore().Simulation = options.Simulation Moore().DataType = options.DataType if options.TCK != "": Moore().UseTCK = True Moore().InitialTCK = options.TCK else: Moore().ThresholdSettings = options.ThresholdSettings Moore().UseTCK = False #### hard coded here Moore().ForceSingleL0Configuration = False Moore().OutputLevel = 6 Moore().RemoveInputHltRawBanks = True Moore().Simulation = False Moore().Split = "" Moore().CheckOdin = False from Configurables import CondDB CondDB().IgnoreHeartBeat = True CondDB().EnableRunChangeHandler = True EventSelector().PrintFreq = 100 #### configure raw data importOptions('$STDOPTS/') EventPersistencySvc().CnvServices.append('LHCb::RawDataCnvSvc') from Configurables import DataOnDemandSvc DataOnDemandSvc().AlgMap['Hlt/DecReports'] = "HltDecReportsDecoder" from GaudiConf import IOHelper if options.inputdata == "Physics1600": IOHelper("MDF").inputFiles([ "mdf:root://" ]) elif options.inputdata == "Physics1600TestNode": IOHelper("MDF").inputFiles([ "/localdisk/bw_division/run164440_L0Filtered_0x00A2_Mika/2015NB_25ns_0x00A2_0.mdf", "/localdisk/bw_division/run164440_L0Filtered_0x00A2_Mika/2015NB_25ns_0x00A2_1.mdf", "/localdisk/bw_division/run164440_L0Filtered_0x00A2_Mika/2015NB_25ns_0x00A2_2.mdf", "/localdisk/bw_division/run164440_L0Filtered_0x00A2_Mika/2015NB_25ns_0x00A2_3.mdf", "/localdisk/bw_division/run164440_L0Filtered_0x00A2_Mika/2015NB_25ns_0x00A2_4.mdf" ]) ### getting ready for the event loop gaudi = AppMgr(outputlevel=4) gaudi.ExtSvc += ['ToolSvc'] gaudi.ExtSvc.append('DataOnDemandSvc') gaudi.initialize() ### get the list of active line names Lines = {} for level in ["Hlt1", "Hlt2"]: Lines[level] = set() for m in Sequence(level).Members: Lines[level].add( ### remove certain lines from the accounting remove = set( ["Hlt1MBNoBias", "Hlt2Transparent", "Hlt1Global", "Hlt2Global"]) Lines["Hlt1"] -= remove Lines["Hlt2"] -= remove ### this is what I would prefer to do... #appendPostConfigAction( setLines(Lines["Hlt1"],Lines["Hlt2"])) ### option to create a tuple with all of the decisions if options.tuplefile != "": from ROOT import (TTree, TFile) from array import array TF = TFile(options.tuplefile, "RECREATE") DecMaps = {} ## dicto of branches for the TTrees DecTrees = {} ## dicto of TTrees for level in ["Hlt1", "Hlt2"]: DecTrees[level] = TTree('Tuple%s' % level, 'Tuple%s' % level) DecMaps[level] = {} for l in Lines[level]: DecMaps[level][l] = array('i', [0]) DecTrees[level].Branch(l, DecMaps[level][l], '%sDecision/I' % l) ### this will be dictionary of lines and their counters for the rates line_stats = {} for line in Lines["Hlt1"].union(Lines["Hlt2"]).union( set(["Hlt1Global", "Hlt2Global"])): line_stats[line] = {"passed_incl": 0, "passed_excl": 0} ### counters for various regex stream_stats = { "Turbo": { "filter": "Hlt2.(?!.*?TurboCalib).*Turbo" }, "Turcal": { "filter": "Hlt2.*TurboCalib" }, "Full": { "filter": "Hlt2.(?!.*?Turbo).(?!.*?TurboCalib)" } } for k, v in stream_stats.iteritems(): v["pass_this_event"] = False v["passed"] = 0 print '*' * 100 print Lines print line_stats print stream_stats print '*' * 100 i = 0 processed = 0 #### start of the event loop while i < Moore().EvtMax: i += 1 # run the sequences on this event processed += 1 if not gaudi.evtsvc()['Hlt1/DecReports']: break ### reset the stream counters for s in stream_stats.keys(): stream_stats[s]["pass_this_event"] = False ### this is a nasty hack since I can't seem to switch ### off some of the Hlt1 lines with a post config action ### so I have to do my own book-keeping to see if one ### of the good hlt1 lines fired. ### I only consider events in Hlt2 if they pass my subset ### of good hlt1 lines. PassMyGlobal = {"Hlt1": False, "Hlt2": False} # loop over levels for level in ["Hlt1", "Hlt2"]: if level == "Hlt2" and not PassMyGlobal["Hlt1"]: continue # do the dec reports exist? # for Hlt2 this check does the job of telling us whether the event passed Hlt1 if gaudi.evtsvc()['%s/DecReports' % level]: # get the dec reports reps = gaudi.evtsvc()['%s/DecReports' % level] # get the list of lines from the reports #lines = reps.decReports().keys() # counter for how many hlt lines fired in this event nPassed = 0 # loop over all lines for line in Lines[level]: # protection. why is this needed though? if not line + "Decision" in reps.decReports().keys(): print '%s not in %s' % (line, reps.decReports().keys()) continue # just check this once LINE_FIRED = reps.decReport(line + "Decision").decision() # my global counter if LINE_FIRED: PassMyGlobal[level] = True # does this event fire any lines that match my "streams"? if LINE_FIRED and level == "Hlt2" and not line == "Hlt2Global": # and not line in remove: for s in stream_stats.keys(): if re.match(stream_stats[s]["filter"], line, flags=0): stream_stats[s]["pass_this_event"] = True # set the variable to be stored in the tuple if options.tuplefile != "": if LINE_FIRED: DecMaps[level][line][0] = 1 else: DecMaps[level][line][0] = 0 # if this is the first fired event then # need to initialise the dictionary entry #if not line in line_stats.keys(): # line_stats[line] = {"passed_incl":0, # "passed_excl":0} # increment the counter for this line if LINE_FIRED: line_stats[line]["passed_incl"] += 1 if not "Global" in line: nPassed += 1 ### for the exclusives # my own global counter if PassMyGlobal[level]: line_stats["%sGlobal" % level]["passed_incl"] += 1 # now go back and count the number of exclusive fires of this line # just need to ignore HltXGlobal for line in Lines[level]: if not line + "Decision" in reps.decReports().keys(): continue # protection if reps.decReport(line + "Decision").decision() and nPassed == 1: if not "Global" in line: line_stats[line]["passed_excl"] += 1 # fill the tree if options.tuplefile != "": DecTrees[level].Fill() # stream accounting for s in stream_stats.keys(): if stream_stats[s]["pass_this_event"] == True: stream_stats[s]["passed"] += 1 # write the root file if options.tuplefile != "": TF.Write() # I was hoping that this would dump all of the gaudi related # printout before I print the summary that I'm interested in. # Apparently this doesn't work, but it's only really a cosmetic thing. #gaudi.finalize() sys.stdout.flush() ############################################# ###### print the summary tables ############# ############################################# for k, v in line_stats.iteritems(): v["processed"] = processed for k, v in stream_stats.iteritems(): v["processed"] = processed GlobalRates = {} print '-' * 100 print 'HLT rates summary starts here' print '-' * 100 #### print the global rates print 'removed lines: %s' % remove print 'processed: %s' % processed print '%s Hlt1Lines' % (len(Lines['Hlt1'])) print '%s Hlt2Lines' % (len(Lines['Hlt2'])) for level in ['Hlt1', 'Hlt2']: rate = getrate(1.e-3 * input_rate, line_stats["%sGlobal" % level]["passed_incl"], line_stats["%sGlobal" % level]["processed"]) print '%sGlobal rate = (%s+-%s)kHz' % (level, rate[0], rate[1]) ### print the stream rates for k, v in stream_stats.iteritems(): print '%s rate = %s kHz' % (k, v["passed"] / float(v["processed"])) #### order by inclusive rate for level in ['Hlt1', 'Hlt2']: iLine = -1 ## counter for line table_row("**", "*Line*", "*Incl.*", "*Excl.*") OrderedStats = {} for key, value in line_stats.iteritems(): if level in key: OrderedStats[key] = value["passed_incl"] for line_name, rate in sorted(OrderedStats.iteritems(), key=lambda (v, k): (k, v), reverse=True): iLine += 1 rate_incl = getrate(1.e-3 * input_rate, line_stats[line_name]["passed_incl"], line_stats[line_name]["processed"]) rate_excl = getrate(1.e-3 * input_rate, line_stats[line_name]["passed_excl"], line_stats[line_name]["processed"]) if "Global" in line_name: GlobalRates[level] = rate_incl else: table_row(iLine, line_name.replace("Decision", ""), "%.2f+-%.2f" % (rate_incl[0], rate_incl[1]), "%.2f+-%.2f" % (rate_excl[0], rate_excl[1])) ## do we pass the test?? MaxRates = {"Hlt1": 400., "Hlt2": 40.} for level in ['Hlt1', 'Hlt2']: if GlobalRates[level][0] > MaxRates[level]: print '%s rate = %s > max = %s' % (level, GlobalRates[level][0], MaxRates[level]) elif GlobalRates[level][0] == 0: print '%s rate is zero' % level else: print '%s rates OK' % level print '-' * 100 print 'HLT rates summary ends here' print '-' * 100 sys.stdout.flush()
class CombinedMonitor(Monitor): def __init__(self, name, queues, condition): Task.__init__(self, name) self._config = dict() self._name = name self._inQueue = queues[0] self._outQueue = queues[1] self._condition = condition self._monitors = {} self._done = set() def _extra_config(self, seq): for n, m in self._config['monitors'].iteritems(): self._monitors[n] = SubMonitor(m.child_type(), '_'.join([n,])) opts = set( self._config.keys() ) - set( self._monitors.keys() ) \ - set( [ 'monitors' ] ) for n, sub in self._monitors.iteritems(): mon = sub.monitor() for key, val in self._config[n].iteritems(): mon._config[key] = val for key in opts: mon._config[key] = self._config[key] mon._extra_config(seq) def initialize(self): # Configure the app by instantiating the AppMgr self._appMgr = AppMgr() # Get the EventDataSvc for later use self._evtSvc = self._appMgr.evtSvc() # Initialize for sub in self._monitors.values(): mon = sub.monitor() mon._appMgr = self._appMgr mon._evtSvc = self._evtSvc mon._pre_init() if not self._appMgr.state() == 2: self._appMgr.initialize() for sub in self._monitors.values(): mon = sub.monitor() mon._post_init() self._condition.acquire() self._condition.notify() self._condition.release() def run(self): nEvents = self._config['EvtMax'] event = 1 while True: self._condition.acquire() # Get the ODIN if not self._evtSvc['DAQ']: self.done() break info = {} for n, sub in self._monitors.iteritems(): # Get the sub infos infos = [] sub_mon = sub.monitor() sub_info = sub_mon.make_info() if sub_info: infos.append(sub_info) sub_info = None try: sub_info = sub.outQueue().get(False) except IOError: pass except Queue.Empty: pass if sub_info: infos.append(sub_info) if len(infos) != 0: info[n] = infos event += 1 if len(info) != 0: self._outQueue.put(info) if event == nEvents: self.done() break else: ## self._condition.wait() self._condition.release() try: message = self._inQueue.get(False) if message == "BREAK": for sub in self._monitors.itervalues(): sub.inQueue().put(message) self._condition.release() break except Queue.Empty: pass
class Monitor(Task): def __init__(self, name, queues, condition): Task.__init__(self, name) self._config = dict() self._name = name self._inQueue = queues[0] self._outQueue = queues[1] self._condition = condition def configure(self, configuration): from Configurables import LHCbApp app = LHCbApp() for (attr, value) in configuration.items(): if hasattr(app, attr): setattr(app, attr, value) self._config[attr] = value EventSelector().Input = self._config['Input'] if 'Catalogs' in self._config.keys(): FileCatalog().Catalogs = self._config['Catalogs'] from Configurables import DecodeRawEvent importOptions("$L0DUOPTS/L0DUConfig.opts") EventPersistencySvc().CnvServices.append('LHCb::RawDataCnvSvc') EventSelector().PrintFreq = 1000 from Configurables import CondDB CondDB().Online = True from Configurables import GaudiSequencer as Sequence from Configurables import createODIN, HltRoutingBitsFilter seq = Sequence("MonitorSequence") physFilter = HltRoutingBitsFilter("PhysFilter", RequireMask=[0x0, 0x4, 0x0]) co = createODIN() seq.Members = [co, physFilter] from DAQSys.Decoders import DecoderDB from itertools import product for stage, t in product(('Hlt1', 'Hlt2'), ('Dec', 'Sel', 'Vertex')): an = "{0}{1}ReportsDecoder".format(stage, t) seq.Members += [ DecoderDB["Hlt%sReportsDecoder/%s" % (t, an)].setup() ] ApplicationMgr().TopAlg = [seq] self._extra_config(seq) def _extra_config(self, seq): pass def _pre_init(self): pass def _post_init(self): self._filter = self._appMgr.algorithm('PhysFilter')._ialg def initialize(self): # Configure the app by instantiating the AppMgr self._appMgr = AppMgr() # Get the EventDataSvc for later use self._evtSvc = self._appMgr.evtSvc() # Initialize self._pre_init() self._appMgr.initialize() self._post_init() self._condition.acquire() self._condition.notify() self._condition.release() def run(self): nEvents = self._config['EvtMax'] event = 1 while True: self._condition.acquire() # Get the ODIN if not self._evtSvc['DAQ']: self.done() break # Get the event time info = self.make_info() if not info: self._condition.release() continue event += 1 if info: self._outQueue.put(info) if event == nEvents: self.done() break else: ## self._condition.wait() self._condition.release() try: message = self._inQueue.get(False) if message == "BREAK": self._condition.release() break except Queue.Empty: pass def make_info(self): pass def finalize(self): self._appMgr.stop() self._appMgr.finalize() def done(self): # Max events reached, signal done to the main process self._outQueue.put('DONE') self._condition.release() def name(self): return self._name def filterPassed(self): return self._filter.filterPassed()
class EventWriter(Task): def __init__(self, name, queues, condition): Task.__init__(self, name) self._inQueue = queues[0] self._outQueue = queues[1] self._condition = condition self._config = dict() def configure(self, configuration): # Configure the writing process from Configurables import LHCbApp for (attr, value) in configuration.items(): if hasattr(LHCbApp, attr): setattr(LHCbApp, attr, value) self._config[attr] = value if not 'Output' in self._config: print "An output filename must be specified." raise Exception if not 'Input' in self._config: print "Input must be specified." raise Exception EventDataSvc().RootCLID = 1 from Configurables import LHCb__RawDataCnvSvc as RawDataCnvSvc EventPersistencySvc().CnvServices.append( RawDataCnvSvc('RawDataCnvSvc')) EventSelector().Input = self._config['Input'] EventSelector().PrintFreq = 100 FileCatalog().Catalogs = self._config['Catalogs'] from Configurables import LHCb__MDFWriter as MDFWriter writer = MDFWriter('MDFWriter', Compress=0, ChecksumType=1, GenerateMD5=True, Connection=self._config['Output']) writer.OutputLevel = INFO ApplicationMgr().OutStream = [writer] def initialize(self): # Initialize the application manager self._appMgr = AppMgr() self._appMgr.initialize() # Disable the execution of the MDFWriter algo = self._appMgr.algorithm('MDFWriter') self._appMgr.algorithm('MDFWriter').Enable = False def run(self): # Run the required number of events nEvents = self._config['EvtMax'] event = 0 nWait = self._config['NPrevious'] wait = 0 while True: write = self._inQueue.get() if type(write) == type(""): if write == "DONE": # self.notify() break if write == True: self._appMgr.algorithm('MDFWriter').Enable = True # Write the events sc = + 1) if sc == FAILURE: # No more events in input break wait = 0 self._appMgr.algorithm('MDFWriter').Enable = False # print "Writing event " + str( event ) # self._appMgr.algorithm('MDFWriter').execute() else: if wait < nWait: wait += 1 else: sc = if sc == FAILURE: # No more events in input break # Notify the main program self.notify() event += 1 def finalize(self): self._appMgr.exit() def notify(self): self._condition.acquire() self._condition.notify() self._condition.release()
class EventReporter(Task): def __init__(self, name, queues, condition): Task.__init__(self, name) self._config = dict() self._inQueue = queues[0] self._outQueue = queues[1] self._condition = condition def configure(self, configuration): from Configurables import LHCbApp app = LHCbApp() for (attr, value) in configuration.items(): if hasattr(app, attr): setattr(app, attr, value) self._config[attr] = value EventSelector().Input = self._config['Input'] FileCatalog().Catalogs = self._config['Catalogs'] EventDataSvc().RootCLID = 1 from Configurables import LHCb__RawDataCnvSvc as RawDataCnvSvc EventPersistencySvc().CnvServices.append( RawDataCnvSvc('RawDataCnvSvc')) EventSelector().PrintFreq = 100 from Configurables import GaudiSequencer as Sequence from Configurables import createODIN seq = Sequence("OdinSequence") co = createODIN() seq.Members = [co] ApplicationMgr().TopAlg = [seq] def initialize(self): self._appMgr = AppMgr() self._appMgr.initialize() def run(self): evt = self._appMgr.evtsvc() nEvents = self._config['EvtMax'] event = 1 while True: self._condition.acquire() # Get the ODIN odin = evt['DAQ/ODIN'] info = None if odin: info = (odin.runNumber(), odin.eventNumber()) else: self.done() break # Put the event info on the queue self._outQueue.put(info) event += 1 if event == nEvents: self.done() break else: self._condition.wait() self._condition.release() def finalize(self): self._appMgr.exit() def done(self): # Max events reached, signal done to the main process self._outQueue.put('DONE') self._condition.release()
class DecisionReporter(Task): def __init__(self, name, queues, condition): Task.__init__(self, name) self._config = dict() self._inQueue = queues[0] self._outQueue = queues[1] self._condition = condition def configure(self, configuration): from Configurables import Moore moore = Moore() for (attr, value) in configuration.items(): if attr in moore.__slots__: setattr(moore, attr, value) self._config[attr] = value hlt1Lines = self._config['Hlt1Lines'] hlt2Lines = self._config['Hlt2Lines'] #if 'L0' in self._config and self._config[ 'L0' ]: #from Configurables import L0MuonAlg #L0MuonAlg( "L0Muon" ).L0DUConfigProviderType = "L0DUConfigProvider" if 'Dataset' in self._config: from PRConfig import TestFileDB TestFileDB.test_file_db[self._config['Dataset']].run( configurable=Moore()) else: EventSelector().Input = self._config['Input'] EventSelector().PrintFreq = 100 FileCatalog().Catalogs = self._config['Catalogs'] config = Config(hlt1Lines, hlt2Lines) appendPostConfigAction(config.postConfigAction) def initialize(self): self._appMgr = AppMgr() self._appMgr.initialize() def run(self): evt = self._appMgr.evtsvc() nEvents = self._config['EvtMax'] event = 1 while True: if self.wait(): self._condition.acquire() # Check if there is still event data if not bool(evt['/Event']): self.done() break odin = evt['DAQ/ODIN'] reports = dict() reports['event'] = odin.eventNumber() reports['run'] = odin.runNumber() # Grab the HltDecReports and put the decisions in a dict by line name if evt['Hlt1/DecReports']: decReports1 = evt['Hlt1/DecReports'] names1 = decReports1.decisionNames() for name in names1: reports[name] = decReports1.decReport(name).decision() if evt['Hlt2/DecReports']: decReports2 = evt['Hlt2/DecReports'] names2 = decReports2.decisionNames() for name in names2: reports[name] = decReports2.decReport(name).decision() # Put our dict on the queue self._outQueue.put(reports) event += 1 if event == nEvents: self.done() break elif self.wait(): self._condition.wait() self._condition.release() def finalize(self): self._appMgr.exit() def done(self): # Max events reached, signal done to the main process self._outQueue.put('DONE') if self.wait(): self._condition.release() def wait(self): if 'Wait' in self._config: return self._config['Wait'] else: return True