Esempio n. 1
# set the input lepton collections
process.hwwCleanJets.checkOverlaps.muons.src = cms.InputTag('hwwMuons')
process.hwwCleanJets.checkOverlaps.electrons.src = cms.InputTag('hwwElectrons')

process.hwwDilep = process.dileptonProducer.clone(

process.hwwOneOrMoreDilep = process.dilepFilter.clone(
    src=cms.InputTag('hwwDilep'), )

process.hwwLeptons = cms.Sequence((process.hwwElectrons + process.hwwMuons) *
                                  process.hwwDilep * process.hwwOneOrMoreDilep)

process.hwwViews = makeEventViews.clone(dileptonSrc=cms.InputTag('hwwDilep'))

process.pLep *= (process.hwwLeptons * process.selectCleanHwwJets *
                 process.hwwMuons4Veto * process.hwwViews)

# ______     _   _      ______ _ _ _
# | ___ \   | | | |     |  ___(_) | |
# | |_/ /_ _| |_| |__   | |_   _| | |_ ___ _ __
# |  __/ _` | __| '_ \  |  _| | | | __/ _ \ '__|
# | | | (_| | |_| | | | | |   | | | ||  __/ |
# \_|  \__,_|\__|_| |_| \_|   |_|_|\__\___|_|

# if defined in the command line apply the filterin
if options.dataPath:
    process.hltFilter.mode = cms.string(options.dataPath)
Esempio n. 2
process.hwwDilep     = process.dileptonProducer.clone(
    electronSrc = cms.InputTag('hwwElectrons'),
    muonSrc     = cms.InputTag('hwwMuons'),

process.hwwOneOrMoreDilep = process.dilepFilter.clone(
    src = cms.InputTag( 'hwwDilep' ),

process.hwwLeptons = cms.Sequence(

process.hwwViews = makeEventViews.clone( dileptonSrc = cms.InputTag('hwwDilep') )

process.pLep *= ( process.hwwLeptons 
                 * process.selectCleanHwwJets
                 * process.hwwMuons4Veto
                 * process.hwwViews )

# ______     _   _      ______ _ _ _            
# | ___ \   | | | |     |  ___(_) | |           
# | |_/ /_ _| |_| |__   | |_   _| | |_ ___ _ __ 
# |  __/ _` | __| '_ \  |  _| | | | __/ _ \ '__|
# | | | (_| | |_| | | | | |   | | | ||  __/ |   
# \_|  \__,_|\__|_| |_| \_|   |_|_|\__\___|_|   
# if defined in the command line apply the filterin
# tweak the cut to have tight tight pairs
# process.hwwDilep.cut = cms.string( process.hwwDilep.cut.value() + ' && leading.userInt("tight") == 1 && trailing.userInt("tight") == 1' )
# tweak the cut to have tight tight || tight loose pairs
# process.hwwDilep.cut = cms.string( process.hwwDilep.cut.value() + ' && leading.userInt("tight") == 1 || trailing.userInt("tight") == 1' )
# tweak the cut to have tight loose pairs
# process.hwwDilep.cut = cms.string( process.hwwDilep.cut.value() + ' && leading.userInt("tight") == 1')

process.hwwOneOrMoreDilep = process.dilepFilter.clone(src=cms.InputTag("hwwDilep"))

process.hwwLeptons = cms.Sequence(
    (process.hwwElectrons + process.hwwMuons) * process.hwwDilep * process.hwwOneOrMoreDilep

# switch on the additional overlap check as the two dileptons are not necessarily tight
process.hwwViews = makeEventViews.clone(dileptonSrc=cms.InputTag("hwwDilep"), ljOverlapByDr=cms.double(0.3))

process.pLep *= process.hwwLeptons * process.selectCleanHwwJets * process.hwwMuons4Veto * process.hwwViews

# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# ______     _   _      ______ _ _ _
# | ___ \   | | | |     |  ___(_) | |
# | |_/ /_ _| |_| |__   | |_   _| | |_ ___ _ __
# |  __/ _` | __| '_ \  |  _| | | | __/ _ \ '__|
# | | | (_| | |_| | | | | |   | | | ||  __/ |
# \_|  \__,_|\__|_| |_| \_|   |_|_|\__\___|_|

# if defined in the command line apply the filterin
if options.dataPath:
    process.hltFilter.mode = cms.string(options.dataPath)
    process.pLep *= process.hltFilter