Esempio n. 1
class PriorityQueue(object):
    def __init__(self, q=[]):
        self.pq = Heap(q)

    def __str__(self):
        return self.pq.__str__()

    def insert(self, value):

    def pop(self):
        return self.pq.deleteMin()

    def peek(self):
        return self.pq.peek()
Esempio n. 2
    def singleSourceToDest(self, G, src, dest):
		Priority Queue object using minheap DS
        PQ = Heap(1)
		Preparing source item object to keep on PQ
        s = Item(src, 0)
		dist array where dist[i] contains shortest distance to ith vertex from source s
        dist = []
		Initially none of the vertices are visited and are at a distance of -1 from source
        for vertex in G.vertices:
            dist.insert(vertex, -1)
		src to src distance is 0
        dist[src] = 0

        path = {}

        while (PQ.isEmpty() == False):

            v = PQ.deleteMin()
			reached destination hence print path and return distance
            if (v.item == dest):
                print path
                return dist[v.item]
			computes new distance for the adjacent vertices with respect to current vertex and updates if it is less than old distance from s
            adjVertices = G.getAdjVerices(v)

            for adjVertex in adjVertices:
                edgLen = G.edges[v.item].get(adjVertex)

                if (edgLen != "None"):
                    newDist = dist[v.item] + edgLen
                    newDist = -1

                adjVertex = int(adjVertex)
				If this vertex was not visited till now from source and can be reached from current vertex now
					Update distance and insert item into priority queue with new distance as priority
				Else If	New distance is less than old distance. 
					Update distance and priority of adjVertex to new distance on min Heap
                if (dist[adjVertex] == -1 and newDist != -1):
                    dist[adjVertex] = newDist
                    w = Item(adjVertex, newDist)
                    path[adjVertex] = v.item
                elif (dist[adjVertex] > newDist):
                    dist[adjVertex] = newDist
                    path[adjVertex] = v.item
                    PQ.updatePriority(adjVertex, newDist)
		Destination cannot be reached. Hence return -1
        return -1