def __init__(self, log, dbConn, tableName, columns, ra, dec, radiusArcsec, sqlWhere=False, raCol="raDeg", decCol="decDeg", separations=False, distinct=False, closest=False): self.log = log log.debug("instansiating a new 'conesearch' object") self.tableName = tableName self.dbConn = dbConn self.radius = float(radiusArcsec) self.raCol = raCol self.decCol = decCol self.columns = columns self.separations = separations self.distinct = distinct self.sqlWhere = sqlWhere self.closest = closest if not self.columns: self.columns = "*" # xt-self-arg-tmpx # BULK COORDINATE INTO NUMPY ARRAY from astrocalc.coords import coordinates_to_array self.ra, self.dec = coordinates_to_array(log=self.log, ra=ra, dec=dec) # SETUP THE MESH # LESS THAN 1 ARCMIN if self.radius < 60.: self.htmDepth = 16 # LESS THAN 1 DEG BUT GREATER THAN 1 ARCMIN elif self.radius / (60 * 60) < 1.: self.htmDepth = 13 # GREATER THAN 1 DEGREE else: self.htmDepth = 10 # SETUP A MESH AT CHOOSEN DEPTH self.mesh = HTM(depth=self.htmDepth, log=self.log) # DATETIME REGEX - EXPENSIVE OPERATION, LET"S JUST DO IT ONCE self.reDatetime = re.compile('^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T') return None
def _list_crossmatch(self, dbRows): """*to a finer grain crossmatch of the input coordinates and the database results.* **Key Arguments** - ``dbRows`` -- the rows return from the database on first crossmatch pass. **Return** - ``matchIndices1`` -- indices of the coordinate in the original ra and dec lists - ``matches`` -- the matched database rows """ self.log.debug('starting the ``_list_crossmatch`` method') dbRas = [] dbRas[:] = [d[self.raCol] for d in dbRows] dbDecs = [] dbDecs[:] = [d[self.decCol] for d in dbRows] # 12 SEEMS TO BE GIVING OPTIMAL SPEED FOR MATCHES (VERY ROUGH SPEED # TESTS) mesh = HTM(depth=12, log=self.log) if self.closest: maxmatch = 1 else: maxmatch = 0 matchIndices1, matchIndices2, seps = mesh.match( ra1=self.ra, dec1=self.dec, ra2=np.array(dbRas), dec2=np.array(dbDecs), radius=float(old_div(self.radius, (60. * 60.))), maxmatch=maxmatch # 1 = match closest 1, 0 = match all ) matches = [] for m1, m2, s in zip(matchIndices1, matchIndices2, seps): if self.separations: dbRows[m2]["cmSepArcsec"] = s * (60. * 60.) # DEEPCOPY NEEDED IF SAME ELEMENT MATCHED BY 2 SEPERATE # ITEMS IN FIRST LIST matches.append(copy.deepcopy(dbRows[m2])) self.log.debug('completed the ``_list_crossmatch`` method') return matchIndices1, matches
def _list_crossmatch( self, dbRows): """*to a finer grain crossmatch of the input coordinates and the database results.* **Key Arguments:** - ``dbRows`` -- the rows return from the database on first crossmatch pass. **Return:** - ``matchIndices1`` -- indices of the coordinate in the original ra and dec lists - ``matches`` -- the matched database rows """'starting the ``_list_crossmatch`` method') dbRas = [] dbRas[:] = [d[self.raCol] for d in dbRows] dbDecs = [] dbDecs[:] = [d[self.decCol] for d in dbRows] # 12 SEEMS TO BE GIVING OPTIMAL SPEED FOR MATCHES (VERY ROUGH SPEED # TESTS) mesh = HTM( depth=12, log=self.log ) if self.closest: maxmatch = 1 else: maxmatch = 0 matchIndices1, matchIndices2, seps = mesh.match( ra1=self.ra, dec1=self.dec, ra2=np.array(dbRas), dec2=np.array(dbDecs), radius=float(self.radius / (60. * 60.)), maxmatch=maxmatch # 1 = match closest 1, 0 = match all ) matches = [] for m1, m2, s in zip(matchIndices1, matchIndices2, seps): if self.separations: dbRows[m2]["cmSepArcsec"] = s * (60. * 60.) matches.append(dbRows[m2])'completed the ``_list_crossmatch`` method') return matchIndices1, matches
def __init__( self, log, dbConn, tableName, columns, ra, dec, radiusArcsec, sqlWhere=False, raCol="raDeg", decCol="decDeg", separations=False, distinct=False, closest=False ): self.log = log log.debug("instansiating a new 'conesearch' object") self.tableName = tableName self.dbConn = dbConn self.radius = radiusArcsec self.raCol = raCol self.decCol = decCol self.columns = columns self.separations = separations self.distinct = distinct self.sqlWhere = sqlWhere self.closest = closest if not self.columns: self.columns = "*" # xt-self-arg-tmpx # BULK COORDINATE INTO NUMPY ARRAY from astrocalc.coords import coordinates_to_array self.ra, self.dec = coordinates_to_array( log=self.log, ra=ra, dec=dec ) # SETUP THE MESH # LESS THAN 1 ARCMIN if self.radius < 60.: self.htmDepth = 16 # LESS THAN 1 DEG BUT GREATER THAN 1 ARCMIN elif self.radius / (60 * 60) < 1.: self.htmDepth = 13 # GREATER THAN 1 DEGREE else: self.htmDepth = 10 # SETUP A MESH AT CHOOSEN DEPTH self.mesh = HTM( depth=self.htmDepth, log=self.log ) return None
class conesearch(): """ *The worker class for the conesearch module* **Key Arguments:** - ``log`` -- logger - ``dbConn`` -- a database connection - ``tableName`` -- the name of the database table to perform the conesearch on. - ``columns`` -- the columns requested from the database table - ``ra`` -- the right ascension of the conesearch centre, can be single value or list of values - ``dec`` -- the declination of the conesearch centre, can be single value or list of values - ``radiusArcsec`` -- radius of the conesearch to be performed in arcsecs - ``sqlWhere`` -- clause to add after "where" in the initial sql query of the conesearch. Default *False* - ``raCol`` -- the database table ra column name. Default * raDeg* - ``decCol`` -- the database table dec column name. Default *decDeg* - ``separations`` -- include the separations in the final output. Default *False* - ``distinct`` -- request distinct columns from the database table (i.e. *select DISTINCT ...*). Default *False* - ``closest`` -- return the closest match only. Default *False* **Usage:** Say we have 5 locations we wish to search a database table called *transientBucket* to see if it contains sources at those locations. Add the coordinates to those locations to RA and DEC lists like so: .. code-block:: python raList = ["23:25:53.56", "02:10:08.16", "13:20:00.00", 1.47329, 35.34279] decList = ["+26:54:23.9", "-48:38:24.3", "+24:18:00.00", 8.43016, -42.34428] Note coorinates can be in decimal degrees or sexegesimal format (or both). To initialise a 10 arcsec conesearch to return the *transientBucketId* and *spectralType* values from any resulting match use the code: .. code-block:: python from HMpTy.mysql import conesearch cs = conesearch( log=log, dbConn=dbConn, tableName="transientBucket", columns="transientBucketId, spectralType", ra=raList, dec=decList, radiusArcsec=10, separations=False, distinct=False, sqlWhere=False ) Using the ``query`` property of the coneseach object you can inspect the initial sql query to be run on the database: .. code-block:: python print cs.query .. code-block:: text select transientBucketId, spectralType, raDeg, decDeg from transientBucket where htm16ID in (51985593986,51985593989,51985593993,51985593994,51985593995,51985593996,51985593997,51985593998,51985593999,51985594037, ... ,38488627914,38488627916,38488627918,38488627919,38488627956,38488627957,38488627959) To execute the query and return the results: .. code-block:: python matchIndies, matches = The ``matchIndies`` are the indices of the coordinate in the original ``raList`` and ``decList`` lists and the ``matches`` the matched rows from the database table. To constrain your results a little more define the ``distinct`` and or ``sqlWhere`` attributes of the conesearch: .. code-block:: python from HMpTy.mysql import conesearch cs = conesearch( log=log, dbConn=dbConn, tableName="transientBucket", columns="transientBucketId, spectralType", ra=raList1, dec=decList1, radiusArcsec=10, separations=True, distinct=True, sqlWhere="spectralType is not null" ) matchIndies, matches = for row in matches.list: print row .. code-block:: text {'raDeg': 351.473208333, 'cmSepArcsec': 0.13379807128325164, 'decDeg': 26.9066388889, 'spectralType': u'SN Ia', 'transientBucketId': 1375799L} {'raDeg': 32.534, 'cmSepArcsec': 0.031941633602975743, 'decDeg': -48.6400888889, 'spectralType': u'II', 'transientBucketId': 1328883L} {'raDeg': 1.47329166667, 'cmSepArcsec': 0.0068727452774991196, 'decDeg': 8.43016111111, 'spectralType': u'SN Ia', 'transientBucketId': 1321322L} {'raDeg': 35.3427916667, 'cmSepArcsec': 0.0043467057710126393, 'decDeg': -42.3442805556, 'spectralType': u'Ia', 'transientBucketId': 1307226L} Note that by adding ``separations=True`` the matched source seperations from the original coordinate lists have been injected into the results. It is possible to render the results in csv, json, markdown, yaml or ascii table format. For example: .. code-block:: python print matches.table() .. code-block:: text +-----------+---------------+-----------+--------------+--------------------+ | raDeg | spectralType | decDeg | cmSepArcsec | transientBucketId | +-----------+---------------+-----------+--------------+--------------------+ | 351.4732 | SN Ia | 26.9066 | 0.1338 | 1375799 | | 32.5340 | II | -48.6401 | 0.0319 | 1328883 | | 1.4733 | SN Ia | 8.4302 | 0.0069 | 1321322 | | 35.3428 | Ia | -42.3443 | 0.0043 | 1307226 | +-----------+---------------+-----------+--------------+--------------------+ To save the results to file: .. code-block:: python matches.table(filepath="/path/to/my/results.dat") To instead render as csv, json, markdown or yaml use: .. code-block:: python matches.csv(filepath="/path/to/my/results.csv") matches.json(filepath="/path/to/my/results.json") matches.markdown(filepath="/path/to/my/") matches.markdown(filepath="/path/to/my/results.yaml") Finally, to render the results as mysql inserts, use the following code: .. code-block:: python matches.mysql(tableName="mysql_table", filepath=None, createStatement=False) .. code-block:: text INSERT INTO `mysql_table` (cmSepArcsec,decDeg,raDeg,spectralType,transientBucketId) VALUES ("0.133798071283" ,"26.9066388889" ,"351.473208333" ,"SN Ia" ,"1375799") ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE cmSepArcsec="0.133798071283", decDeg="26.9066388889", raDeg="351.473208333", spectralType="SN Ia", transientBucketId="1375799", updated=IF( cmSepArcsec="0.133798071283" AND decDeg="26.9066388889" AND raDeg="351.473208333" AND spectralType="SN Ia" AND transientBucketId="1375799", 0, 1), dateLastModified=IF( cmSepArcsec="0.133798071283" AND decDeg="26.9066388889" AND raDeg="351.473208333" AND spectralType="SN Ia" AND transientBucketId="1375799", dateLastModified, NOW()) ; INSERT INTO `mysql_table` (cmSepArcsec,decDeg,raDeg,spectralType,transientBucketId) VALUES ("0.031941633603" ,"-48.6400888889" ,"32.534" ,"II" ,"1328883") ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE cmSepArcsec="0.031941633603", decDeg="-48.6400888889", raDeg="32.534", spectralType="II", transientBucketId="1328883", updated=IF( cmSepArcsec="0.031941633603" AND decDeg="-48.6400888889" AND raDeg="32.534" AND spectralType="II" AND transientBucketId="1328883", 0, 1), dateLastModified=IF( cmSepArcsec="0.031941633603" AND decDeg="-48.6400888889" AND raDeg="32.534" AND spectralType="II" AND transientBucketId="1328883", dateLastModified, NOW()) ; INSERT INTO `mysql_table` (cmSepArcsec,decDeg,raDeg,spectralType,transientBucketId) VALUES ("0.0068727452775" ,"8.43016111111" ,"1.47329166667" ,"SN Ia" ,"1321322") ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE cmSepArcsec="0.0068727452775", decDeg="8.43016111111", raDeg="1.47329166667", spectralType="SN Ia", transientBucketId="1321322", updated=IF( cmSepArcsec="0.0068727452775" AND decDeg="8.43016111111" AND raDeg="1.47329166667" AND spectralType="SN Ia" AND transientBucketId="1321322", 0, 1), dateLastModified=IF( cmSepArcsec="0.0068727452775" AND decDeg="8.43016111111" AND raDeg="1.47329166667" AND spectralType="SN Ia" AND transientBucketId="1321322", dateLastModified, NOW()) ; INSERT INTO `mysql_table` (cmSepArcsec,decDeg,raDeg,spectralType,transientBucketId) VALUES ("0.00434670577101" ,"-42.3442805556" ,"35.3427916667" ,"Ia" ,"1307226") ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE cmSepArcsec="0.00434670577101", decDeg="-42.3442805556", raDeg="35.3427916667", spectralType="Ia", transientBucketId="1307226", updated=IF( cmSepArcsec="0.00434670577101" AND decDeg="-42.3442805556" AND raDeg="35.3427916667" AND spectralType="Ia" AND transientBucketId="1307226", 0, 1), dateLastModified=IF( cmSepArcsec="0.00434670577101" AND decDeg="-42.3442805556" AND raDeg="35.3427916667" AND spectralType="Ia" AND transientBucketId="1307226", dateLastModified, NOW()) ; """ # Initialisation def __init__(self, log, dbConn, tableName, columns, ra, dec, radiusArcsec, sqlWhere=False, raCol="raDeg", decCol="decDeg", separations=False, distinct=False, closest=False): self.log = log log.debug("instansiating a new 'conesearch' object") self.tableName = tableName self.dbConn = dbConn self.radius = float(radiusArcsec) self.raCol = raCol self.decCol = decCol self.columns = columns self.separations = separations self.distinct = distinct self.sqlWhere = sqlWhere self.closest = closest if not self.columns: self.columns = "*" # xt-self-arg-tmpx # BULK COORDINATE INTO NUMPY ARRAY from astrocalc.coords import coordinates_to_array self.ra, self.dec = coordinates_to_array(log=self.log, ra=ra, dec=dec) # SETUP THE MESH # LESS THAN 1 ARCMIN if self.radius < 60.: self.htmDepth = 16 # LESS THAN 1 DEG BUT GREATER THAN 1 ARCMIN elif self.radius / (60 * 60) < 1.: self.htmDepth = 13 # GREATER THAN 1 DEGREE else: self.htmDepth = 10 # SETUP A MESH AT CHOOSEN DEPTH self.mesh = HTM(depth=self.htmDepth, log=self.log) # DATETIME REGEX - EXPENSIVE OPERATION, LET"S JUST DO IT ONCE self.reDatetime = re.compile('^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T') return None @property def query(self): """*return the sql query for the HTM trixel search* **Usage:** cs.query """ return self._get_on_trixel_sources_from_database_query() def search(self): """ *Return the results of the database conesearch* **Return:** - ``conesearch`` **Usage:** See class usage. """'starting the ``get`` method') sqlQuery = self._get_on_trixel_sources_from_database_query() databaseRows = self._execute_query(sqlQuery) matchIndies, matches = self._list_crossmatch(databaseRows) from fundamentals.renderer import list_of_dictionaries matches = list_of_dictionaries(log=self.log, listOfDictionaries=matches, reDatetime=self.reDatetime)'completed the ``get`` method') return matchIndies, matches def _get_on_trixel_sources_from_database_query(self): """*generate the mysql query before executing it* """ 'starting the ``_get_on_trixel_sources_from_database_query`` method' ) tableName = self.tableName raCol = self.raCol decCol = self.decCol radius = self.radius / (60. * 60.) # GET ALL THE TRIXELS REQUIRED trixelArray = self._get_trixel_ids_that_overlap_conesearch_circles() htmLevel = "htm%sID" % self.htmDepth if trixelArray.size > 40000: minID = np.min(trixelArray) maxID = np.max(trixelArray) htmWhereClause = "where %(htmLevel)s between %(minID)s and %(maxID)s " % locals( ) else: thesHtmIds = ",".join(np.array(list(map(str, trixelArray)))) htmWhereClause = "where %(htmLevel)s in (%(thesHtmIds)s)" % locals( ) cols = self.columns[:] if cols != "*" and raCol.lower() not in cols.lower(): cols += ", " + raCol if cols != "*" and decCol.lower() not in cols.lower(): cols += ", " + decCol # FINALLY BUILD THE FULL QUERY if self.distinct: sqlQuery = """select DISTINCT %(cols)s from %(tableName)s %(htmWhereClause)s""" % locals( ) else: sqlQuery = """select %(cols)s from %(tableName)s %(htmWhereClause)s""" % locals( ) if self.sqlWhere and len(self.sqlWhere): sqlQuery += " and " + self.sqlWhere 'completed the ``_get_on_trixel_sources_from_database_query`` method' ) return sqlQuery def _get_trixel_ids_that_overlap_conesearch_circles(self): """*Get an array of all of the trixels IDs that overlap the conesearch circles(s)* **Return:** - ``trixelArray`` -- an array of all the overlapping trixel ids """ 'starting the ``_get_trixel_ids_that_overlap_conesearch_circles`` method' ) trixelArray = np.array([], dtype='int16', ndmin=1, copy=False) # FOR EACH RA, DEC SET IN THE NUMPY ARRAY, COLLECT THE OVERLAPPING HTM # TRIXELS r = self.radius / (60. * 60.) trixelArray = [] trixelArray[:] = [ self.mesh.intersect(ra1, dec1, r, inclusive=True, convertCoordinates=False) for ra1, dec1 in zip(self.ra, self.dec) ] trixelArray = np.unique(np.concatenate(trixelArray)) 'completed the ``_get_trixel_ids_that_overlap_conesearch_circles`` method' ) return trixelArray def _execute_query(self, sqlQuery): """* execute query and trim results* **Key Arguments:** - ``sqlQuery`` -- the sql database query to grab low-resolution results. **Return:** - ``databaseRows`` -- the database rows found on HTM trixles with requested IDs """'starting the ``_execute_query`` method') try: databaseRows = readquery(log=self.log, sqlQuery=sqlQuery, dbConn=self.dbConn) except Exception as e: if "Unknown column 'htm" in str(e): message = "Please add and populate the HTM columns to this database table BEFORE running any conesearches. You can use HMpTy to do this:" self.log.error(message) raise IOError(message) elif "Truncated incorrect DOUBLE value" in str( e) or "Truncated incorrect DECIMAL value" in str(e): databaseRows = readquery(log=self.log, sqlQuery=sqlQuery, dbConn=self.dbConn, quiet=True) else: print(sqlQuery) raise e if self.distinct and ( self.columns != "*" and (self.raCol.lower() not in self.columns.lower() or self.decCol.lower() not in self.columns.lower())): distinctRows = [] theseKeys = [] for r in databaseRows: constraintKey = "" for k, v in r.items(): if k.lower() != self.raCol.lower() and k.lower( ) != self.decCol.lower(): constraintKey += str(v) if self.raCol.lower() in self.columns.lower(): constraintKey += str(databaseRows[self.raCol]) if self.decCol.lower() in self.columns.lower(): constraintKey += str(databaseRows[self.decCol]) if constraintKey not in theseKeys: theseKeys.append(constraintKey) distinctRows.append(r) databaseRows = distinctRows'completed the ``_execute_query`` method') return databaseRows def _list_crossmatch(self, dbRows): """*to a finer grain crossmatch of the input coordinates and the database results.* **Key Arguments:** - ``dbRows`` -- the rows return from the database on first crossmatch pass. **Return:** - ``matchIndices1`` -- indices of the coordinate in the original ra and dec lists - ``matches`` -- the matched database rows """'starting the ``_list_crossmatch`` method') dbRas = [] dbRas[:] = [d[self.raCol] for d in dbRows] dbDecs = [] dbDecs[:] = [d[self.decCol] for d in dbRows] # 12 SEEMS TO BE GIVING OPTIMAL SPEED FOR MATCHES (VERY ROUGH SPEED # TESTS) mesh = HTM(depth=12, log=self.log) if self.closest: maxmatch = 1 else: maxmatch = 0 matchIndices1, matchIndices2, seps = mesh.match( ra1=self.ra, dec1=self.dec, ra2=np.array(dbRas), dec2=np.array(dbDecs), radius=float(self.radius / (60. * 60.)), maxmatch=maxmatch # 1 = match closest 1, 0 = match all ) matches = [] for m1, m2, s in zip(matchIndices1, matchIndices2, seps): if self.separations: dbRows[m2]["cmSepArcsec"] = s * (60. * 60.) matches.append(dbRows[m2])'completed the ``_list_crossmatch`` method') return matchIndices1, matches
class conesearch(): """ *The worker class for the conesearch module* **Key Arguments:** - ``log`` -- logger - ``dbConn`` -- a database connection - ``tableName`` -- the name of the database table to perform the conesearch on. - ``columns`` -- the columns requested from the database table - ``ra`` -- the right ascension of the conesearch centre, can be single value or list of values - ``dec`` -- the declination of the conesearch centre, can be single value or list of values - ``radiusArcsec`` -- radius of the conesearch to be performed in arcsecs - ``sqlWhere`` -- clause to add after "where" in the initial sql query of the conesearch. Default *False* - ``raCol`` -- the database table ra column name. Default * raDeg* - ``decCol`` -- the database table dec column name. Default *decDeg* - ``separations`` -- include the separations in the final output. Default *False* - ``distinct`` -- request distinct columns from the database table (i.e. *select DISTINCT ...*). Default *False* - ``closest`` -- return the closest match only. Default *False* **Usage:** Say we have 5 locations we wish to search a database table called *transientBucket* to see if it contains sources at those locations. Add the coordinates to those locations to RA and DEC lists like so: .. code-block:: python raList = ["23:25:53.56", "02:10:08.16", "13:20:00.00", 1.47329, 35.34279] decList = ["+26:54:23.9", "-48:38:24.3", "+24:18:00.00", 8.43016, -42.34428] Note coorinates can be in decimal degrees or sexegesimal format (or both). To initialise a 10 arcsec conesearch to return the *transientBucketId* and *spectralType* values from any resulting match use the code: .. code-block:: python from HMpTy.mysql import conesearch cs = conesearch( log=log, dbConn=dbConn, tableName="transientBucket", columns="transientBucketId, spectralType", ra=raList, dec=decList, radiusArcsec=10, separations=False, distinct=False, sqlWhere=False ) Using the ``query`` property of the coneseach object you can inspect the initial sql query to be run on the database: .. code-block:: python print cs.query .. code-block:: text select transientBucketId, spectralType, raDeg, decDeg from transientBucket where htm16ID in (51985593986,51985593989,51985593993,51985593994,51985593995,51985593996,51985593997,51985593998,51985593999,51985594037, ... ,38488627914,38488627916,38488627918,38488627919,38488627956,38488627957,38488627959) To execute the query and return the results: .. code-block:: python matchIndies, matches = The ``matchIndies`` are the indices of the coordinate in the original ``raList`` and ``decList`` lists and the ``matches`` the matched rows from the database table. To constrain your results a little more define the ``distinct`` and or ``sqlWhere`` attributes of the conesearch: .. code-block:: python from HMpTy.mysql import conesearch cs = conesearch( log=log, dbConn=dbConn, tableName="transientBucket", columns="transientBucketId, spectralType", ra=raList1, dec=decList1, radiusArcsec=10, separations=True, distinct=True, sqlWhere="spectralType is not null" ) matchIndies, matches = for row in matches.list: print row .. code-block:: text {'raDeg': 351.473208333, 'cmSepArcsec': 0.13379807128325164, 'decDeg': 26.9066388889, 'spectralType': u'SN Ia', 'transientBucketId': 1375799L} {'raDeg': 32.534, 'cmSepArcsec': 0.031941633602975743, 'decDeg': -48.6400888889, 'spectralType': u'II', 'transientBucketId': 1328883L} {'raDeg': 1.47329166667, 'cmSepArcsec': 0.0068727452774991196, 'decDeg': 8.43016111111, 'spectralType': u'SN Ia', 'transientBucketId': 1321322L} {'raDeg': 35.3427916667, 'cmSepArcsec': 0.0043467057710126393, 'decDeg': -42.3442805556, 'spectralType': u'Ia', 'transientBucketId': 1307226L} Note that by adding ``separations=True`` the matched source seperations from the original coordinate lists have been injected into the results. It is possible to render the results in csv, json, markdown, yaml or ascii table format. For example: .. code-block:: python print matches.table() .. code-block:: text +-----------+---------------+-----------+--------------+--------------------+ | raDeg | spectralType | decDeg | cmSepArcsec | transientBucketId | +-----------+---------------+-----------+--------------+--------------------+ | 351.4732 | SN Ia | 26.9066 | 0.1338 | 1375799 | | 32.5340 | II | -48.6401 | 0.0319 | 1328883 | | 1.4733 | SN Ia | 8.4302 | 0.0069 | 1321322 | | 35.3428 | Ia | -42.3443 | 0.0043 | 1307226 | +-----------+---------------+-----------+--------------+--------------------+ To save the results to file: .. code-block:: python matches.table(filepath="/path/to/my/results.dat") To instead render as csv, json, markdown or yaml use: .. code-block:: python matches.csv(filepath="/path/to/my/results.csv") matches.json(filepath="/path/to/my/results.json") matches.markdown(filepath="/path/to/my/") matches.markdown(filepath="/path/to/my/results.yaml") Finally, to render the results as mysql inserts, use the following code: .. code-block:: python matches.mysql(tableName="mysql_table", filepath=None, createStatement=False) .. code-block:: text INSERT INTO `mysql_table` (cmSepArcsec,decDeg,raDeg,spectralType,transientBucketId) VALUES ("0.133798071283" ,"26.9066388889" ,"351.473208333" ,"SN Ia" ,"1375799") ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE cmSepArcsec="0.133798071283", decDeg="26.9066388889", raDeg="351.473208333", spectralType="SN Ia", transientBucketId="1375799", updated=IF( cmSepArcsec="0.133798071283" AND decDeg="26.9066388889" AND raDeg="351.473208333" AND spectralType="SN Ia" AND transientBucketId="1375799", 0, 1), dateLastModified=IF( cmSepArcsec="0.133798071283" AND decDeg="26.9066388889" AND raDeg="351.473208333" AND spectralType="SN Ia" AND transientBucketId="1375799", dateLastModified, NOW()) ; INSERT INTO `mysql_table` (cmSepArcsec,decDeg,raDeg,spectralType,transientBucketId) VALUES ("0.031941633603" ,"-48.6400888889" ,"32.534" ,"II" ,"1328883") ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE cmSepArcsec="0.031941633603", decDeg="-48.6400888889", raDeg="32.534", spectralType="II", transientBucketId="1328883", updated=IF( cmSepArcsec="0.031941633603" AND decDeg="-48.6400888889" AND raDeg="32.534" AND spectralType="II" AND transientBucketId="1328883", 0, 1), dateLastModified=IF( cmSepArcsec="0.031941633603" AND decDeg="-48.6400888889" AND raDeg="32.534" AND spectralType="II" AND transientBucketId="1328883", dateLastModified, NOW()) ; INSERT INTO `mysql_table` (cmSepArcsec,decDeg,raDeg,spectralType,transientBucketId) VALUES ("0.0068727452775" ,"8.43016111111" ,"1.47329166667" ,"SN Ia" ,"1321322") ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE cmSepArcsec="0.0068727452775", decDeg="8.43016111111", raDeg="1.47329166667", spectralType="SN Ia", transientBucketId="1321322", updated=IF( cmSepArcsec="0.0068727452775" AND decDeg="8.43016111111" AND raDeg="1.47329166667" AND spectralType="SN Ia" AND transientBucketId="1321322", 0, 1), dateLastModified=IF( cmSepArcsec="0.0068727452775" AND decDeg="8.43016111111" AND raDeg="1.47329166667" AND spectralType="SN Ia" AND transientBucketId="1321322", dateLastModified, NOW()) ; INSERT INTO `mysql_table` (cmSepArcsec,decDeg,raDeg,spectralType,transientBucketId) VALUES ("0.00434670577101" ,"-42.3442805556" ,"35.3427916667" ,"Ia" ,"1307226") ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE cmSepArcsec="0.00434670577101", decDeg="-42.3442805556", raDeg="35.3427916667", spectralType="Ia", transientBucketId="1307226", updated=IF( cmSepArcsec="0.00434670577101" AND decDeg="-42.3442805556" AND raDeg="35.3427916667" AND spectralType="Ia" AND transientBucketId="1307226", 0, 1), dateLastModified=IF( cmSepArcsec="0.00434670577101" AND decDeg="-42.3442805556" AND raDeg="35.3427916667" AND spectralType="Ia" AND transientBucketId="1307226", dateLastModified, NOW()) ; """ # Initialisation def __init__( self, log, dbConn, tableName, columns, ra, dec, radiusArcsec, sqlWhere=False, raCol="raDeg", decCol="decDeg", separations=False, distinct=False, closest=False ): self.log = log log.debug("instansiating a new 'conesearch' object") self.tableName = tableName self.dbConn = dbConn self.radius = radiusArcsec self.raCol = raCol self.decCol = decCol self.columns = columns self.separations = separations self.distinct = distinct self.sqlWhere = sqlWhere self.closest = closest if not self.columns: self.columns = "*" # xt-self-arg-tmpx # BULK COORDINATE INTO NUMPY ARRAY from astrocalc.coords import coordinates_to_array self.ra, self.dec = coordinates_to_array( log=self.log, ra=ra, dec=dec ) # SETUP THE MESH # LESS THAN 1 ARCMIN if self.radius < 60.: self.htmDepth = 16 # LESS THAN 1 DEG BUT GREATER THAN 1 ARCMIN elif self.radius / (60 * 60) < 1.: self.htmDepth = 13 # GREATER THAN 1 DEGREE else: self.htmDepth = 10 # SETUP A MESH AT CHOOSEN DEPTH self.mesh = HTM( depth=self.htmDepth, log=self.log ) return None @property def query( self): """*return the sql query for the HTM trixel search* **Usage:** cs.query """ return self._get_on_trixel_sources_from_database_query() def search(self): """ *Return the results of the database conesearch* **Return:** - ``conesearch`` **Usage:** See class usage. """'starting the ``get`` method') sqlQuery = self._get_on_trixel_sources_from_database_query() databaseRows = self._execute_query(sqlQuery) matchIndies, matches = self._list_crossmatch(databaseRows) from fundamentals.renderer import list_of_dictionaries matches = list_of_dictionaries( log=self.log, listOfDictionaries=matches )'completed the ``get`` method') return matchIndies, matches def _get_on_trixel_sources_from_database_query( self): """*generate the mysql query before executing it* """ 'starting the ``_get_on_trixel_sources_from_database_query`` method') tableName = self.tableName raCol = self.raCol decCol = self.decCol radius = self.radius / (60. * 60.) # GET ALL THE TRIXELS REQUIRED trixelArray = self._get_trixel_ids_that_overlap_conesearch_circles() thesHtmIds = ",".join(np.array(map(str, trixelArray))) htmLevel = "htm%sID" % self.htmDepth htmWhereClause = "where %(htmLevel)s in (%(thesHtmIds)s)" % locals() cols = self.columns[:] if cols != "*" and raCol.lower() not in cols.lower(): cols += ", " + raCol if cols != "*" and decCol.lower() not in cols.lower(): cols += ", " + decCol # FINALLY BUILD THE FULL QUERY if self.distinct: sqlQuery = """select DISTINCT %(cols)s from %(tableName)s %(htmWhereClause)s""" % locals( ) else: sqlQuery = """select %(cols)s from %(tableName)s %(htmWhereClause)s""" % locals( ) if self.sqlWhere and len(self.sqlWhere): sqlQuery += " and " + self.sqlWhere 'completed the ``_get_on_trixel_sources_from_database_query`` method') return sqlQuery def _get_trixel_ids_that_overlap_conesearch_circles( self): """*Get an array of all of the trixels IDs that overlap the conesearch circles(s)* **Return:** - ``trixelArray`` -- an array of all the overlapping trixel ids """ 'starting the ``_get_trixel_ids_that_overlap_conesearch_circles`` method') trixelArray = np.array([], dtype='int16', ndmin=1, copy=False) # FOR EACH RA, DEC SET IN THE NUMPY ARRAY, COLLECT THE OVERLAPPING HTM # TRIXELS for ra1, dec1 in zip(self.ra, self.dec): thisArray = self.mesh.intersect( ra1, dec1, self.radius / (60. * 60.), inclusive=True) trixelArray = np.hstack((trixelArray, thisArray)) 'completed the ``_get_trixel_ids_that_overlap_conesearch_circles`` method') return trixelArray def _execute_query( self, sqlQuery): """* execute query and trim results* **Key Arguments:** - ``sqlQuery`` -- the sql database query to grab low-resolution results. **Return:** - ``databaseRows`` -- the database rows found on HTM trixles with requested IDs """ 'starting the ``_execute_query`` method') try: databaseRows = readquery( log=self.log, sqlQuery=sqlQuery, dbConn=self.dbConn ) except Exception as e: if "Unknown column 'htm" in str(e): message = "Please add and populate the HTM columns to this database table BEFORE running any conesearches. You can use HMpTy to do this:" self.log.error(message) raise IOError(message) else: raise e if self.distinct and (self.columns != "*" and (self.raCol.lower() not in self.columns.lower() or self.decCol.lower() not in self.columns.lower())): distinctRows = [] theseKeys = [] for r in databaseRows: constraintKey = "" for k, v in r.iteritems(): if k.lower() != self.raCol.lower() and k.lower() != self.decCol.lower(): constraintKey += str(v) if self.raCol.lower() in self.columns.lower(): constraintKey += str(databaseRows[self.raCol]) if self.decCol.lower() in self.columns.lower(): constraintKey += str(databaseRows[self.decCol]) if constraintKey not in theseKeys: theseKeys.append(constraintKey) distinctRows.append(r) databaseRows = distinctRows 'completed the ``_execute_query`` method') return databaseRows def _list_crossmatch( self, dbRows): """*to a finer grain crossmatch of the input coordinates and the database results.* **Key Arguments:** - ``dbRows`` -- the rows return from the database on first crossmatch pass. **Return:** - ``matchIndices1`` -- indices of the coordinate in the original ra and dec lists - ``matches`` -- the matched database rows """'starting the ``_list_crossmatch`` method') dbRas = [] dbRas[:] = [d[self.raCol] for d in dbRows] dbDecs = [] dbDecs[:] = [d[self.decCol] for d in dbRows] # 12 SEEMS TO BE GIVING OPTIMAL SPEED FOR MATCHES (VERY ROUGH SPEED # TESTS) mesh = HTM( depth=12, log=self.log ) if self.closest: maxmatch = 1 else: maxmatch = 0 matchIndices1, matchIndices2, seps = mesh.match( ra1=self.ra, dec1=self.dec, ra2=np.array(dbRas), dec2=np.array(dbDecs), radius=float(self.radius / (60. * 60.)), maxmatch=maxmatch # 1 = match closest 1, 0 = match all ) matches = [] for m1, m2, s in zip(matchIndices1, matchIndices2, seps): if self.separations: dbRows[m2]["cmSepArcsec"] = s * (60. * 60.) matches.append(dbRows[m2])'completed the ``_list_crossmatch`` method') return matchIndices1, matches
def _get_on_trixel_sources_from_database_query(self): """*generate the mysql query before executing it* """ self.log.debug( 'completed the ````_get_on_trixel_sources_from_database_query`` method' ) tableName = self.tableName raCol = self.raCol decCol = self.decCol radiusArc = self.radius radius = old_div(self.radius, (60. * 60.)) # GET ALL THE TRIXELS REQUIRED trixelArray = self._get_trixel_ids_that_overlap_conesearch_circles() if trixelArray.size > 50000 and self.htmDepth == 16: self.htmDepth = 13 self.mesh = HTM(depth=self.htmDepth, log=self.log) trixelArray = self._get_trixel_ids_that_overlap_conesearch_circles( ) if trixelArray.size > 50000 and self.htmDepth == 13: self.htmDepth = 10 self.mesh = HTM(depth=self.htmDepth, log=self.log) trixelArray = self._get_trixel_ids_that_overlap_conesearch_circles( ) htmLevel = "htm%sID" % self.htmDepth if trixelArray.size > 150000: "Your search radius of the `%(tableName)s` table may be too large (%(radiusArc)s arcsec)" % locals()) minID = np.min(trixelArray) maxID = np.max(trixelArray) htmWhereClause = "where %(htmLevel)s between %(minID)s and %(maxID)s " % locals( ) else: thesHtmIds = ",".join(np.array(list(map(str, trixelArray)))) htmWhereClause = "where %(htmLevel)s in (%(thesHtmIds)s)" % locals( ) cols = self.columns[:] if cols != "*" and raCol.lower() not in cols.lower(): cols += ", " + raCol if cols != "*" and decCol.lower() not in cols.lower(): cols += ", " + decCol # FINALLY BUILD THE FULL QUERY if self.distinct: sqlQuery = """select DISTINCT %(cols)s from %(tableName)s %(htmWhereClause)s""" % locals( ) else: sqlQuery = """select %(cols)s from %(tableName)s %(htmWhereClause)s""" % locals( ) if self.sqlWhere and len(self.sqlWhere): sqlQuery += " and " + self.sqlWhere self.log.debug( 'completed the ``_get_on_trixel_sources_from_database_query`` method' ) return sqlQuery