Esempio n. 1
    def testGRAccessing(self):

        Test setting and accessing Tiles from the Repo        

        t1 = Tile ( 1, 0 ) 
        t2 = Tile ( 1, 1 ) 
        GR = GraphRepository ([])
        GR[t1] = self.graph_1_1
        GR[t2] = self.graph_2_2

        self.failUnless ( GR[t1.getID()]['a'] == 1    )
        self.failUnless ( GR[t2.getID()]['c'] == 3    )

        # better not to do this
        self.failUnless ( GR[t1]['a'] == 1    )
        self.failUnless ( GR[t2]['c'] == 3    )

        # safer way
        self.failUnless ( GR.accessFrequency[ t1.getID () ] == 2 )

        self.failUnless ( t1.getID () in GR )

        notThereTile = Tile (1,100)
            print (GR [notThereTile]  )
        except AppError as ae:
           self.failUnless ( ae.args[1] == 'GraphRepository' )

        # try deleting
        poppedVal = GR.pop (t1.getID() ) 
        self.failUnless ( len (GR)==  1 ) 
        self.failUnless ( poppedVal ==  self.graph_1_1  ) 
Esempio n. 2
    def testGetKeys (self):

        Test that getGraphs() works as expected        

        t1 = Tile ( 1, 0 ) 
        t2 = Tile ( 1, 1 ) 
        GR = GraphRepository ([])
        GR[t1] = self.graph_1_1
        GR[t2] = self.graph_2_2

        lstResults = GR.getKeys ()

        self.failUnless ( lstResults [0] ==  str(t1) )
        self.failUnless ( lstResults [1] ==  str(t2) )
Esempio n. 3
    def testGRBasicCache(self):

        Test the basic cache in the Graph Repository

        t1 = Tile ( 1, 1 ) 
        t2 = Tile ( 2, 2 ) 
        t3 = Tile ( 5, 5 ) 
        t4 = Tile ( 6, 6 ) 
        immutableList = [Tile(1,1).getID(), t2  ]

        GR = GraphRepository ( immutableList )
        GR[t1] = self.graph_1_1
        GR[t2] = self.graph_2_2
        GR[t3] = self.graph_3_3
        GR[t4] = self.graph_4_4

        self.failUnless ( len (GR) == 4 ) 
        # trim should do nothing unless maxSize has been set
        GR.trim (4)
        self.failUnless ( len (GR) == 4 ) 

        # access t3, then t3 will be the most accessed 
        # and preserved 
        x = GR[t3]

        # but t4, should be the candidate that is discarded
        GR.trim (3)
        self.failUnless ( len (GR) == 3 ) 
        self.failUnless ( t4.getID () not in GR ) 
        self.failUnless ( t3.getID ()  in GR ) 

        GR.trim (2)

        self.failUnless ( len (GR) == 2 ) 
        self.failUnless ( t3.getID () not in GR ) 

        # this should not work because there are some 
        # immutable tiles
        GR.trim (1)

        self.failUnless ( len (GR) == 2 )